0108-334 (BLDG)i LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under,penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section noo) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals . Code, and my License is in full force and -effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date 73. 1 Date . . Signature of Contractor OWN ER-BUILDERDECLARATION I h . ereby,affirm under penalty,of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Liw for the following reason: C 4. I, as owner of"thii pioperty, or,my employees -with wages as their sole. do the Work, and the'structure, Is not Intended or offered for Sale. (Sed. 7044,713usiness &-'Professionals. Code). '[,�ag owner of the pr6oe"ity, am exc4si.vely-,cchracting with licensed contractors to . 7 Construct the project.'(Sec044, Business & Professionals 'di ).,-Ftmex6mpt under Section B.&P.C., f6r this reason - Date Signature 'of OWner" WORKER'S CO_MP'E4S*T1ONJ04CLARATION I hereby affirm un , der -,,penalty , :of penury ,one of the. following declarations: O 1-h44 arid.will rhaintain'a certif ica4'of Conseint,fo, self-! ns,u re for workers' compensation -,,'as provided forby. Section 3700 of the.Labor Code, f.or.the peiiormanc'e of 6e wc_rkicr w'hfi-c'H-ifi is perrnft isjssued-,� O lz-' ma-int�i6��o�erg'.�bbfnoe�i�ii6n,insuiance.is-rL-quired�b ljha�e,and,i�iil , y ,,,Secfim3700 of the Labor> Code rfor the, performance of the .1work'f6r.. which,this L.per�`is -_-'- issued. My wo�4is- ��m H ISS pensation insurance c ' arrier & policy. no. are:, P@1Cy N6. ,carrier (This section"heed'not be6ompletectif the permit valuation is--Jor $190:00 or less).,r �i - .. 11 tit( Wp I certify t6qin_th� p6rf�rrnancei of rk-for ;v6*fch this permit is issued;,;., I-shall.,not . empoy anypersqpin any - 1"' n manner so,-asI6 become subject,to the".. F , ,-. workers' compensation' . law4 s of California,-Caland agree that if) sh661d..Pecome subject to the- workers' tomp eins4ation provisions of Section . 370 0 of the Labor -4 ('�Dd; 4 shall:forthwitfi comply With those pkoyisions. � - ., Z;�_ ._ , . , - . -:Date: Applicant Warning: Failure to secure Workers'Compensation coverage . is,unla� -ul and shall'subject-an employer,to criminal penalties and civil fin"B's up to $100'.000, in addition -to . the e Cos h t of compensation,. . 'd . am' ages as-provicl6d'for in Section:3706 Of . t .hd,Labor Code,I nterest and attomey's.f e.es. IMPORTANT Application is'hereby inade.to the Director of Building and Safety for A permit subject to the. conditions and restrictions set f6irth on 'his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whos& benefit work is performe ' d under or pursuant to -any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees*to, & shall, indemnify & hold' harmless the City of La Ouinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City; and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. este -BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# DATE VALUATION LOT 0 i 08 _:i 34 TRACT JOB SITE APN ADDRESS OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/EN (NEER x1ji f B()*l.aA11N fi.. CA 02075 USE OF PERMIT if, "S P1 5_; 54 W) Y. li, I I'l, 1 k! 1 1.14,14, 1 111, V Ot -W!" I k, 1 M. U),. T 0: G 1. X . 7, CO', 'F Of'. ONS'MzJ1C PN A" IOU phl" 2.ti Ph �-4: 'T $2 MIO INAC)TIC! k J FE"174 'RESIL" 10 ('r 24 1 - k4l B 00 -1j"!'IT; W N) RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR Page.T of .DAVE STEAVENS - Inspection= Services ° PROJECTC� A E S - ��-\ASC l 3 PROJECT # .,Q at - c� S ADDRESS54-81CC194 s-3, CLIENT ?6.A �.JESi 46Pr f%ILL PL. Aa 12 t�uzl. 1 DATE 5 --BLDG. PERMIT W - A ARCHITECT G o L_3 A A a c -o4 rE cTu;ze: ENGINEER ui.IJ Q S A c, I (s. M.0 C_ CONTRACTOR EL m A R ?A c T- r C. INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTION REPORT 41 ( l A, IL\i -� _ %"Z_1-1w�.`.1C.:/. Mlki»1A(7r* I.)SLL ATti71 FTt , T_ -47�QJt: c� U.-i� ICS SNF.A2. (:)AkLt.1 (� �8rv,�LF_ar -� s ls•� CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work,:unless otherwise noted, t0,the substantially complies- with approved. plans, 'specifications and applicable sections of the building.codes. This report.covers locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute 'engineering opinion or project control. CERT. No. C�1� .> 1375' �y INSPECTOR NAME_ \JA\31EE J �7RiV�,W S t _ 2 (Prin Clea—ry�}---- DATE O Z INSPECTOR SIGNATURL �-/�Xyr�+-.�--•� Page ( of �-- DAVE STEAVENS Inspection Services 0 PROJECT :�(, _ (A) CST = I PROJECT # o? OO 2 - 0 3 ADDRESS Sit-Raq Q'tt.BS3.P,�5 CLIENT ?GA DATE 1 -FIE b ;L 0 0 2— BLDG. BLDG. PERMIT # ARCHITECT 6,oL.0 A r EG i uizC ENGINEER � LLO Q SA J u l tE I rJ c- CONTRACTOR I EL Nnq.R P AC.t i c c— INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTION REPORT �!'�ll_n�1t ►.� <,� I_�P_A�r�a�JS . t-'�o�-`t S�w�e�so�J ��r'F �E.x�i�. '-4-�3, i-lu�t,'S ' cr-�ao A��.�ca�-r�a,:� A rJ1 '-rO STALL A.T t o t1 A 5 1�E2ONO tA%L-L- t:10, ; Lo c-, %_0 C. - 1-�0`� 5' I)-0- 9:'r-\ I1Dtrk, 'qo s- I'1� LE.ac�-rt-1 sw-gy\ og\,k H„L. a o ?��.J P4 f, ce"-Tta r..1ta��- a I -OC_ 14oLe.S- 12.70ti�T"b 1 t�i� Rofls 5 ,,7"LCxJc,-tH 1/8, .bjA, E:D a Loc5 - 4nL-9 ' 17. DCO -VA 1 Zi,IN. Ne":514' 12Ob - 1'1 L-NGt►-1 S D►*,. S�{- R%5 OA�l MILL t�it:.� � � -r � l_ac.s - I-�c�c_ � ' 1 ����'Z.K l ��� . �o� S' � 1111.E►JGTW ��8 ��s,A. � . S. c.k J e 5 — .Z j�>~ t'�C b•\ ` li.k A . 1�b�`� - I'T Lt►.� l��t-1 P, b t'K CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the.best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, •substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opinion or project control. CERT.NO. �593�1'.5w INSPECTOR NAME AJ is S ! EA d I- _O.Print Clearly) DATE l / C+ U O Z INSPECTOR SIGNATOR `�'''ij�`�`"�i`/74iA+i�'R�IIYi''•""°�+0'�i�'�"�Yf!(1i'•`��T��`�•�i'��R6�'�t''��r[•��;��1`•glPr��'•-...r+ _ .rw,m.�wa:ay'�ra. i . Page 'of �• DAVE; STEAVENS -Inspection Services - PROJECT PROJECT # 2 o b ,i -03 ADDRESS f1,5 c. 3 E CLIENT S A .:._L&tS t N R DATE If r E'8 , a o o Z BLDG. PERMIT # ARCHITECT �; o L c&N ApuH (re-cr'ucv— ENGINEERyt tOvJ SA Joy Z CONTRACTOR UL M A, Ii _PAQ r r C INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTION• REPORT �� +829 ��t �rcd5�. �3toS• c�k;'Nt�� - • •3��i �� X`t�t,daa l � ,, �CTR«5 - 1 a . 3. Iti IIS-g 3LOLKa�,r.. A- 5`5 Caw.�)LC_rt 35tt L-70"s.. 'k15 CoMA!L _7% 'CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our'knowledge,.all of the-reported work, unlessotherwise noted, •substantially complies with approved.plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers. the locations of the work inspected: only and does not constitute engineering opinion or project control. v CERT. NO. D 9 sg 3ye- SV' INSPECTOR NAME �1J� ���. KJ L� S • it (Prlflt�earlDATE _ �.: � ,. ..r-... .N �. •rw c: . ,;,,,,� K1:X`�if �L r�..st�r1;.._".:.'I?�'�yr Yty.;,�e„y:GS:i:.er::_o„tN:w,:•�-.r�-'>. DAVE S . EAVENS .. Inspection= Services,. ` Page. of PROJECT-#' ,�PCXY a -0.12) CLIENTt�E c;J C:ST Pa A DATE- o%S' F iB: do 0 Z ARCHITECT�QG`BR i4 eChl t -rcCTu z, CONTRACTOR �. L Aa4.: PA Ci INSPECTION REPORT G !4 Thi C'O �►-+,� L �T C` j _ I . . x'7.3;C„ . oA,Wwr.��. PLO Co� -Loc.J •Qt„.t't: 'C.I-C r ;. fir, .. • \4AT'T SNr.cZ<, eJa,L�:r� A•.�1L_Jc.�l. �A,�,Jc,- C —VIE I C CJ Pili /nJ'6 N .'�J T” p�%}M1'I �-r✓� r- CERTIFICATION OF.COMPLIANCE To the best of our,knowledge,:all'of ttie reported work,.unless. otherwise noted, substantially:complies with approved plans, specification`s and'apphcable sections of;the building codes: This report covers the locations of the work inspected<only and does notconstitute:englneenng oplrnon`or.project control: ' r r. . CERT.MO.INSPECTORNAME"` I A J l 5-'>"egJ DATE�v0 2.- . -INSPECTOR SIGNATUR ME Page of DAVE STEAVENS fi• i Inspecttion : Servlces .t .� ,.� PROJECT QG A' UJ EST H A'.5 E (Pt ,PROJECT A. of ooe? '_ O 3 'ADDRESS'- L STE a -CLIENT- 45�R EsT N o F� DATE vO.Z �. BLDG. PERMIT # ARCHITECT. 8L -A Asca ire, ENGINEERt i:� S-Ado' 's E WL CONTRACTOR;,�.CL m Ak, PAC_ F? C_ � INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTION REPORT i 781 ;:793:::805 : OA:h!N�L� . .... ���'Rt�S. 1 �,•.3. I .1 .—LyC.�:�r.1.Ca. ll�lo 35 5 `'COrvttlLr rt .4 ' I l JL5 ,META iCS 53': 5- D A }C `d k_44 : _ /�.u=� C b sCERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE To the best`of our knowledge; all of the reported work; unlessotherwise noted, ubstantially. complies with;approved plans, specificatioris and app6ca61e sections of.'thebuilding codes. This report covers ,,.,,//the locations of the work inspected':only and does°not constitute.e6girieenng,4ihi6n,or project control: - CERT. NO. 09? Is—? 3 qg `y S"r INSPECTOR NAME:. f DATE B o1 O Z„ t INSPECTOR SIGNATOR s ':`