A008840 (SFD)FIELD ' x`x"»`,�t"' DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 5A9 8 SAFETYNO.'ITTYPE �I ".COUNTY'OFr RIVERSIDE Additional Information: ' ;,ACTORY BUILT HOUSING MOBILE HOME INSTALLATION t: r wlanufacturer•U ii`51 MH Manu f: ;,? New ❑ Model Designation' p"',, 9�6 Size Relocated ❑ ' U.�lit Serial No. Total Fees $ Plan Approval No. ` rrisig. Serial No. Moving , sewage System Permission is hereby granted to move the structure, described below, in •:YT 1 1 p Totdl•Fees $ p 0 .�. Width Length Heig'}£ GRADING "' Number +. �of #2 :Sections #3 � Cur.'s ' Fllf a;, Total•Fees $ PreWnt Location Community' ' „ ' ` ,County RELOCATION INSPECTION"•, • . ,. ';S4. Destination �`• i r* ,'.. . �;'4. fir, ;Y•' ` Present location Community 'County; r Total Fees - ` $ + N Tota I Fees . $ z ,. ., . y.: Permit No. Job AddresswM, SP # Zip Owner . ` ri'A00884, 0 /l v . ►'" Community. ,. '+ Val do Date %G'U ,,D'St O> P.C. Plan Check ./i�/ $'(�'!� ✓Cj r r}<t'' R�inspectionP Use of ermit Parcel No.. �) '-'Lo't.Slze/ .� . ��y.:>�j�f(,Cr ` Factory- _ Gd Set backs Use Permit tt- (% �� & Bulit Le 1 D cription J t �-� Z, G� /./%�• � � ° . Bond ',� n Grp Type -Unit; ckby• '1 Grading j $ Engineer License. Final Date f/ Znspq�� Env. Assmt. obile home# �S—$`Qrow Requirement.. ' Escrow Company. Branch Relocations ' Address City �• Zip fiatal Fees $ �, t Cash Check MO NC 0 ngr/Ag nt' p f Tel. tRecel e by to Addrresss V4 Y City Zip, ,Related ermitlsl Contractor/Mover 1j Tel. 1 -' workers' comp. Address City '= Zip ,� • yes ❑ no INcertify thot in the performance of the work for which this ermit is This permit shall become void if work is not commenced within 120 f1Us. Cessation of work for 120 dot's;' 'sued I shall not employ any person in any monner so os to bec a sub- shall also cause permit to become void. crt to the workers' compensation lawsb Califor a I hereby agree that all work in connection with this permit will be done in accordance with the lows of a%" R_ t .. S % Riverside County and the State of California. I hereby certify that the individual who prepared the plans and {"; Owner Signature ✓` w specifications has done so in accordance with Section 5541 of; the Business, and Professions Code of the Builder Signature State of Cclifornia. f+,. r. FORM 284.208A 5-77 (E)M ` y�S�,a C, NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS 1 Set Bock 33 Ventilation System 2 Figs & Frms .�- 34 Plenums & Ducts 2A Slab Grade -�-� 35 Furnace Comport. 3 Steel U 36 Inlets & Outlets 4 Grout Blocks 37 Combustion Air 5 Bond Beams 38 Compressor -� 6 Roof Deck I - ? 39 Appl. Clearance 7 Framing 40 Fire Damper 8 Vents 41 Smoke Detention Device 9 Garage Fire Wall 42 Commercial Hood 10 Fireplace P.L. 43 Final loA Fireplace T.O. NON - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -- - -- ---- ------ - - SEWAGE SYSTEM SIZE &LOCATION 1 1 Exterior Loth 12 Internal Loth 12A Drywall 13 Finish Grade INSULATION Thick R Value 7A Wolls (Botts)) 12B Ceiling (Botts) 12C Ceiling (Blown) 14 Final PLUMBING APPROVALS - - - ----------- 15 Ground Plumb 16 Water Piping 17 Rough Plumb 18 Vents 19 Sewage Disposal 20 Sewer 21 Water Heater 22 Water Softener 23 Water Service 24 Gas Test 51-0--610 25 Final Tank Pit L. Line PA REAR OF PROPERTY LINE ELECTRICAL APPROVALS t O d '� P/ ! / 6 26 Power Pole 27 Conduit 28 Service Entrance 29 Wiring 29A Grounding Wire 29B Bonding 30 Fixtures 31 Service 32 Final _ I Ask STREET NAM✓���i`� / 00 ���� DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY OFFICE COPY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TO: PERMIT NO. JOB ADDRESS: DATE COMMUNITY: TIME -,a 7. LEG: AL, N.OTICE . A'� - ' . .. Construction procedure upon this proi . ect is not in,gcc?rdance with. the requirements of Riverside Co6hty Building.Cocle; Ordigance 457 in the following particulars— &,c–;, 42 A% 49 9 49 -4e 9t 9 0z P Received Headquarters Inspector Acknowledgment: Local Office: Hours: 284-180 Date R. C. SMITH Q Build n:g LDor BY General Gilding ln-specto�r ti State ID No. 1621 MR.. Ron Espalim Assistant Building Director County of Riverside Bldg &.Safety 9th floor 4080 "Lemon Ave." Riverside;;. Ca'. 9250`1 State Lic. No. 217944 `re;;Manufaetnred house C� 5.:1.655Avenita..Obregon,•" La ui=..nt, -� Ca Sir; Z, Miles, L. Beadle',.pres. Manor House Inc., was present at the -site when the house was. 'set and can verify that the anchor* bolts were in Glace .as: per -.'.code (6 ,,. foot on center and 1 foot from the`'openncs,l A"s policy we added ram set bolts 'in the 'space -.between,the 6` foot,d. a.cinq This is general, practice where wind :conditions are pr.evailent. .T?^i_s is not required but only good. building. We•hawe 3ust;, about finished= t new erection. manuel for. the Builder or: 'developer. who buys our-:buildinas. In 'this book we -have made :the notation to`.4be ;sure to contact their local Building Official ttj che,cjC:on.when inspections are wanted. W:,also ha e;ve ?made recomendations..as,: t;o the inspection times we Peel that they wi.11,r need. `:''They,,'' as follows; ti 1-. Foundation. and;= slab - (to. include. anchor bolts.) 2. Roof . nail ;Tie down nail:Jf �boxs and j oint connection. 3. Lid' riali'na 4: final As soon as this manuel•is.. finished we will,furnish a copy for your .fil,es: spectfully,'..: f �W }, MilesL Bead e pres. Manor Hobs' a ",Inc. I C LU Z 3 O 0 C Uj We a> Z t - UA O LL J_ < sin m df 0 Z z� za Q W IL APPLICATION FORTREE ,PLANTING I (we), the undersigned, hereCy certify and acknowledge that I (we) have read the application and agree that if trees are required under River- side County Ordinance No. 457, the appplicant agrees to install said trees prior to final inspection. It is understood that no final inspection will be given until said requirements hove•been met or exception has been granted by the County. Now, therefore, it is agreed that the prop- erty owner shall cause the property lines to be surveyed in the event no survey stakes can be found. Further, it is agreed that the County of Riverside shall assume no responsibility should trees have to be removed due to lot line errors. f �/�/ Owner's Name rn R 1� 1�1C�,�`/�/� `� o Building Permit NoY-" Mailing Address i\� Rn CityL..!z�i5 (�'er^,L5state EL`— / Zip J6-710 Job Address �y11%� ���L�� Community Legal Description S 1 LcT 1,p -7-73-1-L3-IL .2) kQ%C -2:. ' Assessor's Map, Book & Page 73 2t, l8 Type Structure mr�< S� NC�LC lZC t}Cjl►�C - Type of Soil ✓�� .Is water available —Road Deptt.. Plot Plan No. Type of existing trees in road right-of-way �"(( � T W & — �� " ;Zo-� Trees preferred by applicant (1) (2) (3) Date 10 1 Ci -7 Owner's Signature Planning Commission Case No. ROAD DEPARTMENT APPROVAL j Approved species Washinetonia robusta (Mexican fan palm) Number of trees 1 Spacing oftrees Distance from lot lines: Front 2' in R/W $ide Additional requirements Per plot plan attached. No street trees will be planted within 10' of driveways. f _/1 Date Building `and Safety notified. 9/79 Signature REQUEST FOR EXCEPTION Reason Request for hearing:, YES ❑ Owner's Signature (attach additional page if necessary) (Forward application to Planning Dept. if exception requested) NO REQUEST FOR HEARING Planning Dept. Concur ❑ Non -concur ❑ Explanation Date Signature Road Dept. Concur ❑ Non -Concur ❑ Date Signature REQUEST FOR HEARING AND COMMITTEE DECISION Dote hearing established Date hearing notice mailed to owner Approved .❑ Disapproved ❑ Date Owner notified of decision Date Building & Safety notified Signature .• �. �� .- ... �', � � � .. - �m tet:._ ly. .� • i.! fit. � 1 � � � + .. y,! 1 �. lit I. r, . y ,. 1. �� !,r •, rJJ I •� 0iaf rtov1 cl{� `� _, �1 2..1919 WG NOTICE: THIS IS NOT A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE DISTRICT. % Permit No /'�y G O 284 199 9/74 CANARY—FILE, PINK—APPLICANT Ate; Owner NCw J ArchitectContractorL-�- Address Address Address_ City Lac, AL!�!O\s!6 Co. City City- Phone5�1$201C, Phone Phone 01W I (we) the undersigned, hereby certify and acknowledge that I (we) have read the application and agree that if Curb and Gutter, and Z Paving, and/or Dedication of right of way is required by the County of Riverside, the Riverside County Department of Building and Safety 3 shall not make a Final Inspection until said requirements have been met. I am also aware that no work is to be done within the County R/W O without an encroachment permit. c. NOW, therefore, it is agreed that I (we) will not occupy said property and will not cause said property to be occupied until I (we) have complied with all laws of the County of Riverside and the State of California governing said property. DATE --J3 SIGNATURE OF OWNER AND/OR AGENT Approval by Signature from the Following Departments Listed Belo Must Be Obtained Prior to the Issuing of a Construction Permit. 1 SPACE N0. USE OF STRUCTURE �i f� ,`/l f �%�? Clif��i� y JOB ADDRESS � — SINGLE FAMILY [:1&0-$UPLEX Z H LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY �� — APARTMENTS � AGRIC. --2-' O . -ZA3 = P/d: �F j H '^ COMMER V1 CIAL E] INDUSTRIAL IL COMMUNITY/�S�t��H=' . ALTERATIONS ❑ �� f`+ Z NO. OF SUBMITTED'PLANS — USE OF PERMIT • us < CASE N0. '�' V� r 0— p Z NO. OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRE NO. OF BUILDINGS NOW EXISTING JZONE — SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE REAR �p Us GRADING PERMIT REQUIRED? - YES ❑ NO ❑ LOT SIZE x ! U Q SETBACK ORDINANCE # 114— OF FEET REQUIRED ON — STREET DATE Q SIGNATURE OF LAND USE OFFICIAL _-- F DEDICATION REQUIRED: YES ❑ NO ❑ NO. OF FEET_— CURB AND GUTTER REQUIRED: YES ❑ NO ❑ STREET oc CAN CURB AND GUTTER FE 'IBLY BE INSTALLED? YES ❑ NO ❑ W HAS AN ACCEPTABLE APPCATION BEEN MADE FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FO DRIVEWAY AND STREET D IMPROVE ME Y NO -1°L DATE SIGNATURE OF ROAD DEPT. OFFICIAL— x SWIMMING POOLS PUBLIC QW SEWAGE DISPOSAL _ FOOD ESTABLISHMENT 1 WATER POLLUTION REMARKS �► FLOOD CONTROL— zAIR POLLUTION DIV OF HWY c YOUR PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO a _ d a c - FLOOD. RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSUMES -NO RESPONSIBILITY IN EVENT OF FLOOD. 284 199 9/74 CANARY—FILE, PINK—APPLICANT Ilk r x IkIYERSIDE COUNTY DEPARTMENTHEALTH DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Sew;ge,D isposaFood Establishment lop GlS,tink Trailer Park Sf, Leach Line•Motel, Apt., Hotel �r Seepage Pit' ___.,;,/,Dfirelling Connection to Sewer. Commercial Building Swimming Pool ✓ater softening dcv:ces may be discharged into the individual sewage disposal No on-site regenerating w �ystem herewith approved wi7;�cut clearance fro t re W cr Quality Control Board. Water supply serv.r�g this Instaliation n-ust be f:jm an approved s�urCe. ---All sewage disposal installation must conform w�:h requirements of current Uniform Plumbing Code. Any cutting, grading, or filling in excess of f_ur (4) feet will nullify sewage disposal approval. Regi Water Quality Control Board for installation of the sew - Approval has been obtained from the age disposal system. This is to certify that the Riverside County Department of Public Health approves for occupancy, construction or installation the item(s) gqchecked above. 11zB–^� — Date— �– y 0 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING:AND SAFETY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE NOTICE"TO APPLICANT .r In conformity with the.provisions-of State of'California Labor Code Section 3800, the applicant.shall have on file or file with the Riyerside County Department of Building and .Safety a certif.icate'as designated in Items I or II below, or shall indica;te_T,tem III; IV or V, whichever is applicable. CERTIFICATE OF..APPLICANT Please mark the appropriate block: F-1 V. I certify as the owner (or the agent of the owner) that in the,performance of the work for which this permit is issued I have engaged contractor. (Coritra'etbr must have on .file, or submit certificate required'by I or II above.) Applicant's Signature Date aag ,)-i Permit No. Address ane location where work is -to be.performed 51 Cn75 �,e �t`� C�In 284-141 Rev. 6/77 V I. Certificate of Consent to self -insure issued:by the Director of Industrial Relations. a Copy on file ;Copy submitted II. Certificate.of Workers' Compensation Insurance issued by an admitted insurer. Copy on file Copy submitted ' III. -The cost of the work to�be performed^'is $100 or less. IV. I certify that in the performance of'the:.wdrk for which this permit is issued, I,shall not.employ any person in any manner so as -to become subject to the Workers' Compensation laws of'California. I further certify that, in the eventI become subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the. Labor Code that I will comply forthwith with the provisions of'Labor.Code Section 3700, et seq., and understand that, if I do not comply, the permit shall be deemed revoked. F-1 V. I certify as the owner (or the agent of the owner) that in the,performance of the work for which this permit is issued I have engaged contractor. (Coritra'etbr must have on .file, or submit certificate required'by I or II above.) Applicant's Signature Date aag ,)-i Permit No. Address ane location where work is -to be.performed 51 Cn75 �,e �t`� C�In 284-141 Rev. 6/77 V 0.