TURNERi 78-105 calleballede P.O. sox 15W Le QuIlQtf CA.f22t Kim) 664-11104-- 664-2246 PLANNING DIVISION 6/67 . ad each condition listed on the reverside side of this tom to seo l^ the proposed activity can Comply with the City's Nome Occupation Regulations. $35.00 fee TYPE OR PRINT IN INK APPLICANT'S NAME PHONE 619'- 5-61 �- 1� OZ It PROPERTY OWNER PHONE 6/9 S PROPERTY ADDRESS S3iG.S AU6WJVA IVALL.L-,:0. Ga* -Q0, -AJ .A t street.) GA Qy� w i�4 e .44 //C10A N/A- 9 z Z 5 3 RECDD (City) (State) (Lip) Type of residence (Single, Multiple, mobile home, etc.) .S/N SLG AN 0 8 1991 Type of business CITY u� LA QUINTA PIAMMG 1. ;C v v 3 desczi the Number of persons involved in business DNE - /7SC L/1 -f -- List names of persons employed /'7i�-/h/oma% T✓/i, N�/� -�YSL�CF- Sg4are footage of usable floor area in house (exclude garage) ,/.5 00 validation Stamp Location and square footage of area of 00518'' 10 8970 � � 07-9i 0 business activity in home (example: IO SASH i TOA S 35.00 bedrooms; 125 s feet) ,sT_r-r'z '?c��, hoc Description of machinery, uipment, and sullies beipq us in tie business operationS,�'�'1 �,AL� I have read and understand and agree with the conditions by which a home occupation is allowed (Conditions on reverse side). APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE " ..... ...`. „-^.-.,-..... If Applicant is other than property owner, authorization of owner or agent required. JAN 0 8 1991 OWNER OR AGENT SIGNATURE DATE CITY OF LA QUINTA IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be�grounds for denying your Name Occupation, or failure to comply with con tions- fisted• -on ••- reverse shall be grounds fox revocation of permit. f • f �f f f • 1 f f f f APPROVED S Initials Date ITZ A CHED -�' Initials Date Lpxanocc.PRT % s v 3 Q � V v v 3 desczi the Number of persons involved in business DNE - /7SC L/1 -f -- List names of persons employed /'7i�-/h/oma% T✓/i, N�/� -�YSL�CF- Sg4are footage of usable floor area in house (exclude garage) ,/.5 00 validation Stamp Location and square footage of area of 00518'' 10 8970 � � 07-9i 0 business activity in home (example: IO SASH i TOA S 35.00 bedrooms; 125 s feet) ,sT_r-r'z '?c��, hoc Description of machinery, uipment, and sullies beipq us in tie business operationS,�'�'1 �,AL� I have read and understand and agree with the conditions by which a home occupation is allowed (Conditions on reverse side). APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE " ..... ...`. „-^.-.,-..... If Applicant is other than property owner, authorization of owner or agent required. JAN 0 8 1991 OWNER OR AGENT SIGNATURE DATE CITY OF LA QUINTA IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be�grounds for denying your Name Occupation, or failure to comply with con tions- fisted• -on ••- reverse shall be grounds fox revocation of permit. f • f �f f f • 1 f f f f APPROVED S Initials Date ITZ A CHED -�' Initials Date Lpxanocc.PRT