Clausen & Mihajson• C, I��I�I 1111111111111 CITY OF LA QUINT 18-105 Celle Es/ed• P.O. sox 1504 L• Qu1nro,CA. 92253 ,(OW $64-11,66 564-2246 PLANNING DIVISION c:�� 6/67 ead each condition listed on the reverside aid eo this form to see f the proposed activity can comply with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. $35.00 fee 27C5250 7— G- AIDS TYPE OR PRINT IN INK E Cl -.14 APPLICANT'S NAME PHONE -66- 'S-71 PROPERTY OWNER PHONE PROPERTY ADDRESS `�i�IStreet�� (City) (State) (Zip) Type of residence(Single, !Multiple, mobile home, etc.) Type of business Dkief description of,how Phe business will operate n2 S Number of persons involved in business List names of persons employed Square footage of usable floor rea in house (exclude garage) �TiO cSij� Location and square footage of area of 5 16 business activity in home (example: 1 bedr ; 125 square feet) Validation Stamp 005182 10 1927 09-15--88 0 3.0 CASH i TOTAL 1 35.00 Description of machin , equipment, and supplies being used in the •busine� ration I have rea an� nders nd and agr ith the conditions by which a home,pccqpation is (lowed (Conditions on reverse side). APPLICANT SIGNATURE DD TE If Applicant 1s other thanro p party owner, authorisation of owner or agent required. f OWNER OR AGENT SIGNATURE DATE IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying your Home Occupation, or failure to comply with conditions listed on reverse shall be grounds for revocation of permit. 1 f • • f • • f R f • f •APPROVED Initials /S'- Date CONDITIONS A77A DENIED initials Date LQHOMOCC.PRT