CAMPBELL06 HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF LA QUINTI To -W tell* 198t•f• P.O. Box 1504 �• QuInNAA.02253 �(sif) •0s -==s• 664-2246 PLANNING DI6/07 Read eachcon t the severs e side o this form to see f the proposed tivity can o y with the City's Nome occupation CErVL) Regulations. $35.00 fee D E C 6 1988 TYPE OR PRINT IN INK APPLICANT'S NAME M a r V i i (� m n b e PHONE 1, l5 Sb q_2&O-7 CITY OF LA QUINTOPERTY OWNER 111n l,v a M0.r� p el\ PHONE le i-1-s-ke4-25z10-7 OPERTY ADDRESSi5 ?—�R (n Ave PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DE (street) _ L-0- Q�IN�t� CA Ct2LS3 (City) - (State) (Zip) Type of residence (Single, Multiple, mobile hone:, etc.)- itj 61 e Type of business %ctr�et iia r� i �a eam �aN y Brief description of how the business will operate CQ n,9 ell eQV[S /w orN �tio oa-i i �Q /a ebS• N►�kt- -Fm ovsw ctnu oAj e— Yes, essa Q/ Number of persons -involved in business 'IQ �• _ a ,y A, CCLMObzjj List names of persons employed -rjm -A, -5 Cam,42beil, Iln� Square _footage of usable floor area in - house (exclude garage) DS61 Validation Stamp -- Location and square footage of area of business activity in home (example: bedrooms; 125 square feet) lao -1p Description of machinery, equipment, and s plies being usedS,n the business operation D e- stn/ Il S&L i S ar e IN an! • Q /V / S rkP� �vs�def A.T. I have read and understand and agree wit the conditions by w_ hick a home occupation is allowed lConditions o rev s de). 005182"i092 01-12-89 13 i 0/ a �$8TAL 1 35.00 APPLICANTJSIGNATURE DATE If Applicant Sys other than property owner, author sa required. OWNER OR AGENT SIGNATURE DATE IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for.Qenying your Home Occupation, or failure to comply with conditions listed on reverse shall be grounds for revocation of permit. �� f ff f f f f f f f f • f f !/ APPROVED Initials 2 % Date CONDITIONS A4TACHED DENIED Initials Date LQHOMOCC.PRT ,