2002 07 23 PC Minutes MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
July 23, 2002 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:09
p.m. by Vice Chairman Tyler who asked Commissioner Abels to lead the
flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Jacques Abels, Tom Kirk, Steve Robbins, and
Vice Chairman Robert Tyler. It was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Kirk to excuse Chairman Richard Butler.
Unanimously approved.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, Assistant
City Attorney Marc Luesebrink, Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Principal
Planners Stan Sawa and Fred Baker, Associate Planners Martin Maga~a
and Greg TrouSdell, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes
of July 9, 2002. There being no corrections, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioners Abels/Kirk to approve the minutes as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
B. Department Report: None
A. Site Development Permit 2002-746: a request of Toll Brothers, Inc. for
review of architectural and landscaping plans for the Golf Course
Maintenance Facility, Gatehouse, Clubhouse and Spa Facility for
Mountain View Country Club located at the northeast corner of Jefferson
Street and Avenue 52.
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July 23, 2002
1. Vice Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Associate Planner Martin Maga~a presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department.
2. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Abels asked about the Architectural and
Landscaping Review Committee's (ALRC) recommendation to have
a black vinyl fabric covering on the chain link fence. Staff
explained it could be any color. Commissioner Abels suggested
using a green fabric rather than black.
3. Commissioner Robbins questioned why the screening was needed
as it would be for the purpose of separating two parking lots
within the maintenance compound that would not be seen by
anyone except the workers. Staff explained the ALRC wanted to
hide the chain link fence.
4. Vice Chairman Tyler asked staff to indicate on the plans the area
that was to have the enhanced landscaping. Staff showed it was
to be along the All American Canal, but they are proposing is a six
foot high block wall along the entire boundary.
5. Commissioner Kirk asked if the maintenance building was a metal
building. Staff stated yes. Commissioner Kirk asked how many
maintenance buildings in the City had been approved with the
corrugated metal material. Community Development Director Jerry
Herman stated two.
6. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address
the Commission. Mr. Forrest Haag, representing Toll Brothers,
stated he was available to answer questions. In regard to the
maintenance building, they are enhancing the landscaping on the
All American Canal side where the ALRC thought the view on the
westerly bound traffic along Avenue 52 would be able to see the
maintenance building. He explained the purpose of the chain link
fence was to separate the employees of the homeowners
association and those for the Country Club. The homeowners'
association employees would have a place to park and stage
without having access to the Country Club maintenance facility.
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7. There being no further questions of the applicant and no other
public comment, Vice Chairman Tyler closed the public
participation portion of the hearing and opened the matter up for
Commission discussion.
8. Commissioners concurred that it was a good project and the
landscaping enhancement along the Canal was the only area of
9. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Robbins/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2002-077 approving Site Development Permit 2002-
746, as amended.
a. Delete any condition regarding fabric for the chain link fence
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Robbins, and Vice
Chairman Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Butler.
B. Site Development Permit 2002-747: a request of Peter Jacobs Homes for
compatibility review of architectural plans for two new prototype
residential units that are 3,422 square feet and 3,949 square feet and
not exceeding 20 feet in height to be constructed adjacent to the Greg
Norman Signature Golf Course on the south side of Brown Deer Park,
west of Turnberry Way.
1. Vice Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department.
2. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Robbins asked staff to clarify why the windows on
the garage doors were being eliminated. Staff stated the ALRC
made a recommendation that they be deleted from the garage
doors. Staff did make a site visit and there are other homes in the
vicinity that do have the windows in the garage doors.
3. The applicant not being present, and no other public comment,
Vice Chairman Tyler closed the public participation portion of the
hearing and opened the matter up for Commission discussion.
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4. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2002-078 approving Site Development Permit 2002-
747, amended.
a. Condition #4: Deleted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Robbins, and Vice
Chairman Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Butler.
C. Site Development Permit 2002-745; a request of Marvin Investments for
review of architectural and landscaping plans for Phase I and a sign
program for Old Town La Quinta consisting of three commercial buildings
located on the south side of Calle Tampico, between Avenida Bermudas
and Desert Club Drive.
1. Vice Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department.
2. There being no questions of staff, Vice Chairman Tyler asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Ms. Margo
Thibeault, representing Mainiero Smith & Associates, engineers for
the project, asked for clarification on Condition #53. Staff stated
the ALRC wanted to see a more 'detailed landscaping plan. Ms.
Thibeault asked about. Condition #64, the light poles. Mr. Wells
Marvin, the applicant, stated they could submit a more detail
landscaping plan, but this is a very urban project, very intensive
project on a relatively small piece of land. There is very little
scope for landscaping when it is built out and they would like to
have the condition eliminated. In regard to the condition
concerning street lights there seems to be a desire to require them
to use the existing light fixtures along Calle Estado. He believes
there can be diversity in the City to create interest. The height
suggested by staff of 12 feet is not practical. There are trucks
that exceed this height and can cause trouble. They need the
bottom of light to be not less than 13 feet in height. If they are
required to keep the same style, they will do so, but they would
like to request more height.
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3. Commissioner Abels stated he agrees with the applicant's request
for different street lights. His concern is with the Arts Foundation
building being left in the middle of the project. Mr. Marvin stated
he is negotiating to purchase the building, but no determination
has been made. If he is successful, he will remodel the building to
achieve an eclectic look. Discussion followed regarding the
building facing the Arts Foundation building.
4. Commissioner Kirk asked if the lighting condition was required by
the City Council. Staff stated the perimeter street lights are to
match those on Calle Estado and other streets in The Village area.
The parking lot poles can be a different style, but cannot exceed
12 feet in height. Community Development Director Jerry Herman
stated that on the public streets the light standards have to match
the City's light standard. The interior lights can be at the
applicant's discretion. The height of the light fixture is to be 12
feet unless the Specific Plan is amended.
5. Commissioner Kirk asked if there were any design elements of the
existing Village area that will tie in with the rest of The Village.
Mr. Marvin stated it would be similar to the La Quinta Hotel, El
Ranchito Restaurant, the Public Library building, etc.
Commissioner Kirk asked if the Arts Foundation building structure
would change. Mr. Marvin stated they would be changing the
stucco and type of roof to make it similar. The wall would be
removed and there would be a walkway. Commissioner Kirk asked
about the vertical height and horizontal length on the major
streets; is this enough of an enclosure to create the urban feel.
Mr. Marvin stated this is a minimal height. It might even be more
attractive if it had a third story, but there has been some
controversy about the height of buildings in the area. They have
a 50-foot corridor along the street, and narrower between the
palm trees which creates an exterior room by the palm trees.
6. Vice Chairman Tyler asked about if the second floor tenant signs
were wall mounted or would there be some blade type signs. Mr.
Marvin stated he did not believe there would be any blade signs on
the second floor. The signs would be similar in design to what is
at the La Quinta Hotel.
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7. There being no further questions of the applicant and no other
public comment, Vice Chairman Tyler closed the public
participation portion of the hearing and opened the matter up for
Commission discussion.
8. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kirk to adopt Planning Commission Resolution
2002-079 approving Site Development Permit 2002-745, as
a. Condition //53: Eliminate landscape plan review by ALRC.
b. Condition//63: Clarify street lights to match City lights only
on public streets.
c. Condition//64: Clarify the street lights and the height shall
be 12 feet at the bottom of the light fixture.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Robbins, and Vice
Chairman Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Butler.
D. Tentative Tract Map 29436. Extension //1: a request of Transwest
Housing Inc., Inc. for a one year extension of time for a tract map which
creates 169 single family lots on 75.86 acres located on the north side
of Eisenhower Drive and one half mile west of Washington Street.
1. Vice Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department.
2. There being no questions of staff, Vice Chairman Tyler asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. Ms. Margo
Thibeault stated they agreed with the conditions as written.
3. There being no further questions of the applicant and no other
public comment, Vice Chairman Tyler closed the public
participation portion of the hearing and opened the matter up for
Commission discussion.
4. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2002-080 approving a one year extension of time for
Tentative Tract Map 29436, as submitted.
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ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Robbins, and Vice
Chairman Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Butler.
E. Environmental Assessment 2001-435 Addendum and Tentative Tract
Map 30331 Amendment #1: a request of Santa Properties and
Development LLC for certification of an Environmental Assessment and
review of a subdivision of 5.1 acres into 12 single family and other
common lots located west of Jefferson Street on the north side of
Avenue 50.
1. Vice Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department.
2. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if the entryway was in the same
location opposite the Palmillia development. Staff stated it was.
Vice Chairman Tyler asked if there was a substantial amount of
dirt that would need to be imported to the site. Staff stated they
have worked with the adjacent properties to obtain the needed
3. There being no further questions of staff, Vice Chairman Tyler
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr.
Mick Santa, Santa Properties, requested relief from Condition
#37. Moving the road to create 12 lots changes the lot
elevations. The elevation of the road is due to the noise study
which determined their walls needed to be at the subgrade
elevation of 42 feet which creates the problem of meeting the
condition for a one foot pad elevation requirement. They would
like to request some latitude in regard to the elevations in order to
meet the noise study requirements. Senior Engineer Steve Speer
stated the development to the west, Transwest, had higher pad
elevations approved. They came to staff after the public hearing
and asked for lower lots under a substantial conformance. Staff
approved the lower lots which has left this applicant with the old
conditions which do not work for him. Staff suggests that if the
Planning Commission concurs that this is a hardship for this
applicant, staff would rewrite the condition to allow the pad
elevations as shown on the tentative map.
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4. Commissioner Robbins stated it appears to only be one lot that
this would affect. Mr. Santa stated it is two lots, but they are still
required to meet the City's standards.
5. Senior Engineer Steve Speer informed the Commission that this
entrance street does not align with the Palmillia development and
should be conditioned to have a right in and right out.
6. There being no further questions of the applicant and no other
public comment, Vice Chairman Tyler closed the public
participation portion of the hearing and opened the matter up for
Commission discussion.
7. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kirk/Abels to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2002-081 recommending certification of an Addendum
to Environmental Assessment 2001-435, as submitted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Robbins, and Vice
Chairman Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Butler.
8. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Robbins/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2002-082 recommending approval of Tentative Tract
Map 30331 Amendment //1, as amended.
a. Condition //37: Pad elevations shall be as shown on the
tentative tract grading map.
b. Add Condition: Right turn in and right turn out.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Robbins, and Vice
Chairman Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Butler.
Vice Chairman Tyler recessed the meeting at 8:27 p.m. and reconvened at 8:34 p.m.
F. Environmental Assessment 2002-454. General Plan Amendment 2002-
080, Zone Change 2002-109. Specific Plan 2002-059, Tentative Tract
Map 30550~ and Site Development Permit 2002-740: a request of Mark
Carpenter & The Casey Group/Dutch Parent for certification of a
Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impact; a General Plan
Amendment and Zone Change to remove 26.12 acres of Office
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Commercial and add 20.14 acres to High Density Residential, add 1.75
acres to Community Commercial, and add 4.23 acres to Commercial
Park; review of a Specific Plan to allow more units that the permitted
density and a lesser square footage requirement for 24 studio
apartments; review of a Tentative Tract Map to subdivide 77.44 acres
into seven numbered lots and four lettered lots; and review of
development plans for a 217 unit apartment complex on Lot 3 of the
Tentative Tract Map.
1. Vice Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Associate Planner Martin Maga~a presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department.
2. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Robbins asked staff to clarify the zoning for Lot 4
is High Density Residential and under the current zoning,
apartment buildings could be built adjacent to the Bella Vista
development. Under the proposed development there would be no
apartments for the distance of Lot 4. Staff stated yes.
3. Commissioner Robbins asked if Washington Street was built out
to its ultimate limit. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated Riverside
County, jointly with the City of Palm Desert, Indian Wells, and La
Quinta built the street. North of La Quinta's city limits there was
inadequate right of way and the County did not acquire any
additional right of way therefore, they kept the same street cross
section as it continued into La Quinta's jurisdiction.
4. Vice Chairman Tyler asked how this would affect the required
setback for the right of way for Washington Street. Staff stated
it would not; the ultimate right of way is still 120 feet. The
sidewalk and bikeway would be combined into one eight feet wide
meandering sidewalk. Until the area north of the City is built out,
the sidewalk will end at the City limits.
5. Commissioner Robbins asked if the property north of Darby Road
were to be developed would the County require the street to be
widened. Senior Engineer Speer stated no; the east curb line is at
its ultimate location in the County~ Staff is proposing to keep that
portion of Washington Street in the City consistent with what is
proposed in the County.
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6. Commissioner Robbins asked for clarification on the density
change as to what would be allowed and what is proposed. Staff
stated the current density allowed is 207 and they are proposing
217 unit.
7. Vice Chairman Tyler asked staff what the distance was from the
apartments to the single family homes on the east. Staff stated
the eastern property line is 383 feet west of the Bella Vista
8. Staff requested an additional condition that if the applicant applied
for density bonuses a conditional use permit would be required.
Commissioner Robbins asked the purpose of the density bonus.
Staff stated it is to provide a wide range of units for different
income levels. Assistant City Attorney Marc Luesebrink clarified
there is a provision in the Government Code that allows a density
bonus to encourage the provision of Iow income housing.
9. Commissioner Robbins stated he had a concern about the
southerly entrance to the project. It appears the gate is on the
property line and may cause stacking issue. Staff stated the plan
is conceptual and would have to be set back to accommodate the
10. Vice Chairman Tyler asked about the interim Palm Royale Street
that was constructed for a back entrance for Bella Vista. Staff
indicated the location on the map and showed a proposal by the
Public Works Department for the ultimate design of road
construction. It would be constructed as part of this tract map.
11. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to clarify whether under State Law
and City Code, the density bonus is greater than what is being
requested. Assistant City Attorney Marc Luesebrink stated it is up
to 25%. Commissioner Kirk stated that if the applicant did not
provide moderate and Iow income housing the project would be
allowed 207 units and they are proposing 21 7, but they could
have proposed 250-260. Assistant City Attorney Marc Luesebrink
stated yes. The City Code allows up to 25% density bonuses
provided the applicant meets the requirements of the City Code.
Commissioner Kirk clarified Lot 4 could have been built with High
Density housing at a similar scale with three stories. Staff stated
they would be allowed under the current designations and could
go to 40 feet in height. Commissioner Kirk stated their proposal
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is to move the higher density away from the existing homes to the
east and closer to Washington Street. Staff stated yes.
Commissioner Kirk asked why the City should accommodate what
may, or may not occur in the County. Why not build our bike lane
and see what happens. Senior Engineer Steve Speer clarified that
if the bike lane were put in the street, when you get to the
northern City limits you are automatically forced out into a 13 foot
traffic lane. If the bike lane is in conjunction with the sidewalk, for
the near term, when they get to the end of the sidewalk at the
undeveloped land they will be in sand, but the problem will
eventually go away as the site will be developed.
12. Commissioner Robbins asked what is currently on Washington
Street south of Fred Waring Drive. Staff stated the Palm Royale
project which was originally approved under the County General
Plan and the street is narrower than what the City's General Plan
requires. The curb lane is at 43 feet. When you go south to the
La Quinta Del Oro project the curblane goes out to 48 feet.
Discussion followed regarding the sidewalk and street width.
13. Commissioner Kirk questioned the amendment to the Specific Plan.
He asked why the Specific Plan would need to be amended to
delete this portion of the Zoning Code variation. Staff stated a
specific plan is required whenever an applicant wants any
deviations in the Code. If they increase the density allowed they
are required to apply for a specific plan. Commissioner Kirk asked
if their Specific Plan provided the density thereby creating the
zoning for the property. Staff stated yes, but if they do not
provide the 217 units proposed they must revert back to the
maximum allowable density of 207. Community Development
Director Jerry Herman clarified that if they chose not to provide
any units that meet the criteria for the density bonus, they have
to revert back to the original density under the Zoning Code.
Commissioner Kirk questioned whether or not they would be able
to build the desired 217 units, whether affordable or not, under
their Specific Plan. Assistant City Attorney Marc Luesebrink
stated the specific plan creates essentially a different zoning
category. As with the zoning classification, under the specific plan
you are allowed to develop at a lower density than permitted under
the zoning classification-. In this case, given the fact that the
specific plan anticipates High Density Residential in conformance
with the City's Zoning and State Code for Iow income housing, if
they decline to provide Iow income housing, they decline to
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provide Iow income housing, may require them to amend the
Specific Plan. Commissioner Kirk asked if the Specific Plan could
be written to allow the requested density whether or not they
were proposing affordable units. Community Development
Director Jerry Herman stated the Code requires the Planning
Commission and City Council to approve a conditional use permit
in addition to the specific plan. Assistant City Attorney Marc
Luesebrink stated no, as they would not be in conformance with
the General Plan. You are allowed to deviate from the General
Plan provided you fall within the Code requirement and the State
housing requirements relating to Iow income housing.
Commissioner Kirk asked if staff had spoken with the applicant to
encourage them to use the specific plan more broadly than the one
parcel they control. Staff stated they had not. Commissioner Kirk
asked if staff was aware that the Commission had concerns about
using a specific plan for a single parcel when multiple parcels are
involved. Staff explained the applicant for Lot 3 was only involved
with the one parcel.
14. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address
the Commission. Mr. Mike Rowe, representing the applicant
Dutch Parent, gave a presentation on the project. He asked for
clarification on Condition //61.A.5.a., requesting they be
responsible for only 50% of the cost of the signal at Palm Royale
Drive and Fred Waring Drive.
15. Commissioner Robbins asked if the applicant agreed with staff's
proposal to curve the extension of Palm Royale Drive instead of
the left turn. Mr. Rowe stated that if they are conditioned to do
so, they are comfortable.
16.. Commissioner Kirk asked if they would be willing to modify the
Specific Plan to include some circulation plans for all the parcels
and still give some flexibility. Mr. Rowe stated they are not going
to develop the property, so they want to give the end users the
maximum flexibility for whatever they want to propose based upon
the zoning designations approved under the General Plan and Zone
Change applications.
17. Vice Chairman Tyler asked what the rationale was for the
easement for Lots 5, 6, and 7. Mr. Rowe stated there will be a
connection between Palm Royale Drive to Washington Street
through Lots 5, 6, and 7. The purpose of the easement is to allow
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flexibility for the end users to be sure there is an alignment there,
but it works in conjunction with their planned projects. Vice
Chairman Tyler asked why Palm Royale Drive is referenced as a
private street. Mr. Rowe stated it is not public because it is an
easement for the commercial development of Lots 5, 6, and 7.
18. Mr. Paul Casey, the architect for the apartment complex, gave a
presentation on the complex.
1 9. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if there would be a full time residential
manager in perpetuity for the apartments. Mr. Casey stated yes,
as well as full time maintenance people.
20. Commissioner Kirk asked for clarification on the term "courtyard".
Mr. Casey stated each building is oriented around an open space
area. Commissioner Kirk asked if the roof elements were in the
Tuscany style. Mr. Casey stated yes. It is an evolving
architecture. Commissioner Kirk asked if staff had given them any
guidance on preparing a specific plan. Mr. Casey stated yes.
Commissioner Kirk asked why an additional 43 parking spaces.
Mr. Casey stated that in his experience an apartment complex
never has enough parking.
21. Vice Chairman Tyler asked the target clientele for the project. Mr.
Casey stated they were designed for market rate. Vice Chairman
Tyler asked how they determined the number of people for the
units. Mr. Casey stated it is primarily determined by HUD. Vice
Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant had taken into consideration
the heat in the area. Mr. Casey stated they had spent a lot of time
reviewing projects in the area. He went on to explain the studio
unit where they were asking for approval of a reduced size ranging
between 594 to 606 square feet.
22. Mr. Mark Carpenter, developer of the apartment complex, gave a
presentation on the project.
23. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if the commercial users were high
density. Mr. Rowe stated they were both high density. The end
user is trying to determine what would be compatible with what
is in the neighborhood.
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24. Mr. Lynn Gulick, 78-637 Camino Drive, stated her concerned
about the Environmental Impact Report, which does not address
the impact on the police, fire, schools or waste. Lot 4 could be
developed as anything as it is not defined. This project abuts a
single family community with homes valued from $250-350,000
and they are proposing Section 8 housing and small apartments
that are not reflected in their neighborhood. This project will
degrade their area.
25. Mr. Patricia Johnson, 78-195 Crimson, stated she is the President
of Palm Royale Country Club Homeowners' Association and they
would like to go on record as being opposed to the development
due to the traffic, noise, and lights as well as the additional strain
on police and fire and the negative impact it will have on their
property values and quality of life. They would request the City
retain the existing General Plan designation.
26. Commissioner Kirk asked if they prefer they stay with the existing
General Plan designation, which would allow them to have high
density next to Bella Vista. Ms. Johnson stated they would prefer
the commercial.
27. Mr. Bruce Scott, 43-665 Milan Court, Lot 28 directly adjacent to
Lot 4, stated their concern is that this is a piece meal approach to
the overall approval of these parcels. Seven parcels being created
in this tract and yet only one is being presented. They are very
concerned about what the potential uses will be for the remainder
of the lots. They would prefer this proposal be placed on hold and
the entire site submitted at one time. They are also concerned
about timetable of the completion of the entire project. Their
property will be subject to problems with blow sand, potential
increase of cars and people that could ultimately lead to
vandalism. Another concern is the potential for any parcel to be
rezoned for a different use in the future. The elevation change for
the proposed road would cause headlights to shine directly into the
adjacent properties. Their will be a considerable number of cars on
the easement road and it will only be setback 20 feet from the
adjacent properties. Congestion and traffic is already a problem at
Fred Waring and Palm Royale Drive and at what stage of the
project would the traffic light be constructed. The buffer created
by Parcel 4 between his property and the proposed apartments
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would allow him greater privacy, but it depends on the ultimate
use of Lot 4. Due to the uncertainty of the remainder parcels, he
would like to request denial of the project untill it is better defined.
28. Ms. Sherry Trevor, 43-516 Via Magellan, Palm Desert, stated her
concern is for density, traffic, crime, noise, property values. She
requests the existing zoning be retained.
29. Mr. Anthony Moreno, 78-652 Sienna Court, inquired if a condition
could be imposed to restrict the project to a total of 10 units for
Section 8 housing. Assistant City Attorney Marc Luesebrink
stated the exact number is yet to be determined. It would depend
on whether they are very Iow, Iow, or moderate income. Based
upon whatever category or conditions are placed on these units,
it will determine the number of affordable units. It would be 10%
or 20% based on whether it is very Iow, or Iow income. Mr.
Moreno stated his opposition that this amount of Section 8
housing would have a detrimental affect on the existing housing.
30. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if Section 8 and affordable housing
were the same. Assistant City Attorney Marc Luesebrink stated
no, affordable housing is a requirement of State law.
31. Mr. Kevin Jauch, 78-737 Torino Drive, stated he and his wife are
teachers in the area and they are first time homebuyers. Their
biggest concern is the traffic and high density rentals that could be
just a stepping stone to more. He is concerned about the increase
of parking and safety of the schools. He would suggest the City
buy the property and donate it to the community as a park for
many different uses.
32. Mr. Richard Weaver, 43-592 Palermo Court, stated he was
concerned that if the proposed storage facility for Lot 4 does not
develop, the lot could be changed to an industrial use. He would
request the zoning be left as it is currently zoned until the user is
known. Industrial property adjacent to R-1 property does not
make planning sense to him.
33. Ms. Celeste Shraft for Ruth Morse, 78-595 Naples Drive, stated
this project does not serve their community as the majority of the
people are retired. There is no provision for handicapped in a three
story structure.
34. Mr. Raul Ramirez, 78-707 Torino Drive, asked if there was anyway
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to revisit this corner and not allow the mixed uses. The corner
could be planned better.
35. Mr. David Hinkey, 78-585 Naples Drive, stated he was concerned
about the whole project. He never envisioned his home would be
next to a Iow income housing project. He is concerned about the
safety of his family and home. The quality of children that will be
going to school with his son. The quality/value of his property
would be damaged. This is an inappropriate location for this type
of development.
36. Mr. John Nelson, 43-755 Milan Court, asked why a residential
development was not proposed for this site.
37. There being no further questions of the applicant and no other
public comment, Vice Chairman Tyler closed the public
participation portion of the hearing and opened the matter for
Commission discussion.
38. Commissioner Abels explained that a 25 acre park has been
planned by the City for this area. In regard to elevators they are
a market driven issue. This is a difficult issue, but the distance
provided by the developer from the single family homes is
sufficient and in regard to Iow income housing, that is determined
by the State. Studies have been made in regard to the traffic.
39. Commissioner Kirk stated the land use proposed by the applicant
is better than the existing. He is concerned about the piecemeal
approach and how the Specific Plan is used. A specific plan
should not be used to circumvent portions of the Zoning Code.
This is an opportunity to look at multiple properties and design
infrastructure to accommodate multiple property locations and
understand cumulative impacts of the multiple properties being
developed over time. He does not approve using a specific plan in
this nature. The project looks like it was thrown together fairly
quickly to accommodate a specific need and does not give a good
sense of circulation, and some of the other major issues. In terms
of the Apartment complex itself, on the whole it is a positive
project. The layout is good and he is encouraged to see, even
though in his opinion it is over parked, parking does not dominate.
The architect did a nice job incorporating garage structures into
the design of the building. They are not overwhelming; it is
appropriate. However the architect could have done more with
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Planning Commission Minutes
July 23, 2002
respect to replicating the Tuscany look. He would like to have
seen different materials used such as stone or stone veneers
which is a Tuscany type that is used. He is also concerned about
the roof lines and more amenities could have been provided. He
would suggest reducing the amount of parking and give more
landscaping. The City cannot reduce the number of Iow, or very
iow income families as it is unknown at this time. On a site scale,
improvements can be made. On a planning scale he is concerned
about the use of a specific plan as a tool in this case.
40. Commissioner Robbins agreed with Commissioner Kirk on the
parking issues. He is against over parking on any project. This
project is very short on open space and needs to decrease the
parking and have more open space and' amenities. He is against
high density in the desert and even more opposed to density
bonuses. Palm Royale Drive needs to curve and connect to the
access street as opposed to the 90° angle shown. He does like
the architecture of the units, however, the site planning is boring
and unimaginative. He does not like the piecemeal planning.
41. Vice Chairman Tyler stated that if they were considering the
apartment complex by itself, it would be salvagable. He cannot
approve zoning that allows light industrial next to single family
development. A storage unit would be better, but a CP zoning
designation allows whatever use is zoned under the CP zoning
district to be constructed. He has a strong concern about the
circulation. The original project had access points off Washington
Street that needed to be removed and now with this project we
are adding more access points. He has difficulty increasing the
density on a parcel of very few acres. The traffic would be a
nightmare and the schools would be more overloaded than they
are now.
42. Commissioner Robbins stated that although he was not in favor of
this project, part of what is being proposed is better than what
would be allowed currently. There could be a three story
apartment project right next to the current single family homes in
the area.
43. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if Lot 4 could be restricted to only a
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July 23, 2002
storage center in perpetuity. Assistant City Attorney Marc
Luesebrink stated no, because it would bind the future decisions
of the city and not a condition of approval of this project.
44. Commissioner Kirk asked if the specific plan could be expanded to
include some elements of the other parcel. In particular,
circulation, condition future development along the eastern
property boundary with performance standards that take into
account compatibility of the neighboring residences. Can the
Commission reject this specific plan and ask them to bring back a
specific plan that addresses some aspects of the other parcels in
the General Plan Amendment and condition the Specific Plan as to
the types of uses that would be allowed along the eastern
boundary. Assistant City Attorney Marc Luesebrink stated yes
they could. Commissioner Kirk stated he would recommend
approval of the Environmental Assessment, General Plan
Amendment, Zone Change and ask that the Specific plan be
brought back addressing the circulation and compatibility uses
along the eastern boundary and then discuss the apartment
building in more detail.
45. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if the Commission voted no on the
General Plan Amendment, would that be the end of the project.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated it would go
to the City Council with a no vote on the General Plan Amendment
and no action taken on the other applications.
46. Commissioner Robbins asked if the project could be continued to
allow the applicant time to address the concerns that had been
raised. Staff stated they could, but they would need to provide
the applicant with direction. Mr. Mike Rowe stated that in this
project the uses are less intensive than what is existing. The use
for Lot 4 is a storage facility. They agree with the curvilinear
street, but they do not want a continuance of the project. They
want to move forward as they believe they have a plan that gives
the City the best use over what has been there previously. In
regard to the street alignment, Palm Royale Drive currently
intersects with Darby Road.
47. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by
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Planning Commission Minutes
July 23, 2002
Commissioners Kirk/Abels to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2002-083 recommending certification of a Mitigated
Negative Declaration of environmental impact for Environmental
Assessment 2002-454, subject to the findings, as submitted.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels and Kirk. NOES:
Commissioner Robbins and Vice Chairman Tyler. ABSENT:
Chairman Butler. ABSTAIN: None.
48. There being a tie vote, the motion dies. No further action was
A Continued Site Development Permit 2002-744; a request of Jai Nettimi
for compatibility review of a deck for a single family two story house
located at 79-390 Paseo del Rey.
1. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if there was a motion to continue Site
Development Permit 2002-744, as requested. It was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Robbins to continue Site
Development Permit 2002-744 to September 3, 2002, as
requested. Unanimously approved.
B. Z.0J31Dg_lssuP~; a request of staff for review of Shade Structures, Gas
Stations, and Drive Thrus.
1. Vice Chairman Tyler asked for the staff report. Community
Development Director Jerry Herman presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
2. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioners Robbins/Kirk stated they support leaving the
Zoning Code as it is written for shade structures.
3. Staff asked if the Commission wanted to limit the number of gas
stations and fast thru restaurants in the City. Staff is not
requesting the prohibition of a restaurants, but rather the drive
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Planning Commission Minutes
July 23, 2002
4. Commissioner Kirk questioned whether or not the City could adopt
such an action. Assistant City Attorney Marc Luesebrink stated
the Planning Commission can amend the Zoning Code and make
a recommendation that allowing these uses is not good planning.
5. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Tyler to continue this to a future meeting,
directing staff to prepare an analysis as to how many gas stations
and drive throughs there are and where they are located in La
Quinta and potential locations. Unanimously approved.
A. Commissioners discussed the
A. No report was given on the City Council meeting of July 16, 2002.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Abels/Robbins to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a special
meeting of the Planning Commission to be held September 3, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. on July 23, 2002.
Respectfully submitted,
City oZ La Quinta, California
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