HENDREN (2)I111111IIIII IIII Ilil � � � �'-�`� �wl 06 � MAY 2 4 1994 • FEE $35--00 , CITY OF LA QUINTA"' 0 78-495 Calle Tampico, P. O.Box 1504, La Quinta, CA 92253 3S HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT Read each condition listed on the attachment to this form to see if the proposed activity can comply with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. BUSINESS NAME hjWA0,4r1f1 COBS; 1�!%, PHONE 6& PROPERTY OWNER PHONE PROPERTY ADDRESS' MAILING ADDRESS !� TYPE OF RESIDENC (single multiple, obil home, etc.) TYPE OF BUSINESS BRIEF,PFSCRIPTION OF HOW THE BUSINESS WILL OPERATE NUMBER OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS / LIST NAME OF PERSONS EMPLOYED =}— • SQUARE FOOTAGE OF USABLE FLOOR AREA IN HOUSE (EXCLUDE GARAGE) LOCATION AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF AREA .OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN HOME ( EXAMPLE , "BEDROOM -125 S.F.") DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIES BEING USED IN THE BUSINESS OPERATION I HAVE EAD, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE WITH THE CONDITIONS BY WHICH A HOME QCtI14 N,;S ALLOWED (CONDITIONS ATTACHED). TE IF APPLICANT IS OTHER THAN'PROPERTY OWNER, AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER OR AGENT IS REQUIRED. OWNER/AGENT SIGNATURE DATE IMPORTANT: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING YOUR HOME OCCUPATION; FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED PAGE SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT. • Building and Safety Department APPROVED DENIED CONDITIONS ATTACHED �6 :3 -3 Marquis&1anaqSnwnt qmup, awc. 68.895 Perez Road -Suite 23, Cathedral City, CA92234 (619)324-5811 fax (619) 324-1701 FAX TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM TOTAL DATE: -0 OF PAGES (including this one) TO FAX 77(- NNS ATTEN- p�- _ete4er\.8v%kV',_ RE.. FROM: IQaAO,-4 7\7U -q Lk 12 v 0 1 ' _ 3 ,_ I ARTICLE III .4,, , 1 USE OF PROPERTY F' _ 0 2 t' i 3.01 Single Pamily Residential Use. Except as provided in Section. 10.01 of this Declarati.oh; each Lot in the Project shall be developed and used solely for single family residential purposes. No Lot shall be improved except by a dwelling or residential structure ("residence") designed to accomodate no more .than a single family and its servants and occasional guests, plus m garage, driveway, fencing and such other improvements (fox example, swimming pool, tennis court or similar recreational facility) as are necessary or customarily incident to a single family residence, 3,02 Business or Commercial Activity. No business or m Comm ercial activity shall be aintained or conducted on the property, except that Declarant may maintain sales offices as provided in this Declaration, Notwithstanding the foregoing, professional and administrative occupations may be carried on within the residences, so long as there is no external evidence of such occupations, and provided further that all of the --- - � applicable requirements of the City of La Quinta are satisfied. •� 3.03 Leasing. No groom or rooms in any residence may be rented -'or leased. +However, nothing in this Section 3.03 shall be construed to prohibit the renting or leasing of an entire Lot together with its improvements as a single unit to a single family. All lease agreements must be in writing and subject to the.Governing Documents. ' 3.04 No Tem op rary_Structures. (a) Any buildings placed, erected or maintained on any Lot shall be entirely constructed on such Lot. No building, or portion of a building, shall be moved or placed on a Lot from outside of the Project, unless the 'prior written consent of the Declarant, its successors in interest or assigns, or the Association, is obtained. Any building or other structure constructed on a Lot must comport with the architectural and design standards set forth in Article VII of this Declaration. (b) No shed, tent, trailer or temporary building shall be erected, maintained or used Anywhere in the Project without , the approval of the Architectural Control Committee. 3.05 Restrictions on_Exploration and Removal of Minerlu. r AWNo surface area within the Property, nor any other area within "Uve-handred (500) .feet below the surface of the Proderty, shall be used in any manner to explore for or to, remove an/ ua4er, oil �"- og other hydrocarbons, minerals of any kind, gravel, earth or any eaartb substance or natural gaA of any kind. ry '. :....',ra.....ri,w,�.».is :,R i ? a ..� ���,'.�-'T�-'•.c:.�t.fi �;��� .fir. '} �2Tp,,: v( iv.a .• .fir � _ i., ' , �r ,. perry �-� t �e•� ��,�} l.J• ~,wl 11 */ 1� i. f. � .. ofL.l iI � 'i i \ i'7G't+"�.�; �'i-T�R � {^'si.ij'Tf+'; �T`�. n �',`.� _..� �. ..t+r • .�,'u'i','�3� "`+i - ti � �-.- '7: ;.� { ;.: _`'��' a_.. s � . .1 ` - ' ^""." ' ti '� •.. `•-;.�-'i4' i^r �+•-.fir,.* .(t-r�'r ' , .. 4 (y1 • • W E D 9 3 3 Aarquis xinagemwnt 49mup, arw. 68-895 Perez Road - Suite 23, CathedraiCity, CA92234 (619) 324-5811 tax (619) 324-1701 FAX... FAX TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: '5-/2 5 L9 TOTAL -0 OF PAGES (including this one) T0- FAX v 771- Z4S5 ATTEN:-Petfv41eMA V'(kA- RE:a, V% Date — FROM: 1-32V\C,� \ uccLk p - 0 1 , 1 Y-25-94 W E D 9_ 3 • • • • ARTICLE III SIDE OF nOFERTY F _ 0 3.01 Sin(111 Family Residential Use. Except as provided in section. 10.0of this Deciaraiion, each Lot in the Project shall be developed and used solely for single family residential purposes. No Lot shall be improved except by a dwelling or residential structure ("residence") designed to accomodate no more than a single family and its servants and occasional guests, plus a garage, driveway, fencing and such other improvements (for example, swimming pool, tennis court or similar recreational facility) as are necessary or customarily incident to a singlb family residence. �3°-02�--Bu9i°ness or Commercial�Activvity. LNosbusiness--or Commercial-acts'vv'L�:_.shall-be­maintained�or conducted on_the ,Property; except that. beclarant°'may�maintainsales of f i°ces7as provided in this, Declaration .Notwithstanding the foregoing., professions,. --and admi'nistrative_occupations may_,be_carzied on P,r hin ^the --residences-,- so -long --as --there is-no-external�ev Bence of such occup tions and -provided -further that all of theme a`ppl-tLCable-requirements of the City of La Quinta.-are satisfied.1 3.03 Leasing. No room or rooms in any residence may be rented or leased. +However, nothing in this Section 3.03 shall be construed to prohibit the renting or leasing of an entire Lot toQether with its improvements as a single unit to a single family. All lease agreements must be in writing and subject to the'Governing Documents. 3.04 No Tem op rary_Structures. (a) Any buildings placed, erected ormaintained on any Lot shall be entirely constructed on such Lot. No building, or portion of a building, shall be moved or placed on a Lot from outside of the Project, unless the prior written consent of the Declarant, its successors in interest or assigns, or the Association, is obtained. Any building or other structure constructed on a Lot must comport with the architectural and desXgn standards set forth in Article VIl of this Declaration. (b) No shed, tent, trailer or temporary building shall be erected, maintained or used anywhere in the Project without the approval of the Architectural Control Committee. 3.05 Restrictions on Exploration and Removal of Minerals. No surface area within the Property, nor any other area within five hundred (500) feet below the surface of the Property, shall be used in any manner to explore for or to remove any water, oil or other hydrocarbons, minerals of any kind, gravel, earth or any earth substance or natural gas of any kind. jg/hl/PC1.7 _7-