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78-495 CALLE TAM PAC VOICE (760) 777-7125 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7011 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING;PERMIT Application Number: BSOL2016-QO80 Owner: —: Property Address: 52945 AVENIDA OBREGON ERICA BECK APN: 773314023 P 0 80X•1043 C' Application Description: BECK / 8.8kW PV SYSTEM - (34).260W PANELS/(1) INVERTER LA QUINTA, CA 92253 On Property Zoning: Application Valuation: $19,448.00 C O QP1 c7) Applicant: Contractor: VIVINT SOLAR DEVELOPER LLC VIVINT SOLAR DEVELOPER LLC za 3301 N THANKSGIVING WAY 3301 N THANKSGIVING WAY STE 500 STE 500 LEHI, UT 84043 LEHI, UT 84043 .(855)877-2974 LIC. No.: 973756 LICENSED. CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under. provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class- C46. C10 License No.: 973756 Date: -1 Contracto �A OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a.permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file.a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (__j I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and. the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and.Professions Code: The Contractors' State license Law does not apply to an owner of property who. builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (� I am exempt under Sec. . B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations .,I:have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensa on; as provided for -by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of he,w rk for which this permit is issued. ( ll'have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Myworkers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier: Policy Number:- I certify that in the. performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of.California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. ► /% /"7/� Dat V Applicantvc�'WW/ / WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES'AS'PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions setforth on' this application. 1:: Eaeh'person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request:and for whose benefit,work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner; and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify,and hold harmless -the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related_ to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to.comply with all city, and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above-me�nti��/ rty for inspection purposes. DatA"AV7 e :frl G Signature (Applicant or Agent):! ( V Description: BECK / 8.8kW PV SYSTEM - (34) 260W PANELS/(1) INVERTER Type: SOLAR Subtype: Status: APPROVED Applied: 4/6/2016 TSA Approved: 4/14/2016 AOR Parcel No: 773314023 Site Address: 52945 AVENIDA OBREGON LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: SANTA CARMELITA VALE LA QUINTA Block: 172 Lot: 10 Issued: UNIT 17 STAFF NAME Lot Scl Ft: 0 Building Scl Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $19,448.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: 8.811 SOLAR. ARRAY - (34) 260W YINGLI PANELS+P300 SOLAREDGE OPTIMIZERS W/(1) SOLAREDGE SE760OA-US-R AFCI INVERTER (612SF] 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE. Applied to Approved `. „ Ann ITmNAi ITPA Printed: Monday, April 18, 2016 3:37:51 PM 1 of 2 srsrrMs CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME . ` xCOMPLETIONcDATE r='ACTION'DATE E-MAIL AJ ORTEGA 4/14/2016 4/14/2016 EMAILED APPLICANT THAT PLANS ARE APPROVED AND READY TO ISSUE. NOTE TOMMI SANCHEZ 4/6/2016 4/6/2016 PLACED PLAN CHECK ITEM IN FILE CABINET FOR FURTHER PROCESSING. CONDITIONS CO NTACTS NAME T1fPE ADDRESSi: CITY STATEz `ZIP " P,HONE " FAX -' EMAIL F X s APPLICANT VIVINT SOLAR DEVELOPER LLC 3301 N THANKSGIVING LEHI UT 84043 businesslicensing@vivi WAY nsolar.com CONTRACTOR VIVINT SOLAR DEVELOPER LLC 3301 N THANKSGIVING LEHI UT 84043 businesslicensing@vivi WAY nsolar.com OWNER ERICA BECK P 0 BOX 1043 LA QUINTA CA 92253 . Printed: Monday, April 18, 2016 3:37:51 PM 1 of 2 srsrrMs .. . ...... ... FINANCIAL INFORMATION �PAID -DESCRIPTION'. z"ACCO cm NT% PAID, DATE RECEIPT`4:� ,'CHECK4.'. 14MET 0D.. !"V B BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $1.00 4/18/16 R14850 181S CHECK VIVINT SOLAR SKH DEVELOPER LLC Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $1.00 $1.00 BSA: PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $24.17 4/18/16 R148SO 181S CHECK VIVINT SOLAR SKH FIRST 20 DEVELOPER LLC PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $24.17 4/18/16 R14850 181S CHECK VIVINT SOLAR SKH FIRST 20 PC DEVELOPER LLC Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $48.34 $48.34 VIVINT SOLAR PERMIT 1 SSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.8s $91.85 4/18/16 R148SO 1815 CHECK SKH DEVELOPER LLC .. ... ..... Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: . ..... WIALS""'' sgi.8s $10,'19 $9'1.8s ._$i4l.19 PARENT PROJECTS Printed: Monday, April 18, 2016 3:37:51 PM 2 of 2 CRW"YSTEMS Bin. # i. " C[ty of Lia.Qu[n�a Bulldin1504g 8L Safety Dtvrsron P O Box ;f78-495 Calle 7ampit10 Q (� la Quetta, CA 92253 ;(760) 77770f2 Building Permit App(rcatron and' Tracking Sheet Peretti # ��OI A(Wress: 4'5— . ✓ ek k. Ob r "C'. ` Ownea's Iseme: , \ etkProject A. P. Number. cld •: Legal Description: City, ST,'Zip: I„a C3 ( Contractor. I J I V ✓-: � ✓. L� :b. TelgpEione:,'%(Q.O� 11 _ S� s ProjecE Description cI%f1S fi ct ' Address: 3. J K City, ST, Zip: -t /� I C p ,)q f Telephone: (] — —lQ State Lic. # : Arch., Engr., Designer APR 0-9 2MG• Address: City., ST, Zip: CIT VF�LA.QUINYA,;.. Telephone:Construction State Lia #: ; • Type '-' ' c Project type (circle one):• New Adl�n Alter Repair Demo Sq, Ft.• # Stories• J #'Unite• Name of Contact Person: J q ^ Telephone # of Contact Person: Value of Project .• . �'i APPLICANT: DO NOT ;WRITE3ELQW THIS UNE g Submittal Re9'a: 'Reed, '. s TRACICnVG f "PERMIT FEES" Plan Sete PIari Check submitted' `` : Item Amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed, ready, for correctloas Plan Check Deposit. . Truss Cates. CaUed.ContQct Person' + V"4 Plan Checfc Balance _ Title 24 Cates. Plans picked up ConstracBon Flood plain planPlans resubmitted.' r '. Mechanical Grading plan 2fd Review, readyfor correcfio' ta EleCdieal w SobcontaetorList Cailed Contact Person ' `Plumbing • Grant Deed Plena picked up S.M I, HOA Approval Plaoe,resabmitted Grading IN HOUSE., '"' Review; ready for correctioos/issae Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval" Called Contact Person; Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit Issue Seleool Fees r " Total; Permit Fees c viviritsblar Structural ,dr'O'ul Scott E. Wyssiing,"PE' Senior Manager of Epgineen'qg. Mr. Dan Rock, Project.Managet Vivint Solar 3301 North Thanksgiving WAAY Lehi, UT 84043 P. 3301 North Thanksgiving Way, Suite 5.00 Lehi, UT 84043 P: (801) 234-7050 P Re: �Sefvides j on, La Quinta CA 884AW Dear Mr. Rock: Pursuant tour reque-st,� a owing ififormation-��gaeding-so YC lar. pAnJel installation on the roof of the above referenced.hom 1. Site Visit/VerificAtion Form.., "Prepared, by -a. Vivint' Solagirepres6tAve. ido.n.tifying specific site - f V�, . �:*,- I! ., -I. - i", .", . 0 identifying information including;size-andsp�q!ng 0. m,eTbers fp'r',th" -structure., 2. Design.drawi.ngs of the proposed' system. ihcl6di,hg,,q" sitela'n',.!.qIpV plan and.. connection details for 'G the,,. solar.,. panels. This inform ati6n, .wap.:,:prep4Fed 6 esign roup,qrJ .,Y e �D'Oj. I I wi b utilized for approval and construction- of the: proposed system* 3. Photovoltaic Rooftop Solar System Permit Submittal'identifying design, parameters: for the solar syit*em.. 4. Photographs of the interior and exterior of the roof system.. identifying' existing structural members and their' -conditions. Based on the above information we have evaluated the structural cap''ac,ity'ofthe existing roof system to support the additional loads imposed ythe,sblar panels.ana have thef Ilowing comment gelated our review evaluation: Description of Residence: The' existing residence is, typical wood f ram ing construction With the roof syste6consisiing ' of the following: • Roof Sections (1, 2; and A: Prefabtibatied'truss ,lwith ',.all ,chords constructed of 2k4 dimensional lumber at. 24" -on center.- The attic space.As:un idished"..-and.,p otbt 16dicat6Jl4at.,66�e was C; s free access to visually inspe:4 t h�'e size and condition ---;of All wood material utilized, for the roof system is assurned, to be,I.Douglas-Fir,#2 or better with'standard construction components. The existing- roofing material consists of composite shingle. Stability Evaluation: . A. Wind Uplift Loading 1. Calculations...foe-,uplift are based on ASCE/SEI. 7-1,0`MAnihi6m Dkign Lbads-for Buildings and other '3 mph based on Exposure ategory, an Structures, a wind speed of 1 0 C C d 13 degree roof slopes on the dwelling areas? 2. Total area' subject to wind uplift is - calculated for the Interior, _ E . d , ge.,,,And Corner, Zones of the dwelling. Vivi n . tsolar Page 2. of 2 B.. Loading Criteria 10 PSF = Dead Load ' jr6of ing/f ram ing) 20.--PSF= Live, Load (arbu nd snow load) 3 PSF = Dead Load ('solar pan els/mounting'hardware) TotalDead'LoO = 13 PSF The' above .values are within, acceptable. limits, of recogni . zed "ihddsiry. sian&idsl:i8e,� similar structures and in accordance with t�e.2dil3-C'a'liibind,B6iiding Code Analysis' performed rformod .6n1h6jexisting roof 'structure. utilizing the sting -mem ers,wi pp above loading criteria indicates that the 'e"ii b additional p eA .1ti loading Without damage, if installed correctly. �ane C. Roof Structure:CapaciW 1. The.phofographs provided of the, atk;space'and i66f,raftetsshowlh6t the.framing is in.good condition With no visible signs o-fdamAgb.caUsed bypno�.:overstressing,. D. Solar Panel Anchorage d irdairide.,whK th'e',`m'6s't'.r t 1. the solar,oanel§ shall'bo mQunte Jn;accc ecen 4"E66FIsten: Solar Installation p., Manuol;'which cah.be-founcldh the ".:Ed"6'F-'.a"gt"6'rif'S0-'I.a�L"'Wi'a'.b§i'te'-"'('�W"4ec'6ii-§tdns6ia[r.co"m). lfddring solar panel ' ' ' .p"o'unstable h6n-uniformly, , our office should b,notifibd,befbeeproceeding �ii4 the Instillatidn. 2. The solar -panels, are 1 Yz thick. and !mounted , 4'.1/27'off the roof,for'4total . height o6lhe existing roof' of 6". At no time will.the:panels be mounted higlier than :6!':ab6V6,th e. Okisting. planwof.. the roof. roof, -i�lbrkgih6 roof the -size, �Cof6tion of thei; 3. Roof.Sectibns (1, 2, and 3): Cons slopes, q.-p'jze, sp at an the panel �s6ppcifts shall 6e pla 6 d attached."A t' than every third member a's grea.pi panels are installed perpb6dicuir,:*acrossmembe"Irs' ta"n"cl'tno' greater, thah -the . Oah6l length when installed parallieljo t6e�-mem6i�,i 06rtr . No panel �•iu , p p o" itts spacing shall a I be greater than three (3) spates or 72" o/c, which6eriisless. 4. Panel 'SlOppoft connections -shall ft sta gered'f6distribute load to adjacdmembers. Based on the above evaluation; With appropriate, panel, andhorgbeing ..6tilized.th6��'.roof systern -will adequately support :the additional 1:6ading, imposed ..by'the solar panels This evalu6t'i 6'n . i6,Jf- riton ormance with the 2013 California Building Code, current industry-itandards'and practices; land"t"he". information supplied polied to us at the time of this report. Should 'you have any.'questions regarding he above or,if.you require f urthde.- inform 6tion do not hesitate to contact me. Olon IP.-WarcT, S=— CA License No. S5632 vi Int. so a r vivint solar 3301 North Thanksgiving Way, Suite 500 Structural Group Lehi; UT 8aoa3 P: (80.1) 234-7050 Scott E. Wyssling, Pf. Head:of.structural Engineering Structural :aAna'IySIs, Report Scott wyss'lirig@vivintsolar,com Project'Address Martin -beck Residence Date: April 6, 2016 i 52945 Avenida Obregon La Quinta; CA Residence Roof Area 3000 ftz Upper Floor Area 0 ftz Lower floor °Area 2500 ftz Number of Stones 1 Type of Construction Wood -Framed with Rated shear paneas Mean Roof height '16''t Upper Floor height. 0 ft r Lower Floor height loft ROC .10iyq�, , t Location Parameters Latitude 33.841 Longitude m. Site Class D. Risk Category II ,rr EXF S� rRUC7V�P\P. ' q�OFCfi�1F�� Seismic Parameters Ss = 1.50 g. 0 2sec Spectral Response. Acceleration S, 0:55'g 1 0 .sec Spectral Response Acceleration Fa = 1.0 Site Ooefficient from ASCE 7 10 :Table 11.4-1 F„ = 1.5, Site .Coefficient from ASCE 7 10 Table 11.4-2 Sos = 1.,00 g Shoitq Penod`,Design Spectral Acceleration .: Spi - .Q ;55, -g 1 Second Pernod ,Design'Spectral°Acceleration Wind Parameters 1. Wind.Speed 130 mph Exposure Category. C Roof Angle; 0' 13.0,deg Product Information 'Manufacturer Yingli.Solar No. 6f Panels 34 Weight '3.00 psf including mounting system Installed Area 597•:72 ft' No. of Connectors 45 2012 IBC / 2013 CBC Section 34014 states:; "Any existing lateral load-carrying'structural element whose'demand'-capacity ratio with. the.addition considered more. than 10 percent --greater than its demand -capacity rated with the additoin ignored `'shall be permitted to rem unaltered." Sheet 1 ofi5 vivints s ® a r Total New Gravity Loads increase:by less than.:5%. OK ivi Sheet 2of 5 t. solar GraIty„Ends Existing, Structurals Elements�CarrymgG�avity;Load 2013 California.BuildmgCode`-Section 340.4:3” Existing ' Roof Dead:Load•: ,. 4 p"sf. Composite Shingle 2 0sf , ' 3/4" Plywood Sheathing 0.75 p'sf". Y RoofFraming @924" o c : . 2 Of . Ceilin, g, M" haifiibal; Electrical 1.25 ;psf . Miscellaneous' -10 psf; TOTAL Floor, Dead Load 7.5 psf Floor,Fmishes. , ,.3 'psf 114' Subflooe'Sheathing`' 3.4 psf Joists @ 16' o C. 15,.p Partitions 3;6 psf . Ceiling, Mecharncal, Electrical below . Miscellaneous M:..p'sf : TOTAL' Roof Live'or Snow'load 20 psf... Floor.Live Load 40 ;psf . 'Reducible Additional Roof Dead Load 3 psf Yindli -Solar Roof Live Load with Solar Panels- 0 psf Total Total' Existing• Roof -,Load _ (DLRooF'+'(RooF or, S),:i4;reaR 0' IBC 2012 EQ 16-10 = 90000 lbs Total New Roof Load = (DLR) AreaR+ (DLADb) AfeaAop + (LR or S) (AreaR - AreaADo) = 91793 lbs ; Change, in: Demand =' (Total -New Roof LoadExisting: Roof Load) /Existing Roof Load 1.99.% Total New Gravity Loads increase:by less than.:5%. OK ivi Sheet 2of 5 t. solar -'Base Siieijrbticttwions I 2011C-B�G.*34 .4 2-6ii-JAC Site Cfass'= D Risk Cate IV Category SDS -00 SDI .=. 0.55 Lateral force resisting system: Wood'-Fram6dvith Rated,`shdAr'panels R,, = 6 1/2 from ASCE 0,rable. 121- b I= 1.0 h= 15.0 ft Mean-Ro6f Height::: C, = 0.02 fibrii ASCE 7-10-ITAwe*12 8,--2 x = 0.75 from ASCE, 7-1 G." Tahtel 21;2- t T,,=Chnx= 0.151 sec Appr&iiiiate Punditmeniiii: Periodi'A- 746, Equation 118-7 p ffiae isg%f bui iding - 'i 'I" ' " WbUIT1146 11�166kiii A " pprox WNEw—' 1.16.79 kip Awokiffiaie'`nassbf buildink,afd' solar pafteils. "S6s.x'j Base Shear W:= 1.5,4'x W ASCE 7 i'Ti 12.8-2. SDI xj. Max.Base Shear = T x R W A5 x W ASCE!,7--;,IO.* EduAtidn'l 2.8-3 Shear V644�, ;ASCE T; Equaii6nil 18-5 Min, Base She r .044'SD, N 0! 0.01). x w ib yV C.S., '10:154 Vertical D'str>ibuhon of Seismic; Forces 2012 IBC / 2013 CBC `340314 -k = 1.00.. Structural Period Exponent from ASCE 7-10 Section 12:8.3' Existing V = 17.69 kip ; Level Wei lit g Story:. Height,`h= k hi (ft) H b`ik wi hi k Diaphragm Force Story Force •(kip) . . (ft) i� '` E(wi h;) (A) Roof. 30.00 B- 25 : 750 -0,469, F8.29 8.29 . Upper 0.00 0 �:. . 1'0 0 :0:000. 0.00 8.29 Lower.,, : 85.00' 10 10 850 ; ;. 531 ...; 9.40 17:69 E. 115.66, 28' 1600 ;: ; 1, 000 - . z1'7.69. New V = 17.97" kip: Level Weight Story' Height, h= k : hi (ft) , • . wi hik wi hi ,k. Diaphragm Force Sto ry. Force (kip),; (ft) (`wi hi':) . (wP) (1ciD) Roof 31.79 1.5 .25, .. 795 0°483' 8.68 8:68' Upper 0;00 0 10 _'O. 0.000 .0 .00 8.68 Lower 85':60 '10:. 10 .. <.,; ',. •850 0 517•; 9.29 17.97 11'6:79• 25645 ;T1.000.::..' 17.9.7 Demand Increases Level Diaphrag Story , in. Force ' Force (kip): Roof 4.70% . 4:.70%-' INCREASAE IS LESS THAN :10% _ .OK Lipper Lower -1.21% 1.56%NET DIE ASEIN SEISMIC�LOAD - OK.. Sheet 4 6f,5 v'e'nt® solar Whi Uplift Simplfed Procedure for`Componenets,and Cladding, ASCE 7-10,'. a tion 30;5'`' V= 130 Basic Wind Speed Exposure C ASCE 74'0,.Se6tion 26.7 ' = 1.21 Adjustment factor for building height;'ASCE 7-10,-Figure 30.5-1 K. = 1 Topographic.Faetor ASCE 7-10„Section 26.81 Roof Zone 2As shown in ASCE 7-10, Figure 30.5-1 , Roof 0 = 13 deg . Apan_ 597.72 ft� Aa;b = 13.28, ft .' Panel Area tributary to each roof anchor ' Pvet3o = 38 psf Net Wind Design`Pressure,. ASCE.7,1,0,. Figure`;30.5-1 �. Pnet = �, c .00 = 46 psf Design Wind..Uplif . Pressure,• ASCE 710, Equation 30.5-1 pnet = 16 psf Minimum Design Wind Eressure, AS.CE,7-10, gection 30.2.2 Use 46 psf. Connection to Existing Roof Framing, F.S. = 1 Additional Factor of'Safety,-applied to writhdi'awl'=force, if desired Aa;b = '13.28 ft' DLp�ei = 3.00 psf Wwiin = '46 psf Pigg = F.S. x A,,;b'x (0.61- 0.6W) _ . -342.5 lbs Withdrawl force for each roof anchor Connection Capacity db = 5/.16' in Lag 'Screw. diameter DPM = 2.50 in Lag S,c'rew�penetration mto,existing framing member-,, Douglas Fir-Larch Species`of wood framing Co = 16 Load Duration.Factor for Wind Loading, NDS Table 2.3.2 Ct = 0.7 Temperature Fa f! Table 10.3:4 W = 266 lb/in Withdiawl Capacity, NDS Equation 11.2-'1 W'= CD x C,- x W = 298 jbhn Adjusied withdrawt value: P August 6, 2014 Mounti.ng,$ystcms, Inc. 820 Riverside Pkwy Sammento,California 95666 TEL: (855):731-9996 FAX: (9i6)287-2269, Attn.- Mounting Systems, Inc. - EngineeringDepartmeriV Re: Engineering Certification f6khe Mou6ting`Systqr6s;13/- it I Inc.I _52-Ri!Alvha+-Karl PZSE, Inc. -Structural Fpgineers1as reviewed Mdun_tin&,`-Syst6rns; charts,.rail allowable. uplift wind fbrcq:arid,perfo,r;med111rai'i component capacity'check inc u M&L'f6ot,bidekd�; erid clAmp.and mid=clamp. All information; data ,"d'.--anii-�si's"contained tdrris,jnc.. rai"f. span cfi arts.are based on, and comply. 'with" N16'Wntinstems,'Inc ' S -VD and';'the fbfollowing;. s p, a%PPgtneiqrJqg,;q echhica codes: 1. Minimum Design Loads'for-Buildmgs"And other stqldtaits, A SCE/SiEJ 740 2. 2012 Intem.ation'ai:13uiidini�Codi!, by;[nternational Code Council, Inc -Califbm`ia`.QUi inlg,d 3. 2613 e-,,byCalifomiaB6ildfiii',StAndirds,Cbtfiffii§ilbh. 4. 2010 Aluminum Design Manual; ,by-Thic.Altim'ihum;tkss6ciati"Oii- ' 5. AC428.,,Accept4hce.,.C�-ri.fetri..toi;;'M-'O-�ul,-,a,r,Fr-'a-,m:thgSystems p6rtThotov6ltaic (PV) Panels, November 1, 2012 by ICC7ES .Following are typical specific'-atio:;ns'-f,or.thc connections to ffiee'Vth bove'code requirements: Attachment Spacing: Mounting'systoms, lnq.'strongly, 'recommends; a-maiimum span of 8 feet, but In J.. any. case, not to exceed. indicated on the charts. Cantilever: ."..Maximum cantilever length is the span noted in the: Span- Chart Tables Clearance: to 10', clear. from tot), of 'roof to bottdm! of PV panel Roof Connection: Standihg.SeAm Roof - 1.AS6624 cla*Mp of Alpine ghoWduard With 3/8" stainless steel:socket set screws. 2. Corrugated Bracket,6f.Ec*'o'Pasteri"Spldtwith #12k,I*Y2" roofing screws. 8150 Sierra College Boulevard, Suite *150 -Roseville, CA 95661, 0-916.9611.13960,P 916;961.3965 e www.pzse.coril 1 of. 2 i Composition Shingle: Roof " 1. �GreenFaste.GFI, of Eco -Nmeri S61ar(UER=02 T6)?with 5/46". lig Tile,Roof 1. Tile' Flashing System of EcoFasten._Solar•.with 5/16" hex head lag screw.. - .. t. y Corrugated Metaf,Roof:-E 1. CorruSli&e System of EcoFasten Solar with` 1/4" ;14x 18" blazer Flange VRT screws. This letter is to certify .the mounting structures?,and roof attachment`to the existing, structural members. The requrements,ofthe overall structure°need to be in compliance If you have any questions on the, above; do not' hesitateto call:; Sincerely, , i QRpfESSiph r O �gt3ETHAD .. m W k A Paul.Zacher, SE - President a * No 3,-7 *. . I 6150 Sierra College Boulevdrd, Suite 150 Roseville (A 95661 <9T6.96 -1.39601P 916:961.3965 VAMPM10111 16.0% MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY 25 YEAR LINEAR POWER:WARRAN, " 0-3% POWER TOLERANCE d 'line;",the'YGE60 CeI1*.Senes,'is ideal fora broad proven to perform in tens of thousands of projects �esidential.and coinmeirial rooftops to ground- . � i• ,� �` Yingh i; one of the world s largest solar module manufacturers wRh over 10 GW de{PbYed woildvnde and Ying6 modules are Uusied by leading energy providers and i •��' " ' financial msrihitions in more than 85,0()0 projeita in thP!AmPncas. More Energy Per Watt � '`� � �, �Yinglr modrilesxdelrversupenor power output m a vanety;of temperature and:rrrediarice I conditions aril selkleanmg anti -reflective coated glass reduces sorting to help mawmize power output. Performance rs backed by our 25Syeor linear warranty. Designed to Outlast fTested,to the industry's most ngorous durability st ndards,•Yingli modules are PID - F f. resistant in conformance with IEC 62804 (draft). To, ensure. reliableperformance, Yingli i uses quality oomponents'su. as DuPontT"' Tedlar®PVF film based baclaheets. Best In-ClassTechnical Support Yingli r'localf based engineering team is trained m system design and operations to . provide field support and value added after sales services n icluding commissioning Kit w andfield-testingsupport: Obr. PV Testing lab in California provides a resource for evaluating technical inqumes. r Warranty Information Tenyearaimrted product`warranty Industrydeading 25 -year pe`rfonnance warranty adds:;value- by guaranteeing power output on en:annual•Iiasis, in compliance with our warranty•terrils•arid conditions , Performance Modeling For those interested in obtaining module performance modeling files for system energy yield simulation„please con6 -Yingli'ai simulatiori®yingliamericas.com. ' Qualifications & Certificates UL 1703 and UL 1703, CEC,.FSEC,150 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, BS OHSAS-18001:2007, SAW00 . '/ r W111p�11P L w u� c W �„ Y 19- :ON6IBNOTifOW Y I N G L I S O L A R .COM Irwoio AJECOMoahra Will m nabww+ Powered by YINGLI 4SP.296 YL24OP-M 245 240 15.1 14.8 YG- :CELL 29.3 826 SERI6-'0%-ES 373 wee ' 373 wsu ELE..CTRI.CAL PER;FORMA:NC.E. ,.'. :. r ..,. :• /..•..: ... Module typo .. .,, - �...- .°. .. _.""'`: .. Y1260P.21 TL255P-D .,i'" YL250P¢9b' '' Power output P- W, 266, 255. 250 '. Power output tolerances, AP -.16 - - .-0/+3 Modulo of elanry 0e _ % 10.0' .. .157 15.4 _ Vdtege.at P- V„ V 30.3 30.0.'. 29.0 - cus us. at P- 6" A 859 `0.49 '8.29 . Opan.circult voltage V.. V 37.7 37.7 37.6 Short-circuit current. 1. 'A •. 9:09 oof a02 Powered by YINGLI 4SP.296 YL24OP-M 245 240 15.1 14.8 29.6 29.3 826 e.1a 373 wee ' 373 wsu r:^W W W W High Temperature Condition NTC 75 1000 203.7•199.0 • _ - 195.9 192.0 10L1 - _ NominelOpiritingC4Tomperatuie MOLT 46, 000 '190.6 1ti6:V.. 103.2 1".3 1759 , Low Temperature Carudltlmt LTC 15 SW • 135.7 133.1 ' ' - •130.5 - 127.9 1253 Low lrradla rw Condition LIC 25 . 200 - "S"', S"i .49.6 40.4 - 47.4 463 OPERATING ;CONDITIONS _ THERMAL. CHARACT,ERISTICS;;-..:�,p;p�i 5'•;. Mac aystan voUega 100wac Tiuup"aeLwe aoeNk)ritYaf Pm Maz"fin fuse rating ,15A _- � Tamperstweo0Wds,otdV :: 9W'C '432 Urniting nism current ISA - .Terrparattre eoefUdaet 6116 11l'C _04 Operating tuerparatunO range -40 to 185-F -40 to.BS� T ( erap�alun ooeflldiM ei V� �.. 9dT � •. •0.42 " ,;..(� Man. hailstone Inspect (d4nrtar/uraledtyl. 25mmJ23m/a - - . - `"tu• - CONSTRUCT.IO.N..MATERIALS,,;, Ii _ - i. Front oevar(ina[arlal/tMelrill aW lovr•lioru tempaied gisso 3.Lrmr, - - •�" CAU (quamtty/material dimensdolsD - 6tii:muhiaystolGneaficon/ _ r.: •�.. TGr GaundNg Encapaularrt(matorAq 1 athylene,vinyl aoetete.(EVA) '6'•470ne(el` 6 0) Baddrat (meta" % coW . . fluaapalymeu,hs,ead wM EVA primer / vdiiDe or black , •W Frame (material) odor) .. enad'¢ed afumiiuuia / s2rerw Wady. . Junctlon.boa (Ingren protm an rating) zIP6S '. •r. i . . - Mourning hdes Cable(longth/aoaoaedlardarse) , 1000mm%'4rreru• 1 ra 09256-X,]IS(65X4) .:. Connector (type /,Ingren pmcectlan ietirlg) .. MCA / If-67or AnipMenol Flit / IPU GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS t_ - Modulifimnmoro (L/W/M). 60.5Tm(1640mrd/38.96n (9Q6israYl�6ii .. ' Module weight - .140.6 (1 B Number o1 modules pPam 29, _ .'0�f er Number at pallab parAO' contelitar 2B': �+ Padurgi g bon clImorelore (L / W / H) 67in (1700nwrdl4Se (1135iemj /461n (1165(ran)- l ..1. . PaLlusuing ltow saighl - .-IA. kus (lACirg) - 'A SECTION AA Fire clealUW ton Type 1 "rid Sypa 2 - QWeming: Read the Installation and User Manuel in W entirety before handling, irbtal6ng and operating Yingli modWei. Yingli Green Energy Americas, lIt info@yi ngliamericas. com Tel: +1 (888) 686.8820 R. YINGLISOLAR.COM i' NYSE:YGE-�'� 0 Yings Green Energy Molding &' Ltd. I YGF_60CellSeries20t5_EN 201502_VOl r+<;w.nwco„•t.oa w.ew.. ,rn+yaaM1rnu,..,m.w,..�.w...aw.nm.d.Mo..gnra m.,w.,ho„m..,aie . ROCK -IT SYSTet'1'1 Designed with the Jnstaller in'mind. EcoFasten Solar specializes in solar roof attachments that are the -'easiest to install, most secure and cost-. effective solutions for installers. Eco Fasten -offers a wide variety of:standard products as well as custom solutions, for a one-stop source for all of your. rooftop:'ancho'ring'needs. Prod ucts`are rigorously tested and approved above and beyond° industry standards in-house and by th'ird'.party agencies. EcoFasten's patented ..conical sealing system has been in-service in the snow;guard•and solar industry for two decades. FeaTures Fastest, easiest to level system on the market SIMPLE-.,,only3 components ETL listed to UL.SUB 2703 Fixed wire management;tray Class A Fire rating with Type 1 modules North South adjustability of up to 4" Integrated electrical bonding Only one tool required (1/2"=deep well socket) SYSTem componenTS J ROCK -IT -MounT Array SKIrT www.ecofastensolar.com ROCK -IT COUPUnG EcoFasten Solar EcoFasten Solar products are protected by the following. U:S: Patents: 8;1.51.;522 B2 8,153,700 B2 8,181,398 B2 8,166,713 B2 8;1.46,299 82 8,209',914 B2 8,245,454 B2 8,272,174 B2 8,225,557 B2 info@ecofastensolar.com 877-859-3947 3 �a� ROCK-IT mo.unT AssemBLY NOTe:.ITems 1-12 SHIP asseMBLeD NOTe: ITefht 17,4 sHip asseMBL-eD 1 5/16'`-18 x 11._5"•Hex Flange .'Bolt 300 Series SS -2 -Rock-lt Coupling Mid Clamp 6005A -T5 AL 3. ' Comp,ressbn Spring 300.Series 55 :. 4 :Rock -jt Cou'pling: Shelf '6005A -T5 AL www.ecofastensolar.com info@ecofastensolai-:com 877-859-3947 1 5/16";=;18 x 1>:5" Hex Flange. Bolt 300 Series,SS Rock=lt Mld=Clamp 6005A -T5 3. • CompressionP S rin ,300 Series SS g. 4 Tie Plate'6005A-T5 AL 5 Rock- Shelf:6005A-T5 AL 6 Flange 'Level Nut 300 Series SS 7.: Packaging::O-Ring=;(Remove Prior to Installation) " 8'. ; Rock-lt Pedestal 60,05A -T5 AL 5, 9 3/8'' ID Star Lock.Washer 300 Series SS 10 ;3/8"-1'6` H67ap;Bolt 300 Series SS 1.1 11 ` S%16". -18x..37,5" Hex"Flange Bolt 3.00 Series SS 1.2 --Rock-itSlide; 6005A -T5 AL '5/16"`IDEPDM Bonded, Washer 300 Series SS 14 S/16''x 4" I`Iex ;Lag Screw or 5/16"-18 X 1.50" HexfBolt OP.Series SS ROCK-IT.�COUPLf�"lG .ASsel'1'1BLy NOTe: ITefht 17,4 sHip asseMBL-eD 1 5/16'`-18 x 11._5"•Hex Flange .'Bolt 300 Series SS -2 -Rock-lt Coupling Mid Clamp 6005A -T5 AL 3. ' Comp,ressbn Spring 300.Series 55 :. 4 :Rock -jt Cou'pling: Shelf '6005A -T5 AL www.ecofastensolar.com info@ecofastensolai-:com 877-859-3947 Array LAYOUT Find the required'structural attachment points. Mark these using a vertical (N -S) chalk line on the center of the rafters. Spacing may vary depending upon project specific structural requirements; i.e. high snow and wind load areas may require lesser bracket spacing in the E -W axis vs. the maximum spacing. Max spacing. is 48" for portrait orientation and 72" for landscape orientation. Consult project layout diagram for project specific bracket spacing on the roof. Install Rock -It Mounts to predetermined mount spacing. • The array skirt sections are the width of a typical 60 cell .module —.use the array skirt as a guide to lay out module placement. Note: The distance between the rows of mounts is calculated by the module dimension N -S plus 1 3/8" (35mm). Lag screw should be Installed as close to center of exposed shIngI'e as possible. GreenFaSTen FLa'SHMG InSTaLL 1 Locate the rafters and snaphorizontal and vertical lines to mark the installation position for each GreenFasten'flashing. 2 Drill a pilot hole (1 /4"diameter, for the lag bolt. Backfill with sealant. EcoFasten Solar recommends an EPDM: mastic. 3 Insert the flashing so the top part.is under the next row of shingles and pushed far enough up slope to prevent water infiltration.through vertical joint in shingles. The leading edge of flashing must butt against upper row of nails to prevent turning when torqued. 4 Line up pilot hole with GreenFasten flashing hole. Insert the lag bolt through the EPDM bonded washer, the Rock -It slide, the gasketed hole in the Flashing and into the rafter. Torque: The range is between [100-140 torque inch -pounds depending on the type of wood and time of year. The -isual indicator for'proper torque is when the EPDM on the underside of the bonded washer begins to push out the sides as the washer compresses. If using an impacl'wrench to install the fasteners be careful not to over torque the fastener. You may need to stop and use a ratchet to finish the install. www.ecofastensolar.com info@ecofastensolar.om 877-859-3947 ROCK -IT SCJ- STP_ M i n'_;Ta LL _r .ROCK -IT SYSTEM'* ;le roofs. de. (ex. image 1) Slide.:(ex, image 6) Adjust Flange Level Nut to level the's-Oem (optional - can be leveled during or after installation) 6.7 Install 1 st Row of'PV Modules Slide Rock-ttMounts that are upslope down to engage top of first module. Note: Make sure cable tray is -facing upslope. Torque 1 st and 2nd row of mid -clamps on'Rock-It Mounts and Rock -It Couplings to 150 in -lbs. Note: Torque setting may vary according to module manufacturer.. 8_9 Install Balance of PV Modules Secure wire and electrical. components in built in wire tray on Rock -It Mounts and Couplings. Install next row of panels;a cl torque mid -clamps to secure modules. Repeat install for all remaining rows of modules. 10 Level the Rock -It System • When assembly is complete, level the entire system by adjusting Flange Level Nuts. www.ecofastensolar.com info@ecofastensolar.com 877-859-3947 Nw.ecofastensolar.com info@ecofastensolar:corn 877-859-3947 ®� _ • • • � � 14. t Cly!(' a4 • • • • �'�y� �°L� � 1P���Ll .ax?'�•.� � °°r�tYSC✓y � i�'je.h�'3 ��,f� _ . • , • • I • ( A: �` $''� 31,a • . .. - •. - • • - �tiSsL�'���,r « .r�A � �f�1.7�^E' Y��«.�4 �xn� <,' ,H:S,tt7 � . . •• O 0 0 0 O • I a Ongj N"V, Ti. MAI o s_ _ • o. v"W"All N�S . QRS ` �t ..,y.. ,7F h�yk v Vol 17 ROCK -IT SYSTeM • Fastest, easiest to level system on the market • ETL listed to UL SUB 2703 • Class A Fire rating with Type 1 modules • Integrated electrical bonding } SIMPLE- only,.3 components Fixed wire management.tray North-South'adjustability of up to 4" Only•one tool required (1/2° deep well socket) a V, Max No. of Panels ;300 Modules per.ground lug Materials " 30dSeries Stainless; a ! 6000 Series Aluminum i Max System Voltage 1000VDC Coating - . :; Black Andodization/Mill Finish ;Class A Fire Rating With �UL1703 Type 1Rated Lug Specifications Burndy CL50-1 TN Ground Lug i ;Modules (U(Listing #f<DER E9999) Leveling Range 34" Ground Wire s ' 14 AWG- 4 AWG Copper Per aboveiLug spec. Ground Wire Rock -It Slide Range . (4° Max Module -Size 64.96"(1 650mm) x 39 05"(992mm) x 2"(50mm) Min/Max Roof Slope 15:12/12:12 Max Downforce/Uplift Rating 45 PSF . Max Anchor Spacing 72" Rock_ -1t Mount Load Rating 54716swith Single 5/16" Lag 3:0 I 1 Safety Factor ;Wrt,B,ox QTY 6 units , Slide Fastenir gHole Mount Box QTY 12 units i Module Cantilever . ' , Lesser of 254 Width, or Module ?? Installation Manual Coupling Box QTY 12.units Warranty ' •` 10 Year Material and.Workman- ship Codes:'National Electric Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, iNEC 250, NEC 690, IRC,1BC Standards: UL 2703, UL .1703 us www.ecofastensolar.com P®Q: C..�DEcoFasten Solar info@ecofastensolar.com 877-859-3947 soiar; 90.I,arEdg' t ", Iq" ae Phase: Invaders For North America SE3000A-US / SE380OA-US / SE5000A7US f SE6000A-US SE7600A-US / SE10000A--US / SE11400A=US The best choice for SolarEdge enabled systems ® Integrated arc fault protection (Type 1) for NEC 20111690.11 compliance — Superior efficiency (98%) — Small, lightweight and easy to install on provided bracket — Built-in module -level monitoring — Internet connection through Ethernet or Wireless — Outdoor and indoor installation — Fixed voltage inverter, DC/AC conversion only — Pre -assembled Safety Switch for faster installation — Optional — revenue grade data, ANSI C12.1 USA-GE'RMANY- ITALY - FRANCE - JAPAN-CH:NA-AUSI-RAIIA 'I -IF.NE I'HERI.ANOS ISRAEL, www.solaredge.us =Wff Single Phase InvertersforNorth America SE3000A-US / SE380OA-US /SE5000A-US/ SE6000A-US so I ar I SE7600A-US:/ SE10000A-US / SE11400A-US SE3000A US i SE3800A US SESOOOA US j SE6000AµU5 I SE7600A US "e',SE10000A US SE1140GA-US _ —' OUTPUT t 9980.@ 208V Nominal AC Power Output 3000 3800 5000 6000 p 7600 F 11400 VA Max. AC Power Output 3 5400 @ 208V300 4150 � 6000 8350 10800 @ 208V 12000 VA • 5450 ,ta1240V j 10950 �n9240V• AC Output Voltage Min. -Nom: Max.('{ 183-208-229 Vac j AC Output Voltage Min: Nam: Max.(11 f ( J J '► J J J ( J ( J 211-240-264Vac i t I IIII I AC Frequency Min. Nom: Max.01 59.3 60 . 60 5 (with Hicountry setti%57 60 - Max. Continuous Output Current ! 12.5" 161 I 24 @ 208V {I 25 32 48 @ 208V 4. 5 A ............ ...... @ 240V'...I GFDI Threshold i l A Ui11ity Monitoring, 151anding Pr lection, Count ._ ...— Country Configurable Thresholds Yes` ^, . _ Yes INPUT�,. _ _-- _ Recommended Max. DC Pawer('l�___.. STC) 3750 4750' { 6250 "' 7500 I 9500 12400 I 14250 W Transformer -less, Ungrounded Yes Max. Input Voltage . 500 Vdc Nom. DC Input Voltage 325 @ 208V % 35O @ 240V Vdc Max. Input Cureentltl i 1.6.5 @ 208V 9-5 13 111 :33 @'208y. I , 21 34.5 Adc 15.5 24oV ,3U_'s'<�a3goV i Max. Input Short Circuit Current 45: Adc Reverse -Polarity Protection Yes Ground Fault Isolation Detection 600k -j Sensitivity Maximum Inverter Efficiency 97.7 {{ 98.298.3 981 98 ) 98 ' 98 96 CEC Weighted Efficiency Nighttime. Power Consumption AADDITIONAL•FEATURES —�� 97.S,'@ 208V ( 97.5 98 975 98• 0.240V I _ <25 97.5r x 97.5 9'7 S tO 240V` ; �6 i W "^ — _ _c0 Supported"Communication Interfaces R5485 RS232, Et9met. ZlgBee (optional) Revenue Grade Data, ANSI C12.1 Opbonall'I Rapid Shutdown — NEC 2014 690.12 Functidnalit enabled,whenSoldrEd `( ra id shutdown kit is installedbi STANDARD COMPLIANCE Safety UL174:1;UL16998; UU998, CSA 22.2 Grid Connection Standards IEEE 1547 Emissions _ FCC pa!t15 tlass 0 INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS N AC output conduit size /AWG range _ 3/4 mlmmum / Sfr6 AWG ! T 3/4" minimum / 8-3 AWG OCinput condulE sae / tt;of.strings / " { 3/4minlmurn / 1-3strings / 16 6+AWG: • Y 3/4" minimum / 1 2'strings / 14-6 AWG I AWGrange I DimensionswilfiSafetySwitch 30Sx135xT/' 315 305xc12Sx75/ 7,75x 305x:12.Sx10S%775;x,315x260 In/ (HxWxDJ 775 x x 172 315 x191: mm Weigfit wrth3afety Swftch i 512 rz3'2 54 7r/ 24'7 8B 4_/ 40:D 1 Id /kg Cooling Natural Convection Fans (user; replaceable) ; Noise j <25 <50 dl1A Min:Max.Operating Temperature ; ( -13 to +140 /725 to +60 (40 to +60 version avallable(n) 'F Range Protection Rating ? -:NEMA3R '(For other regional settings please contact SolarEdiie support,' . ('16kW and lower. LIMAndto 135%of AC power; 7 SkW and higher Limited to 125%for k¢atlons where the yearly average high temperature is above 77'F/25'C and.to 135% for lomtiom whom It Is below 77'F/25'C For detailed Information, refer to(rlte!/v)iLw L�lin4fndillj{o�li+Afi7liiJntffr.'tledriveulsirieyuidrhJl ,. Ist A higtirrcurrerd source may be used; the imierier wldllmft it6 R Wcurri— to the wlues stitod Iq Revenue grade inverter P/N: SExmaA-US000NNR2 In Rapid shutdown kR P/N: SE1000A50-SI ' is1-40 venion P/N: 56—A-115000NN1.14 " solarm =t1W z S019 'Ed'Power�, Optimizer' r.;: - ge Module Add -On For North'khenca, P300 P400 P405 _41 7W 7 W - �Wkv" . PV ppwer optImiiation at e U1 -leye w — Up to 25% more energy — Superior efficiency (99.5%) — Mitigates all types of module mismatch losses, from manufacturing tolerance to partial shading - Flexible system design for maximum space utilization — Fast installation with a single bolt — Next generation maintenance with module -level monitoring — Module -level voltage shutdown for installerand firefighter safety USA GERMANY ifALY FRANCE JAPAN CHINA ;SRAEi AUSVRALIA www.solaredge.us SolaEd e1Pow�r 0` tinier so 9 k , p Module'Add-,01 forNorth America P3004 P400 /1.:P'405 Maximum Output Current i P300 ., I.:•-` ; P405 _ } ''60 I ' _L._�Y .:85 , Vdc 60-ce11 module, —1 ------ (far 7Y& 96-cell'M doles) --- ! (for thin film modules) _ iwPtiT h+ - _ FCCPaR15 Class B C6 IE1000 6 2 IEC6100(V6 3 Rated Input DC Power' `- -`— — 30.0 Y � 400 •.m, 405 � W Absolute Maximum Input Voltage 48 INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS �• (Vac at lowest temperature) [ 80 125 i Vdc ! MPPTOpiirkngRange 8-48 8-80'' ( 12.5;•105 Vdc Maximum Short Circuit Current (Isc) ( lU; mm / in Adc Maximum DC, Input! urrent ! . i gr/lb 1Z S i 770/.1.7 1 93o % 2 05 I 936`•/ 2.05 Adc Maximum Efficiency ( %9� SY 96 Weighted Efficiency t 1988 Output Wire Length 'Yo Overvoltage Category i -40 +85,k-40 4185 / Maximum Output Current i i5_ — i Adc Maximum Out utVolta e _, —......._ R g ---•-._ . _.. _ } ''60 I ' _L._�Y .:85 , Vdc •= ..�.., _ OUTPUT DURING STANDBY (POWER OPTIMIZER. DISCONNECTED`FROM SOLAREDG_ E INVERTER ER OR_ S_ OLAR_E_DGE INVERTER OFF) Safety Ou�pt ucVolta�e,per Power-Opemiie 1 j Vdc STANDARD COMPLIANCE_ h+ EMC Y _ FCCPaR15 Class B C6 IE1000 6 2 IEC6100(V6 3 1 Safety ( IEC62109 i (class II safety); UL1741 RoHS - v- `Yes INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS - _ t Maximum Alloiefed System Voltage vdc Pxxz-3series , 141-x 212x405/555x834x159 i mm /in Dimensions(WxLxH) I ' 128x152x27S/ a-128x152x35/ I1," 128x1152x48/ I Pxxx75 ies ser 5x5.97x108 . l I: 5x59,7x137 �, 5x.5;97x1.89 mm / in I Pxxx-2 series 950: 2 1 " ^` / i gr/lb . Weight (including cables)) : Pxxx-5 series. i 770/.1.7 1 93o % 2 05 I 936`•/ 2.05 gr / Ib Input Connector MC4 Compatible.. Output Wire Type / Connector ype Doubl Insulated; Arnphenol` Output Wire Length 0.95/3:0 I 12/'3.9 t m/ft -C -F Operating Temperature Range -40 +85,k-40 4185 / i Pxxx-2 series �' IP65 /NEMA4 ' Protection Rating Pxxx-S series f IP68 / NEMA6P Relative.Humidity 1 _ 0:.100, y... . "'Rated STC power of the module. Module of up to+5%powei tolerance allowed. PV SYSTEM DESIGN USING A SOLAREDGE INVERTER") SINGLE PHASE' THREE PHASE Z06V THREE: PHASE 480V Minimum String Length 8 1018 (Power Optlmizers) !' • Maximum String Length 25' 2S 50 (Power Optimizers) n t Maximum_ Pow Wef per String 5250 6000 . -: 12750 ' W Parallel Strings of Different Lengths1..( - e. ' or Orientations Yes •n It Is not allowed'io mla P405 with P300/P400/P600/P700 in one string ' r r n r�i f� r� �� �1. t� �• t� � . , o o o a RAIN BUSTER 01 1 ' OR" r _ arrarn � _�;, Y.._ •ter ,.-^ q � •:1 .+: A'dheswIS.Manta - 71 r ti 1 WIN y "BUSTER ,w �e -.-7t-' - -, - � . .� r •a. r � �;, �.� "`£=' �},6'f/AugisiYtf�a+�AM► . r , ROOF_ TILE t'SHINGIFS) SHEET'METAL 1 FLASHING I VENTS !.GUTTERS 1 TRUK( NEW OONSTRUCRON l REPAIRS; y 9-r. -4 wN.Lv :y, J•Tr .^rN.-r✓ •ilL. .+/� - 2 - Roofs are,on.the front hne in preventing water mfiusion � High=GradePoy rethaneFormutation K andr.are subjected to the -most extreme wind and:weatlier,r --�^�,�- --- ••. � ..,.�. •--w�--•-r�..� --- ,,-...,-_•,r:.�pPermanentlySecures.RoofTile"�=�. ,.�. a-�.: ,,,,�,, `y, the -conditions To revent roof damage and leaks; an adhesive/s �. s.� ' - p g 4k, Non=Shrinking Permanently Ox Nip �' ,�. sealant must,,be a`1,standout'performer RainBust`er ,850'34k"* Y Ultra -Flexible Roof= Tile 'Adhesive%SeaiA'IisApecified`�by UV Resistant; Flexes to Prevent Broken•Tiles Jeading builders and,t'rusted'6i quality -minded contractors �i Withstands F.ztreme Wind; and Foot Traffic s; �me . ,.:.��.. .�.. r „ toppcevent eoof.feaks Unlike traditionalrootin�,cements,^„ Seals Roofing Joints mcluding'Flashmg �...:� ; 4. and mastics .RamBuster 850 offers a: high-grade polyurethane b_ WiU�stands Ext eme Weatf►er &,7emperatu•re ✓ �= h ,' formulation, ,permanent flexibility and `povverful adhesion �'' t r z r wY - _ - P Non -Sag t0 P[eventTile,Slip ' ,4µ Whenused-;as a roof .tile adhesive,;RamBuster, 850 shmest�Adheres toDampSurfaces = �� ■� r µ r . ` asitflezes with hurricane�force wind;uplift foott''raffic and ' p Paii>table(See ,PairrtingSechon),; 4` seismic activity to`prevenf;broken tiles When applied to "p Non -Flammable •wr - �-s .r. flashing -'vents and gutters, SRainBuster`850' permanently, b, VOC,CARB,and'AOMD'Compliant" r - . seals -joints to effec eiy. div®rt Water: awayjrom the home Ufetime Warranty y �� �j ��r•� y= .� u '.e, - Y ' ,Q ? J Y1 =. a Y� N_1�PRO` t A *,� r _�. The�Ut mate ,RootIlle Adhesive/Seals ®� � '� .«.. _ DESCRIPTION RainBuster 850 Ultra -Flexible Roof Tile Adhesive/Sealant is the high quality standard in the prevention of roof leaks. Its -technologically advanced polyurethane formu- lation has been specifically designed to provide roofing _ application solutions. RainBuster 850 performs equally well when used as a file adhesive or as a sealant on flashing, vents, and other roof penetrations. RainBuster 850 Is Ideal for specifying as a mural -use roofing adhe- sive/sealant it is ideal for both new construction and repairs. PACKAGING, SHELF LIFE & STORAGE RainBuster 850 Ultra -Flexible Roof Tile Adhesive/ - Sealant is available in standard 300 ml cartridges (packaged 24 per case) and 592 ml sausage tubes (packaged 12 per case). The shelf life is 12 months. Store in a cool, dry place below 801 for maximum shelf life. AVAILABILITYAND COST RainBuster 850 Ultra -Flexible Roof Tile Adhesive/ Sealant is competitively priced and widely available. Please contact Top Industrial, Inc. at 800-473-1617 or see www.topindustrial.com for a supplier nearest you. AUTHORIZATIONS Meets or exceeds: ASTM C920 Type S, Grade NS, Class 35, use NT,, A and M Federal Specification TT -S -00230C (COM-NBS) Type II, Class A Canadian Specification CAN/CGSB-19,13-M87 ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY 0 Qualifies for LEED Credit from U.S. Green Building Council: l pt EQ Credit 4.13 a Qualifies for NAHB Green Build Credits: 5 pts Global Impact Credh 7.1.3 • VOC Compliant under AQMD and CARB LIFETIME WARRANTY Top Industrial warrants this adhesive to perform as i described an its package and associated data sheet for a period of 100 years from the date of purchase. See Ultra Flexible Roof Til ma -- Adhesive/Sealant :o ` Field Proven to Pirevent; Roof, L' eaks J TILE -TO -TILE B NDI O NiQ RainBuster 850 is ideal,for adhering roof tile -to- #• Ilia in valley,. ridge; hip, rake and general roof the d installation. Secures cut tiles when mechanical fasteners.cannot be used. RainBuster 850 provides , additional protectionagainat wind upllft, seismic - r activity, and tile damage. Prevents the chatter., R21nBuster 850 seals nail entry. points created..A - during tile installation. RainBuster 850 flexes to stay bonded and prevent broken file and roof leaks. 5 FLASKIX LAP JOINTN Ralnsust 850 Is ldeal.for sealing varied,lap jolnli; where two lerips of flashing meet such as In valleys: RalnBuster 850 flexes to meinfal, al permanently bonded water" seal For best results, 'apply a a continuous 1/2' bead, to both - the inside.and j outside of the joint Tool the outside joint bead C as necessary (see applicaflon and tooling seo- tions). Available in"the multiple colors and. paintable (see peinting'section). _ ROOF -TO -WDLL FLASHIMM _RainBuster 850; Is tdealJor usewhere flashing ?, terminates -at walls and chimneys. RalnBuser 850 _ fi provides outstanding edheslan to. both metal and common exterior wall surtaces.`RainBuster 850. flexes-,ID malntaln:'a wateNght,ses. Far.,,best , ' ,results, apply a continuous 1/2' bead to both r ♦ ;. the Inside and outside of the joint:.Tool the out- side,joint;bead as necessary, (seq:application *F ! and tooling secpore): Available in the multiple colors and palntable (sei painting section)., YBNTi AND CNIAWEV CAPS R*Busla WO'"," in verde, chimney caps 4 and other roofing envelope penehatiorut. Also secures e vent struckmis to underlying bases. Rainsuster 850` f ' fleiies to meintah a wateNghtset Foe best results. apply a continuous 1'/2,bead to boththeinaide and outside of the joint Tool, the outside joint r bead as necessary (see application and -tooling sections). Available in the. multiple calors and.; . paintable (see painting section): i Seals seams lmgulfers, gutl el assemblies, and downspouts , seam and faslener entry boles. ;merits mechanical fasteners. - '^i J . y_ ; I next page for further warranty details. �N1?.SuPDlemenft mechaiical'fasteners and seals seam. Can significantly reduce vibration naso �EIMrf�It+ Seas tears in felt and unde layment. Bridge entire tea and tool as necessary. tlMtEMmi 1aiiII(Api t:Adheres 10 to damp surfaces. Remwe standirg.water prior to application. s • s s �. '' ,mss � ' �` �. =* .;� �� �, �+ v't '� �► ;�; 4- APPLICATION: Easy to apply with conventional caulking equipment. Application temperature range: 20F -120F. If application air temperatures are below 40F, con-. r dition product at 7OF prior to using for best resufts. Cut tip at a 45 -degree angle. Location of cut will determine desired bead thickness. Puncture seal.`Apply sealant to joint y Typically, minimum 3/8"-1/2" beads should be used for proper bonding and sealing. Fill joints in continuous beads from deepest point and avoid overlapping of sealant to r prevent air entrapment. Adhesive/sealant should wet the joint wall surfaces. With lap joints, apply adhesive/sealant to both inside and outside of joint for best results. Adhesive/sealant provides 1-3 hour wortdng time before skinning. Adhesive/sealant cures with exposure to normal atmospheric moisture with full ruse in 1-3 days depending on humidity. May be used on damp surfaces; take steps to remove standing water. For best results, use opened cartridges and sausages the same day. 77 e 4 .>- a.t.. f°APPROPRIATE SURFACES ReiBuster 050 MAINTENANCE No • maintenance should ; - When used with asphalt Dosed sell b apprupdate for use in new construction : t be'needed ff adhesi eWsealaht become .,L,� adhered flashings, user must detemmne ,, 4 and pal on a`wide"range of,common ..damaged removedamaged portion. Lean :. . suitability fhmugh field pretest See'Usee roeflng materials indud(ng oonraete day,'' i surfaces m damaged area, end repair with -� ..With Asphalt* section far deteited sbte, composition.Yflber cemerrt,Tasphalt fresh RainBuster 850 x • �+ , ' limitations. °, ,aahlrated Bhing<ea masonry, mortar mr tats ` _ . _ �, _ t. •, Do not cure In presence of curing 4„ �SCt,r_ V alncluding.galvanized' aluminum; andJtT PRIMING PRIOR;�TO „APPLICATION silicone sealants This may interfere; q r • . - y M 47 cop ' AayrnerI9rgD mngwiylfibg° pretest le0iblecosZn Avodsealantintwtwi t wood ! mayin re~T � - cps K a * . 'C+ + •6 r * p + with RaInBuster 00's curing pmces& g_ EPA, ON- For best adhesion results :., APPLICATION OVER , GLAZED, � PRE- air i e � r 4 r- "'surfaces shoWd be dean,, and free,frain r PAINTED, OR PRE -PRIMED SURFACES:'' : PRECAUTION ` ': Combustible _ vapor f 1 '-rdirt dust;;oils; release standi Glazed„ re= alnted $and; re- rimed, lhtcured sealant me cue allergic skin , 1 � • "`' ' age.' ng O» D D D D y rg ". .. water, old sealatds or other cantamthants. = surfaces typically do not have the adhesive %' reaction and eye skin and respiratory tract y i *-Dust and loose partrdes should be Wown : grslrty ;or flenabllity,of Raiduster 850 irritation Keep; away from sparks and X oft surfaces k` .� adhesive/sealant. Lack of adhesiveiWAI rrt flame Avoid contact with eyes `ski and �' ` r f Y . �`• . ' contact ;with;raw,substrate, may , inhibit�'ciothmg:,Avoidaprolonged expostUreto3 i1 ! . x,`•„ °; yr FIELD PRETEST. Due tp tine varled nature' abi0ry to maintain bond' and seal Glaze,' 'vapors. Use only with adequate ventilaUon:.Q-� ot.construction.substrates,+field test,C*nt er,;pAmer may pug away from raw* Weir.pmtective dothmg duringPl— _ SdheSivelaealant on actual surfae� priori - substrate with pmt movement.''" " r Wash thoroughty after handing. KED OUT F m begintdrig work llsermont determirp if `� tr , " ,a OF RFACH OF; CHILDREN: r See. materia( - - - - -�» msub iduding adheslal are ac�We-.. U5E' WITH " ASPHALT BASED 5 SELF- safety data sheet before use (cer118Gf Tap _ ^r t; r ADHERED FLASHING (A.K.A. SBS modi- .Industrial or distributog } .TODttNkQrequftedtadbrgis► anurrended2-11: &. .J �a ,r p'©• ©t .y: , Within 20;mhwiesaRerappliratlon.Toolkrg Winn` used appropriately,RainBuster850 FD1111:10ONSTRIMONIW1111,01MUSiRIAL should be done in erre oordnuous stroke cart be used sucoessfrrrly.with asphalt ' USEVY OIIALRED CRAFTSMAI6 x 4, cis; ` TedmlquesusingsoNentsg soapsare not : bas aecedtaWebet�weeolredhes re L M•_;: �-�- �f * recommended If maskin ,'remove �� r RMN p ive/sealant FlRST AID tf inhaled remove to fresh a(r' 4 0 , after Ynrad tepemaerpolyhimmedltu.r� iierwptecsu'A I breoing Is ddcuit ge wryn and da1i R STET s - . 1x * ` - - rs'-'r' » _based fxer side of self adrered as haft a` l ` " B asphaft physician i In -of"contact � with-.,�--- �CLEAN�.UP Cteam:!hands sufely coli t"tlashj ij _ esphafl M with �Aer for imedleastl5�Mmu h eyes, ai;' x __ ngs Steps must be taken to minimae ; uncured immnrdl flush , r e.r to .F ,RainBuster Top Towels citrus_wl t._ « ( Pas) . , contact with the adhesive side of ` Mineral spirts'and other commercial ttashings. Plash t ins in a dhesive/sealerd `• 'wash skin with soap and water after using t 9ti. _ . %-WVA* WV ,. °solveiAsysuCh as xylene, toluene oii-m *» +�am.�wtrb y _ , ay accelerate the normal moistsning and RalAister Top Towels (citrus wipes Calla ;rib methyl ethyl ketone (MEIQ: may be used • soflening of asphalt that acaxs:with.heaCa3, physician if irritation persift See material tet° _ 'te+.rrea ?;"'dean up excess and tools The;.; Do not appy adhesive/sealaiA dedty r.to'_` safety data sheet for more detuil 5 10�' �`rs"w'"e w6 use of solvents may be hazardous to your ;'1 adhesive asphalt side of tiasMng Oo not `� ; 4 _ r shongh: Keep away tonin apen:flame andepDry;adheq{ve side of"asphalt flashing. ' LIFETIME WARRANTYDETAILS Top; ..+- inse.in, well-ventilated,�area:,Foliow `dlrediy over adhesive/sealant.,Remove''�jndustrlal,weiran6this seala-Wadhe-' ¢ •`, solvent manufacturer's instructions: ;+ excess sealant prior to application of s_rre to perform as described on its -pack", ^r Cured adhesive/SealarA is difflrarR ,tD `.-' adhesive asphall side of fiashI V User, a and a &-crated data sheet for a period 3 `moi ""' '►'"' -' ' f ng age r remove acrd must be'done so by,abrasion ; must determine, suitabll th field, at 100from-We, - Y KY ►ougtt years date of purchase or other mechanical means aw;' preteet' Corrsuft Top' Industrial for fuller ` Upon. groat of purdtase ,Top Industrial's t _ �.:h �- ¢. to replace seelarA/adhesive rover defer: �.. w. `" ��r_t �_ . information �„ iia ,�,,`.'_solellabilAy expressedgrim lied shall be. r -PAINTING OYER.RAINBUSTER 850 For p •` results r RainBuster ' " LIMITATIONS. • Suitebilibr for each intended' ,tie and . is limited to the. stated selling .r a! appli adltesi e I paint over hours after 'use must be determined by the user using" 'price::This warranty is' not'tiansfeiable - + la Q tyA 0096 acrylic the Mdeni18ti0r1 found in fhb data street end from the original, purchaser, in no event Paints and primers:are recommended m=an Iication retest s, - ,shall To Industriali'be gable for o nso-� Y , g spray. Paintsapp p p Man toofln . speciflc , quenrtial, or InciderAal damages resulting " ' ` acceptable. Avoid ,the use of . o11 base' Not for Be over sterMirtg suAAase water • from the use of its sealant, products • - " d •/ paints as they may exhibit a slow/non= ` or, r snaface frost ~" cunng;condition,when m cor►ffict with r• Not designed tu replace use of + ^' + ,,•^- r .adhesive/sealant Paint when, weather'-` mechanlceltasterrers. Asa and temperature conditions meet . paint : Not for use where subjected to constant,- ,. , +ff w * i manufacturer requirements. Feld pre-test' water immersion. - for4suftabllnY oDaint•and Dainfng = •Wten b.-Pernted, usemust detemn1 t' process s required Contractor must t 4 paintsuitability.See Painting"sectionfor';7 determine suitability. , Consult TepT detailed limflations: , r ... r r ti �.y� formation. - Ind for further irdortnatiar:r F �'` .• i • `t '� , , ' e� • - -_ w ^+...,. � :�.�._ ,. � aro +.ti. ,„ � LTop Ind_ustriai, Inc. • 15016 KeswiEkISt., Van Nuys, CA 91405 • 800,473 161.7 • wwvv.topindustrial.com �O f ;10 AICW, 4.0 0 1..� 1 _91,o RAI, A A: BUSTER �� The Ultimate Roof rile Adhesive/ Sealant. Ultra Flexible, Roof. Tile,Adhesive/Sealant Prevents Roof Leaks and Broken Tile 7 ROOF ME I SNRXM I SHEET MEW I FLASW I VEks I GUMM I MM I WIN CONSIRUCM I wiliii AVAILABLE COLORS PHYSICAL PROPERTIES - 1.'3 hours C. I __ -- - _ Z.... .1. SkIn Vnie ... .... . ........................ . ........ 1; = . ............ ............................ . 11-1 days '- % Solids' ---2 ............................ :�4 ................_1-3 ....... 96% to 99% 'As See limitations :sag or Slum ........ . ................................................. we Clean -Up.: . ............................. . ...... ...... Citrus Cleaner- gi Nil Tom Tan - 711fut(stm Fmkl Cdb Shrinkage ............................................................ ....... Challdng or Crazlng� .... e;=.F . ..... ...... ... TYPMU PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS After 7 days cure at 7 7 d% F and bu% RH 7AR—nesi (S" A):! . .. ......................:...32 PM D 2240, TenslIsSbehgtIf .... ....... .......... Up to 250 psi " D 412 Elongaian .. . ......................... ...... imo%ASTWID412 Adhadn, In Peel:'......... ',_: ............ *1 ......................A3 pIw ;,- A; T -S-00230CtASTM:C794... . . . ........ ............. I ................... -Stain ,& Color Change ....• ............... ... . . ........ ........... M6.... i ........ TT-S-00230CZASTM C 510 Ozone iResistanoe ................................... :t . . ......... Excelleflvp-,�; 4, 71 Joint MovementMovementcapawrty .......... ....... . .................... . ±35% , i - 'ASTM C719, 73'F cure t73*FcydIng IN Redstawe ExCellent - ASTM C 798=75 ... .......... . . ... . . Water Reistam :. .o CIIW' wo hu CMMMWS - " 11r_ &W__ 3/4°" -7W. F 124A' 200., 1/4t!3 .,7.1 - a6.2 11.0 8.3 6.6 5.5.. 4.7. 4.1 Ay4-T op Inditstrial's. RAWBuster 6.2 -5.0 1 3.5 31 After 7 days cure at 7 7 d% F and bu% RH 7AR—nesi (S" A):! . .. ......................:...32 PM D 2240, TenslIsSbehgtIf .... ....... .......... Up to 250 psi " D 412 Elongaian .. . ......................... ...... imo%ASTWID412 Adhadn, In Peel:'......... ',_: ............ *1 ......................A3 pIw ;,- A; T -S-00230CtASTM:C794... . . . ........ ............. I ................... -Stain ,& Color Change ....• ............... ... . . ........ ........... M6.... i ........ TT-S-00230CZASTM C 510 Ozone iResistanoe ................................... :t . . ......... Excelleflvp-,�; 4, 71 Joint MovementMovementcapawrty .......... ....... . .................... . ±35% , i - 'ASTM C719, 73'F cure t73*FcydIng IN Redstawe ExCellent - ASTM C 798=75 ... .......... . . ... . . Water Reistam :. .o CIIW' - " F For more than 25 years, P T R TRUSTED 1 Ull� Ay4-T op Inditstrial's. RAWBuster R A RAINBUSTER brand has been trusted to prevent leaks in the building QUALITY envelope and squeaks in floor structures. Today that ff trust runs deep - RainBusler Is specified by Me nation's leading builders and busted by scores of respected contractors The reason for the trust Is simple... S., M FZUESI�;At RaInBuslar products and services ouloettrm other brands in preventing leak and squeak related call-backs. Product Data Sheet' 0U222RB Safety Switch, 60A, 240VAC, Non-Fu,sible, General Duty; ,2-'Pcs1e Technical Characteristics bySihnelder Electric List Price- $353.00 USD Availability Stock hem: This Item Is normally stocked In,our distribution facility. Wire Size. #10't6o#2-AW'G 4-ta-#2,7 AWa(Cu-f'--- Action Single -Throw Ampere Rating 60A Approvals UL Listed File Number E2875 i. Enclosure Type Rainproof and SJeeVloe proof (Indoorlduidoior) Enclosure Rating NEMA iR Factory Installed Neutral No Ma)dmum Voltage Rating 240VAC Disoonnec! Type Non -Fusible Terminal Type Lugs Mounting Type Surface Type of Duty General Duty Number of Poles 2 -Pole . Shipping and Ordering Category 66106 - Safety Switch, Gen6ral0uty, 30 100 Amp'NEMAZIR Discount Schedule DEIA GTIN 00785901491491 Package Quantity I Weight 4 7 lbs. Availability Code Stock Item: This item is normally stocked in our distribution facility. Returnability Y Country of Origin Mx As standards, specifications, and designs change from time to time, please ask for confirmation-ofthe information given in this document. ® 2009 Schneider Bectric. All rights reserved. Schneide'r Otte't t.r ht NEW PV SOLAR SYSTEM FOR Martin-Beck Residence LOCATED AT. 52945 Avenida Obregon '��' 06 2016 LQ ts(U I I I LQ )V/'1 .7GGJJ C�TYOF _ 0 . 0 COMII�UlVfryQe EGOPIy>ENT dObO��o Solar APN # 773-314-023 , 9i GOVERNING CODES SHEET INDEX N ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CODES BELOW - COVER SHEET 9 N All construction shall comply with the 2013 California Buiding, Residential, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Energy and Green Building Codes and La Quinta 'Municipal Code "CLASS "A" FIRE RATED MODULES AND RACKING SYSTEMS REQUIRED PER U.L. 1703 AND CSFM 14-011" Photovoltaic equipment and systems and all associated wiring and interconnections shall be installed only by qualified persons. CEC 690.4 P.V. 1.0' SITE. PLAN N , v � o c rn c ti s aj 9� q. m P.V. 2.0 ROOF PLAN � 0 f- ��, W r.-" o - v rn CnO •� v. � � U � tD P.V. 3.0 MOUNTING DETAILS �-`e y oram N o - g o ui E. 1.0 1 -LINE DIAGRAM r Z dl w w Z m CITY 0 LA QUINTA �o''�d�COn�I it its`�;ee`� U- wLLJ BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. 0 z Z z APPROVED SHEET NAME: W W > W O 6.014W f1► SKK� ^^4-f V U) - SHEET e NUMBER: �. 0 Uo C CD W 0 � c C� n a) LLIZ �Nm °' o co m LoOO 1 NSU Ln Q CU 2 F- D LQ ts(U I I I LQ )V/'1 .7GGJJ C�TYOF _ 0 . 0 COMII�UlVfryQe EGOPIy>ENT dObO��o Solar APN # 773-314-023 , 9i GOVERNING CODES SHEET INDEX N ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CODES BELOW - COVER SHEET 9 N All construction shall comply with the 2013 California Buiding, Residential, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Energy and Green Building Codes and La Quinta 'Municipal Code "CLASS "A" FIRE RATED MODULES AND RACKING SYSTEMS REQUIRED PER U.L. 1703 AND CSFM 14-011" Photovoltaic equipment and systems and all associated wiring and interconnections shall be installed only by qualified persons. CEC 690.4 P.V. 1.0' SITE. PLAN N , v � o c rn c ti s aj 9� q. m P.V. 2.0 ROOF PLAN � 0 f- ��, W r.-" o - v rn CnO •� v. � � U � tD P.V. 3.0 MOUNTING DETAILS �-`e y oram N o - g o ui E. 1.0 1 -LINE DIAGRAM r Z dl w w Z m CITY 0 LA QUINTA �o''�d�COn�I it its`�;ee`� U- wLLJ BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. 0 z Z z APPROVED SHEET NAME: W W > W O 6.014W f1► SKK� ^^4-f V U) - SHEET e NUMBER: �. 0 07 C)S%j o 0 Er Err cc < 0�- rr, > KID loo. N PV SYSTEM SURFACE AREA:595.68 FTI PV SYSTEM SIZE: 8.840 kW DC PV SYSTEM SIZE: 8.516 kW AC PV INTERCONNECTION- POINT,'LOCKABLE AC DISCONNECT:SWITCH, COMBINER PANEL (IF APPLICABLE),. STRING' INVERTER(S), & UTILITY IN ETER LOCATION (200 EXISTING.BUS RATING) (KEEP.-' CLEARANCE FROM NATURAL GAS EQUIPMENT) 90' OF 3/4" EMT CONDUIT FROM JUNCTION BOX TO ELEC PANEL JUNCTION BOX ATTACHED TO— ARRAY USING ROCK -IT TO KEEP JUNCTION BOX OFF ROOF ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 CEC "CLASS "A" FIRE RATED MODULES AND RACKING SYSTEM REQUIRED PER U1.1 703 AND CSFM 14-011" F- I_ — --------------------------------------- CITY OF BUILDING & APPF FOR CON i� I ---------------- {34) Yingli Energy YL260P-29b MODULES WITH (34) SolarEdge P300 Power Optimizers MOUNTED ON THE BACK OF EACH MODULE u 6 2. 'tT+ PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONDUCTORS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AND GROUPED. Exp: PV SYSTEM SITE PLAN THE MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION SHALL BE PERMITTED BY SEPARATE COLOR �+ SAFETY OFFSET FOR CODING, MARKING TABE, TAGGING OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS. THE s s 9uc NRPB �Q ROOF ACCESS ONCE, AND THEN AT (INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED SIX(6) EEEmMEANDS OF THE GROUPING SHALL BE WIRE TIES OR T.R MEANS AT LEAST Tq 0FCAL%F��� SCALE: 3/32 — 1 0 co co Y / U N N CD Co � Q •U� c Lo C W QUINTA- C'1 FETY. DEPTcu c z `UV KION iF. z 0 to 0 O 1 NJU N L }a 0 !+`oe��urnns,��� 89/���R'i cu qo� ° _ •�. ° - ^^,, W •° �'co L° 9731e 04, ° o� u') V J N u 6 2. 'tT+ PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONDUCTORS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AND GROUPED. Exp: PV SYSTEM SITE PLAN THE MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION SHALL BE PERMITTED BY SEPARATE COLOR �+ SAFETY OFFSET FOR CODING, MARKING TABE, TAGGING OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS. THE s s 9uc NRPB �Q ROOF ACCESS ONCE, AND THEN AT (INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED SIX(6) EEEmMEANDS OF THE GROUPING SHALL BE WIRE TIES OR T.R MEANS AT LEAST Tq 0FCAL%F��� SCALE: 3/32 — 1 0 m N_ 0) O, O 0 �. co n: U o cn O, co OF. W r >n U},-Z°'� z0��cWn L) .J J Z m W O g H Fa - U Z Z Z ulol SHEET NAME: � Q a SHEET NUMBER: a_ -y N co U o C CD Co � 0 •U� c Lo O1.-, N N W W Ohm c z �o z m to 0 O 1 NJU Ln }a cu m N_ 0) O, O 0 �. co n: U o cn O, co OF. W r >n U},-Z°'� z0��cWn L) .J J Z m W O g H Fa - U Z Z Z ulol SHEET NAME: � Q a SHEET NUMBER: a_ -y MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS Ground Snow Load 0 Wind Speed 130 EXPOSURE CATEGORY B RISE/RUN = 12 MOUNTING PV MODULE, TYP. MOUNT TO RAFTERS OF COMP. SHINGLE ROOF, PARALLEL WITH PLANE OF ROOF SPAN = XX FT PV ARRAY TYP. ELEVATION NOT TO SCALE a PERMITTED LEVELING FOOT SPACING I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 L -FOOT WITH CONNECTION END CLAMP FRAMING BELOW SHOWN DASHED FOR CLARITY 1 PHOTOVOLTAIC I e- MODULE ISOMETRIC VIEW 1 ROCK -IT MOUNT V3.O NOT TO SCALE TORQUE T07 F 4.BS (uvae SS SCREw1 6AWG TO 14 AWG CAPPER WIRE END CLAMPuE ro 7 rT{av (11V -M SS SCREW) 2 WITH NEW GBL4DBT UL2703 Usted LRyan Lug 2. UL LISTED LAY -IN LUGS TEETH MUST FACE TOWARDS THE PV3.0 RAIL. NOT THE GROUND LUG 3. DRILL A 17164' HOLE TO THE GROUND LUG (AS NEEDED) 4. NO SURFACE PREPARATION IS NEEDED ON RAIL OR MODULE I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MID CLAMP I I I I L -FOOT WITH CONNECTION I I I I 1 I A MID CLAMP PERMITTED LEVELING PV3.0 FOOT SPACING MODULES IN PORTRAIT/LANDSCAPE NOT TO SCALE ALUMINUM FLASHING COMP SHINGLES S116'kb 12' SS LAG SCREW TORQUE=13±2 FT4-SS. SECTION VIEW SLIDE EPOM BONDED WASHER FORMS WATERTIGHT SEAL - 3 SECTION VIEW �3.NOT TO SCALE 72' L -FOOT WITH CONNECTION ROCK-rr COUPLING MID CLAMP TIE 5116'x1 12' HEX FLANGE BOLT 300 SERIES SS ROCK4T- PEDESTAL 511Wx3ir— HEX FLANGE BOLT 300 SERIES SS S16N412' SS LAG SCREW TORQUE=13±2 FT18S. COUPLING SHELF —ROCK4T SLIDE fALUMtNUM ING COMP SHINGLES SIDE VIEW ('2-� ROCK-IT COUPLING ASSEMBLY �3.0NOT TO SCALE iur,,y"Off >aA (WHEN 24- SPACING) L= 48" MAX CLAMP SPA81" G ���G�a � °°O°ooe �m O //s PORTRAIT, 72" MAX CLAMP SPACING LANDSCAPES: / • 10 (�(C °0~!5 . /� (WHEN 16- SPACING) L= 48" MAX CLAMP SPACING 4 a PORTRAIT, 64" MAX CLAMP SPACING LANDSCAPE 8 ° ® 9731 END CLAMP PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE (FRAMING PV SYSTEM MOUNT DETAIL JOT TO SCALE '*"'Orcon�`e Truss 2X4 AT 24" O.C. Q1 Go U °) rn CD Lo 0 c V)) ♦n NNW MCVCO omm BUD Z ci > c Z Q '5 =) m ,Lo v0 1 NJU }� In Q L 55R J_ m _N O CD 0 M t` 0 cov ~ W U) `f 0 > � n M QD>Z W C7 z0.� of w } a, U W W Z m J J LU O � H H rn 0 Z Z? 0 0 SHEET NAME: i— (/) Z J 5 O C w 2 SHEET NUMBER: O \M Conduit Conductor Schedule (ALL CONDUCTORS MUST BE COPPER) Tag # Description Wire Gauge # of Conductors/Color Conduit Type Conduit Size 1 PV Wire 10 AWG 2 (V+, V-) N/A -Free Air N/A -Free Air 1 Bare Copper Ground (EGC/GEC) 6 AWG 1 BARE N/A -Free Air N/A -Free Air 2 THWN-2 8 AWG 4 (2V+, 2V-) R/B EMT 3/4" 2 THWN-2 - Ground 8 AWG 1 GRN EMT 3/4" 3 THWN-2 8 AWG 3 (11-1, 1L2 1N) B/R/W EMT 3/4" 3 THWN-2 - Ground 8 AWG 1 GRN EMT 3/4" 34 PV MODULES PER INVERTER =8840 WATTS STC = 1 STRING OF 17'PV MODULES . 1 STRING OF 17 PV MODULES 0 0 0 + - + .v SOLAREDGE P300 OPTIMIZERS 0 0 0 16 17 SOLAREDGE SE760OA-US-R - + + - + - + - + INVERTER* 0 0 0 = SOLAREDGE - - - - - ti DC SAFETY SOLAREDGE SWITCH P300 OPTIMIZERS JUNCTION BOX / 1 2 WITH IRREVERSIBLE GROUND SPLICE * CONFORMS TO ANSI C12.1-2008 3 CONFORMS TO NEC 2014 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY Square D #DU222RB 24OV160A UNFUSED NEMA3 VISIBLE LOCKABLE 'KNIFE' A/C DISCONNECT POINT OF CONNECTION- L, L2 I LOAD SIDE NEC 705.12(D) M 200A °oCJ•�0 � C� °�i s �o ° 0 0 � e� a �CC731909 Oo +� °^000.980 Q \\ 40A 240V/200A AC LOAD -CENTER G WITH 1-2 POLE 40A SOLAR BREAKER IM INIMUM GEC SIZE 3 4 AWG COPPER Created with Electrical Template Revision 9/10/15 a o _ A E Z Z .: w � m� 0 2 0+ Z W az— � J U a o z g o _ v a N SHEET NAME: w LLJ it LLJ o � Q Z 0 OJ Q � � 0 SHEET NUMBER: O W I Jesign Conditions: 1 ROOFTOP CONDUCTOR AMPACITIES DESIGNED IN COMPLIANCE WITH NEC 690.8, TABLES 310.15(B)(2)(a), 310.15(B)(3)(a), 310.15(B)(3)(c), 310.15(B)(16), CHAPTER 9 TABLE 4, 5, & 9. LOCATION SPECIFIC TEMPERATURE OBTAINED FROM ASHRAE 2013 DATA TABLES. ASHRAE 2013 Highest Monthly 2% DB Design Temp 47°C. Lowest Min. Mean Extreme DB DC Safety Switch: Rated for -max operating" condition of= inverter. NEG 690..35 .compliant *opens: alFungrounded conductors Calculations: Breaker calculations dependent. upon inverter Continuous Maximum Output. Wire Gauge Calculated from NEC code 310.15(B)(16) with ambient temperature calculations from NEC 310.15(2)(a) using the 90°C column (On Roof) or 75°C column (Off Roof), *310.15(B)(3)(c) for 1/2" minimum clearance of the conduit above the roof and 310.15(B)(3)(a) Adjustment factor for current -carrying cunductors in a raceway. - When a wire is upsized in the conduit conductor table, voltage drop adjustments were made SE760OA-US-0 Max Output = 31.67A x 1.25 (NEC code 210.19(A)(1)(a))=39.60A. (off roof): 8 .gauge wire rated for 50A x 0.820000(Off roof temperature derate; Only applies if derate is < .85) 60.98A > 39.60 (max of solar panel production). (on roof):.8 gauge wire rated for 55A.x 0.50 (ambient+*22°C) x 0.800000 (fill derate of 4 current -carrying conductors) 22.00' > 1815A -(Max circuit output per circuit 15 x continuous, duty, uprating, 125%). System Specs.: Max ,DC Voltage SOOV Nominal DC Operating Voltage 350V Max. DC Current .per, String 15A Nominal AC Current .47:5A PV Module: Rating @ STC Model Make/Model YL260P-29b Amps Max Power -Point Current (Imp) 8.59 Amps Max Power -Point Voltage (Vmp) 30.3 Volts Open -Circuit Voltage (Voc) 37.7 Volts Short -Circuit Current (Isc) 9.09 Amps Max Series Fuse (OCPD) 15 Amps Nominal Maximum Power at -STC (Pmax) 260 Watts Maximum System Voltage 1000 V (IEC) / 600 V (UL) Volts Voc Temperature Coefficient -0.32 %/C Other Notes Solar PV System AC Point Of Connection AC 'Output Current Accoding, to ' Nec 39.6 Amps Nominal'AG Voltage 240 _ r Volfs` -THIS,PANEL :IS FED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES(UTILITYAND SOLAR);] Optimizer Solar Edge P300 . DC Input Power 300 Watts DC Max Input Voltage 8-48 Volts 'DC Max Input Current 12,5 Amps DC Max Output Current 15 Amps. Max String Rating 5250 Watts Inverter Make/Model � SE7600A-US CTC Efficiency 97.5 AC Operating Voltage 240 Volts Continuous Max Output Current 32 Amps DC Maximum Input Current 23" Amps Short Circuit Current 40 Amps Max Output Fault Current 40A/20ms ,,��iiiiiiii � •_- CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDINGG& SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY INP e6NN a°°..r. p e P SHEET NAME: LU CC G W W Lu l Qz0 0 J Q CA n. NUMBER: O W INVERTER GROUNDED SYSTEMS PER 690.5(C)0 (LNNHASL: AI J-BUXLS) WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD IF AGROUND FAULT IS INDICATED, NORMALLY GROUNDED CONDUCTORS " MAY BE UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED COMBINER BOXES, J -BOXES, DISCONNECTS, DEVICES & INVERTERS IN UN -GROUNDED SYSTEMS PER 690.35(F) (STRING SYSTEMS) WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED AND MAY ENERGIZED CONDUIT AND RACEWAYS(LABELED'EVERY 1T) -- DC ')^ DC DISCONNECT PER 690.17 & 690.5 11 SOLAR DC DISCONNECT WARNING - ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. - DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS. TERMINALS ON BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE DC DISCONNECT RATED MAXIMUM POWER POINT CURRENT (IMP) 1S A RATED MAXIMUM POWER POINT VOLTAGE (VMP) 60 V MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE (VOC) 60 V SHORT CIRCUIT f I IRREENT 11SC) 36 &,- MAIN 1,r MAIN BREAKER DE -RATED TO DUE TO SOLAR CIRCUITS 2 AMPS MAX ALLOWED DO NOT UPGRADE (NOTE: SIGNAGE CHARACTERISTICS - MIN. 3/8, REFLECTIVE, WHITE, ARIAL, ALL CAPITAL LETTERING ON RED BACKGROUND MADE OF WEATHER RESISTANT MATERIAL. AC DISCONNECT AND ANY LOAD CENTERS (COMBINER PANEL) PER 690.17(E) & 705.12 USPHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT - PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT - 6 -RATED AC OUTPUT CURRENT: 39.6- A - NOM. OPERATING AC VOLTAGE:., 240 V WARNING - ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. ` 00 NOT TOUCH TERMINALS. TERMINALS 7 ON BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD SIDES ' MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION `ee�uuiu o�w tit E rr:a, p°°o�am99a S c U o 00 to M U c rn N O N o IA O Q N u c j c u �Q•�Q t v J D Ln m N r, v v a, � w � � o L � ^ u g OR O`-'� >_ ^ m z w Ncn W W W con _U O N N J z z`* V N SHEET NAME: W Q Z Q Vi SHEET NUMBER: rl e-1 O ROOFTOP ARRAY EVERY 10' CAUTION: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM CONNECTEDU6_' AND WITHIN 1' Y��_ OF.ELBOWS 8 - - •: yo �o ri M M > M �< m �OAOF Property of Vivint Solar RATED AC OUTPUT CURRENT: 39.6 A Z STRING -INVERTER THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED SYSTEMS 9 , 'I ) CAUTION: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM CONNECTEDU6_' W s` Y��_ PHOTOVOLTAIC DISCONNECT Z Z ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD ri M M > M Property of Vivint Solar m Property of Vivint Solar RATED AC OUTPUT CURRENT: 39.6 A Z 1� THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED J Lu Ql INSIDE MAIN BREAKER DE -RATED TO DUE TO SOLAR CIRCUITS Vhf J NOM. OPERATING AC VOLTAGE: 240 V Z AND MAY BE ENERGIZED SHEET 2 AMPS MAX ALLOWED NAME: -' 1 SOLAR DC DISCONNECT e°° in rn ad z Z DO NOT UPGRADE WARNING Property of Vivint Solar a, c g3 Property of Vivint Solar SHEET "' - ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. —° -,, v o o W4 DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS. TERMINALS ON BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD SIDES SOLAR DC DISCONNECT Property Vivint Solar Y v u m LA of iu i_ 0 �- WARNING: DUAL POWER SOURCE ` MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION .i' SECOND SOURCE IS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM Property of Vivint Solar r v I 3 RATED AC OUTPUT: 39.6 A PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE DC DISCONNECT m cn NOM. OPERATING AC VOLTAGE: 240 V p WARING: PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE �'" `` RATED MAXIMUM POWER POINT CURRENT (IMP) 15 A `^ Property of Vivint Solar 12 RATED MAXIMUM POWER POINT VOLTAGE (VMP) 60 V MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE (VOC) 60 V WARNING SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (ISC) 15 A 4 INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION WARNING Property of Vivint Solar DO NOT RELOCATE OVERCURRENT DEVICE ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD IF A GROUND FAULT IS INDICATED �' SITE PLAN PLACARD SHOWING ADDITIONAL POWER 5 PHOTOVOLTAIC�� AC DISCONNECT NORMALLY GROUNDED CONDUCTORS MAY BE UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED 13 SOURCE AND DISCONNECT LOCATIONS. PLACARD SHALL BE MOUNTED ON EXTERIOR OF ELECTRICAL r' Property of Vivint Solar "'� PANEL (only when necessary) CITY i OF to QUiNTA 9 13 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. ; 12 APPROVED ` "` IF APPLICABLE c FOR CO CTION o 7 7 7 3 3 11 ' �6f�,,,tt���,,,,,,,,,. DATE - law 6 6 6 •°$ ° 2 2 -C �dy�. N 10 <_r _ Oral L �J • CC n oil ri� Ili y on 1 (],[ 8 8 .. SOLAR 0 ., INVERTERS W s` Y��_ Y Z Z DC ri M M > M rn m W Z , DISCONNECT J Lu Ql INSIDE N Vhf J � [OR]:� 10 p� (MAY BE ON ROOFTOP COMBINER VISIBLE/LOCKABLE VIVINT SOLAR METER VISIBLE/LOCKABLE SUB PANEL JUNCTION p INTEGRATED WITH ARRAY) PANEL A/C DISCONNECT (WHEN BOX O (WHERE REQUIRED) (WHERE REQUIRED) A/C DISCONNECT REQUIRED) STRING -INVERTER t SYSTEMS TYPICAL SOLAR GENERATION INSTALLATION (NOT ALL DEVICES ARE REQUIRED IN EVERY JURISDICTION) 4 INSIDE PANEL THESE PLACARDS SHALL BE PLACED ON ALL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DIRECT-CURRENT (DC) CONDUIT, ENCLOSURES, ALL STICKER DESCRIBED HERIN SHALL BE MADE OF A WEATHER PROOF ADHESIVE, THEY SHALL BE REFLECTIVE, REACE-WAYS.CABLEASSEMBLIFS,JUNCIION BOXES, COMBINER BOXES, AND DISCONNECTSTO ALERT THE FIRE SERVICE TO AVOID CUTTING THE MARKINGS SHALL BE PLACED ON ALL DC CONDUIT EVERY 10 FT (30x8 MML WITHIN I FOOT (305 THEY SHALL CONTAIN NO SMALLER THAN 3/8" WHITE ARIAL FONT TEXT, AND HAVE A RED BACKGROUND MM)OFTURNSORBENDSANDWITHINI FOOT (305 MM), ABOVE AND BELOW PENETRATIONS OF ROOF)CEILING ASSEMBLIES, WALLS OR BARRIERS MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT 4d. PANEL W. INSIDE PANEL Y Z Z I � ri M > rn m W Z Li H Z J Lu Ql N Vhf J � Z Z SHEET NAME: V1 ad z Z H co °C g3 SHEET NUMBER: O W4 : SOURCES WITHDISCONNECTS 'AS SHOWN JUNCTION ::..BO -X LOCATED 0NJROOF'TOP PV INTERCONNECT10N POINT DISCONNECT LOCKABLE. SWIT H TIL -X0. ITY METER LOCATT[O-N I SOLAR AAnnH,1 4=-q XA/1TP OnIAMP OPTIMIZERS MOUNTED .ON THE 8AC-'K'OF'E,AcH.MODULE 52945 Avenida Obregon X ram! "oo 973fPePo Contra UTI'D"N 1101A POWER TO THhS B;�, -!DING ISALSO S up*: LIED SUPPLIED THE FROM'`-'F� OLLOWING : SOURCES WITHDISCONNECTS 'AS SHOWN JUNCTION ::..BO -X LOCATED 0NJROOF'TOP PV INTERCONNECT10N POINT DISCONNECT LOCKABLE. SWIT H TIL -X0. ITY METER LOCATT[O-N I SOLAR AAnnH,1 4=-q XA/1TP OnIAMP OPTIMIZERS MOUNTED .ON THE 8AC-'K'OF'E,AcH.MODULE 52945 Avenida Obregon