SouterAUG 0 8 1996 uml IV:� 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7050 FAX (619) 777-7011 APPLICATION FOR Fee $35,00 HOME OCCUPATION OF A BUSINESS IN A GATED COMMUNITY Read each condition listed on the attachment to this form to see if the proposed activity complies with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. APPLICANT NAMES (List all owners, partners and/or corporation officers) PROPERTY ADDRESS CNJPHONE • BUSINESS NAME PROPERTY OWNEI MAILING ADDRESS (if different from business address) TYPE OF RESIDENCE (single, multiple, mobile home, etc.). U AQ C3Ndd TYPE OF BUSINESS- BRIEF USINESSBRIEF DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE BUSINESS WILL OPERATE I hnnLNQ 40 rmlk SU& NA.2M 4 15 Cz up 0. NUMBER OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS LIST NAMES OF PERSONS EMPLOYED C0*1 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF USABLE FLOOR AREA IN HOUSE (exclude garage) LOCATION AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF AREA OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN HOME (example, "bedroom - 125 sq. Ft.) `� MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 �V 11111 IN 40 1111 AUG 0 8 1996 uml IV:� 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7050 FAX (619) 777-7011 APPLICATION FOR Fee $35,00 HOME OCCUPATION OF A BUSINESS IN A GATED COMMUNITY Read each condition listed on the attachment to this form to see if the proposed activity complies with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. APPLICANT NAMES (List all owners, partners and/or corporation officers) PROPERTY ADDRESS CNJPHONE • BUSINESS NAME PROPERTY OWNEI MAILING ADDRESS (if different from business address) TYPE OF RESIDENCE (single, multiple, mobile home, etc.). U AQ C3Ndd TYPE OF BUSINESS- BRIEF USINESSBRIEF DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE BUSINESS WILL OPERATE I hnnLNQ 40 rmlk SU& NA.2M 4 15 Cz up 0. NUMBER OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS LIST NAMES OF PERSONS EMPLOYED C0*1 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF USABLE FLOOR AREA IN HOUSE (exclude garage) LOCATION AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF AREA OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN HOME (example, "bedroom - 125 sq. Ft.) `� MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 �V DESCRIPTIONQF MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIES BEING USED IN THE BUSINESS OPERATION ad . !�42+/0AJ 4/D.4 SO/7) QS . ` • I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE WITH THE CONDITIONS BY WHICH A HOME OCCUPATION IS ALLOWED (conditions attached). Signatur Applican s OCCUPATION IS ALLOWED (conditions attached). Date OX� It is required that all applicants who reside in: a gated community and are regulated by a Home Owners Association must provide an original letter on letterhead stationery, stating the approval of the business operation at the residence by the current management company and/or directly from the Board of Directors of said association. Initial home inspection, prior to application approval, will not be required unless requested by the management company or the board of directors. Date • Applic nt's S6n&e IF APPLICANT IS OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER, AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER OR RENTAL/LEASING AGENT. IS REQUIRED. Date Owner/Agent Signature Agent Company Name Agent/Owner Contact Phone # Date IMPORTANT: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING YOUR HOME OCCUPATION; FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED PAGE SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT. . -APPROVED DENIED SPECIAL 7171,NS ATTACHED BY: I. Dr DATE: HOME OCCUPATION { CONDITIONS AND CRITERIA •ALL HOME OCCUPATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: No one other than the resident of the dwelling shall be employed on the premises in the conduct of the Home Occupation. 2. The Home Occupation shall be conducted entirely within the enclosed area of the main building & shall not occupy more than 25 percent of the total area of the structure. 3.. A Home Occupation shall not be conducted within an accessory structure. There may be storage of equipment or supplies in an accessory structure. Garage space may be used for the conduct of a Home Occupation only when it does not interfere with the use of such space for the off- street parking, of vehicles required by Chapter 9.160 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. There shall be no outdoor storage of equipment, machinery, supplies, materials, or merchandise. 5. There shall be no sales activity, either wholesale or retail, except mail order sales, nor shall there be the maintenance of an office open to the general public. 6. There shall be no supply of hazardous materials stored on .the premises at any given time (i.e. pool, chlorine, paint thinner, etc.) Unless the hazardous materials are stored in a manner approved by the State Fire Marshall or any other regulating agency. 7. There shall be no dispatching of persons or equipment to or from the subject property, including • the use'.of vehicles which operate to and from the premises. 8. No vehicles or trailers except those normally incidental to residential use shall be parked at the residence at any time. 9. There shall be no use of any mechanical equipment, 'appliance, or motor outside of the enclosed building or which generated noise detectable from outside the building in which it is located that is related to the business. ' 10. There shall -be no signs or other devices identifying or advertising the home occupation. 11. In no way shall the appearance of the building or lot be so altered, or the home occupation be so conducted, that the lot or building may be reasonably recognized as serving a non-residential use (either by color, materials, construction, lighting, sounds, vibrations, etc.) 12. No Home Occupation shall create a nuisance by reason of noise, odor; dust, vibration, fumes, smoke, electrical interference, traffic, or other causes. 13. The use shall meet reasonable special conditions as established and made of record Jn the Home Occupation Permit, as may be deemed necessary to carry out the intent of this Section. 14. Listed below are special conditions which shall be considered a part of the conditions and criteria • directly. related to. this application and permit. WORKER'S COMPENSATION If your company has employees, a copy of the workman's compensation policy must • accompany the business license application, indicating dates of coverage and dollar amount. This proof of coverage must be received before the business license can be processed. your company has employees, a copy of the workman's If you do not have employees, please check the last line on the first page: "I certify that ........ If your business is being operated from your home in La Quinta, a Home Occupation Permit is required before a business license is used. If you have any questions, please contact the Code Compliance Division at 777-7050. Every employer who applies for any license or a renewal of any license for a business issued pursuant to Section 37101 of the Government Code or Section 7284 of the Revenue and Taxation Code shall complete and sign a declaration that states the following: WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury, one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a'certificate of consent to self=insure for worker's compensation, • as provided by Section 3700 for the duration of any business activities conducted for which this license is issued. I have and will, maintain worker's compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 for the duration of any business activities conducted for which this .ficense is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number: Carrier: Policy Number: A "COPY' OF SAID POLICY OR CERTIFICATE OF CONSENT SHOWING THE AMOUNT OF COVERAGE AND EXPIRATION DATE FOR WORKER'S COMPENSATION IS REQUIRED TO PROCESS THIS APPLICATION. I certify that in the performance of any business activities for which this license is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the worker's compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the worker's compensation provisions of Section 3700, 1 will provide the. City with a policy or certificate copy within ten (10) days of the ch7zz1 ts. Date: ' �' 1 Applicant: PP • WARNING: Failure to secure worker's compensation coverage is unlawful, an all subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000. In addition to the cost of compensation, damages, interest, and attorney's fees ,may be assessed to you as provided in Section 3706 of the Labor Code. • P A L M R O Y A L E C O U N T R Y -C L U B H O M E O W N E R S A S S O C I A T I O N July 8, 1996 Margo Souter 78-125 Indigo Drive La.Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Margo: Your request. to operate 'a home business in.the Palm Royale Country Club Homeowners .Association was approved with the following restrictions: 1. There will be no flammable or unsafe chemicals stored on the premises. 2. There will*be no commercial vehicles, including trailers,..kept within the community unless.totally parked within your garage. 3. 'There will be no customers frequenting your residence.. 4. -There will be no trucks delivering supplies to your residence. 5. There will be no advertising which can be viewed by any resident. Thank you and we wish you well with your business. • r Sincerely, For the'Board of Directors Pal Royale. Country Club HOA Je r Uffelman, Manager cc, Board of Directors 1518 WEST TAFT AVENUE, ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 92665 • 714-279-1144 1-800-521-4107 FAX 714-279-1130 Margo Souter 78-125 Indigo Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 619/345-8843 July 7, 1996 Board Members Palm Royale Country Club, 78-459 Indigo Drive La Quinta,. CA'92253 RE: Your Permission To Have A Part Time Business At: 78-125 Indigo Drive La Quints, CA 92253 Dear Board Members of Palm Royale Country Club: I would like to start a small part time business. • The type of service I will be offering is as follows: 1. Inspecting homes or condos for the owner (s) when their property is vacant. 2..'The inspection will assure the owner (s) that all doors and windows are locked and secure, all indoor plumbing is dry and no leaks are visible, the A/C will be turned on for a 10 min. cycle, all toilets are flushed and the premises will have a visual inspection for any insect or rodent infiltration. The type of business I will be doing will be out in the field. I will not be spending a lot of time within the office (condo). I will do all of the paper work for my business in my office (condo), this will take approximately 2-3 hours per week. I will not have any clients entering into my office (condo), I will meet with them at their home for all business transactions. I will not have any flammable or unsafe chemicals stored on the premises. There will not be any commercial vehicles, including trailers, kept within the community unless totally parked within my garage. There will be no advertising which can be viewed by any residents within Palm Royale unless requested in writing by the owner. There will be no trucks delivering supplies to my office (condo). If I can answer any further questions, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Sincerely., • Margo Souter 1-1 Job Description for MARGO'S "Peace of Mind Service" Estate Caretaker/Staff Manager or Caretaker/Property Inspector: A. Maintaining Property: 1. Managing Staff: a. Maid (s), Gardener (s), Chef, Pool Person, Pest Control Person, Chauffeur, Pilot b. Overseeing that staff completes all duties assigned c. Controlling a positive staff (hire/ replace) staff d. Payroll management for staff 2. Clients payables: 3. Preparation of Estate prior to clients arrival a. Making sure home is clean b. Making sure grounds are manicured c. Scheduling of staff prior to clients arrival d. Coordinating necessary for functions/activities e. Scheduling message therapy appointments • f. Scheduling off premises functions for clients and their, guests: 1. Restaurant reservations 2. Scheduling golf T -times 3. Scheduling tennis times g. Scheduling travel arrangements for client 4. Maintaining Estate while clients are not residing a. Maintaining staff 5. Monthly or Bimonthly overview of property: a. On a scheduled day and time enter dwelling: 1.. Ck for dry plumbing within dwelling 2. Ck for gas leaks (stove, oven & heater) 3. Ck for locked windows 4. Flush all toilets 5. Ck to see if refrigerator is running, 6. Ck to see lights are off or on within dwelling 7. Run A/C/heater for 15 min. cycle 8. 24 hour on call inspection (security alarm goes off) physical viewing of home. 9. Activity scheduler for clients with complimentary itinerary