RSVP/Senior Center Volunteers 02 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) 73-750 Catalina Way, Palm Desert, CA 92260 Name of Volunteer Station: La Quinta Senior Center Golden Tones Name of Station Volunteer Coordinator who w/ii act as liaison with RSVP and be responsible for orientation and supervision of volunteers is: Marilyn Smith Address: P. O. Box ~504, La Qu/nta, CA 92255 Telephone Number: (760) 564-0096 Fax: (760) 564-5004 Non Profit 50~ (c) (3) No. MOU Contract Period 3/02~/05 An RSVP Representative is available for ass/stance or any questions at: Phone (760) 34~-040~ Fax (760) 340-9585 E-ma//fferguson~co.r/verside. ca. us This Memorandum of Understanding (MOW) w/ii guide the working relationship between both parties. This MOU may be amended, in writing, at any time with concurrence of both part/es and must be renegot/ated at/east every three years. PROVISIONS OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING A. Retired and Senior Volunteer Pro,qram (RSVP) ~. Recruit, interview, and enroll RSVP volunteers and refer volunteers to the volunteer station. 2. instruct RSVP volunteers in proper use of month/y reports, reimbursement guidance, and program procedures. 3. Provide RSVP orientation to volunteer stat/on staff prior to placement of volunteers, and other times, as the need arises. 4. Periodically monitor volunteer act/v/t/es at volunteer station to assess, discuss needs of volunteers and volunteer stat/on. 5. Furnish accident, persona/i/ability, and excess automobile insurance coverage as required by program policies. Insurance is secondary co verage and is not pr/mary insurance. 6. Reimburse qualifying RSVP volunteers for transportation cost between their home and volunteer station in accordance with RSVP po/ic/es. 7. Spec/fy, either by written information or verbal that RSVP volunteers are participants of RSVP publicity; radio, TV print or verbal presentation. 8. Volunteer Station: 1. Interview and make final decision on assignment of volunteers. 2. implement orientation, in-service instruction, or special training of volunteers. 4. Submit Nlonth/y Volunteer Reporting to RSVP by the ~h of the month. · Programming for Impact statistical data reflecting vo/unteer impact on community. · Individual vo/unteerhours 5. Provide supervision of vo/unteers on assignments. 6. Furnish volunteers with materia/s required for assignmenL 7. Provide for adequate health and safety of vo/unteers. 8. Furnish Vo/unteers with transportation required during their assignments. 9. Investigate and report, accidents, and injuries invo/ving RSVP volunteers immediate/y to the RSVP office. Ali reports must be submitted in writing. C. Other provisions: ~. /f mea/s are provided to volunteers, please complete this portion: /~ Contributed meals are FEDERALLY FUNDED under: T/tie/I/of the O/der Americans Act __ Other (federal) funding source Contributed meals are not provided by FEDERAL FUNDS. Meals w/Ii be provided to RSVP volunteers at a free or reduced price when hours of service has been or wi//be volunteered during that day. if free or reduced meals are provided, and not federally funded, space for this reporting w/ii be added to the Monthly Volunteer Time Sheet. 2. Separation from Volunteer Service: The volunteer station may request the removal oran RSVP volunteer at anytime. The RSVP volunteer may withdraw from service at the Volunteer Station or from the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program at anytime. Discussion of individual separations wi//occur among RSVP staff, Volunteer Station Staff and volunteer to clarify the reasons, resolve conflicts, or take remedial action, including placement w/th another Volunteer Station. 3. Religious Activities: The Volunteer Station wi//not request or assign RSVP volunteers to conduct or engage in religious, sectarian, or po/itica/ activities. 4. Displacement of Employees: The Volunteer Station will not assign RSVP volunteers to any assignment, which would displace employed workers or impair existing contracts for services. 5. Accessibility and Reasonable Accommodation: The Volunteer Stat/on wi// maintain the programs and activities to which RSVP volunteers are assigned accessible to persons with disabilities and provide reasonable accommodation to al/ow persons w/th disabilities to part/c/pate in programs and activities. 6. Prohibition of Discrimination: The Volunteer Station wi//not discriminate against RSVP volunteers or in the operation of/ts program on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, po/it/ca/affiliation, religion, or on the basis of disability, if the volunteer is a qualified individual with a disability. 7. Specify, either by written information or verbal/y, that RSVP volunteers are participants in the Volunteer Station's program in ail publicity featuring such volunteers, whether it be radio, TV, print or verbal presentation. Display an RSVP p/acard where it may be viewed by the public. 8. Conditions of this Memorandum of Understanding may be amended or terminated in writing at anytime at the request of e/ther party, it wi//be reviewed every three years to permit needed changes. 9. This Memorandum of Understanding contains afl the terms and conditions agreed upon by the contracting part/es. No other understanding, ora/or otherwise, shall be deemed to exist or to b//nd any of the parties hereto. lO. This Memorandum of Understanding wi//be in effect upon dated signature of the Director. NanSend Ti~/e, Vo/uJ~teer Station Representative Fran Ferguson Date Director, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program *City may terminate Hemorandum of Understanding with a 30-day notice.