October 10, 2001
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 5:30 P.M. by Chairman Mahfoud followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Lewis, Olander, Chairman Mahfoud,
Osborne, Moulin and Felice (via videoconference)
ABSENT: Board Member Mitchell
OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director and Vianka Orrantia,
At the request of Board Member Lewis, Mr. Falconer presented page 2 of the
June LAIF Report, to be discussed under Item VI - B.
Based on a conversation with Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer presented a
revised page 007 of the Treasurer's report, which will be discussed under Item
1. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on September 12, 2001 for the
Investment Advisory Board.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Member Lewis/Moulin to approve the
Minutes of September 12, 2001. Motion carried unanimously.
Investment Advisory Board October 10, 2001
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for August, 2001
Board Member Lewis advised that because the City no longer uses a
percentage of investments for the various government agency
investments (GSE's), he suggested making a change to Page 3, of the
Treasurer's Report, in the column listed under "Authorized Investments
and Diversification." Board Member Lewis further suggested that Mr.
Falconer change the title to read All Funds Actual Percentage or Dollars,
and list the dollar amounts of the particular agencies. Mr. Falconer
concurred and suggested adding another column to reflect all funds
actual and include the dollar amounts next to the column with the
percentages at 100% as a double check.
Mr. Falconer advised the Board of the revision on page 007. Mr.
Falconer advised that listed under Fiscal Agent Investments rather than
one block of information, with the new revision it would consist of two
blocks. The revision reflects the $34 million of Treasury Notes that were
purchased for the bond proceeds on the recent bond issue, which was
reflected in the total but not the detail. Vice Chairman Moulin advised
that the changes in bond proceeds from the beginning of the month to
the end of the month, and how it was being explained, are reflected on
the cash flow page on page 008.
In response to Board Member Lewis, Mr. Falconer advised that of the
$46 million that was spent, three weeks later, in accordance with the
agreement with the County, a wire was sent for $8.6 million to the
County to pay-off a Pass Through Agreement. Mr. Falconer advised the
Board that we are required by the IRS to spend the money within three
years or obligate the money for five years, per the tax-exempt laws. In
response to Board Member Lewis, Mr. Falconer advised the Board the
timing was right and the Redevelopment Agency had the bond capacity
to raise the funds and went to market. Board Member Lewis asked what
rate was being paid on the bonds, Mr. Falconer advised that the net
interest rate is approximately 5.1%. In response to Board Member
Lewis, Mr. Falconer advised that we had two ratings: the stand-alone
Investment Advisory Board October 10, 2001
rating, without insurance, was an "A" rating: however, insurance was
purchased, along with a Surety Bond, therefore the rating was a triple
"A" rating. Chairman Mahfoud asked who the underwriter was. Mr.
Falconer advised he would get back to the Board as to who the
underwriter was. (Wedbush Morgan Securities, San Diego, California)
Chairman Mahfoud asked if the City was making any changes in
projected revenue growth and budget due to a possible slow down? Mr.
Falconer advised the Board that he could speak in general terms, and Mr.
Falconer advised that he modified the revenue report to reflect revenues
for this year versus last year. For the months of July and August, the
City revenues are at their projections, if not a little bit ahead. September
was good for building permits, but T.O.T. Tax will be down around 50%
for the month. Mr. Falconer advised that he believes that there will be
a rebound in the economy next year and in terms of the City's budget,
the City will meet its projections for this year.
Vice Chairman Moulin advised that Mr. Falconer will continue to go into
shorter maturities. The $34 million was placed in Treasury Notes, with
a three-month maturity. Mr. Falconer advised the Board that he remains
very cautious due to the current market. Mr. Falconer advised the Board
that he currently does not have any investments in Sally Mae due to the
unavailability of inventory. Vice Chairman Moulin stated that the yields
were not much different between the Treasury Notes and the GSE's.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Member Lewis/Olander to review,
receive and file the Treasurers Reports for August 2001 as amended.
Motion carried unanimously.
B. Consideration of Changes in Investment Policies
Mr. Falconer advised the Board, the three items listed were an outcome
of the meeting with the Council on September 25th.
Vice Chairman Moulin advised that Staff is asking to lift the limitations
on the $6 million dollars previously agreed upon by the Treasurer and the
City Manager. Vice Chairman Moulin also advised that a larger number
Investment Advisory Board October 10, 2001
will be required, and the question to the Board would be whether or not
a limit would be needed.
Mr. Falconer advised that there are generally two funds - the pooled
funds under the direct control of the Treasurer and fiscal agent funds
under the control of U.S. Bank. The fiscal agent funds have no wire
limitation. For instance when the Treasurer called U.S. Bank and
instructed them to purchase $34 million in U.S. Treasuries, they
transferred the funds with no limitation. For pooled funds the Treasurer
tries to roll investments over as they mature and remit only the
difference, if any. However, there have been instances where an
investment matured and was not rolled over and the City received the
entire amount back. Mr. Falconer continued that the City has received
a T-Note of $10 million and it would take two days to reinvest the funds
$6 million one day and $4 million the next. In addition, the possibility
exists that with only one person able to verify a wire, these or any other
wire could not be processed if the verifier was unavailable. In response
to Board Member Lewis, Mr. Falconer stated that wires only come into
play with the pooled funds under the direct control of the Treasurer. In
response to Board Member Lewis, Mr. Falconer stated that the bond
proceeds are in the custody of U.S. Bank.
Board Member Lewis asked for clarification, if a $10 million bond was
purchased, even though Wells Fargo delivered a $10 million bond, Wells
Fargo would not deliver out the $10 million due to the 86 million dollar
limit? Mr. Falconer replied that Wells Fargo does not deliver out the
bond, and clarified that Wells Fargo was not our broker, and his limit was
$6 million per day. Vice Chairman Moulin asked Mr. Falconer if the bank
agreement specifies a limit or specifies no limit? Mr. Falconer replied that
it specifies the City specify a limit or no dollar amount on wires. Vice
Chairman Moulin asked who was authorized to make these wire
requests? Mr. Falconer replied that when securities are purchased, the
City Manager or designee's approval is needed, regarding the type and
the amount that the Treasurer chooses to purchase. Mr. Falconer advised
the Board that upon his arrival in the morning he calls and the bids are
received. Mr. Falconer chooses the investment he wants to purchase
that day, than Mr. Falconer instructs the broker to deliver the security to
the Bank of New York, which is the City's Trustee. The Bank of New
York is faxed a form notifying them to expect the security to be delivered
Investment Advisory Board October 10, 2001
with the CVSIP number and the dollar amount, along with instructions
with either same day or next day settlement. A wire is prepared and
initiated by either the Treasurer or City Manager. The wire is then
verified, with only one person in the City who verifies the wire, which is
the Accounting Manager. The AccOunting Manager verifies that the trade
ticket information agrees with the wire based on information prepared by
Mr. Falconer. Upon verification, either the Treasurer or the City Manager
sends the wire. Chairman Mahfoud asked that by adding one more
person to verify would there be room for error? Mr. Falconer replied that
by adding an alternate person, (Assistant City Manager) this would allow
him to make that day's transaction, in the event the Accounting Manager
was out of the office. Mr. Falconer advised the Board that there is a
three-step process: initiate, verify and send. Mr. Falconer can initiate the
wire; the Accounting Manager verifies the wire and than Mr. Falconer
sends the wire. The money is wired to Bank of New York and Bank of
New York than emails Mr. Falconer informing him that the money is
received. A journal entry is then made to book the transaction into the
City's accounting system. The City's Financial Services Assistant
prepares a fax to the Bank of New York. Board Member Osborne advised
the Board of his concern of having no limit on a wire, and the same
person sending the wire and receiving email confirmation and would
recommend the Financial Service Assistant be an additional wire verifier.
Mr. Falconer advised that he could instruct the bank to change the email
for verification to the verifier. Board Member Lewis advised that he
would like to see a change in internal controls prior to changing the limit
of the wire.
Mr. Falconer advised the Board that due to the recent events he would
like to expand the number of brokers at the three broker/dealers. Mr.
Falconer continued that at two of the three broker/dealers only one
broker has been approved. Board Member Osborne recommended Diane
Valenzuela from our Merrill Lynch broker/dealer in Indian Wells. Mr.
Falconer stated that he had intended to ask Fred Sandoval of Merrill
Lynch for his recommendations. Mr. Falconer stated the City has a
prescribed process on bringing on new brokers, which would come before
the Investment Board prior to Council consideration Mr. Falconer
recommended three brokers per broker/dealer.
Investment Advisory Board October 10, 2001
MOTION - It was moved by Lewis/Olander to recommend the changes
as discussed. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Month End CaSh Report - September 2001
Mr. Falconer advised the Board that he currently has not been making
any investments in Commercial Paper due to the current situation in
In response to Chairman Mahfoud, Mr. Falconer advised that the City
will have some investments due at the end of October and a large
maturity at the end of November.
Noted and Filed.
B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports - July 2001
Board Member Lewis advised the Board that he requested page 2 of the
June LAIF Report to be distributed. In the July report, year-to-date yield,
last day of the month, it went from June of 2001 at 6.1% to July 2001
at 4.6%. The June report went from May of 2001 at 6.2% to June
2001 at 6.1%. Board Member Lewis advised the Board that this was a
substantial drop in the July report. Mr. Falconer advised that it was
possible the drop in percentage was due to a fiscal year end as to
compared to a month end report.
Noted and Filed.
Board Member Lewis asked Mr. Falconer if the Minutes from the joint meeting
with the City Council were going to be distributed for approval. Mr. Falconer
responded that the Minutes will go to the City Council for approval and will be
included in the next Investment Advisory Board Agenda packet upon Council's
Investment Advisory Board October 10, 2001
MOTION - It was moved by Chairman Mahfoud/Lewis to adjourn the meeting at 6:20
p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Vianka Orrantia