June 7, 2000
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at
the hour of 5:30 P.M. by Vice Chairperson Mahfoud, followed by the Pledge of
PRESENT: Board Members Irwin, Lewis, Moulin, Olander and Vice
Chairman Mahfoud
ABSENT: Board Member Bulgrin and Chairman Osborne
OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director and Debbie DeRenard,
A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on May 10, 2000 for the Investment
Advisory Board.
Board Member Irwin advised that on Page 7, first paragraph amounts
referenced should have a dollar amount and on Page 8, third paragraph
should read that Board Member Irwin worked with the City.
Board Member Irwin commended Staff on the minutes.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Olander to approve
the Minutes of May 10, 2000. Motion carried unanimously.
Investment Advisory Board June 7, 2000
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for April 2000
Mr Falconer advised that Board Member Moulin noted two changes to
the Treasurers Report. The first Change - move the $755,339 cash from
the "Sold/Matured Column" to the "Other Column" and the LAIF amount
of $259,690 should be split between the purchases.
The Board discussed the length of investments and the available yields.
Mr. Falconer advised the Board that Page 4, bottom of the page, lists
the unrealized loss. He further advised that if the unrealized loss holds
true through June, the City is prepared to mark to market the portfolio.
In response to Board Member Lewis, Mr. Falconer advised that he
doesn't have the numbers for May.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Irwin to review,
receive and file the Treasurers Report for April 2000. Motion carried
B. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2000/01 Investment Policy
Vice Chairman Mahfoud advised that Board Member Moulin submitted
an attachment for the Investment Policy.
Mr. Falconer advised that the City Attorney is available via the
telephone, she has reviewed the Policy and she has indicated to Staff
that the changes in the policy are acceptable. He further advised that
Thomas Genovese, the City Manager is present to answer any
In response to 'Board Member Irwin, Mr. Genovese advised that he has
listened to the tapes of the meetings and reviewed the Investment Policy
and concurs with the changes.
Investment Advisory Board June 7, 2000
In response to Board Member Olander, Mr. Falconer advised that Staff
is comfortable with the LAIF limit set at 20%. He further advised that
the Staff will try to maintain at the 15% LAIF limit. He advised that
from time to time Staff may exceed the 15% limit, but it is Staff's
intention to adhere to the policy and maintain at 15%.
Board Member Moulin advised that he spoke with Mr. Falconer before
the meeting, because he objects to the parenthetical limit being
expressed in the policy. He further advised that the City had a policy of
35% before, with a management understanding of staying within 25%,
and this worked well. It was his understanding that this is the way it
was going to be in this policy. He noted that when you add the 15% in
the policy, this changes the number from 20% to 15%. He advised that
at the April meeting he indicated that he didn't want management to be
criticized if they exceeded the 15% limit in LAIF. He further advised
that Staff stayed within the 25% level with an exception of one month.
He further stated that the policy should indicate 20% and the
parenthetical expression should not be in the policy.
Board Member Irwin advised that having the parenthetical expression
was the exact reason he was prepared to support the Policy.
Board Member Moulin advised that he did not realize that the
parenthetical expression was going to be in the Policy.
Board Member Olander advised that it was his understanding that the
Board voted on the LAIF limit at 20% and this was the consensus of the
Board Member Lewis advised that the Board had a very lengthy
discussion last meeting regarding the LAIF limit. It was the consensus
of the Board to lower the LAIF limit to 20% with the stipulation that
Staff would try to stay at 15%. There is a lot of concern over the
direction that LAIF's investment policy is being affected by politics.
Board Member Olander advised that in essence, the City has a reduction
Investment Advisory Board June 7, 2000
to 15% in LAIF.
Board Member Lewis advised that LAIF is being lowered to 20% with
Staff trying to stay at 15%.
Board Member Olander stated he realized that the LAIF limit is 20%, but
it is 15% with the parenthetical expression.
Board Member Lewis agreed, but further advised that there is no
violation if Staff exceeds the 15% limit. He further advised that if Staff
feels the need to keep LAIF at 17% or 18%, there would be no criticism
from the Board.
Board Members Olander and Moulin advised that Policy should state
20% limit in LAIF with no parenthetical expression.
Board Member Irwin and Lewis advised that they would not be able to
support the policy.
In response to Board Member Olander, Board Member Irwin advised that
he feels 15% limit in LAIF is "a bunch" and he would not be prepared
to support the policy at 20% without the parenthetical expression.
Vice Chairman Mahfoud questioned if the Board is prepared to support
17% in LAIF.
In response to Board Member Irwin, Board Member Moulin advised that
the Board does have an agreement with the LAIF limit, but he does not
feel the parenthetical expression should be included in the Policy. He
further advised that this stipulation has not been added to the Policy in
previous years, and why would it have to be added to this Policy.
Board Member Irwin advised that the expression should be added this
year because he is not comfortable with the LAIF limit at 20%.
Board Member Moulin advised that the majority of the Board agreed with
the 20%.
Investment Advisory Board June 7, 2000
Vice Chairman Mahfoud advised that this was stated in the previous
Board Member Lewis advised that the policy has not been changed by
adding the parenthetical expression, so what is the objection to having
it in the policy.
Board Member Moulin advised that because it's a efacto requirement
of 15%.
Board Member Lewis advised that it's not a defacto requirement to have
LAIF at 15% because there is no way that Staff can be criticized if they
go over the 15% limit.
Board Member Moulin advised that when Staff was consulted about the
LAIF limit and what it should be, Staff suggested 25%. He further
advised that he is aware that Board Member Irwin is concerned about
the LAIF limit, but when you review the overall investments in LAIF the
biggest percentage is approved by the City Policy. He further advised
that, "if you leave the parenthetical expression in the Policy you might
as well change the Policy to 15% limit in LAIF."
Board Member Lewis advised that you can have both limits in the Policy.
Board Member Irwin advised that the Board has taken a lot of time to
arrive at the LAIF limit and the Board felt that by reducing the LAIF limit
to 15%, reducing the LAIF amount by five million dollars, this will give
Staff plenty of room. He further advised that he will not criticize Staff
again if they exceed the LAIF 15% limit. He also advised that this is a
good faith effort on the part of Staff to recognize the views of some
Members of the Board.
Discussion continued with the following motion made:
It was moved by Board Members Irwin/Lewis to reduce the LAIF
investment limit to 15% and remove the parenthetical expression from
the Policy. Motion carried with Board Members Irwin, Lewis and Vice
Chairman Mahfoud voting AYE and Board Members Moulin and Olander
voting NO.
Investment Advisory Board June 7, 2000
Board Member Moulin questioned if Board Member Lewis was happy
with page 1'0, Commercial Paper.
Board Member Lewis advised that he doeS not see a problem with the
Commercial Paper paragraph.
Board Member Moulin advised that the third paragraph should be
changed as the State Code does not allow over 31 days. He further
advised that it was his understanding that the sentence would be
eliminated along with the 5~ Sentence. He further advised that the
verbiage from Board Member Lewis was going to be added to the end
of the paragraph.
Discussion continued with the following changes being made to the
Commercial Paper paragraph:
Commercial Paper- As authorized in Government Code Section
53601(g), 15% of the portfolio may be invested in commercial
paper of the highest rating (A-1 or P-l) as rated by Moody's or
Standard and Poor's, with maturities not to exceed 180 days.
This percentage may be increased to 30% if the dollar weighted
average maturity does not exceed 31 days. Th~ Ci~¢ of La QuinL~
ll~v~st,~'~-~,t Policy o,~ly allows invcsb,-~-m[o in ¢oi~n~-~rcial paper '[o
30% of thC portfolio witl, a n~axiraurn ra~turity of ~:~i;i~ days per
issue. There are a number of other qualifications regarding
investments in commercial paper based on the financial strength
of the corporation and the size of the investment. Th~ CiLy of La
Quii,La InvcsLi,~ ~t Policy also Ii,Hits Cm~,~ercial Paper Lo i~o i~orc
'[h~n i~i~i!ili~ million dollars in any c~,~ c~[ity a~ any 'Lime for no more
Investment Advisory Board June 7, 2000
Board Member Moulin requested that the following be added to the
Board Member Moulin requests that the minutes covering the
approval of the Investment Policy for 2000/2001 explain his
continuing concern with the U.S. Government and Related Issues
section on pages 9 and 10. Last year Board member Moulin
recommended that this section of the Policy be revised to clearly
distinguish between direct obligations of the U.S. Government
backed as to principal and interest by its full faith and credit and
obligations of U.S. Government agencies, instrumentalities and
sponsored enterprises not backed by the full faith and credit of
the U.S. Government. The Board agreed and changed the Policy
to recognize this distinction, but did not adopt Board Member
Moulin's recommendation that, once this distinction is made, the
investment limitations recognize the difference in credit risk of
guaranteed and non-guaranteed financial instruments. Board
Member Moulin believes that the investment limitations of 75%
of the categories and 25% for a single issuer should be lower for
non-guaranteed than for guaranteed obligations as a recognition
of the differing inherent risks. For example, the existing Policy
allows the City to invest simultaneously up to 25% of the
portfolio in FNMA obligations, 25% in FHLMC obligations, 25%
in FHLB obligations and 2,5% in Federal Farm Credit Bank
obligations. The purpose of first three of these agencies is to
provide funds for home mortgage loans. The latter agency makes
loans to farmers. In such circumstances, the City would be
100% at risk for non-guaranteed obligations of U.S. agencies
either highly influenced by the real estate market or farm
production and prices. Adverse conditions in the real estate and
farm markets periodically occur in our system, sometimes at the
same time. Board Member Moulin believes that the City subjects '
itself to unnecessary risk by allowing this concentration of its
portfolio, and he favors more restrictive limitations to lower the
risk and diversify the portfolio. He voted against approval of the
Investment Policy in 1999 Partly for this reason.
Investment Advisory Board June 7, 2000
Board Member Moulin recognizes that the Treasurer exercises
good judgment to diversify the portfolio and would not
concentrate the portfolio in similar risk U.S. Agency securities.
However, Board Member Moulin believes that the Policy should
require such prudence. An example of similar prudence was
shown by the Board and the Treasurer in their review of the
Investment Policy for LAIF. They recognized that the investments
of LAIF have become more risky, and the investment limitation in
LAIF was lowered from 35% to 15% of the portfolio. At the
same time, investment limitations in commercial paper and in
diversified management companies in the form of a money market
mutual funds were increased to allow the Treasurer greater
flexibility in view of the restrictions placed on investments in
LAIF. One change allows investments in money market funds
that invest in U.S. agency securities, relaxing the former
restriction to funds investing only in direct issues of the U.S.
Treasury. Board Member Moulin agrees with these changes, but
notes that the addition of money market funds investing in U.S.
Agency Securities increases the City's aforementioned exposure
to these non-guaranteed obligations. He believes that the
Investment Policy, as it does in the LAIF situation should
recognize the risks and include a more restrictive limitation for
investments in non-guaranteed U.S. agency securities.
Board Member Lewis advised that the issues that have been brought up
by Board Member Moulin requires a lot of review. He suggested that the
Board leave this Part of the policy "as is" and add it to the 2000/2001
Work Plan.
Board Member Irwin advised that this was what was decided last month.
He advised that the term used last month was "watchful waiting." He
further advised that the Board does not have the tools or information
available to form an opinion on this subject at this meeting.
In response to Board Member Olander, Mr. Falconer advised that the
percentage change from 25% to 20% would not have an impact on the
Investment Advisory Board June 7, 2000
Discussion continued with the Board concurring to add Board Member
Moulin's concerns regarding GSE's to the 2000/2001 Work Plan for
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Irwin to approve the
Investment Policy as amended and forward the Policy to the City Council
for their consideration. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Workplan for Fiscal Year 2000/01
After Board discussion the following items were included in the
1. Review of the Investment Policy investments in GSE's
2. Internal Controls
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that there is
no requirement to evaluate BrOker/Dealers. He further advised that the
City has built up a relationship with the broker/dealers.
In response to Board Member Lewis, Mr. Falconer advised that the
backgrounds of the Broker/Dealers are researched yearly.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Olander to approve
the 2000/2001 Workplan. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Month End Cash Report- May 2000
Noted and Filed.
B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports - March 2000
Noted and Filed.
C. LAIF Answer Book Update
Noted and Filed.
Investment Advisory Board June 7, 2000
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Moulin to adjourn the
meeting at 6:35 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Submitted by,
Debbie DeRenard