2000 02 22 PC Minutes MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
February 22, 2000 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by
Chairman Kirk who asked Commissioner Tyler tO lead the flag salute.
B. Present-: Commissioners Jacques Abels, Richard Butler, Steve Robbins, Robert Tyler, '
and Chairman Tom Kirk.
'C. Staffpresent: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iofio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer,
Principal Planner Start Sawa, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of February 8,
2000. Commissioner Tyler asked that Page 3, Item 6 states, "...is not viable as it is
near a comer...". There being no further changes, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Buffer to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously
B. Department RePort:
1. Commissioner Tyler asked the status of Site Development Permit 2000-667,
development plans for a pad building at Plaza La Quinta as well as the
Corporate Center. Staff stated it was tentatively scheduled for March 14,
2000. Commissioner Tyler asked when the retail buildings for the Corporate
Center would be before the Commission. Staff stated it too would be before
the Commission on March 14th.
A. Continued - Teritative Parcel Map 29613; a request of RJT Homes, LLC for approval
of the subdivision of 0.58 acres into two residential and other common lots within
the boundaries of Specific Plan 83-001. Parcel B proposes emergency and exit only
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February 8, 2000
access onto Calle Rondo, a public street located between Calle Rondo and Cypress
Point Drive and south of Avenida Ultimo in La Quinta Fairways.
1. Chairman Kirk noted this was a continued public hearing and the public
comment portion was open. He then asked for the staff report. Planning
Manager Christine di Iorio stated the applicant is preparing a traffic study at
the request of staff. As of this date it is not completed and the applicant, is
anticipating its completion within a week and therefore, the applicant has
requested a continuance to the Commission's meeting of March 14, 2000.
2. Commissioner Tyler stated his concern that this project was being continued
again and suggested a limit be placed on the time extension so as not to cause
a hardship on the residents. Staff stated the Commission could take action
on the project at this meeting and not continue it,
3. Commissioner Abels stated the Commission should review the traffic study
in fairness to the applicant before taking any action.
4. Chairman Kirk asked if anyone would like to address the Commission at this
time, but noted the project will be continued.
5. Mr. Seth Etinger, 78-720 Avenida La Fonda, stated that if this traffic study
is made, will the residents who will be affected by the project, have an
opportunity to review the study and prepare comments regarding it. Staff
stated they are welcome to come to the Community Development
Department to review the document.
6. Mr. Dane Hooper, 78-620 Avenida Tujunga, stated he too wOuld like to see
the results of the traffic study. Also, one of the primary tactics for making
application of an unfavorable project is to out stall the opposed. He requested
the Commission see that this application go forward in a timely manner so
the residents can make their views known.
7. Mr. Peter Rodholm, 50-640 Calle Paloma,.asked who is paying for the traffic
study; is it RJT and if it is them, could they be in a conflict of interest. Staff
stated the traffic study is submitted to the City and the City's traffic engineer
reviews the document. The applicant, RJT, will select its traffic engineer and
pay them to do the study. Mr. Rodholm stated this is a conflict of the
interest. The City should have their own traffic firm prepare and submit the
study. Chairman Kirk stated it is a general requirement that the applicant pay
for the required reports.
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8. Mr. Doug G-illand 78-710 Naranja, stated the traffic study is only one of his
concerns. If a traffic study is to be done, Calle Rondo should not be' the only
street studied as other streets will be used as well.
9. Senior .Engineer Steve Speer stated they are counting the traffic on Calle
Rondo right now with the understanding that other routes would considered
as well. 'He has talked with the traffic engineer Selected and this is the same
engineer the City is using for its own General Plan as well as the City of
Indio, and is a highly recognized firm.
10. Mr. Gary Flanders, 51-345 Calle Paloma, asked how many homes axe
proposed for this development. Staff stated 254 homes. Mr. Flanders stated
he was a painting contractor specializing in the exterior painting for
homeowners' associations. There are many other HOA much larger than this
development who have only one gate. At PGA West, the Palmer side has one
gate for approxirn'ately-600 homes; one gate for the Stadium course which
covers two golf courses and approximately 800 homes. If other
developments approved by the City have two or three times as many homes
' and only one access/exit, on a major thoroughfare' why does this developer
of a small development need to have an access/exit gate in a residential
neighborhood where there are children.
11. Mr. Jeffrey Withers, 50-790 Calle Guaymas, asked how many times the
applicant would be allowed to continue this project. Why do the residents
have to Continue to go thrOugh this process. This is not reasonable on the
developers part and wanted to get this resolved. There is public outcry
against this project. Chairman Kirk stated that everyone is interested in the
results of the traffic study which will give some hue numbers on the impact
of project. Mr. Weathers stated he is not interested in the traffic study; he
wants to preserve the integrity of the neighborhood. Having more cars
running in and out of there is nOt in. the interest of anybody at this meeting.
This is why they are at the meeting. To keep this dragging on is unfair to the
· 12. Ms Kahiani I_;eaches, 50825 Calle Guaymas, stated she had heard this exit
was proposed by the HOA. Why are they not at this meeting stating their
case. They are at the meeting and do not want their neighborhood mined by
' their traffic. They want the privacy, seClusion they have now and do not want
their traffic filtering through their neighborhood.
13. Mr. Frank Ogallinaro, 78-705 Avenida La Torres, stated they had purchased
their home six months ago because it is quiet with no through traffic, so their
kids could play safely in their yard or street, This traffic study is going to be
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slanted bemuse they will make it look anyway the developer wants it to look.
Currently, the report is only for Calle Rondo; when will the report be done
on the other streets. This means the Commission will missed an accurate
count on what the impacts will be.
14. Mr. Dean Juist 50-795 Calle Quinto, stated he has a nine year old son who
skateboards in front of his house and traffic is a concern to them. The levels
of traffic fight now are a concem. They have visitors coming in and out as
well as the residents. They asked City to put up a "Children Playing" sign,
slow speed to 25mph six months, ago and the City refused. Now, the City
wants to add more traffic to what is currently there, and his children are out
there playing with their friends, one more car is one more too many. If the
Commission approves this, they are angry enough to sue. So this is a
15. Mr. Peter Rodholm, 50-640 Calle Paloma' stated they have had a number of
problems in this area' such as height 'limitations, two story homes being built
in a one story community, without, the community being told. The
neighborhood is banded together and it is not unreasonable to ask the
Commission to look at a secondary egress being placed on Calle Tampico
and not into their community. There has been no'traffic metering on Calle
Tujunga which is directly off the proposed exit. If everyone believes the
traffic from this project will only go onto Calle Rondo, that is mistaken. The
developer currently has two exits; a construction exit on Park Avenue and
their main entrance. Why can't that second exit remain as their secondary
16. Mr. Phillip Bruce, 50-800 Calle Quinto, asked if anyone was there
representing RJT Homes, or the homeowners' association, it seems that this
is a pretty common answer that nobody is at the meeting representing these
people, but the Commission. ·
17. Mr. Joe Garza, 50-550 Calle Quinto, stated there were empty lots that will be
built on.in their area and traffic will also be generated by those lots as well.
18. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Tyler/Abels to continue the public hearing on Tentative
Parcel Map 29613 to .March 28, 2000, with the knowledge that this would'be
the final continuance. Unanimously approved.
19. Commissioner Robbins asked if the traffic study was requested by staff.
Staff stated it was. Commissioner Robbins stated that because the report was
requested by staff, the continuance was not necessarily the applicants fault.
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B. Site Development Permit 99-666; a request of Stamko Development Company for
approval of development plans for an auto retail center located southeast of Highway
111 and Adams Street intersection.
1. Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the COmmunity
Development Department.
2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Tyler asked about the curved architectural feature. Staff stated it was a
curved roof or canopy for aesthetics only. Commissioner Tyler asked if the
Planning Commission was considering the signs at this time. Staff noted the
sign program proposed.
3. Commissioner Butler stated the architecture feature adds character to the
building rather than square concrete buildings they see too often. It is a good
use of imagination on the part of the applicant.
4. Chairman Kirk questioned the circulation system on Auto Center Way as the
right of way appeared to be pinched in. He asked the purpose of the
indentatiOn. Staff stated it is a traffic device to slow traffic down.
5. chairman Kirk commended the applicant on the landscaping plans and the
minimal use of water; but, why the use of tuff in the retention basins. Are
there any other options? Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated that as long as
it is not flowing water, another substance cOuld be used2 The City does have
a good retention basin in front of the new Desert Sands Unified School
District Administration Center that is not turfed.
6. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Ms Christine Clarke,
Stamko Development Company, stated this was an exciting project with the
auto related uses in conjunction with the auto dealers. In regard to the turf
area, in front of the auto dealers they are using a variety of different materials
as they do not want to use turf overall, but the City has been requesting it.
7. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of the applicant.
Commissioner Buffer asked if there was some other alternative to the use of
grass. Ms. Clarke stated they have done some different planting off of
Highway 111.
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8. Commissioner Abels asked if they have prospective tenants. Ms. Clarke
stated.yes and expect to have it filled within the next two months and open
in a year.
9. There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman Kirk asked if
anyone else would like to speak on this project. There being no further
discussion, the public participation portion .of the hearing was closed and
open for Commission discussion.
10. Commissioner Robbins stated one good reason for having grass in the bottom
of a retention basin is to keep the ground from sealing up. Grass allows the
water to percolate.
11. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
CommissiOners Butler/Abels to adopt Resolution 2000-006, approving Site
Development Permit 99-666, subject to the Finding and Conditions of
Approvgl as submitted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Buffer, Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman
Kirk. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None.
C. Tentative Tract Map 29657; a request of Norman Estates II, LLC for a
recommendation' of approval to re-subdivide 58 single family lots, a street lot, a
common area lot, and a golf course lot to adjust existing lot lines and provide gated
entries located on Medallist Drive and National Drive, between Kingston Heath and
Tiburon Drive within the Norman Golf Course.
1. Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Principal Planner Start Sawa presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. 'There being no questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant
would like to address the Conumss~on. Mr. J. R. Morrow, President of the
R C Hobbs, who will be the contractor on this project, stated they agree with
all the conditions as written.
3. There b'eing no further questions of the applicant, Chairman Kirk asked if
anyone else would like to speak on this project. There being no further
discussion, the public participation portion of the hearing was closed and
open for Commission discussion.
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· Planning Commission Minutes
February 8, 2000
4. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Tyler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2000-
007, recommending approval of Tentative Tract 29657, subject to the Finding
and Conditions of Approval as submitted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Buffer, Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman
Kirk. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None.
D. Tentative Tract Map '~5719 (Revision #2); a request of Century-Cromwell
Communities fox a recommendation of approval to: 1) allow removal of the existing
mature Eucalyptus trees from behind single family lots 38-42; and, 2) amend the
final map to eliminate a City landscape maintenance easemem fi.om a 70 single
family lot subdivision on 17.6 acres located on the west side of Dune Palms Road
south of Desert Stream Drive.
1. Commissioner Buffer excused himself due to a possible conflict of interest
and left the dias.
: 2. Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report.
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of'which is on file in the Community Development
2. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Ms. Marty Buffer,
representing Century-Cromwell Communities, gave a history of how the
request had come to be. 'She further stated they have completed the grading
and were willing to trim the trees until staff requested an arborist review the
trees. The arborist recommended that only a certified arborist touch the trees
due to the long range liability they would have with the trees. His concerns
were for the location of the trees in relation to the four adjoining homes. His
letter is included with the report. Based upon his recommendation, the area
set aside for the maintenance easement of the trees is too small and would
result in having to hand trim the trees. He also indicated that the HOA would
have to spend $15,000 to $20,000 every other year to maintain the trees. As
the cost is so exorbitant, most HOAs will not spend the money and the
trimming is never done again. Then the tree limbs fall off and someone is
liable. In addition to the location, they are now putting in a retaining wall
around the comer, behind Lot 39. He stated the Eucalyptus trees have a large
root mass and as soon as you comet the retaining wall it will probably kill
all the trees anyway and they will either fall to the north or south. If the tree
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February 8, 2000
becomes brittle or their root base dies, they axe prone to fall over. Based on
this kno~vledge, she submitted the information to the City because they do
not want to pass on a known liability to a .HOA. If the trees were removed
from behind Lots 38;42, it would leave 11-12 trees around the retention basin
area which would not be so costly to maintain. The second issue is that when
the map was recorded the maintenance easement was recorded in favor of the
City of La Quinta and they are asking it be transferred to the HOA. She
would also recommend the easement behind Lots 38-42 be dropped because
it is a long range liability responsibility. They would prefer to retain the
trees, but in a safer location.
3. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of the applicant.
Commissioner Abels asked if the trees in front of the retention basin would
remain. Ms. Butler stated 11 would remain. Commissioner Abels asked
what the long range cost would be to maintain the trees. Ms. Butler stated an
annual trimming would cost $20,000 because they would have to be hand
trimmed. In the retention basin it wOuld be about half that cost because they
can use machines.
4. Commissioner Tyler asked if the Commission agreed to this request, how
would the lots at the north end be reshaped. Ms. Butler explained it would
be a 3:1 slope, maybe remove the wall and the easement, and put a retaining
wall behind Lots 38 and 39 which will cause a grade differential that would
be part of the lot. The' easement would become a part of Lot "H" and
maintained by the HOA. She further stated there would have to be a revision
to the grading plan to create the slope. Commissioner Tyler asked if it wasn't
possible to gain access to the trees on the north side from the retention basin
and CVWD well site. Ms. Butler stated that is not there property and they
can't obligate the HOA to go someone else's property.
5. There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman Kirk asked if
anyone else would like to speak on this project. Mr. Scan Huber, 79-375
Desert Stream Drive stated they liked the trees and one of the reasons they
purchased their home was because of the trees. At that time they Were told
the trees would remain and no modification would have to be made to his
yard. The wall will need to be removed is his wall. They specifically picked
that lot due to its uniqueness. They have family members who paid $1,000
to have their 30 Eucalyptus trees trimmed.. He does not believe CVWD will
have a problem with anyone using their property to trim the trees. These
trees are also habitat to a certain amount of wildlife and that cannot be
replaced. When the. project was originally approved by the City Council,
they expressed their desire to keep the trees and COuncil required them to be
retained. You cannot replace these trees. Century could have re-mapped the
site before it was recorded.
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February 8, 2000
6. Commissioner Tyler asked if anyone had received a notification of this
hearing. Mr. Huber stated he had not.
7. Mr. Jim Brenneis 79-365 Desert Stream Drive, agreed With Mr. Huber, and
stated he was the first resident on Desert Stream Drive. He was not into the
uniqueness of Mr. Huber's lot. He has lived there through all the storms and
have yet to see one branch fall from those trees. They purchased there
because of the trees. Their concern is the beauty of the trees and the wildlife.
Poor planning on Cenmry's part does not constitute raping the land. They
should have planned the site differently.
8. There being no further discussion, the public participation portion of the
hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion.
9. Commissioner Tyler stated he personally believes the arborist report is
exaggerated. The report talks about the grading in the furore tense and yet
the grading is completed and there has been some interruption of the root
system. He believes access could be gained through the CVWD property.
The closest house is 52-55 feet from the rear lot line and the trees are beyond
that so he does not believe there is any danger of a tree falling on a house
exists. During the previous public hearings concern was raised by both the
Planning Commission and City Council regarding these historic trees and
both bodies reqUired the applicant to keep the trees. He does not share the
concern as shared by the applicant. The City should hire their own arborist
and get a second opinion. He has no objection with the request to.change the '
easement title.
10. Commissioner Robbins stated he agrees with Commissioner Tyler. Century
was given direction to keep the trees and they have a responsibility to do so,
even if they have to lose four units. All of the trees can be accessed either
from th6 retention basin on this project, or from the retention basin on the
adjoining project. These trees are extremely unique. He was leaning toward
the safety concerns and to replacing them with. some type of safe trees. Now,
it appears Century did not do their homework and it is essentially their
problem. The Planning Commission has more of a responsibility to the
neighbors to the north and the preservation of the trees.
11. Commissioner Abels stated he agreed with getting a second opinion on the
trees as he is concerned about the liability issue. He would like to continue
the project until a second opinion is obtained. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell stated she has a great concern about the liability when there is an
opinion from a certified arborist that there is a liability. With all the factual
issues on the record, the fact that the City enjoys the historical trees might not
weigh well if someone were to get hurt or sustain a lot of property damage.
She also agrees that because the only reason these trees are kept there against
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February 8, 2000
the will of the current property would be a City condition on building in this
particular way, the City would be named if there were any damage to
property, or personal injury. If the concern is as great as the developer is
proposing, then rather than just amending the map to look at these items,
maybe it needs to be amended to look at how these lots are being configured.
With those opinions on the record, it is hard to ignore them.
11. Mr. Brenneis stated that if the trees are left and they lose 4 units, that means
they may be able to move their lots down and he will not have two backyards
butting up to his back yard.
12. Commissioner Tyler stated there is not much you can do to see that houses
line Up with the units they back up to. In reference to the arborist report,
there is nothing in the report that states the houses are in jeopardy of having
the trees falling on them. Secondly, the City conditioned the applicant to
keep the trees prior to them mapping the lots, and maybe it is not too late to
look at this.
13. Chairman Kirk asked Ms. Butler to address the concerns. Ms. Butler stated'
the main concern is that this is an approved tract map, grading plan, and an
approvdd loan to construct 70 units and unless the City would want to
financially assist in making changes, it would be a real hardship on them. If
the City wants a second arborist report, they have no objection. It is a
recorded map and the City will bear the responsibility if the trees remain.
14. Mr. Huber stated Century was not concerned about the liability of the' trees
when they built his.house. In fact it was a selling point. They can disperse
the cost through their other projects to lose the four houses.
15. Chairman Kirk asked if a cOvenant could be applied to. the lots that
endemnifies the HOA, developer, and City. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell
stated you could .try to obtain releases from the property owners or
prospective property owners, but the problem is how You could make sure
they continue on to new property owners. They cannot mn with the land, but
she is not sure how that release would even hold up.
16, There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Tyler/Robbins to recommending approval of the change to
the maintenance easement responsibility.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman Kirk. NOES:
Commissioner Abels. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Commissioner
~ ,-
Planning Commission Minutes
February 8, 2000
17. Chairman Kirk asked if the Commission could hire an arborist for a second
Study. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the Planning Commission
could adopt a Resolution approving the request to change the maintenance
easement to the HOA and deny the removal of the trees and make a
recommendation to the City Council that a second arborist study be done. It
could be appealed to the City Council and they could make such a
requiremem. Discussion followed as to the Commission's different options.
21. Commissioner Robbins asked if they could condition the applicant to pay for
a second arborist study the City would commission. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell stated it is not the City's standard to require more than one study.
Chairman Kirk stated this was done by the applicant and not at the request of
the City. Discussion followed regarding the process of having studies are
required' and the condition of the trees.
22. Commissioner Abels asked what would happen if the City Council does not
want a second report. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the
Commission is a recommending body to the City Council and they are the
final authority and can do as they chose.
23. Ms. BUtler stated they are willing to do the trimming, but'do not want the
liability, but if the City wants to accept it, they will keep the trees.. The report
does state the trees are in good shape and it is not known what will happen.
24. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Tyler/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
2000-008 denying the request to remove the Eucalyptus trees and approving
the reconveyance of the maintenance easement for Tentative Tract 25719
(Revision #2), subject to the Finding and Conditions of Approval as
a. Condition #5: Deleted.
b. Condition #6: The landscape maintenance easement along the north
side of Lot "H" and Lots 38-42 shall be reconveyed to the HOA.
c. Adding all conditions of the previous approval referred to .in
Condition #3.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman Kirk. NOES:
Commissioner Abels. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Commissioner
25. ' It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Robins to .adopt Minute
Motion 2000-003 recommending to the City, Council a second arborist study
be required. Unanimously approved with Commissioner Butler being absent.
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Commissioner Butler rejoined the Commission.
A. Site Development Permit 2000-668; a request of the Medallist Golf Developments
for approval of architectural and landscaping plans for four new prototype residential
units located on the north side of Airport Boulevard, east of Madison Street within
the Norman Golf coUrSe.
1. Chairman Kirk asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Start Sawa
presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the community Development Department.
2.' Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner
Robbins asked if there was a sidewalk on the interior streets. Staff stated a
sidewalk would be on one side of the street. When the road reaches the "L',.
it switches to the other side of the street.
3. Commissioner Tyler asked whY there were two different tract numbers in this
and the previous tract report. Staff stated it is the same location and will
eventually have one tract number, .TT 29657.
4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if the anyone
would like to speak regarding this project. Mr. J. R.' Morrow, representing
R C Hobbs Company, stated he agrees with the recommendations, findings,
and conditions.
5. Commissioner Abels complimented Mr. Morrow on the presentation.
6. Commissioner Tyler asked how the option for the second floor would be
built. Mr. Morrow stated it would be face toward the. interior of the house
with a stairwell leading up to it. It would only be visible from the interior
and rear of the house, rather than the street elevation.
17. Commissioner Tyler stated he could not find any correlation with the
landscape palette and the numbers on the plans. Mr. Morrow stated the
landscaping plan would be submitted at a later date.
8. Commissioner Tyler asked if when the units are plotted, no two same
elevations would be next to each other. Mr. Morrow stated they have the ,
ability to customize the plans to keep each one unique.
9. There I~eing no further discussion, Chairman Kirk closed the public
participation and oPened the issue for Commission discussion.
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10. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Tyler/Butler to adopt Minute Motion 2000-004 approving Site Development
Permit 2000-668, subject to the Findings and ConditiOns of Approval as
submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Commissioner Abels reviewed the City Council meeting of February 15, 2000.
· B. Commissioner Abels asked when the Arts Foundation project would be before the
Commission. Staff stated it had not been scheduled yet as it was still in the review
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Abels to
adjourn this regular'meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the PIanning.
Commission to be held March 14, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was
adjourned at 9:02 P.M. on February 22, 2000.
Respectfully submitted,
tive Secretary
City f6.f.J~ Quinta,'Calif°mia
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