November 14, 2001
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 5:30 P.M. by Chairman Mahfoud followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Lewis, Olander, Chairman Mahfoud, Moulin,
Osborne (5:35) and Felice (via videoconference)
OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director, Vianka Orrantia, Secretary,
and Cecil Mitchell
1. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on October 10, 2001 for the Investment
Advisory Board.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Member Lewis/Moulin to approve the
Minutes of October 10, 2001. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for September, 2001
Vice Chairman Moulin advised that on page 3 of the Treasurer's Report,
that the U.S. Treasury Bills should reflect 100%, not 75%.
Investment Advisory Board November 14, 2001
Mr. Falconer advised the Board that the current interest rates continue to
drop, since the September 30TM Treasury Report. The three/six month
Treasury Note rates are currently about 1.80%. The spread between
Government Agencies and Treasuries is about four or five basis points,
which is not much of a spread between the two investments. Mr.
Falconer also advised the Board that there would be mid-year corrections
on the estimated interest income based on the rates dropping. The City
currently is vested in all GSE agencies except for Sallie Mae and Ginne
In response to Vice Chairman Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that this will
cut the City's investment interest budget in half, due to the original
budget at using 4F2 % to 5%, which will be decreased down to around
2 1/2%. In response to Vice Chairman Moulin's whether the budget will
be amended due to the percentage change, Mr. Falconer replied that at
mid-year, between January/February of each year, staff will go through
expenditures and revenues and look at how they are performing and than
make recommendations to Council, either to increase appropriations and
revenues or vice versa.
In response to Board Member Lewis' question about what the Treasurer's
plans were for the Treasury Notes that matured on the 31st of October,
Mr. Falconer replied that the $4 million Treasury Note was rolled into
another Treasury Note. Mr. Falconer continued that a larger amount will
mature at the end of November, which is currently invested in Treasury
Notes and they it will be rolled back into Treasury Notes. Mr. Falconer
advised that looking at the yield curve, he felt that the City shouldn't go
over 3 months. In response to Chairman Mahfoud, Mr. Falconer advised
that the RDA currently has $34.3 million invested in Treasury Notes.
MOTION - It was moved by Lewis/Olander to approve, receive and file
the Treasurer's Report for September 2001. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Month End Cash Report - October 2001
In response to Board Member Olander, Mr. Falconer advised,
Investment Advisory Board November 14, 2001
referencing the LAIF performance report on page 009 that the October
daily report is down 364 basis points. Mr. Falconer advised the Board
that this amount could be checked daily via the Internet. Mr. Falconer
also advised the Board that the only other option in investments would
be commercial paper, but due to the current economic situation in the
U.S., he does not feel comfortable in doing so at this time. Board
Member Olander felt that Mr. Falconer would be forced back into some
of these investments to contin'ue some type of return. Board Member
Lewis advised that if Mr. Falconer continued to keep the investments
between 30 to 45 days, that he would be able to pick up a few basis
points in yield with commercial paper. In response to Vice Chairman
Moulin, Mr. Falc(Jner advised the Board some of the money would be
taken out of LAIF due to the upcoming warrant run.
Board Member Osborne advised that he felt that the Board should
consider increasing the maximum maturity on investments beyond two
years, which is allowed by the State. Board Member Lewis advised
that this might be possible if this would be tied with a portfolio
percentage limitation, for example, only 10% portfolio could be over a
particular maturity or tied in some way so that not all the money is
tied up three years. Board Member Olander felt that would give the
investments more stability and more yield. Vice Chairman Moulin
advised that he felt this was a no risk way to extend maturities. The
Board concurred that the maximum maturity on investments should be
discussed when next year's investment policy is brought back to the
Noted and Filed.
B. City of La Quinta Special Meeting Minutes - September 25, 2001.
Vice Chairman Moulin requested that a correction be made to the
minutes prepared by the City Clerk to reflect Chairman Mahfoud as
Chairman and not previous Chairman Osborne.
Board Member Olander advised that on page 5 of the minutes, where
it stated "Board Member Olander noted that there could have been a
liquidity problem had the City's investments been 100% in U.S.
Investment Advisory Board November 14, 2001
Treasuries." he felt that this statement was out of context. Board
Member Olander said this statement read that he was alluding
to the fact the Board had gone to the possibility 100% securities in
the event of a national disaster.
Mr. Falconer advised the Board that the Council reviewed the Board's
recommendations from the September 25~h joint meeting and
concurred with Staff's recommendations for September. Wells Fargo
has been notified to change the wire limit, to no daily limit and
questionnaires have been sent to the Brokers.
Mr. Falconer advised the Board that the monthly LAIF report was not
Board Member Osbourne requested clarification, referencing the
paragraph on page 8 in the Department Staff Report. Mr. Falconer
clarified that the Financial Services Assistant will receive the
verification from the custodian (Bank of New York) once securities are
Noted and Filed.
In response to Vice Chairman Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised the Board that
Board Member Mitchell was appointed to the Investment Board in July. Mr.
Falconer also advised that the policy states if there are three unexcused
absences in a row, than the position is deemed vacant. It was Mr.
Falconer's understanding that a letter is currently being processed by the
Mayor to be sent to Ms. Mitchell and there is an item on the November 20th
Council Meeting regarding the vacancy. Vice Chairman Moulin reiterated
that the Investment Advisory Board is currently working as a six person
Board, as opposed to seven people Board.
Investment Advisory Board November 14, 2001
MOTION - It was moved by Board Member Lewis/Olander to adjourn the meeting at
6:02 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
S~ubmffted b~-
Vianka Orrantia