FEBRUARY 18, 2003
A regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was called to order by
Chairperson Henderson.
PRESENT' Board Members Adolph, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Chairperson Henderson
1. Conference with Agency's real property negotiator, Mark Weiss, pursuant to
Government Code Section 54954.8 concerning potential terms end conditions
of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located southeast of the Miles
Avenue and Washington Street intersection and north of the Whitewater
Channel (APNs 604-040-012/013 and 604-040-022/023). Property
__. Owner/Negotiator: Richard Oliphant, California Intelligent Communities, LLC.
The Agency recessed to Closed Session to and until the hour of 7:00 pm.
7:00 P.M.
The Agency meeting reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session
which require reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code (Brown
~ .... MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Adolph/Sniff to approve the Minutes of
February 4, 2003, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
Redevelopment Agency Minutes 2 February 18, 2003
31, 2OO2.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the
Consent Calendar as recommended with Item No. 4 being approved by
RESOLUTION NO. RA 2003-06. Motion carried unanimously.
Assistant Executive Director Weiss presented the staff report.
Board Member Sniff recommended he and Board Member Adolph be appointed
as participating members on the Consultant Selection Committee.
Board Member Osborne supported moving forward with the project.
Board Member Perkins stated he cannot support putting Agency members on
the Selection Committee because he feels it may put a damper on the
committee's decisions with a possibility of a decision being unduly influenced
based on the Agency Members' comments.
Board Member Adolph stated he agrees with Board Member Sniff and disagrees
with Board Member Perkins. He doesn't feel staff has a problem expressing
their disagreements with the Agency, and appreciates that. He realizes there
are differences of opinion, and believes Agency representation can help mitigate
that. He feelS Agency representation on the Committee is important.
Redevelopment Agency Minutes 3 February 18, 2003
Board Member Perkins stated he is bothered by the comment that Agency
representation can help mitigate problems that come up.
Roy Stephenson, 35617 Rosemont Drive, Palm Desert, voiced an interest in
helping to implement this project, particularly as a project coordinator.
Chairperson Henderson stated she participated in the selection process for the
first phase of this project, and the process has been questioned ever since by
both Agency members and the public. She feels her integrity as well as the
Committee's have been questioned, and therefore, will not support any elected
official sitting on the Selection Committee.
In response to Chairperson Henderson, Mr. Weiss explained the methodology
used by the Selection Committee to narrow down the list of firms during the
first phase of this project.
Chairperson Henderson noted staff is recommending that the selected
coordinator not have a compensated role on other project activities, and asked
if that is included in the RFP.
Mr. Weiss responded that it's not included at this time but can be incorporated
if the Agency desires. He stated staff is looking for independent advice on how
the Agency should move forward with the project, and the concern is if
someone is brought on board with the understanding that they would have an
ongoing relationship with the Agency, it might influence the advice they give.
In response to Board Member Perkins, Mr. Weiss explained the RFP is for a
development coordinator to assist staff in all phases of the project, currently for
a six-month period. However, there is an opportunity for the position to be
continued throughout development of the golf course but not doing the actual
Board Member Adolph asked if the position would be dealing with the entire
project or parts of it.
Mr. Weiss stated it may be good to do the project in phases, and if this position
is brought on board as the plan is finalized, the position can proceed for
construction of the first course. Staff feels there may be an opportunity to do
Phase I in such a manner that it sets up some of the hotel and retail
components to be constructed earlier as opposed to later. He confirmed the
.. Agency could decide to extend the position to Phase II without going out with
another RFP.
Redevelopment Agency Minutes 4 February 18, 2003
In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Weiss advised, typically, the
Selection Committee brings forward a contract with the highest ranking firm but
an exception was made last time whereby the top three firms were brought
forward for the Agency to interview. The position would be an extension of
staff and all other contracts would be approved by the Agency.
MOTION -It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to authorize the
distribution of an amended RFP for development coordination services relating
to The Ranch Project and appoint a Consultant Selection Committee consisting
of Mark Weiss, Jerry. Herman, Tim Jonasson, Frank Spevacek, and Board
Members Adolph and Sniff as participating members.
Chairperson Henderson stated she supports moving forward with the process
but cannot support the motion because she feels the process will move better
with the decisions being made by the full Agency Board and not participation
at the Committee level.
Board Member Sniff noted she did not object when she was appointed to the
original group.
Chairperson Henderson responded that it was that experience that has brought
her to the current decision. She stated her integrity and the Committee's
integrity was questioned, which she found highly unusual, out of place, and
without merit.
Motion failed with Board Members Osborne and Perkins and Chairperson
Henderson voting NO.
MOTION -It was moved by Board Members Perkins/Osborne to authorize the
distribution of an RFP for development coordination services relating to The
Ranch Project and to appoint a Consultant Selection Committee as
recommended by staff.
Board Member Sniff stated he takes personal offense in impugning the value of
two of the Board Members, and feels it is inappropriate to suggest that they
would not be productive to the Committee.
Board Member Perkins stated the criticism he heard was that some people felt
the last selection was rigged. He didn't feel anyone is questioning the honesty
or integrity of the two Board Members and noted sometimes it's not what you
do but what people think you do. He didn't want there to be any reason for the
public to question the project.
Redevelopment Agency Minutes 5 February 18, 2003
Chairperson Henderson stated her Comments were not directed toward Board
Members Adolph and Sniff but rather directed toward any elected official being
on the Selection Committee.
Board Member Osborne stated he wished to keep politics out of this and leave
it to the professionals. He didn't want to give anyone the opportunity to say
the Agency had other intentions.
Board Member Sniff stated, "if that logic is carried to the extreme it would
mean the Agency could never make a decision because politics are potentially
involved with everything." He noted the City had a problem in the past with the
same firms always being selected for contracts, and a decision was made that
at least one Agency or Council Member would be on every selection committee.'
He feels a balance is appropriate and helpful.
Chairperson Henderson noted the policy allows the Agency or Council to have
the option of participation on selection committees and numerous committees
have been appointed without any Agency or Council participation.
_-- Board Member Adolph noted the Agency or Council are the voice of the people
and if the Agency members do not participate on this Committee, the citizens
have no voice. He stated he feels that is wrong.
Board Member Perkins disagreed that the citizens will not have a voice in the
matter. He noted the plan will come back several times before a final decision
is made, and citizens will have an opportunity to talk to Agency members about
the proposal and Agency members will have the opportunity to vote
Motion carried with Board Members Adolph and Sniff voting NO.
There were no changes to the staff report as submitted and on file in the City
Clerk's Office.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Perkins/Osborne to approve the
recommendations, as they relate to the Redevelopment Agency, contained in
the Mid-Year Budget Report and Financial Management Review for Fiscal Year
2002/2003. Motion carried unanimously.
Redevelopment Agency Minutes 6 February 18, 2003
Assistant Executive Director Weiss presented the staff report.
Gil Martinez, of GMA International and design consultant for the project,
presented an overview of the conceptual resort master plan.
Dwight Pate, 2350 Taylor Street, San Francisco, suggested including a 45-acre,
junior golf course and driving range in the project.
Board Member Sniff asked how many people the junior course would
accommodate at one time and the diameter across, to which Mr. Pate
responded, "approximately 300 golfers and about 350 yards across.
In response to Board Member Adolph, Mr. Martinez stated the mountain course,
which is considered a championship course, is 7,200 yards and on 185 acres.
The resort course is 6,900 yards on 165 acres, and the junior course is on 45
acres. He added the practice area is 10 acres, and the clubhouse/community
center is 7 acres. He also commented on the width of the fairways.
Board Member Adolph commented on the need for sufficient areas for
spectators and sponsor tents, especially if the City wants to draw major
tournaments to bring revenue to the City. He suggested reducing the number
of lakes and noted waste bunkers are less expensive to maintain. He feels
parking should be a major part of the design, and commented on the lack of
open space. He stated he expected the Agency to see three or four concepts
prior to this meeting. He voiced concern about the retail center being in direct
competition with.the Village, and with the possibility of being above the toe of
the slope.
In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Martinez confirmed the kid's camp
has been moved next to the hotel. Recreational activities, other than golf, will
be arts and crafts and a fitness center at the clubhouse/community center,
hiking trails throughout, and potential recreational activities in the lake. He
added the special use area can be used for the local community in terms of open
space, and open space rest areas will exist around the perimeter.
In response to Chairperson Henderson, Mr. Martinez reviewed the junior golf
layout, and stated a parking plan for the project will be developed.
Board Member Sniff stated he is disappointed the Agency didn't get a chance
for input in a more meaningful way prior to this. He wished to see a big
Redevelopment Agency Minutes 7 February 18, 2003
concept overview that is strictly La Quinta, "a place and a space," to make the
project unique, and feels the project should be attractive commercially to draw
people. He feels the plan has a sense of being over-crowded, somewhat
confused, and lacks a central focus, which he feels is the hotels. He would like
to plan for at least four hotels in some type of cluster fashion, and believes the
project will be a waste of time, money, and future revenue sources if they are
not developed in the project. He questioned that being addressed in a very
dynamic and creative manner at all..He feels there is too much south of the
canal and that there should be greater emphasis on the north side. He
suggested the plan be in two components because the City can't afford to do
the project in one shot and do it effectively, and each component should be able
to stand alone. He would like some discussion on how the land will be
transferred to the hotels and what size the sites will be. He suggested a
combination miniature/pitch & putt course be included for the less skilled golfer,
and voiced disappointment that his suggestion for a road along the toe of the
slope was not included in the concept. He stated he will not support
encroaching into the mountains, and feels there is too much water in the
project. He asked if fresh water for the project would come from new wells.
Chris Bergh, of MDS Consulting, advised the project will tie into CVWD's fresh
water system. He added the project is required to dedicate eight well sites and
to construct the wells when required by CVWD.
Board Member Sniff stated he had hoped to hear a more dynamic, artistic, and
functional use of the canal to make it a visual asset. He suggested the hotels
be more toward the north, and that there be multiple view corridors around the
perimeter of the project to allow the mountains to be seen. He further
suggested accessing the rubble rock along the immediate mountain base to
bring it forward to the north, east, and south to provide a sense of the mountain
to the golf course and hotel areas, and the provision of three or four hiking trails
through the project, in addition to the perimeter trails. He believes the entire
project should be an original and doesn't feel it's there yet. He feels the retail
area should not be significantly competitive with the Village, and that there
should be a clever use of shared parking, such as a grass area. He wished to
see all of the components thought through with a master overview concept so
they. embrace and enhance each other.
In response to Board Member Sniff, Mr. Martinez confirmed they have consulted
with the Arnold Palmer group on the golf course design.
--- Chairperson Henderson suggested the next sketch be more specific about the
· open space and trails.
Redevelopment Agency Minutes 8 February 18, 2003
Mr. Martinez stated the plan is designed to allow the hotel areas to expand into
the retail area if needed but noted a certain critical mass is needed for retail or
it will fail.
Chairperson Henderson pointed out the retail area will be market driven and will
happen when the market supports it. She added she is not looking to compete
with a premier hotel nor the City's village area.
In response to Chairperson Henderson, Mr. Weiss confirmed the environmental
approval is for a 250-room hotel and 300 condo units with up to 500 keys, and
the environmental would have to be revisited to increase the number of hotel
Chairperson Henderson noted the project could have four to five hotels just by
reducing the number of units per hotel.
Board Member Sniff stated the project could take up to 25 years to complete,
and he is thinking beyond the current restrictions of the agreement on the
allowable number of rooms. He feels it would be short-sighted not to plan for
what might be possible 10 years from now.
Board Member Perkins stated he's also concerned about the parking, and he
commented on the need to provide childcare facilities at the clubhouse. He
doesn't feel the retail area will be in competition with the village because it's
likely to be speciality boutiques. He has a concern about casitas (timeshares)
working out and noted they do not provide bed tax. He stated he would like to
see a larger concept drawing. He feels the design firm is on the right track and
noted this is only the first presentation.
Chairperson Henderson asked if there would be encouragement to use the
mountain course for tournament play and if it would have desert landscaping.
Mr. Martinez stated the area along the mountain will be transitional landscaping
but the course area itself will be turf and not desert.
Chairperson Henderson spoke regarding the water usage concern, and stated
she feels it's important for the City to be out in front with the public exactly
why this concept will work and be acceptable. She would like for information
to come back to the Agency that proves the concept is good rather than bad.
Mr. Weiss stated the Agency's comments will be used to revise the plans,
which will come back to the Agency in about a month.
Redevelopment Agency Minutes 9 February 18, 2003
Board Member Sniff noted there is oppOrtunity for many view corridors in the
project, and suggested naming the project "La Quinta Las Vistas Golf
Board Member Perkins suggested "Las Vistas at La Quinta."
Chairperson Henderson stated a name she has heard suggested is "Las
Monta~as de La Quinta," which means the Mountains of La Quinta.
Carol Ackerman, of GMA International, complimented Board Member Sniff on
his suggestion for a project name, and reviewed three categories of images for
some of the signature buildings.
Board Member Sniff stated he felt a sense of Arizona in the images more than
California. He feels natural material can be utilized on the golf courses and
landscaping and still reflect a sense of the mountains. He feels a sense of
lightness, beauty, and perhaps modified California Spanish look is needed. He
suggested the baked colors of the mountains be used in singular, artistic
impressions throughout the golf course where barriers or sense of barriers exist
-- something that gives the sense of a defining area, perimeters in particular
and elevated golf tees. He feels there should be a contrast between that and
the actual architecture. He supported a California Colonial theme.
Chairperson Henderson agreed some of the architecture used in the Arizona
projects was too dark.
Board Member Osborne stated he likes the same design but also likes the use
of desert trees, noting they can create shade without burdening the irrigation.
He noted La Quinta Resort was designed with a lot of colors, and he feels that
type of architecture will work well here.
Board Member Perkins agreed the La Quinta Hotel is beautiful but feels this
project should stand on its own design. He likes the use of a Spanish concept,
and feels it needs to be somewhat unique, yet blend in with what already
exists, and reflect the Indian and Spanish heritages. He suggested using grass
that requires less water and doesn't have to be re-seeded each year.
Board Member Adolph stated he believes landscaping is what makes the casitas
at the La Quinta Hotel look good. He noted hotel developers will have a certain
say in the design and features of the hotels/casitas and all the City can do is set
guidelines. He added by constructing the golf course and clubhouse prior to
hotel development, the City can require the hotels to tie into the established
Redevelopment Agency Minutes 10 February 18, 2003
Chairperson Henderson stated at some point she would like to have discussion
on the pros and cons of desert landscaping. She has become aware that desert
landscaping is significantly more expensive in maintenance and ;n the irrigation
David Chapman, of Palmer Design, commented on the cost of maintaining the
outer areas of The Tradition project, and stated it is easier and less expensive
to maintain turf. He commented on the difference between the Arizona desert
look and this area's more lush look, and stated he believes people think of the
look found at the La Quinta Hotel and The Tradition when the City's name is
mentioned. He noted the Greg Norman course is not as well received as the
Arnold Palmer course, which is a lot of turf and what people expect when they
come here. Regarding parking concerns, he stated the junior recreation golf
area can be utilized for overflow parking during tournaments. He stated the
lakes will increase the value of what the hotels will pay for the sites, increase
the room rates, and provide irrigation for the golf courses. He asked if there are
any problems with the space that the golf courses are laid out on.
Board Member Adolph suggested the tees that are parallel to the street be
aimed away from the street. He expressed appreciation for the streetscape at
The Tradition and stated he feels GMA has taken that into consideration so the
streetscape for this project will have more of a park look. Ne believes the
setbacks and walkways will soften the look along Jefferson Street to avoid
looking like a tunnel.
Chairperson Henderson asked about the basic difference in the landscaping at
The Reserve, Desert Willow, and The Tradition. She stated she understood non-
native desert plants imported by The Tradition are higher maintenance but noted
there is somewhat of a limit to native desert plants.
Mr. Chapman stated the golf holes next to the mountain in The Tradition have
a distinctively different feel than the holes closer to Avenue 52 and Avenida
Bermudas, and The Reserve looks more like Scottsdale. He feels what is being
done at The Hideaway, The Tradition, and the new course at Bighorn is the
prominent theme of what people expect in the Valley.
Board Member Perkins stated he likes the idea of a green course, and believes
a course where the scenery changes is probably more enjoyable for golfers.
Mr. Chapman commented on the benefit of having a municipal golf course next
to the mountains, and stated Arnold Palmer's style in designing golf courses is
Redevelopment Agency Minutes 11 February 18, 2003
John Shumway, of GMA International, stated he believes water is an important
component of this project becoming a destination resort. He stated water adds
to the economic value of the project and is the first amenity requested by most
Board Member Sniff stated he feels a sense of water can be attained without
overdoing it, and believes it should be done judiciously. As for the beauty of
the La Quinta Hotel, he noted it didn't always look as it does today. He feels
multiple forms of landscaping, such as rocks, turf, desert plants, sand, and tile,
should be used for transition throughout the golf courses.
Board Member Adolph noted it's difficult to convince the public that the Valley
is not going to run out of water.
Board Member Perkins stated he feels La Quinta should be able to explain water
usage to its residents, just as Indio did regarding where the water in their lake
project was coming from and how it's being used. He would like to see that
issue addressed so the City can show it to the public, and would like to retain
the water feature. His only question is about the financial stability of the
project, and wants to be sure that is taken into consideration.
In response to Chairperson Henderson, Mr. Shumway confirmed the retail lease
area is significantly larger than 25,000 sq. ft. He feels anything less than
80,000 sq. ft. becomes less than a destination resort and less supportable. He
believes a retail developer will want a minimum of 80,000 sq. ft., and stated
the timing in the market for development can come from the developer or from
the hotels. He stated the retail development can be phased but expansion to
the ultimate need must be allowed in order for it to be viable.
Chairperson Henderson stated she would have concerns about that kind of
presentation to the public early on. Like Board Member Sniff, she is concerned
about planning for the future but isn't sure she would be satisfied at this point
calling this area retail. She suggested approaching it from an angle that works
for a lot of different concerns.
Mr. Martinez confirmed the area can be planned for optional uses, and noted
there are four large areas in the project that could be used for hotels.
Mr. Bergh referred to a CVWD brochure regarding cost differences between
domestic water and canal water.
Board Member Sniff stated he would still like to see a roadway along the toe of
the slope.
No action was taken on this item.
Redevelopment Agency Minutes 12 February 18, 2003
There being no further business, it was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to
adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
JUNE S. GREEK, Agency Secretary
La Quinta Redevelopment Agency