2000 09 12 PC Minutes MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA September 12, 2000 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Robbins who asked Commissioner Kirk to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Jacques Abels, Richard Butler, Tom Kirk, Robert Tyler, and Chairman Steve Robbins. C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Kathy Jenson, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. -- II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: A. Chairman Robbins asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of joint meeting of August 22, 2000. Commissioner Tyler asked that Page 4, Item 3 be amended to read, "or across the street?"; Page 6, Item 14 to read, "north one-half of the alley only along his frontage."; Page 9, Item 9 change the word "He" to "His"; and Item 8 remove the word "how". There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Abels to approve the minutes as amended. B. Department Report: None. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Site Development Permit 2000-68; a request of Tomra Pacific Inc./Recycling Centers for approval of architectural, landscaping, sign and site plans for a 496.5 square foot prefabricated recycling collection facility to be located at 78-630 Highway 111 in front of Stater Brothers Supermarket within the One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center. C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\PC9-12-O0.wpd Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2000 1. Chairman Robbins opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report,, a copy of which is on file the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to identify the location of the State mandated signs. 3. Chairman Robbins asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Abels asked what would happen if a customer came after hours; do they go to the store to redeem their receipt the next day. Staff stated the applicant would answer that question. 4. Commissioner Butler asked for clarification as to whether or not money would be dispensed at the site. Staff stated the patrons would receive a receipt that would be taken into Stater Bros. for redemption. 5. Commissioner Abels asked about Attachment //4, a letter from Washington Plaza Associates stating that all parties in the Center are agreeable with the project; are all parties to the Center agreeable to the proposal? Staff stated that all tenants were notified and the only ones who responded were AAA Auto Club who wanted to have it moved further east, and Carl's Jr. had questions in regard to the application. 6. Commissioner Kirk asked why the Center's sign program would not apply in this instance. Staff noted because they were murals and educational tools for recycling centers in accordance with the State mandate. Also the trailers were temporary in nature. Commissioner Kirk asked if it was a photo kiosk, would it be considered differently? Staff stated murals had not been addressed previously. 7. Commissioner Butler asked why it could not remain in its original location at the rear of the Stater Bros. building. Staff noted the new location was a request of the applicant. 8. Commissioner Tyler asked what the State mandated requirements were. City Attorney Kathy Jenson stated there were numerous State mandated requirements and went on to state some of them. Commissioner Tyler asked if the City had to abdicate to those requirements. City Attorney Jenson stated that not if the City had Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2000 adopted its own standards applicable to recycling facilities. Section 9.100.190 of the City's Zoning Code was adopted for this purpose and staff reviewed them as to how this project applies to the City standards. Commissioner Tyler stated there were a number of areas where the proposal did not apply with the City's Zoning Code and asked why we were allowing it on an Image Corridor. City Attorney Jenson stated the City's Zoning Code sets a maximum of 1 6 square feet of sign and cannot be illuminated. 9. Chairman Robbins stated that the photographs show overhead power lines. Staff stated they do not expect any and would not approve any. Chairman Robbins asked about Condition//33 as it states the building would be open 24 hours and one of the signs in the pictures state 7-11; what are the hours of operation? Staff stated it would need to be clarified by the applicant and could be corrected. Chairman Robbins stated his concern as to why we require all the landscaping to hide the building which will hide the signs. It should be one or the other. 10. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to clarify the maximum sign requirements; what is the total allowable amount of signage on all four sides. Staff stated the small signs .such as hours of operation, are not counted. The signs giving the name of the business are allowed. Commissioner Kirk asked if all the signs exceeded the allowable 16 square feet. '11. Chairman Robbins also questioned signage on three sides of the building which has been consistently denied to applicants. 12. Chairman Robbins asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. John Griffin, representing Tomra Pacific Rancho Cucamonga, stated that in regard to the hours of operation for the vending machine, they are generally the same as the grocery store or 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.; the required signage is to have the days and hours, a price sign, an open sign,, and signs in the grocery store windows explaining where to recycle and the days and hours of operation. Therefore, all the signs are on the front of the facility. As to the landscaping requirements, they are willing to revise the landscaping to staff's recommendations. One of the conditions they have a problem with is the color of the recycling Center. All of their bins for roll-off containers are a warm grey to be compatible with the Centers. In looking at the shopping center, Stater Bros. uses these colors in part of their signage. The roof C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\PC9-12-O0.wpd 3 Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2000 trim and material will be an exact match to the Center to blend in. Another issue raised by the Commission was moving the recycling facility from the back of the building to the front. The grocery store was concerned about the safety of their patrons using the facility where it is currently located. There is some high speed traffic traveling through there and it is not very well lighted. Part of the push for the Replanet Center's is to create a clean and well lit, convenient and safe area to recycle. Under SB332 all ready to drink beverage containers were added to the Act. Prior to this being adopted, the only containers that were acceptable were beer, malt liquor and carbonated beverages. Since then they have added all ready to drink beverages which include water, juice, and even children's beverages creating up to three billion more beverage containers in the State that are recyclable under the Beverage Container Act. What they are finding with their grocery store partners is that they want to make recycling much more convenient because virtually every customer has some type of beverage container and they are being charged California redemption value and they believe that the Tomra Recycling Center is very well timed in that it does meet their customers needs. 13. Commissioner Tyler questioned the need for all night lighting. Mr. Griffin stated the lighting is incorporated in the construction of the building and they are down shining lights. Commissioner Tyler stated his concern is that the proposed location is on the One Eleven Corridor and to have it there with lighting is not attractive. 14. Chairman Robbins asked if the signs on the sides could be illuminated. Staff stated the illuminated sign would be where the pop-up roof element is on the front and the sides will light up the murals. The overhang at the front would make it an externally illuminated sign that is not allowed by the Code. 15. Commissioner ,Tyler asked how the roll-up dumPsters would be replaced. Mr. Griffin stated they will set the new one down out of the way of traffic and pick up the full container and put it down and place the empty container in the Center. Commissioner Tyler stated he did not think the parking lot was constructed to handle this load over time and he does not believe there is a problem with traffic at the rear. Mr. Griffin stated install plates where the four wheels of the roll-off will be stationed and they have not had any damage with this procedure since July of 1999 and they have 115 in place. C :\Mv F)oc~ ~ments\WP~)Q_C~PC 9-12-00. wDd 4 Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2000 1 6. Commissioner Butler stated he has not been convinced of the need to move the Center to the front of the store. He too does not believe there is any speeding traffic and in the rear of the building it is out of the way and provides the customers adequate access. With the number of business existing and coming in the need for parking will be needed, he is not convinced .this facility cannot go in the back where it is now. Mr. Griffin stated that what they have found out is that with the facility in the rear of the grocery stores, the volume is Iow because people do not feel safe and others do not even know the facility is there. They have done a lot of studies and with their presentation to the grocery stores, they understand that consumers want easy, convenient, safe, well lit, and clean recycling centers. Commissioner Butler stated he agrees with these comments and believe they exist with the current facility at the rear of the store and he does not feel unsafe with its present location. 1 7. Commissioner Abels asked what prevents someone from using the Center after it is closed. Mr. Griffin stated a video comes on and states the machine is closed and will not work. 1 8. Chairman Robbins asked if anyone else would like to address the Commission. Ms. Susan Moors, representing Stater Bros. Corporate management, stated the reason they asked Tomra to relocate was at the request of the property owners, Desert Cities Development, who asked that the facility be moved to the front as it is in direct line of their trucks. Parking is impacted due to double parking and there have been several very serious near misses. They have had numerous complaints from citizens of the City complaining about being in the back of the building and with the new Replanet system they have eliminated many of these problems and increased the amount of recycling. Stater Bros is working with Tomra to maintain a clean and safe environment. Stater Bros. and the owners of the Center have made it clear that the rear is not an option. They will do whatever it will take to have an attractive site. They too are concerned about the condition of the asphalt and working on a system of signage to make it safe and accessible to the public. 19. There being no further public comment, the public participation portion of the public hearing is closed and open for Commission discussion. C :\My Documents\WPDOCS\PC9-12-O0.wpd :~ Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2000 20. Commissioner Kirk stated he believes the owner and Stater Bros have made a compelling reason for moving the facility to the front of the building. As this is a recycling center he thinks the City should be more willing to work with the applicant, but it should comply with the Center's Specific Plan and City Zoning. 21. Commissioner Abels stated he concurs with Commissioner Kirk and thinks this design is too gaudy as presented. He also agrees with the argument to move the facility to the front, but the signs are too much. They are trying to stop sign pollution and this adds to the problem. 22. Commissioner Butler stated he still believes it can be behind the building and work. The idea is fine, but the location is wrong. 23. Commissioner Tyler asked if the State mandated facility does anything for meeting AB939 requirements. City Attorney Kathy Jenson stated it does. The City is required to meet certain mandates, but the Commission is still authorized by the City's Zoning Ordinance and by State law to regulate the design of the structures. Commissioner Tyler stated he has gone through this area early in the morning and there has been some competition for space with the truck drivers for parking, but he does not believe it creates the necessity to move the facility. He went on to cite what he believed were violations of the Zoning Code and asked why this was being allowed to be built in violation of each of the City's requirements. Staff stated the sections quoted referred to individual machines and as this is a building/facility, modifications were made to allow it to be considered. In addition, the loss of parking.spaces was analyzed and the Center was still over parked. Commissioner Tyler stated that if it is approved it should comply with ADA requirements. 24. Chairman Robbins stated he has no concern about moving it to the front as he agrees it is a safety concern. He does agree with Commissioner Kirk in that this does look like an old photo kiosk that was dropped off in the middle of the parking lot. This should be classified as a building and should therefore meet those standards for the shopping center. The architecture does not meet the architectural design of rest of the Center and does not meet the image the City wants on Highway 111. C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\PC9-12-OO.wpd l~ Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2000 25. Commissioner Kirk suggested the applicant work with staff on the location and architectural design issue. Chairman Robbins recessed the meeting at 8:00 p.m. to allow the applicant time to meet with staff regarding the issues raised. The meeting reconvened at 8:05 p.m. 26. Mr. Griffin asked the Commission to continue his application to October 10, 2000. 27. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Kirk to continue this item to the meeting of October 10, 2000, as requested by the applicant. Unanimously approved. B. Environmental Assessment 83-009 Addendum, General Plan Amendment 2000-070, Zone Change 2000-095, Specific Plan 83-002 Amendment #4, and Tentative Tract Map ?9878; a request of KSL Land Holdings, Inc. for certification of an Addendum to the PGA West Environmental Impact Report, a General Plan Amendment from Community Commercial to Medium Density Residential, Zone Change from Community Commercial to Medium Density Residential, Specific Plan Amendment to modify development standards, design guidelines and land use alternatives for PGA West, and a Tentative Tract Map to subdivide 22.21 acres into 60 residential lots, and other miscellaneous lots, for the area located at the southeast corner of Avenue 54 and PGA Boulevard. 1. Chairman Robbins opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report and noted additional changes to the Conditions of Approval for the Specific Plan and Tentative Tract Map, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Robbins asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Tyler asked about the widths of the streets. Senior Engineer Steve Speer explained that in one instance it refers to the right of way width and the other is the street width. Street width is typically measured between the curb face, but when you go to a wedge curve we call it a flow line as there is no curb face. He went on to explain why the conditions were written as they are. C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\PC9-12-00.wpd Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2000 3. Chairman Robbins asked why a 31 foot right of way width and 28 foot gutter to gutter width. Staff stated there is a foot and half between the flow line and back of the wedge on each side which equals out to one and a half feet. 4. Commissioner Tyler questioned why the staff report refers to different minimum lot sizes and yet they are asked to approve a tract map which has the smallest lot size is 6250 square feet. Why not make all the lots 6,250 and stop the double bookkeeping as to what is allowed and what is there. Also the staff reports should reference the change from GTE to Verizon. 5. Commissioner Kirk asked what function, other than aesthetics, is the lake serving. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated it was for the stormwater drainage. 6. Chairman Robbins stated that historically rolled curbs have not been allowed in the City. Staff stated that for the last four years, KSL and Rancho La Quinta have been using this wedge curbs and the City does give discretion as they are private streets. 7. Chairman Robbins asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Forrest Haag, representing KSL, stated they are presenting a reduced intensity project. They have reduced the Specific Plan by 1,000 units and reduced the commercial uses by 100,000 square feet. It is their belief that this is a more appropriate land use for what PGA West has come to be over the last 15 years. The Environmental Addendum states how the environmental impacts have been reduced by this application. 8. Commissioner Kirk asked how much of the lake is needed for drainage. Mr. Haag stated the tentative tract is required to deal with the stormwater runoff. The lake serves two functions. From a planning, landscape, architectural standpoint it provides a green space, water space a softening element into the site plan as well as provide storm water retention. As depicted on the exhibit, less than 16% is in water surface area and that is only in the event of a 100 year storm flood. Commissioner Kirk raised some issues that had been indicated in letters received from the residents of PGA West and asked if some of the commercial uses would some day be addressed. Mr. Haag stated that originally a 1,000 room hotel would have the commercial uses to accommodate that type Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2000 of use. As it turns out PGA West has been developed considerably less dense than the first applications and over the years it continues to be reduced. Commissioner Kirk asked what the Tourist Commercial uses will be. Mr. Haag stated that currently they do not have a defined plan for that area. Residents have raised concerns regarding the 1,000 room hotel. Mr. Chevis Hosea, KSL, stated that they do intend to develop the Tourist Commercial site as residential. They do think it is good to have a mixture of Residential with the Tourist Commercial. Unfortunately, the market has not developed to accommodate the Tourist Commercial use. Once homeowners are existing, there are opposed and they now intend to develop it as residential. They would like to have some commercial, but most of the Neighborhood Commercial sites have been reduced in size and most of the commercial uses have moved further north making this not a good site in terms of the market to generate the traffic count to produce the commercial uses. 9. Commissioner Kirk asked if there was any opportunity on the site for a six acre commercial use that could be marketed in 10-15 years. Mr. Hosea stated they are out of property with the exception of a couple of two or three acre sites once this site and the hotel site are developed. They, as a club, do intend to have some commercial uses within the club area. Commissioner Kirk asked about the architectural changes being suggested in this application. 10. Commissioner Butler stated he concurs that the demand creates the problem and the solution. 1 1. Commissioner Tyler asked if the minimum lot size could be more standard. Mr. Hosea stated that as the parcels are engineered the lot sizes and plot the homes, it will be more defined. Commissioner Tyler aSked about Section 3.2 of the Specific Plan as to whether there had been any changes. Mr. Hosea stated none. 12. Chairman Robbins asked about the lake and it conformance with the City's Landscape Ordinance. Hovv can a project that is half water including the landscape areas, meet the maximum vvater use which is 80% of ET when half of the lot is water vvhich runs about 110 of ET which means the other half would have to be about 50% ET which is not a typical KSL landscaping scene. It would C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\PC9-1 2-O0.wpd 0 Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2000 have to be very heavily xeroscape in order to meet the ordinance requirements. Mr. Haag stated that the existing perimeter of the project from curbline back even into the landscape setback is already existing and incorporated into the setback on two of the three sides. The other side is an existing wall. If you take out the house pads from the equations, you would see how they met the Code. The intent is to develop a neighborhood that is consistent with the thematic of the landscape, architecture of other residential tracts in PGA West. It is not intended to be a desert landscape project. Chairman Robbins stated the intent of the Landscape Ordinance is to conserve or minimize the use of water. He doubts if the landscaping approved over the last ten years agrees with the City's Ordinance. To have this much water you have to have a lot of sand everywhere else to meet the requirements of the Landscape Ordinance. He would suggest adding a condition to require this project to meet the maximum water allowance in the Landscape Ordinance if they want this much water. 13. Commissioner Tyler asked what type of garage doors would be used. Mr. Haag stated they would be refined during the architectural review of the units. Commissioner Tyler asked about some of the uses listed in Planning Area IV, what type of uses are proposed. Mr. Haag stated it would only be allowed by a Temporary Use Permit. 14. Commissioner Kirk asked what the major changes are proposed for the architectural changes. Mr. Haag stated they did not make any specific changes from the previous approval. It is their intent to integrate the graphics of the previous approval into this document. Fundamentally, they are the same standards and guidelines. Commissioner Kirk stated the staff report references the La Quinta Hotel Specific Plan and the Greg Norman Golf Course, so they have incorporated graphics from there as well? Mr. Haag stated there is a reference to the Greg Norman Golf Course in regard to a sign issue on this Specific Plan because of the tunnel connecting the two and giving people an indication of how to get from one project to the other. 15. Chairman Robbins asked if there was any other public comment. Mr. Michael Walker, General Manager of PGA West Residential Association, Inc., representing the Board of Directors of the 1300 homeowners or two-thirds of the Masters Association C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\PC9-12-O0.wpd ] 0 Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2000 membership. They are conceptionally in favor of the Zone Change. Originally, the Board of Directors was told this proposed development would be annexed into the Residential Association 1 and accessed from inside the gated complex off Oak Tree. Later they were told this would not occur and access would be from PGA Boulevard by a card gate. Their concern is safety as the only means of ingress/egress is off PGA Boulevard and the amount of traffic generated. Although PGA Boulevard is designated as a 35 mph zone, many drivers excelled that limit. Add to that a consistent flow of resident and guest automobiles, golf carts and service vehicles and the risk for liability becomes a real concern for the Master Association. Although they unanimously approve of the rezoning of the 22 acres, they believe the access should be off Oak Tree or 54th Avenue. If neither option is utilized, a fair and impartial and unbiased traffic study should be required prior to approval of this request. 16. Mr. Robert Foulk, 57-540 Interlachen, President of the Masters Association, stated they have had a lot of discussions with the applicant and do support the residential use for this property. Their problem is that their CC&R's do not function well with this project as it relates to security gates, etc. They have reached an agreement to propose an amendment to the CC&R's to overcome that problem. On that basis and requesting that the Commission condition the project to that extent, they have no objections. 17. Commissioner Kirk asked if they are concerned about not having a commercial use in the development. Mr. Foulk stated they do not and their responsibilities do not address those type of questions in regard to land uses. 18. Commissioner Butler asked if the Commission could make any conditions regarding HOA concerns. Staff noted no. 19. Commissioner Tyler asked if the access would be by card gate. Mr. Haag stated the Tentative Tract envisions some type of a gated access, but does not mandate a human guard. The cost may be prohibitive for a 22 acre site with such Iow intensity - development to make it viable. The other sites that have manned gates have a larger number of homes to serve. Mr. Foulk stated they do request that the gatehouse be compatible with the other gatehouses at PGA West. C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\PCg-12-O0.wpd ! ! Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2000 20. Chairman Robbins asked if they would be building houses or selling lots. Mr. Haag stated the site would be sold to a developer to build out the houses. 21. There being no further public comment, Chairman Robbins closed the public participation portion of the hearing and opened the project for Commission discussion. 22. Commissioners Abels and Butler stated they has no concerns. 23. Commissioner Kirk stated he agrees with the change in land use and as the residents are not wanting the commercial uses, then he has no objection. In regard to the Tentative Tract, his concern is regarding the lake. There needs to be more sensitivity to the environment and the lake does not meet the Landscaping Ordinance, nor the intent of the xeroscape and would be in support of denial of the Tentative Tract for that reason. 24. Commissioner Tyler stated his only issues was the lot sizes in the Specific Plan. 25. Chairman Robbins stated there is an existing median and asked if this will be a full turn access.' Staff stated it would be a full turn. Chairman Robbins stated he does not see any emergency access. Staff stated it is next to the well site at Avenue 54. Chairman Robbins asked if access will be from the interior or exterior of the well site. Staff noted there is an easement and it will be wherever the Water District prefers. Chairman Robbins stated he is not sure he would deny the Tentative Tract because of the lake, but does have some concerns that it meet the Landscape Ordinance. 26. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2000-061 recommending certification of an Addendum to Environmental Impact Report Addendum 83-009. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and Chairman Robbins. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. 27. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2000-062 recommending approval of General Plan Amendment 2000-070, subject to the Findings as submitted. Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2000 ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and Chairman Robbins. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. 28. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2000-063 recommending approval of Zone Change 2000-095, subject to the Findings as submitted. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and Chairman Robbins. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. 9. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2000-064 recommending approval of Specific Plan 83-002, Amendment//4, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as amended: a. Condition //8: Delete any reference in the Specific Plan to allowing time shares, interval and fractional ownership, in the Tourist Commercial zone. b. Condition//9: Delete Section 3.2.29 on page 3.24. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and Chairman Robbins. NOES: None.' ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. 10. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2000-065 recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map 29878, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as amended: a. Condition//25: Delete b. Add Condition //79: Prior to issuance of a grading permit the applicant shall provide calculations consistent with Chapter 8.13 of the Municipal Code-Water Efficient Landscaping. 11. Commissioner Kirk asked if this would preclude the development of the lake. Staff stated they would have to review it. ROLL CALL:' AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Tyler, and Chairman Robbins. NOES: Commissioner Kirk. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\PC9-12-O0.wpd ] 3 Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2000 VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: None. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Chairman Robbins reminded the Commission of the joint meeting of the City Council, Planning Commission, and Architecture and Landscape Review Committee on September 26, 2000, tentatively at 6:00 p.m. IX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Abels to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held September 26, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. on September 12, 2000. Respectfully submitted, er, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California