TREVINO111111 II 10 IIII IIII 7CITY OF �� Q nN \ TI HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT APPLICATION 78-105 Celle 99#619 P.O. BOX 1504 L6 ouintowCA. 12253 (GIs) 664-1246 664-2246 PLANNING DIVISION LP _ 6/87 lead each condition listed on the reverside side of this form to see HE the proposed activity can comply with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. $35.00 fee RECEIVIEV TYPE OR PRINT IN INK �� ! AUG 2 6 IN APPLICANT'S NAME /"RIM 26PRO Le"ln0 PHONE PROPERTY OWNERPHONE CITY OF LAQUINT*OPERTY ADDRESS .-Pao ,moi menj)OZQ AVE, �n PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEP4.. A <9vin1a; ( Street )OA 9 ZZ 6-:3 (City) (State) (Lip) Type of residenceSingl , Type of business : M OrT Multiple, mobile home, etc.)_ tL_5 FXnDr'I•�r..•r.D rrA6t /_ or'd en A Brief description of how the business will operate S ti m L o►� Cji��it%o S or Look SALES 3vs5ioes 13� L...,..........,..�.a A-V Yr,w.? fibs vh YO&.0 5eeLff4c, ,&nc4 bti-frtbvt - ba.sts. Number of persons involved in business List names of persons employed `7"",0 vv -e Square footage of usable farea in house (exclude garage) S Location and square footage of area of business activity in home (example: bedrooms; 125 square feet) 100 S U rwo Description of machineequipment, and su) business operation 07111ce amaee .. e»uc t ri.6�foR- �cc� -s ti'�ge i!� ►w --skip S7TOTA8-rb-88 10 0'8FA18 35.00 being used in the aM,& 05 nnS*AL I have read and understand and agree with the conditions by which a home occupation is allow d (Conditions on reverse side). ADPL ANT SIGNATURE DATE ins other than property owner, authorization of owner or agent d EPrit � Sb —3SW-- V-43 k . ER OR A ENT SIGNAJRE DATE I IMPORTANT: False or misleading information shall be grounds for denying your Home Occupation, or failure to comply with conditions listed on reverse shall be grounds for revocation of permit. 40 !/ APPROVED Initials 8 ZG/ Date self T" CONDITIONS ATTACHED DENIED Initials Date A'77n�� LQHOMOCC.PRT , r1 RECEIVED 8/26/88 AUG 2 61988 TO WHOM ITMAYCONCERN: CITY 4F LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT SUBJECT: HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT FOR MARTIN PEDRO TREVINO AT ADDRESS: 51-080 AVE. MENDOZA. APT. #1 MARTIN PEDRO TREVINO, HAS MY PERMISSION TO OPERATE A " MAIL ORDER BUSINESS " AT 51-080 AVE. MENDOZA,' APT. #1, PROVIDING THAT HE ADHERES COMPLETELY TO ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS SET FORTH BY THE " CITY OF LA QUINTA " APPLICATION PERMIT DATED 5/87, ESPECIALLY TO THE PARAGRAPHS LISTED HERE -IN: PARAGRAPH NO. 1 PARAGRAPH N0. 4 PARAGRAPH NO. 5 PARAGRAPH .NO. 8 PARAGRAPH NO. 11 PARAGRAPH NO. 12 PARAGRAPH NO. 13 PARAGRAPH NO. 14 COPY MADE PART OF RENTAL AGREEMENT: �✓ DATE: MARTIN PEDRO TREVINO, TENANT AND APPLICANT GWENDOLYN J. JILES MANAGER)