2003 01 28 PC Minutes MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
January 28, 2003 7:00 P.M.
A. 'This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00
p.m. by Vice Chairman Tyler who asked Commissioner Robbins to lead
the flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Jacques Abels, Tom Kirk, Steve Robbins, and
Vice Chairman Robert Tyler. It was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kirk/Robbins to excuse Chairman Butler. Unanimously
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City
Attorney Kathy Jenson, Planning Manager Oscar OrCi, Assistant City
Engineer Steve Speer, Environmental Consultant Nicole Criste, Associate
Planner Martin Magar~a, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Staff asked that Item "B" under Business Items be corrected to read:
"Request: Request for a finding of General Plan conformity for the City
of La Quinta's proposed acquisitiOn for the extension of La Quinta Drive."
A. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes
of January 14, 2003. There being no corrections, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to approve the minutes as
presented. Unanimously approved.
B. Department Report: None.
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A. Environmental Assessment 2002-460 and Site Development Permit
2002-753; a request of Evergreen Devco, Inc./Eisenhower Medical Center
for certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental
impact and review of development plans for a 14,560 square foot drug
and retail store on a 4.03 acre site located at the northeast corner of
Avenue 48 and Washington Street.
1. Vice Chairman Tyler asked for the staff report. Associate Planner
Martin Maga~a presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Kirk assumed traffic would be an issue and asked
staff to comment on whether or not the traffic would be a
significant impact. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated it
would not. At the time the General Plan was updated the traffic
analysis anticipated what the traffic load would be for all the
streets in La Quinta at a buildout scenario. They load the
anticipated traffic onto the streets to know what size the streets
should be. Then when proposals suCh as this come before the
City there is only a need to ask for additional right of way. This
project is within what the General Plan anticipated for these
streets. Commissioner Kirk asked about the previous design
submitted by Walgreens at Avenue 50 and Washington Street and
why it was denied for that location. Staff noted the additional
applications and requirements that were required for approval at
the prior site. Commissioner Kirk asked if this project was
consistent with the zoning designations of Community
Commercial. Staff stated it is.
3. Commissioner Abels stated he thought the architectural design
was different. Staff noted it was.
4. Vice Chairman Tyler asked staff to indicate the location of the 150
foot Image Corridor setback from Washington Street would be and
reaffirmed the height limit at this location was 22 feet and asked
what the height limit would be beyond that. Staff indicated the
location on the map and confirmed the height limit was 22 feet
within the setback and beyond that they could go up to 40 feet.
The proposed building and tower were within the height limits.
5. There being no further questions of staff, Vice Chairman Tyler
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr.
Tim O'Neil, Evergreen Devco, Inc., the applicant, gave a
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presentation on the project and noted the upgrades they had made
to the project site and the building itself. He further noted this site
will not make application for a liquor license and the store hours
Will be 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and the lighting plan would be
consistent with the store hours. They have eliminated their typical
neon sign on the tower and designed a four-sided architectural
6. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if there were any conditions they
wanted to address. Mr. O'Neil stated Condition #40, and #50. On
Condition #40 needs clarification as the sentence is unfinished.
The second Condition is #50 requiring the proposed drive through
for the pharmacy shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide with proper
striping. They agree with the proper striping, but typically work
with a nine and ten foot drive through lane with an island that
separates the two lanes that is three foot wide. They would
request to keep the nine and ten foot lanes. Vice Chairman Tyler
asked how this compares with the store at Washington Street and
Avenue 42 in Bermuda Dunes. Mr. O'Neil stated it should be a
prototype or Criteria store, which would have the nine foot on the
internal lane, a three foot island, and then a ten foot lane.
7. Ms. Emily Hemphill, attorney for the applicant, stated there were
two other conditions of concern that she would address. First
Condition #10 which relates to the dedication along Washington
and Condition #11 which is for the dedication of the landscape
strip along Washington. They have found that their property is not
contiguous to Washington Street. There is a landscape strip along
Washington that is owned by the La Quinta Commercial Owners
Association. The property owners association that maintains the
common area for all the commercial development. So a dedication
on their property in the absence of this, will not give the City what
they are wanting. They would like to suggest they condition their
dedication for the ultimate width of Washington Street such that
it does not have to occur until that strip is acquired. The second
issue is Condition #38, the joint access. Under this condition her
client is being required to provide half of the driveway access onto
Washington Street with the remainder being provided by the
property owner to the north. Their concern is financing and
timing. They have not been given an indication that this property
owner is ready to proceed with his development and because it is
unknown when they will begin their process, they would like to
suggest an alternate condition: "In the event the adjacent property
owner to the north refuses to grant the required easements for the
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shared access, they be permitted to put the full width of the
Washington Street access on their property and then if the
property to the north is later developed, and requires the access,
they can provide an easement with both properties sharing the
access maintenance costs."
8. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if there was a similar condition for the
Marriott project. Community Development Director Jerry Herman
stated yes, but it is based on timing. Ms. Hemphill stated their
only concern is that should they not develop their property, they
not be left with half a driveway.
9. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if there was any other public comment.
Mr. Bob Lowry, 48-265 Paso Tiempo Lane, representing the
Master Board of Directors for Rancho La Quinta, stated the
majority of their members are against locating a Walgreens drug
store at this site. They are proud of Rancho La Quinta and La
Quinta. A drug store with bright lights on tall poles with a sign 13
feet above the street does not belong across the street from this
development. It belongs in a retail corridor.
10. Mr. Bill Ivey, 78-665 Descanso Lane, stated he has been in the
Valley for 50 years and chose their home in Rancho La Quinta
because they love this area. Their home is about six houses from
the corner of this site. It was their understanding that this site
was to be an office building and now it is being proposed as a
drug store. They do not want it as they know it will devalue their
property over time and their lifestyle. Retail uses always bring
excessive lighting, traffic, etc. and many are impossible to
mitigate. The demographics will not support the use at this
location. They commend the developer for their efforts to upgrade
their design, but still respectively request the Planning
Commission deny the project.
11. Mr. Rob Dawson, 79-770 Rancho La Quinta Drive, stated he is a
member of the safety committee for Rancho La Quinta and they
believe this proposal represents some safety concerns such as
poor ingress and egress onto the site. Both medians create a
circulation problem with right-in, right-out, and u-turns will
increase accidents. They ask that this proposal be denied.
12. Mr. Chuck Sullivan, 40-610 Vista Estrella, stated he has a lot of
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concerns about this site for thisproject. Avenue 48 represents the
front door to Rancho La Quinta. A food and drug store at this
location is wrong. There needs to be a transition between the
heavy commercial at Highway 111 and the residential uses to the
south. The problems he sees are lighting, traffic, noise, and the.
collateral damage you get with a retail application of any kind.
Some of these can be mitigated and some cannot. He believes a
more professional office building with tenants that arrive in the
morning and leave in the afternoon is a more sensitive use of this
site. He believes they will be entering a very angry customer base.
13. Mr. Frank Christopher, 48-485 Vista Calico Drive, stated his
background has been in residential development and he agrees
with what has been stated so far, which is that the retail use is not
consistent with the residential uses in the vicinity. He requests the
project be denied.
14. Mr. Bob Friedricks, 48-105 Via Solana, stated that from his
residence he will visually be able to view this development and he
strongly objects to this project.
15. Ms. Sally Jo Baggs, 78-705 Descanso Lane, stated her residence
is right across from this development and this has always been a
quiet area. She likes the design and appreciates their efforts, but
still believes it does not belong in this area.
16. Ms. Emily Hemphill, attorney for the applicant, stated most of the
concerns raised by the neighbors have been regarding the land use
compatibility and she would like to point out a few things
regarding that. First of all, this property is currently designated as
Community Commercial on the General Plan. This General Plan
went through considerable study by staff, Planning Commission,
and the City Council and it was approved only ten months ago.
That Community Commercial designation permits the sale of
general merchandise, hardware and building materials, food, drug
and sundry, person services and similar goods and services to
meet the needs of a multi-neighborhood area. Prior to this zoning
it was zoned Regional Commercial. This property has been
designated as Commercial since 1990 when the Lake La Quinta
tract map was recorded on February 28, 1990. To say it is
inappropriate for commercial property runs directly counter to the
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planning process that this Commission went through for the
General Plan update. To suggest that we do not like Walgreens,
or we feel it is a discount issue, and therefore need to change the
land use and ignore the planning process does violation to the
planning process in the City of La Quinta. They have conformed
in every way with the land use requirements for a commercial
development in this area. The traffic conditions, as.indicated by
staff, have already been fulfilled. With respect to marketing,
Walgreens has studied the area and believes it is appropriate from
a market standpoint. She submitted a letter from Walgreens
regarding their marketing analysis. The Planning Commission's
purpose is land use issues and in this case, land use is appropriate
and in an agreement with the City's General Plan.
17. Mr. Jerry Sheldon, 48-015 Casita Drive, stated he runs a
competing pharmacy chain and does not think this is a good use
of the land and urges the Planning Commission to reject the
application. There are only 41,559 people in a radius of three
mines and there are ten competitors. That averages to only 4,000
people per store, which is a disaster. The population over 60 is
only 19%, which alone is not a good indication as they are the
largest purchaser of drugs. The other issue is that drug stores are
a magnet for crimes and asked if there were any other
development options.
18. Mr. Sam Spinello, 75-600 Mary Lane, Indian Wells, stated he is a
local real estate broker for commercial developments. He was
asked to speak on how a drug store could work with the office
buildings proposed on the remainder of the site. His experience in
projects like this is extensive and named the other sites he has
worked with. The remainder of the site is being marketed and
receiving favorable response due to the Walgreens. In regard to
property values, there seems to be an increase in property values
when there are good schools and good quality neighborhood retail
in close proximity.
19. Mr. Tim O'Niel, Evergreen Devco, stated that at this site they have
exceeded the City's Code. The lighting is within the Dark Sky
Ordinance and have expressed a willingness to work with staff to
amend that lighting program if staff deems it appropriate. Second
is traffic. There is room for improvement on the circulation of the
site and they believe the improvement should be on Caleo Bay.
Staff has advised them there is a proposal to add a left turn lane
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departing Caleo Bay. They have agreed to participate in the
striping of that program at their cost to meet staff's requirements.
The issue of the market place and whether or not there is room for
another store, in the last ten years they have opened 3100 store; ,
two of which have closed due to sales problems. That is better.
than 99.9% success which is greater than any other company.
Walgreens is 101 years old and has been named the most
respected food and drug retailer in the Fortune 100, seven of the
last ten years. This is not a case of taking a poor business and
dressing it up with aesthetics to meet a higher end neighborhood.
They are taking a business that typically locates on higher traffic
areas and bringing it up to Code with aesthetics to meet the
neighborhood. The quality and the credibility and the credit
worthiness is there. Regarding the marketplace, they look to a 1-2
mile radius and focus on a neighborhood orientation. Based on
their experience, the cluster Of retail that exists On Washington is
in a distinct trade market. The competing businesses at the
highway are high traffic businesses they continually hear
complaints about; circulation, safety, sanitation, site plan, quality.
People who do not like to go to the highway and navigate the
highway have a clean, safe option,, that is obviously a higher end
design than they can find at the highway. This is the strategy
behind this project. He continued to list other examples of the
market place. They appreciate the comments from the neighbors,
even those in opposition.
20. Mr. Grady Sparks, Rancho La Quinta developer, stated he reviewed
some of the projects that have been proposed along Avenue 48.
He asked if Caleo Bay was a public street. Assistant City Engineer
Steve Speer stated yes. Mr. Sparks stated it appears to him that
especially at night the lights along Avenue 48 will shine into the
homes. With all the traffic on Washington Street now, this will
create additional prOblems for people trying to get out onto
Washington Street and Avenue 48. He asked if the entrance to
Walgreens on Avenue 48 could be deleted and use the entrance off
Caleo Bay. It appears to him that another traffic signal will be
needed and maybe some type of a frontage road to get the traffic
up to a light to get them out onto Washington Street. His other
concerns are lighting and he would like the lighting to .be very
restrictive. He does not see where the trash will be picked up nor
what is proposed for the other sites on the site plan.
21. Mr. Jack Fleck 48-425 Via Salona, stated all the comments so far
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are valid issues. Traffic, lighting, general'litter, noise, are all issues
that this project will bring. He knows their operation is successful,
but they are the residents that have to live with this development
in their community. He does not see the need for another.drug
store in this location.
22. Mr. Tom Gorney, 49-893 Via Catalina, stated he has. no objection
to Walgreens, but to put this store, as nice as it is, next to a high
end residential, is not appropriate. Make the transition reasonable.
He would like to see the City rank itself with Indian Wells and
Rancho Mirage, not Cathedral City and Desert Hot Springs.
23. Ms. Grace Ellen Goodman, 78-885 Rio Seco, stated that as a
woman she looks at safety when she purchased her home. This
development will cause them more traffic and safety issue. They
moved into their area to have a lovely, safe environment and this
will not give them the safety they bought for.
24. Mr. Sean O'Brien, 78-955 Descanso Lane, stated the reason he
moved here was to get away from this type of development. Their
studies were based on economics and not what was best for the
community. In court, a judge would not rule on a project like this
until he would see the entire picture. He would state that it was
too early to rule on an issue until they see the entire picture. At
this time, we have no idea what will be happening on the
remainder of the site. H.e asks that any decision be held off until
a complete picture of the site is presented.
25. Mr. John Peruzzi, architect for the project, stated he cannot
address all the issues raised, but would address the statement
that Walgreens is an eyesore and is not studying the needs of the
local community. He would like to disagree. They have worked
very hard to make this a very special Walgreens to make it a pride
of ownership for the neighborhood. They have deleted signs to be
sensitive, created arcades, Iow level lighting, landscape buffers
and many other amenities to make this an upscale project.
26. Ms. Betty Shelley, 78-565 Descanso Lane, stated her house is
right across the street from the proposed site. She got the idea
from Walgreens that they do not want to be where they are not
wanted and she hopes they get the message they do not want
them to be here.
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27. There being no other public participation, Vice Chairman Tyler
closed the public participation portion and opened the matter up
for Commission discussion.
28. Commissioner Abels commended the applicant on their
presentation and design. He wonders if people realize the
obligation the Planning Commission is under when'an applicant
meets all the City requirements. This is a good project. It is not a
purview of the Commission to say whether or not this is a good
place for a Walgreens.
29. Commissioner Kirk asked staff if the applicant did any view shed
analysis from adjoining properties. Associate Planner Martin
Maga~a stated they did. Mr. Garbett reviewed the viewshed
plans. Commissioner Kirk asked if the lighting with 22 foot poles,
meets City Code. Associate Planner Martin Magar~a stated the
Code allows the lighting poles to be the maximum height
established by the zone in which the building is located or 18 feet,
whichever is greater. Commissioner Kirk asked if bollards could be
used instead. Staff stated the Lighting Ordinance is currently
under review, so the current Code requirements would be
applicable in this instance. The use of bollards would be more of
a question for the applicant. Commissioner Kirk asked where staff
was on review of the Lighting Ordinance. Community
Development Director Jerry Herman stated public hearings will be
conducted in February and March on those proposed changes to
the Lighting Ordinance. Commissioner Kirk asked if bollard
lighting can meet the Dark Sky Ordinance and safety issues.
Community Development Director stated bollard lighting is
permitted, yes. It would be a question of the applicant as to
whether or not bollard lighting provides enough light for their
safety concerns. City Attorney Kathy Jenson stated the issue of
lighting in regard to the La Quinta Arts Foundation site is that
bollard lighting could not meet the City's standards. Therefore, a
specific plan amendment was used to deviate from the regular
standards by combining bollard lighting and reducing the height
of the lighting to reach a compromise. Community Development
Director stated the consultant hired to review the lighting
standards has stated the higher the better for the lighting
standards. Commissioner Kirk asked if lower lighting in the
parking lot on Avenue 48 could be a proposition the applicant
would consider. He commented on how sophisticated the
comments have been from those speaking and they did address
their issues. It is known that Rancho La Quinta is a high quality
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development, but at the same time the residents have to
understand that when land use is not an issue, the Commission
has to be sensitive to an applicant's request. In regard to this not
being a market for Walgreens, this is not a purview for the
Commission. The prior application submitted by Walgreens was '
a good project, but in a wrong location. In this location it is a
good project, and maybe it should have been considered when the
General Plan was being considered. The Commission should make
this retail development more acceptable to the community. The
Commission does have an opportunity to address lighting, traffic,
and circulation. This development could be conditioned in regard
to what would be allowed on the remainder of the site. He
supports the project if these issues can be addressed.
30. Commissioner Robbins stated he agrees with what has been
stated. Demographics are not within the Commission's purview.
One of the concerns raised was safety with too many right-in and
right-outs. These are done by design for safety.. The project is
zoned f°r the use and he does not believe they have the right to
decide what can be developed on the remainder of the site.
31. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if this goes to the City Council. Staff
stated the Commission's action is final unless it is appealed, or
called up by the Council.
32. Commissioner Robbins asked if the community can appeal the
application. Staff stated yes.
33. Vice Chairman Tyler stated he does have a concern about the 22
foot light poles. It seems the Arnold Palmer restaurant was
reduced to 18 feet. He would like to suggest they be reduced to
18 feet on the entire site. They can use Iow level bollards to
augment them. Another concern he has is what will be developed
on the remainder of the site. The staff report indicates the other
buildings could be medical uses; can the Commission limit what
can be allowed to ensure they are compatible with what is already
built. City Attorney Kathy Jenson, stated if the Commission had
a concern that the project would not be compatible with the
surrounding neighborhood, if it was consolidated with other retail
uses, the Commission could request the developer and/or property
owner to consent to as a condition of approval. A finding must be
made that the architecture, site design, and use is compatible and
therefore they could request the owner and applicant to consent
to this limitation. Vice Chairman Tyler stated a condition does
need to be added requiring stabilizing of the ground until
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something is built on the remainder of the site. Also, a condition
should be added requiring all deliveries be made during the hours
of operation. The same for the trash pick up. He would like to ask
the applicant if any comments were received from Lake La Quinta. .
Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the.
Commission that the Environmental Assessment mitigation
measures requires the vacant land to be seeded and deliveries are
limited to 7 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Trash is controlled by the
construction hours for pick-up.
34. Mr. O'Niel stated that any uses on the remainder of the site will
come before the Commission as a matter of planning procedures.
They will state there will be no other pharmacy or pharmacy use
on the site based on the CC~rR's for the site. City Attorney Kathy
Jenson stated generally staff does not look at the substance of the
CC~rR's unless there are Special conditions that need to 'be
included. Staff reviews them only to see that no uses are being
allowed that are not allowed by the City. The applicant has stated
they will have an anti-competitive clause provision allowing them
to not sell any land to a competitor. Mr. O'Neil stated the CC~rR's
are very restrictive in regard to the uses that are allowed.
Evergreen Devoo has entitlements on the entire site and their
CC~R's will not allow any other pharmacies or nuisance use on
the site. In regard to lighting, lowering the light standards does
not improve the lighting program. To lower the light standards
requires either a brighter bulb, or more lights. Their plan is to the
City's Code which is one to two foot candles and lower the
lighting plan that is evenly distributed that does not have brighter
bulbs. The goal is to have lights shielded onto the property, evenly
distributed, at very Iow foot candles. All lights are out by 10:00
p.m., except for what is required for public safety. Community
Development Director stated the proposed lighting standards
being brought to the Commission at a later date will have a curfew
requirement for exterior lights. This applicant is complying with
what staff will be proposing with the new lighting standards.
35. Commissioner Kirk asked if the hours of operation could be
reduced due to this location.
36. Commissioner Abels stated he did not believe this was within the
Commission's purview.
37. Vice Chairman stated they have already conceded to not opening
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till 8:00 a.m.
38. Commissioner Kirk stated that if the other Commissioner Members
do not consider it an issue he would relinquish the idea.
39. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Robbins/Kirk to adopt Resolution. 2003-003,
certifying a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental
impact for Environmental Assessment 2002-460, as
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Robbins, and Vice
Chairman Tyler, NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Butler.
40. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Robbins to
adopt Resolution 2003-004 approving Site Development Permit
2002-753, subject to the conditions as amended.
A. Staff work with applicant to design the lighting with 16-18
foot high light standards;
B. Conditions #10: applicant shall dedicate or acquire a six
foot strip of land from the landscape lot adjacent to the
existing right of way at their expense or request the Council
acquire it by condemnation.
C. Condition #11: applicant shall provide a 20 foot landscape
setback from t'he edge of the new right of way.
D. Add Condition: a provision added to the CC~rR that no other
pharmacies, or related uses, would be allowed on the site.
E. Condition #38: Discretion is given to the City Engineer on
how the shared drive is implemented.
F. Condition #40: eliminated.
G. Condition #50: the drive through lane shall be 9 feet wide
with a 3 foot island and ten foot wide lane.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Robbins, and Vice
Chairman Tyler, NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Butler.
Vice Chairman Tyler recessed the meeting at 8:50 p.m. and reconvened at 9:00 p.m.
A. Sign Application 2003-679, a request of CensourceJon's Supermarket
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for consideration of a sign program amendment to replace two
monument signs and the elimination of one oval sign in the Von's
Shopping Center located at the southwest corner of Washington Street
and Highway 11 1 (78-483 Highway 111).
1. Vice Chairman Tyler asked for the staff report, a copy of which is
on file in the Community Development Department.
2. Vice Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Robbins asked why there was a minimum letter
size. Staff stated it was limited by the Code.
3. Vice Chairman Tyler asked what part of the sign on Washington
street was being removed. Staff stated the entire sign. The Code
allows one monument sign per street frontage. Vice Chairman
Tyler stated he would prefer to keep the Plaza La Quinta sign. In
regard to the letter size, what latitude does the Commission have.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the
Commission has the latitude to approve what has been submitted
and what will remain. Vice Chairman Tyler stated the distance
they are proposing to move sign back, should be clarified.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the
verbiage could be clarified to state it will be moved to the back of
the inside of the curb line.
4. There being no further questions of staff, Vice Chairman Tyler
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr.
Tim Pitts, representing Von's Company, stated they have worked
with staff to resolve these issues. Von's will be starting their
remodel and bringing their signs into conformance with the City.
They will remove the two palm trees and move the sign back on
Washington Street. As far as the oval sign on the Plaza La Quinta
sign, they thought removing the oval sign was enough, but will
agree to whatever the Commission requires. In regard to the
height, they are trying to get a height that is visible to the public
driving by.
5. Commissioner Abels asked if any of the other tenants were
involved or requested to be participants on the sign. Mr. Pitts
stated that is an issue of the property owner. This is the final
decision of what the property owners requested.
6. Commissioner Kirk asked if the entire monument sign on Highway
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111 was to be removed or just the oval Von's sign. Staff stated
the entire sign.
7. There being no further questions of the applicant, Vice Chairman
Tyler closed the public participation portion and opened the matter '
for Commission discussion. '
8. Commissioner Robbins stated he had no objection to keeping the
Plaza La Quinta sign on Highway 111.
9. Commissioner Kirk stated this is an opportunity to clean up the site
and bringing it up to City standards by allowing only the two
monument signs.
10. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kirk/Abels to adopt Minute Motion 2003-002,
approving Sign Application 2003-679, as recommended. Motion
passes with Vice Chairman Tyler voting no and Chairman Butler
being absent.
B. Finding of General Plan Conformity, a request of the City for a finding of
General Plan conformity for the City of La Quinta's potential acquisition
and construction of the extension of La Quinta Drive on the north side of
Highway 111 between Adams Street and Dune Palms Road.
1. Vice Chairman Tyler asked for the staff report. City Attorney Kathy
Jenson gave the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
2. There being no questions of staff, Vice Chairman Tyler closed the
public participation portion and opened the matter for Commission
3. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2003-005, confirming findings of conformity with the
La Quinta General Plan for a potential acquisition and construction
of the extension of La Quinta Drive on the north side of Highway
111 between Adams Street and Dune Palms Road, as
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Robbins, and Vice
Chairman Tyler, NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Butler.
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A. Commissioner Abels gave a report of the City Council meetirig of January
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Abels/Robbins to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular
meeting of the Planning Commission to be held February 11,2003, at 7:00 p.m. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. on January 28,
Respectfully submitted,
15et~t:y_~o~ y , e Secretary
City e__f~a Quinta, California
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