2017 05 17 HC Minutes
From: Joe Johnson [mailto:joejagent@aol.com]
Sent: June 7, 2017 5:34 AM
To: Gilbert Villalpando
Subject: minutes
So there are no surprises and so you have a chance to show this to whoever:
Joe Johnson
I don't want to take up a lot of time at the meeting over this, but I prefaced my remarks
at the last meeting that I wanted to go on record questioning this project. Except for my
NO vote there is no record of my concerns. Even though this meeting was well
attended, most people in our city can't or won't show up, and minutes are the only way
they can find out what happened. Accurate and complete minutes are crucial to good
government. Because of that I will object to accepting the minutes to the last meeting.
As Commissioner I represent citizens of this City, not the City government. I believe it is
my job to question things that do not appear to be appropriate an d to object when things
presented do not make sense to me. I thought I would be making a record of my
questions and objections at the last meeting but the minutes prepared by staff
completely ignored everything I said, even though I stated I was going on r ecord. It
appears we have different opinions as to what that means. I am sure that was not done
deliberately or under anyone's direction because falsifying a government record could
be a serious offense, even if it is just the Housing Commission.
I request the following to be added to the those minutes plus this entire statement be
added to the minutes of this meeting:
I questioned the viability of counting on the 9% tax credit. I thought I was going on
record that I thought it was just going to waste another year where the tenants go
without improvements. I brought up the expected National tax climate and how that
affects tax credits, and we discussed the value of such credits and how that would
impact revenue even if approved. There was a reasonable chance this proposal was
doomed and just a waste of time.
I questioned why in the previous meeting we were told there was no swimming pool for
the complex, yet this proposal now has two. I did not question the need or benefits of a
pool(s), only the inconsistency of the information we are given. I also mentioned how
prior to this meeting I asked how many people were on the waiting list of affordable
housing in this City and requested it by project. The figure given at the meeting was
about 100 times what I was told prior to the meeting.
I went back to the original concept of this project from 12 years ago. It was to rehab the
existing units and to build 24 more this was going to cost somewhere around $15
million, which we were previously was told was "in the bank". Now we have a project of
about 44 more units that will cost an additional $30 million. I questioned how this does
not make any sense and appears to be a waste of money. I would think you can get
more than 44 units somewhere else for $30 million. I think you could get 100 houses for
that much (probably more). That would house a lot more people. I am not questioning
the need, only that it is a lot of money for little gain.
I asked about construction costs and how they were determined. We were told it was a
number submitted by someone the developer knew, but it was not real. When the time
comes it will go for bid. I again questioned the extra costs wasted by the expansion of
the project, many of which would not be incurred if we just did the original plan.
Joe Johnson
-----Original Message-----
From: Marilyn Monreal <Mmonreal@la-quinta.org>
To: Joe Johnson <joejagent@aol.com>
Cc: Gilbert Villalpando <Gvillalpando@la-quinta.org>
Sent: Fri, Jun 2, 2017 2:30 pm
Subject: RE: Housing Commission Agenda Packet - June 7, 2017
Good afternoon Mr. Johnson,
Please bring up this request to edit the minutes of May 17, 2017 at the next meeting.
Thank you.
Marilyn Monreal | Management Assistant
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7016
From: Joe Johnson [mailto:joejagent@aol.com ]
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2017 2:24 PM
To: Marilyn Monreal <Mmonreal@la-quinta.org>
Subject: Re: Housing Commission Agenda Packet - June 7, 2017
I would like the minutes of the last Housing Commission meeting to reflect my
questioning the viability of obtaining 9% tax credits and what I believe to be a waste of
money, especially in the expansion of the project from its original plan to its current
plan. I want to go on record that I believe that a year from now we will still not be ready
to get this project done when we have to reevaluate revenue and costs.
Joe Johnson
-----Original Message-----
From: Marilyn Monreal <Mmonreal@la-quinta.org>
To: Jon McMillen (jon@tallmangroup.net) <jon@tallmangroup.net>; Gilbert Villalpando <Gvillalpando@la-
quinta.org>; Teresa Thompson <Tthompson@la-quinta.org>; Karla Campos <KCampos@la-quinta.org>
Cc: Monika Radeva <Mradeva@la-quinta.org>
Sent: Fri, Jun 2, 2017 1:58 pm
Subject: Housing Commission Agenda Packet - June 7, 2017
Good afternoon,
Attached is the agenda packet for the June 7, 2017 meeting at the City of La Quinta Study Session Room
beginning at 6 p.m.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Marilyn Monreal | Management Assistant
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7016