2002 02 05 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 5, 2002 A special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 12:00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Sniff. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Mayor Pro Tem Sniff ABSENT: Council Member Perkins, Mayor Pe~a MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to excuse Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to take up Confirmation of Agenda at this time. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA City Attorney Jenson advised the agenda should be corrected to read "Special" meeting since the City Council meeting of January 19, 2002, was adjourned to February 5, 2002, at 2:00 p.m. and this meeting was scheduled at 12:00 Noon. She further noted Closed Session Items No. 1 should be modified to read, ". .... pending litigation, City of Indio v. City of La Quinta, Riverside County Superior Court, Indio Branch, Case No. 025560 ...... "; and Item No. 2 should read, ". ..... Coachella Valley Water District v. City of La Quinta, Case No. INC010827 ..... " City Manager Genovese advised Waste Management of the Desert has requested the presentation on the transfer station be continued to a future meeting. .. MOTION -It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to confirm the agenda as corrected. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. PUBLIC COMMENT- None CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with legal counsel regarding pending litigation, City of Indio v. City of La Quinta, Riverside County Superior Court, Indio Branch, Case No. 025560, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). City Council Minutes 2 February 5, 2002 2. Conference with legal counsel regarding pending litigation, Coachella Valley Water District v. City of La Quinta, Case No. INC010827 pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). 3. Conference with the City's real property negotiator, Mark Weiss, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located east of Madison Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 60, Property Owner/Negotiator: Winchester Development; real property located west of Madison Street between Avenue 60 and Avenue 62, Property Owner/Negotiator: Davis Capital Management; and real property generally located on the west side of Jefferson Street south of Avenue 62, Property Owner/Negotiator: KSL. Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the hour of 3:00 p.m. 3:00 P.M. The City Council meeting reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code (Brown Act). Mayor Pro Tem Sniff led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT Seth Etinger, 78-720 Avenida La Fonda, expressed appreciation for the Calle Rondo drainage ditch improvements. He also spoke about the high cost of flood insurance rates and asked the City to get Flood Zone A-O eliminated. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA City Attorney Jenson reiterated the corrections to the agenda noted prior to Closed Session. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None City Council Minutes 3 February 5, 2002 PRESENTATIONS The presentation by Waste Management of the Desert was continued to a future meeting as noted under Confirmation of Agenda. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE 1. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE FROM LA PRENSA HISPANA. Received and filed. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to approve the City Council Minutes of January 15, 2002, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED FEBRUARY 5, 2002. 2. APPROVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP 29909, SANTA ROSA PLAZA LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. 3. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A DONATION FROM WAL-MART TO THE LA QUINTA SENIOR CENTER. (RESOLUTION NO. 2002-05) 4. APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE (PS&E) AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BID, PROJECT NO. 99-04A, AVENUE 52 SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS. 5. APPROVAL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH WILLDAN TO PREPARE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE (PS&E) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2001/2002 TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, PROJECT NO. 2001 - 10. 6. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING PROPOSITION 42, THE TRANSPORTATION CONGESTION IMPROVEMENT ACT. (RESOLUTION NO. 2O02-06) City Council Minutes 4 February 5, 2002 MOTION -It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended with Item Nos. 3 and 6 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 2002-05 and 2002-06 respectively. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2002-05. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF A SPONSORSHIP REQUEST FROM THE COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP FOR INTERNATIONAL TRADE OUTLOOK 2002. Assistant City Manager Weiss presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Weiss confirmed the City participated last year by sponsoring a luncheon. Michael Bracken, 73-710 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert, President of Coachella Valley Economic Partnership, briefly reviewed the upcoming event and current sponsors. He stated their budget for the event is $70,000. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to approve a $5,000 sponsorship for International Trade Outlook 2002 from Economic Development Advertising Account No. 101-103-643-823. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2002-06. 2. CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT REQUESTS. Commuriity Services Director Horvitz presented the staff report and a brief synopsis of each grant request. She also explained the matching funds requirement for grants exceeding $2,499. Michelle Haddock, 68-625 Perez Road, Cathedral City, spoke regarding the benefits of the C.A.R.E. program and urged approval of the funding request. Juan De Lara, 82-675 Highway 111, Indio, Coordinator for the C.A.R.E. Program, explained the benefits of having a local seminar and advised the funds would be used to provide training materials for the seminar. He confirmed the County funds the C.A.R.E. Program but the seminar is funded through City Council' Minutes 5 February 5, 2002 sponsorships. He added two or three La Quinta Police Officers attended the seminar last year. Judy Campbell, 82-675 Highway 111, Indio, of Riverside County District Attorney's Office, spoke in support of the C.A.R.E. Program and urged approval of the funding request. Dan Capone, 82-675 Highway 111, Indio, of Riverside County District Attorney's Office, spoke regarding the increase in elder abuse crimes and urged support of the C.A.R.E. Program funding request. Council concurred to review the grant requests individually as follows: The Living Desert After a brief discussion, Council concurred to support a funding amount of $1,000. United Cerebral Palsy In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Horvitz stated the funds are for prizes, decorations, etc. for the group's Easter Egg Hunt at the Fritz Burns Park. Council Member Henderson stated she would support the funding request this year but not on an annual basis. Council concurred to support funding in the amount of $1,250. Riverside County C.A.R.E. Program Council Member Henderson referenced the matching fund requirement and stated she would support $2,499 this year but would like to see the group become self supporting. Council Member Adolph agreed with a funding amount of $2,499. Mayor Pro Tem Sniff suggested a funding amount of $3,000 with matching funds. He stated he didn't have a problem with organizations asking for funds each year because the needs continue from year to year. A discussion resulted in a consensus to support a funding amount of $2,499. City Council Minutes 6 February 5, 2002 La Quinta High School Band Boosters After a brief discussion, Council concurred to support funding in the amount of $2,499. Coachella Valley Recreation & Park District Rudy Acosta, of Coachella Valley Recreation & Park District (CVRPD), reviewed the site and floor plans, and elevations for proposed improvements to the Frances Hack Community Park. He advised the requested funding is to cover the cost of City fees. The park improvements include a 6,000 square foot community center, a restroom/concession facility, amphitheater, basketball courts, ballfield, improved lighting, bleachers, and shade structures. He confirmed the red brick paving in the streets would be incorporated into the park design. Mayor Pro Tem Sniff questioned the Special Projects Contingency Fund (SPCF) being the proper venue for the expenditure. City Manager Genovese noted the City does not have a fee waiver program and confirmed the SPCF can be utilized. Council Member Henderson suggested retaining or moving the gazebo if structurally sound. She stated she supports the funding request because CVRPD is a significant organization in the community and because the funds are for capital improvements. Council Member Adolph agreed it's time to update the park and stated he supports the funding request. Mayor Pro Tem Sniff voiced concern about utilizing the SPCF for such a large grant amount. MOTION -It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to approve the Community Services Grant requests as follows: The Living Desert - $1,000; United Cerebral Palsy - $1,250; Riverside County C.A.R.E. Program - $2,499; La Quinta High School Band Boosters- $2,499; and Coachella Valley Recreation & Park District- $14,927, from the Special Projects Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2002-07. City Council Minutes 7 February 5, 2002 3. CONSIDERATION OF PARTICIPATION IN THE DESERT SENIOR INSPIRATION AWARDS PROGRAM. Community Services Director Horvitz presented the staff report. Council concurred to support the recommendation by the Friends of the La Quinta Senior Center and to reserve one table (10 seats) at the Senior Inspiration Luncheon. Robert Tyler, 44-215 Villeta Drive, expressed appreciation for the nomination and noted the biography should be corrected to read 8 foster children instead of 10. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to approve the City's participation in the "Desert Senior Inspiration Awards" Program and the selection of Robert Tyler as the City's nominee, and to direct staff to reserve one table at the Senior Inspiration Luncheon. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2002-08. 4. CONSIDERATION OF REDEVELOPMENT/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT SERVICES. Assistant City Manager Weiss presented the staff report. MOTION -It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to authorize staff to negotiate an extension to the contract with Rosenow Spevacek Group (RSG) for redevelopment/economic development consultant services. City Manager Genovese confirmed the negotiated contract will come back to Council for approval. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2002-09. 5. CONSIDERATION OF MID-YEAR BUDGET REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001/2002. Finance Director Falconer presented the staff report. City Council Minutes 8 February 5, 2002 Council Member Adolph questioned the $40,000 mid-year budget request for reprinting of the General Plan changes. He also asked about the decrease in vehicle fines and the difference in the revenue figures for the library. Mr. Falconer noted, although vehicle fines have decreased, parking violations have increased for a total increase of approximately $20,000. As for the library figures, he explained the difference between the $95,000 and $87,000 amounts is interest income. Council Member Henderson stated she was pleased that the General Plan changes will be reprinted. In response to Mayor Pro Tern Sniff, Mr. Falconer confirmed all the City's current investments are short term. Council Member Adolph stated he was pleased with the conservative approach and stated he hopes any anticipated excess in revenues over expenditures is used to increase the City's emergency and cash flow reserves. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to: 1 ) approve an increase in estimated revenues for Project Area No. 1 and 2 totaling $5,013,775; 2) approve the new appropriations as outlined in Attachment No. 1 of this report totaling $586,425 from the General Fund and $1,923,894 in RDA Project Areas No. 1 and 2; and 3) approve the revised reduction in investment earnings as outlined in this report totaling $211,600. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2002-10. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to receive and file the Mid-Year Budget Report. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2_002-11. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF DESIGN CONCEPTS FOR THE CITY'S THIRD FIRE STATION. Building & Safety Director Hartung presented the staff report. Kelley Needham, 10470 Foothill Boulevard, Rancho Cucamonga, of WLC Architects, reviewed site and floor plans for the fire station along with two design concepts. City Council Minutes 9 February 5, 2002 In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Needham confirmed a six-foot high block wall is proposed along the west boundary and on a portion of the north and south boundaries. He also confirmed the need to discuss the well site with CVWD and explained four individual restroom/shower areas take up less space than separate areas for both genders. In response to Council Member Adolph, Battalion Chief Dorian Cooley confirmed he is pleased with the layout and feels three offices are needed to fulfill both current and future needs. Council Member Henderson stated Council Member Perkins voiced concern to her about the lobby/reception area being so far away from the living quarters. She also asked about the building height and roofing materials. Mr. Needham stated the offices adjacent to the lobby will be used during the day and at night there will be a tone to notify personnel in the living area if someone is at the lobby entrance. He advised the overall height of the building is 32 feet, and he reviewed the storage areas. He also distributed models of the two design options with tile or metal sheeting roofs. Battalion Chief Cooley spoke to the importance of having sufficient storage for original documents they are required to keep as well as storage for fire equipment, maintenance and janitorial supplies, etc. Council Member Adolph asked about access to the mezzanine storage area and commented on the difficulty of carrying materials up a steep ladder. Mayor Pro Tem Sniff commented on the need for the facility to be attractive and functional. He supported Design Option # 2 but voiced some concern about the separation between the offices and living quarters. Mr. Needham confirmed the apparatus room can be placed at one end of the building for future expansion but fire personnel usually prefer a separation between the two areas. He advised the proposed apparatus room will accommodate four standard size fire engines or two fire engines and a ladder truck. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Needham confirmed a storage area is doable in either design concept. Council Member Henderson supported Design Concept #2 because she felt it's more compatible with the neighborhood. City Council Minutes 10 February 5, 2002 Council Member Adolph agreed and supported a neutral color tile roof that is compatible with the adjacent church building. Council concurred on Design Option #2 with a compatible tile roof. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS CVAG Human and Community Resources Committee -- Council Member Adolph reported the County may decide to close the Indio Animal Shelter once the Valleywide Animal Shelter is built because of the estimated cost of $750,000 to upgrade the Indio facility. He has asked the County to get back to the Committee before making a final decision. CVAG Energy & Environmental Resources Committee -- Mayor Pro Tem Sniff reported the Waste Management Subcommittee has forwarded two waste transfer station proposals by Burrtec and Waste Management to the Riverside County Board of Supervisors for consideration. All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1-B. STATUS OF ELECTED REPRESENTATION ON THE COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP'S EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Council concurred with the staff recommendation in the staff report. 1-C. MID-YEAR REPORT ON CITY OF LA QUINTA MARKETING PROGRAM. In response to Council Member Henderson, Andrea Carter, of Kiner/Goodsell stated they will prepare a report in February on the Village Faire and will be making recommendations regarding future events. Council Member Henderson commented on the Iow attendance and inquired about the status of light poles and banners in other areas of the City to advertise the Village Faire. City Manager Genovese confirmed staff is working on that issue. She suggested placing the large sign in another location and City Council Minutes 11 February 5, 2002 stated she felt it may be time to consider sending out another RFP for marketing services. Council Member Adolph commented on the decrease in vendors and agreed the event needs rejuvenation. Ms. Carter advised the West Coast Flyer Band will be back at the March and/or April events. Mayor Pro Tem Sniff suggested this item be placed on a future agenda as a study session item. 3-B. REPORT ON CITY PINS. After a brief discussion regarding a new City pin design proposed by Mayor Pro Tem Sniff to commemorate the City's 20th Anniversary, Council concurred to order 2,000 to 2,500 commemorative City pins. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS 1. DISCUSSION REGARDING LA QUINTA CIVIC MUSIC CONCERTS. Council Member Adolph expressed a desire to have a full Council when this item is discussed and asked that it be continued to a future agenda. Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council reconvened and recessed to and until 7:00 p.m. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT Gayle Cady, 82-814 Avenue 54, requested signage for the equestrian trails' along Madison Street and expressed appreciation for the City's cooperation in the 2nd Annual Madison Save-the-Trails Ride. She also commented about recent improvements at Lake Cahuilla. City Council Minutes 12 February 5, 2002 PRESENTATIONS The Mayor Pro Tem and Council Members presented art awards to the following students of Truman Elementary School whose artwork has been displayed at City Hall: Carlos Jose Aguilar Amanda Imel Crystal Ortiz Gussy Alexander Alyssa Jaraczewski Logan Perry Teddy Alexander Aaron Jaraczewski Brittanie Pimentel Holly Armour Caitlin Jeffredo Spencer Pixley Melissa Becerra Regan King Jessica Powers Marlene Beltran Nicholas Lafaro Brittany Price Irving Calderon Brandon Lewis Aaron Riggs Bryttni Chisholm Alanah Manning Nicole Rivera Amanda Erickson Kayla Martinez Erin Schumaier Karina Flores Corey Maverick Mallory Siebuhr Samantha Fogle Joseph McManus Evan Uveste Claudia Gonzalez Jessica Mitchell Javier Valdez Korey Gunter Atalia Mora Sarah White Emilio Hernandez Marie Angelina Munoz Caleb Wollaston Brittney Holguin Kyle Ormiston Emma Zimmer Jordan Hop Jonathan Ornelas Mayor Pro Tem Sniff announced Planning Manager Christine di Iorio has accepted a position with the City of Carmel. The Council expressed appreciation for her service to the City. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CERTIFY A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2001-436; GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2001-083 AND ZONE CHANGE 2001-105 FROM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND TOURIST COMMERCIAL; AND SPECIFIC PLAN 2001-055 TO REVIEW DEVELOPMENT' PRINCIPLES AND DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR TOURIST COMMERCIAL USES INCLUDING HOTELS, RETAIL-RELATED USES, AND A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT INCLUDING TOWNHOUSES AND SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES. APPLICANT: LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:27 p.m. City Consultant Frank Spevacek presented the staff report and Community Development Director Herman reviewed the site plan. City Council Minutes 13 February 5, 2002 In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Herman confirmed the site will have a small retention basin in the park, as well as a temporary retention basin in the single family area. He advised the site will accommodate some affordable housing units, therefore, some 1,200 square foot units are proposed to give the developer flexibility in marketing the homes. He confirmed the lot sizes will accommodate 1,400 square foot units. Fred Wagoner, 48-455 Deer Brook Circle, voiced concern the affordable housing units might have a negative impact on his property. Mr. Spevacek explained the Agency anticipates replicating the quality and income level requirements of other affordable housing projects in the City such as Miraflores. He also noted the affordable housing units have covenants that enforce maintenance and occupancy standards. There being no further requests to speak, the Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:40 p.m. Council Member Henderson suggested the percentage of units allowed under 1,400 square feet be increased to 30%. She also questioned the 1,400-square- foot requirement for attached units. She felt staff's request for 1,000-square- foot units is reasonable and should be limited to a reasonable number of units. Mr. Herman stated staff feels 40% of the 1,000-square-foot units would be acceptable with a mixture of larger units. Council Member Henderson also voiced support for staff's recommendation for a 20-foot setback along Washington Street. Council Member Adolph stated he felt the overall conceptual plan is good but was concerned about the allowance of 1,000 and 1,200-square-foot units and reducing the setback to 20 feet. Mr. Herman explained staff is recommending a minimum unit size of 1,200 square feet to allow flexibility in planning the project and to avoid having to amend the Specific Plan at a later date. He confirmed 30% of the single family units will be a minimum of 1,200 square feet with the two-story townhouses set at a minimum of 1,000 square feet. Mr. Spevacek noted Council will have an opportunity to further review the project when the Site Development Permit and Disposition and Development Agreement are presented at a future public hearing. City Council Minutes 14 February 5, 2002 Mayor Pro Tem Sniff stated he supports staff's recommendations for the project. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2001-436 PREPARED FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2001-083, ZONE CHANGE 2001-105, AND SPECIFIC PLAN 2001-055 (CITY OF LA QUINTA). It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2002-07 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CHANGE IN LAND USE DESIGNATIONS FROM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND PARK AND RECREATION TO TOURIST COMMERCIAL, MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, AND PARK AND RECREATION FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY BOUNDED BY MILES AVENUE ON THE NORTH, COACHELLA VALLEY STORMWATER CHANNEL ON THE SOUTH, WASHINGTON STREET ON THE WEST, AND THE INCO SIENNA SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION ON THE EAST (GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2001-083 - LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT). It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2002-08 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to take up Ordinance No. 364 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. ORDINANCE NO. 364 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ASSIGNING ZONING TO 50 ACRES GENERALLY BOUNDED BY MILES AVENUE ON THE NORTH, COACHELLA VALLEY STORMWATER CHANNEL ON THE SOUTH, WASHINGTON STREET ON THE WEST, AND INCO CENTURY SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION ON THE EAST (ZONE CHANGE 2001-105 - LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - THE GATEWAY). City Council Minutes 15 February 5, 2002 It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to introduce Ordinance No. 364 on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Mayor Pro Tem Sniff NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Perkins, Mayor Pe~a ABSTAIN: None Council Member Henderson suggested eliminating the project name from the Specific Plan and taking up that issue when the project comes back to Council. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING OF DESIGN GUIDELINES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR TOURIST COMMERCIAL USES, MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, AND A NEIGHBORHOOD PARK GENERALLY BOUNDED BY MILES AVENUE ON THE NORTH, COACHELLA VALLEY STORMWATER CHANNEL ON THE SOUTH, WASHINGTON STREET ON THE WEST, AND THE INCO CENTURY SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION ON THE EAST (SPECIFIC PLAN 2001-055 - LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY). It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2002-09 as amended (eliminating Condition Nos. 1 and 3; modifying Condition No. 2 to read," ..... single family detached excluding the garage shall be 1,200 square feet for no less than 30% .... "; and adding Condition No. 6 to allow future naming of the project. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. 2. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CERTIFY A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2001-433; GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2001-082 TO CHANGE CERTAIN STANDARDS RELATING TO INTERSECTION SPACING IN THE GENERAL PLAN; SPECIFIC PLAN 2001-054 ESTABLISHING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 120,700 SQUARE FOOT NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE STATION AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SITE; AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-711 FOR THE SUPERMARKET, BANK, AND DRUGSTORE BUILDINGS TO BE LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET. APPLICANT: RLF DEVELOPMENT. Planning Manager di Iorio advised the applicant has requested a two-week continuance. City Council Minutes 16 February 5, 2002 MOTION -It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to continue the public hearing on applications filed by RLF Development to February 19, 2002. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENT TO VACATE PORTIONS OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS NORTH OF CALLE TAMPICO, CALLE AMIGO NEAR AVENUE 52, AVENUE 48 WEST OF WASHINGTON STREET, AND A 12-FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT BETWEEN LOTS 16 AND 17 OF TRACT 2667. The Mayor Pro Tern declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 8:07 p.m. Interim Public Works Director Stephenson presented the staff report. There being no other requests to speak, the Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 8:10 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, VACATING PORTIONS OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS NORTH OF CALLE TAMPICO, CALLE AMIGO NEAR AVENUE 52, AVENUE 48 WEST OF WASHINGTON STREET, AND A 12-FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT BETWEEN LOTS 16 AND 17 OF TRACT 2667 (CASE NOS. RW-V 2001-07, 2001-08, 2001-09, 2001-10). It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2002-10 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. 4. PUBLIC HEARING TO CERTIFY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2001-415 AND APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29963 AND STREET NAME CHANGE 2001-013; A REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE 9.1 ACRES INTO FOUR SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LOCATED AT THE NORTHERN TERMINUS OF KIRK COURT APPROXIMATELY 659 FEET NORTH OF AVENUE 58, AND RENAME KIRK COURT TO CORAL MOUNTAIN COURT. APPLICANT: DR. AND MRS. BRUCE BAUMANN. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 8:13 p.m. City Council Minutes 17 February 5, 2002 Planning Manager di Iorio presented the staff report. David Turner, 77-899 Wolff Road, Palm Desert, of Coachella Valley Engineers, advised the applicant is in agreement with the conditions of approval. Council Member Henderson noted the requested street name could cause confusion with the nearby Coral Mountain development. Community Development Director Herman stated street names are considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. There being no other requests to speak, the Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 8:15 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CERTIFICATION OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (EA 2001-415 - DR. AND MRS. BRUCE BAUMANN. It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2002-11 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-12 A RESOLUTION. OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE 9.1 ACRES INTO FOUR SINGLE FAMILY ESTATE LOTS AND ONE LETTERED STREET LOT LOCATED AT THE NORTHERN-MOST TERMINUS OF KIRK COURT, APPROXIMATELY 659 FEET NORTH OF AVENUE 58 (TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29963 - DR. AND MRS. BRUCE BAUMANN). It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2002-12 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. City Council Minutes 18 February 5, 2002 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A STREET NAME CHANGE FOR KIRK COURT TO CORAL MOUNTAIN COURT (STREET NAME CHANGE 2001-013 - DR. BRUCE BAUMANN.) It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2002-13 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. 5. PUBLIC HEARING TO CERTIFY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2001-417 AND APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 30092, AMENDMENT NO. 1; A REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE 38.4 ACRES INTO 130 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 58 AND MONROE STREET. APPLICANT: BARTON PROPERTIES, INC. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 8:17 p.m. Planning Manager di Iorio presented the staff report. Council Member Adolph expressed appreciation for the landscape setbacks at Avenue 58 and Monroe Street but voiced concern about the lack of visitor parking in the cul-de-sacs. Community Development Director Herman advised the City Code does not address that issue and added driveways will accommodate a minimum of two vehicles. There being no other requests to speak, the Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 8:23 p.m. Council Member Henderson commented on the density of the project and lack of open space and stated she also has a problem with the lack of parking. She suggested sending the project back to the developer for redesign. After a brief discussion, Council concurred to continue this item to give staff an opportunity to work with the developer to address the issues of lot design, parking, and street configuration. MOTION -It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to continue the public hearing for Tentative Tract Map 30092 for Barton Properties, Inc. to March 5, 2002. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. City Council Minutes 19 February 5, 2002 6. PUBLIC HEARING TO CERTIFY A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2001-437; REVIEW OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2001-081 AND ZONE CHANGE 2001-104 TO CHANGE 14 ACRES AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF JEFFERSON STREET AND AVENUE 52 FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL; SPECIFIC PLAN 2001-016, AMENDMENT NO. 1, MODIFYING STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 490 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES, 50 RESORT RESIDENTIAL UNITS, 18-HOLE GOLF COURSE, AND A 14-ACRE NEIGHBORHOOD SHOPPING CENTER; TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 30357 TO SUBDIVIDE PORTIONS OF THE PROJECT AREA INTO 178 RESIDENTIAL LOTS, LOTS FOR FUTURE RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION, CASITAS DEVELOPMENT, GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE AND CLUBHOUSE FACILITY LOTS, AND OTHER LETTERED LOTS FOR STREETS AND OTHER FACILITIES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF JEFFERSON STREET BETWEEN AVENUE 50 AND AVENUE 52. APPLICANT: TOLL BROTHERS, INC. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 8:42 p.m. Planning Manager di Iorio presented the staff report and referenced a letter received from La Quinta Polo Estates Association. In response to Council Member Adolph, Ms. di Iorio advised the proto-typical unit design will be reviewed by the Planning Commission under the tract map. In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. di Iorio confirmed the proposed amendment to the Specific Plan reduces the maximum building height from 35 feet to 28 feet and the number of housing units from 1,208 to 550. Community Development Director Herman stated the 26 acres of commercial property on the west side of Jefferson Street that was in the Grove Specific Plan is not a part of this Specific Plan and confirmed the applicant is requesting Tourist Commercial zoning for 14 acres. Council Member Adolph asked if the applications propose anything above the City's normal standards. Ms. di Iorio responded the lot frontages adjacent to the golf course are proposed at 50 feet instead of 60 feet. Council Member Adolph commented on the problem of two-story units impacting views and stated he wished to make sure the project does not violate City Codes. City Council Minutes 20 February 5, 2002 In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. di Iorio confirmed the building heights in The Tradition development that are within 150 feet of curb along Avenida Bermudas are restricted to 17 feet. Council Mem'ber Adolph noted the height restriction in the Cove is 17 feet and asked what the restriction is elsewhere in the City for single-story residential units. Ms. di Iorio advised single-story units along primary and major arterials are defined as 22 feet. Forrest Haag, representing the applicant, reviewed some line-of-sight photos of existing and built conditions of the project as seen from the La Quinta Polo Estates. He also showed photos of existing view impacts within the La Quinta Polo Estates and referenced the Palmilla project with two-story units. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Haag stated the distance between the project and Lot 5 of the La Quinta Polo Estates is 195 ~ feet and added lot pads will basically be on the existing natural grade. Council Member Henderson asked if Lot 5 in the Polo Estates is the most immediate lot behind the proposed project, to which Mr. Haag responded yes. Mr. Haag presented three scenarios to address the water conservation issue as it relates to water usage on the golf course and explained why each scenario would not work on this golf course. He also noted the water conservation ordinance provides an allowance for additional water application to golf courses, playgrounds, ballfields, etc. He further noted the developer has reduced the intensity of the project. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Haag stated the developer has tried to reduce the turf coverage without reducing the turf look which is the "Palmer" look. He confirmed the project is conditioned to use canal water as a primary source. Jack Kalvin, 80-840 Vista Bonita Trail, voiced concern about the view impacts to the La Quinta Polo Estates and urged Council to approve the Planning Commission's recommendation to restrict the building height to parallel the building height of 18 feet in the La Quinta Polo Estates. He also asked about the location of pumping stations to pump water from the canal and if there is a height restriction on the living fence. City Council Minutes 21 February 5, 2002 Council Member Henderson noted the site is currently approved for a 35-foot building height and the developer is requesting a reduction to 28 feet. Dr. Dennis Roberts, 50-375 Vista Montana (Lot 5 of La Quinta Polo Estates), questioned the distance between his lot and the proposed project. He felt it's deceiving to show a picture from a long distance instead of showing the view closer to the object. Dan Hammond, 50-325 Vista Montana (Lot 4 of La Quinta Polo Estates), asked Council to uphold the Planning Commission's recommendations. He also showed a photograph of a pole 80 feet from his property line depicting the line- of-sight at 18 feet and 28 feet. JosePh Broido, 77-510 Calle Nogales, noted building heights in The Traditions increase with pad heights and the perimeter landscaping continues to grow and impact the views of the Cove residents. He also voiced concern about additional commercial development taking business away from established businesses and what the City is trying to do in the Village. Keith Reese, 80-209 Avenue 50, expressed concern about not knowing the house designs and the future availability of irrigation water located on the site. He also asked about the location of the maintenance facility and stated he didn't feel 28-foot building heights is fair to surrounding properties. Gayle Cady, 82-831 Avenue 54, commented on equestrian lifestyles and the lack of trails being provided in new developments. She suggested equestrian trails or non-motorized trails be considered in tract maps. Wanda Reese, 80-209 Avenue 50, questioned why different parts of the City have different height limits. A previous speaker came forward and noted La Quinta Poi,3 Estates is a gated community with over 40 horses that can transmit a lot of odor. He questioned the appropriateness of a housing development within 60 feet of such a use. There being no other requests to speak, the Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 9:50 p.m. Mr. Herman explained why there is a 17-foot height restriction in the Cove and within 150 feet of Avenida Bermudas in The Traditions. He also stated the - City's standard height limit is 28 feet in Iow density residential zones and that the La Quinta Polo Estates has further restricted their building heights to 17 feet. He noted Condition No. 2 of the Specific Plan requires the property owner -. City Council Minutes 22 February 5, 2002 to inform potential buyers of adjacent equestrian uses if within 300 feet of an equestrian use. He advised the maintenance facility is located off of Avenue 52. Council Member Henderson asked about the location of the pumping station and if the project site includes a part of the City's equestrian trail system. Mr. Herman advised the current General Plan does not identify any equestrian trails on the subject property. Council Member Adolph noted the equestrian trail goes along Avenue 50 to Madison Street to Avenue 58 and Lake Cahuilla. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING RE-OPENED at 10:00 p.m. Mr. Haag came forward to address some of the questions and issues brought up under public testimony. He stated the development is envisioned as a primary residence community and not a second home community. He noted the self-imposed height restriction in the La Quinta Polo Estates is 18 feet on the south portion but 24 feet on the north section, He advised the pumping station will be located near the center of the property utilizing existing irrigation lines and the living fence will be a vine on a six-foot high fence. Council Member Adolph asked if the fence would be wrought-iron or chain-link. Mr. Haag stated he didn't feel it matters because mature landscaping will exist along the perimeter by the time Phase 2 is built and most likely CVWD will want chain-link along the canal for protection. He stated the distance between the building on Lot 5 in La Quinta Polo Estates and the perimeter wall of the proposed project is 196 feet with an additional 65 feet to the front of the building on the project. Council Member Henderson asked how many two-story homes will be built along the canal perimeter, and Mr. Haag stated that will be determined by the market. Council Member Adolph asked about the height of single family homes in the development. Mr. Haag referenced other residential developments and noted a building height restriction of 28 feet allows architectural flexibility in design. City Council Minutes 23 February 5, 2002 Mr. Haag asked that Specific Plan Condition No. 1 be modified to allow the issuance of a grading permit prior to the developer submitting amended documents. Ms. di Iorio suggested modifying the condition to be prior to the recordation of a final map to which Mr. Haag concurred. Mr. Haag asked for Condition No. 16 to be deleted because he didn't feel golf cart traffic should be mixed with pedestrian and bicycle traffic. He also asked that Condition No. 17, regarding the 18-foot height limit, be deleted. Regarding the water conservation issue in Condition No. 18, he asked that it be eliminated and volunteered to serve on a committee to draft language in the ordinance to address golf courses. He noted some of the conditions are repeated in the tentative tract map and asked that they be modified accordingly. He further requested "issuance of an on-site grading permit" in Condition No. 74 as it relates to traffic signal installations at Avenue 50, Jefferson Street, and Avenue 52 be changed to "recordation of final map." In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Haag stated Lot 4 in the La Quinta Polo Estates is 145 feet from the property line of the proposed project. There being no further requests to speak, the Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 10:23 p.m. Mr. Herman requested an additional condition to require a multi-purpose trail in the landscaped setback area along Avenue 50 in order to connect the two equestrian-overlay properties at the corner of Avenue 50 and Jefferson Street and the La Quinta Polo Estates. Ms. di Iorio noted Condition Nos. 33 and 40 need modification to meet that requirement. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Herman advised a sidewalk is required to meet ADA requirements since the City of Indio property on the north side of Avenue 50 is undeveloped and La Quinta cannot require the construction of a sidewalk there. He advised a 32-foot setback exists along Avenue 50. Mr. Herman noted Condition No. 76 of the tentative tract map addresses the issue of irrigation water availability for the property to the north. City Council Minutes 24 February 5, 2002 Council Member Adolph commented on the importance of compatibility and preservation of mountain views. He wished to see a minimum number of two- story homes built along the easterly property line to maintain the view corridor from the La Quinta Polo Estates. Council Member Henderson stated she supports deleting Condition No. 18 regarding the water conservation issue and is uncomfortable imposing height restrictions on a development based upon the self-imposed restriction of a neighboring development. She suggested a 28-foot height restriction for two- story homes and 24 feet for single story with an allowance for architectural/chimney relief. Mayor Pro Tem Sniff stated he was going to suggest 22 feet but would support 24 feet for single family homes. He also supported deletion of Condition No. 18. Council Member Adolph stated he didn't feel the water conservation issue is a problem. He also didn't object to 28 feet for two-story homes on the interior lots but preferred 18 to 20 feet for single story. He wished to have staff work with the developers to protect the view corridors and suggested a reduction in the number of two-story homes along the easterly property line. Council Member Henderson noted the self-imposed height restrictions at the La Quinta Polo Estates are subject to increase up to 28 feet without Council approval. Mr. Herman advised the applicant is willing to limit 50% of the homes along the canal side of the project to 24Y2 feet. Mayor Pro Tem Sniff suggested the number of two-story homes built next to each other should be limited to avoid clustering them. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Herman stated single-story home design examples were shown to the Planning Commission but without any notation on the heights. City Council Minutes 25 February 5, 2002 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2001-437 PREPARED FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2001-081, ZONE CHANGE 2001-104, SPECIFIC PLAN 90-016 AMENDMENT #1, AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 30357 (TOLL BROTHERS, INC.). It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2002-14 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor PeRa ABSENT. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CHANGE FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL FOR 14 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF JEFFERSON STREET AND AVENUE 52 (GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2001-081 - TOLL BROTHERS, INC.). It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2002-15 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. MOTION -It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to take up Ordinance No. 365 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. ORDINANCE NO. 365 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING 14 ACRES OF LAND CURRENTLY DESIGNATED LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET (ZONE CHANGE 2001-104 - TOLL BROTHERS, INC.). It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to introduce Ordinance No. 365 on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Mayor Pro Tern Sniff NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Perkins, Mayor Pe~a ABSTAIN: None City Council Minutes 26 February 5, 2002 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO ESTABLISH RESIDENTIAL AND NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ON THE EAST SIDE OF JEFFERSON STREET BETWEEN AVENUE 50 AND AVENUE 52 (SPECIFIC PLAN 90-16, AMENDMENT #1 - TOLL BROTHERS, INC.). It was moved by Council Member Henderson and Mayor Pro Tem Sniff to adopt Resolution No. 2002-16 as amended (Condition No. 1 - changing "grading permit" to "final map"; Condition No. 16 -- deleted; Condition No. 17 -- modified to read, ". .... 24Y2 foot single-story height limit for 50% of homes on the eastern boundary .... "and to include a provision for non-clustering of house sizes; Condition No. 18 -- deleted; Condition No. 74(A)(1)(c) and (2)(b) -- change "grading permit" to "final map"; and adding a new condition regarding the provision of a multi-purpose trail in the easement along Avenue 50 to be City maintained and including a fence per City standards.) Council Member Adolph stated he could not support the 24Y2 foot height limit and only 50% limit on clustering. Council Member Henderson stated she could not support it either if she thought they would build the maximum height on all of the houses. She noted 24 Y2 feet is a maximum height. Council Member Adolph voiced concern that it will be built that way if the same plans used at the Greg Norman Golf Course are used. City Attorney Jenson noted a Specific Plan requires three affirmative votes to be adopted. Council Member Adolph stated he didn't have a problem with the higher height element on the interior of the development and would support 50% of the homes on the easterly property line at 22 feet. Council Member Henderson questioned the logic of imposing a lower height restriction on this project based on the neighboring development to the east that has a higher height restriction. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Herman stated La Quinta Polo Estates is separated by the All American Canal and has a height restriction on the north side of 24 feet and 18 feet on the south side. City Council Minutes 27 February 5, 2002 Council Member Adolph suggested a reduction in the number of allowable two- story homes along the easterly property line. Mr. Herman advised the developer is willing to accept a height limit of 24 ~ feet along the east property line (not including the south east area). Motion was amended and restated as follows: to adopt Resolution No. 2002-16 as amended (Condition No. 1 - changing "grading permit" to "final map"; Condition No. 16 -- deleted; Condition No. 17 -- modified to read, ". .... 24~ foot single-story height limit for all homes along the east property line and 24 ¥2 foot single-story height limit for 50% of the homes along the south easterly property line .... "and to include a provision for non-clustering of house sizes; Condition No. 18 -- deleted; Condition No. 74(A)(1)(c) and (2)(b) -- change "grading permit" to "final map"; and adding a new condition regarding the provision of a multi-purpose trail in the easement along Avenue 50 to be City maintained and including a fence per City standards.) Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 30357 TO DIVIDE 364.73 ACRES INTO RESIDENTIAL LOTS, GOLF COURSE LOTS, AND A NUMBER OF LETTERED LOTS (TOLL BROTHERS, INC.). It was moved by-Council Members Henderson/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2002-17 as amended (with appropriate conditions revised based on the Specific Plan approval). Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. 7. PUBLIC HEARING ON ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2001-431, ADDENDUM TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 232 (SCH#9164450613); GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2001-080 AND ZONE CHANGE 2001-103 FOR PROPERTY BOUNDED BY AVENUE 58 ON THE NORTH, AVENUE 50 ON THE SOUTH, MADISON STREET ON THE WEST, AND MONROE STREET ON THE EAST, AND THE EAST SIDE OF MONROE STREET GENERALLY SOUTH OF AVENUE 59 (EXTENDED) TO AVENUE 61 GENERALLY .... A DISTANCE OF ONE HALF MILE AT AVENUE 59 (EXTENDED) AND A DISTANCE OF ONE QUARTER MILE AT AVENUE 61. APPLICANTS: T.D. DEVELOPMENT AND CITY OF LA QUINTA. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 11:38 p.m. City Council Minutes 28 February 5, 2002 Community Development Director Herman presented the staff report. John Gamlin, 79-285 Rancho La Quinta Drive, stated the applicant is in agreement with the conditions of approval. Mr. Herman advised a letter received from Ms. Carol Scanlin stated she is supportive of the annexation provided she has the right to keep horses on her property. Staff has informed her that the use will be grand-fathered in. Council Member Henderson asked if the acreage numbers on page 19 were correct, to which Mr. Herman responded yes. There being no further requests to speak, the Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 11:40 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING AN ADDENDUM TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 232 PREPARED FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2001-080, ZONE CHANGE 2001-103, PRE-ANNEXATION GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING OF A PORTION OF SPECIFIC PLAN 218 (T. D. DEVELOPMENT). It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2002-18 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2001-431 PREPARED FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2001-080 AND ZONE CHANGE 2001-103 (T. D. DEVELOPMENT). It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2002-19 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. City Council Minutes 29 February 5, 2002 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ASSIGNING PRE-ANNEXATION LAND USE DESIGNATIONS TO 816 ACRES GENERALLY BOUNDED BY AVENUE 58 ON THE NORTH, AVENUE 60 ON THE SOUTH, MADISON STREET ON THE WEST, AND MONROE STREET ON THE EAST, AND ON THE EAST SIDE OF MONROE STREET BETWEEN AVENUE 59 (EXTENDED) AND AVENUE 61 (GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2001-080 - T. D. DEVELOPMENT). It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2002-20 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. MOTION -It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to take up Ordinance No. 366 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. ORDINANCE NO. 366 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ASSIGNING PRE-ANNEXATION ZONING TO 816 ACRES GENERALLY BOUNDED BY AVENUE 58 ON THE NORTH, AVENUE 60 ON THE SOUTH, MADISON STREET ON THE WEST, AND MONROE STREET ON THE EAST, AND THE EAST SIDE OF MONROE STREET BETWEEN AVENUE 59 AND AVENUE 61 (ZONE CHANGE 2001-103 - T. D. DEVELOPMENT). It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to introduce Ordinance No. 366 on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Mayor Pro Tem Sniff NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Perkins, Mayor Pe~a ABSTAIN: None. JOINT PUBLIC HEARINGS WITH THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT TO SELL REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 52-645 AVENIDA DIAZ BY AND BETWEEN KATHERINE CARROLL AND THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. City Council Minutes 30 February 5, 2002 Community Development Director Herman presented the staff report. There being no requests to speak, the Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. MOTION -It was moved by Council Member Adolph and Mayor Pro Tern Sniff to approve the sale of 52-645 Avenida Diaz to maintain an affordable housing unit in Project Area No. 1 for a purchase price of $110,000. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. 9. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT TO SELL REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 53-540 AVENIDA CARRANZA BY AND BETWEEN TYRA PAINTER AND THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. There were no changes to the staff report as submitted and on file in the City Clerk's Office. There being no requests to speak, the Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Henderson to approve the sale of 53-540 Avenida Carranza to maintain an affordable housing unit in Project Area No. 1 for a purchase price of $110,000. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins and Mayor Pe~a ABSENT. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California