DENr--; - �;;-_,; R 1111111 IIIII Iill IIII ,r0 JUN U 6 1996 �l�i� _ _ _ J J 28 DECORATING DEN -- CAROLE STARK FEE $35.00 �' 44-360 Ocotillo Drive CITY OF LA QUINTA LaQuinta, CA 92253 • 78-495 Calle Tampico, P. O.Box 1504, La Quinta, CA 92253 HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT Read each condition listed on the attachment to this form to see if the proposed activity can comply with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. BUSINESS NAME DECORATING DEN PHONE n'`7 % Z Aq/ PROPERTY OWNER CAROLE STARK PHONE Jp Lj- " ) Z7 PROPERTY ADDRESS 44-360 Ocotillo Drive / T,anuinta CA 92L -- MAILING ADDRESS 44-360 Ocotillo Drive / T,aouinta, CA 9221;'� TYPE OF RESIDENCE (single, multiple, mobil home, etc.)SZngle TYPE OF BUSINESS Interior Decorating BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE BUSINESS WILL OPERATE T will be ei)erating my Decorating Den business from my ColorVan using my home address only NUMBER OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS 1 for mailing. LIST NAME OF PERSONS EMPLOYED 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF USABLE FLOOR AREA IN HOUSE (EXCLUDE GARAGE) 2,728 square feet LOCATION AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF AREA �--- OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN HOME 292 square feet (4u-e-�+�/office) (EXAMPLE, 11BEDROOM-125 S.F.") DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIES BEING USED IN THE IRINE�S �PERATION Computer, Printer, Fax, Telephone, Desk, File Cabi- s, oo cases, Mis-ceTianeous Uttice 6upplies. I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE WITH THE CONDITIONS BY WHICH A ROME nrrrTPATION S ALLOWED (CONDITIONS ATTACHED). � 3 _ APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE IF APPLICANT IS OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER, AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER OR AGENT IS REQUIRED. OWNER/AGENT SIGNATURE DATE IMPORTANT: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING YOUR HOME OCCUPATION; FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED PAGE SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT. Bui,bding and Safety Department - APPROVED DENIED CONDITIONS ATTACHED The Smoketree Plan 4, 4G, 4 Optional Pool Opt Overhead CoverOt'erhead Covtr Nook #: Grleat Room Vnu1mJ Ceiling va�JteJ Ce ling � T— a-'n,ry Retreat Hall-vay Below Dining Below r —� " ": Vnul,ed Ceiling Drain Livm I _ '()C g €, p.:FreVlaca Aowrz V-1-1 Ce7liilg v_j, d ('ed6ng Kitchen rk of i y Master Suite vad,ed ceding vinee —dm it ' _ LoftlGame Roam/ Home Thearer 1 cous Plan 4 L-31 Powder Entry Bedroom 2 oe,d��el Y 4 Bedroom 3 ,dour - VazJceA Culmg ='��� P Den/Study/ Bath2� --_ __- Bedroom of Master Bath 3 -Car Garage enure Flex sP�ee 'e{+ ( concrete walk &dove r=ni............. .. .. -----.... — - Plan 4 Guest Suite Optional Circular Drive Designates ceil fan grew re The Smoketree Optional guest suite and circular driveway shown " 'Plan 4-G The Smoketree qqt P9a✓pd > x rr®�ixr vrsvrr __ =r t Plan 4 B The Mesquite Optional circular driveway shown Plan 4-L C 0 • d - BUS. LIC, NO 1996 BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION FORM ww*ww**www*ww*wwwww***************ww***** * *** * APPROVED BY DATE �� 96 ***********wwww*ww**ww**w****w****ww**wwww*w**ww PROOF OF WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE ISREQUIRED PRIL uOR TO ISSUANCE ��.:��:�C >�� IS • THIS BUSINESS LOCATED AT YOUR HOME: 2. Business Name: DECORAT 3. Business Address: 44 - 360 Oc o f 11 1 0 lir i vet. LaQuinta, CA 92253 5. Business Phone: (61 7 7 2 -14 2 7 6. Owned By: YES " NO JUN - 6 1996 Mailing Address 4 4 �t i 11•e��-e ` LaQuinta, CA 92253 connected 6-6-9 CORPORATION PARTNERSHIP fUAL� 7. If Corporation or Partnership: TAX I.D. # dAort Rip f- 8. If Individual Owner: Social Security# _ 1,q 4533 9. Name of Owner CAROLS STARK Title: Interior Decorator Owner f or Officers ' WIII e opera Ing my Decorating Den business from my •10. Type of Business: ColorVan using my home address onl for marlin _I 1. IF YOU ARE A FOOD VENDOR, DO YOU HAVE VE A COUNTY HEALTH PERMIT: NO ------------ 12. SBEResale Number: 13. BUSINESS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF LA QUR4TA (Does Not Apply To Building Contractors): A. Estimated Gross Business Receipts for New Business $ 0-$25,000. (Estimate) B. Previous Year Gross Receipts for Established Busine seClass: 1 S ******************GOOD ONLY FOR JANUARY 1+ 1996 1996 THRUMECEMBER 31 ***www*www*w*** + I HEREBY CERTIFY. that all the information supplied by me i'correct and any.licenses required by the Coun State Federal Goverrunent have been issued to me and are in full force and effect., • - ; ty' Signature DECORATING DEN CAROLE STARK 44360 Ocotillo Drive LaQuinta, CA 92253 Interior Decorator/Owner Title Date \ ` Send Completed Form To: CITY OF LA QUINTA BUSINESS LICENSE DIVISION O 78-495 Calle Tampico r P.O. Box 1504 ,vR La Quints, CA 92253 (This form subject to change. Please contact the 'itY of La Quinta) rule that says you hat suit your taste arch UU— I y ha*0 C�) square cne, or get There's never E. charge for M. innm e chair, just toalve our time, and there's never any rush. you to be completely le with your selections. happy -'--elping out with one window Once you've decided how to proceed, k: CIS Eye -Y are with an entire makeover. we'll take care of the rest. Wel dc Lie Either way, you get great sifivicc. ordering, --oordinate deliveries and W] right to your door with a be --h--re to supervise installation. a dull of samples, and Call I-800-428-1366 for SCICU UIC Wmd carpeting, Din An Great IdeasJust ConiCIYott- more in--ormation of an appointment. No obligation, of course. I Rnnual Frank Sinatra Celebrity Invitational Golf Tournament T0URNRMEHT COMMITTEES Wanda Norton, Ken Rizzottc, Judy Mourt, Helene Coor Kenny Taylor, Don Lucia, Ed Tefteller, Tony Manzoni Photography by Luis Ochoa -Martinez Iry Kennedy, Jim Cos:on, Ray Lockwood, John Stiles Janie Rizzotto, Al Davis, J I ck Murdock FS/7 Page 1 APN 604-193-005 Use: VAC RESIDENTIAL Phone Owners: STARK,WILLIAM C-& CAROLE B Pg-Grd: S';e 44360 OCOTILLO DR*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Census: 44360 OCOTILLO DR*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Zoning: A2 J F1oodP. Legal LOT 65 MB 212/045 TR 24517 Map: MB -212-045 Tr/Lot/B1: 24517-00/L-0065. Assd $24,500 TRA 020054 SaleDt: 01/17/96 SaleAm: $202,0..00F Land $24,500 Tax $349.84 Doc # : 17150 1st Td: $161,600 PerImp: 0 Sta/Ex:, CUR Lender: CHASE MANH Addl:. Ownshp: - TaxYr : 95-96 Title : AMERICAN -PrevDt: 08/11/94+ Last Trans•W%O $: $/SgFt: PrevAm: $2,108,000F Yr Blt:. SgFeet: OutImp: GarSgF: BedBth: Addtnl: StSurf: GarTyp: #Story: Roof MscBdg: CarSgF: •#Units: Electr: Ht/C1 GarSF2: LotSz Gas FirePl: GarTy2: Water Pool CarSF2: Sewer View . Copyright (C)1996 Dataquick Information Systems • 0"