2002 04 02 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 2, 2002 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 2:00 p.m. by Mayor Pe~a. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pe~a ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with City's legal counsel regarding pending litigation, City of Indio v. City of La Quinta, Case No. INC 025560 pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the hour of 3:00 p.m. 3:00 P.M. The City Council meeting reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code (Brown Act). Mayor Pe~a led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA City Manager Genovese noted Business Item No. 1 has been pulled from the agenda, as noted in the memorandum included in the agenda packet. Council Member Adolph requested Consent Item No. 6 be pulled for discussion and Mayor Pe~a requested Consent Item No. 12 be pulled for separate action. City Council Minutes 2 April 2, 2002 Council Member Perkins referenced a letter from the La Quinta High School Football Coach, Dan Armstrong, and requested the letter be placed on the next agenda. Council Member Adolph noted the minutes reflect that he was supportive of a contribution to the Booster Club but not the High School. Council Member Perkins stated his comments in the minutes should reflect that he supports the Booster Club but did not support this particular item. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS - None WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE - None APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Adolph/Sniff to approve the City Council Minutes of March 19, 2002, as corrected (see Council Member Perkins' correction under Confirmation of Agenda). Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED APRIL 2, 2002. 2. APPROVAL OF A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION AND ADOPTION OF THREE RESOLUTIONS REGARDING THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE CALPERS HEALTH PLAN. (RESOLUTION NOS. 2002-45 THROUGH 2002-47) 3. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A STREET CLOSURE FOR LA QUINTA'S 20TM ANNIVERSARY PARADE TO BE HELD APRIL 27, 2002, ON AVENIDA BERMUDAS. (RESOLUTION NO. 2002-48) City Council Minutes 3 April 2, 2002 4. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE ASSISTANT ENGINEER II TO ATTEND THE FLOOD-PLAIN MANAGEMENT AND DUTIES OF THE LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR SEMINAR SPONSORED BY THE CITY OF SANTA CLARITA AND PRESENTED BY THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES IN SANTA CLARITA, CALIFORNIA, ON MAY 2, 2002. 5. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LEGISLATIVE ACTION DAYS CONFERENCE IN SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, TO BE HELD MAY 15-16, 2002. 6. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT 30125-1, SEDONA HOMES. (See separate action below.) 7, ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A STREET CLOSURE PERMIT FOR THE ANNUAL GREATER COACHELLA VALLEY SOAP BOX DERBY TO BE HELD APRIL 20, 2002, ON AVENIDA BERMUDAS. (RESOLUTION NO. 2002-49) 8. APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT EXTENSION TO RETAIN ROY F. STEPHENSON, P.E. OF BERRYMAN AND HENIGAR AS INTERIM PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER. 9. APPROVAL TO DISTRIBUTE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) TO PREPARE DESIGN PLANS FOR THE CITY HALL EXPANSION. 10. APPROVAL OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH RIVERSIDE COUNTY FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES, ADDING A SECOND MOTORCYCLE OFFICER. 11. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE OFFICIAL CANVASS OF ELECTION RETURNS FOR MEASURE "B" HELD ON MARCH 5, 2002. (RESOLUTION NO. 2002-50) 12. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST BY THE LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION TO UTILIZE THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR A FESTIVAL EVENT WRAP-UP MEETING ON APRIL 3, 2002, FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 11:00 A.M. (See separate action below.) MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Perkins/Henderson to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and amended with the exception of Item Nos. 6 and 12, and with Item Nos. 2, 3, 7, and 11 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 2002-45 through 2002-50 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2002-40. City Council Minutes 4 April 2, 2002 Item No. 6 Council Member Adolph stated he understood the grade differential between the curb and the wall would be two feet but it appears to be 4 to 5 feet. He has a problem with high walls on top of high berms and feels the Council needs to make a determination about berm heights. Mayor Pe~a noted Council discussed that issue being brought back during the General Plan meetings. Council Member Perkins also voiced concern about the grade level on the southeast corner of Highway 1 1 1 and Washington Street, Mayor Pe~a requested staff take a look at the grading and report back to Council. Interim Public Works Director/City Engineer Stephenson advised the tract grading plan shows a grade differential of less than two feet and that staff will check it out. Council Member Henderson noted Council will have an opportunity to review the berm height issue during review of the development standards. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2002-51 granting conditional final map approval of Tract Map 30125-1 and authorizing a time extension for satisfactory completion of the conditional requirements to validate the approval. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO, 2002-41. Item No. 12 MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Adolph to approve Consent Item No. 12 approving a request from the La Quinta Arts Foundation to utilize the Council Chambers for a Post Festival Event Wrap Up Meeting on April 3, 2002 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. In response to Council Member Perkins, City Attorney Jenson advised he does not have a conflict of interest on this matter because the request does not relate to the Arts Foundation property. Motion carried with Mayor Pe~a ABSTAINING. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2002-42. City Council Minutes 5 April 2, 2002 BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF A TEMPORARY ART LOAN AGREEMENT WITH JOHN KENNEDY FOR ARTWORK AT THE LA QUINTA SENIOR CENTER. Mayor Pe~a noted this item has been pulled from the agenda but that a member of the audience has requested to speak. Elaine Reynolds, 49-294 Avenida Vista Bonita, commented on Mr. Kennedy's concerns with the agreement. Mayor Pe~a explained the item was pulled to give staff an opportunity to work out the information with Mr. Kennedy. No action was taken. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT REQUEST BY MARTIN LANGER FOR A COMMUNITY CONCERT. Community Services Director Horvitz presented the staff report. Martin Langer, 49-994 El Circulo, asked if the consideration is for one concert or a series of concerts. Ms. Horvitz advised funding does not allow for a series and recommended if Council wishes to consider a series that it be done during the budget process. Mr. Langer stated he is willing to get started with a series and wait on the funding. He felt frequency and continuity is important and stated he has five events on hold. Council Member Sniff supported considering this request during the budget process and possibly through some type of proposal process for other events during the year. He felt it was inappropriate to consider at this time. Council Member Adolph disagreed and noted the summer is too hot for outdoor concerts. He is very supportive of Mr. Langer's concerts and noted Mr. Langer has expressed a willingness to play now and pay later. -- Council Member Perkins spoke in support of Mr. Langer's request and the potential for future concerts at the Civic Center Campus once it is completed. He stated he would not support going out to bid on this. City Council Minutes 6 April 2, 2002 Council Member Henderson referenced the number of items on the agenda that intertwine with this item, such as Civic Center Campus concerts under Council Goals, and a potential Concert and Dine program under the Marketing Program. She felt Mr. Langer's program is exciting and that the time to move forward with it will be when the Civic Center Campus comes online and the Arts Foundation becomes more solid with their site. She commented on upcoming budget issues, such as the need for community education on a future fire safety assessment, and potential State tax cuts, and stated she felt the budget process would be the appropriate time to consider a concert series. She pointed out the Council struggled to set aside $20,000 for the City's 20th birthday and is soliciting sponsors to help put that event together. She felt continuity in location is important and questioned the outdoor school facility being very comfortable for the concerts. She stated she was not ready to support the request at this time. Flosita Shamis, Chairman of the Cultural Arts Commission, reminded Council that the Commission has recommended going with all five concerts as soon as possible and making it part of the City's birthday celebration. She urged Council to take the opportunity now instead of waiting. Mayor Pe~a agreed continuity is a key, and noted it will be hot if the concerts begin in May and continue through the summer for continuity. He preferred starting the concerts in the fall on the Civic Center Campus, which would allow putting them in the budget. He also voiced concern about State tax cuts and the possibility for a lean year when it comes to outside funding sources. Council Member Sniff concurred. Council Member Adolph questioned the Civic Center Campus being able to accommodate 500 people for a concert. He recalled the concerts at the middle school having about 200 in attendance. Mr. Langer stated he has talked to the school district about using the indoor facility for concerts. He proposed concert dates of May 26, June 2, 9, 16, and 30, with May 26th and June 30th being patriotic themes. The concerts would begin at 5:00 p.m. After a brief discussion, Council concurred to continue this matter for two weeks to allow Mr. Langer an opportunity to secure the indoor facility for the proposed concert dates. City Council Minutes 7 April 2, 2002 MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to continue the grant request for community concerts until April 16, 2002. Motion carried with Council Member Adolph voting NO. MINUTE ORDER NO, 2002-43. 3. CONSIDERATION OF DESIGN PLANS FOR EXPANSION OF THE CITY-OWNED FACILITY LEASED BY THE YMCA AND POSSIBLE COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT APPROPRIATION. Community Services Director Horvitz presented the staff report. Council Member Perkins expressed appreciation for the former Council's wisdom in providing sufficient land for the expansion. He suggested the two current members of Council that approved the original facility be allowed to make the motion on the expansion. Council concurred. MOTION - It was moved by Council Member Sniff and seconded by Mayor Pe~a to approve the design plan for the expansion of the City-owned facility leased by the YMCA and approve funding for the City permits in the amount of $2,500 from the Special Projects Contingency Account. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO, 2002-44. 4. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDING SECTION 12.32.120 OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATING THE PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES AND A MOTION TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING FUTURE ENFORCEMENT OF CERTAIN OF THE CURRENT RESTRICTIONS REGARDING COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PARKING. Building & Safety Director Hartung presented the staff report. Council Member Adolph asked if commercial vehicles are allowed to park on City streets for a limited period of time, such as the 72-hour allowance for RVs. He also asked if they can be parked in residents' yards. Mr. Hartung responded there is no provision for parking commercial vehicles on the street and if they are parked in the yard they must be screened from public view. In response to Council Member Sniff, City Attorney Jenson confirmed a commercial vehicle is any vehicle used in commerce. City Council Minutes 8 April 2, 2002 In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Hartung advised the regulations do not address vehicle signage. Council Member Perkins noted all trucks are licensed as commercial vehicles unless they have a camper shell. He felt the ordinance should be stricter and didn't support the proposed changes. Council Member Henderson asked if commercial vehicles with advertising on them are considered "advertising vehicles." Mr. Hartung responded not unless the vehicle is parked in a location primarily for advertising purposes. Council Member Henderson stated she wasn't sure about supporting the change and noted next year the vehicles might be 26 or 30 inches longer. Mayor Pe~a asked about the definition of "utility" van and if a raised truck with advertising on it would be considered a commercial vehicle, to which Mr. Hartung responded "Yes, if it's over the height limit." Mr. Hartung advised commercial vehicles parked overnight on a permitted construction site are not cited. Moving vans, such as U-Haul, are also not cited. Kay Wolff, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, stated she was opposed to any changes that will loosen the ordinance and supports anything that will tighten it. John Lindfield, 53-720 Avenida Montezuma, spoke in opposition to changing the ordinance. Robert Tyler, 44-215 Villeta Drive, noted the City's regulations are less restrictive than some neighboring cities. Robert Courtings, 53-180 Avenida Madero, was supportive of removing "similar utility vehicles" and opposed to allowing trucks up to 22 feet. Council Member Henderson stated she wished to have a better definition of "utility vehicle." Mr. Hartung confirmed a more solid definition would be better in court. In response to Mayor Pe~a, Community Development Director Herman advised the City's development standard for parking stalls is 19 feet long with a wheel stop, making a total of about 20 feet. Council Member Sniff supported leaving the ordinance as is. City Council Minutes 9 April 2, 2002 Mayor Pe~a spoke in support of staff's recommendation and commented on the difficulty of enforcing a 20-foot limit if pickups extend up to over 21 feet and garages are only 20 feet. He also felt there may be a need to deal with the parking of oversize RVs in the City. Council Member Henderson commented on the possibility of pickups being longer next year. She supported removing "similar utility vehicles" and reiterated her wish for a better definition of "utility vehicle." Council Member Perkins stated he would support removing "similar utility vehicles" but would not support 22 feet. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to take up Ordinance No. 369 as amended (see below) by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 369 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 12.32.120 OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE EXEMPTING CERTAIN COMMERCIAL VEHICLES FROM PARKING RESTRICTIONS. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to introduce Ordinance No. 369 on first reading as amended (removing "similar utility vehicles," adding "public" before utility emergency service vehicles in 12.32.120(D), and leaving the vehicle length at 22 feet). Motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pe~a NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 5. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION OF CONCERN REGARDING THE EFFECT OF WATER TRANSFERS ON THE SALTON SEA. Assistant City Manager Weiss presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson commented that liD Board President Stella Mendoza serves on the Salton Sea Authority (SSA) and voted in support of the Authority's resolution. City Council Minutes 10 April 2, 2002 Council Member Perkins commented on the number of "whereas" in the resolution. Council Member Sniff explained it was done to accommodate a number of concerns by the agencies involved. Mayor Pe~a stated he would be more comfortable waiting to see the resolution adopted by the SSA. Steve Robbins, of CVWD, stated the main difference between the CVAG and SSA resolutions is the removal of the whereas' regarding the Coachella Valley being in a state of overdraft. He added the resolution adopted by SSA was acceptable to CVWD. Council Member Sniff stated he supports adoption of the resolution. Council Member Adolph asked if CVWD and SSA have resolved their differences on this matter. Mr. Robbins responded not completely but the resolution infers that there are ways of transferring water with minimal impacts to the Salton Sea. He added conservation through fallowing will have a much smaller effect on the sea and keep it at an acceptable level. Council Member Henderson noted the resolution is a voice of support in trying to resolve the problem. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING THE EFFECT OF WATER TRANSFERS ON THE SALTON SEA. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2002-52 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 6. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 367 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTERS 9.220, 9.230, AND 9.240 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PROCEDURES FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT CODE, GENERAL PLAN, AND SPECIFIC PLANS (ZONE CODE AMENDMENT 2002-071 - CITY OF LA QUINTA). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Ordinance No. 367 on second reading. Motion carried by the following vote: City Council Minutes 11 April 2, 2002 AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pe~a NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 7. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 368 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION 9.140.070, LOW DENSITY/AGRICULTURAL- EQUESTRIAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 2002-071A - CITY OF LA QUINTA). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Ordinance No. 368 on second reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pe~a NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF CITY OF LA QUINTA MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002/2003. Assistant City Manager Weiss presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Weiss confirmed the RFP process has begun but explained a marketing plan is needed regardless of the marketing firm selected to implement the plan. He added any new ideas proposed by the selected firm can be incorporated later on. Staff anticipates the RFP process being completed and a finalist recommended sometime in June. Council proceeded to review the proposed marketing strategies and there was unanimous support to update the economic development infomercial. Council Member Henderson questioned the need to do much local advertising and Council Member Sniff agreed. She wished to see a comprehensive advertising program. City Council Minutes 12 April 2, 2002 Mayor Pe~a suggested the possibility of advertising in both the Bob Hope Classic and Nabisco golf tournament brocl-iures. Andrea Carter, of Kiner Goodsell, Inc., noted the City advertises in the Desert Cities Progress issue for Palm Springs Life and it is the September issue that is placed in hotel rooms. Mayor Pe~a stated he felt the October issue is sufficient and Council concurred. Council Member Sniff questioned the benefit in advertising in brochures of self- contained events. He preferred reaching out to visitors at hotels and the airport and focusing on television instead of magazines. He felt the best television advertising time is during the news. Council Member Perkins concurred with the effectiveness of television commercials. Mayor Pe~a suggested advertising on local television during the Super Bowl. Council Member Henderson stated she preferred one major effort instead of bits and pieces. Her only concern with local advertising is that some of the residents don't understand how important economic development is to the City's future and they feel the City is trying to overgrow when they see the commercials. Council Member Adolph commented he has heard a lot of good comments about the short television ads. Council Member Sniff stated he felt short 15-second commercials are better than one big one. Mayor Pe~a noted the Super Bowl is in San Diego next year, which would provide a large market to capture only two hours away. Council Member Perkins voiced opposition to the dinner and concert concept, sister city collaboration, and creation of an annual event. Council Member Henderson stated she felt the dinner and concert concept has potential, possibly with Mr. Langer's concerts. She didn't support collaborating with a sister city without more information, and noted the annual Arts Festival event has already put La Quinta on the map. She voiced disinterest in developing a quarterly newsletter. City Council Minutes 13 April 2, 2002 Council Member Sniff stated he did not support collaborating with a sister city but does support creating additional annual events with the Arts Foundation, possibly one or two initially and working up to four or five over the years. He suggested the dinner and concert concept might be a good replacement for the Village Faire. Council Member Adolph supported the dinner and concert concept and noted in the past the La Quinta Hotel gave a 20% discount if you showed a ticket stub from the community concert. Mayor Pe~a agreed with not having a quarterly newsletter, and as for the dinner and concert concept, he felt it depends on what kind of concerts and dinners are proposed. He agreed with some of the promotional opportunities when new restaurants open, such as Palmers, and felt it might be a great event that could be tied into the Breakfast of Champions during the Bob Hope Classic. He commented on the Mariachi Festival and the number of people it draws to the City. He wasn't sure about participating in the ICSC Conference. Ms. Carter proposed coming up with something for the booth that will draw _ people's attention, such as cut-outs of a celebrity from La Quinta. Council Member Sniff questioned the benefit and stated he felt it's a waste of money and time. Ms. Carter also proposed having a cookbook and maybe a local restaurant chef cooking in the booth. She stated the purpose is to maximize the City's impact at the conference. Council Member Henderson questioned the need to do "Fam" tours since they are already done by the CVA. She didn't object to participating in one of their tours where the activity leans toward La Quinta. Mayor Pe~a stated he felt "Fam" tours are usually geared toward hoteliers and not developers. He felt the CVEP conference later this month might be a good opportunity for the City, noting Fortune 1000 companies will be there along with some "topnotch" speakers. Mayor Pe~a suggested the possibility of hiring a celebrity, such as Arnold Palmer, to speak at one of these events and say, "this is why I chose to build a restaurant in La Quinta." Council Member Henderson suggested skipping a year on the realtor's breakfast. City Council Minutes 14 April 2, 2002 Council Member Sniff agreed and suggested deleting "Fam" tours from the marketing strategy. Council concurred on both suggestions. 2. DISCUSSION OF THE DRAFT 2002/2003 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Assistant City Manager Weiss presented the staff report. Council Member Sniff questioned the need to reference the Sedway Group Market Study because it's dated material. Council Member Henderson noted the study has been updated to 1999. Council Member Adolph suggested deleting "aggressively" under Annexation Opportunities (Page 20) because it doesn't project what the City has been telling people. After a brief discussion, Council concurred to delete "aggressively" and add, as requested." Mayor Pe~a suggested adding, "and look at potential impacts on current residents" under Annexation Feasibility (Page 27). Council concurred. Council Member Henderson questioned the purpose in referencing the Sedway Group's forecast for new restaurants (Page 14) since the City has already reached that point. She noted some of the references need to be refined to coincide with the changes made to the marketing strategy plan. Council Member Sniff stated he felt the references to the Sedway Group should be removed. Mayor Pe~a suggested under Key Assets, deleting "Golf Community" after The Quarry (Page 10) and adding "La Quinta Country Club." He also suggested adding language in the first paragraph under La Quinta Market Strengths (Page 12) to reflect the City's growth in families, as well as retirees. 3. DISCUSSION OF DRAFT FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 2002/2003 THROUGH 2006/2007. Interim Public Works Director/City Engineer Stephenson presented the staff report. City Council Minutes 15 April 2, 2002 In response to Council Member Adolph, City Manager Genovese confirmed the projection for 300 new, single family, homes annually (Page 3) is very realistic. Council Member Henderson asked if the RCTC funding for Highway 111 is secure. Consultant Nickerson confirmed the project is slated for funding sometime between now and June 2009. Staff expects to hear something more definite within the next month and a signed reimbursement agreement by June 2002. RCTC recommends not waiting on funding to get the project ready because if the project is not ready when the financing becomes available the funds may be directed elsewhere. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Stephenson advised Phase II of Jefferson Street Improvements is being administered by the County and is currently under contract for design. Council Member Henderson expressed a desire for the City to have more than normal status reports on the project because the residents want to know what is happening. Mr. Stephenson responded he has asked to be actively involved in the process and is optimistic that the County will allow the City to be part of the design team. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Nickerson advised the environmental for Phase II is being done by Robert Bien, William Frost & Associates. The CEQA document is being revisited due to federal funding being included as a result of adding a bridge to the project. He stated that could delay the project if the revenue is not available. He confirmed there will be a number of hearings on the right-of-way and bridge alignment where residents can voice their concerns. He stated the time frame for the hearings is approximately six months. He confirmed the City's grant for the bridge is funded. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Genovese stated the Items of Interest and Department Reports will include any updated information. Council Member Sniff commented on the increasing shortfall each year for the Landscape & Lighting District. Council Member Henderson noted at a previous meeting Council agreed to have staff come back with information on a potential traffic signal at Lake La Quinta Drive. She suggested coordinating it with the street reconstruction plans for Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive. Council Member Sniff stated he understood the street project is ready to go. Mr. Genovese confirmed the street project is delayed somewhat but that the City Council Minutes 16 April 2, 2002 Washington Street portion should be coming before Council in the very near future. Council Member Henderson asked about a dog park, to which Mr. Genovese responded staff can look into available grants. Council recessed to and until 7:00 p.m. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT - None PRESENTATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST BY APPLICANT TO MODIFY CONDITION NO. 65 OF SPECIFIC PLAN 2001-053 AND CONDITION NO. 67 OF TRACT MAP 30096. APPLICANT: PUERTA AZUL, LLC. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 8:01 p.m. Community Development Director Herman presented the staff report. Mark Rockwell, the applicant, explained their difficulty in getting financing because of Condition No. 67 and advised they have received a letter of commitment from General Bank, provided that issue can be resolved. Emily Hemphill, attorney representing the applicant, commented on the purpose of the request and urged approval. There being no other requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 8:08 p.m. Council Member Henderson asked if the City has previously used a Public Facilities Fee, to which Mr. Herman responded no. City Council Minutes 17 April 2, 2002 City Attorney Jenson advised the fee percentage has been worked out with the property owner and will be recorded. In response to Mayor Pe~a, she confirmed the condition will run with the property and stated additional language has been recommended today because there was some question about the initial fee being recorded on the property. She advised the language makes sure the condition will be recorded on the property before any lot can be sold and that recordation is the responsibility of the seller in the first sale. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MODIFICATION TO SPECIFIC PLAN 2001-053, AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 30096 (PUERTA AZUL, LLC). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. 2002-53 with amended language as follows: "The CC&Rs must be memorialized for this project. The CC&Rs must be approved bY the City Attorney prior to their recordation and must be recorded prior to or concurrent with the recordation of the final map." Motion carried unanimously. STUDY SESSION .......... continued 4. DISCUSSION OF CITY COUNCIL GOALS. City Manager Genovese presented a brief staff report and Council proceeded to present their proposed goals for the City. Council Member Sniff presented his list of goals as follows: 1) complete the Civic Center Campus; 2) proceed with the Historic Museum; 3) proceed with the Library; 4) provide financial support for the La Quinta Arts Foundation, Chamber of Commerce, and Historical Society; 5) complete the streetscape for Avenida La Fonda; 6) asphalt the Village parking lot at Avenida Bermudas and Avenida Montezuma; 7) complete Phase I of the La Quinta Community Park at Adams Street and Westward Ho Drive; 8) continue adding mini-parks, maybe one each year; 9) continue the marketing programs; 10) push aggressively for more commercial development (hotels, motels, diverse retail); 11) enhance the directional sign program to be clear during the day, illuminated at night, and consistent throughout the City; 12) pursue annexations and spheres of influence promptly and aggressively in response to requests; 13) purchase suitable land for public purposes; 14) continue to increase the General Fund; 15) periodically re-evaluate City Commissions with directions and rules; and 16) expand City Hall (EOC, storage, office, and conference space for up to 200 people). City Council Minutes 18 April 2, 2002 Council Member Perkins concurred with Council Member Sniff's list but questioned putting asphalt on the Village parking lot because he doesn't feel it looks good. He is fully supportive of purchasing land for public purposes. In reference to expansion of City Hall, he voiced caution about using up the park area in the Civic Center Campus. He agreed the City needs a conference area. Council Member Adolph commented on the need to be realistic in setting goals and on the number of goals already set by Council. He noted fiscal viability will determine what can be done. He presented two additional goals: 1 ) create more open space; and 2) endeavor to lower densities where traffic and congestion are likely to occur. Council Member Henderson agreed with completing the Civic Center Campus, the library, and the streetscape on Avenida La Fonda. She also agreed with finding a solution for the parking lot but hoped it's not asphalt, unless it has a lot of trees, which she noted would reduce the parking area. She presented two goals: 1) have the fire safety issue brought back to Council to determine how to move forward with it, noting the need to educate residents, especially on the complexities in the funding; and 2) increase code compliance through public education. She suggested making a list of code compliance issues, such as trash cans in the street, commercial parking, and animal control, and mailing a communication to residents explaining what code compliance is, how it relates to these issues, and the City's intent to enforce them. She felt it would be better to communicate these issues to the residents prior to being heavy-handed with enforcement. Mayor Pe~a agreed with the need for code enforcement education and presented goals as follows: 1) work with SCAQMD on the reduction of PM10 levels; 2) work with the School District regarding future school sites to keep viable commercial areas from being used for schools; 3) form a citizens advisory committee to get citizens involved with the development process of public land purchases; and 4) develop some type of lighting for street signs. Council Member Henderson suggested a possible solution for the street signs, noting they would be easier to see at night if they were moved closer to the corner. Council Member Sniff stated he felt they would still be too high to be illuminated by headlights. Mayor Pe~a suggested some type of solar power lighting. Council Member Perkins pointed out there is only one sign at each intersection and he felt there should be two at opposite corners. He also spoke in reference to animal control violations and stated Laguna de la Paz issues a warning for the City Council Minutes 19 April 2, 2002 first violation and citations if further violations occur. The fines begin at $50 and increase with each violation. He felt a warning is sufficient in most cases and wished to see the City have a code enforcement policy wherein people receive a warning prior to being cited. Mr. Genovese advised staff will incorporate the goals into the referenced documents and/or during budget discussions. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS CVAG Executive Committee -- Mayor Pe~a advised a Habitat Workshop is scheduled for April 8th at CVAG to discuss issues related to the Multi-Species Habitat Plan. CVAG Energy & Environmental Resources Committee -- Council Member Sniff reported there was a strong push at the Trails Committee last week to have alternate plans in place before any trail closures are implemented. He understood the Sierra Club plans to ask the courts for a time extension. He didn't feel the cities should give up anything until firm alternate trails are in place. CVAG Human & Community Resources Committee -- Council Member Adolph spoke regarding an upcoming meeting about the animal shelter on April 3. Mayor Pe~a asked that he inquire what the County's plan is for the Indio shelter. Council Member Perkins asked about the costs for the Indio shelter. Council Member Adolph responded the amount is $700,000 + but the County doesn't know how it will be funded. City Manager Genovese referenced meetings between the County and the three cities and stated a report should be forthcoming from the County regarding discussions on the upgrade and future operation of the Indio shelter. Symposium -- Council Member Henderson referenced a map on future growth in the Coachella Valley that she obtained at a growth symposium in Indio and noted the map does not show any growth in the County area. 20th Anniversary Committee -- Council Member Henderson reported the Committee plans to request a number of Gambys to use for prizes during the anniversary celebration. City Council Minutes 20 April 2, 2002 SunLine Transit Agency -- Mayor Pe~a stated the Agency is asking cities to purchase a table for the Clean Cities Awards and send staff from the Public Works Department to attend. Council Member Henderson referenced the new artistic-designed bus shelters in Palm Desert and questioned what has changed in the specifications because La Quinta had a hard time getting approval on its bus shelter design because of SunLine's specifications. All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 4. REPORT ON THE STATUS OF THE THEATER. Council Member Adolph stated he had a buyer for the theater but Mr. Shovlin has not been able to get the owners to move on it. Fie asked if there is anything the City can do to force completion of the project or force a sale. City Attorney Jenson stated the property owner has filed bankruptcy and there is an exception from the stay requirement that allows the City to move forward on police protection type issues such as ordering demolition. She stated in order to assess a lien, the City would have to go into the bankruptcy court and request relief. She added the bankruptcy does not preclude the City from issuing orders for health and safety purposes but it does preclude the City from taking the action itself and placing a lien on the property to recovery the costs. After a brief discussion, Council concurred to place this matter on a future agenda for discussion and to invite the owners to attend. 5. STATUS OF THE FISHERMAN'S MARKET & GRILL ART PIECE/LOGO SIGN. Community Development Director Herman advised staff is in the process of reviewing an application to amend the restaurant's sign program. City Council Minutes 21 April 2, 2002 6. ANNUAL FRITZ BURNS PARK POOL REPORT BY THE COACHELLA VALLEY RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT. Council Member Adolph asked staff to look into the possibility of keeping the pool open, at least part-time, into the first few weeks of September. Council Member Sniff noted the attendance drops drastically toward the end of August. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California