2002 06 20 CCU �w City Council Agendas are G�ht OF available on the City's web page @www.la-quinta.org City Council Agenda CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, California 92253 SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, June 20. 2002 - 10 a.m. Beginning Res. No. 2002- Ord. No. I. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Council Members: Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. IV. CLOSED SESSION - NONE V. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA VI. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 PRELIMINARY BUDGET. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION T00 City Council Agenda (Special Meeting) Page 1 March 20, 2002 Vill. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the start of City Council consideration of that item. The Mayor will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak, to come forward at the appropriate time. Any person may submit written comments to the La Quinta City Council/ Redevelopment Agency before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of, or in opposition to, the approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any of the projects(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to the public hearing. Vlll. ADJOURNMENT Adjourn to the regularly scheduled City Council Meeting, commencing with closed session at 2:00 P.M. and open session at 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 2, 2002, in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. City Council Agenda (Special Meeting) Page 2 002 March 20, 2002 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting of Thursday, June 20, 2002, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce and at Stater Bros. 78-630 Highway 111, on Friday, June 14, 2002. DATED: June 14, 2002 gol�� — 1 JU . GREEK, CIVIC City Clerk, City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICES The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7025, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 777-7025. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the City Council, during a City Council Meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk. It is requested that this take place prior to the 7:00 p.m session for distribution. 003 City Council Agenda (Special Meeting) Page 3 March 20, 2002 T4ht 4 4 Q" AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: / COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 20, 2002 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of Fiscal Year PUBLIC HEARING: 2002/2003 Preliminary Budget RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Fiscal Year 2002/2003 Preliminary Budget and direct staff to prepare a Fiscal Year 2002/2003 Final Budget for the July 16, 2002, City Council Meeting. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: All Preliminary Fiscal Year 2002/2003 revenues, operational appropriations and capital projects funding are included in this Preliminary Budget. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: INTRODUCTION This preliminary Fiscal Year 2002/2003 Budget is similar to the format implemented the last few years. This format utilizes two separate documents to develop the City, Agency and Financing Authority's Budget. The first of the two documents utilized for presentation of this year's budget is titled Fiscal Year 2002/2003 Preliminary Budget and includes the total scope of operations for the City, Agency and Financing Authority. The second document is titled the Supporting Document. This document provides the detail for each program operation and the justification for any of the changes requested. SUMMARY OF THIS YEAR'S BUDGET: REVENUES This year's budget reflects an increase in a number of revenue sources totaling $847,000. The Fiscal Year 2002/2003 revenues are projected with the major changes reflected in the following tables: 004 INCREASE REVENUE TYPE (DECREASE) Property Tax $269,100 Sales Tax 582,000 Transient Occupancy Tax (85,000) Motor Vehicle in Lieu 168,600 County Fire Tax 100,000 Interest (176, 500) Miscellaneous (11,700) $ 8 77,000 EXPENDITURES This year's budget has also received close scrutiny of all planned expenditures. The effects of Proposition 218 have resulted in the need to utilize the General Fund for operating expenditures previously paid by the Lighting and Landscaping District. The Public Works Lighting and Landscape Maintenance costs exceeded reimbursements by $765,000. As identified on page C-2 of the Preliminary Budget, this year's budget is balanced and contains a $8,1 14 surplus. Some of the significant items or changes contained in the Preliminary Budget are as follows: Department Description Amount Change General Government Legal Costs $477,000 $80,000 City Clerk Elections 35,800 35,800 Finance Information Technology Charges 77,250 77,250 Finance Citywide Integrated Activities Software 225,000 225,000 Finance Budget Newsletter 10,000 10,000 Police Patrol (Salaries) 2,503,943 105,000 Police Motor Officer Full Year Funding 150,384 106,700 Police Gang Task Force Position Full Year Funding 148,928 117,500 Police Grant funded special activities 189,110 140,000 Building Fire Services Contract 1,698,000 1,698,000 Public Works Update Drainage Plan - Phase 1 75,000 75,000 Public Works Contract Traffic Engineer 41,600 41,600 Public Works Update Pavement Management Plan 60,000 60,000 Public Works Citywide Landscape Maintenance Contract 700,000 100,000 Public Works Landscape Lighting Maintenance Contract 160,000 44,000 Public Works Landscape Utilities 354,100 66,000 All Departments Salary and Benefits 5,746,300 825,000 All Departments Miscellaneous 3,922 $3,8 00,722 005 002 OTHER FUNDS The following lists other significant line items contained in the budget. Fund Description Amount Information Technology Accounting Software $225,000 Additionally, the following additions were requested by Departments for improving City services and were not included in the preliminary budget. Department Position/Description Amount Public Works Back Hoe $80,000 Public Works Drainage Study — Phase 2 50,000 Public Works Office Assistant 46,600 Police Priority Priority 1 — Community Action Team 426,045 Police Priority 2 — Increase Patrol Hours 427,708 From 82 to 92 PFR-Q()NNFI There are no proposed additions or deletions to the 76 full time equivalent positions currently funded at the City. The proposed budget includes normal step increases for eligible employees and a 3.1 % Cost of Living Allowance. COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS In past budgets, the Council has included community service projects to benefit the citizens, children, and business community in the City of La Quinta (Attachment 1). The following table lists Community Service items exceeding $5,000: AGENCIES BUDGETED C.V. Recreation & Park District — Pool Hours $20,000 Bob Hope Chrysler Classic ( Attachment 2) 50,000 Boys & Girls Club Facility Use 30,000 Community Special Events (formerly Village Faire) 61,800 Boys & Girls Club — Floor Refinishing 6,000 Sports Complex — Shade Structure 25,000 Sports Complex — Brick Dust 6,000 Special Projects 55,000 La Quinta Arts Foundation 90,000 AB 939 Unallocated Requests 10,000 La Quinta Chamber of Commerce ( Attachment 3) 125,000 Date Festival 5,250 C.V. Economic Partnership 6,000 $490,050 006 fir? TIMELINE Attached is a brief outline of the City staff presentation of the Preliminary Budget (Attachment 4) as well as a one -page summary of highlights of this year's budget (Attachment 5). Staff is requesting that at the June 20, 2002, City Council meeting, the Council review and make any amendments as necessary to the Preliminary Budget. Subsequent to this review, staff is requesting approval of the Preliminary Budget with a July 1, 2002, effective date. Staff will then incorporate all changes pursuant to the discussion of the Preliminary Budget and schedule the item for consideration at the July 16, 2002, City Council meeting for Final Budget adoption. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The FY 2002/03 Preliminary Budget incorporates the planned capital expenditures for next year. The projects can be found on Pages H-1 and H-2 and include funding for five (5) major CIP projects - Phase 2 of Jefferson St Widening between 1-10 and Hwy 1 1 1, The Ranch property development, Museum expansion, Phase 1 Library construction and Fire Station construction. FIVE YEAR RESOURCE ALLOCATION PLAN City staff is currently completing the Five Year Resource Allocation Plan (RAP). This five-year plan forecasts the operating expenditures and the anticipated revenues to pay for these expenditures. Staff will incorporate any changes between the Preliminary Budget and the final budget into the Five Year Resource Allocation Plan which is scheduled for presentation at the July 16, 2002, City Council meeting. fSIILTA I►yiIR-ri This memorandum is intended only as a summary of the issues and details of the budget. We look forward to these discussions with the City Council at the June 20, 2002 City Council meeting. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: City staff is requesting: 1) Review and comment on the 2002/2003 Fiscal Year Budget and provide direction regarding any proposed changes to the document. 007 004 2) Approval of the 2002/2003 Preliminary Budget as amended at the June 20, 2002, City Council Meeting. (Any approved changes by the City Council to be incorporated into the Final Budget for adoption on July 16, 2002.) RespectftAly submitted, Johh M. Falconer; Finbnce Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. School/Grant/Contract Contributions/Department Requests 2. Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Request 3. Chamber of Commerce Request 4. Staff Outline 5. Major Highlights 6. Preliminary Budget I 005 ATTACHMENT 1 City of La Quinta School/Grant/Contract Contributions/Dept Requests FY 01/02 Actual and FY 02/03 Budgeted Through 37,417 Budgeted Actual Total Budgeted FY 01/02 FY 01/02 Actual & FY 02103 Category Expenditures Committed Committed Grants Soap Box Derby (Franchise fees) 1,600 1,500 1,500 1,600 Bob Hope Chrysler Classic - (Note 1) 0 25,000 25,000 0 Soap Box Derby (Traffic Control) 2,800 1,612 1,612 2,800 CV Economic Partnership 5,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 CVRPD - Octoberfest 2,200 2,205 2,205 2,200 CVRPD - Pool hours - (Note 2) 3,000 0 3,000 Holiday in the Park 3,000 500 500 3,000 Date Festival 5,()00 5 000 5,000 5,250 Subtotal 22.600 40. 0 817 0 40 817 23,850 A/C 101-251.663-000 Contingency LQ Arts Association 4,000 4,00C Vets Express 2,000 2,000 Riverside County Sherriff Pistol Team 1,500 1,500 Lions Club 1,000 1,000 Soroptimists Club (rent) 4,070 4,070 LQ HS Cheerleaders 2,500 2,500 LQ HS Junior ROTC 2,000 2,000 CARE Program 2,499 2,499 Veterans of Foreign Wars (rent) 1,125 1,125 Living Desert 1,000 1,000 LQ HS Band Boosters 2,499 2,499 United Cerebral Palsy 1,250 1,250 Community Blood Bank 1,000 1,000 LQ Desert Wildcats 2,499 2,499 LQ HS Football 2,499 2,499 YMCA of the Desert 5,810 5,810 CV Park & Rec Building Permits 14,000 14,000 YMCA of the Desert - Permits 2,500 2,500 Meals on Wheels 525 525 Subtotal 56 200 37 776 16,500 54,276 55 000 Contracts Chamber of Commerce 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 Boys & Girls Club - Facility Use 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Boys & Girls Club - Floor Repair 6,000 0 6,000 6,000 6,000 LQ Arts Foundation 75,000 75,000 75,000 75 000 Subtotal 236.000 230,000 6,000 236.000 236,000 AB939 Requests Unallocated 10,000 10 000 10,000 10,000 Subtotal 10,000 10 000 0 10,000 10.000 Department Requests I Office Assistant - Public Works 0 0 0 Back hoe 0 0 0 Phase 2 - Update Flood Plan 0 0 75,000 Community Action Team - Police Priority 1 0 0 0 Additional Patrol Hours - Police Priority 2 0 0 0 Subtotal 1 0 0 0 0 75,000 Requests FY 02/03 50,000 125,000 30,000 46,629 80,000 125,000 426,045 427.708 Total 324 800 318 593 22 500 341 093 399 850 1 365 382 During FY 01/02 the City Council appropriated $25,000 from the Police Services Special Projects Account to fund Bob Hope Chrysler Classic - (Note 1) this request. CVRPD - Pool hours . (Note 2) Program not offered last fiscal year 007 UfFICERs: BOB HOPE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD STEVE MORTON PRESIDENT AND TOURNAMENT CHAIRMAN JOHN.. FOSTER FIRST VICE PRESIDENT AND ASST. TOURNAMENT CHMN. ROBERT P. BRENNAN TREASURER ERNIE DUNLEVIE SECRETARY DONALD B. POOLEV ASST. SECRETARY/TREASURER DIRE( 'IYJRN: ROBERT P.BREN`AN JOHN CCRCI TONS' DEL GIORGIO DAN DUNLAP ERNIE DUNLEVIE JOHN EGER JOHN E. EVENSON JOHN M.FOSTER ROBERT J. FRAIMAN JERRY GOU"ER JOHN LANE VICTOR LuBUE, Jr. STEVE MORTON DA V ID PEAT DON.ALD B. POOLEY WILLIAM T POWERS BRADQUAYLE LAMES R. REED WILLIAM G. SALATICH EUGENE WEISBERG I M It\ \\IE\"1' DIRT( UOR MICHAELMILTHORPE �IIYIl\I�fR.\'1'1\ F: DIRFC1OR DAWN SUGGS ATTACHMENT 2 BOB HOPE CHRYSLER CLASSIC Post Office Box 865. Rancho Mirage, California 92270 Bob Hope Classic Building, 39000 Bob Hope Drive. Rancho Mirage. California 92270 (760) 346-8184 - 1-888-MR B HOPE - FAX (760) 346-6329 Web Site: www.bhcc.com - E-Mail Info@ bhcc.com - bhccadmin@top2host.com May 2, 2002 The Hon. John Pena MAY 6 ^' Mayor of the City of LaQuinta Post Office Box 1504 LaQuinta, CA 92253 Dear John: As you may recall, we appeared before the City Council last December to request the sum of $50,000 to defray certain city and county mandated costs. The Council agreed to reimburse the Classic for $25,000 of these costs, for which the Board was very grateful. You will note from the enclosed schedule that our costs for land preparation, soil stabilization, and sworn security greatly exceeded the $25,000 granted by the city by nearly $50,000. We are currently working on the budget for 2003. Given continued heightened security requirements, on -going land prep costs, and the event being played at two courses with the city of LaQuinta (PGA West as host and LaQuinta Country Club), we expect our costs to be similar or higher in '03. We seek your advice on how best to approach the City Council to increase their funding to $50,000. I will look forward to hearing from you. As always, the Board and staff deeply appreciate the City's cooperation and support of our desert charity fund raising event. Sincerely, �J _—I Michael Milthorpe Tournament Director Enclosure cc: John Foster, President _Z 0 and Tournament Chairman 1 ATTACHMENT 3 OFT r f� ��IKILIC(/ OF c004 June 10, 2002 To: Tom Genovese, City Manager Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager From: Dr. Kurt Spurgin, President Re: 2002-2003 City -Chamber Contract for Services Proposal We are pleased to submit the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce contract for services proposal for the period July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003. We propose to continue with the current Scope of Services to include: A. Business Retention and Promotion B. The `Gem" Newspaper C. The Visitors Center A. Business Retention and Promotion: The growth of La Quinta has had a positive impact on the rising number of our membership base. The Chamber has positioned itself for membership retention and growth by clearly defining and constantly improving the value of membership benefits and services provided. By the end of this fiscal year, we anticipate a record high increase in membership of over 140 new members. Our Membership Services Committee has recommended continuing with the same dues structure as last year. We did increase our dues last year, however, valley -wide we will still remain the most economic Chamber to join. Our focus on membership retention has resulted in important staff adjustments to continue a high level of service to our members. The Chamber Bi-Monthly City/Chamber Meetings and the Chamber Executive Director's involvement in the quarterly city marketing meetings have aided the chamber to work in conjunction with the city on business retention and promotion. We support continuation of these two effective means of communication. The contract for service dollar amount for Business Retention and Promotion will remain constant. 01-1 La Quinta Chamber of Commerce �8-3) 1 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 Phone:-60-364-3199 Fax760-364-3111 vww.iaquintachamherorc,)inmerce.com 009 Page Twin 2002-2003 City -Chamber Contract for Services Proposal C. The "Gem" Newspaper. This past year we increased our circulation to include all La Quinta residents and businesses as well as our members and prospective members. We have also upgraded the quality of paper and purchased new computer programs and equipment to improve the newsletter. Overall feedback on this publication indicates the newsletter is well received and of value to members and residents alike. There will be an increase in the cost for postage for the new fiscal year. Overall costs will also increase as our membership and the number of residents in La Quinta continues to rise. The newspaper is our most effective resource to reach a target audience promoting the City and Chamber. We will continue to investigate the possibility of future expansion to include circulation to the residents in the annexation survey areas. Anticipated increases in the total cost to produce ten issues of the newspaper during FY 2002-2003 will be approximately $5,500. Restructuring our ad rates should absorb the majority of this amount. Costs to increase the newspaper an additional four pages (1 spread) and to publish the Gem on a year round basis have been reviewed by the Chamber staff and Executive Committee. During this next fiscal year we would like to discuss the City's interest in increasing this publication to 12 issues. The contract for service dollar amount for The "Gem' Newspaper will remain constant. C. The Visitors Center: This is a vital service we will continue to provide for the City. The continued media attention La Quinta is experiencing because of our growth and development justifies the staffing of our facility seven days a week during the season. Exposure from our improved website, the demand for more information and service from visitors, and the increased number of residents continues to have a significant impact on staff and facilities. Improvements to the facility combined with additional equipment/technology and a professional staff and volunteers contributes to what we believe is an efficient and effective operation. We are pleased to report that we anticipate continuation of operating at this capacity with no increase in cost to the City. 012 010 Page Three 2002-2003 City -Chamber Contract for Services Proposal Summary Operating under the same contract dollar amounts as last year, our request remains at $125,000 for FY 2002-2003. Last year the Board requested consideration be given to adjust the payment for services schedule to reflect the months of greatest impact to our budget created by The "Gem'. The payment schedule we requested worked well within our budget and we suggest payments to continue as follows: July Payment $41,500 October Payment $21,000 January Payment $41,500 April 15 Payment $21,000 Thank you in advance for your supporit We look forward to our continued relationship with the City. 013 011 ATTACHMENT 4 June 20, 2002 Staff Outlined for 2002/2003 Preliminary Budget City Manager - 5 minutes • Summary of Financial Condition • Summary of Preliminary Budget • Summary of Revenues 1. Expenditures 2. Review Items Listed on Transmittal Letter Finance Director - 15 minutes • A-2 - Review of budget process • A-5 - Review of budget format • B-1 - Present Organizational Chart • B-6 - Review of community profile which compares changes in the categories listed. • C-2 - Review of the Budget Summary by Fund which brings together the financial activities of all the City, RDA and Financing Authority Funds. • B-3 - Present General Fund Revenue Pie Chart which shows percentages. Mention that Pages D-1 through D-5 graph major revenue items and we are prepared to go over them if requested. • B-4 - Present General Fund Operating Expenditures Pie Chart - not net of reimbursement. This indicates in what areas the City is directing its efforts. • B-5 - Present City, RDA, Financing Authority expenditures by component - this is how each dollar of total expenditures is broken down. • Section E - Explanation of Department by Department overviews of City operations 012 • E-9 & E-10 - Explanation of format of the two budget documents which are tied together by the schedule of expenditures schedules. As an example, pages E-9 and E-10 are contained in each budget document. • C-5 - Review of reimbursements to the General fund from other funds - other funds pay for personnel and operating expenditures that are recorded in the General Fund. • H-1 & H-2 - Review of the City capital improvements approved by the Council in the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan. Question & Answer Period 013 ATTACHMENT 5 FY 2002/03 - Major Highlight Full Year Funding for Second Motor Officer Full Year Funding for Gang Task Force Officer Capital Project Spending for FY 02/03 - $15,184,012 plus $43,500,000 in FY 2001/02 for the Ranch Property Land Major Projects - Phase 2 Jefferson Street - $2,610,183 Museum Expansion - $1,675,000 Phase 1 of Municipal Library - $4,676,676 The Ranch Development - $2,500,000 plus $43,500,000 for Land appropriated in FY 01/02 Revenues All Funds Anticipated Revenues . FY 02/03 $72,144,253 FY 01/02 $145,568,188 Comments: FY 01/02 RDA Project Area Capital Project Fund included $88,000,000 in Bond Proceeds from (RDA 2001 Bond Issue - $48,000,000 and 2002 Bond Issue - $40,0000,000) General Fund Budgeted Revenue - FY 02/03 $16,523,670 FY 01/02 $15,647,159 Major Sources of General Fund revenues Sales tax - 23% Last year 23% Hotel Room tax - 21 % Last year 27% Expenditures All Funds Anticipated Expenditures - FY 02/03 - $66,648,980 FY 01/02 - $129,849,016 Comments: Increased debt service payments to pay for capital projects and payment for The Ranch property General Fund Budget Expenditures - FY 02/03 - $19,799,351 FY 01/02 - $15,988,579 Surplus FY 02/03 General Fund $8,114 016 014