BMCH2015-0126/ D a VOICE(760)777 -7125 78=495.CALLE TAMPICO- D FAX.(760) 777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 .V: BUILDING PERMIT Da e: 4/14/2015 Application Number: BMCH2O15-0126 Owner: s Proplerty Address: 55282 OAK HILL MOONEY E. R. z APNI 775161032 1015-W HAYS n Application Description: MOONEY/CHANGE OUT (1) 13SEER.78AFUE SPLIT SYSTEM BOSIE, ID 83712 mZP I ro Property Zoning: ra„ Application Valuation: $14,693.00 y a C;_7 Applicant: Contractor: A R Si AMERICAN RESIDENTIAL SER A R S AMERICAN RESIDENTIAL SPEW 965 RIDGE LAKE BLVD SUITE 201 965.RIDGE LAKE BLVD SUITE 201? MEMPHIS, TN 38120 MEMPHIS, TN 38120 (951)276-9744 Llc. No.: 765074 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one,of the following declarations: 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' and my License is in full force,and effect. compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance License Class: C36, C10, C20 License No.: 765074 of the -work -for which this permit is issued. '1d will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Date: I'1'�S Contracto" r" Section. 00 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION Carrier: _ Policy,Number. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any, shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' city ori county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a workers' compensation provisions of Section -370D of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the comply with those pro'visions Contractor's State License Law (Chapter -9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 // of thelBusiness and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the Date —I— J ��� Applica basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred'dollars WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, ($500)1.: AND SHALLSUBJECT AN' .EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND. CIVIL FINES UP TO (_) I! as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole ONE -HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements . APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold. IMPORTANT:Application is,hereby made.to the Building Official for a permit subject to withinlone year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that the conditions and restrictions set forth on this'application. he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale:). .1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose (_) Ij as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and State license Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improvesshall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and thereon, and who contracts for the projects with_a contractors) licensed pursuant to . employees for any act or omission related to.the work being performed under or the Contractors' State License Law.). following issuance of this permit. (_) I lam exempt under Sec. B.&P.C. for this reason 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of•.issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. Date: Owner: I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I agree to comply.with all city and county. ordinances and state.laws relating to building I herebly affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above - the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). mentioned property for inspection purposes. Lender's Name: Date Signature (Applicant or Agent-)*, r l Lenderis Address: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCECfiR-ALT-02-E Alterations to Space Conditioning Systems (formerly CF4R-ALT HVAC) (Page,1 of 3 ) Project Name: MOONEY Date Prepared: 2015=04-08 A. General inforrhation CFMALT02 is applkAle.to multiple space conditioning:systems contained. within a single dwelling unit. When multiple dwelling units must be documented, use one CF1R-ALT:02 document for each dwelling unit, 01, Project Name M060E 02 Date Prepared 2015-04-08 03 Project Locaflon 55282 OAKHILL09 L 5[ S Building TypeSingle family 05 CA City La .Quints 06 Dwelling UnitName lHOME 07 Zip Code :92253 08 : Dwelling Unit Conditioned 2000 Installing Installing Floor Area (ft2)' catlan a 5eryed dam, •. containing _.�r.? system IN umber.of space conditioning . 09 .Climate Zone. 1510 : (St. dwelling 1 comporent74: components f¢ ducts? ductsystem7 unit. AlteraUonType B. Space Conditioning{SC),System Information - 01 02 03` 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Sc System L 5[ S CFA served' systema refrigerant ' Installing SCf installing + new Installing Installing identification Name. catlan a 5eryed dam, •. containing _.�r.? system more than 40 entirety new entirely new • ( ) j,. m7 comporent74: components f¢ ducts? ductsystem7 SC_system? AlteraUonType System l Yes yesax� No No.Altered space :No .. conditioning system C. Extension of Existing Ouct:Syste rt, GreatecThan 40 Feet (SeW.on150.2(b)10iib) This section does not apply to this.project. Registration Number: 315-A1005835A•000000000.0000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards- 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/rime: 2015-04=08 16:09;02 Report Version: 2014-03-31 Schema Version: 0.555SDD HERS Provider: USERA Report Generated: 2015.04.08 16:09:20 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CFIRrALT 02-E Alterations to Space Conditioning Systems (former)y CF -IR -ALT HVAC) (Page 2 of 3 ) D. Altered Space Conditioning System (Sections 150.2(b)1E and F) 01 02 03 04 0S 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Heating Cooling System Heating Altered Heating Minimum Altered Cooiing Minimum Required New or identi0cation System Heating Efficiency. Efficiency Cooling Cooling Efficiency Efficiency Thermostat Replaced New Duct or Name Type Components Type Value System Type Components Type Value Type Duct Length R -Value System 1 Central s iumacea All new heating AFUE ,78 CentACspiit All new cooling SEER 13 Setback less than or equal to 40 R-8 Components components feet Required DocumematIgn: CF2R:MCW01-E - Space Conditioning Systems Ducts and Fans -Duct insulation requirement for new plenums: R6. CF2R•MCH-MH & CF3R•MCH-2D•H—Duct leakage testing required when heating or cooling components are installed in ducted systems, or when more than 40 it of duct length is replaced. -Leakage rate compliance: s 15%, ors iD%leakage to outside, or seal all accessible leaks. MR•MCH-25-H & CF3R-MCH-25-H. Refrigerant Charge Verification required when refrigerant containing components are installed or altered (applicable in CZ 2, 8-15), CF2RCF3R-MCH-23 & CF3R4ACH-23 Air Flow a 300 CFM/ton required when MCH -25 Is required. Exceptions: -Duct systems registered with HERS provider as previously sealed are exempt from MCH -20 Duct Leakage Testing requirements, -Heating-only systems and Air Handier/Furnace changes do not require verification of Air Flow MCH -23, or Refrigerant Charge MECH-25. -Existing duct systems constructed, Insulated or sealed with asbestos are exempt from MCH -20 Duct Leakage Testing requirements. m sh: '�'./ f.. E. Entirely Neu or Complet 'Repl ent Duct System, with or with otit:Equipment hang � urt (Sections 1501(b)1Dlia and 150Z(b)3E, F) This section does not apply to this project KNEMUNIOWA-_1 17.1 dof F. Entirely New or Complete Replacement Space Co i L , t (A';fiaciatIon This sectiondoes not apply to this project. Registration Number: 31S-A1005815A-00000000o.o000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/nme: 2015-04-08 16:09:02 Report Version: 2014-03-31 Schema Version: 0.555SDD HERS Provider. USERA Report Generated: 2015-04-08 16:09:20 CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE CF1R-ALT-02-E Alterations to Space Conditioning Systems (formerly CF-211•AMWAC) (Page.3 of 3.). Documentation Author's Declatation•Statement L 1 Bert Ey that'this Ceitifi¢ate oft"ouan >e documentation is accurate and *c omplete. Docunwiatlon Author Name:Documeniatbri Author 5lgnature: Jim McEligot Signature Nile: Comparry RlghTime Home Services 2015-04-08 Address: fEA%,HERS:Certificationadenlineation fit aPPNcabie):. 3030Myers St 165074 GtY/St51e/Zip: . ,. ... Phone: ' Riverside CA 92503. 951-276=974:4 Res o tsi, Lh Person'.&Declaration. statement: icertl fdltivilnunder fy. theg penaltg ofperJtrry under Ute laws of the 5tate of California; 1: The Informatibil providedon this Certificate of c6iii0liaki 1$ trueancidtirreci 2. i am eUgibie under:Dlrlslon 3 cf the Business and Professions Code to act ept:responsiblilty loi.th.e bullding design oraystem design identified an this Certificate of Compliance (responsible deslgrter): 3: That .the energy features and performance spedncatlons maieriats co;n"-nts, and manufactured devices.or the building design or, system,deslgnIdentined, on this Cenifcate;ofCotn 17arxe conform to the P requirements oFTitle 24 Pahl and Part6 oI the Califomla;Code or Regulations 4. The building design features or system desi n features Identified on thls`Certficate:of ' 8 Canpliance aretionsistent with the informa.lon provided otherapplicable i:ompSance.documeri�; worksheets, cakulaaons ptans;and skoRpbo! 4 rn tted to the 0 orcementagency far approval'wrth rids bulidsnj;permlt;appYtatlori. S. i will Mcir(e tMf'a.tegisteied.copy of t f CtxUntotte of Complianct shaU.be made:avaflabk with the buUding permit(;J issued for.the building and mad availatrfe to the enforcement a e for.all applicable aexc !i�Y fnspeetio tundentand, at a regiKe l copy ot; t►ertifkate of{ompl►ance is'requlred to be inducted wilk the:dddiin tat the builder provides to the Eundkig owner atottupancy. Res ontible Des? ki, ..;. . , . We Oesigne�5i a /� Jim McEligot ya• �{R Company. i hTme eHum`!^` 4--9& I pag Address: ' 3030MyersSt U.S. Energy. Ra Ucensei d4ssociation UtV/State/Zlp: _.. Rlvefside-tA 92503 951 376 9744 US.E;.ATm This drgrfal signature d . provided. in order to secum lhe, content of Nis rogrslored documonl and in'no way:''impGos Registraffoir Provider responsibility /or tJtheccuracy.uiloimafion:' .5: Energy Rattrs Aof the ssocfaWn. Registration Number: 315-A1005815A 000000000.00OD Registration Date/Time: 2015-04.08 16:09:02 HERS Provider: USERA CA Building EnergyEfflcienty Standards - 2013 ResidentiabCompilance Report Version: 2014-03731 Report Generated: 2015.04.08 16:09:20 566nia'Version: 6.55 IJD }... " 5 5� WMA .; '.`'n" r. .i'� }iip ' ��g v.�., t'y z. Av n °�„-.T•fi"'c- -: "-' y„• 2''�.' r$ •�?�,, . y . ys: DESCRIPTiION }` " ` ' TY • • sAMOUNT PAIq. � Pt?�! I3.�. y r_r.Gdx,l Y+nF;SCati:u PA1D;DATE° <_„ �c _ACCOUNT, r� Yy�Q . r >. '• . �d't Y rta.BCW.�cCr::ii.P`kR'1'F.9:-3t1'X"ix h. req 1xa. 5:� ,c f r tiara n ffi4 JPAIY BSAS S81473 FEE= 101 0000-20306•` 0 :__ $1.00 $0.00 4 4r: , ,1'c"tYiA1' "$''" a .kit ;.t�j�,a 31.,',..,,' x,113-' x 3• ixt �•t• S., '}; xi d �t��M ','RECPT ; f 1'iliY i'Li,tr `w. Sj. YFri.fi C^'{ e7, ,? s, Y a'�#C.rF.7. 2j ("kT ��PAID�BY Mi- M3 �.,. , . ia�CHECK#�%' �L�CLTDBYx Total Paid fbrBU,ILDING STANDARD IADMINI TRATIC14,13Sa $1:00 $0.00: NOW a M f r.�ucA� rµ:�r t, s.:.. a"., � r iia.,' .ACCOUNT �r TsY ; AMOUNT-:. ` ' F PAD r gO, A D TE Fin��DESCRIP.T,IONT "� 4 , Y04 ka>a w s _r� Mb4 3 - s. HVAC CHANGEOUT SPLIT= SYSTEM 101 000042402 '= 0 $73 S2 $0;00 .. r C> P'AID.BY�' ' �• I �' RE EI # CHECKS# a�'Wr"i,^ibt't(R CL°TD,BY� �:s - — - , .a r>:Is_ .,: .., METHOD. ,. �� u:,fi�PTJ �..-: s�,.r,. a.� :. ..,.�,,3 , ,� P _ I�;DErWil-,SCRPTION .; . jy, -. stirs: ".^m. �ti ;x+.•4 p f� 41[y CrpY ...''#tz.+ kr 6 AMOUNT ' a�ara.ua J y ' •ra`Vtp r PAID PAID�DATEf $L�- • �, TQ'''Y� , ..z x ccc"�n,., xz� HVAC.CHANGEOUT - SPLIT=SYSTEM,PxC 101 0000 42600 ., r. 0 $36 26; $0.00 ... RN �;,. w%i`¢nS,ik �' � nM TI OD� x ? x RECEIPT; ? '>+"� ` a <.iRM t HECK s -c w.s;-•:.,.s,.�'ra:.:+.pr k:»P:a, r..s1.x..,v r.,.s.a.Y'xmsir.'.� ` Total`Paid forCHANGEOUT " $108.78 $0.00 ie by sI i� �•,Vu—;3; Nr;s {.J✓ `�x�DESCRIP�lO iq$Csk 34 R �T{2 d 7 POINT h FxkS t Mz • a. PAID3�'AIiDATEr, vkY IrasE-yr �+ o.. ..<.kf- ._r.x t raACCCOUN.�? ...iffil N�MuUzN a PERMIT, ISSUANCE 101 0000 ;42404 0 { ' $9T 85 $0.00 ✓.�".' s'K`stSt'r _ R c .v BY r `' �t�s� +xeW F� �7t- S5R"viFjNl�fi r�� MET�FIOD� h(x'^.L:3'a't' � �RECEIPgT:# l2,'�4"Ii: 'FL �CHEC C TDn'BYrr tPAID - �a Vit„ _ �:. . �r , ��$�9185 _. <,�. r_-, ..• .,._,:. _._.>t +S i:< NCE91;8 F - x �, a. �j v sr �`5:�, 4„ a �. ..;4 + a"l:,F r°+`'ir+ •AAlei P144 II 0 Al e • o oF•Tt�'� _ .t; : - Description: MOONEY/CHANGE OUT (1) 13SEER.78AFUE SPLIT SYSTEM Type: MECHANICAL Subtype: Status: UNDER REVIEW Applied: 4/14/2015 SKH Approved: Parcel No: 775161032 Site Address: 55282 OAK HILL LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 20717-1 CM 62/89-96 CM 62/171- Block: Lot: 2 Issued: 178 Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $14,693.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: HVAC CHANGE OUT - 13SEER/78AFUE SPLIT SYSTEM [2013 ENERGY] CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM(S) TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 1:39:03 PM 1 of 2 srs TEMS Printed: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 1:39:03 PM 2 of 2 SYSTEMS 7771 LTD " DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT PAID' PAID DATE 'RECEIPT # CHECK METHOD„ ME PAID BY ; f BY BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $0.00 Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $1.00 $0.00 BSA: HVAC CHANGEOUT - 101-0000-42402 0 $72.52 $0.00 SPLIT -SYSTEM HVAC CHANGEOUT - 101-0000-42600 0 $36.26 $0.00 SPLIT -SYSTEM PC Totaf:Paid forCHANGEOUT: $108.78 $0.00 PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $0.00 Total Paid forPERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 TOTALS:• 00 Printed: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 1:39:03 PM 2 of 2 SYSTEMS