MD Solutions/Defib. Devices 02MD SOLUTIONS
100 West Harrison St., South Tower, Suite 560, Seattle, WA 98119
Please complete the following information and fax to 206.781.8771 or mail to:
100 West Harrison St.
South Tower, Suite 560
Seattle, WA 98119
Site Name
Site Address:
Site City/State/Zip:
LA w /Al TA Cl V/G o4�� 1-E
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Number of AEDs at Number of trained
Site: a TaTAL responders:
Site AED Coordinator: Orbhld HAN CAS-ML E-Mail Address:
Phone: 6Q) % % —70i7 Fax:
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All personnel authorized to use the AED must be trained using a training program that conforms
to nationally recognized standards for CPR and AED, and that meets state requirements for AED
training. All training updates and recertification must be conducted according to state regulations.
Please indicate the training program materials you are using, or used to train authorized users.
�% American Heart Association
❑ American Red Cross
❑ EMP America (Medic First Aid)
❑ ASHI (American Safety and Health Institute)
❑ Other
When was your last training or refresher
course for your program?
When do you plan your next training or
refresher course?
Month 9 Year: 6
Month l Year: 03
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MD Solutions
100 West Harrison St. South Tower, Suite 560, Seattle, WA 98119
Thursday, December 05, 2002
Tom Harting
City of La Quinta
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
Dear:Tom Harting
Thank you for selecting MDSolutions as your AED medical direction provider. Since the initiation of
nationwide support, more than 200 MDSolutions-supported public access AED programs have
responded to twelve cardiac events. Of these, two victims have survived to hospital admission based on
information available at this time. In several instances, the victim had sustained major trauma or had
complicating medical conditions that make survival unlikely even with the successful application and use
of an AED. Most importantly, in all events, the responders provided excellent care according to their site
protocol and interfaced with local EMS in a professional and successful manner. MDSolutions is proud to
be associated with each of our clients.
Please be sure to report any event where your unit is deployed. Your annual contract with MD Solutions
includes data card analysis so please notify our office as soon as possible after deployment of an AED.
MDSolutions will provide data analysis and provide a written analysis following each event. MDSolutions
has prepared an incident report form which is included in this mailing.
A copy of a current protocol is also attached. This is a good time to review your protocol and if you
believe a modification is necessary to contact MDSolutions. Please note that pediatric pads are now
available for the FR-2. If your program needs to address children under 8 years old, you may wish to
consider obtaining and deploying pediatric pads. This is also an opportune time to inspect your AED,
battery, pads and related equipment, as is typically done with personal protective devices and first aid
supplies, and replace any items as needed.
If MDSolutions can assist with any recently modified AED regulations in your state or county, please do
not hesitate to notify MDSolutions so that we may give consideration to potential impacts on your
Please remember that MDSolutions welcomes the opportunity to hear from our clients. We pride
ourselves on providing the highest quality of AED medical direction services and in assisting our clients
find solutions to other medical needs they may encounter in the course of doing business.
With best wishes for a safe year and sincerely yours,
Raymond F. Jarris Jr. MD
MD Solutions
Phone: 206.283.0"5 Fax: 206.781.8771
100 West Harrison St., South Tower, Suite 560, Seattle, WA 98119
Medical direction for your Heartstream AED is provided by MD Solutions. It is required
that your facility's trained responders follow the MD Solutions AED Protocol when
responding with the Heartstream AED, Questions about or changes to this protocol
should be directed to MD Solutions at (206) 781-8770.
The following AED protocol is for use by your ERT (Emergency Response Team) or
AED Team. Dr. Raymond Jarris approves it for use by appropriately trained team
members only. The protocol will be reviewed on an annual basis and replaced by a
revised protocol as necessary.
Initial Protocol for Unconscious Victims
• Upon arrival, assess for scene safety; use universal precautions
• Assess patient for unresponsiveness
• If unresponsive, activate EMS and in-house emergency plan
• Call 9-1-1 or designated number
• Call for AED
• Assess breathing
• Open airway
• Look, listen and feel for breathing
• If breathing is absent, deliver 2 rescue breaths
• Perform CPR until AED arrives
Begin AED Treatment
• As soon as the AED is available, turn on the AED and follow the prompts.
• Shave chest with disposable razor if indicated. Discard razor in a safe manner.
Wipe chest if it is wet.
• Apply defibrillation pads. (For victims <_ 55 Ibs or under 8 years of age, use
pediatric pads if available ).
Make sure that the AED pads are placed in their proper location and that they are
making good contact with the patient's chest. Do not place the AED pads over
the nipple, medication patches, or implantable devices.
• Deliver a shock to the patient when advised by the AED after first clearing the
patient area. Administer additional shocks as prompted by the AED until the AED
advises no shock, or a series of three (3) consecutive shocks has been
• When advised by the AED, check the patient's airway, breathing, and pulse and
initiate CPR if pulse is absent.
• Continue to perform CPR until otherwise prompted by the AED or EMS
• Continue to follow Heartstream AED prompts until EMS arrives
Users of pediatric pads should have Infant and Pediatric CPR training
100 West 1larrison St., South Tower, Suite 560, Seattle, WA 98119
When EMS Arrives
• Responders working on the victim should document and communicate important
information to the EMS provider such as:
• Victim's name
• Known medical problems, allergies or medical history
• Time the victim was found
• Initial and current condition of the victim
• Information from the Heartstream AED's screen:
• Number of shocks delivered
• Length of time defibrillator has been used
• Assist as requested by EMS providers
Post -Use Procedure
• Document the SCA event and complete that documentation no more than 24
hours following the event. Give all documentation to the AED Coordinator within
24 hours post -event. Complete all areas on the AED Incident Report.
• AED Coordinator notifies MD Solutions by calling 206-781-8770 and asking to
speak with Dr. Raymond Jarris.
• Remove the data card upon transfer of patient care to EMS. Give the data card
and the AED Incident Report to the AED Coordinator within 24 hours post -event
for evaluation.
• Check the AED and replace any used supplies as soon as possible following the
event so that the AED may be returned to service. Perform a battery insertion
test on the AED after each use or in the event of a battery change to ensure
proper AED operation prior to return to service. Clean the Heartstream AED if
• AED Coordinator should conduct employee incident debriefing, as needed.
• AED Coordinator should complete incident follow-up report and fax to MD
Solutions at 206-781-8771.
Daily maintenance:
Check the status indicator. Verify alternating dark and hourglass shapes
indicating readiness for use. Notify AED Coordinator if a solid or flashing red X is
Ensure all supplies, accessories and spares are present and are in operating
• Check supplies, accessories and spares for expiration dates and damage.
• Inspect the exterior and connector for signs of damage.
100 West Harrison St., South Tower, Suite 560, Seattle, WA 98119
After Each Patient Use
Inspect the exterior and connector for dirt or contamination.
• Check supplies, accessories and spares for expiration dates and damage.
• Check operation of the Heartstream AED by removing and reinstalling the battery
and running a battery insertion test.
• Remove PC data card and replace it with a spare. Apply a patient ID label to the
used PC card and deliver to the appropriate personnel.
AED Incident Report
Incident ID:
Incident Location
AED Program Sponsor
Phone Number
Device Manufacturer
Victim Detail
Name, Last
Previous Medical History?
100 West I farrison St., South lower, Suite 560, Seattle, WA 98119
(MDS Completes)
Additional Information
AED Operator:
Response Team Members:
Contact Person
Model #: ID#
Report Completed by:
NOTE: Use back of this sheet for additional comments.
Mid Init
Forward this report with the data card or a print out of the data to:
Raymond F. Jarris, Jr. MD Phone — 206-781-8770
MD Solutions Fax — 206-781-8771
100 West Harrison St, S Tower, #560 email —
Seattle, WA 98119
You may also be required to complete a state or local EMS report that should be submitted according to specified
local/state regulation. If you have any questions please contact MD Solutions.
100 West l larrison St., South lower, Suite 560, Seattle, WA 98119
Post -Incident Review Form
Victim Data
Victim Name: Incident Date:
Employee Number: DOB: Age: Sex:
Call Notification (include hour: minute: second for times recorded)
How was Team alerted? Time alerted:
How was Team dispatched? Dispatch time:
Who initiated 9-1-1 call? Time called: _
ERT or AED Team arrival time: AED arrival time:
SCA Event Report
9-1-1 called:
ERT Team arrival:
Patient unresponsive:
Rescue breathing
CPR started:
AED applied:
First shock advised:
Additional shocks:
Return of pulse:
Return of respiration:
EMS scene arrival:
Patient condition at EMS
Care Given by EMS:
Transported to:
Patient condition at
Report Completed by: _
Bystander CPR started:
EMS dispatched: _
AED arrival:
❑ Yes ❑ No Documented time:
❑ Yes ❑ No Documented time:
❑ Yes
❑ No
Documented time:
❑ Yes
❑ No
Documented time:
❑ Yes
❑ No
Documented time:
❑ Yes
❑ No
Total # of shocks delivered:
❑ Yes
❑ No
Documented time:
❑ Yes
❑ No
Documented time:
EMS arrival at patient:
❑ ALS ❑ BLS Patient transported: _