0108-344 (BLDG)�:.Ion y.rVh eb, affirm under enaltt,,:,ol, �0�ba;., I a cens6d under prov of enc ng with S6 Sion 3'of the Business oe �.0 ofessionals, Code, and my �!Oqnse ha ter 9 mm ctlon.i0Di" and Is -in full force and effect. Exp. ate . `0" `C C) License U I CY � 7N, LLJ tY FPa 'fir �IIe Date' Signature ,4 dir4 f Iv v I;L4��41144IJILD lki A� DE'CLARATION A (D (D !�JI11'L) Ui. yof perjury am exemptpt fromthe Con tractors License Law forthe jbIlowind rebis6h. tu� Zas or my "employees with wages' as their sole compensalloi ij,Will.-do.the'work, and -the stricture Isnot intendedor offered for salp eq - 704,' "'e S b6sini'S& & Professionals Code)..,. of tKe, ofo n ra 1,:-�as.6w­ erty,j'am-,ex6IusIv6iy.:cO t ctlng.,w'lltfillcen's'ed contractors t �qonstruct,j je. roji& (Sec., 7044 , Business&'Professionals 4, 14, ;iZ e).", Ii ex tlupcler,,becllqp,� for -this* reason C I�A All gna yre"`6b WK .4e, "iDECLARATION IS 0 'KER16 'COMPENSATION SINZ .-T R - �l:��hdr-cibi�4afflrffi�uhdertpi)h6ft�of4ped6r�...',ohe-V'6f the 6116` Ih*i,'de6Iiri6Dni:,' and :will 'iniMAialri a'ceriifi6aie,'bf.o6n,sO!'nt'tc; seilf-insur'e for Workers. X",�Ipj�Sdcii6njV Labor Code,.foe.the ,. ti ,,:q�,prqy!qed4o! 0( ,LU compensa Io n performanceofth6woiWfo6Wr h this 'permit is 1s <ko­h- 11 as required by have and mai _Tpe�pa�on:, insurance, 01, on: 370016f Q�dejoi�:the q5erformance V,the', work ,fdr.which, this CL P- 17-1 "It" Is: issued My workers' I A 'i 1"' ,,pomp!ansat.on,,'iqsurance-camer-- poicy no are: z B, z Ii' " N PO 19 0. y 49, Ai*2YAA NDRMN1TY:;*-14" 00 -D r4 section need not,, b #.,,.00mpletdd'ff the parnift Valdation. Is fdr'$1 00.00 be. lessi (ti)606 �.Vcertify that'in `thii rmiride of,the_woi i forwhich this permit is issued, �.,`, >7�I�shail not employ anype"rson in any manner k as to b'e"c'ome-,'su,bject't-o.,the iwor ers. pompensa1lon,ilawwof'Califoniaan'd�agrp�� a if' !dbecome ct tot b workers',compensation provisions. of _Section• 3700 ofthe -66i,f_�, .� )a 6at* loh-coverag -1S'UnfA;Al a d,,, les and civil fines up to ..60,001);, iw of the Labor Code .Interest -and 'attorneys, fees � Y r IMPORTANT-Application1S-.hereby'ffiikde`.tO the ':Dlr"eictorof Building ""An, dsafdty' for ,a permit forth on his- ;'akil �V applicatlonAg ';'Each persop Upor�,,Wh6�opehilf'this ""4-pild'aiilo6"is' aide46kh person a.. t ,.,;,whbsd: request -and for whose '.bdnefitvorkis performed. under or pursuant to.' iiiiy,pgrmlt lssbedrag;ik resUlt,,6fthis. applicatori 6gressjqj I 4shgll,jndemnify�: A&hold agents and employees.'-­ dis i iiIs6lt'6f thli'ap- 8 dvoid If 2.;r,.A y,perm SSye" a -�licati n becomes null and not .,co mmenc workI' ed*wlthlfi`.180:A6ys I ' rom�aatif'ofJssuance*'bf such I 'c�a I .or cessation of work4b�, 480 -days vill subf�dt,'Oemrlt to cancellation. e � tha'-t;l h&Ve--.'read:thIS 6policatlo'n,.*ind,stite.thdt.,ttie:above Informati6n.is.. correct d agree -t ' o"domplywit'h''iall'Cit'y��f'and'-State laws relating to;the building construction, and H'erebyf'it6th'o*rlze''rep'er''s'e'n*tativ66.,of this is City to enter upon the' .,above,-menti6ned -prop• . erty for inspection purposesdA � dWA. �- J4 .a III pate ' `67 ILDING PERMIT DATE VALUATION LOT 01MM41 TRACT JOB'SITE ADDRESS -t'! APN OWNER CONTRACTOR/ DESIGNER/ EN INEER .PGAWFMRF=hVTW.ASS00An01q JYFL MAR Phr-rf-W GENIOL&J, COMILNIMIR POBOX1060 462 37EV.PN3 AVE 0302 LA QTJW. 'A CA 92253 SOLANA.BM51 CA .92075 5823 USE OF PERMIT UVALOFF16.. T44FORIVilk:4 71.160 ST. CHARLES PL RMM7,^34-3 54 .13 &1_4,304 OAK HIM HIJILDI-NO if. TYPE PC V0I,1JNTARY 4TRUMI)RAL MODIFICATIONS NAWATION A10100100 LS -TI x9nmAnD cosr or connnucnoff 2o Wo 10 N. P EBWT FEE 9UMM ARY �6i4iItjtu`(.!,TJM FEE, 1101- 0 00,418-000 f TRONCf 1101611164 k4 • RESID 101 -000 -111 -WO SEP , 1.61"2001 CITY OF ILA QUINTA 'FINANCE DEPT. SUB -TOTAL (MMMUMON A.ND PLA14 CH WJK $209.00 U33 PRE-PAIDIM9.9 $0.00 TOTAL. PRRMU MN DUF. JNOW RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOf 114( INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION, DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - IM. Lath Final Final POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVAL Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans _ O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: 4 , -9A;� �/` �— 2 v O J Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Law Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) Page / of •Z - DAVE STEAVENS Inspection Services PROJECT I(, A. w EsT- -�NA�S427 13 PROJECT # 01yo Z -D 3 ADDRESS 5-44- 33 �32�. 3 1 3 D 1 CLIENT �t� �J�ST alo t� nA� N t LL 3LD(� 1 t PL A J 9 DATE o1 v /K A it C-tiQeop Z BLDG. PERMIT # ARCHITECT C;OL 8 i4 11401? C -H ENGINEER1u a f l SA Oo k e 7=-,.3C- CONTRACTOR, -D6-1, M A 2 PAu t,, c - INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTION REPORT , ��,.IC� LoCA-r roaS �'Pyki 51wAPSOP3 ETF. �><P, f-� 0 t_,ES e: P-rH Ct4 E ci4 e , -t�,2L- 5we Z� . A kN l Cl -e -A .1 o t- D62, ►zk 5 , �t�►�I.tCf"—z- A ---r .JS-rP. Pkv an`.I AS (4<Q Li 5- sy- 33'1 oAV4 NLL- A'J 'i �c� 3- -►hA.S - a ���5 - (-doc s - t a: �E.Ptrrl t 1, ra. �01� S = 1 '1 LErJGT H 1e 61 A , i.%V J&A�c Q'.cL-rA- �.L�c- N4OLIL ' 1 2 � br-PTH t ,. I1 -� 11 O O\-2�tiJS - 1-'(, Lt ►.�G t tom( � ra, A: A" S'q - 32S 0AaCMt�L . L� ►Zzact 5,,..,--� -\ Lo -�4o,-e - l P� ..I JCA .' RL S- 11 L.t►Jc„T Rraa KI 1'7 ?()OS- s r s L.«J(,TN Mig J A- JUS1-�U,LS - �a')>C�'l"A ���A. -7/ I, Obs x'4-3/.3 OAA/ NI t_L. PL A J /0 Rr-A2 Q.40-TC(Z= a L„/-5- 00I-eS- bIA. 0b S - ISs,r[��c.7►�r �� i)►A . LIy /�ZA(L, Nn2; ►4" (l,vc.- 16401-C ` 12r,�c:t�'�hl D rA, 12005 - (-i�'LG.JL-TH '/1, a iA. 54-30► 0A4 iA���., Lig 7,E:fk(L S kz ,.► - (� N c - tai v c. C - /;L D CPTr4 ( b I F . �k00-1-7 Z, A ►, ..if 3� ,r F' ct c1Lyc5 - Wo r -S -la +1�PTH IJrA. �D��/�' Cc"�JGiN 9 OIA CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the,reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opinion or project control. CERT. NO. DC'S 3 ° Ta d INSPECTOR NAME \ 1 A r 1 C. -f�TZCA J (Pr' 'Clearly) QATE CPL] /'►'I A �C-H o'lyQ 2- INSPECTOR SIGNATURE �C�/n c-� .. -.. : .. .. :+.rc �-+..J7,;;,; �•:N p,�....,,.. ,. afus?"dc:. .::1�:,.�ii ✓..»J?•.. � `�;r ._ c.. a•- � s:. _ �r.�--�-r':s-:. - Page v2 of Z DAVE ,STEAVENS_ Inspection Services ,,-.,..PROJECT ?A t PROJECT ;# vo v I. ' ADDRESSCLIENTLJ EST, NoA oat OG /0= f l l DATE o1y +' M A2 LH a co Z BLDG. PERMIT # ARCHITECT GoLB A A;QG3-i �ENGIIe1EER*1uuIJ ►J SA Jy i �:._ =rJ L CONTRACTOR". CL 'A 2 ..:PA �� ;crG INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTION: REPORT -4 =.: 3 3'7 3 Z 3 r 3 . �3 o i -- „c5'A�►C r -i` B D '" '� ° j f� LA A fwk 0'. c., �3r Loc.�C � � � S tii Scx LA— k LIP 7- cq�s A 35. • - .C'cv'�.1� �- lE'rA,Ls 1.2.-3:1'y'I5-g;-3k-0CN``e.T,C.. �y r Y3 3 ya 09. X47 D�4K+N"ic.t_ � �G: 'iy I�LAtJ`' Lo �..� .. tc.1'A ��5. _ `••��J1-i�-� '... �1 A' � �• �,r�-' {�.�J 1 ' ' S'1'i2•�� ►i�G — -' x CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE To,the best of our knowledge, all of the reported worki-:unless otherwise rioted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications'and;applicable sections of he building codes: -This report covers the locations of the work inspected�only and does;not constitute engineering opinion .or project control. .: CERT. NO. 9 3 - Sa 'INSPECTOR NAME) r^ /' A v - '4 Prsi Clea DATE" �O /� , /L'C.rl �V'K Z .C; :c s k: a r •� INSPECTOR SIGNATI�A,• _ `.?�.. ...k=^+. `"'S::_13�r _�r.�..;it: :J tab;<j�'1•b^•�;Y`'....,ytSnry'3;Q; .3+.?.:a ::ycS'�ca vs; ,_�'.e:.Fc_.'.; :� ,. Page of Z DAVE STEAVEN,S Inspection Service"s PROJECT -VCA; tZe—z;TPROJECT # c?y03 ADDRESS CLIENT �t G 6.4o At ol, l DATE o2 1 :; ao 6L BLDG.. PERMIT # ARCHITECT 60c-dril . A/L cly :ENGINEERy SR J01: T.oL CONTRACTOR )0,4 C. 'INSPECTION TYPE 1� INSPECTION REPORT S Y.-,.--!3 Aff, .3� 15112 1 Z. r3'o�� 4Ac� N r r tit ��_ /�. �LfltiJ Z) LOt,J .c.c--ez - �►Z�P•y�; Vic.. �A�R�c�:�4�dtV . =BSc �a7-�a� -`�ow.,'Jc. � rr 5 4 S C Zr_ L,,) s A'ri N 6& , % i TS — % I G'W TCA) C: t �`ratL.S-�,;,3.:�1�4�5-� i�t.C)C-P<= A � ��.y. i��r�� - TC i4 r rG S S A: i h/t X1.2:rV`c. I V I-- QO tom' ;21, a r`c 5``i-. � 33 4/11`,' �-t o �} :-,3�i�'7 r��AtiC i►�a tet_ �=c� c, �;.q ' C.T W l'Yi' 2 K E L) CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE To the best of our. knowledge;, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, --\ substantially complies with approved plans, sped ications and applicable section'sRof: the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineenng:opmion-or project control. CERT.•NO. �� 9_ T B`' SD INSPECTOR NAME 3, i S't" Ad E 0 S, DAYS � � /Yif�f1 G'�1 .�(.�Z . INSPECTORSIGNATUR