September 13, 2000
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at
the hour of 5:35 P.M. by Vice Chairman Mahfoud, followed by the Pledge of
PRESENT: Board Members Filice, Irwin, Lewis (5:38), Mahfoud,
Moulin, Olander and Chairman Osborne (5:37)
OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director and Debbie DeRenard,
A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on July 12, 2000 for the Investment
Advisory Board.
Board Member Moulin advised that he wanted to comment on page 4,
Item C, the third paragraph, the sentence "Board Member Moulin
advised that as the Board approaches the review of the GSE's, he
suggests reviewing the GSE's in an analytical sense, ~ he advised that he
probably said this, but it doesn't convey his feelings.
Board Member Irwin advised that he remembered Board Member Moulin
saying that phrase.
Board Member Moulin further advised that he would like to add to this
that when there is an issue to be reviewed it can be done subjectively
or objectively. Because words can be confusing, the word subjectively
can be substituted with the word judgmental, it can be a common sense
approach or a soft approach whereas an objective analysis would be
Investment Advisory Board September 13, 2000
analytical, scientific and based on hard data. He further advised that
the Board has capabilities to do the analytical review. But he further
advised that he didn't feel it was the role of the Investment Advisory
Board to do analytical work. The Board is here to advise on a
judgmental basis, whereas Staff has responsibility for both phases of the
Board Member Irwin advised that currently the Board is discussing the
minutes of the July 12, 2000 Investment Advisory Board meeting and
whether the minutes are correct as they stand. He advised that Board
Member Moulin is raising good points that should be covered in Business
Session Item B.
Board Member Moulin advised that it should be covered now because
he is trying to discuss the fact that the minutes express the wrong
feelings and he's trying to get the minutes corrected. He further advised
that at the last meeting when he spoke he was trying to express the
same thought, but it didn't come out that way and he further advised
that he compared the LAIF review with the GSE's and the LAIF review
was in his opinion a judgmental/objective basis and was probably the
proper way to review LAIF. He further advised that he doesn't think this
Board should get into the analytical aspects of the GSE issue. The
· Board should advise and help, guide, concur, or give guidance otherwise
in the Board's discussions.
Board Member Lewis advised that he arrived in the middle of the
discussion, and for clarification he questioned if the sentence was not
stated by Board Member Moulin.
Board Member Moulin advised that it probably was said by him.
Board Member Lewis stated that if he did say the sentence then the
minutes are correct as they stand. He further advised that the Board at
this point is trying to determine if the minutes are correct, not how the
Board is going to handle GSE's.
Board Member Moulin advised that he is trying to clarify the words
because the minutes don't convey his feelings.
Investment Advisory Board September 13, 2000
Board Member Mahfoud advised that the Board is aware of Board
Member Moulin's feelings.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Lewis to approve the
Minutes of July 12, 2000. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for June and July 2000
Mr. Falconer presented the Treasurers Report for June and July, 2000,
advising that he has included as a handout corrected copies of page 1
and 2 of the July 2000 report. He advised the Board Member Moulin
advised Staff that the formula used in the Sold, Matured and Other
column was in error. The error did not affect the bottom line total.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that the
formula was in error on the June Report, however the June Report has
been closed out and was not changed. The change would not affect the
bottom line total. He further advised that on Page 2 of the Treasurers
Report the Commercial Paper Investment was changed from 60 to 90
days per the 2000/01 Investment Policy.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Irwin/Lewis to review,
receive and file the Treasurers Reports for June and July. Motion
carried unanimously.
B. Review of Investment Policy Invests in GSE's
The Board discussed what type of process would be best in reviewing
the GSE's. Discussion continued with Chairman Osborne requesting
each Board Member share their concerns/opinion regarding GSE's.
Board Member Olander advised that GSE's have created a lot of good,
but obviously there are serious concerns. Some of the concerns are the
size, growth and ambition. This is a hybrid institution that is both
government sponsored and investor owned and it's unusual. In
reviewing the GSE's the Board needs to see how this type of security
fits in with the City of La Quinta. '
Investment Advisory Board September 13, 2000
Board Member Irwin advised that when this Board first put an
Investment Policy together it almost lumped GSE's in the same category
as treasuries. The feeling was that it's not always guaranteed, but the
Government does guarantee some of it and if they have a problem the
Government will bail them out. He advised that he didn't sense a
problem with GSE's until March/April 2000, and yet, at the same time
the City has a big investment in GSE's. The spreads that are provided
the City are converted out to $60,000 to $100,000 per year. If
suddenly the Board determines that GSE's are a bad investment, the City
will take a hit in the budget. GSE's are not guaranteed by the
government. The market says that GSE's are not a bad investment. He
further advised that he is in no place to say whether GSE's are a
bad/good investment. He advised that he spoke with a friend at the
Chase Bank who indicated that prior to March of this year, the spreads
were a little tighter for GSE's. He advised that he is beginning to
develop the view that the Board should view GSE's like any other triple
A investment with appropriate limitations. He advised that all the
backup attached to the Staff Report is already outdated. The
marketplace changes so quickly. He ended by saying he would like to
learn more about the Federal Home Loan Bank, Freddie Mac and Fannie
Mae systems. He advised that he feels a little uncomfortable with GSE's
but not enough to dump the investments currently held by the City. He
further indicated that he would not want to see the. City invest any new
funds at this time.
Board Member Mahfoud advised that he would like to hear what the
other members feel about GSE's. At the present he has more questions
than concerns.
Board Member Lewis advised that his feelings are that there are political
overtones going on regarding GSE's. He advised that he is always
suspect of anything that comes out of Congress in the form of a
problem during an election year. He further adVised that he is not
saying that there isn't things to be concerned about. If this was a
private, non government-sponsored entity there would definitely be
some really serious concerns. That Government-Sponsored part of the
title - yes congress has stated that they will not support them if they fail
Investment Advisory Board September 13, 2000
- however if they were .to fail, the US economy would be devastated,
He further advised that he agrees with Board Member Irwin regarding
treating GSE's as any other triple A investment.
Board Member Moulin advised that Board Member Irwin has done a
great job putting together the background for the Staff Report. He
further advised that he agrees with Board Member Irwin and the Board
is focusing on the right issues. It is important to recognize that there is
clearly a distinction between US Treasuries and GSE's. Within GSE's
there is a distinction also Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are publicly
owned companies. Federal Home Loan Banks are owned by their
members which are financial institutions and strictly a government
organization. Even within the group they are not all the same. He
further advised that he doesn't feel the Board needs to act as a matter
of urgency. As long as the Board focuses on the fact that GSE's are not
the same as treasuries, the Board is moving in the right direction.
Board Member Filice advised that in reading the Staff Report the
comment about the hybrid company she advised that she views this
from a business standpoint that the reason that GSE's have been so
successful is because of the type of product. The actual vehicle is
homes - a very positive driving force in the U S economy. She further
advised that her.feelings are that it portrays a false security.
Discussion continued with the Board agreeing to study and watch GSE's
closely and request Staff not to invest any new funds into GSE's and to
agendize the GSE's for next meeting for further review.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Irwin to continue the
Study of GSE's to the'next Board meeting. Motion Carried unanimously.
A. Month End Cash Report- August 2000
Noted and Filed.
Investment Advisory Board September 13, 2000
B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports - May and June, 2000
Mr. Falconer advised that this report is not a required report for the
Board and he questioned if the Board wanted to continue receiving the
Board concurred on continuing to receive the LAIF monthly report.
Mr. Falconer advised that he and Board Member Moulin spoke regarding the 6-
month cash flow portion of the Treasurers Report. He indicated that Board
member Moulin would like to see a comparison of what is forecasted versus
the actual amount.
Board Member Moulin advised that it's his feeling that the actual amount would
be of interest to the Board.
Mr. Falconer advised that he would place it with the Month End cash report.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Lewis/Irwin to adjourn the meeting
at 6:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Submitted by,
Debbie DeRenard