September 12, 2001
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 5:30 P.M. by Chairman Mahfoud followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Lewis, Olander, Mahfoud, and Moulin
ABSENT: Board Members Osborne, Mitchell and Felice
OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director and Vianka Orrantia,
In response to Vice Chairman Moulin, Mr. Falconer presented a corrected copy
of page 11, Authorized Investments and Diversification, of the July 31st,
Treasurer's Report, with changes to the GSE selection being made to coincide
with Investment Policy.
In response to Vice Chairman Moulin, Mr. Falconer also presented an updated
Executive Level Summary to be included as part of Item 6 - C of the
Correspondence and Written Material.
Board Member Olander asked that a copy of an article on GSE's from Wall
Street Journal be discussed under Board Member comments.
1. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on July 19, 2001 for the Investment
Advisory Board.
MOTION - It was moved by Chairman IVlahfoud/Lewis to approve the
Minutes of July 19, 2001. Motion carried unanimously.
Investment Advisory Board September 12, 2001
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for June and July 2001
In response to Board Member Lewis, Mr. Falconer stated that there was
not much of a difference from one report to the other and that the City
is trying to shorten the maturity and rates have been dropping.
Vice Chairman Moulin asked that due to the current situation in America
what affect would this have on the market? Board Member Lewis
advised that initially we would see the interest rates go down, and see
people pull out of the stock market and into the bond market, driving
prices up. He also advised that this might cause a typical "panic" sell
and realize that the economy is not as bad as perceived and start to
move back out of the fixed income range and back into the stock market.
Mr. Falconer advised that in December of 1 941 through January 1 942,
it took the market 60 days to rebound. Vice Chairman Moulin advised
that the market at that time was already in a depressed state.
Chairman Mahfoud also advised of the following historical dates and the
affect they had the stock market: 1941, after the attack on Pearl Harbor,
the first day of trading the market was down 2.9%; November 22, 1963,
after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the market was closed from
Friday to the following Monday, upon reopening on Tuesday, the market
was at 4.5%; 1993, the World Trade Bombing, the day the market
reopened, it was down .59%. He advised that there is no way to
determine as to what will happen to the stock market. The bond market
will be open on Thursday, September 13th' the stock market is expected
to remain closed until September 17th. The Federal Reserve is ready to
inject liquidity into the market, as well as the European Central Bank,
which indicates that from a liquidity standpoint there should be no
Investment Advisory Board September 12, 2001
A. Month End Cash Report - August 2001
Mr. Falconer advised that as a result of the percentage change in the
policy, in June, LAIF was at $8.8 million, and went up to $12.6
million. As of the end of August LAIF was'approximately $15 million,
due to the percentage increase in LAIF. The current interest rate in
LAIF is 4 1/2%, which is 100 to 120 basis points over the rate on
U.S. Treasuries.
Mr. Falconer advised on the last page of the Month End Cash Report in
the months of July and August the City had a strong amount of
building activity.
Vice Chairman Moulin asked what fund the building fees were placed
in, Mr. Falconer replied that these fees go into the City's General Fund.
In response to Vice Chairman' Moulin, Mr. Falconer stated that the
Developer fees, such as Transportation, Civic Center, Library, Parks
etc.., are placed into a special revenue fund and are accounted for
Vice Chairman Moulin advised that he noticed a slight difference in the
classification on the actual column, than Staff had on the monthly
Treasurers Report, but that the totals are correct.
Noted and Filed.
B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports - June 2001
Board Member Lewis commented on LAIF'S deposit at VIB was 44%
capital. Vice Chairman Moulin advised that number was not reassuring
and wondered how they are able to come up with that much collateral to
secure it. Board Member Olander would like to be able to review VIB's
balance sheet. Board Member Lewis stated that if their equity is $62
million, (they are a billion-dollar bank) it would be very easy for the bank
to come up with the collateral of 110%. He also stated that it is a rather
large percentage of equity to have in deposits, even though for LAIF it's
not a very big dollar amount, and he believed that it doesn't seem to be
Investment Advisory Board September 12, 2001
In response to Chairman Mahfoud, Mr. Falconer stated that he had a
request into the City Manager to invest in commercial paper, but due to
the current situation with the market, he decided to postpone any type
of investments at least for a week and remain in cash.
Chairman Mahfoud the Treasurer asked what the City would do in the
event the funds were needed? Mr. Falconer stated that he attempted to
contact LAIF on Tuesday, but it was closed. He was directed to an
emergency cell phone numbers and attempted to call and was not
successful. The LAIF office was open on Wednesday, September 1 2th
and we could have received our monies on that date.
In response to Vice Chairman Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that the.
Dreyfus Sweep Account report has been submitted to the City Manager
and is going to Council on Tuesday, September 18, 2001. Upon
approval, Staff will be able to sign the documents and get account set
Mr. Falconer advised that there is currently $5.6 million in money market
that was going to be invested in commercial paper, but he will leave it in
cash for now. Board Member Lewis asked if there was any reason we
could do any type of deficit spending for a couple of days, due to the
money being locked up in LAIF and if the there was a need for large cash
flow. Mr. Falconer stated that we could work off the float if the need
should arise. He also stated that generally two hundred thousand dollars
is kept on reserve for emergency needs.
Vice Chairman Moulin advised that page 1 3 should be corrected, of the
July 2001 Treasurers Report, Summary of the Investment Activity, GE
Capital should read 3.928% to agree to the lead schedule.
MOTION - It was moved by Chairman Mahfoud/Olander to review,
receive and file the Treasurers Reports for June and July 2001 as
amended. Motion carried unanimously.
Investment Advisory Board September 12, 2001
a "prudent" investment, especially in a bank that is rated average. Board
Member Olander stated that it is a little unsettling, if this is an indication
of what is occurring in the CD portfolio of LAIF.
Mr. Falconer advised the Board that the July Pooled Money Report had
not been received and will be distributed at the next Board Meeting.
Noted and Filed.
C. Analysis of Investment Percentages by Class and Board discussions
regarding LAIF.
Mr. Falconer advised that the information provided was to indicate the
discussions and actions the board has taken from previous years on LAIF.
Noted and Filed.
D. Joint Meeting with City Council - September 25, 2001
Noted and Filed. ·
In response to Vice Chairman Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that Ms. Mitchell
was going to be out of the area for the summer and it was his understanding,
if three consecutive meetings are missed, that is cause for dismissal from the
Board. As for Ms. Felice, she will be in attendance at future meetings via
Board Member Olander presented a handout referencing Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac Investments from the Wall Street Journal. Board Member Olander advised
that the article suggest that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should be independent
entities, and should be governed and/or regulated by the Federal Reserve. He
went on to state that the agencies do not want to be governed by the Federal
The two companies have taken over 40% of the mortgage market and have
devised some marvelous software, thus crowding out the GE Capitals and some
of the other major banks as players.
Investment Advisory Board September 12, 2001
Vice Chairman Moulin advised that due to the recent policy changes in GSE's,
this protects the City from an over concentration in these investments.
MOTION - It was moved by Chairman Mahfoud/Lewis to adjourn the meeting at 6:1 2
p.m. Mol~ion carried unanimously.
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Vianka Orrantia