2001 01 23 PC Minutes MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
January 23, 2001 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00
p.m. by Chairman Robbins who asked Commissioner Butler to lead the
flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Jacques Abels, Richard Butler, Tom Kirk, Robert
Tyler, and Chairman Robbins.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, Assistant
City Attorney John Ramirez, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior
Engineer Steve Speer, and Principal Planners Stan Sawa and Fred Baker.
A. Chairman R°bbins asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of
January 9, 2001. Commissioner Kirk asked that Page 6, Item #25, be
corrected to read "...sign clutter and have an auto orientation."; Page 8,
Item #5 be corrected to read," .... they were asked what the difference
was, ..... These homes are almost identical and not consistent with the
intent of the Master Design Guidelines. "In his opinion, there is not nearly
enough variation in the designs. Page 9, Item #7 be corrected to read,
"Commissioner Kirk stated he understands the cost involved, but the City
was concerned about exactly what he was suggesting to do; ..." There
being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kirk/Butler to approve the minutes as corrected.
Unanimously approved with Commissioner Abels abstaining.
B. Department Report: None.
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A. Continued - Municipal Code Amendment 2000-066 - Title 8. Building and
Construction; a request of the City for an amendment to Chapter 8.1 3,
Water Efficient Landscaping, throughout the City.
1. Chairman Robbins opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Staff requested this item to be continued to the
Planning Commission meeting of March 13, 2001, to allow
additional time to prepare the report.
2. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Butler to continue this item to March 13,
2001. Unanimously approved.
B. Environmental ASsessment.,7000-402, General Plan Amendment 2000-
071, Zone Change 2000-069, Amend the Village Design Guideline
Boundary, and Village Use Permit 2.000-004, a request of Chapman Golf
Development, LLC and the City for: 1) Certification of a Mitigated
Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact; 2) an Amendment to the
General Plan and Zoning Land Use Designation from Low Density
Residential to Village Commercial and from Medium Density Residential
and Cove Residential to Village Commercial; 3) an Amendment to the
Village Design Guideline boundaries; and 4) development plans for a
16,222 square foot restaurant located at the northeast corner of Avenue
52 and Desert Club Drive and the west side of Eisenhower Drive between
Calle Tampico to Avenida Montezuma.
1. Commissioner Kirk excused himself due to a possible conflict of
interest and left the dias.
2. Chairman Robbins opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department.
3. Chairman Robbins asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Abels asked if this was the same project that was
before them at the prior hearing. Staff responded that it was.
4. There being no further public comment, Chairman Robbins closed
the public participation portion of the hearing and opened the
hearing to Commission discussion.
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5. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2001-002, rescinding Planning Commission Resolution
2000-087 and recommending certification of a Mitigated Negative
Declaration of environmental impact for Environmental Assessment
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Tyler, and Chairman
Robbins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk.
6. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Butler to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001-003, rescinding
Planning Commission Resolution 2000-088 and recommending
approval of General Plan Amendment 2000-071, as recommended.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Tyler, and Chairman
Robbins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk.
7. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001-004 rescinding
Planning Commission Resolution 2000-089 and recommending
approval of Zone Change 2000-069, as recommended.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Tyler, and Chairman
Robbins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk.
8. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Abels to
adopt Planning Commission' Resolution 2001-005 rescinding
Planning Commission Resolution 2000-090 and recommending
approval of the Amendment to the Village Design Guideline
Boundary, as recommended.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Tyler, and Chairman
Robbins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk.
9. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001-006 rescinding
Planning Commission Resolution 2000-091 and recommending
approval of Village Use Permit 2000-004, as recommended.
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ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Tyler, and Chairman
Robbins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk.
Commissioner Kirk rejoined the Commission.
C. Site Development Permit 99-649; a request of Country Club of the
Desert for review of architectural and landscaping plans for a clubhouse,
main entry guard house, and golf course maintenance facility within
Country Club of the Desert located on the north side of Avenue 54
between Jefferson Street and Monroe Street.
1. Chairman Robbins opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department. Staff noted that the
Fire Marshal conditions were just received and were to be
incorporated into the Conditions of Approval.
2. Chairman Robbins asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Tyler noted that Condition #3 should be changed to
require approval from Coachella Valley Unified School District.
3. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to clarify the Architecture and
Landscaping Committee's recommendation regarding the
architectural recommendation for additional detail on the
maintenance building. Staff stated the applicant was required to
provide an enhanced decorative cornice around the entire building.
4. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to clarify the need for the Sheriff's
conditions as they are difficult to implement. Staff stated they
could be deleted.
5. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Robbins asked
if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Anton
Marinkovich, representing the applicant, gave a presentation of
their request.
6. The Commission asked the architect to explain the design of the
maintenance building and guardhouse, which he did.
7. There being no further public comment, Chairman Robbins closed
the public participation portion of the hearing and asked if there
was any Commission discussion.
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8. Commissioner Kirk stated it was a good design but asked that
there be more architectural detail on the north and east elevations
of the maintenance building.
9. Commissioner Tyler stated he agreed with the need for additional
architectural design on these elevations as they faced Avenue 52
and Madison Street.
10. Chairman Robbins stated he agreed with the request to have the
added architectural detail and suggested arcades or wall mass
variations on the maintenance building.
11. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioner Kirk/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
2001-007 approving Site Development Permit 99-649, as
a. Condition #3: Replace DSUSD with CVUSD.
b. Conditions #45-48: Deleted
c. Add Conditions from Fire Department
d. Modify Condition #40: Prior to preparation of final working
drawings for the maintenance building, an enhanced cornice
treatment shall be provided around the top of the
maintenance building with additional architectural
articulation (i.e., popouts, etc.), provided on the north and
west sides of the building to the satisfaction of the
-Community Development Department.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and
Chairman Robbins. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
D. Environmental Assessment 2000-406, Specific Plan 2000-050, Village
Use Permit 2000-005, and Tentative Parcel Map 29909; a request of
Santa Rosa Plaza, LLC. for, 1) Certification of a Mitigated Negative
Declaration of Environmental Impact, 2) review of design guidelines and
development standards for a 15.25 acre commercial center; 3)
development plans for a six story 145 room hotel; and 4) creation of 11
lots ranging in size from .4 to 6.2 acres to be located north of Calle
Tampico between Desert Club Drive and Avenida Bermudas.
1. Commissioner Butler excused himself due to a possible conflict of
interest and left the dias.
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2. Chairman Robbins opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio and Planning
Consultant Nicole Criste presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department.
3. Chairman Robbins asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Tyler stated the staff report referenced a traffic
study which was not received. Was there anything significant
contained in that report they should know about as completed.
4. Planning COnsultant Nicole Criste stated it was made a part of the
environmental review process that is attached to the staff report.
There was nothing notable to comment on that was not
Summarized in the environmental review.
5. Chairman Robbins asked if the applicant would like to address the
Commission. Mr. Dan Brown, representing the applicant, gave a
presentation on the project.
6. Chairman Robbins asked if there was any other public comment.
Ms. Lucia Moran, P. O. Box 1305, La Quinta, stated she was the
listing agent on the land, and as a former Planning Commissioner
she often had to wrestle with the needs of many versus the wants
of the few. As the Commission is aware the City is in need of
revenue to afford the beautiful landscape medians and setback, the
parks, the Senior Center, the Parks and Recreation program, etc.
and to address the public safety concerns of its citizens. This
hotel with its Transient Occupancy Tax will bring the needed
revenue to continue and enhance these programs. The land use
and specific plan illustrates the thought that went into this project.
With the casitas along the north side of the property, it brings the
hotel building further south away from the six homes that would
be affected at Duna La Quinta. She hopes the Commission will
take into consideration the economic interests of the City when
reviewing this project as proposed.
7. Ms, Arlene Turi, 48-800 Avenue Fernando, stated she is a resident
of La Quinta and also owns a lot facing this proposed project. Her
concern is regarding La Quinta setting a precedent to allow high
rise buildings. This is going to block the view of all the residents
in the adjoining neighborhoods. The overall plan of La Quinta and
what we want the Village to be should be considered. She has
always considered the Village to resemble El Paseo in Palm Desert
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with flowing courtyards; a leisure place and not a metropolis. This
project needs to be addressed in the overall picture of what the
City wants to achieve. Whether we want high rise buildings that
give a cosmopolitan atmosphere or whether we want a Village
with gardens and what we seem to be doing with the landscaping.
8. Ms. Kay Wolff, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, stated that while she
generally accepts the concept of the hotel, she must agree that 78
feet for a six story hotel is much too high for the Cove area and
Village. She is not sure how high the recommended height of 55
feet is, but the guideline being used for a two story building has
set a precedent for this area and to go beyond that is unnecessary.
In addition the building pad is elevated which will also increase the
building height. She does not agree with the Specific Plan where
it indicates that a dramatic presence is needed for this project. In
her opinion, the mountains are the City's dramatic presence and
the rest of the area should stay quaint looking and Iow to the
ground. The architecture as proposed does not appear to be
compatible with the general feeling of the Village concept.
Therefore, she would ask the Commission to limit the height of the
hotel building.
9. Mr. Fred Wolff, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, stated he is delighted that
a major development would come to the center of our City and
hopefully vitalize it again. It is the type of project that may bring
those results. However, he is utterly and totally uncompromisingly
opposed to having the first high rise building in our City in this end
of the Coachella Valley. We have pride in our community because
of the ambiance that has been developed. Since he was first
mayor of the City we have tried to maintain that ambiance and
approved and disapproved projects based on that ambiance. In the
1 980's Landmark wanted to construct a hotel at PGA West and
it was negotiated away. Approving this high rise will set a
precedent and others will follow. There is an arrogance of the
applicants' as they know what we want and they are giving no
regard to the community. If the building blocks some people's
views, it is their problem, not the developers. It is not only the
view, but the presence of this giant building. It will totally change
what our community is about. The residents do not want high rise
buildings in our community. He would ask that the Commission
approve the project with no more than three stories in height.
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10. Mr. Louis Compagna, P. O. Box 1286, La Quinta, stated he owns
a commercial piece of property across the street from this
proposed project and he has no problem with a six story building
and if it were negotiable to four stories, that would be fine also.
As an owner across the street he supports the project.
1 1. Mr. Doug Yavanian 49-499 Eisenhower Drive, stated his comment
is based on Commissioner Kirk's comment on water flow and
drainage. As the Commission is aware, KSL Development has
been having discussions with staff regarding how to resolve a
water drainage issue at their Hole//3 on their Dunes Golf Course.
They receive a lot of excess ponding at this location and it is not
meant to be a lake, but they are receiving a lot of collection from
the south and north and while the Commission is discussing water
flow, they need to take into consideration the impact this project
could have on this location in regard to water flow.
12. Mr. Marshall Harris, 53-995 Avenida Cortez, stated he came to
this Valley from a different area and has seen how the Valley has
developed and commends the City on its management of that
growth. He supports this proposal and hopes that the citizens
could look at this hotel as it will appear instead of who's view it
will block. This project will add a lot to the aesthetics of the area
as compared to what is in this area presently. It will not only bring
revenue to the City but stimulate other business to come here.
1 3. Mr. Robert Cunnard, 48-825 Avenida Enselmo, stated he has been
in business in La Quinta for 20 years and owns the property just
adjacent to this site. The area behind his property has been a
haven for people who live in cardboard boxes and have caused
untold trouble. This project will be good for this community and
will help to clean up this area. He supports all six stories.
14. There being no further public comment, the public participation
portion of the hearing was closed and open for Commission
15. Commissioner Kirk stated it appears that everyone present likes
the essence of the project and he agrees that it is an excellent use
consistent with what the City wants to do in the Village area and
would probably be an 'anchor and magnet for additional
development to come to this area. Most of the concern will
probably center around the height of the building. He was not as
concerned about the height, even though he is sensitive to the
issue and believes as Mr. Wolff stated that this community does
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have a special character in part because of the height'restrictions
that has been maintained over the years. His initial concern was
the entire design and as the architect described the site as a
campus, that was the first thing that triggered his memory of
office developments that are being built around the world and that
is the orientation to the campus idea. While the name suggests
something from the university setting with a pedestrian feel, what
it has come to mean is the orientation around the automobile. As
you look at the project, the building is surrounded by parking lots
and landscaping, all orientated around the vehicles. There is more
parking provided than required by City ordinances. Related
concerns are how the applicant was able to change City code
around. As the Commission and staff are aware, this project
would not be allowed under the Zoning Ordinance and General
Plan. A zoning variance would normally not even be considered.
He then asked the height limit was for this area. Staff stated 35
feet. Commissioner Kirk stated that in order to do this, they have
developed and submitted an application for a specific plan
approval. This allows them to change standards and regulations
and employ design guidelines as they want them to be. If we are
going to employ the specific plan, we ought to do so in the spirit
in which it was crafted by State law and that is to engage other
property owners. We have a neighboring property owner at this
meeting that applauds this application and he would rather have
seen his property and the other two adjoining properties brought
into this plan. While these property owners have no plans for their
property at this time, in another 10, 20, or 30 years when the
market changes, those three properties are still going to be outside
of this specific plan and those properties should be integrated into
this plan. He does not believe anything could be done at this
stage, but encourage staff that when an applicant first suggests
using a specific plan tool that staff look at the entire area around
the project and see if they can be integrated together. He is not
in favor of the campus feel, but rather the Village design with zero
lot lines, pedestrian emphasis, and de-emphasizing the automobile.
The height is something of an issue, but he is not pleased with
staff's recommendation either. The staff suggest lowering the
height 1 5-20 feet and creating a more massive lower structure
sitting in the middle of a parking lot. He does support the hotel
'use, but is not pleased with the way it is designed in the context
of what we are trying to achieve in the Village.
16. Commissioner Abels stated he concurs with most of the
comments made by Commissioner Kirk. He has lived in this
community for 33 years and is pleased to see this project. We
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talk how we want to improve the Village and nothing has ever
taken place. Now, we have an opportunity. As to the six stories,
he does not believe it will detract at all. Once the landscaping has
matured you will not even remember what it looked like before.
He supports the project as proposed.
17. Commissioner Tyler stated he has mixed emotions. It is an
interesting project that could do a lot to infuse a breath of life into
"the ailing commercial environment in the. Village". Most are
familiar with the elusive vision for the Village and it has been so
elusive for the past 25-30 years that nothing has happened to turn
it into a reality because no one can figure out what the vision
really is and most probably never envisioned a hotel of this size.
He likes the atrium concept as it will be a haven from the summer
heat. However, as stated by Commissioner Kirk the project was
reviewed with the Village Design Guidelines in mind and yet the
developer came back with a design that is twice the allowable
height which is an affront to the citizens of La Quinta. The public
hearing just prior to this one proposes a tower with a maximum -
height of 74 feet and the rationale used by the City Council to
approve this was that this clubhouse will be a centerpiece for a
master developed community that is located in the flat portion of
the City and not blocking any views of the mountains. Getting rid
of storm water retention is a problem for both projects and this
may be contributing to an already existing problem. He
appreciates the comments given by the public. He is supportive
of the project in all regards except the height.
18. Chairman Robbins stated that in regard to the storm drainage and
nuisance water, staff has stated the soils are very tight at this
location that nothing will percolate which causes a problem. He
understands Mr. Yavanian's problem concerning the nuisance
water. The drawings for this project appear to be very lush and
yet the conditions do not contain any water efficiency language of
the City's Ordinance and to him this is an important point. A
condition should be added to address this concern. Planning
Manager Christine di Iorio stated it is a mitigation measure.
Chairman Robbins stated it is not contained in the conditions.
· Staff stated it is contained in the Environmental Assessment as
well as a condition in the Specific Plan that states mitigation
measures are incorporated as part of the Conditions of Approval.
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19. Commissioner Kirk stated the Specific Plan does indicate under
landscape guidelines, Iow water using plant material including
native palms need to be used throughout the project. This sounds
good, but for those who know plants, the native palms are not Iow
water use plants.
20. Chairman Robbins stated this project needs to reflect that this is
the desert and not the tropics. Generally, he is in favor of the
project, but from a height standpoint this is a crossroad for the
Village. A project like this is needed for the Village to move
forward and prosper. He concurs with Commissioner Tyler that
when the Village was envisioned no one thought of a six story
hotel. The Village height limit is 35 feet. This is more than twice
the height limit that was envisioned. Approving this project as it
is today will change the direction of the Village. We need to
realize that if we approve a six story building, it will change the
vision of the Village and we need to be sure that that 'vision of the
Village is what they want. This will set a precedent. If we do not
want the high rise, then we need to take that into consideration
and say no to this project.
21. Commissioner Abels stated he did not agree that every project
after this would have to be approved for six stories. They can
control the height of other projects. This will be an asset to the
City and is needed to jump start the Village.
22. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Tyler to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2001-008 recommending Certification of a Mitigated
Negative Declaration of environmental impact for Environmental
Assessment 2000-406, as recommended.
23. Chairman Robbins asked if this recommendation was for the 55
foot height. Commissioner Abels stated his motion was for the
height at the applicant's request. Commissioner Tyler withdrew
his second. Commissioner Kirk seconded the motion for purposes
of discussion.
24. Commissioner Kirk asked if there was another way of mitigating
the aesthetic issues. When there are height impacts, it is not just
the height that is a concern, it is the height and mass. What this
project has isn't a single tower that is six stories high, the entire
structure is six stories high and this is much more of a significant
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impact than having one building element, as. in the case of the
prior public hearing. To mitigate the aesthetic impact one
consideration could be the atrium portion of the building could
remain high and not have guest rooms around it. This may not be
cost effective to the builder, but he would consider this.
25. Commissioner Abels withdrew his motion and suggested
discussion with the applicant. Commissioner Kirk withdrew his
26. Chairman Robbins stated he did not see how this could make any
difference. Walking out of your room and looking over the balcony
d°wn at the atrium creates the ambiance. To take that away does
nothing for the developer.
27. Mr. Dan Brown, managing member for Santa Rosa Plaza, stated
this has been a long road to get to this point. They have
redesigned five or six times and kept in mind what they thought
was necessary to make a hotel successful. One of hardest sells -
was to sell Hilton Hotels that the Village at La Quinta was ready
for a project like this. He was questioned why he wanted to build
at this location and he had to defend his decision to build at this
location. They did take into consideration all the Zoning
regulations for the Village, but knew there had to be a presence.
This hotel had to have a high presence for it to be noticed. It had
to be special which would complement what as going on in the
Village. They have to be successful in the long term because the
Village is successful, but they also have to make a statement that
they are 100% first class. That is their main concern in requesting
the six stores. They also have to get financing and in order to get
that it has to be something different and special. The architecture
of most hotels is a box, unlike the exterior of this proposal which
contains both Mission and Mediterranean to complement the area.
28. Commissioner Kirk asked Mr. Brown to comment regarding having
only part of the building reaching the desired height. Mr, Brown
stated not the way this building is configured. The building only
goes to 69 feet and the tower takes it to 78 feet. The plan was
to break up the height and not create a box. It is a $20 million
project that they have to make sure it works. They need to make
a presence for the hotel so people will come.
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29. Commissioner Tyler noted that the economics of a project were
not a concern of the Commission. They were to see that it meets
the land use designation, the General Plan and Zoning criteria. The
City Council are to consider the other factors.
30. Chairman Robbins stated he has no problem with the aesthetics of
the project. As a Planning Commissioner he is to uphold the City's
ordinances. As this area has a 35 foot height limit and to allow 78
feet is a large stretch.
31. It was moved by Commissioner Abels to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 2001-008 recommending Certification of
a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impact for
Environmental Assessment 2000-406, as proposed by the
applicant. The motion died for lack of a second.
32. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Kirk to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 2001-008 recommending
Certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental
impact for Environmental Assessment 2000-406, as recommended
by staff.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Kirk, Tyler, and Chairman Robbins.
NOES: Commissioner Abels. ABSENT: Commissioner
Butler. None. ABSTAIN: None.
33. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Kirk to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 2001-009 recommending
approval of Specific Plan 2000-050, as amended and
recommended by staff:
a. Condition #6: Unrestricted access both to and from Desert
Club Drive at the southerly location shown on the approved
Specific Plan only. The northerly access shall be gated to
restrict access for emergency purposes only.
b. Condition #19: Delivery trucks, vehicles, and trash trucks
shall access the site from Calle Tampico and or Avenida
c. Condition #20: Add the three parcels at the northwest
corner of Avenida Bermudas and Calle Tampico.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Tyler, and Chairman
Robbins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Butler.
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34. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Abels to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 2001-010 recommending
approval of Tentative Parcel Map 29909, as amended and
a. Condition #6: Unrestricted access both to and from Desert
Club Drive at the southerly location shown on the approved
Specific Plan only. The northerly access shall be gated to
restrict access for emergency purposes only.
b. Condition #49(A)(c): Remove the reference to Condition
8.A.3 above.
c. Condition #58.C. That the northerly access shall be gated
to restrict access for emergency purposes only.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Tyler, and Chairman
Robbins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Butler.
35. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Abels to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001-011 recommending
approval of Village Use Permit 2000-005, as recommended.
a. Condition #69.A: Change the recess windows from 12
inches to eight inches.
b. Condition #69.C: Delete.
c. Condition #56.C: Unrestricted access both to and from
Desert Club Drive at the southerly location shown on the
approved Specific Plan only. The northerly access shall be
gated to restrict access for emergency purposes only.
d. Condition #71: Delivery trucks, vehicles, and trash trucks
shall access the site from Calle Tampico and or Avenida
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Tyler, and Chairman
Robbins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Butler.
Commissioner Butler rejoined the Commission.
A. Sign Application 7001-598; a request of Riofine Neon for Jiffy Lube for
review of two internally illuminated individually mounted channel letter
signs on the west side of Adams Street immediately north of the La
Quinta Care Wash, within the Highway 111 La Quinta Shopping Center.
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1. Chairman Robbins asked for the staff report. Planning Manager
Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Robbins asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Tyler asked staff if the temporary Lube Shop board
sign had been approved. Staff indicated it will be removed as it is
a condition of approval.
3. Chairman Robbins asked if there were two different configurations
of the sign. Staff stated they were proposing two signs; one on
the south and one on the north elevation and went on to describe
the two signs. Staff noted that they were recommending that the
lettering be removed on the on the logo on the south elevation.
On the north elevation, staff is recommending the sign be reduced
to fit the fascia. The sign program for the Center is that each sign
-- be individual letters. Chairman Robbins asked if any part of the
sign was corporate signage. Staff stated that was a question for
the applicant. Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez stated the
applicant can consent to whatever they desire, notwithstanding
what the case or Federal law may dictate. Chairman Robbins
reiterated that he can agree, but the City cannot force it on them.
4. Chairman Robbins asked if the applicant would like to address the
Commission. Mr. Rio Score, representing Riofine Neon, explained
the sign proposal and stated the design was their corporate logo.
He went on to note the error in the sign length. The fascia on the
north side that contains the sign is 42 inches so the sign would
not hang off.
5. Chairman Robbins asked staff to clarify their concerns regarding
this sign. Staff stated that as long as the letters were 24 inches,
then they would be centered on the facia area. Mr. Score noted
the existing letters are 29 inches tall. Staff stated it was unknown
as to how the existing sign was installed at 29 inches. Staff was
requiring the signs to conform to the existing sign program which
only allows 24 inches in height. Mr. Score stated they preferred
the straight across look. Chairman Robbins stated the letters
would have to be smaller.
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Planning Commission Minutes
January 23, 2001
6. Chairman Robbins asked if the applicant would agree to the
smaller arrow without the letters. Mr. Score stated that would
defeat the logo. The sign would also be out of proportion in
regard to the letters and the arrow.
7. Commissioner Tyler asked why it was necessary to say "Jiffy
Lube" twice in the same sign. Mr. Score stated it is more of a
sight issue.
8. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Tyler to adopt Minute Motion 2001-003,
approving Sign Application 2001-528, as amended:
a. Condition #1: "...Sign letter height shall be reduced to 24
inches with the exception of the letter 'J'. The 'J' shall not
exceed 27 inches in height."
b. Condition #2: Change "may" to "shall".
c. Condition #4: Replace with "The south elevation sign shall
not exceed 50 square feet."
Unanimously approved.
A. Commissioner Tyler gave a report of the City Council meeting of January
16, 2001.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Butler/Abels to adjourn 'this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next
regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held February 13, 2001, at 7:00
p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 10:07 p.m. on
January 23, 2001.
Respectfully submitted,
City of La Quinta, California
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