2001 06 26 PC Minutes MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
June 26, 2001 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00
p.m. by Chairman Robbins who asked Commissioner Kirk to lead the flag
B. Present: Commissioners Jacques Abels, Richard Butler, Tom Kirk, Robert
Tyler, and Chairman Steve Robbins.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City
Attorney Kathy Jenson, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior
Engineer Steve Speer, Associate Planner Michele Rambo, and Executive
Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairman Robbins asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of
June 12, 2001. Commissioner Tyler asked that Page 2, Item 4 be
corrected to read "36-feet wide". City Attorney Kathy Jenson asked that
the minutes be corrected to state that she was present at the meeting
and not Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez. There being no further
corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Kirk to
approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved.
B. Department Report: None.
A. Village Use Permit 2001-009; a request of Starlight Management, Inc. for
approval of architectural, landscaping, site plans, lighting plans, and sign
program for a multi-tenant office building located at 78-099 Calle Estado.
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June 26, 2001
1. Commissioner Kirk excused himself and left the dias due to a
possible conflict of interest due to the proximity of his residence
to the project.
2. Chairman Robbins opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Associate Planner Michele Rambo presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department.
3. Chairman Robbins asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Abels commended staff on the presentation.
4. Commissioner Tyler stated he would like to act on this project
even though there was no General Plan Amendment application
submitted to not hold the developer up. Staff stated it was being
prepared and the Commission could not act until an application
was submitted. Commissioner Tyler asked if the parking plan
could be enforced as presented. Staff stated it was up to the
5. Chairman Robbins asked if there was on-street parking and how
many spaces were available. Staff stated there were parking
spaces on Calle Estado as well as being provided in their parking
6. Commissioner Tyler question Condition //1 8 in regard to the size
of the trees. Staff stated this condition could be eliminated as the
trees were already planted. Commissioner Tyler asked that
Condition #23 be changed. Staff stated it would be changed to
read, "...from the centerline in the travel lane..."
7. Commissioner Butler asked about the color exhibit and if the
applicant had agreed with the Architecture and Landscaping
Committee's (ALRC) conditions. Staff stated the applicant had
concurred with the ALRC's recommendation and presented the
color board.
8. Chairman Robbins stated his concern was the rear of the building
as it was extremely plain. He would like to see more architectural
detail. In regard to Condition #25 he questioned the configuration
of the building as it did not provide a place to install the fire riser
and detector check except in the sidewalk. Senior Engineer Steve
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Speer suggested it be placed under the stairwell on the front of the
building. Staff would add a condition requiring the applicant to
work with staff on the location.
9. Chairman Robbins asked if the applicant would like to address the
Commission. Mr. Skip Lench, representing the applicant and who
prepared the preliminary plans for the project, stated they could
address Chairman Robbins concerns on the rear elevation and the
fire equipment.
10. Commissioner Butler asked if elevators would be added to
accommodate the handicapped on the second story at any time.
Mr. Lench stated it depends on the scale of the project. It is not
economically feasible unless the business is of size to off-set the
11. Commissioner Tyler asked if there would be any street .addresses
on the building. Mr. Lench stated signage is discouraged, but they
could add the address. Commissioner Tyler asked if there were
any requirements for commercial buildings to have an address on
the building. Staff stated the would require the applicant to work
with the fire department in regard to this requirement.
1 2. Chairman Robbins asked if there was any other public comment.
There being no further public comment, Chairman Robbins closed
the public hearing and opened the project for Commission
13. Commissioner Tyler asked if they could address Condition #37.
Staff stated it was in the process.
14. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2001-089, approving Village Use Permit 2001-009, as
a. Condition 18 deleted
b. Condition 23 "centerline of the travel lane"
c. Condition #25: Staff will work with the applicant for a non-
obtrusive location of the fire equipment.
d. Condition #38: Prior to issuance of a building permit the
applicant shall redesign the rear of the building to include
design articulation.
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ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Tyler, and Chairman
Robbins. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT:
Commissioner Kirk.
Commissioner Kirk rejoined the Commission.
B. Environmental Assessment 2001-418. General Plan Amendment 2001-
077. and Zone Change 2001-100; a request of NRI, La Quinta Limited
Partnership for certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of
Environmental Impact, approval of a pre-annexation General Plan
designation from County designation 2B to Low Density Residential and
a Zone Change from County designation A-1-20 to Low Density
Residential for the property bounded on the north by Avenue 52, on the
east by Monroe Street, on the south by Avenue 53, and on the east by
the existing City limits.
1. Chairman Robbins opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Community Development Director Jerry Herman
presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of
which is on file in the Community Development Department.
2. Chairman Robbins asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Abels asked staff to confirm that the Ms. Waters
would be able to maintain her agricultural operation as it now
exists. Staff stated that is correct unless the operation ceases to
operate for over a year. In that case it may not. If, however, the
City adopts an Agricultural designation and zones this property as
Agricultural, then the use can continue forever.
3. Commissioner Kirk asked what legal counsel's opinion on the letter
received from Ms. Waters attorney in regard to the City's CEQA
documentation and process. City Attorney Kathy Jenson stated
that in regard to the allegations that they would not be able to
change crops or replant, that is obviously incorrect under the
City's Zoning Code. With regard to the issue of a proposed
residential development, at this time there is no residential project
application. At such time as an application is received and is being
processed, it would be appropriate at that time to formulate
mitigation measures that would provide notice to prospective
property owners in this location. At this time it would be
premature. In regard to the Agricultural issues, it is her
understanding there are no Williamson Act contracts according to
the environmental documents. Community Development Director
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Jerry Herman clarified that since the environmental document had
been prepared, it had been learned that two parcels did have the
Williamson Act contract, but applications have been applied for,
for non-renewal. This has to be completed before the property can
be annexed. Commissioner Kirk asked how the Williamson Act
applies here in regard to Ms. Waters property. Staff stated he did
not know if Ms. Waters property was under the Williamson Act.
Commissioner Kirk asked if the statements in the letter in regard
to the overdraft issue is it also not right. City Attorney Kathy
Jenson stated that was correct.
4. Commissioner Butler stated that during the public hearing process
of the Country Club of the Desert, these issues were addressed at
that time by Ms. Waters. Staff noted that when the Country Club
of the Desert was approved by Council it was conditioned to
inform property owners of this use. There is no application on this
site and therefore there is no way of conditioning it at this time as
this is only a pre-zoning application only.
5. Commissioner Tyler asked staff to identify Ms. Waters parcel.
Staff did so. Commissioner Tyler asked if the action being taken
by the Commission at this meeting would place any restrictions on
her property in regard to what she could do. Staff stated that it
had been the direction of the City Council to preserve the
agricultural and equestrian uses. Staff is'drafting language to do
this in the General Plan update. Commissioner Tyler asked what
would determine the zoning and her uses in the interim period.
Staff stated this preannexation zoning and General Plan
designation has no affect on Ms. Water's property until such time
as LAFCO officially annexes the property. These applications have
to go to the City Council for public hearing. The applications are
then prepared and submitted to LAFCO with the appropriate fees.
LAFCO normally takes four to six months to process an application
and at the end of that time the zoning would be in place. This
could take up to a year and a half before the overlay was in place.
Until that time, the only restriction on her property would be that
she could not add or enlarge any agricultural buildings. The
residential units are not affected. If the Commission directed staff
to do so, staff could'prepare an amendment to the Zoning Code in
regard to nonconforming uses.
6. Chairman Robbins asked if the City had any a agricultural zoning.
Staff stated that at this time there is no such zoning, and therefore
could not annex this property in with an agricultural zoning
designation. Chairman Robbins stated his concern was that this
property owner was being asked to go on faith that the City will
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June 26, 2OO1
do this. Is the entire area being considered for annexation under
farming. Staff noted it is mostly sod farming, equestrian, or
farming uses. Chairman Robbins noted that if the land is
developed, the water usage would be the same whether it is being
farmed or has residential uses.
7. Commissioner Kirk asked if Ms. Water's property could be
removed from the annexation area. Staff stated it could be done,
but LAFCO prefers an annexation area to have squared off
boundaries, but the final decision is up to LAFCO. Staff noted that
if this property is left out of the annexation and decides at a later
date to annex into the City, the property owner at that time would
be responsible for paying all the fees for the annexation.
8. Chairman Robbins asked if the applicant would like to address the
Commission. Ms. Nancy Aaronson, representing NRI, La Quinta
Limited Partnership, stated that they and Mr. Debonne own 80%
of the annexation area. They currently do not have plans for the
site, but do expect their use to be compatible with any agricultural
9. Commissioner Butler asked how the applicant could address the
issues raised by Ms. Waters. Ms. Aaronson stated she had briefly
read the letter prepared by Ms. Water's attorney, but some of the
issues sited as being unique to a farming operation are very much
applicable to a golf course operation. They run heavy equipment,
machinery, fertilizers, workers coming and going, the application
of chemicals, pesticides, very much like a farming operation. In
the event they were to develop this site with a golf course, they
would be sensitive to the agricultural operation.
10. Commissioner Tyler stated he is aware of the noise issues of a golf
course living in close proximity to one. He asked Ms. Aaronson to
identify who NRI was in regard to the Country Club of the Desert.
Ms. Aaronson stated this is a third partnership with related
partners. They are all affiliated.
1 1. Chairman Robbins asked if there was any other public comment.
Ms. Waters stated that she lives on a golf course and it is a
different type of operations. Her operation involves a lot of
machinery being operated during the middle of the night not just
5:00 or 6:00 in the morning. The chemicals they use are not the
same as a golf course operation. In addition, she is concerned that
they had to drill down an additional 700 feet to reach ground
water as their water source had dried up. Therefore, she is
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June 26, 2001
concerned what will happen when the golf courses go in. Her
concern is that the neighbors will eventually object to her farming
use and she will have problems continuing her farming operation.
She would suggest there be a 500-foot buffer between the two
uses. She would like to be left out of the annexation.
12. Chairman Robbins stated the Country Club of the Desert will be
using canal water which will have no affect on the ground water.
They will have domestic wells for people uses. There are farmers
who continue to use ground water for farming and this is one of
the issues that need to be addressed. The overdraft of the water
in this location of the Valley is due to the water for people to drink
and for farmers who chose to use ground water for farming. In
the overall picture, the site is better off with residential uses than
1 3. Commissioner Butler explained that pre-annexation does not take
away Ms. Water's rights to farm. Ms. Waters stated her concern
is that when people do move in, they will be before the Council
complaining about all the things that she is required to do to farm
her property.
14. Commissioner Tyler asked if Ms. Water's concerns were with the
impact her farming operation would have on the potential future
residents. Ms. Waters stated yes, and those issues raised in the
letter written by her attorney, Mr. Hargraves. COmmissioner Tyler
stated that whether or not she is annexed, the project will be built,
and the issues she is concerned with will still exist.
1 5. Ms. Gayle Cady, 82-831 Avenue 54, stated this is the first time
she has heard any mention of the possibility of an agricultural zone
in the City of La Quinta. The parcel in question is in a prime
equestrian as well as agricultural area. She does not know if it is
true or not that an agricultural use would use the same amount of
water as a residential use. Due to the location of this site next to
the polo clubs and Desert Horse Circuit, we have the largest
conglomerate of horses west of the Mississippi. This needs to be
taken into consideration because the smell of horse manure will
become an issue to these residents. She is also concerned about
the noise ordinance which would not allow tractors to operate at
all hours of the night. Community Development Director Jerry
Herman stated that under City ordinances there are no ordinances
regarding agricultural machinery. City Attorney Kathy Jenson
stated there is a general noise ordinance in the Nuisance Section
that says it is a nuisance for a person to make cause, or suffer, or
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permit to make unnecessary sounds which are physically annoying
to persons of ordinary sensitivity, etc. There is a section that
pertains to construction specific hours and days for construction
noise, but the Code clearly anticipates that existing,
nonconforming uses can continue in its intensity, so it is a good
argument that the Code would allow the existing levels of noise.
If there is an existing use that is established that may create
nuisance effects, if there is residential development coming to that
area, it will not be considered a nuisance because it is first in time.
16. Commissioner Tyler stated he was surprised to hear Ms. Cady
state that this is the first time she has heard mention of an
agricultural overlay. He has attended many of the annexation and
General Plan hearings and at each meeting the discussion has been
to leave agricultural as it is where it is until the property owner
want to make the change. Staff noted this has been the City's
direction since annexation first started. Ms. Cady stated she was
addressing Chairman Robbins comment directly as she was not
aware of a specific zone for agriculture and/or equestrian. In
addition, the horse industry brings in approximately $2 million
dollars annually to the community.
17. Ms. Ellen Lloyd Trover, 82-1 50 Avenue 54, noted there is no
equestrian overlay mentioned in the draft EIR prepared for the
General Plan update. She does not understand the agricultural
overlay and she is a retired attorney and does have a little
experience in reading legal documents. To her it is premature to
define what these things say until they can see the final ordinance
is writing. Therefore, she does not know what Ms. Waters would
be able to do. It is her understanding in listening to the time table
explained by staff, to bring the annexation to LAFCO, but
obviously it is unknown what will happen during the hearings
before it goes to LAFCO, nor do they know the exact process
before LAFCO or disputes that may delay it. Therefore, they are
considering an indefinite time that Ms. Waters may have to
operate under a system where we do not know whether or not she
would be able to change her current operation should she need to
modify them to continue her business. Also, we do not know
exactly what the overlays will allow. She is concerned about the
ground water use in the Valley. If this area is rezoned for Low
Density Residential then they are talking about at least a potential
for four houses per acre. For Ms. Waters property that would
mean four houses that would be using ground water which would
be an increase in the demand for more ground water to be used
Planning Commission Minutes
June 26, 2001
than her one residence uses. She is aware that CVWD has a
Water Management Plan, but as she understands it the EIR is not
prepared yet. It is a multi-agency plan so who knows how long it
will take to get all the agencies into conformity and agreement
with this plan or how long it will take to get it adopted and what
modifications may take place during the public hearings. If the
plan remains as it is written today, it will be the year 201 9 before
we stabilize the ground water overdraft. She realizes this is not a
huge project, but she does realize we have to start looking at
every single project and assessing its impact on ground water,
because we have to remember we live in the desert and without
water we will have nothing here. She is unsure what she is
objecting to except the "ifiness" of the project.
18. Commissioner Abels noted that the City is very concerned with
water uses.
1 9. There being no further public comment, Chairman Robbins closed
the public participation portion of the hearing and opened the
project for Commission discussion.
20. Commissioner Tyler stated that most of what has been stated is
probably beyond what can be decided at this time.
21. Commissioner Butler stated he knows CVWD has taken into
consideration the ground'water problems in the Valley and are
putting in ponds that will regenerate the sources. In considering
the applications that are before the Commission, he does not have
as many concerns as he will when an application for development
is brought before the Commission.
22. Commissioner Abels stated there will be many issues both pro and
con in regard to annexation and the Commission will have to
address them as they come up.
23. Commissioner Kirk stated the issues are not right for consideration
until a specific project is proposed. Ms. Water has shown a lot of
good sense by addressing this at an early stage. Some of her
concerns cannot be addressed at this time in regard to conditions
which could mitigate those concerns, as there is no application
before them for development. He reminded the Commission of
another project that was considered by the Commission. There
were different, conflicting land uses, but there the property
owners of the Low Density Residential were given notice when
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they bought their property that there would be a condominium
project with higher density next to them. They all received the
notification and signed off on knowing it would be there. Yet,
when that project came before the Commission, they protested the
development of the project. Ms. Waters is right, the proposed
project will be a wonderful project, and the people buying there
will object to the equipment used in her farming operation.
Therefore, he does agree that she has a right to be concerned. At
the same time, he concurs with Commissioner Butler, development
is going to occur whether or not it is in the City or County. There
are three options before the Commission: 1) approve the request
as proposed; 2) reject it; or 3) approve the request for everything
except Ms. Waters property. Therefore, he would suggest that at
this time they remove Ms. Waters property from the annexation
area. He would caution Ms. Waters that there is an old saying
about "being in the tent versus doing something out of the tent".
She may want to reconsider this decision. From his perspective
he would rather be in the City addressing his neighbors rather than
being in another jurisdiction. When she has to come before the
Council to request a setback for this project, she will be in the
County rather than in the City. She needs to make some strategic
decisions. She knows the project will be developed and should be
looking at this in how best to approach it.
24. Chairman Robbins stated he has a lot of compassion for Ms.
Waters, but what they are considering is an eventual annexation.
An annexation in and of itself does not change the land use or any
impact on what is currently there. He would agree that Ms.
Waters would be better off as part of the City rather than outside
the City limits. He would suggest they make a recommendation
that the City move forward with the annexation directing staff to
start the process of putting the equestrian/agricultural zoning in
25. Commissioner Butler asked staff if creating a new zoning would be
contrary to what they are trying to achieve. Ms. Waters wants to
retain her use and it has never been the City's desire to remove
the use. Staff stated we do not have an agricultural zone or land
use in General Plan or Zoning Code. In order to accomplish what
Ms. Waters wants we would have to continue this public hearing
and staff would have to create a land use designation and policy
for agricultural. Staff would have to create a zoning text
amendment for agricultural uses and then schedule those for public
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hearings before the Commission and City Council. This is the only
way her property and use could be made conforming. The other
option is to remove her from this annexation and address it when
the other annexation is brought forward which may be as much as
a year to two years away. Commissioner Butler asked if her
property was removed would it have any affect on the proposed
annexation. Staff stated it would be submitted to LAFCO for their
26. Chairman Robbins asked if Ms. Waters was the only property
owner not included on the application. Staff stated that was
27. Commissioner Abels asked staff to clarify what was before the
Commission. Staff explained that what was before the
Commission was preannexation zoning and land use.
28. Commissioner Tyler stated the Council has continually reiterated
that the City is not actively pursuing annexation. We are reacting
to those requesting to be annexed.
29. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kirk/Butler to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2001-090, recommending to the City Council
certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental
Impact for Environmental Assessment 2001-418, with the
clarification on what properties are within the Williamson Act
designation and have been noticed to discontinue.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and
Chairman Robbins. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None.
30. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Abels to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 2001-091 recommending to the
City Council approval of General Plan Amendment 2001-077,
subject to the findings and the elimination of APN 767-200-011.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and
Chairman Robbins. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None.
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31. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Abels to adopt
Planning Commission Resolution 2001-092 recommending to the
City Council approval of Zone Change 2001-100, subject to the
findings and the elimination of APN 767-200-011.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Tyler, and
Chairman Robbins. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None.
A. Sign Application 20001-554; a request of Palm Royale Country Club for
approval of a monument sign to be located at the southeast corner of
Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive.
1. Chairman Robbins and Commissioner Tyler excused themselves
and withdrew from the dias due to a possible conflict of interest
due to the location of their residences in proXimity to the project.
1. Vice Chairman Abels asked for the staff report. Associate Planner
Michele Rambo presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Vice Chairman Abels asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Butler asked staff to clarify what they were
recommending in regard to the size of the sign. Staff stated the
face is six feet six inches and the base is an additional 1 8 inches.
Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated the Code defines the
height as being at the grade of the sign. Commissioner Butler
asked if lighting was being proposed. Staff stated it would be
externally illuminated with flood lights.
3. Commissioner Kirk asked who approved the original sign. Staff
stated the last sign was approved by the City. Commissioner Kirk
asked what the rationale was for approving a sign that did not
conform to the Code. Staff explained the applicant had requested
an adjustment that was approved initially because of the distance
of the entry from the corner. Staff went on to explain other
developments that have the additional signs.
4. Commissioner Butler asked if the sign would have the phone
number. Staff stated they are recommending the phone number
be removed. Commissioner Butler asked if the restaurant sign,
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just before the entrance on Fred Waring Drive, would be allowed
to remain. Staff stated off-site premise signs are not allowed and
they would contact Code Compliance to check on the sign.
5. There being no further questions of staff, Vice Chairman Abels
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr.
Skip Berg, representing the applicant, asked who was responsible
for asking his client to remove the sign for the street widening.
Staff stated it was a CVAG project and included with the widening
of Washington Street. Community Development Director Jerry
Herman stated encroachment permits were needed to widen the
street which required the sign to be removed. The City probably
requested the removal to complete the street widening. Mr. Berg
stated the prior sign was larger than what they are requesting.
Staff stated that based on the sign originally approved, it was 6-
feet high from the base and six feet across. Mr. Berg asked if he
could replace the sign as it was originally approved. Staff stated
as long as it conformed to what was originally approved. Mr. Berg
questioned the size of the sign in regard to the base as it fits on
the berm. Why did the overall size include the base? They would
agree to having a planter with the sign for an overall 24 square
foot signage.
6. Vice Chairman Abels asked if there were any questions of the
applicant. Commissioner Butler asked the applicant to explain the
lighting. Mr. Berg explained the lighting and stated they do not
want a bright light.
7. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Butler/Kirk to adopt Minute Motion 2001-012,
approving Sign Application 2001-554, with an 18 inch base and
six foot sign. Unanimously approved.
Chairman Robbins and Commissioner Tyler rejoined the Commission.
A. Commissioner Tyler gave a report of the City Council meeting of June
19, 2001.
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There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Abels/Butler to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next
regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held July 10, 2001, at 7:00 p.m.
This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:57 p.m. on June 12,
Respectfully submitted,
~wyer, Executive Secretary
City hr'La Quinta, California
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