2003 03 04 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 4, 2OO3 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 2:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: Council Members Henderson, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION - None Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency meeting and until the hour of 3:00 p.m. 3:00 P.M. Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT John Fleck, 48-425 Via Solana, of VFW Post 855, expressed appreciation for the Veterans Memorial and for planting of the VFW tree. He stated the VFW Post is planning a dinner at the La Quinta Senior Center on April 26th for the purpose of raising scholarship funds for the ROTC cadet program. He requested the Council mitigate the facility rental fees for the Senior Center to enable them to realize a greater profit for their scholarship program. Council directed staff to place this matter on the next City Council agenda. Master Sergeant Dan McKim and Cadet Major Chris Culp, of the La Quinta High School ROTC program, urged support of the request. Dr. Donnis Thompson, Advisory Board Chairperson for the Retired Seniors Volunteer Program, stated RSVP placed 138 volunteers in La Quinta last year for a total of over City Council Minutes 2 March 4, 2003 10,780 hours. To demonstrate the value of the volunteer hours, she presented the City a symbolic check in the amount of $159,588. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed ANNOUNCEMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS Mayor Adolph presented a proclamation to Robert Atkins, husband of Honey Atkins, proclaiming March 6th as "Honey Atkins Day," in honor of Mrs. Atkins' service to the community prior to her recent death. The Council offered their condolences to Mr. Atkins, and their appreciation for Mrs. Atkins' service to the community. Mr. Atkins thanked the Council for the unprecedented recognition bestowed upon his wife. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE 1. LETTER FROM THE WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL OF THE DESERT. Received and filed. 2. LETTER FROM THE DESERT CHAPTER OF THE BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (BIA). Council concurred to check their schedules and let staff know when they will be available to meet with the BIA. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Council Member Henderson requested a correction that notes the motion for Business Session Item No. 6 should reflect that she and Council Member Sniff voted "no." City Council Minutes 3 March 4, 2003 MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to approve the City Council Minutes of February 18, 2003, as amended (changing the vote for Business Item No. 6 from unanimous to Council Members Henderson and Sniff voting "no"). Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Member Perkins requested Item No. 4 be pulled for separate action due to a potential conflict of interest. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MARCH 4, 2003. 2. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE LA QUINTA PARK - INTERACTIVE WATER FEATURE ARTWORK. 3. APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT MAP 30331, LA QUINTA TALANTE, LLC. , 4. APPROVAL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH RBF CONSULTING TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE EISENHOWER DRIVE MEDIAN ISLAND AND MEDIAN ISLAND LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT 2001-02A. (See separate action below.) 5. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE HIGHWAY 111 STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM SIMON DRIVE TO ADAMS STREET AND APPOINT A CONSULTANT SELECTION COMMITTEE. 6. APPROVAL OF AWARD OF CONTRACT TO FURNISH AND INSTALL MODULAR SKATE PARK EQUIPMENT FOR PROJECT 2000-15b, FRITZ BURNS PARK IMPROVEMENTS. 7. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION, PLANNING MANAGER, AND PRINCIPAL PLANNER TO ATTEND THE 28TH ANNUAL CALIFORNIA PRESERVATION CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN SANTA BARBARA, APRIL 24-27, 2003. 8. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEND THE CITY CLERKS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL INSTITUTE TO BE HELD IN SAN FRANCISCO, APRIL 15-18, 2003. City Council Minutes 4 March 4, 2003 MOTION -It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and amended with the exception of Item No. 4. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2003-23. Item No. 4 MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve Item No. 4 approving a Professional Services Agreement with RBF Consulting in the amount of $67,625 to prepare the plans, specifications, and engineer's estimate for the Eisenhower Drive Median Island and Median Island Landscape Improvements, Project 2001-02A. Motion carried with Council Member Perkins ABSTAINING. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2003-24. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF A FIREWORKS PRESENTATION AT THE CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION'S SPRING EVENT. Community Services Director Horvitz presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Perkins, Ms. Horvitz stated the fireworks will be launched from the large grass area west of City Hall, therefore, staff is recommending that the north parking lot be closed. Council Member Sniff voiced safety concerns related to the use of fireworks, and asked if the fireworks company had reviewed the location for safety, to which Ms. Horvitz responded, "yes." In response to Mayor Adolph, Ms. Horvitz clarified staff proposes taking the additional $8,000 from the Community Special Events Fund that was set aside in lieu of the Village Faire events. Council Member Henderson commented she feels the Council is enthusiastic about having music concerts but she is not sure about the necessity for fireworks being included with the events. She may support it this time but doesn't feel it should be a part of every concert. Council Member Sniff agreed the music concerts should be stand-alone events, and that if fireworks are approved for this event, it shouldn't set a precedent for future music events. He doesn't have a major problem with fireworks this time If he can be reasonably assured that they will not be a fire hazard. City Council Minutes 5 March 4, 2003 Council Member Perkins stated he cannot support having the fireworks. He is concerned about spending $5,000-$6,000 for five minutes of fireworks, and isn't sure this is the best location to have them. In response to Council Member Osborne, Ms. Horvitz stated there is approximately $22,000 in the Community Special Events Fund. She confirmed any balance in the fund at the end of the fiscal year will go back into the General Fund, and that the $8,000 can be allocated for other events this year if not used for fireworks. Council Member Osborne stated he prefers having more of these events than five minutes of fireworks. City Manager Genovese noted it is within Council's discretion to carry the events fund balance over to next year. Council Member Sniff questioned there being sufficient time to plan another event this fiscal year, and stated he doesn't have a problem carrying the fund balance over to next year. In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Horvitz confirmed there will be more parking area for the event if there are no fireworks. However, the Commission is working on other activities that may draw a lot of people so additional parking may still be needed. Mayor Adolph stated he would like to rely on the Commission's knowledge of this and support their request. He agreed fireworks don't have to be a part of future music events. In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Horvitz stated the $500 for advertising will go toward the cost of mailing a postcard to residents announcing the Concert/Fireworks event on April 25th, the Community Picnic on April 26th, and the dedication of the La Quinta Community Park on May 10th. Council Member Henderson noted if these concerts at the park are successful, the cost may be $10,000 instead of the previously-anticipated lower amount in order to provide parking. MOTION -It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the fireworks presentation at the Cultural Arts Commission's spring event and allocate up to $8,000 from Account 101-251-609-536, with the agreement subject to approval by the City Manager and the City Attorney. Motion carried with Council Member Perkins voting NO. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2003-25. City Council Minutes 6 March 4, 2003 STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF CITY COUNCIL GOALS. City Manager Genovese presented the staff report. The City Council proceeded to review their suggested goals as follows: Council Member Sniff · proceed with the Historical Museum as appropriate · proceed with the library with grants and/or other appropriate funding · continue financial support for La Quinta Arts Foundation, Chamber of Commerce, and Historical Society as deemed appropriate · complete street scape for Avenida La Fonda · asphalt the Village parking lot at Avenida Bermudas and Avenida Montezuma · add park and recreation facilities · continue promotion of La Quinta with aggressive programs - Visit, Shop, Enjoy, and Invest in La Quinta · push for more commercial development - hotels, motels, diverse retail - "Big Box"- "Small Box" · develop an enhanced directional sign program throughout the City that is clear during the day and illuminated at night · pursue promptly and aggressively selective annexations and spheres of influence in response to requests · continue building General Fund reserves · re-evaluate City Commissions periodically - directions and rules · develop expansion plans for City Hall (E.O.C., storage, office, and conference space) · develop a three to five-year program to incrementally add a paramedic program · consider public safety assessment tax with a five-year sunset clause · develop funding options for lighting and landscape funding shortfalls · develop a competitive, functional, and unique conceptual design for the public golf/hotel project and move forward in phases · complete the landscaping on the Civic Center Campus with proper and suitable replacements Council Member Osborne · increase staffing at the North La Quinta Fire Station to include paramedics City Council Minutes 7 March 4, 2003 · develop budget for Ranch project · maintain City's financial strength one step at a time · maintain City Boards/Commissions · fulfill housing requirements · maintain high-quality staff · maintain police protection level of service · maintain strength with Chamber of Commerce · continue working with CVAG to maintain high-priority status for Jefferson Street improvements · maintain cultural arts in City, including music and other events · improve community understanding of code enforcement issues · review General Plan and maintain high quality commercial in-fill · maintain youth programs and involvement with local schools · meet funding challenges related to construction of the library and the museum · work with CVAG to maintain animal shelter · support higher education by working with universities in the Valley Council Member Perkins ·add another motor officer · push for paramedic program · pursue Jefferson Street improvements · work with other cities to maintain an animal shelter in Indio Council Member Henderson - complimented staff on the number of previous goals the City has achieved, and stated she agrees with the suggested goals for fire services, Jefferson Street improvements, and the animal shelter · emphasize, through written materials, the City's efforts to provide open space areas (hiking, trail system, and partnerships with San Jacinto/Santa Rosa National Monument, and C. V. Mountains Conservancy) She feels there is some question about the definition of open space, and hears it defined as "land left in its natural desert condition." She noted the City has 1 30 acres of such land at the top of the Cove. Mayor Adolph · maintain open space (natural land as well as greater setbacks between structures) · enhance fire services and add paramedic services · look at major focal sites for enhancements City Council Minutes 8 March 4, 2003 · place reflectors or flourescent paint on median curbs at left and right-turn lanes to avoid them being hit by vehicles · work on synchronization of traffic signals · add more shade structures at the Senior Center (will be needed when library is constructed) · provide more cultural programs for the community · consider establishing parking limits on Calle Estado during daytime hours Council Member Henderson commented on the need for signage to identify the City parking lot in the Village, and noted the businesses would have better communication with each other to resolve this issue if they had been willing to have a business district. As for parking limits, she noted the restaurants also have a parking problem in the evening, partly due to business vehicles being left on the street all night. She has suggested the businesses talk to each other to resolve some of the parking problems. Council Member Perkins stated overnight parking can be eliminated by setting parking limits but noted the restriction will not be effective unless it is enforced. Council Member Sniff stated he believes the City parking lot will be used more if made to be more attractive and functional, and if safe crosswalks on Avenida Bermudas are provided. Mayor Adolph pointed out more parking may be needed if the Old Town project is successful. Mr. Genovese advised signage and redesign concepts for the parking lot will be presented to Council within the next few months. He pointed out there are some constraints in setting parking limits because of existing office uses in the area. Council Member Sniff suggested looking at the possibility of installing a pedestrian crosswalk light. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS City Manager Genovese distributed a memorandum regarding a meeting held last week between Supervisor Wilson and the Mayors and City Managers of La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella. Mayor Adolph stated Indio is adamant about keeping the Indio facility open, and wants the support of the other cities. He stated the County is willing to let the cities have the Indio facility and manage it for them. City Council Minutes 9 March 4, 2003 Council Member Sniff asked if there had been any consideration to building a new facility instead of upgrading the current one. Mayor Adolph stated he understands it won't cost that much to upgrade the current facility. Council Member Sniff asked if the Indio facility is used by anyone other than La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella. Mr. Genovese stated it's difficult to know with the changes in boundaries but it's possible animals picked up in Palm Desert Country Club are taken to the Indio facility. Council Member Sniff noted use of the new facility should lighten the burden on the Indio facility and result in it lasting a longer period of time with some improvements. Mr. Genovese stated the County plans to use the new facility for all of the animals they pick up. Council Member Henderson stated she would like to tour the Indio facility. She has toured other facilities and found odor to be a problem. Council Member Osborne stated the Indio facility has cement floors and the odor is strong. Mr. Genovese stated he believes the new facility will also have cement floors. He noted proper maintenance may be part of the problem. Council Member Henderson stated she understands there are new products available for the floor to help with the odors. Mr. Genovese stated the County has indicated there is enough land at the Indio facility to expand it as large as the new facility. CVAG Executive Committee -- Mayor Adolph reported the Executive Committee has approved an amendment to the CVAG/Riverside County/La Quinta/Indio agreement to provide for the substitution of non-Federal local funds for the Jefferson Street Phase II improvements. He stated Palm Springs and Desert Hot Springs both indicated they could not support the action because of street projects they have that are not getting funding. CVAG Human & Community Resources Committee -- Council Member Osborne reported that construction on the new animal shelter could begin in April, and that the Trauma Intervention Program (TIP) is expected to continue. He stated there was some City Council Minutes 10 March 4, 2003 discussion about the homeless shelter in Palm Springs, and some questions as to whether or not it should even be brought before the Committee. Chamber of Commerce Workshop & Information Exchange Committee -- Council Member Perkins reported the Chamber is looking for a larger facility with better exposure. Council Member Adolph noted the Legislative luncheon is Friday, March 7th. League of California Cities-Riverside Division -- Council Member Henderson announced the March 6th Legislative dinner has been cancelled. SunLine Transit Agency/SunLine Services Group -- Mayor Adolph stated SunLine is getting hit by the State much like the cities, and is looking at ways to deal with it. All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Mayor Adolph complimented the City Clerk's Office on putting on a nice program at the United Way dinner. 5-A. REPORT ON LANDSCAPING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND WASHINGTON STREET - LA QUINTA COURT. Council Member Sniff stated he feels the site is incomplete at best and an eyesore at worst. He believes it needs some type of lateral work such as boulders, and suggested some type of colored tile with an attractive pattern to enhance the flat concrete area and concrete walls. He further suggested the use of stones, up to three feet high, in the landscape areas to provide some definition. Mayor Adolph agreed with taking a long hard look at the site for some type of enhancements. Council Member Henderson questioned tile making a difference in the way the site looks from the street when vehicles go by. Council Member Sniff noted the area is inclined, and stated he is not suggesting a small pattern but rather one that gives a sense of flow and color. City Council Minutes 11 March 4, 2003 Council Member Henderson asked who owns the concrete area, to which Community Development Director Herman replied he didn't know. Council Member Henderson suggested using something vertical to improve the site. Council Member Perkins stated he doesn't have a problem with tile but cautioned against drawing the attention of drivers from traffic. In response to Council Member Henderson, City Manager Genovese stated the project can be forwarded to the Cultural Arts Commission for review and an RFP done for design concepts. Council Member Sniff stated he would like to see the project expedited and dealt with within the next three months. 9. POLICE CHIEF REPORT. Council Member Osborne thanked Police Chief Horton for the helicopter tour of the City. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS - None Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council reconvened and recessed to and until 7:00 p.m. 7:00 P.M. Council reconvened with all members present with the exception of Council Member Perkins. PUBLIC COMMENT Sandra Hawks, 78-770 Spyglass Hill, spoke on behalf of the residents of Bajada, Painted Cove, and La Quinta Fairways who would like to know when the strip at Park Avenue and Avenue 50 will be landscaped. Mayor Adolph referred the matter to staff. City Council Minutes 12 March 4, 2003 PRESENTATIONS The Mayor and Council Members presented art awards to the following students of Adams Elementary School whose artwork has been displayed at City Hall: Cesar Acosta Christian Hernandez Alejandra Pelayo Vivian Alvarez Esperanza Hernandez Lesli Petak Chris Alvarez Erick Hernandez Carolina Ponce Melinda Amezcua Cindy Jaimes Nicolas Quevedo Hector Aquino Carolina Juarez Javier Quintanilla Brianna Arriaga Conor Kanoski Diana Ramirez Jose Bernal Kameron Laitinen Laura Ramirez Adam Bur¢iaga Alejandra LeGrand Brooke Rickman Brandon Burrell Reina Leon Dillon Rodarte Rachel Carbajal Ruby Leon Janette Rodriguez Liliana Castaneda Jessica Lopez Nancy Ruelas Demitri Colin Miguel Lopez Jessica Ruiz Gisselle Contreras Christian Lopez Alyssa Saldivar Monique Corvese Eileen Loya Michael Samy Robert Cruz Ryan Lueras Ramiro Sanchez Mayra Cuevas Cyndi Maduena Blair Shannon Eric Cuevas Alan Magallon Erika Tamayo Matthew Cunard Rocio Martinez Ramon Tapia Maria Delfin Aaron Martinez Jacob Tarango Luis Dominguez Itzayana Mata Damaris Trevizo Thalia Duarte Jose Mendoza Marisol Valencia Konnie Enriquez Yvette Meza Alejandra Valencia Elijah Escobedo Mailene Meza Ernye Valenciano Cindy Espinoza Luis Morales Vanessa Vargas Daniel Estrada Cedric Morin Alan Vasquez Christian Fausto John Morley Mimi Vega Elizabeth Fernandez Savannah Morris Andrew Velasquez Janelle Fischer Andres Munoz Tyler Velasquez Fio Flores Clarissa Murrillo Victorian Vu Samantha Gar¢ia Britney Nava Ricky Wisdom Adrian Guzman Gracie Ochoa Belen Zavala Jordan Hennessy Uriah Ortiz Yvette Zavala Obed Heredia Fernanda Pareja Lucero Zavala Andy Hernandez Rebecca Parsons City Council Minutes 13 March 4, 2003 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ACTION ON AN APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION OF JANUARY 28, 2003, ADOPT A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (EA 2002-460), AND APPROVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2002-753, SUBJECT TO FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, TO ALLOW A 14,560 SQUARE FOOT DRUG AND RETAIL STORE ON A 4.03-ACRE SITE LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 48. APPELLANT: RANCHO LA QUINTA HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. City Attorney Jenson advised Council Member Perkins has excused himself from participating in this item due to a potential conflict of interest. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. Community Development Director Herman presented the st~ff report, and Associate Planner Maga~a reviewed the site plan and elevations. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Maga~a confirmed the height of the tower is 31 '-8". Council Member Sniff asked about the function of the tower, and Mr. Maga~a explained it serves as an entry into the building. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Maga~a stated the developer has proposed 22-foot high light poles with shoe box style fixtures but the Planning Commission has reduced the height to 18 feet. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Maga~a stated there will be 14 light poles with each light producing a maximum of six candlepower. He noted lowering the light poles increases the number of poles needed to produce sufficient lighting for the parking area. He referred a question about the total lumens projected by the double-head fixture to the developer. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Maga~a stated t[~e delivery and trash pickup areas are located at the rear of the building, and deliveries will be hand-trucked into the building. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Maga~a stated there was some discussion at the Planning Commission about the Phase II pads being office or medical uses but the zoning allows any land use listed under the Community Commercial designation. City Council Minutes 14 March 4, 2003 Planning Manager Orci stated the applicant has indicated they are looking to fill Phase II with some type of medical offices. Mayor Adolph noted there is no guarantee that l~hose pads will be medical offices, and the Site Development Permit for those pads will not come before the City Council for review. Council Member Henderson pointed out the Council can condition Phase II to come back to the Council. Mayor Adolph voiced concern about the project looking like a strip mall, and there being nothing at this time to stop this type of thing from happening. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Maga~a confirmed the maximum height allowed on the Phase II pads is 40 feet and could accommodate a three- story building. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Maga~a advised the developer has a plot plan showing the site relationship between Rancho La Quinta and the project. Tim O'Niel, 2920 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix, Arizona, of Evergreen Devco, stated the Planning Commission denied their first application for a Walgreens at Avenue 50 and Washington Street because it required a zone change, and a recommendation was made at that meeting that they find an alternate, appropriately-zoned site, which led them to the proposed location. He stated they have incorporated input, even from the opposition, into a plan that has been well received by staff, the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee, and the Planning Commission. He pointed out the building design is not a typical Walgreens design, and the landscape setback exceeds the requirement by twenty feet. He advised their proposed lighting plan with 22-foot high light poles would provide safe lighting and still be under code requirements. They are willing to reduce the height to 18 feet, as requested by the Planning Commission, but it will increase the number of poles and light intensity in certain pockets and create dark pockets elsewhere. He stated they have withheld an application for alcohol sales and for 24-hour use, and they accept the conditions of approval without any request for special consideration. He asked Council to support the project. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. O'Niel reviewed a site plan showing the relationship between the Walgreens site and the Rancho La Quinta development. City Council Minutes 15 March 4, 2003 In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. O'Niel advised the distance from the nearest homes in Rancho La Quinta to the edge of the building is approximately 270 feet and to the nearest light pole is approximately 200 feet. He added the nearest home in Lake La Quinta is approximately 282 feet from the east wall of the Walgreens building. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. O'Niel confirmed the light fixtures are shielded to keep the light on the property. Council Member Sniff asked about the grade difference between the Walgreens building pad and Washington Street, and about drainage for the project. Mr. O'Niel stated the finished floor for the building will be a variable 1 ¥2 feet above the public right-of-way. He stated drainage from the project will go into the regional drain at Caleo Bay and Avenue 48 and empty into Lake La Quinta. Mayor Adolph pointed out the grade difference between Washington Street and the Walgreens building pad is approximately 4 feet. He asked if any consideration had been given to locating in the Washington Park development. Mr. O'Niel responded that the store is intended to capture traffic and be a neighborhood-oriented store. Mayor Adolph agreed the proposed design is much nicer than the typical Walgreens building but noted their stores are usually in shopping centers. Mr. O'Niel advised they have stores in several different markets, and their stated goal is to be a neighborhood-oriented pharmacy. They feel big shopping centers lack a feeling of safety, and the ability to fine tune to the surroundings and raise the quality level. The following individuals spoke in opposition to the Walgreens project: · Bob Lowry 48-265 Paso Tiempo Lane · Rob Dawson 79-770 Rancho La Quinta Drive (also submitted a petition containing 266 signatures) · Bill Ivey 78-665 Descanso Lane · Bob Friedricks 48-105 Via Solana · Bill Bobb 48-613 Paseo Tarazo · John Holiday 79-030 Calle Brisa · Sandra Hawks 78-770 Spyglass Hill · Ellen Burg 49-723 Montero · Chuck Sullivan 48-610 Vista Estrella City Council Minutes 16 March 4, 2003 · Joe Broido 77-510 Calle Nogales · Kay Wolff 77-227 Calle Ensenada · Dale Sullivan 48-190 Via Vallarta · Frank Christopher 48-485 Vista Calico · Jerry Sheldon 48-015 Casita Drive · James Duff 78-625 Descanso Lane · Avi Lasman 47-935 Via Firenze The above-mentioned individuals spoke in opposition to the project for the following reasons: · retail development should not be allowed next to up-scale homes · will place adjacent property values at risk · site should be re-zoned · piece-meal development is unfair to homeowners · will increase traffic, noise, and lighting pollution for neighboring residents · will destroy Washington Street scenic corridor · environmental impacts on past, current, and future projects not addressed · inappropriate use of important and transitional area · 'increases potential for drug crimes Emily Hemphill, 777 E. Tahquitz, Palm Springs, noted the City's land-use laws apply equally to the Planning Commission and the City Council. She further noted the City Code does not require all pieces of a development to be done at once. She stated although the City changed the designation from Regional Commercial (in place since 1990) to Community Commercial when it updated its General Plan last year, this project fits under both designations. She advised the project is within the environmental review done for the General Plan, and this property was part of a master plan when Lake La Quinta was built. The project landscape buffer on Avenue 48 is as wide or wider than the landscape buffer at Rancho La Quinta, and the developer's intent is to also match the quality. She pointed out any type of development on this site will require lighting, and that the proposed lighting plan is subject to the Dark Sky Ordinance. She stated this project has exceeded the City's standards, and has tried to adjust to a project that the neighbors can live with. She believes it is not the Council's job to decide which retail businesses they like or dislike, and noted they are responsible for protecting the rights of the property owner as well as the voters. Wesley Oliphant, 77-900 Avenue of the States, Palm Desert, stated he represents a development group that is in escrow to purchase and develop the Phase II pads on this property with professional offices. He stated they intend City Council Minutes 17 March 4, 2003 to maintain the same high level of improvement standards that is currently being done at Avenue 47 and Washington Street. Sam Spineuo, 75-600 Mary Lane, Indian Wells, a member of the Phase II development team, stated they propose the first building to have a reduced amount of retail in the front facing Washington Street and office professional space in the rear. The second building will be a two-story, office professional building, and the third building will be single-story, office professional building. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Spineuo stated the retail will consist of general service retail such as a video store or dentist office. Mayor Adolph asked if they would be interested in developing the entire site if Walgreens doesn't go in. Mr. Spineuo replied, "no" because an important component of medical offices is being adjacent to a pharmacy. Council Member Osborne asked how it would affect their development if retail was removed from the Phase II buildings. Mr. Spineuo stated they would contemplate it. There being no further requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. Council Member Osborne stated he feels there may be some misconceptions about the project. He believes most of the pharmacy patrons will come from the Cove or south of Highway 111, and result in little change in traffic congestion and noise. He noted most of the lighting is across from the golf course portion of Rancho La Quinta as opposed to the residential area, and the lights will be shielded. He stated he understands from Police Chief Horton that this type of retail brings minimal concerns of crime. As for Phase II, he stated he is inclined to restrict any further retail other than Walgreens. Council Member Henderson thanked everyone for their comments, and noted this property was considered during the General Plan update and was down- zoned. She noted the property has been zoned commercial for 10-1 2 years and considered part of the future planning for the financial security of the City, which affects everyone's quality of life. She commented on the Council's responsibility to represent all of the community, and stated she has spoken to residents who live south of Highway 111 that feel this is a place they will shop. She noted there has been an expectation of commercial along this area for a City Council Minutes 18 March 4, 2003 long time, and other commercial has been approved in the area. She asked about the possibility of moving Walgreens to the north side and the medical offices on the south and east sides of the site. Mr. Maga~a stated the development standards for the Phase II pads would be the same as for Walgreens, thereby allowing a building height of 40 feet. He confirmed conditions can be placed on the site to restrict the Phase II pads to office only and to restrict the height. Council Member Henderson noted flipping the layout of the buildings would buffer Rancho La Quinta from the retail, and the retail would still have frontage on Washington Street. It would also place the parking and most of the lighting in the interior of the development. Council Member Sniff commented that a reversed layout would potentially block the additional access on Avenue 48. Council Member Henderson noted two separate buildings on the long pad would possibly allow an access on Avenue 48. Council Member Sniff pointed out it would depend on the configuration because of distance requirements from Washington Street to allow an access on Avenue 48. He wasn't sure the developer and potential developers have had a chance to consider such a change. Council Member Henderson noted Council has the right to condition the property as long as it does not violate the rights of the property owner and the developers would have to figure out a way to live with it. City Attorney Jenson confirmed the Council has authority under the appeal process to modify the site plan and impose additional conditions of approval. Council Member Sniff stated he feels the project's light proliferation is a serious problem, and is not sure lowering the pole height to 18 feet will significantly mitigate the problem. He referenced traffic congestion at Washington Street and Avenue 48, and voiced concern about adding to the problem. He feels it is difficult to have a clear concept of what the noise impact may be without knowing what will be built on the site. He stated he supports commercial development but feels there are significant quality-of-life issues involved here, and that a more complete and well-defined EIR may be appropriate. Mayor Adolph thanked the appellant for filing the appeal, and commented on his concerns about the current review process for projects of this magnitude not City Council Minutes 19 March 4, 2003 automatically coming before the City Council for approval. He has safety concerns about the Washington Street access because of the 180-degree turn radius and the traffic congestion in and out of the Walgreens and adjacent hotel. He noted traffic on Caleo Bay was a major concern of Lake La Quinta residents when the hotel was approved, and he feels this will compound that problem. He stated reversing the layout may be a good idea but it will still generate additional traffic. He questioned the problems involved with the project being worth the small amount of revenue the store will generate for the City. He stated he cannot support the project, as proposed, because of the problems the citizens have with it. Council Member Sniff suggested this item be continued to give staff and the developers time to look at the potential for reversing the layout. Council Member Henderson noted the Council has the power to impose conditions on the project right now and any future development would have to meet that criteria. She pointed out if the project is denied, sometime in the future the City will be faced with the same type of situation when another commercial development is proposed. Council Member Sniff stated he prefers continuing the item rather than imposing conditions that may not be acceptable to the developer or the residents. Council Member Osborne stated he supports giving the developer an opportunity to consider reversing the layout. Council Member Sniff suggested continuing the public hearing to the first meeting in April. , Ms. Jenson recommended re-opening the public hearing if the Council's intent is to continue this matter. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING REOPENED. MOTION -It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborne to continue the public hearing on the appeal by Rancho La Quinta Homeowners Association of the Planning Commission decision regarding the Walgreens project to April 1, 2003. Council Member Henderson suggested reiterating the potential modifications so the developer knows what the Council is wanting him to consider. City Council Minutes 20 March 4, 2003 Council Member Sniff stated he didn't feel it was appropriate to mandate changes at this time. He would like some time to think this through, and believes it is up to the developer and staff to come up with an alternate plan. Council Member Henderson noted zoning on this property carries certain development rights, and if the Council doesn't limit those rights, the developer may not be motivated to make the changes. Motion carried with Mayor Adolph voting NO and Council Member Perkins ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2003-26. 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIFIC PLAN 99-036, AMENDMENT NO. 2 (LA QUINTA CORPORATE CENTRE) AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2002-756, A REQUEST TO: 1) ADOPT RESOLUTIONS TO MODIFY THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARD FOR AN UNDER CONSTRUCTION 36+-ACRE, COMMERCIAL/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY 111, APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET EAST OF ADAMS STREET, AND WEST OF DUNE PALMS ROAD; AND 2) APPROVING A TWO- STORY COMMERCIAL BUILDING OF 15,248 SQUARE FEET ON ONE ACRE AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CORPORATE CENTRE DRIVE AND DUNE PALMS ROAD (78-441 CORPORATE CENTRE DRIVE). APPLICANT: DAVID AND JAMIE REULMAN (RADIO ACTIVE). Council Member Osborne abstained from participating on this item due to a potential conflict of interest and left the dais. Council Member Perkins was also absent from the public hearing. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. Community Development Director Herman presented the staff report, and Associate Planner Trousdell reviewed the site plan and changes made by the Planning Commission. Robert Ricciardi, 75-090 St. Charles Place, Palm Desert, architect for the applicant, reviewed the proposed circulation plan, and urged approval of the project. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Ricciardi stated the roof is sloped enough to allow drainage. There being no other requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. City Council Minutes 21 March 4, 2003 RESOLUTION NO. 2003-015 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT STANDARD CHANGES FOR A MULTI-USE COMMERCIAL/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL CENTER ON 36+ACRES LOCATED GENERALLY BETWEEN ADAMS STREET AND DUNE PALMS ROAD AND NORTH OF HIGHWAY 111 (SPECIFIC PLAN 99-036, AMENDMENT #2 - APPLICANT: DAVID AND JAMIE REULMAN). It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to adopt .~esolution No. 2003-015 as submitted. Motion carried with Council Members Osborne and Perkins ABSENT. RESOLUTION NO. 2003-016 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR A TWO-STORY COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT 78-441 CORPORATE CENTRE DRIVE, SUBJECT TO FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS (SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2002-756, RADIO ACTIVE - APPLICANT: DAVID AND JAMIE REULMAN). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2003-016 as submitted. Motion carried with Council Members Osborne and Perkins ABSENT. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California