BSOL2015-0141I LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penafty of perjury that I am licensed ;under.provisionsof_Chapter I h 9 (commencing with Sectlon 7000), of Divislon3 of the Business and Professions Code;"' and my License is in full force and effect. co License Class: C46 Ucense No.:.661434 ' e Date: / Contractor. ; 1 j' .(951)736-2000 tic. No:: 661434 WORKER'S ;COMPENSA• ON DECLARATION affirm under penalty'of. perjury one 61 the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for.workers' iation,,as proyided.for by Section 37,0Q of the Labor Code, for the: performance hae"and'tvill 'meintaln workers' compensation Insurance, as required by ioo3700 ovfahe Labor Code, for the perfo^rjnanceof the work for which this permit ued.'-My.workers' compensatlonlnsurancarrier and policy number are: rer: Pollcy:Number: I hereby affirm under penalty of -perjury that l am exemptfrom the Contractor's State • j = I certify that in the.performance of the work for whichthis permit is Issued; I License Law for the following reason'(Sec. 7031.5 Business and Prbfesslons Code: Any V 'shall "not employ any.persohin anymanner so as to become. subject to the workers' city or county that requires a permit to construct alter,fimp'tove, demolish; or repair . k; compensation'laws of California and agree`th it, if I should become subject to the anystructure; prior to its Issuance; also requires the applIca ntforthipermlt to file a workers: compensetlonprovisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shell forthwith signed statement that he or she Is Ilcensed pursuantto the provisions•of the comply.wlththosepr visions. Contractor's State Llcense.Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Divlston.Jl ,. y of the Business and Professlons Code) or tliathe or.sheis exemptaherefrom and the I Date.—Applicant: basis forthe alleged,exemption..Anyviolatloh'of 5ectiom7031.5 byanyappgcant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars " WAR ING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' a AND SMALL 51UBIECT'AN EMPLOYER TO".CRIMI (_) I, as owner of the property, or my.employees;with wages as their sole ONE HUNDRED-THOUSAND.06LLARS ($100,0 compensation, will do the:work, andthesfructureas not intended`oroffered for sale..) COMPENSATION,DAMAGES.AS P.ROVIDED:FC (Sec. 7044,•Business and Professions Code: Tlie`Contractors' State,Ucense Law does not INTEREST, IANC ATTORNEY'S. FEES. apply to an owner of propertywho builds or Improves thereon, and who does the work: t himselfor herself through his or her own employees, provided that the.lmprovements` APPLICANTACKN( are not intended or offered for -sale. If h6w6er, the.building or improvement is sold; IMPORTANTApplication la hereby'made to t within one year.of completion; the owner builder will have the' burden of proving that s the'condiflonsand restrictions setforth'orrtt he or he did not build or improve for thee purpose of.sele.►. ° 1. Each person upon whose behalf this app (� 1, as owner of the, property,, am exclusively contracting with'licensed contractors, , request and for whose benefit work is perfor to constructthe project: '(Sec. 7044, Buslnessand Profe. ions Code:Tiie Contractors . issued as a resultnf this application , the owi State License Law.does not apply Loan owner of propertywhi builds orlmproves" •shall defend Indemnify and hold harmlessih thereon, and who contracts for the pmJects.with a.contractor(s) licensed pursuant to =` employees for any actor omission related to the Contractors' State, License Law.). following' lssuance.of thls permit (J I am exempt under Sec" B.&P.C. for this reason. Z: Any permiYi;sued as a result of this apps not commenced within 180 days from date e Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING 'AGENCY: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there Is 'construction'lending agent the performance of the work for which this.permitIs"Issued (Sec. 3097, Civ.'C.) Lender's Name: Lender's Address: work for 180 days will subject permit to cane I certify that have read this application and I agree to comply with all city and county on `or }i construction and hereby-authorl:e represen mentionedp perty f rinspectiorcpurposes . Date: Signature (Applicai ENSATIO IUAWWA4E IS UNLAWFUL, PENALTIESAND CIVIL FINES UP:TO IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF I -SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, Building Official for a permit subject to application. ation Is made, each person at whose ed undef or pursuant to" any permit r; and the applicant, each agrees to, and City of 6 Quanta; Its.officers, agents, and ieiwork being performed under or ation becomes null and vold if work is ssuance of such permit, or cessation of late that the above Information is correct Inances and state laws relating to building ANes.of this city to enter upon the above• t or Agent?. C 4 VOICE (760) 777-7125 78 495CALLETAMPICO 0' D LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ; _ FAX (760) 777-7011 COMMUNITY,, DEVELOPMENT. DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING:PERMIT Date: 9/15/2015 Application Number: BSOL2015-0141 Owner: -= t � I) Property Address: 54092 OAK TREE APN: 775081021 SUNRISE LA"QUINTAC 75005COUNTRY ICLU ,0Jt Applicatlon.Description: PGA WEST RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION SOLAR PALM DESERT, 927. 3; r_'i Property Zoning: Application Valuation: $15;939:00, Applicant: Contractor: -' MOHR POWER SOLAR INC DBA 21ST MOHRPOWERS( LAR NCD AfflT 1452 POMONA ROAD 1452',POMONA ROAD, CORONA; CA 92882 CORONA, CA 928 2 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penafty of perjury that I am licensed ;under.provisionsof_Chapter I h 9 (commencing with Sectlon 7000), of Divislon3 of the Business and Professions Code;"' and my License is in full force and effect. co License Class: C46 Ucense No.:.661434 ' e Date: / Contractor. ; 1 j' .(951)736-2000 tic. No:: 661434 WORKER'S ;COMPENSA• ON DECLARATION affirm under penalty'of. perjury one 61 the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for.workers' iation,,as proyided.for by Section 37,0Q of the Labor Code, for the: performance hae"and'tvill 'meintaln workers' compensation Insurance, as required by ioo3700 ovfahe Labor Code, for the perfo^rjnanceof the work for which this permit ued.'-My.workers' compensatlonlnsurancarrier and policy number are: rer: Pollcy:Number: I hereby affirm under penalty of -perjury that l am exemptfrom the Contractor's State • j = I certify that in the.performance of the work for whichthis permit is Issued; I License Law for the following reason'(Sec. 7031.5 Business and Prbfesslons Code: Any V 'shall "not employ any.persohin anymanner so as to become. subject to the workers' city or county that requires a permit to construct alter,fimp'tove, demolish; or repair . k; compensation'laws of California and agree`th it, if I should become subject to the anystructure; prior to its Issuance; also requires the applIca ntforthipermlt to file a workers: compensetlonprovisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shell forthwith signed statement that he or she Is Ilcensed pursuantto the provisions•of the comply.wlththosepr visions. Contractor's State Llcense.Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Divlston.Jl ,. y of the Business and Professlons Code) or tliathe or.sheis exemptaherefrom and the I Date.—Applicant: basis forthe alleged,exemption..Anyviolatloh'of 5ectiom7031.5 byanyappgcant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars " WAR ING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' a AND SMALL 51UBIECT'AN EMPLOYER TO".CRIMI (_) I, as owner of the property, or my.employees;with wages as their sole ONE HUNDRED-THOUSAND.06LLARS ($100,0 compensation, will do the:work, andthesfructureas not intended`oroffered for sale..) COMPENSATION,DAMAGES.AS P.ROVIDED:FC (Sec. 7044,•Business and Professions Code: Tlie`Contractors' State,Ucense Law does not INTEREST, IANC ATTORNEY'S. FEES. apply to an owner of propertywho builds or Improves thereon, and who does the work: t himselfor herself through his or her own employees, provided that the.lmprovements` APPLICANTACKN( are not intended or offered for -sale. If h6w6er, the.building or improvement is sold; IMPORTANTApplication la hereby'made to t within one year.of completion; the owner builder will have the' burden of proving that s the'condiflonsand restrictions setforth'orrtt he or he did not build or improve for thee purpose of.sele.►. ° 1. Each person upon whose behalf this app (� 1, as owner of the, property,, am exclusively contracting with'licensed contractors, , request and for whose benefit work is perfor to constructthe project: '(Sec. 7044, Buslnessand Profe. ions Code:Tiie Contractors . issued as a resultnf this application , the owi State License Law.does not apply Loan owner of propertywhi builds orlmproves" •shall defend Indemnify and hold harmlessih thereon, and who contracts for the pmJects.with a.contractor(s) licensed pursuant to =` employees for any actor omission related to the Contractors' State, License Law.). following' lssuance.of thls permit (J I am exempt under Sec" B.&P.C. for this reason. Z: Any permiYi;sued as a result of this apps not commenced within 180 days from date e Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING 'AGENCY: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there Is 'construction'lending agent the performance of the work for which this.permitIs"Issued (Sec. 3097, Civ.'C.) Lender's Name: Lender's Address: work for 180 days will subject permit to cane I certify that have read this application and I agree to comply with all city and county on `or }i construction and hereby-authorl:e represen mentionedp perty f rinspectiorcpurposes . Date: Signature (Applicai ENSATIO IUAWWA4E IS UNLAWFUL, PENALTIESAND CIVIL FINES UP:TO IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF I -SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, Building Official for a permit subject to application. ation Is made, each person at whose ed undef or pursuant to" any permit r; and the applicant, each agrees to, and City of 6 Quanta; Its.officers, agents, and ieiwork being performed under or ation becomes null and vold if work is ssuance of such permit, or cessation of late that the above Information is correct Inances and state laws relating to building ANes.of this city to enter upon the above• t or Agent?. ® , M'es.._.i; •^d3v< SY! g==Y e7Mi:Sieel.� A.: 'i4"•. `i^_! -i' F.�- A'9 s.PYt . I°r a'4,.r $'s�O''." Cr$:. Pi'v.: ti4:�3::.3` .i b {Y4`. -v>.Y ri �`�y . � s.F��* �`'�; E , x� •. K , _ � ^° n 9. E, CCOII �' . x QNx x: �AM� T � Ow PA � PAIDi DATE BSAS SB1473 FEE.; 101 0000=20306 �0 �' . $1 00 $0:00 99 M, fRTEW.w<vsP:F,,x. .y� "'. Y "'YY�"2. e"g,.<'v'iv>Y,,x.��':.: .k� y rtY �TT -r } i "'S ^' D METHOD yC;t. ::Y3'x.>7L•���'.�T,.'.��4�s<.-w . u�.s.:.ib ��uxF�x*n�',...k5'na..P...�« >C m 4.`riv;,--,-&i V,z."'s ?Y 1 :;:fEi..dl•.'lR'{["I 33{" i�' �'. 3Rg`I 4 sF�- ,` fie Y:-: � 'S:' ',�'�-',�'�a`i4Zs," C K# `�C D B € .,:RECEIPT#� y E EC LT Y -3�t=n..:'Ska�i�?4 w.$T�`c�,n6x,.r�vuS�� u,a:w�i?iLb'f✓.,.i�,&& N,^ UILDING DARDS ADMINISTRATIONEBSAc Total Paid forBSTAN $1 00: $0..00 "!So-:F.zs• : , k K, ,< ESCRIPT,ION • �,7"ACCOUNTc�' �,3_ � :::,: >'':a . *"Yy6E'i' R; ? yy. � ���ttE F ',f • ,:n'S:Yv'ad.s;iE"dk..:`e+ TY Q.UW< 'cam.. AMO NT F� .' X ,"Fa, ..;-✓„. -k �� _' ? —0 -PAI v � 'S-Bd.}i.K:ii:'i: >�PAID DATE PERMIT ISSUANCE 101 0000=42404 0 w$91 85 sbm -.. < e,„_, . ,.. i F: G•i, "y ' ,_- .' <-, � x PAID -6Y g �.Y.,;: ;,:s ; ,a, ` N, ',` 'g<''y r- `3 - '. :%ffi -'.; ' n METHODS .: .�: � :.n. 1T. t`� 7 k.y <„,<'<.*a, 'RECEIPT #CHECK ,c #CLpTD BY Total Paid forP.ERMIT ISSUANCE $91° 85 $0.00 m � ie' � DES,CR,IPTION } ;g I)`."�.t Z�:�?v Mot �fi � �t"y Y� EACCOUNT � f@::bn.�x NT21L'�.'nY§FYf„C�!@wi 4Ea�i�CzexP��:�, 4 � C: :QTLY; :.., �`°AMOUNT .jy" x�L'n`'i$:=# �,tFi 3' PAID :�aa'e+�'3: SPA D7$DAT E; WATER SYSTEM INST/ALT/REP'' 101' 42401': 0 $12 09 $0.00 -Aad' :gifiTxcce :< .+,� .y "'z AIDBY = ' y..., .• "{AixE N::, 't ' 'h' IVIETIiOD`RECEIP:,:T l. .. Y .0 �'EGiYS4'4Yi�CI.�4. °S a{1, # �4Sk hv9hb'h$:ifF°eS„rS�^.?x+Y"'5��2 mgq CHECK #ng .. �'�i. fk'1..'�S.kxistNiu^!ume ff!r.... L DJBY �Ed::::(✓#:i,$$: `h�ti'.a§..w. Ob+ref" "Y-.<.::x<�,t'sii h'3s :`, 's§�+<Y .UESCRIPTION% ei?�wl%3n�'E,:4Yg`mSda'Y=/.r"J6`,k`r'.> ;? '�<-,.y: U` -tkk Gd <i� *'1� r=i:i"' ,w*5, :' % *ACCOUNTi+ ,t"'a,. QTY. .:x.. .§";,'”" ,Y' A§:�' AMOUNT.:` 7zPAID' .:PSAID DATE WATER SYSTEMANST/ALT/REP PC 101 0000 2600 ` x, 0 $12 0 .. ,. ;, :$0.00 awe i; �.�..Y �sy.� x4 y..r. x..±S� xz, ,E �� yt gIS ��"IV� k:'�- 4. :�ETHOU��RECT #.� �CHECI( #TpBY; ,f Total Paid forPLUMBINCrFEES $24 18 $0.00 ..;.. �.: ,'. .._P:. ,- -.:- .x: _... _.. u, ..::_::.�._(.�5..�:z. .. .k.ft.:; ava...�ay..•r, ra..-.0 .c_.. ' • / 1 / 1 t Description: PGA WEST RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION SOLAR Type: PLUMBING Subtype: Status: APPROVED Applied: 8/21/2015 PJU Approved: 9/3/2015 JFU Parcel No: 775081021 Site Address: 54092 OAK TREE LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 20717-2 SEE ASSR MB 769 PGS 3134 Block: Lot: 1 Issued: 3536 Lot Scl Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $15,939.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: SOLAR POOL WATER HEATING SYSTEM - (1) 686 SF COLLECTOR, ELECTRICAL CONTROL AND 2" PVC PIPING TO EXISTING POOL EQUIPMENT. THIS PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE ADDITIONAL OR ALTERATION TO EXISTING POOL PUMP. 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES. 13 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 10:56:38 AM 1 of 2 SYSTEMS ADDITIONAL CHRONOLOGY ` CHRONOLOGYTYPE, - STAFF NAME - - ACTION DATE" COMPLETION DATE = ;'. NOTES'- OTES-NOTIFIED NOTIFIEDFRANK HERNANDEZ WITH MOHR POWER SOLAR TELEPHONE CALL JAKE FUSON 9/3/2015 9/3/2015 THAT PLANS WERE APPROVED AND PERMIT WAS READY TO ISSUE. CONDITIONS CONTACTS NAME;;TYPE NAME' k`ADDRE551CITY a� STATE ZIP. - PHONE:: y FAX : EMAIL ;Y APPLICANT MOHR POWER SOLAR INC DBA 21ST 1452 POMONA ROAD CORONA CA 92882 CONTRACTOR MOHR POWER SOLAR INC DBA 21ST 1452 PO.MONA ROAD CORONA CA 92882 OWNER SUNRISE LA QUINTA CO 75005 COUNTRY CLUB PALM DESERT CA 92253 DR FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 10:56:38 AM 1 of 2 SYSTEMS Bin. N 1 .0ty Of La Who -Building ff Safety-Divislon- P.O. Box 1504,78-495 Calle Tamplco La' Quinta, CA' 92253 •:(760) 777-7012 Building rmit Appliption: ar d Raeking Sheet Permit l]L '' Project Address: ->7 Owner's Name:. 6A uk-S- Pti L AiSoc . A P. Number. Address: Legal Description: City, ST, Zip: 12 '5'3 ' Contractor. o Telephone: �b -143 011 IN Address: 5 d Project Description: City, ST, Zip: ab 0 �-. ' ' G cgL �- IfJG Telephone:.Si�— ���: ;. �a •h", s., • State Lic. # : US 1q 3 q City Lic. M Arch., Engr., Designer. Address: City., ST, Zip: Telephone: Slate Lic. #: "mak Name of Contact Person4 Z , Construction Type: - Occupancy: `Project type (circle one): Add'n Alter Repair Demo Sq. Ft: 61n=> # Stories: ' #,Units: Telephone# of Contact Person: s�— a .• -. Estimated Value ofProjcat:. APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW 7NIS LINE to Submittal Req'd Recd TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Chetk submitted Item Amount Strgctaial CatesReviewed, ready forte �t/Fi 9 3 Plan Check Deposit. . Truss Cates. Called Contact Person Plan Check Baianee. Title 24 Calcs. Plana picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2'1 Review, readyfor correctionsfisstte Electrical Subeontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed 'Plans picked up SA1.L H.O.A. Approval Plans nsabmitted Grading IN MUSE:- 'id Review, ready for correetiomllssue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees .Total Permit Fees PARENT PROJECTS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE SULT REMARKS NOTES INSPECTOR SCHEDULED CO7DATE DATE w BLD REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY NON-STRUCTURAL - JAKE FUSON 8/21/2015 8/28/2015 9/3/2015 APPROVED FROM 55-306 SHOAL CREEK (BPAT2014-1043) 1 WK BY BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $0.00 Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $1.00 $0.00 BSA: PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $0.00 Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 WATER SYSTEM 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $0.00 INST/ALT/REP WATER SYSTEM 101-0000-42600 0 $12.09 $0.00 INST/ALT/REP PC Total Paid for PLUMBING FEES: .$24.18 $0.00 TOTALS:• • 00 PARENT PROJECTS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE SULT REMARKS NOTES INSPECTOR SCHEDULED CO7DATE DATE SOLAR FINAL*" BLD PARENT PROJECTS REVIEWS RETURNED STATUS REMARKS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE NOTES DATE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED STRUCTURAL CALCS NON-STRUCTURAL - JAKE FUSON 8/21/2015 8/28/2015 9/3/2015 APPROVED FROM 55-306 SHOAL CREEK (BPAT2014-1043) 1 WK UTILIZED TO CONFIRM STRUCTURAL APPROVAL. ATTACI IMENTs Printed: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 10:56:38 AM 2 of 2 0r ,. sysrrnns EXISTING PRE PATIO 1 14') (12) HELIC SOLAR POOL HI MOUNTED ON T PATIO SYSTEM LAYOUT OAK TREE 2" PVC SCH 40 PIPE RAN UNDER GROUND TO POOL EQUIPMENT (18" OF COVER) 0 1452 POMONA ROAD CORONA, CA 92882 Office (951)736-2000 Fax (951)736-0074 LIC. #661434 C46 SOLAR EXP. 12/14 Q'�4ER SO<\ O N .661434 EXP 12/31/16 �Q Q� �,9lFOF CA\YF�� AUG 1 s 2015 CITY OF LA QUINTA 78111 Avenue 52 LA Quinta, CA (760) 777-7012 REVISIONS AND NOTES DOCUMENT INFORMATION PROJECT TITLE PGA West - Pool 8A 54092 Oak Tree La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 397-3520 APN # 000-00-0000 PAGE SCALEPAGE TITLE 1" = 9' 1 ROOF PLAN DRAWN REVIEWED PAGE # BY: BY: mm �� �' A 2.0 F F I I I 1.11 '1 I I' rl ' L' I �I II'I - '1 /�• -,0 I I I I L r •• I I I I I i I I I I 1 I I I I - I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I'I I I I J I I I �II II I I II II I II I I II I I I I I II II I I I I I I I I II I I i I ! 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PAGE TITLE. ;,,.�•v�..r: '-, k'1:: :C1 ., r. .%"�...,. ,a. �. 1r:,. J'r. K.._..i7 ✓ .. y ,,�:.. _ •'. .Y.i 4r�.. - .�.,. r.✓ ,. 2�`'�4. :,a.,.:,.i.1.��wL�.4�,:n?...'n.0 rl.:v.P.b(,t]:;�i.lWi.,,.xms..:dao-.r.>,.,.i t±'?>..: 13,'a:..crt. k. t;.er,:°de ,.t('H',=,'re;.?,,...;.,'::: tl*'.t-:Etbt. a'..s,:?r-.•t ?:I �.:r;'a.,.fi`.. �. .h,Y4 K'� 3?�i;i`�'tr"^tMr..: (s,l.it;W�3 r. .'r."�' at nr..il7i#'.; - �!^.k,�w?.+ea..rls..5 -"F•� -.�. 'ail. vstY_q„._Yea v- `"�i.E �fi-Y„e,v.;r,.u'i I -��y,1.. ,:.�".-v.;Hy':"�t �";"��'�,.�-r, :..ad"aF'%9' �a.� "`•, a. S'F. ..'�'x3 `i`,'�"K ,.t;� r4 r:,..; ; G'r e .� . �„f='`�;' a E»T`,? -�`:' .6 ,`- rte,.-Yf. '.�3•` e:a.4 F.:r -i' ••vr. `k�"k•ra r'v;Y. u-''�,+'r'. �Y;..c.:• ,.''-e"'�''*7; > B �PLUMBING LINE Y.,7x ., ��i'.„� a,"�t +3 .',. ,fi4, 'r ''�... �K %'S"•: N.�e�3� . 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Yl-•s3aY• s.. _ :�?� `n' ..a';..• ,�r3 a. n. :{a.. i';F,gi'„�..'rw$- cdk'• ra',�.s -r ?;rF" . 'g sL s #..<r.x�i' ^y s,E z .r5 .>��. .v"ay.. .<, ,..� ; �=! E� r�M-.>r; '�.-..-'4:;F��„�tas�t�F����''��°k.�,'-,Y"1:��r<:'d'�.'�.'.''�.dv �a.-.�',.'i.¢�^��;,��•�,.'�t;��%x�m«:wsc,''�ir5*�"�s��:� , .:sa?r�"'�,, ,'�.rxJ- �,.,"`-47�?�.. � �ic�l`�f ,e ,..: �.`,r� r. �4'y: z, �.. ..., ,_ ,x. .3. �i�•..!k_...... �`??3;iK��SJ'.�zux: �ru�.' a;..`o..Fa�4.c_.,>s,...?E�l:�...,.fi-, ■ TECHNICAL INFORMATIONAND SPECIFICATION' 1 ig 05T' si... _ss4sC - r, of s `_ `� - v.. THE FEATURE THE ADVANTAGE Patented individual tube design Allows e" anion and,00ntrachon, eliminating cracks and leaks. Lets -roof breathe, keeping it clean and dry Patented mounting hardware Eliminates hoses, clamps and straps. No gaps between panels for smoother look; less than half the number of roof penetrations. &eOece overmolded Construction Eliminates welds and Weld,feoks. Hurricane resistant Can withstandhurrieone-force winds; Heliocol panels ore approved by most property and casualty insurance carriers. Low collector -head loss rate Reducespurnp requirements Using the power at the - sun to, healyeur'Pool ' aUsingyoUr ezistirig pool pump, pool wateris,directed through a series of vcdvw to you r solde col lectors:' L Pool;tiiaterenteni the solar calleaors at the bottom and ria s to the top through. the;indk4dual tubes af;the. cdlletoc C Aslhe-VWaler rises through the collector it u heated by the auiia radiant energy 0"T" .`T "Ifethen , returned to the.pool o repeat the cya...Until your pool has.. been warmed by the sun: Me op"Ira-1.7hp, 400 -1 -0 -rat Unit Th,0 reason "Offamotiic wea C; toven. a.p 0,otttr, ollel.• for the U.,s Summer 0-4-yMp9.as... It's as easy assetting a. THERFAC'STAT M Certif ccilan 0.6119 • ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:200A • Odech International Laboratories. • SolarRafirig & Certification Corporation (SRCC) • Solar Energy Analysis Laboratory (SEAL) • WET Laborcitoiies, Inc. • FRS,Floridd.(Requi.eedforcomrtierdal•use) tori rte .26nter SEC) City of Lm Mg'eles #RR -4508 k • Bntsh Natianfil Water oun ' or potaklilBy) German Federal Fieahh Board • NSF 60 for Recreational Water Facilities Enjoy Year -Round Leisure Living. HELIOMATIC - 5000 M RECIRCULATION /FREEZE PROTECTION 2AMP SAO 00 POOL - SLO.B 0 SENSOR FUSE D SOLAR SENSOR NOCTURNALCOOL ENABLE NEW BOOSTER 1NPPUMP FOP SOLAR EXISTING TIMER = 2. VAC i EXISTINGPOOL PUMP mm,,u T5�i, � Et W. m. r d WHAT ISO CERTIFICATION MEANS TO YOU Established in 1947, f1, Inn morrona I CiManlmtio n torStondardimtbn (ISO) Is a worldw be isde ration of nalb rml itorda els bodW m pose ntbp over 130 countrbs. 1509001. 2008Cenl0ratlon b-tandard0ranndonh, to componisi performoingatthe hahest levels In 6uirhsdwtde4. H•Ilowl4 the fi tsolor pool manufoc• bar N the worb b achbw LSO 900 1. 2008 Corti6catbn. This udl6cotbn procaa took years of nuasuring H.EocolJ cwtomerservke, bw pmdudfollum Ian, engirm.eng and W neral bwbm.0 management. PERFORMANCE RATING FLOW R= COLLECTOR 6...4 ., She aminal �?t ,?. 7,. •- Wdifi•�. Y-<� BTW PER DAY Certifying Ora -isatin HC -60 KC .40 HC -30 Porformanes Equations • • A (sq•'i6 .872 •3.729 tri -TA) / I Im9 Stondard ORTECH 57/100 39,400 .,28,4,40 w tib rgM1f Q 1.00•.0316(5)-.01104(5)' ' - 872 •3.729'(11 FTA) /I ' Na9oml3landoid ACC 47,400 39/300 2BA40 - 1.00 •:0316 (S)--:8104(S)r-. ' -'90 - Burst:po:uun .828 •3.26 (11 -TA)/ I ,fordo Stondaril ..' 966 13TU'd/1P 966 BTU5/fF 956 BTU140 ' rx- 1.00-.1 to gafowneseem Neta: Solei x10 otbn ag me that niow an many vuriobbs tocon iderwim. proprrlrzhblg asps m. Wind condition;'mEw clinnaw,11- t rons,orlenbtan and s hoding of the pool and/sittollicbo all ofbct ft.pe rlo merce of juur`apnin. A BTU ratbg.is Iw1 owal the moor factors to wrulder. HEAD LOSS PER FLOW RATE HELIOCOL HC -50 "V Collector Rating Number oa. Thousands of BTU's per day per panel Sobrlmolofbn gip !+ Congory TtF) 2,000 BTUN I 1,600 STUN I 1,000 STUN A(•9) 98.74 1 78.07 1 57A9 gm 8(+g) 64.13 44.01 23.96 WQ%rTemp. FLOW R= COLLECTOR 6...4 ., She aminal �?t ,?. 7,. •- Wdifi•�. Y-<� 4 ;x=12 6 'E ..g,,; 5 .c A, A7",,i 120'crre'� ; ». ( 162.1•,,080 crr)''' • • A (sq•'i6 60.0 (4:65 m� :' yE'• A . 7'(6: 08 rm)��� 2.{6 w tib rgM1f 221E (10.1 y` '191ai .3.7 +- rkfn gDmmum pr1,� -'90 - Burst:po:uun _ 270 psi: . mme osnd Flow -.F :' 6,gpm^ •. .,4 Dishibuled by 501- Power: 105-130VAC., .5A 50/60Hz. O1 195-250VAC, .3A 50/60Hz Output: Selectable low voltage 24VAC, 20VA, .85A or 12VAC, 20VA, 1.7A HM- 5000: SPST-NO isolated contact 115VAC 1HP 240VAC 2HP Sensors: 2 required (thermistor, 10Kolnn @ 25C/771F). BUILDING & S®\1 F_ �cm). '��. ,. A7•(120cm)-•. _ . 1176' --'11 I� e [ Ito X91 (231u.) 161.E DA�r '-127' 3 m•j . :30.0. (2.77.mri"'. 12.2 1"i G TO.2- 6 2 6 cos) 2. 2-..'.a.. ... 5,Q L-+� 16 1Ds'(6.8 1®) 6.6 lb, - 4.76- 2y' 24go.93pd1 -.78061 I. __ DO Col 90 psi., _ 90 psi it 2.70 oil ., 270 PA - 270 psi ' r . '3 gpei L26op. - .� -10Dm4 W FSEC Corporate Headquarters, 950 Sunshine lane Altamonte SpNnngga, FL 3271A 1.800MSOIAR Dbtrlbution Centersi Alicunwie Springs, FL . VI invllb, PA Fdrlieid, CA . Tempe, A • San Dleg*, CA Differential: on at 4GF, off at 1.5GF Desired Pool Temp.. Recirculate freeze: Nocturnal cooling: 70-104OF calibrated scale or Solar Off, 75-104aF on some models On at <40GF, off at > 420F Enabled via juniper On when collector 80F less than pool and pool hotter than limit, off when collector 3GF less than pool or pool cooler than high liliut. Enabled via juniper P'i'101101 R SOLM INC. 1452 POMONA ROAD CORONA, CA 92882 (951) 736-2000 OFFICE (951) 736-3180 FAX LIC. #661434 C46 SOLAR EXP. 12/14 O'14eR SO<�\ 'Q ?QQC •NT,p9� n O * 0, 6614 4 EXP 12131116 Pt sTgTF OF CPQ-���� T' AUG 1 6 2015 TY OF LA QUINTA x8111 Avenue 52 LA Quinta, CA (760) 777-7012 REVISIONS AND NOTES DOCUMENT INFORMATION PROJECT TITLE PGA West - Pool 8A 54092 Oak Tree La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 397-3520 APN # 000-00-0000 PAGE TITLE POOL PANEL & SOLAR POOL CONTROL SPECIFICATION DRAWN I REVIEWED PAGE # BY: BY: MM I I D 1.0 MELIOCOL PANEL (COLLECTOR) TYPICAL LAYOUT WITH CLAMP PLACEMENT IN INTERCONNECTION DETAILS � r COLLECTOR CLAMP AND GATOR CLAMP DETAIL C -Radar Hoar (Top) 110 amort Gator Chrlp mg. d WM Colazlor Clomp Dot= lu Long uamr grump THIS DIAGRAM SHOWS THE TYPICAL LAYOUT OF A HELIOCOL SOLAR POOL SYSTEMS INCLUDING PANELS (COLLECTORS, GATOR CLAMPS (TOP AND BOTTOM), COLLECTOR CLAMPS AND END CAPS. 0" (TYP.) END CAP TOP VIEW OF PARTIAL ARRAY i •P GATOR CLAMPS1 COLLECTOR CLAMP DETAIL LATCH TOP 8" o.c.(typ. .., .. ,FADER. COLLECTOR DETAIL (SHOWING RETURN LINE) Ed Cap ► 4 Raiurn Liv ( rl.i r;h i1SOLAX IM. 1452 POMONA ROAD CORONA, CA 92882 (951) 736-2000 OFFICE (951) 736-3180 FAX LIC. #661434 C46 SOLAR EXP. 12/10 wa Rb A6ndo,p.w LA1n 01 DING& SAFE T �p � �®� FOR CON 0 BY _ INTAL pEpT- �,; 015 n781 OF LAQUINTA 1 Avenue 52 Quinta, CA (760) 777-7012 REVISIONS AND NOTES EFFLUENT LINE TO DETAIL OF POOL END CAP ATTACHED TO PANEL WITH DOCUMENT INFORMATIO COLLECTOR PROJECT TITLE CLAMP 12-61' PGA West - Pool 8A DRAWING 54092 Oak Tree NOT TO La Quinta, CA 92253 SCALE (760) 397-3520 APN # 000-00-0000 LOWER -HEADER PAGE SCALE PAGE TITLE LOWER GATOR CLAMP HAS LONGER "JAWS" TO ALLOW PANELS TO NATURALLY END NTS PANEL DETAIL EXPAND AND CONTRACT WHICH IS THE ONLY DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE TOP CAP INFLUENT AND BOTTOM GATOR CLAMPS. DRAWN REVIEWED LINE FROM LOWER BY: py:11 PAGE # POOL GATOR CLAMPS MM wl� $ 1.0 STAINLESS STEEL BOLT 3/8" x 1 1/2" GATOR CLAMP SPRING LESS NUT GALVANIZED STAINLESS STEEL BOLT 3/8" x 1 1/2" HELIOCOL PANEL (COLLECTOR) ATTACHMENT METHOD DETAIL SHOWING HOW THIS SYSTEM IS ATTACHED DETAIL SHOWING UNISTRUT ATTACHED TO TOP OF ENGINEERED PATIO COVER HELIOCOL PANEL GATOR CLAMP ATTACHMENT POINTS SPACED EVERY 4' CORRUGATED SPLINE OF PATIO COVER ROO UNISTRUT RUNNING CONTINUOUS PERPENDICULAR TO ROOF SPLINES (SPLICED TOGETHER) ATTACHED TO PATIO COVER AS SHOWN ABOVE. GALVANIZED i UNISTRUT -SHALLOW 6" FRONTAL VIEW OF ROOF CORRUGATION CORRUGATED SHEET METAL AFOR OF L A QUINTA TOP OF ENGINEERED PATIO COVER LJ'� 6" SECTIONS THAT INTERLOCK G & SAFETY DEPT. WHERE OUR BOLTS WILL PASS-THROUGH pFIOVED CONSTRUCTION mfi trA'�T'R 1452 POMONA ROAD CORONA, CA 92882 (951) 736-2000 OFFICE (951) 736-3180 FAX CA C46 LIC. #661434 EXP. 12/31/16 QO�ER SO\ 661'434 s XP 12/31/16 Q qTF OF C A\-\F�Q` AUG 1.6 2015 PERMITTING JURISDICTION CITY OF LA QUINTA 78111 Avenue 52 LA Quinta, CA (760) 777-7012 DETAIL OF INSTALLED SYSTEM I DATE ---ABY I REVISIONS AND NOTES ROOF PLAN FOR PGA WEST POOL 8A DOCUMENT INFORMATIO PROJECT TITLE PGA West - Pool 8A 54092 Oak Tree La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 397-3520 PAGE SCALE PAGE TITLE I PANEL NTS ATTACHMENT DRAWN I REVIEWED I PAGE # BY: BY: MM ��U` S2.0