2017 07 18 CC Minutes - Joint BoardsSPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES JULY 18, 2017 CITY COUNCIL, CITY BOARDS, AND CITY COMMISSIONS Page 1 of 5 SPECIAL JOINT COUNCIL AND CITY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2017 CALL TO ORDER A Special Joint Meeting of the La Quinta City Council and City Boards, Commissions, and Committees called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Evans at the La Quinta Library, 78275 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA. ROLL CALL COUNCIL: Present: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans Absent: None ROLL CALL FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION: Present: Commissioners Johnson, Lopez, Mills, Rosen, Turbow, Twohey, and Chairperson Batavick Absent: None ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSION: Present: Commissioners Currie, McCune, Proctor, Quill, Wright, and Chairperson Bettencourt Absent: Commissioner Caldwell ROLL CALL CONSTRUCTIO APPEALS BOARD: Present: Board Members Edward, Morris, and Venuti Absent: Board Members Leonhard and Wolff ROLL CALL HOUSING COMMISSION: Present: Commissioners Johnson, Long, McDonough, and Chairperson Rogers Absent: Commissioner Harland ROLL CALL COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION: Present: Commissioners Chiapperini, Marley, Van Horn, and Chairperson Simond Absent: Commissioner Quill ROLL CALL COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD: Present: Board Member Hassett Absent: None ROLL CALL IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT ENERGY CONSUMERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Present: Committee Member Christopher Absent: None SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES JULY 18, 2017 CITY COUNCIL, CITY BOARDS, AND CITY COMMISSIONS Page 2 of 5 ROLL CALL CVAG COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION: Present: Commissioner Smith Absent: Commissioner Novak PLEDGE OF ALEGIANCE Councilmember Sanchez led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – Moved after Study Session MAYOR EVANS RECOGNIZED COUNCILMEMBER FITZPATRICK AND MAYOR PRO TEM RADI AS IT WAS THEIR BIRTHDAY, AND ASKED BOARD MEMBER HASSETT TO LEAD THE AUDIENCE IN A HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG TO CONGRATULATE THEM. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY’S GOLF COURSE REALIGNMENT – PROJECT UPDATE Facilities Director Howlett presented a video detailing the SilverRock Development Company’s Golf Course realignment progress. 2. NEW ADDITIONS TO THE LA QUINTA LIBRARY Community Resources Manager Larson and Library Branch Manager Sue Duran presented the new additions to the La Quinta Library, which included a new T-Rex dinosaur replica in the Library’s backyard garden, which has yet to be named by the Library’s patrons through an ongoing naming contest; “Patent Pending” – an art exhibit featuring Edison by Ed Myers; the 19th Hole Block Party Art Battle exhibit; the new book sale and information counter; and the plans for La Quinta’s Makerspace – a place where people, with shared interests, can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. STUDY SESSION Council expressed their gratitude and commended all Board and Commission Members for their dedication and willingness to give up their time and participate in shaping the future of the local community; and emphasized that this type of bi-annual joint meetings are an opportunity for the advisory bodies to interact with each other and ask questions to gain a new understanding, belonging, and engagement of the different responsibilities they all have been tasked with on behalf of the City based on the foundation set by Council. Council explained this foundation was primarily set SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES JULY 18, 2017 CITY COUNCIL, CITY BOARDS, AND CITY COMMISSIONS Page 3 of 5 based on comments received at the annual interactive Community Workshop the City holds, which promotes team-building, and helps recognize and identify the community’s priorities and the City’s current challenges. Council gave a brief update on the progress of the priorities identified at last Community Workshop, which largely coincided with the top priorities identified for Measure G Funds and other advisory report. These priorities were included: 1) public safety funds and the City’s ability to balance maintaining the same service levels with the constantly increasing police and fire service costs; 2) expanding the Top of the Cove parking area; 3) drainage challenges at Washington Street and Lake La Quinta Drive; 4) drainage challenges Washington Street and Avenue 50; 5) drainage of Eisenhower Drive; and 6) North La Quinta Parkway perimeter and median landscaping improvements along the non-gated residential areas. Council’s overall priorities included maintaining fiscal management and transparency; public safety – balancing the service and cost; SilverRock development – the golf course improvements, and the Montage and Pendry hotels; the parkways in North La Quinta; flood control improvement; and rebranding efforts. Council’s overall 2017/18 initiatives included the SilverRock development; fiscal management and accountability; economic development; public safety – police and fire cost increases; repurposing the highway 111 corridor; capital improvement projects – North La Quinta Parkways, flood control, X-Park; and ensuring the City’s organizational strength and stability through staff succession planning. 1. PRESENTATIONS BY CITY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS  FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION (FAC) Chairperson Battavick praised the experience and expertise of the FAC’s members; and commended the FAC’s staff liaisons – Finance Director Campos, Financial Services Analyst Hallick, and Management Assistant Delgado for their guidance and support. Chariperson Battavick spoke of the former Investment Advisory Board transformation into the FAC; the FAC’s increase in membership from five to seven members due to additional responsibilities which included oversight of City investments, financial reports, and the Measure G sales tax revenue and expenses; the FAC’s accomplishments for fiscal year (FY) 2016/17; and the FAC’s priorities and meeting schedule for FY 2017/18.  PLANNING COMMISSION (PC) Chairperson Bettencourt praised the experience and expertise of the PC’s members; and commended the PC’s staff liaisons – Planning Manager Perez and Executive Assistant Wise-Latta for their guidance and support. Chairperson Bettencourt spoke of the PC consolidation with the former Architectural and Landscaping Review Board due to the City’s efforts to improve and streamline development review and approval processes; the PC’s increase in membership from five to seven members due to the SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES JULY 18, 2017 CITY COUNCIL, CITY BOARDS, AND CITY COMMISSIONS Page 4 of 5 consolidation and increased scope of responsibility which included architectural and landscape design; the PC’s specific membership qualification criteria; the PC’s accomplishments and major development projects considered in FY 2016/17; and the PC’s priorities for FY 2017/18.  CONSTRUCTION APPEALS BOARD (CAB) Board Member Morris explained the CAB consists of five members; the CAB’s membership qualification requirements; the CAB is not very active, last time it met was in 2006; however, it’s expertise is valuable and required by state law, and it is tasked with conducting hearings to determine suitability of alternate building materials and methods of installation.  HOUSING COMMISSION (HC) Chairperson Rogers praised the experience and expertise of the HC’s members; and commended the HC’s staff liaisons – Management Analyst Villalpando and Management Assistant Monreal for their guidance and support. Chairperson Rogers explained the HC consists of five members; the HC’s membership qualification requirements; the HC’s scope of purview is to review and consideration of affordable housing projects; the HC’s efforts to increase tenant participation and involvement by holding on-site meeting at Washington Street Apartments and additional public engagement through community workshops; the HC’s accomplishments and items considered in FY 2016/17; and the HC’s priorities and meeting schedule for FY 2017/18. Mayor Evans explained the process of the City’s Redevelopment Agency dissolution; Pena the expense for affordable housing;  COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) Chairperson Simonds praised the experience and expertise of the CSC’s members; and commended the CSC’s direct staff liaisons – Community Resources Director Chris Escobedo and Administrative Technician Chaudhry; and additional staff – Facilities Director Howlett, Community Resources Manager Larsen, Community Resources Analyst Calderon; and Parks Superintendent Ambriz Jr. for their guidance and support. Chairperson Simonds explained the CSC consists of five members; the allowed uses and restrictions that govern Art in Public Places funds; the CSC is tasked to review and make recommendations to Council regarding community needs for recreation and social services, maintenance, development of City parks and playgrounds, and City culture and art enrichment; the CSC’s works closely with other local agencies including the Desert Recreation District, the Boys and Girls Club, the Family YMCA of the Desert, the Wellness Center, etc. to ensure La Quinta offers the best opportunities and avenues for its residents and the surrounding communities; the CSC’s efforts to increase public participation and involvement; the CSC’s accomplishments and projects considered in FY 2016/17, including ongoing efforts to engage La Quinta’s youth in its local government and to create an Youth Advisory Commission to represent the interests and challenges of their peers; and the CSC’s priorities and meeting schedule for FY 2017/18. SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES JULY 18, 2017 CITY COUNCIL, CITY BOARDS, AND CITY COMMISSIONS Page 5 of 5 PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA  COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD (CVMVC) PUBLIC SPEAKER: Mr. Dough Hassett, CVMVC Board Member, La Quinta – introduced himself and praised the dedication, experience, and expertise of the CVMVC staff. Board Member Hassett explained he has served on the CVMVC since 2015; the CVMVC’s mission is to provide effective and environmentally sound vector control and disease prevention programs; the current mosquito-related threats in the Coachella Valley; the invaluable protection the CVMVC provides to the residents of the Coachella Valley; the importance of educating residents about the dangers of mosquitos and the available methods of protection; and the multitude of recognition awards the CVMVC has received for its stellar preventative efforts. Council provided closing comments which included thanking all Board/Commission Members for their time, diligence and input; acknowledging the assistance Boards and Commissions provide to Council with their recommendations; encouraging Board/Commission Members to attend and participate in public meetings held by their peers and provide valuable comments; recapped the updates received on the SilverRock development, Council’s priorities, the Library’s new additions, the affordable housing project, the undergoing formation of the Youth Advisory Commission; the importance of the residents’ support in passing Measure G to assist the City with maintaining public safety, its infrastructure, drainage challenges; and the significance of this support which shows that residents value and appreciate the quality of life La Quinta, The Gem of the Desert, has to offer. Council noted that each Board/Commission Member was provided with a copy of the City’s Commissioners’ Handbook to use as a reference and guide on the City’s policies, codes, and rules and procedures. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to adjourn at 8:26 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, Deputy City Clerk City of La Quinta, California