9709-106 (ELEC)/ LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION G :ta l}hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Ch4pter_9. (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and 'rofessionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. �' .. License # Lic. Class_, :, Exp. Date oZ r---: vi...; i Signature of Contractor. CO 0 ICID .— OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION WI hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: Z_ ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). (.) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code),.,-, cY) () I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason LO N Date Signature of Owner. O N O) d z WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION O 2 Z I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: U-) _ O () 1 have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' X ILL! LIL compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the O J Q : performance of the work for which this permit is issued. m Q U ( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by O (J Q Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this d rn F— permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: v Z Carrier Policy No. ob 5 (T -his section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California; -and agree that iil-should become s Eject to the workers' compensation,provlsions of Section 3700 of the Labor ode, I sh ii forthwith comply with those provisions. V Date: '�� r Applicants °' '577t`� Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each personcat whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuan6o any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon t e above-mentioned property Joir inspect;o4nu•'rposes. Signature (Owner/Agent) r�r�c•• �''+'F�� Date BUILDING PERMIT PERM'CONTROL# 5949 DATE W.ZX9`oj VALUATION S3, ,0u LOT TRACTJOB SITE ADDRESS 5.328 0i -W M.1 E APN OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / ENGINEER Pt,.�/1Wf::"+T IMlis)'Im A.S. i0Cte', t'r.{w v 1%i�..lt1r ..):31 2111N(,: #N C' PO BOX 121,32 456513 !X0TI1,1kD CA. !4Z1!53 PALM � ESEkT CA X7260 cat,fJ, t1t�S i USE OF PERMIT' It-0314CE t,`'+:tar f l!40'j AA*AWEX) LANL)82.443- lr 01I iNtr %VMA I i Wt'r C- Nfi,' r•! (YONf.?UI Ai�.�'i,t�1f3VAL i�trtlsl).�� .t�►X i't;3t7u:�. V 4ALUA! r i,iiaJil.1'3U £.,S 6N7rA�A�A,tl 99Ta�� 4�C1=b•1t �i.'� 1.��L1�.V 9�[e�i,\�yi tir! ���i4 A�i�l�(7 I)4� PERMIT YCESULLiMARVI WAI. "t'td➢t:;AL FEY. lot.-tlW-420•0W $15.76 ��+(�i�3�'i�)..F!f)N�"i'(2(.IC'1'f$?e� Ca SEP 2 3 1997 TOT,,kt. PERMIT V C, 1IN 1) 4 C -'N 0W CITY OF LA. QUIONTA, RECEIPT DATE By / DATE FINALED INSPECTOR #j, AWG INSPECTION RECORD r ; OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVALS Steel POOLS - SPAS Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: �p 09/23/1997 10:03 760-346-1198 MIKE MILLER COMPANY_ PAGE 01 n MUM LIUI-lTINU 45-656 OCOTOLLO DRIVE PALM DESERT,CA. 92260 760-341-8778 FAX 760-346-1198 ` '1'0 C vfwujulm PLEASE ALLOW SERGIO GOMEZ TO SIGN FOR THE ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON RF.MAT,F nF MTKF RrTTi i ii REGARDS ' MIKE MILLER ' h ' z 2 • 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 12 13 14' 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 HEALEY & HEALEY ATTORNEyy AT LAW 74..078 BL PA9E0, SUITE A-15 P.U. DR^wgR 3366 PALM D.9snT, CA.UFORN2A 9226133b6 (760) 347,8366 DENN7S ). HEALEY, STAT. 8., LYO. 4532, OR • 31997 RR (HUR A SIMS, Clerk ar fi/ M, v= Attorneys, for Plaintiff MGM LIGHTING, INC. r SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE - DESERT JiTDICIAL DISTRICT MGM LIGHTING, INC., ) Plaintiff, ) } VS. ) MICHAEL MILLER, aka MIKE ) MILLER; MTKE MILLER d/b/a ) MIKE MILLER COMPANY; DOES 1 ) through 20,,inclusive. } Defendants. } CASE NO. INC 001021 PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION (Code Civ. Proc. § 527(a)) The application of Plaintiff for the Preliminary injunctic made herewith came on regularly for hearing by' the Court c March 28, 1997, in Dept. 2H, before the Honorable Robert Taylox Judge presiding, pursuant to an Order to Show Cause I issued by thi Court on March 14, 1.997. Plaintiff appeared by counsel, DENNIS J HEALEY, of HEALEY &•HEALEY, and Defendants MICHAEL MILLER and miKi MILLER dba MIKE MILLER COMPANY appeared in pro per. On proof made to the satisfaction of the Court and good cause appearing therefor, T L T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } 8 1 9 10 11' 12 w a 13 14 33 R}io�Ajo 15 a�ygo� 4 17. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 JUDY MILLER 17149909623 P.03 J IT IS ORDER$D that during -the pendency of this action th above-named defendants, and e each of them, and their offic rs, agents, employees, representatives and all persons actin" concert or, participating in P g.with them, shall be and- they. are.he eb enjoined from and restrained y engaging in, committing, or performing, directly or indirectly,b Y any means whatsoever, from using Plaintiff s customer list or contacting PlaintifffIs customers with respect to the sale of lighting products. i IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, before the foregoing order shall take effect, Plaintiff herein shall file a written undertaking in the sum o -f $1,00.0, as required by Code Civ. Proc. section 529, or the purpose of indemnifying Defendants for such damages as they niay sustain by reason of this preliminary injunction if the Court finally decides that plaintiff is not entitled thereto. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Preliminary Injunction,as's t forth above shall issue on Plaintiff's filing a written undertaking in the sum specified above, The Court reserves jurisdiction to modify this injunction s theendsof justice may require, Dated; April � 1997 I JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT 2 PRELIMINARY INJUNCZI JUDY MILLER 17149909623 P.01 ATTORNEY OA OAATY WITkOUT ATTOPN6Y (A, arW . 1s}, , TELfiPNOA '^C 71 1`10"Iding roquoet*d by and raturo to: (619) 341-8366 ROBERT H. STEMPLER, Bar #160299 iiE,ALEY & HEALI; Y 74-075 El Paseo, Suite A-15 Palm Desert, California 92260 ATTORNEY FOA NOGMENT CRBofTOR-SSrc1NEE OF RECORp WO OF COURT: Superior Court of Cailfornia sTREETADoftsss: 46-•200 Oasis Street MAP ADDRESS: CfMDZIPCODF- Indio, California 92201 e"cNNAmr: Desert Judicial District GfFENDMT:JUDITH E. MILLER. - M EXECUTION (Money Judgment) WRIT ® POSSESSION OF Qx Personal Property OF EJ Real Property 1-1SALE t. ii o ine Snentt or any Marshal or Constable of the County of: You a erdS cled to enforce the judgment described below with daily interest and your costs as provided by law. 2. To any registered process server;You are authorized to serve this writ only in accord With CCP 699.080 or CCP 715.040. 3. (Name):Judith E. Miller is the [(} ] judgment creditor F__1 assignee of record whose address is shown on this form above the court's name. 4. Judgment debtor (name and last known address): Msc eel G. Miller P 0 BoX 13490 FOA RECOADEA'S USE ONLY CASe NUMBER ID 20436 FOA COUA T USE ONLY Palm Desert, Calif. 92255 9 0 See reverse for information on real or personal property to be deliv ered under a writ of possession or sold under a writ of sale. 10. [D This writ is issued on a sister -state judgment. 11. Total judgment.............................................................. $ 184, 800 00 12. Costs afterjudgment (per filed order or memo CCP 685.090) ......:....................................... $ t 13. Subtotal (add 11 and 12) ....... $ 184,800 0 0 14. Credlts.................................................... .:.......................... $ 148,958.79 15. Subtotal (subtract 14 from 13) $ 35 841.21 �} additional judgment debtors on reverse 16. Interest after judgment (per filed affadavit 5. Judgment entered on (date) A / 3 0 / 91 CCP 686.060) ................................... .I........................ $ 75 , 978.18 6. f__J Judgment renewed on (dates): 17. Fee for issuance of writ ........................................ $ 9.50 18. Total (add 15 16, and 1 T) ............................... $ 111, 8 2 8. 89 T. Notice of sale under this writ 19. Levying officer: — a: 0 has not been requested. (a) Add daily interest from date of writ b. ❑ has been requested (see reverse). 8. for iriibation on reverse. (at the legal rate on 15) of ...................... $ (� . .�. I�I►�i (b) Pay directly to court costs included in 11 and 17 (GC 6103.5. $8511.3, CCP 699220(b). 0)) .................. di 20. Q The amounts called for in items 11-19 are different for each debtor. :i These amounts are stated for each debtor on Attachment 20. Issued on (J' - 99 Clerk. by D puty NOTICE TO PERSON SERVED: SEE REVERSE FOR IMP�TRNFORMATION - (Continued on reverse) Form appevee Ca the WRIT OF EXECUTION Code of Civil Procedure, 8 3 899.520. 712.010. 15.010 luJ-13 council e1 1.'19rda EJ -130 (Rev. July 1, 1998j Martin Osen•s Eesenfi*f Forms TM MIL 6081 'See note on ever,*. " Contractors State License Board. Attention C.S.L.P. License Modification 9835 Goethe Road P.O. Box 26000 Sacramento, Ca 95826 Dear- License Modification Officer, i Please review the enclosed legal documents. They are.to inform you that MGM Lighting, Inc is no longer owned by Michael G. Miller. Nor is he employed by MGM as MGM is no longer in business. Frorri the legal papers you will note that I, Judith E. Miller ..am the owner and I request that you invalidate the State contractors License #462966 and do not allow anyone to use this number as of Jan 24th 1997. Thank You for you prompt service...... P.i JUDY MILLER 00 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS ANU BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF MGM LIGHTING, INC. JUDI'T'H E, MILLER, controlling Shareholder, called a Special Meeting of the Roard of Directors on January 27, 1997, at the Law Offices of Healey & Healey, 74-075, E1 Paseo, Suite A-15, Palm Desert, California. Present at the meeting was JUDITH E. MILLER, the majority shareholder. Also present was DENNIS J. HEALEY, Corporate Counsel. JUDITH E•. MILLER announced that an emergency meeting was held due to the resignation of all of the Officers and Directors of MGM LIGHTING, INC. due to the fact that JUDITH E. MILLER obtained control of the corporation pursuant to the stock that was pledged to secure an indebtedness that was owed to her by MICHAEL G. MILLER, pursuant to court order. On January 24, 1997, at 9:30 a.m., MICHAEL G. MILLER, at the Law Office$ of his attorney, RICHARD 1. ROEMER, signed over all of his stock in the. corporation to JUDITH E. MILLER and. turned over the books'and records to her. As a result of: this transfer of ownership of the corporation., the Officers and Directors of the corporation terminated their ,employment, effective January 24, 1997. On motion by unanimous vote, JUDITH E. MILLER, was elected Temporary, Chairman and DENNIS J. HEALEY was elected Temporary Secretary'of the meeting. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS The Chairman stated that the bilaws of the corporation provide that the authorized. number of Directors of the corporation shall be two until changed by an amendment to the bylaws, and pursuant tc the authority granted to the shareholders, the =oliocy^nc individuals were duly elected to the Board of Directors of the corporation: JUDITH E. MILLER ANITA CHRISTENSON Each Director accaptad her directorship. P.02 JUDY MILLER 00 ELECTION OF OFFICERS The next matter to consider was the eleccion of Officers. The chairman stated that these would include a President, Vice President, Chief ,Financi�al officer:and a Secretary. The following persons were elected to the offices indicated: Office Name r President JUDITH E. MILLER vice president ANITA CHRISTENSON Chief Financial. Officer J'U'DITH E. MILLER secretary ANITA CHRISTENSON Each Officer so elected accepted her office and, thereafter, the President presided at the meeting. HANK RESOLUTION The President stated that the next item was to confirm the establishment of the corporate checking account and to auchorize certain Officers to deal with corporate funds. The following resolutiori was adopted: RESOLVED, that the funds of the corporation continue to be held with Union Bank, of Palm Desert, California; RESOLVED FURTHER, that all checks, drafts and other instruments obligating this corporation to pay money shall be signed on behalf of this corporation by JUDITH E. MILLER. CORPORATE ASSETS The President stated that MICHAEL G. MILLER had failed to turn. over certain corporate assets, including the 1992 Ford Taurus, cellular phones, beepers, Toshiba laptop computer, and air purification systems that are in his possession. The President i.ngtructed the corporate attorney, DENNIS J. HEALEY, to send a letter co Mr. Miller's attorney, requesting -immediate return_ of those items and, in the event. that Mr. Miller refuses, to Cake the necessary legal action to obtain the items. 2 P.03 JUDY -- "+ 41_E $; S S M H E a L E Y >ia H E A L. E `r00 A T "i' r 5_ r v_+ "c P.1 ILLER L•T C�— 1 4 • There being no further business to come before the meeti.rg, it was duly adjourned., S J. HE Y Temporary Secretary ATTEST T0: 97 ITH E. Mi"LEER . President i4 r �T-14-9 ' ED 3: 48 PM Al P. 1 CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD P O BO]t' ? 6000 SACRAMENTO., CA. 95826 FAX #: (916) 235-16Z 5' Date: To: From. Phone: fL/6 dd ; Subject: • f, Number of Pages (including transmittal cover sheet): Special Instructions: f [ I PER YOUR REQUEST [ 1 UAR,D COPY TO FOLLOW BY NUM [ I FOR YOUR LYFOFMAMN i y s OCT-14-9'EU 3:50 FM P. . L614PUB CONTRACTORS STATE L1C;ENst nuHnu. QUERY WORKERS COMPENSATION UPDT 07/16/1996 ID WCMERGE;% LIC NO 462966 EXPIRE DT 09/30/1998 BUS TP CORPORATION STATUS-10 NAME DBA.M G M LIGHTING INC PAGE 1 (X=INS COMPANY LOOK UP I=INTENT TO SUSP LOOK UP) _ TYPE OF COVERAGE W INS CO CDE 016 POLICY NO N200753711994 EFFECTIVE DT 07/.01/1994 SUSPEND DT EXPIRE DATE- INTENT TO SUSP SENT t. TYPE OF COVERAGE W INS CO CDE 031 POLICY NO N20075371 - EFFECTIVE DT 11/01/1994' EXPIRE DATE 03/02/1995 INTENT TO SUSP SENT SUSPEND DT ORIG`NOTC LTR SENT 08/01/1991 RETURNED'BY PO RESENT FOLLOW UP LTR SENT. RETURNED BY PO RESENT POLICY MAY INCLUDE THE NAME: CODE DATE USER ID DESCRIPTION REFERENCE MORE >>>> 611---;JUDGMENT 612=COMMENTS 613=DISP ACTNS 615=STATUS EX PFI=QUIT PF3=EX PF5=BKWD PF6=FRWD PF10=MAIN MENU i n 101CT-14-92 11T D 3: 9 P1r1 ' . P. 2 I L615PUB CONTRACTORS. STATE LiU6W5G nuftAw - QUERY LICENSE STATUS UPDT 10/01/1996 ID C3020DLS' LIC NO 462966 RECPT 96 08 13160 BUS TP CORPORATION CORP NO 1248883 L/CN? PRINT L/N p NAME L/N DBA M G M LIGHTING INC CITY PALM DESERT AADR P O.BOX 13490 PHYSICAL ADDRESS X. COUNTY CODE 33 PHONE 619 340.6402 E STATE CA ZIP 92265. ISSUE DT 09/14/1984 COUNTRY LT REN DT INACT DT' MAIL LIST HOLD N T,S REISSUE 1ST PRIOR A REACT DT C 8 R I EXP DATE 09/30/1998 2ND PRIOR IFS PEND FAMILY SUPPORT DT ADDL? S T A T U S ADDL? LASSES CCL 10 CLEAR CURRENT -BOND. PRIOR BOND DISCIPLINARY BOND SURETY B01 $7,5010 B01 $5,000 CASE . i BOND # 918753 EFDT 07/01/1994 F' 918753 09/10/1984 ACT DT CAN DT 07/01/1994 ACT 611=JUDG 612=CMTS 613=DISP 616=REL RECS PF13�PHYS ADDR EX PF1=QUIT PF3=EX PF4=CURS'DESC PF'5=BKWD PF6=FRWD PF10=MAIN { I . i i Y _ MENU Y d { ' . i 1-jcr-14-97 1VEL 3:49 Frit • P. 3 L617PUB CONTRACTORS STATE Llt-GLwac cvA'%v LIC NO 462966 RECEIPT 96U08YNSE 13160BUS RTPNO/O1/I996 ID 020DLS� CORPORATION STATUS 10 ; DBA M G M LIGHTING INC PAGE 1 OF 1 i ISSUED 09/14/1984 EXP '09/30/1998 -CLASSES C10 1- MILLER, MICHAEL, GORDON TITLE RMO/P LIC -. AS 09/14/1984 DIS E 10/02/1989 C' CLASS C10 > CASE 2 •MILLER, JUDITH, ELAINE TITLE P/T LIC AS 09/14/1.984 DIS 06/17/1991 E C CLASS CASE 3 MONIAN, ROBERT, K TITLE RMO/V LIC — AS 09/14/1984 DIS 10/02/1989 E 09/14/1984 C CLASS C10 CASE TITLE LIC AS DIS EC 'CLASS 612=CMTS ,613=DISP ACTNS 614=WC X 615=STATUS 616=REL RECS. CASE IN MENU EX PFI=QUIT PF3=EX PF5=BKWD PF'6=FRWD PF7=FIRST PAGE PF10=MA i I. . t i I I t 1 1 �• Contractor's State License Board - License De... - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 1 of 2 M' STATE OF CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR'S STATE LICENSE BOARD P. O. BOX 26000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95826 PHONE: 1-800-321-2752 * * * DISCLAIMER The license status information shown below represents information taken from the CSLB licensing data base at the time of your inquiry. It will not reflect pending updates which are being reviewed for subsequent data base updating. The available information may not reflect any civil or criminal judgments or actions that have not been reported to the CSLB. If there are disclosable complaints (legal actions) on the contractor's license, that information will be provided. If you intend to pursue any kind of legal action, insure you get a "Verified Certificate" which is a certified license history covering a specific time period prior to taking any action. THE RESULTS OF YOUR INQUIRY FOR CONTRACTOR LICENSE NUMBER 462966 IS: * * * BUSINESS INFORMATION M G M LIGHTING INC P O BOX 13490 PALM DESERT, CA 92265 Entity: Corporation Issue Date: 09/14/1984 Expire Date: 09/30/1998 * * * LICENSE STATUS This license is current and active. * * * (CLASSIFICATIONS C10 ELECTRICAL (GENERAL) * * * CONTRACTOR BONDING INFORMATION This license has bond number 918753 in the amount of $7,500 with the bonding company SURETY COMPANY OF THE PACIFIC. Effective Date: 07/01/1994 * * * WORKERS COMPENSATION INFORMATION This license has workers compensation insurance with the MID-CENTURY INSURANCE COMPANY Policy Number: N200753711994 Effective Date: 07/01/1994 Expire Date: NONE «««END OF DATA FOR LICENSE NUMBER 462966 »»» THIS IS THE END OF YOUR INQUIRY RESPONSE. QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR DATA SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO 1-800-321-2752. Return to License Request - Contractor Name Request - CSLB HOME Page 10/14/97 3:39:50 PM TO: Dawn Honeywell, City Attorney FROM: Tom Hartung, Director of Building and Safety DATE: October 15, 1997 RE: -Correspondence from JUDITH MILLER Dawn, As of 10/14/97 MGM Lighting has a valid State of California contractors license (Attachment 1) and Michael Miller is still listed as the responsible managing officer and president of the corporation (Attachment .2). MGM also has a valid City business license. Everything JUDITH MILLER claims in her letter could be true, however given the information that we are receiving from the State, and the ministerial nature of the permit process, I do not think that the permit should be voided at this time. If for any reason the State Contractor's License were 'to become invalid we would suspend the permit 'and stop work on. the project. It,should be noted that a representative from the State Contractors' Board has been down to investigate this job .that was permitted to. MGM on an unrelated issue. The representative visited our office and examined the corresponding paper work and at no time were we informed that there was a problem with the license. Please advise. T-14-97 `:Eta :4F. PM P. l CONTRACTORS STATE. LICENSE BOARD L -MJ t 1 P O BOX' 26000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95826 FAX #: (916) 2�5- 1,635 Date:1, l q, To: 61 727- -7 From: Phone: fL/6 e ; Subject: v Number of Pages (including transmitW cover sheet): Special Instructions: ( 1 PER YOUR RZQUE T (: ] HARD COPY TO FOLLOW BY MAEL [ .1 FOR YOUR LYFOR-MAnON CITY OFLA , IN 6JILDi G . SAFETY DEPART E���. CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTED FOR CONST RUCTIU' STUB-JECT TO INSTALLAi ION AS.r'F-:. ALL APPLICABLE CODES :ZAND BY 0 1 k f f JUDY MILLER 00 / _0 .10-15-97 Attention City Manager's Office And City Attdrney Office I would like to bring your attention to the Building and Safety Department of La Quinta. I have been iri contract with Danny Crawford who works under Tom Hartung. My complaint is that Danny Crawford has issued a C-10 electrical permit to MGM Lighting, Inc. The Permit # 5949 was issued on September 23, 1997 to Michael G. Miller who is not the owner of MGM Lighting, Inc, nor an employee. A La Quinta business license was also issued on September 23, 1997 to MGM Lighting, with the control # 02298 per request of Micllale G. iV iller. After repeated conversations with Danny Crawford and numerous faxed legal papers, I have been told that MR TOM HARTUNG has stated that he considers this matter a civil matter. I have been told that the department will not pull the permit issued to MGM Lighting, Inc, even though MGM has been out of business since Jan 24,.1997. 1 have been told that the business license issued to Michael G. Miller and MGM will also remain valid. I have been a$ked by my attorney to bring this matter to your attention in hope of resolving this matter before it becomes a bigger legal problem for both of us. I am faxing. the same legal papers to you, including an injunction against. Mr. Michael Miller to represent himself in any regards to MGM Lighting, Inc that is signed by a judge in the superior court of Indio. Please address this issue and relay your findings to Mr. Dennis Healey fax # 1- 760= 341-4967 . Sincerely, Judith E. Miller 10.-15-97 12:13 RECEIVED FROM:90 JUDY . MILLER 00 P.02 i i i RESIGNATION OF OFFICER AND DIRECTOR OF CORPORATION TO; MGM LIGATING, INC. A California Corporation DATE: January 24, 1997 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned hereby resigns as an officer and director of MGM Lighting, Inc. effective 10:00 a.m. January 24, 1997 i MICHAEL G. MILLER � I i i i I I RESIGN2.DOC 10-15-97 12:13 RECEIVED FROM:00 P-92 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17' 18 19 20 21 22 23* 24 25 26 27 28 JUDY MILLER 00 P.ot LAW OFFICES OF ROEMER & HARNIK RICH}LRD I. ROEMER, ESQ. - State Bar No..25505 i 45-025 Manitou Drive lndian Wells, CA 92210 (61.9) 360-2400 Attorneys for Petitioner SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. in re the Marriage of:' Petitioner: MICHAEL G. MILLER -and- Respondent: JUDITH E. MILLER i Case No. Indio D 20434 i ) i RECEIPT Received from Richard I. Roemer on behalf of -Michael G. Miller, the following documents: 1. Corporate Minute Book containing stock certificates nos.. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 endorsed in blank by Michael G. Miller, representing all of the issued and outstanding shares of MGM Lighting, Inc. formerly known as MGM Lighting Maintenance and Service, Inc. 2. 1099 forms and tax forms from Jonathan & Associates, Inc.. 3. File regarding small claims matter against Churchill Management which case is set ior.trlal on januarf 29, 1997 at: 10:00 a -m. in Department 3M, Indio. i -1- II Mi11�e.Rec i I 10-15-97 12:14 RECEIVED FROM:00 P.03 JUDY MILLER 00 . .' P. 0.4 1 4. Key to front door at the premises located at 74-855 i Z Joni' prive, Palm Desert, CA. ' 3 S. InArentory of consigned light fixtures belonging to 4 Lightway (not the property of MGM Lighting) as set forth on g Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 6 6. 160 address light fixtures which are the property of 7 The Lakes Country Club Homeowners Association. ! a .7. 532 #608-12 In -ground Carson boxes, which are the 9 property of The Lakes Country Club Homeowners Association. i 10 DATED: January 24, 1997. i 11 12 JUMITH E. MILLER i 14 h 16 17 18 J i • i 19 20 21 22 23 24 • i 25 26 i 27 28 I 2 - Mlller.acc qt.apc i 10-15-97 12:114 RECEIVED FROM:00 P-04 JUDY MILLER 00 r=_9 -z 5 0 HEAL.EY H E A U e V AT7YS i i H LEY Al UVA,LEY P.05 F• _ C� 5 1 AST t, PAsc , LAS IFJUJIL IE 2 -475 Et PAseo, SvITEAds p�TY Pip, pek�t�en 3366 �►Lh( ¢BfBT, CALIFORNIA 922613366 - 3 1 (760) 34V8366ASR -81S97 4 DENTOS IJ.1I1E-41.EY, STATS BAR No. 45321 ARTHUR A. SIMS. C" 5 By µ V@6QMz ' b Attor'nOyS for Plaintiff MGM LIGHTING, INC. i 7. B SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIVORNIA _ GOin4T OF_ RIVERSIDE T DESEpT JUDICIAL DISTRICT 10 11 MGM LIGHTING, INC., ) CASE NO. INC 001921 } 12 Plaintiff,- ) PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION 13 14 • 15 16 17 7.8 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ VS. MICHOL MILLER; aka MIKE MILLER; MIKE MILLER d/b/a MIKEIMILLER COMPANY; DOES 1 through 20, inclusive. Defendants. (Code Civ. Proc. S 527(a)) The application of Plaintiff for the Preliminary Injunction made'. herewith came on regularly for hearing by the Court .iPn March 28, 1997; in Dept- 2H, before the Honorable Robert Taylor, Judge presiding, pursuant to an Order to.Show Cause ,issued by this Court o11 March 14, 1997. Plaintiff appeared by counsel, DENNIS J. HEALEY, of HEALEY & HEALEY, aAd Defendants MICHAEL mil.LER and MIKE MILLER dba MIKE MILLER COMPANY appeared in pro per. On proof made to the satisfaction of the Court and good cause appe'.rin.g therefor, 10-15-97 12:15 RECEIVED FROM:00 P•05 10 11 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 2'7 28 10-15-97 A JUDY MILLER 00 P.OE �6 HEALEY3:HEFiLE`�' aTTYS _ P I { ! ?IT IS ORDERER that during the pendency. of this action the abovq-named defendants; and each of them, and their officerp, i agents, employees, representatives and all persons acting in concert or participating with them, shall be and they are hereby I enjoiInod and restrained from engaging in, committing, or i performing, directly or indirectly, by any means whatsoever, frgm i using Plaintiff's customer list or contacting Plaintiff's customers i I with:respect to the sale of lighting products. ,'IT,...IS. FURTHER ORDERED tAgt, before the foregoing order shall take :ef.f ect, Plaintiff herein, shall file a written undertaking in i the sum of $1,000, as required, by Code Civ. Proc_ section 529, fdr the purpose of indemnifying Defendants for such damages as they may I sustain by reason of this preliminary injunction if the Coutt finally decides that Plaintiff is not entitled ther6to. � IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Preliminary Injunction as got forth above shall issue on Plaintiff Is filing a wri.tteg undertakigg in t�e sum epeoified above. ;The Court reserves jurisdiction to modify this injunction as the ends of justice may requi.xe. ROBEr-Cr 0-1. I i Dated: � Ap4 .,y , 1997 "AY LOPI JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT i I i t 2 PRELIMINARY INJWCTIQN I I I I 12:15 RECEIVED FROM: 09 P•06 JUDY MILLER ATIOSkNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (h" ` a.rJ. oPeedrdlnp requ"fad by and•raturn W. _ROBERT H. STEMPLER, tial; HEALEY & HEALEY 74-075 El Paseo, Suite - palm Desert,, California a ATTORNEY FOR . ' X1 ! JIJOQMENT CRE0rT0R NAMEOFCDVRT Superior Cou STR£ETADDREss: 46. 200 Oasis MAJLING A001RESS: 00 (6 19) 341--8366 Jr x.60299 A -).y 92-2160 I I AS531ONF,£ of RECORo rt of Calii;ornla Street: CrTYANDZIPCODE: Indio, California 92201 BRMICJINAme Desert Judicial District- oEr-EN0AN7:JUDITg E. MILLER Q EXECUTION (Money Judgment) WRIT POSSESSION OF OX Personal Property - OF 0 Real Property I-1 SALE 1. To the Shseriff or any Marshal or Constable of the County of: Yo arerds cee to enforce the judgment described below with daily interest and your costs as provided by law. 2. To any registered process server:You are authorized to -serve this writ only in accord with CCP 699.080 or CCP 715.040. 3. (Name):Judith £. Milker is the XM judgment creditor O.assignee of record whose address is shown on this form above the court's name, 4. Judgment debtor (name and last known address): M>c ael G Miller FOR AECOADEA'S USE ONLY CASE NUMBER: ID 20436 POR COURT Use ONLY P - 0 7, I P. 0 . $OX 13490 g. Q See reverse for information on real or personal property to be deiiv- Palm Desert; Calif. 92255 dder a writ of ossession or sold under a writ of sale.l Q additional judgment debtors on reverse 5. Judgment entered on (date) :4 / 3 0 / 91 w 6. Judgment reneed on (dates) : 7. Notice of sale under this writ a. Q has not been requested. b. 0 has been regyested (see reverse). 8. tor-*rnfoimation on reverse. . Form Approv-d by lh- Judicial C0UAad o1 Caiilorny INuEJ-lzo (R -v. AJN 1. 1A001 . 1Jn 0--n s Essondraf Forrrtu TM 10-15-97 12:16 ere un p 10-71 This writ is issued on a sister -state judgment. I 11. Total judgment............................................................ $ 184,8001 .00. 12. Costs afterjudgment (per filed order or memo CCP 685.090) ......................... _................. $ 13. Subtotal (add 11 and' 12) .:,.......•........................ $ I84'8001.00 14. Credits ...... ................................................. ............... . S 148 , 9581.79 15. Subtotal (subtract 14 from 13) $ 35,84 !. 21 16. Interest after judgment (per filed affadavit CCP 685.050) ....... ........ S 75,978'-13 17. Fee fer issuance of writ ............................ S 9!. 50 111,828:.89 18. Total (add 15. 16, and 17) .......................... $ - 19. Levying officer: (a) add daily interest from date of writ � ( &2. It II'. (at tha legal rate on 15) of ,... „ . ... $ . (b) Pay directly to court costs included'in i 11 and 17 (GC 6103.5. 68511.3. CCP 699.220(b). 0)) .........................:..... 5 20. ;7 The amounts .:ailed for in items 1 1- 19 are different for each,debtor. These amounts are stated for each debtor on Attachment 20. issued .Jnf:,�tCS " V J 199E c:e;h. uy - NOTICE TO PERSON SERVED: SEE REVERSE FOR T INFORMATIVN - ty (Cwtinue'd on reverse) i Coda of Civil Proc9dU176. 5 1 099.520. 712.0lio, t15 010 WRIT OF EXECUTION . MIL 6081 'sUO nultl i� r-Jera+ RECEIVED FROM:00 P.07 JUDY MILLER 00 P.0 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS AND BOARD OF DIRZCTORS OF MGM LIGHTING, INC. JUDITH E. MILLER, controlling shareholder, called a Special Meeting o.f the Board of Directors on January 27, 1997, at the Law 0£f ices of Healey & Healey, 74-075 E1 Paseo, Suite A-15, Palm Desert, California. Present at the meeting was JUDITH E. MILLER, the majority shareholder. Also present was DENNIS J. HEAi,EY, Corporate Counsel. SMITH E. MILLER announced* that an emergency meeting was held due to the resignation of all of the Officers and Directors of MGM LIGHTING,. INC, due to the fact that JUDITH E. 14ILLER obtained control of the corporation pursuant to the stock that was pledged. to secure an indebtedness that was owed to her by MICHAEL G. MILLER, pursuant to court order. On January 241 1997, at 9;30 a.m., MICEI.P.EL G. MILLER, at the Law Offices of his attorney, RICHARD T_. ROEMER, sicned over all of his stock; in the corporation to JUDITH E. MILLER and turned over the bookstand records to her. As a result of th-is transfer of ownership of the corporation, the officers -and Directors of the corporation terminated employment; effective January 24, 1997. on motion by unanimous vote, JUDITH E. MILLER, was elected Temporary: Chairman and DENNIS . , HZALEY was elected Temporary secretary of the meeting. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS . The Chairman stated that the bylaws o: the corporation provide that the 'uthoriied number of Directors of the corporatio,, shall be Wo until: changed by an amendment to- the bylaws, and pursuanr. tc the authority granted tothe shareholders, the folaowinc individuals were duly elected to the Board of Direcccrs of the corporation: JU^OITH E. MILLER ANITA CHRISTENSON Each:Director acceptad her directorship, I • i i 10-15-97 12:17 RECEIVED FROM:&@ P•98 JUDY MILLER 00, P. 0151 - i I i • ELECTION OF OFFXCERS The next matter to consider was the'election of Officern. The i Chairman :scated that these wovIA include a President, Vice j President; Chief .Financial •Officer 'aftd a Secretary. The following I persons were elected to the Offices indicated: • i 'Office Name ' President JUDITH E. MILLER Vice President ANITA CHRISTENSON Chief Financial Officer tTUTJITH E. MILLER secretary ANITA CHRISTENSON Each Officer so elected accepted her office and, thereafter, the PregiAent piresided at the meeting. i i I BANK RESOLUTION. The president stated that the next. item was to confirm the. establishment of the corporate checking account and -to -authorize I certain Officers to deal with corporate funds. The following resolution was adopted: (RESOLVED, that the funds of the corporation -continue to be held with Union Bank, o. -LE Palm, Desert, California; :RESOLVED FURTHER, that all, checks, drafts 'and :other instruments obligating this corporation to pay money shall be signed on behalf of this � corporation by JUDITH E. MILLER. CORPORATE ASSETS Thv? President stated that MICHAEL G. MILLER had failed to turn.. ' over certain corporate assets, including the 1992 Ford Taurus, cellular phones, beepers, Toshiba. laptop computer, ana air purif ication systems that are .ih his possession.• The Presidenc instructed the corporate attorney, DENNIS J. FEALEY, to send a' letter to: Mr. Miller's attorney, requesting .immadiate return of those items and, in the event that Mr. Miller refuses, co take the necessary -legal action to obtain the items. j I 2 i I I 10-15-97 12:17 RECEIVED FROM:00 P•09 ER .0,C T— 1 4—P-' UE G, ! �M HEgL.r=ye,HEALE`!O0 ATT`tS p P. 15 i . I Therq being no further business to come before the meetiry, it I . was duly adjourned. I �S J. HE y Secret aryTemporary _ I ATTEST T0: I ITH E.IMILLE R President I 3 10-15-97 12:18 RECEIVED FROM:00 P.10 { i ^ JUDY MILLER 1 00 P. 11, • I 10/14/97 • Contractors State License Board Attention C.9.L.P. License Modification ! 9835 Goethe Road F.O. Box 26&0 Sacramento, �a 95826 Dear License Modification Officer, Please'review the enclosed legal documents. They are to inform you that MGM Lighting, Inc is no longer owned by Michael G. Miller. Ivor is he employed by MGM as MGM is no 16nger in business. i From the legal papers you will note, that 1, Judith E. Miller wrl the owner and I request that you invalidate the State contractors License #462966 and do not allow anyone to . use this number as of Jail 24th 1997. j Thank You for you prompt service...... I:A I . I S' rely, I Judith E. Miller ' I I RECEIVED FROM:00 P.1 r? ?�En i Al. T,10NP,FCH GROUP r Y N'+u 77 �' ' noiaeiSM'7 WP.T) na:00 FAC 6199804799 HRH Ins./C.v. i0_OU_IX I •(n ,1 i i p, ,re• cw,l„ t t.. ,;i� �. F•.a.. pq,,�..�; ;y, YW.r, _........ { I !l�/ ® {.j !• ! If r a ; rA;` t h, � `•'' Y1� S:;«' t. s LATE ,bUutvODtPY} �; f' ; '"�= ''0• t�•��r'i: ! .`�„ ; .a�6�i{`ti�{'° iMi pis.••:!.: dBf2�1D7 X1.1 J- ' �a:r.,..a.n•,.,,,r.-.r.4::'.4r,,'•,c�:,-sJ..,..1..,.a.,.,.'h•b.;b......ha•7,�?!:p'rr.NlG�:.i .t. .1. .;IC••:1. cAooiicFR '' 71115 CER7FIC 19 1$$Ur-h AS A MATTFR OF NK MATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHT'S UPON THE GERTrIrTaATE HRH Ins Sm of CoothoU lrh HOLDER. TRIG CERTMJITF OM, NOT AAfEiiD, EXTEND OR ucsfu Numbot o88/G09 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDEDBY �E ES SLOW. 77,%4 Cpa"Oil DT, OW CMANES AFFORDING CpV>~ME Palm Dagen CA 42211 COMPANY A Employers rm M1mrfoe INSURED COMPANY MONARCH GROUP B a404 Caroyno Conn Comms Palm Dowd CA 922110000 C COMPANY D 7 1 . d: i' ! • , r yl{ 1pi�:' .C' ;i�!;!� �(t5•!;$';y ': .�t, ! 4 !y:� i . , :u•,�� � , �.,. ,y., m� jj a .ti I .:l;f Thr •!. .:§. ;7,. •Y:I, '!:L g� ,G, dJ'4• .�,V�J �•,;!:. t;h kS?:, n_.;!:,, , {dira:�1. ,Sn'ttb' fT:•.i,d {,. .a � 1 ,, hi kik. 9i::li',4rf�IA.•:+.v n fi . M, .�' r x?q,rn .�.1 ;:l:.Xr, fi• N f ' `�:. �.. 'i� + •...•...... .,. •.., �; . w 4Y.. f.mi, �'P..r.r L'r"'��:,.:i.t!•..`C.�i..c.dc.x,<}r•",:moi ;Y'..,�J,.,,',��.�� a: ...,.... {i�}_IsiS�rtli_� I iS THIS {i TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES SI�RAfVLE I p BEIOW HACIE BEEN ISSl1ED TO fHE� INSAL'6 NAIAD A90VE FOR ME PDL!skY pflRlOb INOICATED, NOTwrTHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT TERM OR ONDITION DF ANY CONTRACT OR OTM M DOCUMENT WITH PE3PEC' TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, TIE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE PoLICIEs DESCM11M HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO All THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND 00NDITiON5 OF SUCH POLICIES. LI.WTS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUGi BY PAID "AS. LTRco TYPE OF INSURANCE P01•IOY ULWO PVUCY EFF=W PiWiRAT1ON LAMDATE aRNDMN) DATE (K%Wn GENEAAl LIABILITY GENE�al ATIC+taFFATE S cowmSCIA1, GENERAL LLA21LITY PROWc1s • cowoP AGO S CLAWS MAO# D Occua PeRSONAI S ADV INJURY g OYMMS A CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE s FIRE CAAIAGE (Any rn0 6wJ 9 MED W wy ens FWAA) S AUTOMOBILE LIA UTY ANv Aura COMMED SNOLE LMI S ALL MED AUTOS I 60DILY INJURY s SCHEDIAW AVT08 {%T+penrn) HOED AUTOS NON•000 AUTOS (PetWItY Y ea' 3 PP.ORERTY DNAAGE S GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT s ANY AUTO OTHEG THAN AUTO ONLY: I },.0 i•: v)'I c:,;`s.�aG'.i :I ^ EACH AGGIo.VT S AGGREt3ATE S EXCEU UA31411TY EACH OCCURRENCE i LMBAELLA FORM A[gk'OArE 3 OThER THAN UL19m a FOAM — is WOWAQ COMPENSATIOV AND .I r, b, iL N}+ A BSPA02F'LIABLm WC143022481 04/10/36 11 21/97 EiEACAACCIDENT $ 1,0 0,000 mfi rRo�tIETOR� �:� PARTNEiS'F GINE EL DISEASE - POLIar Lena i 1,000,000 OPFLER6 ARE: E (ii EL D°STAGE • gA E'I�LOYEE S 1, cc 0, 000 OTNER OE: ct IF?N)N Of CPERATI 'St 5PECtA_ ITEUS --- R I/ :. ' '?::•r. _•; .:'•_,,.�:... +, ,,-}a .,.. •,.. �, py., . �.,.!,.F;;I: mac: 4:: :.;�e•,��;' "'c'S 7Na,xi };u • SHOLID ANY Of THE Asa6 DESCRIaM POLICIES BE CANCV�,E D 6EFORE THE hw UGHTTNG EXP;MT4v1 CAT! TN$REOF, THE IS3UN3 COMFAN'Y VAI ENDEAVOR TO MAL 45-M OCOTif ll) DR. 10 DAYS IN TTFN NDTICE T� TAE C1.917FIGATE 140MER NAMED TO THE LEFT, PALM DESERT CA OVID BUT FALUM TO MAL SUCW NOTICE SSIALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATM OA LIk'1lRY OY ANTKIXC U'DN TME C-0M►WY, 113 AGINTS OR REPFESWATIVES, AUTJlOR® 11121PRESENTAM Sal Sando>ral .,I ,���.. �,,�i., f��� � 'iNi�ii;;'f1;;'u:ih `;,irj��'I;i;�Nr!gv1!;nl;J;i`i Ip�'�,i^i,�w�E';� �-,:,�; •'r1"6�, f' 'tn,.,•,llw I, y:;: �it;tflt.!'y- •., , e.,, '�', ,,, , : ^. •!F7. ..N�,�,!,4 �. :�1�..?..mak, �• ..: Y.• ••✓• I.. „5�1,;.'Nl u,: <v :t.i, i.�j'.'�(7"'i1t '.. t{i�`Y.�r� f-: t+... 'd.4�a�..•, 1q tiP,, .I p _ ••Til:h,�. L'iy � � tdJra-....:.i WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY INFORMATION PAGE Policy No. WCN 3022461 1. THE INSURED/MAILING ADDRESS: THE MONARCH GROUP, INC. 42-600 CAROLINE COURT PALM DESERT, CA 92211 EMPLOYERS FIRST INSURANCE C O -Al P •A N Y A Stock Insurance Company Corporate Office: San Francisco Carrier Code: 00130 Status of Employer: CORPORATION' Other Named Insureds not shown above: NONE Other workplaces not shown above: NONE 2. POLICY PERIOD: The policy period is from 11/21/96 to 11/21/97 12:01 A.M. 3. COVERAGE: A. Workers Compensation Insurance: PART ONE of the policy Applies to the Workers Compensation Law of the state listed here: CALIFORNIA B. Employers Liability Insurance: PART TWO of the policy applies to work in each state listed in item 3.A. The limits of our liability under PART TWO are: Bodily Injury by Accident $1,000,000 each accident Bodily Injury by Disease $1,000,000 policy limit Bodily Injury by Disease ;1, 000, 000 each employee C. Other States Insurance: PART THREE of the policy applies to the states, if any, listed here: NONE D. This policy includes these endorsements and schedules: WC 002, 1 K423, 1 K083, WC 105, WC 109, WC 110, WC 116, WC 117 4. PREMIUM: The premium for this policy will be determined_ by our manuals of rules, classifications, rates and rating plans.. All information required below i$ subject to verification and change by audit. SEE CLASSIFICATION AND RATING SCHEDULE Minimum Premium: $750 Premium Adjustment Period: SEMI-ANNUAL Producer HRH INKS SERVICES OF COACHELLA 77-564 COUNTRY CLUB LANE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 PRODUCER # 19890 Issue Date 11/18/96 at SAN DIEGO, CA WC 001 Total Estimated Policy Premium $7,817 Deposit Premium $1,173 Authorized Representative WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY NAMED INSURED ENDORSEMENT IT IS AGREED THIS POLICY IS AMENDED TO READ: 1) THE MONARCH GROUP, INC. 2) ROYAL MAINTENANCE, INC. EMPLOYERS F/RST INSURANCE COMPANY Nothing in -this endorsement contained shall be held to vary, alter, waive or extend any of the terms, conditions, agreements; or limitations of this policy other than as above stated. Nothing elsewhere in this policy shall be held to vary, alter, waive or limit the terms, conditions, agreements or limitations of this endorsement. This endorsement when attached to Policy No. WCN 3022461 issued to THE MONARCH GROUP, INC. shall be valid and shall form part of said policy. The effective date of this endorsement is 05/19/97 at 12:01 A.M. Endorsement No. 14 Date Issued 05/21/97 Producer Number 19890 EMPLOYERS FIRST INSURANCE COMPANY INSURED COPY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OCT .,`"'� da 16 HEALEY & HEALEY "' M ATTORNEYS AT LAW BUILDI�G AjVj) :.JAMES P. HEALEY 74-075 EL PASEO AVENUE, SUITE A-15 , JDENNIS J. HEALEY P.O. DRAWER 3366 PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92261-3366 (619)341-8366 FAX619-341-4967 October 15, 1997 Mr. Tom Hartung Mr. Danny Crawford Building Dept. of La Quinta P.O..Box 1504 La Quinta, California .92253 Re: MGM Lighting, Inc. Dear Messrs. Hartung and Crawford: This office represents Judy Miller, who is the owner of MGM Lighting, Inc. Please be-advised that Michael Miller does not have any affiliation with MGM Lighting, Inc. Enclosed are copies of his resignation as an officer and director of the corporation. If you have any further questions with regard to this, please do ,not'hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, . S J. HE EY djh/bs enclosures cc: Ms. Judy Miller 10/17/97 4 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA GIUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619).777-7101 MGM Lighting Inc. 45-656 Ocotillo Palm Desert, Ca., 92260 Dear Mr. Mike Miller, It has come to the attention of the Building & Safety Department that you have no current Workers Compensation Insurance: A policy submitted by Monarch Group is not an approved alternative for your requirement to provide Workers Compensation Insurance. Contractor's State License Board has .confirmed your requirement to provide Workers Compensation Insurance with no waiver on file for exemption. Please provide current Workers Compensation certification within 7 working days. The Building & Safety Department will revoke Permit 9709-106 if certification is not received by 10/29/97, per UBC 106.4.5, based on incorrect information supplied. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to, contact me, Daniel P. Crawford Jr., at (760) 777-7027. Your immediate attention in this matter is requested. Sincer y, Daniel P. Crawford Jr: Building Inspector I cc: Judy Miller I�MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1504 LA .QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Contractor's State License Board - License De... - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 1 of 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR'S STATE LICENSE BOARD P. O. BOX 26000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95826 PHONE. 1-800-321-2752 * * * DISCLAIMER The license status information shown below represents information taken from the CSLB licensing data base at the time of your inquiry. It will not reflect pending updates which are being reviewed for subsequent data base updating. The available information may not reflect any civil or criminal judgments or actions that have not been reported to the CSLB. If there are disclosable complaints (legal actions) on the contractor's license, that information will be provided. If you intend to pursue any kind of legal action, insure you get a "Verified Certificate" which is a certified license history covering a specific time period prior to taking any action. THE RESULTS OF YOUR INQUIRY FOR CONTRACTOR LICENSE NUMBER 462966 IS: * * * BUSINESS INFORMATION M G M LIGHTING INC P O BOX 13490 PALM DESERT, CA 92265 Entity: Corporation Issue Date: 09/14/1984 Expire Date: 09/30/1998 * * * LICENSE STATUS This license is current and active. * * * CLASSIFICATIONS' C10 ELECTRICAL (GENERAL) * * * CONTRACTOR BONDING INFORMATION * * * This license has bond number 918753 in the amount of $7,500 with the bonding company SURETY COMPANY OF THE PACIFIC. Effective Date: 07/01/1994 * * * WORKERS COMPENSATION INFORMATION This license has workers compensation insurance with the FARMER INSURANCE EXCHANGE Policy Number: A2007537100 Effective Date: 07/01/1995 Expire Date: 09/06/1996 «««END OF DATA FOR LICENSE NUMBER 462966 »»» THIS IS THE END OF YOUR INQUIRY RESPONSE. QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR DATA SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO 1-800-321-2752. Return to License Request - Contractor Name Request - CSLB HOME Page 10/16/97 3:55:51 PM OP "NZA ,�,� .. • A�o, OCT 1 G HEALEY & HEALEY RECD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW BUILDING AN", ... ` { JAMES P. HEALEY 74-075 EL PASEO AVENUE, SUITE A-15 DENNIS J HEALEY P.O. DRAWER 3366 PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92261-3366 (619) 341-8366 FAX 619-341-4967 October 15, 1997 Mr. Tom Hartung - Mr. Danny Crawford Building Dept. of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 ` Re: MGM Lighting, Inc. Dear Messrs. Hartung and Crawford: + This office represents Judy Miller, who is the owner of MGM Lighting, Inc. Please be advised that Michael Miller does not have any affiliation with MGM Lighting, Inc. Enclosed are copies of.his resignation. as an officer and director of the corporation. i If you have any further questions with regard to this, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly, yours, ' 1 ST HE EY djh/bs ienclosures - cc: Ms. Judy Miller r 5l. RESIGNATION OF OFFICER AND DIRECTOR OF CORPORATION TO: MGM LIGHTING, INC. A California Corporation DATE: January 24, 1997 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned hereby resigns as an officer and director of MGM Lighting, Inc. effective 10:00 a.m. January 24, 1997" �)F -- 4MICHAELMILLER. RESIGN2.DOC