LADEDA• ��a�w 39 P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CAL LE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247 COMMUNITY SAFETY DIvISION HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT Permit Number: 13-00000587 (760)777-7050 FAX (760) 777-701 1 Please read each condition listed on the attachment in this packet to see if the proposed activity complies with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. Applicant name(s): (List all owners, partners, and/or corporation officers) MARK LADEDA Property address 55075 MONROE ST Phone: (949) 636-3492 (.,1 -) S 7f 3 'V 9 !\Mailing address: 55075 MONROE STREET WeCkCk ,PV - 3 �_5 Property owner: MARK LADEDA D a Type. of business: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION & DEV Briet'description of how the business will operate: "MAy172013 g) care footage of usable floor area in house (exclude garage) 3600 Location and square footage of area of business activity in home (Example: Bedroom — 125 sq ft.) OFFICE, 165 Description of machinery, equipment; and supplies being used in the business operation: I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE WITH THE CONDITIONS BY WHICH A HOME OCCUPATION IS ALLOWED. (Conditions Attached) APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE I I' applicant is other than the property owner, authorization of owner or rental/leasing, agent is required. . 11:3 _ 12 : oo tot--. Your . inspection has been scheduled for Home Occupation Inspection betwee- .. Your inspector will be Stephanie Khatami. --------------------------------------------INSPECTOR USE ONLY -------------------------------- ------------------- APPROVED . —no DENIED • Insp • or Signature Date CI: III' 0 r3EE S-70.00 /3,507 r P.0� RGX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAUNCO ('760) 777-7000 LA GAIIPORKIA 92253 FAX ('750) 777.71ol APPLICATION FOR IMAM'- OCCUPATION OF A BUSYNESS . LNSPECT1()N TptkTJC,., 11tonse read cach,condition listed on the attachment in this Packet to sep. if the, proposed act-VitY cOMplies-, with the City's f k I jonie Ottopaton Regulations, APPLICAN'r NIM.4 ES: (Liss M11 avIttr, partftr,&, 4ufor carporaLton QMCCTs PROFE',UY PHONE: NIMUNG ADDRI:-S& itF D"_EftL7N7'Frtotvf Aoo4T) PROP RTY OWNER- To,. TNTE OF MSIDENCE, (STNGu, MIMPLIS,. NIGBILE ROME. Erc.): _.. S'�* j TYPE OFBUSINESS . BRMF DESCRTMON OF TJQW THE allSMS W1 jL OpERATE, 'ONC"-� Of C -r - R = lr-34C^J-C�A� QP4 .1- NUMBER, 0VPERSoN1,,S JNVOLVp�D rN BUSTN,,F .QUARE- POOTAGE OF USABLE MOOR AREA WHOUSE (EXCLUDE GjARAGP,): 000 co .1 1,00ATION AN14) IL,' UARE .FOOD AGF- OF AREAOF BUSINESS ACTTVITy j.NHOb,,[rB=, BMROOM JLCC.� Dr-SCRUITON OF MACHIM.kY E-QUrPMEN71', A - � M S BEING USED ftlq 'r1jr-, aijSILNESS. I. INI� OPERATION, h.AcA, , THAVE �RF. UJI"ERSTAND, AIND ACRU3, Willi TjM Co, .1 Tr 0,� N S ND By WHICH A HO E. occUp N IS ALLOWED- (CONDMONS' ATTAef JRD), APPMiJCrA,, A111REL DATF RT 'pT4kO'PCRTY OWNSR, AUTHOMUZATION OF OR E-4\7ALILBASINC AG8KT IS REoumEr), 01AWMAGEW SMASH DATE AGENT COMPANY NAME CONUACT PUT, 0 $HALL BE �,RQUKDS FOR YOUR ITOME Oc ATION; MULURF. TO.&INtPLY WrM TRE CONDITIONS LTSM ON THF Al-fACUED FAGE,5IIAJj,.,Ul� G-ftOU�ND7fORREVOCATION OFURNUT. 'BUtLVING 0"D SAFE DEP NT/CODE-()O'NI'PLI'A,CEDI%/(SIO.'L4- DATE 0 0 W 0 R 1, M, R'S C' 0 N I FE NS, A 110 N If) our tompatri tt s plo , a copy of 0r, Wt TVIMA's COMIX- Mion Poky Must ao=ipany the btastness Rivevi sU' Ipp!xnaon, vv. kcajhi& t41 1 of cmve.rW pad d filar am,:yunt, ?'his prc*f of• ctvera�e must be ricwvo t, i fc+:r t:lcw i to r efts !.is sue c -In bt pT.-.,eesjed_ E, tint do not have emt ploy _ plus€ rherk tht• tact wtdo t on 0169 pert;'I ccait�. thB;_ ... xf vc,ttri5' e'lisi y opr rated .front= tit I*Itle in U- Quisita.,,m il.az-ne 0ocupati(tn. fl„rfitit is requ:irtd before a busi-ness iicrase is imld. li', cOu rive any qucrrior,s, Flux cxtnt'a-Z t the cwt compliance, D1 i;xion at 77,72,05,10. Cwt W—avloyzr evh.iz applies f if ;Mv liocnsc Of RPM& Of :arty ti=. Se iar a' xwmcss lSsitW po.-m:tat to Swum i li4i Of tkze c cattle it Cu4tti• ar Scm ti 3 Lq it of Etna Rmv n ue a 3 srrrban -ode, deci�cati�f� [laeLl sr�:,' tl xv�a; I hercky affirm under persalt of perj'UrY, Oft, of the following. declaradons: havg 41ild MH .mainDull a oeelik3cate'a ctl:�rseri! to a&f-insu a for ftrtier,8 Cfltrtl� i tin r , .as ptx O&d 4v SCM'On 17N fpr Ow dwation of arqVmimss aaiviiin can&jC1.64 fa€ t Mch h.is license is issti d 1 hxve and will :VM>ictudiL WoTkey "s f=amper<tsat on Ertsurance. its required ti} Secdo. ,). • 3300 w 0w d °ration Of tiny bus.i.ans arthitics condue(ed.roar whack, This h=M is [wiled, M, '`0f0rirev'.a CtrtrVcmbon insUrwitz carrie3 a r to po iq tlncfgi c: {;ilc•riac A COPY Of SALL), POLICY OR ; iER i KATE OF fitsNSENT19HI) ING "Tfft;AM0'L£i,'"1' 0p t`OVM4,G1 Ai_ D EXTMATIONDATE FOR WORIM htOCr t'S i'tD,,NTFP>�:SA TTQN IS Tt.?Q(ljT$j;k) SCD AA,_ l cbrt4 Lkai fit the pCiferrlltanre of a my business activities f whirls dos Ito LMU-0, Vihall not employ any person in frig umnmr so ,',v to become subject w %be st eg's: tarttpertsaxko�i. kavvs.or caufotvia, Ud hgm that if l sltoVId icCi me subj2et to the work is cpn.1gxD iiarl. PWJ'sions of Section 3100, 1 will ptvvtdc tiro City Willi a pcl.i�cr cvrtfcan'� va�tiri� tctl f i�j �p� tTlc e3�age in requirel.t1iS S_ '16&3 DATF ULPM6311410n eol raga is ic€tia—f-Ieft rU i! ;utrject na eptp9uyer t4 ea c tialt@ a al#.i,- Goad air ii tifrtes op 10 S1.00#D1kC In add'aciQn to the Cosa of cajpen tutor,: damagm krwrtsi, said faturney`s kes ;may k a esseti to you as provided "A ScCUOn 3706 rf she LAbox Cods: 0 0 Q 'T N TiONSAil-MCRITERIA 99 -ME 0CCU -'-�TION CQ ­D] AL . L HOA EOCCUPATIONIS SHAUX01',151PLY WITH THEF0j_r'L0Wl]N�C,0aNDITfaPZ'S- AN- DREQUIREMID4TS: 1, NO urw, ooh -rflmt tk, Tpsidtm of �f;t dwelling shall bt er�PJQ)cm 60 conduct of Eht Rom 2. Tltefiow Ocrmvati'on sl.,W] be. i tat- main bvilding and shall not occupy A VIOME Occupation shall not be r�gAjWtcd *Wrs 71=m sway be stoma of eqwpftmt of Supplies to an acctssoq. SavcPaPt. Garagg sp;ico my Lt "est fu-.- zhc Corkazt of II Haent-O'lcm.p4tion OWY'W)MP-, ; t om hoafgrr W."O ft Usf, of svch Spaac for tbi t off-s-Lretk prking!w vchicldi otqucrM by Chapiff'9.460 oifdf» &M,og f1wit: Aml I. be:w ouEdoixt sorzw'-, of Cq;UIpIv&IgI TnCvl shall bc w sales aces vf,!y,. chh& whobtsele *r retail, except nail ot&I s jcs.,nCt r sh 1.1 an 10 01C gememl pubic", TL -m-, shall nt, supply. ofh&,z-M-dus mItiia33, swre4 Oil &'g prvniscs at kply . vn Kiri tc cw,), ankess (hc' linurctul"Is R.Weliall V-- tftEcd m D manmr opp-myod by thr. Stztti .Pi a 1 C of any Oil. & ratilattt agency_ '€ shrll be no &-PatchhF rr. r* a ns orc eq ma to 0f IG �i 66-, bj4 C�t p r 0;t'ny' - tl4din am QW Of �.".hl IV , Me 4.'s to &1;4 fpc"m t ecdL -� hC Plsc- i � " , .5 FUldo, Wfluse, shall be fit the rmidmees-guy tura. • u. :�u vehzelesI P. Tht-m4 shall be no use oftoy mtr-haluical equip mal, appkiajm�; Or rwt'ar. outside of the CrICII06M twi4a',g w wkLh gen-md tx) i*.- dmc-tabb- k 00 too Md: tho buil digg in wpb it is jurat 4 tbot ig, rejale-dth, b , 0 ; JASU11M. I ! tbr misiJi. It omt occopatior,. 1. It eo Way shall tits 'appearalice oe tht built ao tilt er -4 or. to, F� bo;no oce-upar anti-, so C*�Odw h -g urlwhe . m i wt# . sat the y v'buildint way bc. reosor,61y mcbsnized as tetving a, rim-renkt.mWo! us-. (ejvte..rcoo Ituc 08 1�,y coi()T. er mat li-111 wwtds. vib�,vibit4, I I No Homes Or.,wy�.Libra s6-31 cietic.,, t rudsance by etatba of rzise, i>s , dust, vibyatii(io!, furors, qnjo'kt, ttectnc.al -6t 6!�JT 1. . 12. , 'Wishrd zuel fide of remrd in the JJ0= C)cc.upaI;0Q p,.M.,, as may lac dcenizd j-4-Qespry to cam qt4t tlhc intrr mt of this Secriml., CITY Of LA QU RqTA IVIVINUCI PAL 0015ES,' 9M,1 W, 9. 16(), and 9_' 10,060 PLEA PlClllSC'tODtncl vOur Homeowner's Aswclatjou'or to ri pitying for your,Rome, OccUP3ftOr' Permit, Yout- ffomeowuW s Associlation [h'ay restrict or prohibit 11O.Int, based bllsintsses. / 7 I tai II.KAEAD AND UNDERSTAND THIS S -TAT' . EAMENT- 0 - HOME OCCUPATION CONDITIONS ALL HOME OCCUPATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. No one, other than the resident of the dwelling shall be employed on the premises in the conduct of the Home Occupation. 2. The Home Occupation shall be conducted entirely within the enclosed area of the main building and shall not occupy more than 25 percent of the total area of the structure. 3. A Home Occupation shall not be conducted within an accessory structure. There may be storage of equipment or supplies in an accessory structure. Garage space may be used for the conduct of a Home Occupation only when it does not interfere with the use of such space for the off-street parking of vehicles required by Chapter 9.60 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. There shall be no outdoor storage of equipment, machinery, supplies, materials, or merchandise. 5. There shall be no sales activity, either wholesale or retail, except mail order sales, nor shall there be the maintenance of an office open to the general public. 6. There shall be no supply of hazardous materials stored on the premises at any given time (i.e. pool, chlorine, paint thinner, etc.), unless the hazardous materials are stored in a manner approved the State Fire Marshall or any other regulating agency. 7. There shall be no dispatching of persons or equipment to or from the subject property, including the use of vehicles which operate to and from the premises. 8. No vehicles or trailers, except those normally incidental to residential use, shall be parked at the residence at any time. • 9. There shall be no use of any mechanical equipment, appliance, or motor outside of the enclosed building or which generated noise detectable from outside the building in which it is located that is related to the business. 10. There shall be no signs or other devices identifying or advertising the home occupation. 11. In no way shall the appearance of the building or lot be so altered, or the home occupation be so conducted, that the lot or building may be reasonably recognized as serving a non-residential use (either by color, materials, construction, lighting, sounds, vibrations, etc.) 12. No Home Occupation shall create a nuisance by reason of noise, odor, dust, vibration, fumes, smoke, electrical interference, traffic, or other causes. 13. The use shall meet reasonable special conditions as established and made of record in the Home Occupation Permit, as may be deemed necessary to carry out the intent of this section. t 14. Listed below are special conditions which shall be considered a part of the conditions directly related to this application and this permit: MY SIGNATURE BELOW INDICATES THAT I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL OF THESE CONDITIONS: POINT NAME AT 0VT DATE Office Copy — White Customer Copy — Yellow