2001 06 13 IAB MinutesInvestment Advisory Board June 13, 2001
June 13, 2001
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 5:30 P.M. by Chairman Osborne followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Osborne, Lewis, Olander, and Mahfoud
ABSENT: Board Member Moulin, and Felice
OTHERS PRESENT: Tom Genovese, City Manager, Kathy Jenson, City Attorney,
John Falconer, Finance Director and Vianka Orrantia,
1. Mr. Falconer distributed an article from Board Member Lewis regarding
U.S. Treasury Notes and asked that it be considered under Board Member
2. Mr. Falconer stated that Board Member Moulin has requested that the
Board move the July Investment Board Meeting to a later date. Board
Member Moulin had an unexpected commitment. Mr. Falconer asked
that this item be discussed under Board Member comments.
1. Minutes of Meeting on May 9, 2001 of the Investment Advisory Board
Board Member Lewis stated that there was minor change on Page 12, the paragraph
stating "a motion was made by Chairman Osborne", the motion was made by Board
Investment Advisory Board June 13, 2001
Member Lewis to continue.
Chairman Osborne stated that on page 6, the middle of the paragraph, "Chairman
Osborne stated that last year the Board agreed on the LAIF percentage in May at 20%
and that it was discussed and changed in June to 15%." Chairman Osborne asked if
that was Board Member Lewis, due to the fact he was not in attendance at the
particular meeting.
Board Member Olander had one other minor change on Page 12, first paragraph, and
change the word "strap" to alleviate.
Board Members Lewis/Olander moved to approve the Minutes of Meeting on May 9,
2001 of the Investment Advisory Board, as amended, motion carried unanimously.
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for April 2001
Mr. Falconer stated that our average daily maturity is getting lower and he has
been trying to stay ahead of the yield curve. Mr. Falconer wanted to bring to
the Boards attention that due to the drop in rates, it's hard to get a rate of 4%
on new investments. Chairman Osborne asked Mr. Falconer if the yield is
5.53%? Mr. Falconer stated that on May 31'tthis was the rate, however, it
will be decreasing since half of our portfolio will turn over on May 31 st. Mr.
Falconer stated that in those two particular days May 30th and 31st, he had to
reinvest $30 million, with the property tax money that was received and with
investments that had rolled over. Board Member Lewis asked Mr. Falconer
what sort of maturities were the monies being invested in. Mr. Falconer stated
that they have been in three months due to the flat yield curve and did not want
to invest in two years at 4%. Chairman Osborne stated that he noticed that six
month U.S. Treasuries were down to 3.79% from 6.79% a year ago. Chairman
Osborne asked Mr. Falconer if we had fully invested in Government Sponsored
Enterprises (GSE)? Mr. Falconer stated that he had purchased quite a few
GSE's the first part of June. Specifically, Mr. Falconer stated that when he had
made his investments in GSE's, Sallie Mae's were not available, but that he had
invested in Freddie Mac for the first time. Mr. Falconer also stated that he had
invested a little over $2 million in Federal Farm Credit GSE's. Chairman Osborne
asked Mr. Falconer if commercial paper rates had dropped? Mr. Falconer stated
that these rates were currently at 3.95%-4% for 30-day commercial paper.
Investment Advisory Board June 13, 2001
Board Member Lewis stated that he was not aware that commercial paper rates
had dropped so much. Board Member Mahfoud stated that these rates would
remain in this range for the next 5 to 6 months.
Board Members Lewis/Olander moved to approve the April 30, 2001 Treasury
Report, motion carried unanimously.
B. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2001/02 Investment Policies
Chairman Osborne asked at this time if the City Manager or City Attorney had
any comments on the Investment Policy for FY 2001/02. Mr. Genovese, City
Manager stated that he had reviewed the policy with Mr. Falconer and did not
have any comments. City Attorney, Kathy Jenson stated that she had no
Board Member Lewis/Olander moved to approve the FY 2001/02 Investment
Policy, motion carried unanimoUsly.
Mr. Falconer stated that at past Council Meetings, a representative from the
Investment Advisory Board has been present to address any questions that the
Council might have with the Policies. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,
June 19th. Chairman Osborne did not believe he could be at the meeting;
however, Vice Chairman Mahfoud, and Board Members Moulin and Olander
stated that they would be at the meeting.
C. Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2001/02.
Board Member Lewis, referenced the U.S. Treasury handout he had distributed
earlier in the meeting and stated that based on the first paragraph of the hand
out, Mr. Greenspan states that there is a possibility, that the U.S. Treasuries
could become non-existent. With this in mind, Board Member Lewis stated that
we have in the Investment Policy a safety net of 100% in U.S. Treasuries,
which could mean that that if Mr. Greenspan is correct there may someday be
no realistic market in U.S. Treasuries for the City to invest in. Board Member
Lewis stated that the U.S. Government could go back into deficit spending and
require U.S. Treasuries. Board Member Olander suggested that we should look
into a contingency plan. Board Member Lewis suggested that we start
considering alternative safe investments for the City looking at the possibility
that U.S. Treasuries may become scarce in the future. Board Member Mafoud
asked the Board if we had just increased the investment in U.S. treasuries to
Investment Advisory Board June 13, 2001
100%. Board Member Lewis stated that 100% is the investment percentage
even if U.S. Treasuries are non-existent, and that we would not have a Problem.
Board Member Olander recommended and Board Member Lewis agreed that this
item should be on the Investment Board's Work Plan for FY 2001/02.
Chairman Osborne asked if there were any other items to add to the FY
2001/02 Work Plan and suggested that the Board continue Item C to the July
Board meeting.
Mr. Falconer stated that a Staff Report is needed for the City Council to report
what the Work Plans are for each of the Commissions and the Board for FY
2001/02. Mr. Falconer requested that this U.S. Treasury item and any other
items be included in the Work Plan for FY 2001/02.
A motion was made by Board Member Olander/Lewis to add the U.S. Treasury
buy back program and its effects on the City investment limit in U.S. Treasuries
to the FY 2001/02 Work Plan, motion carried unanimously.
A. Month End Cash Report - May 2001
Board Member Olander referenced the T-Bill at 3.6% and the discount rate at
3.5%, which are usually 50 basis points of each other. If the T-Bill rate gets
higher than the discount rate, the banks will go to the bond window and start
buying the yield on the Treasuries, which will have the an affect on the liquidity
of the country. Mr. Falconer questioned, for his own understanding, instead
of banks using money that the banks have for loans, will they invest in U.S.
Treasuries? Board Member Olander stated that was correct, the money would
be used to invest in risk free U.S. treasuries and not in loans. Currently, the
spread is 10 basis points; however, if the Fed lowers the discount rate the
spread might go up to 25, 30, 40 or 50 basis points with no exposure. Board
Member Lewis asked Board member Olander if the market has priced in a Fed
rate cut? Board Member Olander responded that it was currently assuming at
least a quarter point.
B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports - March 2001
Board Member Lewis referencing the year to year comparison LAIF performance
Investment Advisory Board June 13, 2001
report, states that LAIF yield was dropping drastically and they were also
shortening their maturity dramatically. They shortened their maturity through
March 2001 and May 2001, by almost 20 days. And while the rate has been
fairly stable it dropped from 5.97% to 5.19%. Chairman Osborne stated that
if you look at the difference at the 5.19% for LAIF versus the 3.5% or 3.56%
for U.S. Treasuries and that the 'difference is growing, and is greater than the
last meeting. Board Member Olander concurred that the LAIF rate looked very
attractive compared to U.S. Treasuries. Mr. Falconer stated that he wanted to
note total portfolio in March was $42 billion and the end of May it's $49.6
billion, so it has gone up 20% in two months. Chairman Osborne stated that
looking at the investments made by LAIF, they have consistently remained at
85% of the types of investments made by the City.
Board Member Olander stated that the July meeting needed to be rescheduled. The
Board agreed to move the meeting on from July 11= to July 19~.
Chairman Osborne and Board Member Lewis stated wanted to publicly acknowledge
the contributions made by Joe Irwin while serving on the Board.
MOTION - It was moved by Chairman Osborne to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.
Submitted by,
Vianka Orrantia