2000 10 24 PC Minutes MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
October 24, 2000 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00
p.m. by Vice Chairman Abels who asked Commissioner Kirk to lead the
flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Richard Butler, Tom Kirk, Robert Tyler, and Vice
Chairman Abels. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Butler/Tyler to excuse Chairman Steve Robbins. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, Assistant
City Attorney John Ramirez, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior
Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Consultant Nicole
- Criste, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Vice Chairman Abels asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes
of joint meeting of October 10, 2000. Commissioner Tyler asked that
Page 11, Item//3 be amended to state: "Commissioner Tyler asked if the
lights would be lO-feet above grade or the concrete pavement filler?"
Page 12, Item 6.a. change the word "with" to "plus". There being no
further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Tyler/Kirk to approve the minutes as submitted.
B. Department Report' None.
A. Continued - Environmental Assessment 2000-401, General Plan
--- Amendment 2000-068, Zone Change 2000-094, Specific Plan 2000-
048, and Tentative Tract Map 29858; a request of RJT Homes, LLC for
certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact,
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a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change from Tourist Commercial
to Low Density Residential, a Specific Plan allowing up to 178 single
family detached and attached dwellings on 73 acres; and a Tentative
Tract Map subdividing 73 acres into 1 72 residential lots, and lettered lots
for streets, access, landscaping, lakes and a well, located at the
southwestern corner of Jefferson Street and 50TM Avenue.
1. Vice Chairman Abels opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department. Staff noted changes
that needed to be made to the Specific Plan conditions to make it
consistent with the Tract Map. In addition modification to
Conditions//53 & 54 of the Specific Plan and Condition #52 of the
Tract Map stating "all on-street parking is prohibited with the
exception of guest parking with a permit, subject to HOA
approval."; and the deletion of Condition #53 of the Specific Plan
and Condition #35 of the Tract Map.
2. Vice Chairman Abels asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Tyler asked about the changes at the entry off
Avenue 50. Staff stated the changes were at the request of the
Fire Department.
3. Commissioner Butler asked for clarification regarding water
suitability standards. Staff stated they are water efficiency
standards and there are no changes proposed. Commissioner
Butler asked if the deletion of Condition #53 regarding parking
requirement for guest parking, was normal. Staff stated yes.
4. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to clarifying what they were
requiring regarding the Water Efficiency Ordinance. Staff clarified
it was to note that the applicant must supply the calculations per
the Ordinance. Commissioner Kirk stated he did not understand
how a project could have 20% in lake and meet City standards.
Staff stated it has to meet the calculations. Commissioner Kirk
stated the City typically work with the applicant to see that they
meet the requirements and asked if staff has ever computed the
calculation and has the applicant been notified. Staff stated yes.
Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated the Public Works Department
at this stage of the project normally does not been check that
particular condition under the tentative stage. Staff reviews the
hydrology and conditions the applicant to meet the Ordinance.
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Commissioner Kirk asked staff if the calculations had been
computed on the last tract that was before the Commission.
Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated not as of yet. Commissioner
Kirk asked if staff had any understanding as to whether or not this
could meet the City's water efficiency standards. Staff stated that
would not be known until it is for plan check. Commissioner Kirk
asked if the water was coming from ground water or well water.
The project engineer stated well water.
5. Commissioner Tyler stated that on the northeast corner of 50th
Avenue and Jefferson Street, where will the access be. Staff
stated the access is a service access which will be a right in-right
out and there is no problem from a traffic circulation issue.
6. Commissioner Kirk asked Planning.Consultant Nicole Criste ~vho
prepared the Biologoical Analysis of the Environmental Report, in
regard to the Blacktail Knatchcatcher which was observed, on site.
Has the Department of Fish and Game agreed to the relocation to
surrounding habitat to mitigate the project? Does the Department
of Fish and Game see how this will be accomplished. Planning
Consultant Nicole Crist stated it is not listed as endangered; it is
a species of concern. The environmental stated the habitat is poor
and there would be a loss of foraging but it could be made up on
alternate sites. Commissioner Kirk asked what staff was trying to
accomplish in regard to the two story condition. Staff stated it is
to re-emphasize the requirement. Commissioner Kirk asked if the
Specific Plan does not, will the tract? Staff stated yes.
Commissioner Kirk asked if the Specific Plan would be a City
document when approved. Staff stated yes. Commissioner Kirk
questioned the appropriateness for City staff and Planning
Commission Chairman to be mentioned in the document as it
appears. He also stated he did nOt think there had been any
discussion between the Chairman and the applicant with respect
to the amount of surface area in lake amenities, because on Page
2.1 2 of the Specific Plan it sort of suggests there has a buy off by
CVWD on the amount of lake area and I do not think that is the
7. Vice Chairman Abels asked if the applicant would like to address
the Commission. Mr. Forrest Haag, representing RJT Homes,
deferred to staff's presentation and was available for any
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questions the Commission may have. In regard to one of the
Commission's concerns regarding land use and in this case, this is
a more appropriate use for the property as the market will bear
8. Commissioner Kirk stated he was not as concerned abOut the land
use as he was about the water usage. Mr. Haag stated they have
analyzed the Ordinance to see how it work and it is directed to
deal with water conservation as it relates to the landscape
installation. Not necessarily the bigger picture that the Chairman
may be addressing. The way the calculations are driven it is not
only site and area specific, it is plant material specific. It is
regional and local. The calculations are very difficult, but until a
final landscape plant pallette delineated numbers, water application
rights, percolation rates, are calculated in, it is hard to give a
definitive answer as to whether or not it applies. The engineer for
the project have helped in the master planning process to build into
this plan is freeboard in the lake where they are dealing with
stormwater retention, aesthetics, open space buffer. If the water
surface area has to shrink, it increases retention area, but may not
change the contour of the landscape. Now whether that is green
or has a cactus on it is an issue that will be addressed by the
Ordinance. Commissioner Kirk asked if it was his interpretation
that the Ordinance only applies to landscape areas and may not
apply to the entire project. Mr. Haag stated that to him it reads
that it is landscape area and there are exclusions that deal with
public benefit landscape areas like outside the wall where a trail
would benefit everyone so you make that carve out of the street.
There are discounts that benefit running that technical calculation.
Lake surface is different because it is not known whether it is
open space, landscape element, or development area. In this plan,
when you group things together you get into what the intent is
and in this case it is responsible use of water. What they have to
do is train the market because people do not come here for
desertscape. In the resort-lush market, it not wanted.
Commissioner Kirk asked staff for their interpretation.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman read Section
8.13.020.U. which states, "the entire parcel less the building
footprint Kirk
9. Commissioner Butler stated water suitability standards, is this the
same. Kirk all landscaping inclding the lakes should be included
into the calculations. Butler is it right to build lakes in the
development. Kirk it should be the issue of water suitability. It
should be addressed by staff before it comes before the Planning
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Commission. Mr. Haag asked if they took 160 acres of land and
took the percolation data and they could back into the maximum
. Kirk stated he agrees but this is the second time this is before
the Commission and this determination should be made before it
comes before the Commission. If this does not, what would be
the alternate design. Mr. Haag statd an alternative condition could
be added that when this is before the City Council this calculation
is determined or the blue area is something that will comply with
the ordinance.
10. Commissioner Tyler asked on page 2.14 of the SP the sentence
"extension of the refuge.., of the plan" makes no sense. Mr. Haag
stated it would be changed to whatever serves the City.
1 1. Commissioner Kirk asked if the ALRC reviewed this plan. Staff
stated no. Kirk why not. Staff stated the specific building and
landscaping elevations will go to them. Kirk suggested they go to
them in the future when 'there are design and landscaping
pallettes. Kirk commended the'applicant on his plan.
12. Vice Chairman Abels asked if there was any other public
comment. There being no further public comment, the public
participation portion of the hearing was closed and opened the
project for Commission discussion.
1 3. Commissioner Butler stated the ALRC should do the architectural
and landscaping at the same time and to add this extra review may
be a burden on them. Kirk it would be advisable to have the
developer/applicant an early review by the ALRC and should be
employed early on the' review process.
14. Commissioner Tyler stated that in both projects the landscaping
has extensive palettes that should have been reviewed before
here. Nicole stated that in this document there is not a SDP to
process that extensively. There needs to be more detail to take it
to the ALRC. Kirk stated either the ALRC or PC should review
tghe design details.
1 5. Commissioner Kirk stated it is a great project and applicable, but
he does have significant concern as to whether or not it meets the
City's water ordinance. Disappointed that no analysis was done
prior to being before the PC and does not want to see it happen
again. For this reason e cannot support the project.
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16. Commissioner Butler stated he concurs, but leaning toward the
applicant's answer to condition the project to show that it does
meet the City's standards. Jerry stated it is in the conditions that
it be met before a grading permit can be issued.
17. Commissioner Kirk stated he is uncomfortable because the PC
does not know the answer as to whether they are applying the
ordinance correctly. In this case the lake is the essential part of
the project, but if the lake does not meet the analysis.
18. Commissioner Tyler what if change 55 to before reaching the City
19. Vice Chairman Abels stated he concurs with Kirk, but uncertain
what the PC should do at this time.
20. Commissioner Butler asked if they were addressing the
landscaping efficiency or the lake. Staff stated both.
21. Commissioner Kirk stated that if the City has a Water efficiency
ordinance and most of the landscaping is a lake, they why have an
ordinance if you can put everything in water. Has the other
project gone to Council. Christi yes with the condtion that it be
prior to a grading permit being issued.
22. Vice chairman Abels asked what is to prevent this from. coming
back again. Jerry if it doesn't meet the requirement, they it will
come back. Kirk some level of analysis has to be done before.
Discussion followed as to examples.
23. Nicole suggested the SP is a broad base document, the applicant
does not do the level of detail in the SP that he is required in a
SDP. The PC might want to to requrie the analysis at the SDP
level. At this point the landscaping will be at that point to require
the calculations. Kirk that is an option, but he will not support an
appication with a massive lake that does not meet the terms of the
ordinance. Jerry condition #1 5 requires calculations for FEMA but
we do nt have that detail on this either. Kirk we have an
application and should be able to make the calculations at this
time. Applicant be conditioned to use canal water instead of well
24. Commissioner Tyler stated all the streets are 50th Avenue and it
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should be Avenue 50. Inconsistency as to wether it is a cul-de-
sac or cul-de-sacs. Is the western boundary abutt the Estancia
development. Nicole the western boundary is the Estancia
deveopment. The correct grammar is culs-de-sac.
25. Commissioner Butler stated he is willing to go forward knowing
that canal water is accessible and maybe this could be another
holding pond. Want it conditioned that it be canal water for
recharging and more clarification on the water usage from staff to
show compliance with the ordinance.
26. Commissioner Kirk asked if canal water could be delivered to this
site. Steve Speer stated ther eis canal water on Jefferson Street
and on the southwest corner.
27. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Butler/Tyler to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2000-072 recommending to the City Council
Certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental
Impact for Environmental Assessment 2000-401 as submitted
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and Vice
Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: chairman
Robbins. ABSTAIN: None.
28. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Butler to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 2000-073 recommending to the
City Council approval of General Plan Amendment 2000-068, as
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and Vice
Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: chairman
Robbins. ABSTAIN: None.
29. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Tyler to adopt
Planning Commission ResOlution 2000-074 recommending to the
City Council approval of Zone Change 2000-094, as submitted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and Vice
Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: chairman
Robbins. ABSTAIN: None.
30. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Butler to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2000-075 recommending
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to the City Council approval of Specific Plan 2000-048, as
a. Updated.
b. Deleter 31.4
C. Condition #53 deleted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Tyler, and Vice Chairman
Abels. NOES: Kirk. ABSENT: chairman Robbins.
31. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Butler to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2000-076 recommending
to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 29858, as
a. 35, 52 deleting, 55 prior to.
b, ,
Kirk meet calculations or ordinance.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Tyler, and Vice Chairman
Abels. NOES: Kirk. ABSENT: chairman Robbins.
D. Environmental Assessment 99-380, Conditional Use Permit 2000-053,
Specific Plan 99-035, Tentative Tract Map 29894, and Street Vacation
2000-041; a request.of Country Club Properties LP for certification of an
Environmental Impact Report, approval of a Conditional Use Permit to
allow resort residential use in conjunction with a country club; approval
of a specific plan development principals and guidelines for a 819 unit
residential project with three 18 hole golf courses; subdivision of 988
acres into 819 residential lots and miscellaneous lots; and a street
vacation of a portion of 53rd Avenue, east of Jefferson Street located
generally on the north side of 54th Avenue between Jefferson Street and
Monroe Street.
1. Vice Chairman Abels opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department. Staff noted a
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change that PW is requesting a new condition pertaining to the
access to the project. Additional gated access on 52nd avenue be
added .between Madison and Jefferson with full turning
movements with a traffic signal at their expense. Canal water is
available and the EIR does specify that canal water would be used
for the lakes.
2. Vice Chairman Abels asked if there were any questions of staff.
3. Commissioner Kirk questioned of the traffic analysis 1.6 first
paragraph. Steve stated that should be Monroe Street. Kirk why
not analysize Avenue 54 and Madison. Steve they are not loading
madison with their own traffic. Kirk and the additional
recommendations he did not see this is in the traffic analysis.
Steve because they only have two access points and went on to
explain. Kirk how many adjustments were made on the buildout
model. Steve, the reality is that the buildout model is that the
__ City develops more heavily that what ~. Kirk stated it would be
helpful if a table showing existing levels of service, builtout and
· Steve as far as level of service, what they want to know is
when the signal will be required. Trying to find out at major
intersections, now is our opportunity to get right of way.
4. Comissioner Tyler Steve the traffic study does.
5. Commissioner Kirk questioned the mesquite humac use. It is
refered to in the alternative, but in other parts of the document it
is not referenced, where in the northwest corner is it located.
Cannot find it in the EIR. Christi it was diccussed in the biology
as being scattered. There are nine scattered, disjointed to have a
community, so recommendation is to provide a substitute area
where it is a larger part to provide a community. Kirk could
someone describe it. Christi stated there is an EIR identifying the
humac as a habitat. Kirk are they somewhere in the city and is
this a good site, or what. Christi it is not as good as another site.
Kirk does Mesquite hmac exist on a golf course site. Christi does
not know. Kirk reitereated he would like to have ALRC review
before PC. Kirk the living fence is it permitted under the Zoning
Ordinance. Staff under the SP, with the condition specific to the
noise study to show if it needs to be a solid portion. Kirk if the
next sp wants a living fence is this going to be a city policy. Staff
it would be required if staff proposed it or a Zoning Text
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6. Commissioner Tyler asked if there was any justificaiton for the golf
cart parking. Concern of the 44 foot height club house or is for
the tower. Also in the club house it talks about basement walls.
What about the tennis court lighting.
7. Vice Chairman Abels asked if the applicant would like to address
the Commission. Mr. Haywood Pardue, representing the
applicant. Agrees with additional conditions requested by staff.
8. Commissioner Tyler asked what is the proposed access to the
mainteannce yard at 52na and Jefferson Mr. Pardue on 52na with
a right in and right ot.
9. Commissioner Tyler several emergency access points but none on
Aveneu54. Mr. Pardue because of the cul-de-sacs being on 54th.
10. Tyler the height of the clubhouse at 44 feet. Is that for the tower
element. Mr. Anton Barkovitch, that is for the major roof. The
tower would like it to be 60-65 feet. Want the tower to' be seen
from the whole development.
11. Tyler the general theme is stated as old world". Mr. Barkovitch
stated it is to be unique to La Quinta to be a blend between the
golden era wanting to introduce the stone element
12. Tyler asked about the rural overlay which is not old world. Jerry
spointed out in the SP 5.3 the building height of the clubhouse is
40 and the architectural feet is 1 5-feet so the total is 55 feet. Mr.
Bakovitch stated they would like to have a little more, but will
stick with it if they have to.
1 3. Tyler is the issue of rural overlay an issue or can it be overlooked.
Mr. Barkovitch stated this is very mission style. Christi stated that
is in conformance.
14. Tyler asked about the lighting. Mr. Grant Hornbeck, managing
partner for te project. The tennis courts will not be lit at night nor
the driving range. Mr. Pardue stated the percentage of lakes is
smaller and w.ill come out of the canal. All 100 year will be
contained on site. Mr. Steve Garcia, GMA Architects, stated the
exhibit shows the living fence on Jefferson Street. Went on to
explain the design. Tyler asked how long will it take to grow to
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cover. Mr. Garcia stated pretty full coverage at the onset.
15. Tyler asked what Phase 3 would be. Mr. Pardue stated that at
present time only two phases. Tyler questioned on Page 28 it
talks about exterior lighting.
16. Ms. Madeline Watts, owns propety at 53rd and Monroe, concern
that this is an agridcultural area and for five months they spray
which is done at night and this is so close to these houses.
Helicopters are on standby to circulate the air at night. When they
pick crews can come in the middle of the night and use lights and
trucks are used on 53rd Avenue. Will they be receiving complaints
from the homeowners because of their business. Wants to be
sure these items are disclosed to the homebuyers.
1 7. Tyler on sp page 4.8 what is conventional switching. Mr. pardue
stated the intent was that there will be no formal street lighting
and if the homeowner wants it will be by his own property. Tyler
Page 5-3 basement of clubhouse where is the 40-feet measured
from. Mr. pardue the intention is 40 feet above ground level.
Christi definition in Code for basement. Ms. Amy Grant stated the
intent ws to exclud ehte bsement from part of the 4C-feet. The
forty feet will be above ground. Basement is not one of their
stories. Tyler defers to staff to clarify the wording.
18. Tyler condition //62 takes care of all maintenance and not just
inside the walls. Mr. Pardue agrees with that condition.
19. Tyler - EIR page 3.0-13 it talks about a "Village Center". Mr.
Pardue stated it is the clubhouse area where the tennis courts,
spa, etc are located.
20. Kirk stated that same paragraph it states drought tolerant material,
he sees a lot of turf everywhere, is that part of the drought
tolerant theme. Mr. Garciastated the landscape areas use turf for
about 40-60% of the areas. The ground cover areas are drought
tolerant. Mr. pardue the irrigation water will come from the
21. Tyler Page 4.7-1 air quality, statement and table do not agree.
Page 4-7-18, would like clarification. 4.9-6 inconsistency
regardign parks. 4-7-10 GPA Waste thought that dies when the
transfer station died. Jerry that is correct. 4.11-5 figures not in
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22. Commissioner Butler stated ALRC should have seen this. Does
have a problem with the height. If they approve the SP are they
approving the height of the building without further review. Jerry
the limitations of the spefici Plan govern the design, but will come
back with SDP. The elevaitons may change after review by the
ALRC, plans are subject to further review. This is a concept. Final
design plans will go the ALRC and back to the PC. Commended
them on their presentation. As it is below sea level liquidfaction
could be an issue. Mr. Pardue stated it will be addressed in their
soils study. Butler asked if the findings on the site were being
preserved. Who takes the archeo samples on. site. .Christi
artifacts collected are boxed and cataloged at the specifications for
storage and they will be submitted to the City.
23. Butler very nice project. Unsure of the "Santa Barbara" look. As
far as supporting, he does not find enought items to not support
24. Vice Chairman Abels stated it is a wonderful job.
25. Vice Chairman Abels asked if there was any other public
comment. There being no further public comment, the public
participation portion of the hearing was closed and opened the
project for Commission discussion.
26. Commissioner Kirk stated it is a great project, fits into the city and
a great neighbor. Supports the projects would suggest adding
condition regarding water efficiency. Also condition home sales
on notification of agricultural operations-disclosure. Christi have
a condition that could be added regarding disclosure. Kirk not
concerned with the building height. Makes great sense to have a
monument tat could' make a strong statement. Some viewshed
analysis might be a recommendation from outside the project.
27. Vice Chairman Abels reminded the Commission of the concern
raised about the Marriott and now it is not even an issue due to
the way they handled it.
28. Kirk cautioned that if they keep lowering the density, it keeps
pushing the sprawl out further.
29. Commissioner Tyler stated it is a great project only brings up the
inconsistency cleared up at this stage. Condition //62, the multi-
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purpose trails, the height is always an issue before the PC.
30. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Butler/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2000-077 recommending to the City Council
Certification of an Environmental Impact Report for Specific Plan
99-035, Tentative Tract Map 29894, Conditional Use Permit
2000-053, and Street Vacation 2000-041.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and Vice
Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: chairman
Robbins. ABSTAIN: None.
31. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Tyler to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2000-078 recommending
to the City Council approval of Conditional Use Permit 2000-053,
as submitted.
al ,
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and Vice
Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: chairman
Robbins. ABSTAIN: None.
32. It was moved and seconded by CommissionersTyler/Butler to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2000-079 recommending
to the City Council approval of Specific Plan 99-035,
a. Acess on Avenue 52.
b, ,
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and Vice
Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: chairman
Robbins. ABSTAIN: None.
33. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Butler to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 2000-080 recommending to the
.... City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 29894', as
a. Calculations and meet ordinance requirements for water
efficiency prior to CC
B. Condition 62 multi-purpose trails
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C. Agricultural uses on prior.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and Vice
Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: chairman
Robbins. ABSTAIN: None.
34. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Butler to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2000-081 recommending
to the City Council approval of Street Vacation 2000-041 as being
consistent with the General Plan.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and Vice
Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: chairman
Robbins. ABSTAIN: None.
C. Environmental Assessment 94-287 Addendum, Conditional Use Permit
99-047, Specific Plan 94-025 Amendment //1, Tentative Parcel Map
28617; a request of Agiotage Limited for Certification of an EIR
Addendum for the Green Specific Plan allowing a new access road for an
. -
approved master planned residential community of 277 houses; a
Conditional Use Permit to allow development of a private road on a
hillside slope exceeding 20'percent, approval of an amendment to the
Specific Plan allowing a 3,000 foot long private access road along the
north side of a 331 + acre property to serve ten custom lots; and
approval to allow a Tentative Parcel Map subdividing 331 acres into four
parcels and other lettered street lots.
1. Moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Tyler to November
28, 2000. Unanimoyusly approved.
A. Commissioner Tyler gave a report of the City Council meeting of October
17, 2000.
B. Vice Chairman Abels will be out of country till 1st meeting in December.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Butler/Kirk to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next
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regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held November 14, 2000, at 7:00
p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:38 p.m. on October
24, 2000.
Respectfully submitted,
~ Executive Secretary City of La Ouinta, California
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