2003 04 08 PC Minutes MINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
April 8, 2003 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00
p.m. by Chairman Butler who asked Commissioner Abels to lead the flag
B. Present: Commissioners Jacques Abels, Tom Kirk, Robert Tyler and
Chairman Butler. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Abels/Tyler to excuse Commissioner Robbins. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City
Attorney Kathy Jenson, Planning Manager Oscar Orci, Assistant City
Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planners Stan Sawa and Fred Baker, and
Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairman Butler asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of
March 25, 2003. Commissioner Tyler asked that Page 4, Item 1, be
corrected to read "...that he and the appellant had been ..... "; Page 6,
Item 4, corrected to read, "adopts a resolution exempting themselves
from the City's regulations..."; Page 7, Item 14, corrected to read, "Palm
Royale Road on both ends will have traffic signals, so there is no parent
drop-off on Washington Street." There being no further corrections, it
was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to approve the
minutes as amended. Unanimously approved.
B. Department Report: None
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A. Continued - Siqn Application 2003-682; a request of Jack Tarr for review
of a proposed sign program for the Washington Park Commercial Center,
bounded by Highway 111, Adams Street, Washington Street, and
Avenue 47.
1. Chairman Butler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
2. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Tyler clarified that the single logo was on the south
end. Staff confirmed this was correct. Commissioner Tyler stated
that under the Code they are allowed one monument sign per
frontage footage. Staff stated that under a sign adjustment in the
Zoning Code, the Planning Commission can make that
determination. Commissioner Tyler confirmed that the Code does
not differentiate the length of the frontage in regard to the signs.
3. Commissioner Kirk asked if there was any standard for what size
would be considered a major tenant. Staff stated that every sign
program before the Commission has had something different. In
order to get a comparison staff looked at major tenants, not
including the "big boxes" over 10,000 square feet, within the
vicinity and that list is in the staff report. Commissioner Kirk
stated that some of those on the list appear to be much larger
than some of the major tenants identified in the applicant's sign
program. Is this true? Staff stated they were informed by the
applicant that if the building is larger than 10,000 square feet,
they are a major tenant. Commissioner Kirk asked if the
Commission agreed that deleting the sign in the rear of the
building meant the applicant could increase the size of the signs
in the front. Staff stated if it was the Commission's discretion.
Commissioner Kirk asked if the applicant could increase the size
of the signs at their own discretion. Staff stated not unless they
decreased the overall aggregate signage allowed as well.
Commissioner Kirk asked if the applicant's request for 50 square
foot aggregate was for the total sign, Or per side. Staff stated it
was the aggregate; they were requesting more than allowed by
the Code. Staff was supporting the request due to the length of
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the "Washington Park" sign that is not advertising the users of the
Center. Commissioner Kirk asked if the linear elevation of the
Target building is significantly larger/smaller than the Super Wal-
Mart building. Staff stated Wal-Mart is larger. Target is
comparably the same size as the Retail "B" building at the Super
Wal-Mart Center.
4. Chairman Butler asked if the Commission reduces the number of
signs as recommended, who will determine which tenant goes on
the monument signs. Staff stated the property manager will make
that determination. Those business that have signed leases for
the Center are in the Monument sign proposal.
5. Chairman Butler asked if the applicant would like to address the
Commission. Mr. Hal Hall, Mr. Bill Sanchez, representing the
Center, and Mr. David Randolph, representing the Pacific Neon
Company, stated they are not proposing to use any exposed neon.
They agree with Conditions//1 and 2. Conditions//3 and//4 they
have questions. They are not asking to increase the size of the
signs on the front of the building. This is a three-sided center.
The purpose of the Target sign on the rear is to address traffic
direction as people are driving around the Center and parking
areas. In regard to the monument sign, the drive aisle is not
major, but it does lead to both sides of the Shopping Center.
Adams Street is not a major street now, but it will be and there is
no signage on the north and east end of the Center. There will be
a sign to the north and slightly west of the Target building, and
south and west of the Target building. From that site east there
is no project identification. Therefore, they thought it was
important to put Center identification on that eastern half of the
project. In regard to the letter received from nearby residents
concerned about lighting issues, the monument signs are designed
to be small and will not create any additional light into the
adjacent communities. There is no white background illumination.
They are all routed aluminum signs so the background is entirely
opaque. Only the graphics will be illuminated. In regard to the
building signs, they are individual letter signs. The last paragraph
of the sign program was incorrectly written. It was intended to
state that a large tenant who has a corner, end, or stand alone
building, could have a name identifying sign on the side of the
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6. Commissioner Tyler stated he had visited the Palm Desert Target
and the bulls-eye is separate from the sign letters for Target. The
national logo has been rearranged. Mr. Randolph stated this had
changed approximately a year ago. Commissioner Tyler stated the
pharmacy sign appears to blend right into the building. Mr.
Randolph stated the building is actually darker and the pharmacy
sign is white.
7. Chairman Butler asked about Monument sign "C" on Avenue 48,
which has Target well designated so those traveling on Avenue 47
will find it, so why have this and the sign on the back of the
building. Mr. Randolph stated the concern is that when you pull
into the Center from Avenue 47 it directs people to the store.
Chairman Butler asked about Monument sign "B" on Adams
Street, the street is very short and the first turn is right into the
project. Mr. Hall stated that Adams Street is becoming a major
entrance and they would like the visibility. Chairman Butler asked
which monument sign they would prefer "B" or "C". Mr. Hall
stated they would like both but would be willing to reduce the
size. Mr. Sanchez stated that if you enter off Caleo Bay, using the
Monument sign on Caleo Bay and Avenue 47, there is no real
access to the businesses on the east end of the building.
Therefore, it is important to have both Monument signs. The
entrance off Adams Street services seven large tenants on the
east end of the Center. Both Monument signs will identify Target
and two other tenants.
8. Chairman Butler asked if anyone else would like to speak on this
issue. There being no further public comment, Chairman Butler
closed the public hearing and opened the discussion to the
9. Commissioner Abels complemented the applicant on his
presentation and agrees with staff's recommendation.
10. Commissioner Tyler stated he finds the 12 foot diameter bulls-eye
over the main entrance offensive. It is three times the size of the
Palm Desert store sign. It needs to be significantly reduced. The
monument signs are architecturally pleasing, but 15.5 feet long is
too much. He has no problem with the two Monument signs on
Highway 111. On Adams street he would suggest using the same
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sign as is on Washington Street. In regard to the rear signage,
there was no access to the rear of Lowe's and it didn't make
sense. This is not the same situation and if Lowe's is willing to
install a rear door he would be willing to reconsider their request
for a sign on the rear.
11. Chairman Butler reopened the public hearing to allow the applicant
an opportunity to respond to the Commission's questions. Mr.
Randolph stated the rear doors are for delivery and emergency
access only. People could park in this area and walk to the
Garden Center entrance which is heavily used as it is a shortcut.
On the front elevation, the logo is much larger, but the lettering is
much smaller that the Palm Desert store. If you calculate the
overall square footage of the sign area, the typical horizontal
signs, such as Palm Desert, is 174 square feet with the logo and
wording calculated separately, or 204 calculated as a box. So in
this instance, the overall sign is smaller.
12. Commissioner Tyler recommends' deleting the last paragraph on
Page 8 of the Sign Program. Mr. Randolph suggested deleting the
last line. Staff stated the paragraph is still unclear. From what
was stated at this meeting, it appears the applicant is asking that
the two corner (end) buildings be allowed three signs. They have
one sign on each street side and a sign on the interior parking lot
side. Commissioner Tyler asked if these buildings would be
downgraded from major tenants. Staff stated the applicant would
agree to this. Staff would be comfortable with the aggregate 50
square feet and allow the two end buildings to have three signs.
Commissioner Tyler asked that a statement be added to Page 10
of the Sign Program stating, "in accordance with the City's Sign
Ordinance." Also, under "Window Graphics", remove the credit
card decal sign. After discussion, Commissioners determined to
leave it as written.
13. Chairman Butler closed the public participation of the public
14. Commissioner Kirk commended staff on the report. It is a nice
design on the monument signs as most of the signs are'
architectural rather than advertising. He would therefore
Cecommend going with the larger than the standard usually
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approved except for Sign "B". He agrees with Commissioner
Tyler, that Monument sign "B" be the same size as sign "D". He
does have concerns with the total aggrecjate size of the Target
signage. He would prefer to see more logo and less lettering and
he believes the proposed sign is a nice balance. With respect to
the rear elevation, if it is not a public entrance, he does not have
strong feelings. There is justification for some signage at this
location. He is concerned about having a bright light on the back
of the building. He would suggest allowing a non-lighted sign. He
supports Commissioner Tyler's suggestions in regard to Page 8
and 10 of the Sign Program.
15. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kirk/Abels to adopt Minute Motion 2003-007,
approving Sign Application 2003-682, as amended.
a. Monument Sign "B" shall be the same style and size as sign
11 D" ·
b. The rear sign of the Target building shall be unlighted.
c. Page 8, paragraph 6, shall be rewritten and approved by
d. Page 10 of the Sign Program shall have the following
added, "in accordance with the City's Sign Ordinance."
Unanimously approved.
B. Tentative Parcel Map 31172 and Site Development Permit 2003-761; a
request of Klein Building and Development, Inc. for review of
development plans for a seven building commercial complex with 63-550
square feet of floor area and a subdivision of six acres into eight
commercial parcels for the property located on the north side of Highway
111, 331 feet west of Dune Palms Road.
1. Chairman Butler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department and presented a perspective
drawing showing one view of the building.
2. Chairman Butler asked if the applicant agreed with the
Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC)
recommendations. Staff stated the ALRC recommended the stone
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be removed and the applicant wants to retain the stone as they
believe it adds dimension to the buildings. They did make the
changes to the plant palette. Chairman Butler asked if the ALRC
recommendations are normally included in the conditions
submitted to the Planning Commission. Staff stated they normally
are included.
3. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Tyler asked that Condition #1 1 in the Conditions of
Approval for both the Tract Map and the Site Development Permit
needs to be rewritten for clarity. Also, Condition #40 for both
applications does not reflect the shared access for the existing
driveway onto Dune Palms Road. On Corporate Center Drive one
access is joint, but there is a new access on the northwest corner
that should be included in the condition. Page 18 has very little
on the lighting; is this covered by the Specific Plan. Staff stated
it is conditioned to meet the Specific Plan requirements.
4. Commissioner Kirk asked if the western boundary would have a
block wall. Staff stated the applicant is not proposing a wall.
There is a landscape strip with trees and shrubs along the western
boundary. Commissioner Kirk asked if the landscape plan on the
western boundary appears to be sparse with only palm trees and
he questions how much shielding they will provide. Staff stated
a detailed landscaping plan will have to be submitted for approval.
Commissioner Kirk stated the Radio Active landscaping plan
appeared to be more elaborate.
5. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Butler asked
if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Nell
Kleine, owner and developer of the project, gave a presentation on
the project. He has no issues with staff's recommendations. His
understanding of the ALRC comments was that they were
recommendations and not conditions. They will match the Radio
Active landscaping plan concept. In regard to the shared access,
they are recording easements to be reciprocal between Radio
Active and themselves and the Dune Palms Road access. They
did submit a complete lighting plan. There are two parts of the
project, which will need to have loading areas. They were
designed to be screened by placing them backing up to 'the
adjoining businesses loading zones. It is hoped that the project to
the west, when it is submitted, will do the same by backing up
their loading zone to Building 7.
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6. Commissioner Abels asked if they have signed tenants. Mr. Kleine
stated two buildings are spoken for and will be leased. The
restaurant site is spoken for.
7. Commissioner Tyler asked if the rear doors on Building 7 were roll
ups. Mr. Kleine stated no, they will be double man doors.
Commissioner Tyler asked about Buildings 5 and 6. Mr. Kleine
stated they could be either a single tenant or two. They are
keeping their options open.
8. Chairman Butler asked if there was any other public comment on
this project. Mr. J. Paul, owner of the two buildings across
Corporate Center Drive, stated he would like to thank everyone for
helping him complete his buildings. He had been informed by his
architect, that this project may have areas of concern to him, or
his project. First, the visual elevatiOn is fine. His concern is what
will be seen on all four sides of the project. The inside of the
project has the "Rancho La Quinta" look with tile roofs, but the
Highway 111 side does not. The view from his project is a flat
building with no undulation. The relief, or popout portion, is only
a foot. He also has a concern with the ends of his buildings; they
are flat with no softness. Why was the tile not wrapped around
to the outside and onto Highway 1 I 1. He would be disappointed
if the stone were removed. This building is only 22 feet from the
street. He is glad to hear the landscaping will be the same as
Radio Active. The side that faces his project should have some
tile relief. The ends of the buildings should be softened as well
and the wing-wall needs to be kept consistent with the stone
along the entire front of the building.
9. Mr. Kleine responded by stating he appreciates Mr. Paul's
comments. In regard to the shed roofs, he was never informed he
had to have a "Rancho La Quinta" look and it is not contained in
the Specific Plan. The shed roofs were used to create a courtyard
effect. In terms of the landscape setback, he has the same
landscape architect as Mr. Paul and Radio Active. In regard to the
window glazing, retail customers will want it to the floor for light
and exposure. In regard to the restaurant they will have a pony
wall. The stone will remain. They were requested to vary the
parapet along Highway 111 building and will do the same along
Corporate Center Drive. In regard to the shed roofs, it is not an
option when you are trying to have full ceiling heights.
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10. There being no other public participation, Chairman Butler closed
the public participation portion of the hearing and opened the
matter up for Commission discussion.
1 1. Commissioner Kirk asked if the Highway 1 1 1 Design Guidelines
had any architectural details. Staff stated there are none.
Commissioner Kirk stated he is generally in support of the project
as it does appear to be high quality. The applicant does need to
live up to the commitment that the landscaping will match the
Radio Active site. The most problematic problem may be the back
of Building 7. His concern is that the property to the west should
of been subject to this Specific Plan. As it is not, it is right that
this project is there first and the neighbor should design to be
sensitive to this. However, this building will be visible from
Highway 1 1 1 and no one knows when or how that property will
be developed and, he believes, there needs to be a lot more relief.
This could be done by landscaping. Also, Buildings 5 and 6 should
have some architectural detail.
12. Commissioner Tyler stated he has the same concerns. The west
wall of Building 7 will be visible for a long time and has no
character. The same applies, to a lesser extent, to the rear of the
other buildings. He is also concerned about the buildings all being
painted with the earth tones which will make it drab.
1 3. Commissioner Abels stated he agrees with Commissioners Tyler
and Kirk and Mr. Paul. There are a lot of things that could be done
to enhance it.
14. Chairman Butler asked if the rear of the buildings should be
reviewed in light of the buildings opening to a future project that
should be buffered. He questioned whether the Commission
should be concerned with a neighboring project. Staff stated yes,
the Planning Commission can do so. Typically the Commission
has reviewed all the elevations of a project. 'Chairman Butler
stated the property across the street does not have the same
concerns this tenant will have. If this is approved as it is, he has
no objection to the interior elevations, but how do they address
the adjoining projects.
1 5. Commissioner Abels suggested continuing the project and give the
applicant time to address the concerns of the Commission.
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16. Commissioner Tyler stated there has been a precedent set by
other projects for controlling the rear' elevations that butt up to
vacant property, such as the buildings on the east side of Dune
Palms Road and the east end of the buildings at the Wal-Mart site.
17. The public hearing was reopened.
18. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Abels/Kirk to continue Tentative Parcel Map
31172 and Site Developmeht Permit 2003-761 to April 22, 2003,
with the following recommendations to be addressed by the
a. A. revised landscaping plan that is similar to the Radio
Active site.
b. The elevations shall be revised as follows.
1 .) Buildings 5 & 6 additional architectural detail shall be
added to the rear of the building.
2.) Building 7 additional articulation and/or landscaping
shall be added to the rear of the building.
3.) Buildings 1 and 2 shall be resubmitted with a better
diagram and additional detail on the Highway 111
Unanimously approved.
A. Continued - Appeal of Public Nuisance Cases 7397 and 7398; a request
of Donald and Patricia Cross for consideration of an appeal of a Public
Nuisance Determination for the property located at 78-570 Saguaro
1. Commissioner Tyler informed the Commission that he and the
applicant had been long term friends and he had discussed this
case at length with City and therefore he feels he is unable to
render an impartial objective opinion on this matter and requested
to recuse himself and left the dais.
2. Chairman Butler asked for the staff report. Planning Manager
Oscar Orci presented the information contained in the staff report,
a copy of which is on file in the Community Development
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3. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Butler asked if the
appellant would like to address the Commission. Mrs. Cross, the
appellant, stated they have tried to obtain a building permit on
several occasions, but were unable to. They are asking for a
waiver to allow the wall to be built at their own risk.
4. Commissioner Kirk asked for clarification as to whether or not it
was a permanent wall. Mr. Cross stated it was permanent.
Commissioner Kirk asked when the Code requirements changed.
Staff stated approximately 1999. Commissioner Kirk asked if the
appellant had approached the City prior to this time. Ms. Cross
stated they had and were told the wall was exempt. They were
told to bring in a drawing, which they did. They have receipts for
building materials purchased prior to the new Code interpretation.
They should have been given direction to specify what their
alternatives were to get this wall approved. Commissioner Kirk
stated he would uphold the appellants request as they did 'start
this prior to the Code change.
5. 'Mr. John Hardcastle, Code Compliance Manager, stated that in
December 1999, plans were submitted for'the wall. The plans
were picked up by the appellant for corrections in December and
resubmitted in May, 2000. The Building Code was in place at the
time of resubmittal and knowledge was known by the Cross' that
the requirement was to obtain a building permit for the wall prior
to the construction of the wall. Staff first noticed the wall in
November of 2002. Mr. Cross stated construction started on the
wall on June 27, 2002.
6. Commissioner Kirk asked if the applicant knew a permit was
needed and an engineered plan required. Mr. Cross stated they
have been in constant communication with the City. They were
told they would not receive a permit and to tear it down. He
believes they should have the opportunity to improve the look of
their property.
7. Commissioner Abels asked if the appellant was willing to tear the
wall do.wn to the bottom plate. Mr. Cross stated he was willing
to expose how it was constructed.
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8. Chairman Butler stated the wall was constructed without a permit
when they were required to tear it down. He realizes they have
tried their best to meet the City's requests and asked if they could
obtain an engineer's specifications on the wall.
9. Commissioner Kirk stated his understanding was that this type of
construction is not even permitted by the City. Mr. Hardcastle
stated this is not a typical wall allowed by the City. If the Cross's
can obtain engineered specifications showing the wall to be safe,
they will issue a permit. Staff is asking the Commission to uphold
the public nuisance and if they are able to obtain the calcs, they
will issue a permit. The City is concerned about the liability factor.
10. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner
Kirk to uphold the appellant's request. The motion died for lack of
a second.
11. Mr. Cross noted another wall that was approved at the same time
he requested his. If the plans for this could be found, it would set
a standard he could build to.
12. Chairman Butler asked if this was appealable to the City Council.
City Attorney Kathy Jenson stated yes.
13. It was moved and seconded by Chairman Butler/Commissioner
Abels to adopt Minute Motion 2003-008 denying the appeal of
Public Nuisance Cases 7397 and 7398, as recommended. The
motion carried with Commissioner Kirk voting no and
Commissioner Tyler being absent.
B. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2003-074, a request of staff for review
of proposed changes to the Lighting Ordinance.
1. Chairman Butler asked for the staff report. Planning Manager
Oscar Orci introduced the City's lighting consultant James Benya
who presented the information contained in the staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Purposes of a Lighting Ordinance:
a. Reduce sky glow;
b. Reduce light trespass; and
c. Improve the appearance and safety of the City at night.
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3. Problems with current regulations:
a. Light pollution concepts are outdated;
b. Current regulations require relatively high lighting levels;
c. Not easily enforced;
d. One standard for all parts of the City;
e. Need to subdivide the City in four lighting zones;
f. Need to increase certain types of lighting to be exempt;
g. Change some of the prohibited lighting standards to prevent
extremely bright or intense lighting;
h. Address foot candles according to the project instead
having a set standard;
i. Shielding requirements based on wattage and lighting zones
using the IES&A designations for the type of cutoff;
j. Need to combine wattage limits and shielding;
k. Height limits varied according to use;
I. Need power limits on how many watts of light can be on. a
site in accordance with Title 24, 2005 Outdoor Lighting
m. Need requirements on the measure of light that can
trespass using a physically measure to determine the
amount of light that can trespass.
n. Need to adopt controls (Title 24, 2005 Outdoor Lighting
Requirements) curfews in regard to parking lot lights.
4. Establish four Lighting Zones.
a. Zone 1 - Natural settings, park areas;
b. Zone 2 - Residential and rural areas;
c. Zone 3 - Commercial Districts and high density living
districts; and
d. Zone 4 - Special High Density Commercial District
5. General changes to the Residential Outdoor Lighting standards:
a. Modify residential lighting in regard to game court lighting;
b. Exempting some types of lighting such as swimming pools,
exits signs, individual Christmas tree lighting, etc;
c. Shielding requirements for anything over 50 watts;
d. Limit on luminar lights to 150 watts;
e. Mounting heights modified;
f. Sport courts; and
g. Landscape lighting.
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6. General changes to the Commercial Lighting standards:
a. Adding lighting under canopies or covers to clarify.
7. Adding "Purpose" for the standards,
8. Applicability changes to let people know when they have to bring
lighting into compliance.
9. Adding Definitions in regard to candle power, cutoff, etc.,
consistent with IES&A standards.
10. Add Regulations requiring them to comply with other applicable
11. Expanded the Exempt Lighting list.
12. Prohibited Lighting Requirements.
1 3. Shielding Requirements for each of the different Zones.
14. Adding Lamp Wattage Limits.
15. Height limits for each of the different Zones
1 6. Setback requirements.
1 7. Exceptions.
1 8. Controlled Requirements.
1 9. Externally illuminated signs.
20. Special lighting systems dealt with on a case by case basis.
21. Enforcements.
22. Alternate methods and materials substitutions.
23. Special residential mitigation.
24. Temporary and Minor Use Permits.
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25. Commissioner comments/questions:
a. Commissioner Tyler suggested the curfew times take into
consideration daylight savings time. How would the zones
be determined. Mr. Benya stated the City Council would
set the zones.
b. Discussion of the placement of the Zones.
c. Commissioner Kirk asked staff what direction the
Commission was to take at this point. Staff stated the
Commission should provide staff with any specific
comments/changes they may have and staff would take
those changes and incorporate them into the ordinance to
bring back to the Commission at a public hearing for
recommendation to the City Council.
d. Commissioner Kirk questioned why the City would not be
subject to its own lighting standards. Mr. Benya stated this
is a common problem. An example is street lighting which
is the biggest offender of light pollution and the City needs
time to make changes t° those standards. CommissiOner.
Kirk asked if everything that is already built would be
exempt. Mr. Benya stated a gradual transition would take
place over time. Commissioner Kirk recommended that as
lights in the City are broken they be replaced with the new
standards. Also, the difference between a tree light and a
commercial center light. Mr. Benya explained the impact of
each. Commissioner Kirk asked about the height standards
to reduce spillage. Mr. Benya explained our standards are
based on how much illumination we have on the surface.
The cone of light tends to be four-five times the height.
Then you need to address the adjacent conditions. It
becomes a combination of pole height, cutoff, and then the
mitigated circumstances. Commissioner Kirk suggested the
reference to a Coast Guard facility be removed.
e. Commissioner Tyler suggested defining high rise and Iow
rise residential. Other suggestions would be given to staff.
f. Staff informed the Commission that the next step would be
to bring the Zone Map back to the Commission, then set
the Lighting Ordinance for a public hearing.
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A. Commissioner Abels gave a report of the City Council meeting of April 1,
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Abels/Tyler to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular
meeting of the Planning Commission to be held April 22, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 10:23 p.m. on April 8, 2003.
~'--'~'~Resp~~c~fully submitted,
~t~J~ ?.a~y.~r, Executive Secretary
City of ~Qdinta, California
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