CC Resolution 2017-008 SP 2016-002RESOLUTION 2017 - 008 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT TO REMOVE THE VILLAS AT OLD TOWN PART B FROM THE OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN, AND FIND THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CASE NUMBER: SPECIFIC PLAN 2016-0002 (SP 2002-058, AMENDMENT 2) APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 7th day of March, 2017, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing, to consider a request by City of La Quinta for approval of an amendment to the Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan, generally located on the south side of Calle Tampico, between Avenida Bermudas and the La Quinta Civic Center, more particularly described as: APN: 770-124-010, 770-121-007, 770-123-012, 770-124-005, 770-123-011, 770-121-014, 770-121-008, 770-123-001, 770-121-013, 770-121-005, 770-121-010, 770-121-009, 770-121-011, 770-121-012, and 770-121-004 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on February 24, 2017 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, WHEREAS, per SB-18 consultation requirements, the Design and Development Department has forwarded information regarding the proposed amended Specific Plan to those Tribes referenced on the Tribal Consultation List provided by the Native American Heritage Commission and has received no request for information or consultation from a Tribe; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.240.010 of the La Quinta Municipal Code to justify the City Council approval of said Specific Plan Amendment: 1. Consistency with General Plan The proposed Specific Plan amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan in that the removal of Part B is consistent with Resolution No. 2017-008 Specific Plan 2016-0002 (SP 2002-058, Amendment 2) - Old Town Lo Quinta Adopted: March 7, 2017 Page 2 of 3 Policy LU-7.4 as adopted mixed -use development standards for the Village Commercial District may be applied to new development projects on city - owned properties. 2. Public Welfare Approval of the proposed Specific Plan amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to public health, safety and general welfare. The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15183 of the Guidelines implementing CEQA California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project can be characterized as consistent with a General Plan and Zoning. The project is consistent with all applicable general plan and zoning regulations, occurs on a project site less than five acres in size substantially surrounded by urban uses, has no value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species, would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air/water quality, and can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. 3. Land Use Compatibility The proposed Specific Plan amendment incorporates a land use that is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties. The property removed from the Specific Plan will continue to be zoned as Village Commercial. 4. Property Suitability The uses permitted in the Specific Plan amendment are suitable and appropriate for the subject property in that the properties removed from the Specific Plan will be subject to City's Zoning and General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the City Council in this case. SECTION 2. That the above project be determined by the City Council to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15183 of the CEQA Guidelines. - SECTION 3. That it does hereby approve Specific Plan 2016-0002, as set forth in attached "Exhibit A" for the reasons set forth in this Resolution. Resolution No. 2017-008 Specific Plan 2016-0002 (SP 2002-058, Amendment 2) - Old Town La Quinta Adopted: March 7, 2017 Page 3 of 3 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta City Council, held on this the 7th day of March, 2017, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Fitzpatrick, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Pena ABSTAIN: None LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: SUSAN MAYSELS, City erk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FOR LVI WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 5- � :..._ ... ... -�..'ia_ .. _. _. ... ... .. �. '.1 ... it a� �i -. ',� .: ;: -� r. _ 4 4 �! �, . �[( 5`` 1 `" t ... t .i ... .. �. jj€ 3 ;A}: .. �f. EXHIBIT A Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Specific Plan 2016-0002 (Specific Plan 02-058 - Amendment 2) Table of Contents: Old Town La Quinta 1. Introduction & Setting 1.1 Executive Summary 1.2 Purpose & Intent 1.3 Project Location 1.4 Site Characteristics 1.5 Background & History 1.6 General Plan & Zoning 2. Specific Plan 2.1 Project Description 2.2 Development Objectives 2.3 Land Use Plan 2.4 Circulation 2.5 Parking 3. Development Standards 3.1 Overview 3.2 Variations from LQMC 4. Design Guidelines 4.1 Architectural Guidelines 4.2 Landscape Guidelines 5. Plan Administration 5.1 Amendment 5.2 Interpretation 5.3 Enforcement 6. General Plan Consistency 6.1 Overview 6.2 Consistency Analysis Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-058 Amendment 2) Page 2 List of Exhibits 1 Aerial photograph 2 Existing land use 3 Existing zoning 4 Overall site plan of Old Town La Quinta 5 Plaza Landscape Plans Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-058 Amendment 2) Page 3 1. INTRODUCTION & SETTING 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Old Town La Quinta currently consists of five buildings totaling approximately 102,000 square feet of offices, retail shops, services, restaurants, and event lawn on approximately 6 acres of property. See Exhibits 1 and 4. This Specific Plan Amendment will allow for the following: • Closure of Linden Lane in front of The Grill on Main and La Rue Wine Bar between Main Street and Avenida La Fonda to create an outdoor plaza for dining, drinking, and live music. • Construction of an exterior staircase to access the large second floor restaurant at 78065 Main Street. • Conversion of existing office space to future residential use. • Blanket approval for art, music, farmers market, and other events with fewer than one thousand attendees at a time within Old Town. • Applicant may seek building department approval for a roof deck for restaurant and music not to exceed 3,000 square feet. • Vacant pad at the southeast corner of Calle Tampico and Avenida Bermudas (previously entitled for up to a 27,000 square foot building) will be converted into a paved parking lot. Additional square footage in the existing buildings to be used for food related uses (i.e. restaurants, juice bar, tap room, bakery, etc.). No new buildings are proposed as part this of the Specific Plan Amendment. Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-058 Amendment 2) Page 4 Aerial photograph depicting the site and existing development .I « %10 f 1.2 PURPOSE & INTENT The purpose of this Specific Plan Amendment is to set forth the detailed development principles, guidelines, and programs to facilitate the redevelopment of the existing Old Town La Quinta project. This Specific Plan is intended to meet the requirements for a Specific Plan as set forth in State law. The State authorizes cities and counties to adopt Specific Plans as an appropriate tool in implementing their General Plans. Such a plan is to include the detailed regulations, conditions, programs, and any proposed legislation that is necessary for the systematic implementation of the General Plan. The Specific Plan provides the linkage between the General Plan, the general goals and policies of the City, and the detailed implementation of that plan with tools such as zoning ordinances, subdivision ordinances, and the like. The Government Code (Section 65451) sets forth the minimum requirements of a Specific Plan and states: A Specific Plan shall include a text and diagram or diagrams, which specify all of the following in detail: Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-058 Amendment 2) Page 5 1. The distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land, including open space, within the area covered by the plan. 2. The proposed distribution, location and extent and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy, and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described by the plan. 3. Standards and criteria by which development will proceed, and standards for the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, where applicable. 4. A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects, and financing measures necessary to carry out paragraphs (1), (2), and (3)." The Specific Plan shall include a statement of the relationship of the specific plan to the General Plan. The establishment of specific performance, design, and development standards is set forth to guide the development of the subject property in such a way as to implement the General Plan while maintaining some flexibility to respond to changing conditions which may be a factor in any long term development program. The document also acts to augment the City's Zoning Ordinance by providing particular design guidelines, a tailored list of allowable, conditionally allowable, and prohibited uses for the site, and unique development standards. 1.3 PROJECT LOCATION Old Town La Quinta is located east of Avenida Bermudas, south of Calle Tampico, north of Avenida La Fonda and west of Desert Club Drive. In addition, it includes two parking lots south of Calle Tampico east of Desert Club Drive. Calle Tampico is designated a Primary Arterial according to the City's General Plan. Property to the north, across Calle Tampico between Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club Drive contains an Embassy Suites Hotel with 145 rooms and 72-unit casitas, the Sandbar restaurant, a Circle K and a Mexican market and vacant commercial pads. Both of the intersections are fully signalized. To the west of Old Town are a City -owned paved parking lot, a thrift store, and two vacant lots. To the south of Old Town, across Avenida La Fonda, is The Crab Pot, vacant lots, and a liquor store. To the east of Old Town is City -owned vacant land and a Verizon facility. 1.4 SITE CHARACTERISTICS The site is flat and is developed with streets, buildings, landscaping, sidewalks, and parking lots. There is one approximately 0.4 acre parcel at the corner of Calle Tampico and Bermudas, which is a grass and dirt pad. Public streets surround the site. 1.5 BACKGROUND AND HISTORY The first phase and existing streets in Old Town were built in 2002-2003. The second phase was completed in 2007. Old Town provides visitors with office space, a bank, restaurants, bars, retail stores, salons, and services. It is a place for locals, snowbirds, and visitors to the Valley to Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-058 Amendment 2) Page 6 shop, stroll and dine. It also provides a location for a farmers market, Art Under the Umbrellas, Taste of La Quinta, Fall Family Festival, and many other events utilizing the event lawn and Main Street. 1.6 GENERAL PLAN & ZONING Implementation of this Specific Plan is intended to carry out the goals and policies contained in the General Plan of the City of La Quinta in a planned and orderly fashion. The site has a designation of VC, Village Commercial. The Land Use Map of the 2013 General Plan for the site is shown in Exhibit 2. The property is already properly planned and zoned for the uses proposed. Exhibit 3 depicts the zoning on the site and the surrounding parcels. The City of La Quinta requires a Village Use Permit or Specific Plan to establish an overall master development plan for property located with the Village Commercial (VC) zoning classification. Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-058 Amendment 2) Page 7 Exhibit 2: Existing land use The Village Inset R 11WN. nti�i � IIII 111111 sAM;; Exhibit 3: Existing zoning The Village inset app R� IC .._ar l�11 .tom. Legend CA City Limit C3Sphere of Influence and Planning Areas Riverside County Parcel Boundaries General Plan Designations Low Density Residential 1 MediumlHigh Density Residential General Commercial Tourist Commercial Village Commercial Industrial/Light Manufacturing Major Community Facilities Open Space - Natural 01 Open Space - Recreation �Street Rights of Way Legend RESIDENTIAL NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Medium Density Residential Regional Commercial Low Density Residential Commercial Park - Medium High Density Residential - office commercial High Density Residential Neighborhood Commercial very Low Density Residential Major Community Facilities Cove Residential Industrial VILLAGE COMMERCIAL Community Commercial Village Commercial Tourist Commercial SPECIAL SYMBOLS SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS ` Overlay Areas ® Parks and Recreation Low fJensilyAgnsullurelEquestnan Open space '•'' Res€dential Overlay Golf Course Equestrian Overlay City Limit ® Floodplain Sphe€e of Influence and Planning Areas Riverside County Parcel Boundaries Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-058 Amendment 2) Page 8 Exhibit 4: Old Town La Quinta Overall Site Plan --- SITE PLAN OLD TOWN LA +QUINTA I- F R Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-OS8 Amendment 2) Page 9 2. SPECIFIC PLAN 2.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION There are a few changes to the physical appearance and land uses of Old Town proposed by this Specific Plan Amendment. The physical changes to Old Town are proposed as follows: • The permanent improvement of the parking lot at the corner of Avenida Bermudas and Calle Tampico into a new paved parking lot with 42 parking spaces, with associated landscaping, lighting and irrigation. This lot was originally designed to allow for the construction of a two-story building containing up to 27,000 square feet of retail and office space, but has been used as a parking lot for the last ten years. • Closure of Linden Lane, between Main Street and Avenida La Fonda, in front of The Grill on Main and La Rue Wine Bar. This street closure would allow for the installation of a pedestrian -oriented plaza to be used for events and for additional dining and bar areas for the adjacent restaurants. See Exhibit 5 Plaza Plans. • Addition of an exterior staircase leading to the second floor patio/restaurant space of the building located at 78065 Main Street. This staircase would allow for direct access to that restaurant from the plaza to enhance the customer experience. This staircase would be in addition to the existing two internal building staircases and one elevator used to access this restaurant space now. Cables and lights would be added for both shade and lighting above the plaza area. Roof decks not to exceed 3,000 square feet each could be added to 78065 Main Street and 78085 Main Street to incorporate dining and bars. The changes in use in Old Town are proposed as follows: • The percentage of restaurant space allowed would be changed from 20,400 square feet (16% of the 127,500 square feet of existing entitlements) to 34,000 square feet. This increase is needed to meet market demand and is justified by the addition of both on -site parking in Old Town and the elimination of one 27,000 square foot building from the approvals. This 34,000 square feet of restaurants would include conditioned space and enclosed patios. It would not include beer garden on the plaza or potential roof deck. The conversion at some point in the future of some or all of the office space located on the second floor of Old Town to use as residential units. A maximum of 30 new condominium units of one to three bedrooms would be created in what are now offices. These condominiums would range in size from 850 to 2,400 square feet. One reserved parking space per unit would be delineated or private garages, built over existing parking places, would be built on site for these condominiums. Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-058 Amendment 2) Page 10 The creation of the outdoor dining and bar area with fire pits, fountains, and outdoor music to allow for the adjacent restaurants to serve customers in a festive and inviting environment. This outdoor venue would not be counted in the restaurant space limitation because it would only be used seasonally and for special events. A valet parking area may be created on the Main Street side of the plaza. These valet parking areas would be completely out of existing vehicular paths of travel, and would not interrupt traffic. Valet parking will use existing parking spaces but will allow more cars to park in the same area. • This amendment will allow an exemption from Temporary Use Permits for events held on the property which is part of this Specific Plan for arts festivals, farmer's markets, music festivals and similar public events with total attendance of less than 1,000 people. Applicable Alcohol Beverage Control and County Health Permits will still be required. Police and Fire standards will be observed. City will review special event usage with applicant annually. Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-OS8 Amendment 2) Page 11 Exhibit 5: Plaza Plans 0-\ LIGHTING I WIRE STUDY OL 0 TOWN PLAZA PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN SITE FURNISHING STUDY ,OLD TOWN PLAZA PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN ARC' EPT LD RE OSCAPE PLAN —1 Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-058 Amendment 2) Page 12 2.2 DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE The objective of this amendment to the Specific Plan is to allow for the continued, but enhanced enjoyment of Old Town by both tenants and the public. It will allow for more variety of restaurants, tap rooms, bars and food concessions. It will also give the flexibility to allow people to live at Old Town at some future date when the market justifies by conversion of office space to residences. It will further allow for more public events and pedestrian friendly areas for relaxation away from cars and traffic. Finally it provides for more paved parking for both tenants and guests. 2.3 LAND USE PLAN The land use is being changed by eliminating one approved building, building a paved parking lot, closing off Linden Lane for a pedestrian plaza and conversion of buildings into mixed use (including residential uses). 2.4 CIRCULATION PLAN The existing circulation in and around Old Town will not change except for the elimination of the Linden Lane connection between Avenida La Fonda and Main Street. The elimination of this two hundred foot section of street will not change the circulation as two-way traffic will continue on Avenida La Fonda and Main Street with connections to Desert Club Drive and Avenida Bermudas using either street. The new parking lot being created at the corner of Calle Tampico and Avenida Bermudas will have an entry and exit point into the existing driveway (street in the middle of the site). This access point is adjacent to and utilizes the existing access to Calle Tampico. In this way this parking lot can be safely entered and exited during events using the event lawn and even the parking lot adjacent to the event lawn. This will add flexibility to event planning and parking. 2.5 PARKING 176 parking spaces are provided on -site and another 42 will be added by the construction of the new parking lot at the corner of Calle Tampico and Avenida Bermudas. Five spaces will be lost when the plaza is constructed. Approximately 220 spaces are available off -site for a total of nearly 440 parking spaces. These off -site spaces are located near to the site (within 300 feet) on the east side of Desert Club Drive, on Avenida La Fonda and in the two public parking lots on the west side of Avenida Bermudas. The plan proposes to use the City's allowed method for alternative parking standards. The site has been designed to promote pedestrian mobility, as suggested in the City of La Quinta Village Design Guidelines, by grouping of mixed uses and using design elements such as ample shading, a central plaza, seating areas and decorative paving. This design will encourage people from nearby businesses and residences to walk to the site, thereby reducing the need for on -site parking. The plan anticipates using a shared parking arrangement as permitted in the City Zoning Ordinance Section 9.150.070. This statement maintains that parking for non-residential uses shall be within 300 feet of the uses served by the parking and shall be located in a commercial district. In addition, the sit-down restaurants will be open during evening hours, when most office Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-058 Amendment 2) Page 13 and retail uses will be closed. A significantly larger number of parking spaces will be available during the hours for restaurant use. This method of providing spaces through shared parking will reduce the number of automobiles on the site. This is important for the design concept of a pedestrian oriented commercial village. Forty-two new parking spaces will be added to Old Town with the new parking lot. Closing Linden Lane will eliminate five spaces. These new spaces as well existing parking, adjacent City owned parking lots and nearby streets will supply adequate parking for events and everyday use. Parking for residential use will be by one reserved space per residential unit or private garages to be built at time of conversion to residential. These garages will be built on existing surface lots owned by Old Town. 3. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 3.1 OVERVIEW The uses and development standards shall be generally in accordance with the provisions of the La Quinta Zoning and General Plan regulations. Should conflict occur between the regulations and the Plan, the provisions of the Plan and supporting text shall prevail. In addition to the permitted uses of the Village Commercial zoning temporary outdoor events may be permitted in accordance with Section 9.100.140 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3.2 VARIATIONS FROM LQMC No new variances from the LQMC are proposed. 4. DESIGN GUIDELINES 4.1 ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES No changes to the design guidelines are proposed. 4.2 LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES. No changes to the landscape guidelines are proposed. 5. PLAN ADMINISTRATION 5.1 AMENDMENT This chapter describes the procedures for administration and implementation of the Specific Plan. The Specific Plan establishes the general intent and comprehensive framework for development of the community. Minor modifications that are consistent with the purpose and intent of the current Old Town Specific Plan are allowed at the discretion of the Design and Development Director or designee. Therefore, it is intended that this Specific Plan provide City Staff with the Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-058 Amendment 2) Page 14 flexibility to interpret the details of project development as well as those items discussed in general terms in the Specific Plan without requiring a Specific Plan Amendment. Requests for administrative changes shall be made in writing. If and when it is determined that changes or adjustments are necessary or appropriate, the Design and Development Director or designee shall approve these administratively. After approval, any such amendment will be attached to the Specific Plan as an addendum and may be further changed and amended from time to time as necessary. Administrative Changes Representative examples of such changes may include, but are not limited to: • The addition of new information to the Specific Plan maps or text that do not substantially change the effect of any regulation. The new information may include more detailed, site- specific information. • Changes to community infrastructure such as drainage systems, roads, water and sewer systems, etc. • Modification of architectural or landscape design criteria or details. No changes to the existing criteria for architecture or landscaping are being proposed. • The applicant is responsible for coordinating an annual review of special events with the Design and Development Department. Subject to this review, the Department may revise or revoke the exemption from Temporary Use Permits. 5.2 INTERPRETATION Where there is ambiguity between the Specific Plan and the Zoning Code, the Design and Development Director shall review pertinent information and make a determination as to which code or standard applies. All determinations shall be in writing and shall be attached to the Specific Plan as noted under Administrative Changes, earlier in this section. All uses not specifically listed in this Specific Plan are prohibited. However, the Design and Development Director may determine that a use not listed is included within or comparable to a listed use and, once so determined; it shall be treated in the same manner as a listed use. 5.3 ENFORCEMENT The City of La Quinta shall administer the provisions of the Old Town Specific Plan in accordance with the State of California Government Code, Subdivision Map Act, the City of La Quinta General Plan, and the City of La Quinta Municipal Code. The Specific Plan development procedures, regulations, standards, and specifications shall supersede the relevant provisions of the City's Municipal Code, as they currently exist or may be amended in the future. Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-058 Amendment 2) Page 15 All regulations, conditions, and programs contained herein shall be deemed separate distinct and independent provisions of this Specific Plan. In the event that any such provision is held invalid or unconstitutional, the validity of all the remaining provisions of this Specific Plan shall not be affected. Any development regulation and building requirement not addressed in this Specific Plan shall be subject to all relevant City of La Quinta ordinances, codes, and regulations. The enforcement of the provisions of this Specific Plan shall be by the following: The City of La Quinta Design and Development Department shall enforce the development standards and design guidelines set forth herein. Any administrative decision or interpretation of this Specific Plan may be appealed to the Planning Commission. Likewise, any decision by the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council per 9.200.120 LQMC provisions. 6. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY 6.1 OVERVIEW It is consistent in style, theme and spirit of surrounding development in the Village. The plan carefully pays tribute to often stated City planning goals of creating a Village which is pedestrian friendly and which offers residents both commercial and residential uses in a cohesive historical context. 6.2 CONSISTENCY ANALYSIS The uses and development standards shall be generally in accordance with the provisions of the La Quinta Zoning and General Plan regulations. Should conflict occur between the regulations and the Plan, the provisions of the Plan and supporting text shall prevail. In addition to the permitted uses of the Village Commercial zoning temporary outdoor events may be permitted in accordance with Section 9.100.140 of the Zoning Ordinance. Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-058 Amendment 2) Page 16 DOTE: Specific Plan 2015-0001 (SP 2002-058 Amendment 1) amended the original specific Plan to include "Part B: Villas at Old Town" from Pages 19-50. Specific Plan 2018-0002 (SP 2002-058 Amendment 2) removed Part B and references to the Villas at Old Town. Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment 2 (SP2016-0002 — SP2002-058 Amendment 2) Page 17