DECKs 111111111111 Billion, CITY OF LAWNTI 664-2246 PLANNING DIVISION Ta -105 Celle 118tede P.O. Box 1504 L• Outnte,CA.02253 ,(s19) too —n -os 6/87 Read each condit on the zeverside side of this form to see it the proposed a ty-eat�co y with the City's Nome Occupati �� Regulation $35.00 fee TYPE OR PRINT IN INK I n APPLICANT'S NAME Cs L ENff 'R. 1�. cC-__er PHONE PROPERTY OWNER DRi! j#V (r o -77V C'eL 14> PHONE 56 t! - 4,16,3 y PROPERTY ADDRESS 50119 CA 1 L E ?o SA I fA. ILA (50/w d (Street) A q22 S' 3 (City) (State) (Zip) S PL Type of residence (Single, Multiple, mobile home, etc.)%T%'t Type of business 670L1r 40'riA01-S AoIZ G02P617Ag1-uA/.S Brief description of how the business will operate If iv// -/- up 601 iotin.vi•�Ea41 4- Gotr ONWIAI" ro/{ Co2?'oRAI-eamS Al' Y/IA1uHs GOLC ILCS41itis oft Gocr e0444SCS. Number of persons involved in business 0r*_ GyN �i SCK List names of persons employed )V d Af it 0 Square footage of usable floor area in house (exclude garage) ;?,2 DU w 4-r Validation Stamp Location and square footage of area of 005182 i.0 2676 10-27-88 i0 business activity in home (example: i0 CASH i TOTAL i 35.00 bedrooms; 125 square feet) 73FDRoaAt S'60 $Q Description of mac business operation equipment, and supplies being used in the !�Pl�a.yLr �P� LR/'CR 1 A�r7 I have read and understand and agree with the conditions by which a home occupation is allowed (Conditions on reverse side). �,97 � t,,')e T 7, APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE If Applicant is othern property owner, authorization of owner or agent required �,lw ha�Z� iql OWNER OR AG9NT StGNATURE DATE IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying your Home Occupation, or failure to comply with conditions listed on reverse shall be grounds for revocation of permit. ✓ APPROVED Initials CONDITIONS ATTAC DENIED Initials LQHOMOCC.PRT f R f r�f f Date Date •