00016144 (CRES)RVOATMI, "ANNIE M OBREGON 74`� M3y�€ly I7y� IYiAAVE EyCO`J1TEIZIP CA 922530000 8YI31�iG, RESSISPACE Jai1E^, �`1B"R GO N ATE !a✓,C` FA. 47922530000 ACOM1JpA�.`1A1.1kTX b`' AIZIP ILA 22530000 3 lit 4 F5 �F TWN 0 0110 0 0 S altfb 0 0 0 Inc? I MDr 1 SB be used as property i0'lCVAMl"INI w,, 8•lLK-36, LOTS 1&2 R G:.�RVffi( ., mI) ANNIE M PHONE N CONTRACTOR -FIRM NAME,f LICNC N ADDRESS CITYICOM MUNITYISTATEIZIP z PHONE N Y FINAL DATE ARC/ENG FIRM NAME LICNC N ADDRESS CITYICOMMUNITYISTATEIZIP PLAN N PLANS EXAMINER APPROVE DATE 410T'70MMED CARPORT W/ELEC`E E!7 DWL.0 U1 R VN 0FI;J 1 0 JSEIr 0 V5 01st) I Fee (if applicable) fFND rEE t a ZONE ORD N No of Units t* 5 LOT SZ CAX CK END 0 0 ODO F gPpLL yRMT, "i r� X'�U. 17 7 .S F:/TC�� lJ i3 �, CflWlYt'RUCJ10 NA.. F E E. A. 2_6 5.01 ELECTRICAL FEE - C R M I T z` ADE? R/C T=EE ADD $25.02 •s TOAL PERMIT COST 18 $71-63 8M1 FEE $0.16 (NOTES Not to be used as property valuation) f Fee Group F mate Valuation Y 320 M-1 V-�14 480 $4.90 *235`2 Construction fee based on Total Actual. Valuation of $23"52 is: $38,50 j `ELECTRICAL. FEE COMPUTATIONS * Permit Fee (if applicable) rEE t TOTAL FEE No of Units t* 5 1 CAX CK NC I COUNTER 8.1. COUNTER L.U.T. S T R U C 'E' IJ R AL t BUILDING ) P C R M I T z` TOAL PERMIT COST 18 $71-63 CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE (NOTES Not to be used as property valuation) Description PRIMARY CRPRT Fee Group Typa q Ft mate Valuation 320 M-1 V-�14 480 $4.90 *235`2 Construction fee based on Total Actual. Valuation of $23"52 is: $38,50 j `ELECTRICAL. FEE COMPUTATIONS * Permit Fee (if applicable) rEE t $3.00 No of Units t* 5 Service Volts 0 FEE. $5.00 .SMI FEE" $0.16 ADI) P/C FEE $25.02 M FORM 284208)11.81) INSPECTOR NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR •' VILDING APPROVALS IMECHANICAL AVPROVALS 1 Set Bock / 33 Ventilation System 2 Ftgs 6 Frms 34 Plenums 8 Ducts 2A Slab Grade _ 35 Furnace Comport. 3 Steel 36 Inlets 8 Outlets 4 Grout Blocks 37 Combustion Air 5 Bond Beams 38 Compressor 6 Roof Deck 39 Appl. Clearance 7 Framing 40 Fire Damper 8 Vents 41 Smoke Detection Device 9 Garage Fire Wall 42 Commercial Hood 10 Fireplace P. L. 43 Final IDA Fireplace T.O. ❑ NO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEWAGE SYSTEM SIZE & LOCATION 11 Exterior hath - 12 Internal Lath 12A Drywall 13 Finish Grade INSULATION Thick R Value 7A Walls (Botts) 12B Ceiling (Botts) 12C Ceiling (Blown) 14 1 Final PLUMBING APPROVALS 15 Ground Plumb 16 Water Piping 17 Rough Plumb 18 Vents 19 Sewage Disposal 20 Sewer 21 Water Heater 22 Water Softener 23 Water Service 24 Gas Test 25 Final Tank Pit L.Line REAR OF PROPERTY LINE P/L P/ a 111 ELECTRICAL APPROVALS 26 Power Pole 27 Conduit 28 Service Entrance 29 Wiring 29A Grounding Wire 298 Bonding 30 Fixtures 31 Service 32 Final STREET NAME ' r 0 oG 9,���OpP OL AFI', Alt)Ir 0ko �.oxdo, o ago 10 ...• t' :gip"'-' � ?` � � I � R i FOLLOW UP INFORMANT'S NAME ADDRESS VIOLATOR'S NAME ADDRESS VIOLATION DISTRICT n 284.210, REV. 2/71 O FILE NO DATE — ENERG'i CONSERVATION ,STr1NDARDS ,FOR R£SIDFaNTIAL BUILDINGS AUTHORITY • : STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENERGY DESIGN tiLANUAL, CALIFORNIA ADMINIStUTIVE'.CODE,. TITLE�24,, PART 6',. ARTICLE 1, T20-1401,, (a),(2). �J - y Items circled below must be. completed1befoge�a_building,permit can be issued. 1. Show on the floor planes) ths-oec ri cation, A'type rand.. thickness of insulation installed. on supply and return Air 4ucts ard�'plenuzi �6f .heating And -cooling `system. (Ref. T20-1404, (d) ) 2. Show on. the floor plans the locat &in -df exhaust fack draft. ace- systems'' w th b.dampers. ; «� (T20.;1403 (.4) (d)' (.2) Sec 4.4.2) .. 3. Show on. the,. floor plans. the..type andTocations of ,weatherstripping for all swinging.doorsand windows exposed�,o ambient conditions or. unconditioned areas. .. ; :(T20-1403, (4) (d) (l )..Sec 4.4.1) 4. Show ou the 'floor plans. the - space heating appliance(s) location, make, complete model number and output (bonnet)',c2caci-ty'a.B.T.U';s per hour: w (T20-1401(8),(2),. Chap t. 7) (T20 -1404,(c) 5. Show .on the floor 'plans' the tlpe 'o ` fuel to be -used to fuel each :appliance; natural gas,, propane, butane, wooer etch; Note_ if. electric, show voltage . amperage and'wattage. (T20-1401 (8),(2) 6. Specify om plans. if blown or pouredr,type insulation will Abe used. in attic spaces. a CT20-1403,(2) c.) 7. Provide manufacturers/suppliers data, sheet' specifying :the coefficient of perform- ance for the, central •aitconditioning heat.pump.: Show location,. make and. model number on floor ,plan'.. sheet'T70=14Q5, (d) , (1) , (2) 8. Provide manufacturer s/,Suppli.ers -data sheet specifying thermal and/or combustion efficiency of water heater(s). Show location/-make.and model number on floor place. sheet.. T20 -1406(a) 9. P:rovide..manufacturers/suppliers data,ipheet specifying certification by the California Energy Commission for gas .fi:red,.'household cooking appliances.. Show location, make. and model number on f loor'plan. sheet- 720-1405,(i) 10. Provide.manufacturers/suppliers., data sheet: specifying certificatioa:by the Californa..Energy Commission for shower; heads,. lavatory faucets and sink faucets. Show -location,. -make, and model number on: floor plan. sheet. T20 -1406,(f) 11.- Provi'de_.manufacturers/suppliers data sheet,. sp_e_if7ing. the energy efficiency ratio for -the central air conditioner: Show location, make and model number on.floor plan sheet.. T20 -1405,(a) 12._ Show on the floor plans the specification, type and thickness of insulation for recirculating hot-water piping, in unheated'spaces. T20 -1406(d) Sec. 13. Provide second copy of floor .plan,.'(one' copy for each set of plans) for documen- tation of energy data. 284_136 y 16 (DIk a t� / Ir �" All /4% N0 r � Po AJ Hou L- fv y