HENDERSON13 HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF LA QUANTA 1•-05 Celle [•t•s. F.C. Box I5O4 OuinNoCA. •22$1 too*) l64-==4• y, 664-2246 PLANNING DIVISION . ' 6/dT /lead each condition listed on the severs 6e side of this form to see It the proposed activity can comply with the City's Rome Occupation Z v Regulations. $35.00 fee TYPE OR PRINT IN INK APPLICANT'S NAME NORMA L. HENDERSON PHONE(619) 345-3791 PROPERTY OWNER YAULiNE FINCH PHONE # 341 3833 PROPERTY ADDRESS C A]Y pc 32 -ALMS DR (Street) LA QUINTA; CA. 92253 (City) (State) (Zip) Type of residence (Single, Multiple, mobile home, etc.) SINGLE Type of business TELEPHONE SERVICE & SALES rdM- B cri tion of how the business will operate WE SERVICE & SALE ttu INESS pTELEPHONE EOUTPn ENT AIX_4 ;,� QN gUSg396S±TE Number of persons involved in business CORP. 14YSELF & JACK PF.TERA • HE WORKS OUT OF HTT J NO EMPLOYEES List names of persons 2p Square footage of usable floor ar a in house (exclude garage) Location and square footage of area of business activity in home (example: bedrooms; 125.square feet) I v a Description of machinery�0 r�A INE & T=_ Validation Stamp 00502 10 i TOTAL 10-88 35.0013 and supplies being used in the I have read and understand an(,� agree with the conditions by which a home occu tion is a1 0 eQ (•Conditions on reverse side). AP I SIGNATURE / DATE If Applicant is other than property owner, authorization of owner or agent required. OWNER OR AGENT SIGNATURE DATE IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying your Home Occupation, or failure to comply with conditions listed on reverse shall be grounds for revocation of permit. APPROVEDInitials CONDITIONS ATPAC Initials DENIED LQHOMOCC.PRT ! - w -bf' Date Date TEL' LEPNONE TELESIS , ADVANCED TELEPHONE E UIPMENT PLANNING AND SERVICE Norma Henderson p �6�g) 346-4656 p, Box 562 Palm Desert, CA 92261 0562 f`