0310-338 (SFD)_ LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chanter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. �.. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date 634981 n In( ODate ? Z Signature of Contractor— I2�. OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, .Business & Professionals Code).. () I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: () I have and will maintain a ,certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. J. ). I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: :Carrier ;TATE FUND Policy No. 1542937-0.1 (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). () I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person, i. any manner so as to/t ecome subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and'agreelthat if I should become subject to the workers' compensation prSection 3700 of Sect3700 of the Labor , Code, I shall forthwith comply wit hose'provisions. X Date: Applicant—�' ` Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to4he cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labdr Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & ea rson at 1A whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under o any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & sh , ' emnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and loye 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes nu I n void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issua ce permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to ancella%—n) I certify that I have read tthis application and state that the above ir5fr3rffratiorris� correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws,relating to the building ` construction, and hereby authorize representativesof this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. /Signature (Owner/Agent), t�. Date _? i BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT _, i V/ DATE _v LOT LOT ;1,'fl- TRACT JOB SITE 6-3 ADDRESS is9�A �� APN 774-04.4-014, OWNER CONTRACTOR /DESIGNER / EN INEER CORON1: EITM. RM8 CO .cS z cO xx rc�.» FU130 369 S1-1. At ►Aii'1I&4101 LA QtM4TA C`;A 92213 1A Q.U1 A CA '92253 (760),,564 7 60 CgLA 2261 USE �O7F�P�E�RR�MIITTTr� �. i7,73 OLEd`ipaal9La..3 ,L F!1Mf 47 � 1436 SF. SFD PERMIT f3C?ES bibT INCLUDE tLOCKG tesT.A.II,X., Po , • SPA. OIC. 13YtY'�`EVAY APPROA,CK 75!r 1t CED PLAi�T C�-1K K ,F ' MULTIPLE HOUSE OF SAME:Kau, '! a lire y a )p TYLkell CONSTROCTJow 1,436.0 sP . POKCWPdiTKO. -- 97.00 SF' . aAP,AaFjc.r' RF(5RT a 490,004 1E F,lT1 C091s' OF CORNSY UrC7,1 AM90 P . RWf FEE SMA1i1A1 Y .; CONSTRUCTION FU �:' 101=000.418.0(10 PLAN CHECK FFZ {'a' IA.9I PES: DEPOSIT 101.000-439.318 42si 0 . MECHAN1CALFE9 d 101-000-628-000 ELECT11:IC ALFLE ../:. 101.000-420.000 Slam. PLUMBING FEE IVRONG MOTIOA FEE - 10 Y -000- A.1-000GR.fi,: ING FMt7n71D 101-000-423-000 �K 3.00 k' tit DEVEIsO3'ER IMPACTFEK r �Cs'if►9,OW 4s PRECISi? PLAN 1,01-000-441-343 $100.00 ' -TOTA t3 'J'~ TION AND PLAN CHECK L PRE- F.FES --259;0e 2 22003 �tv A'lJs ' �: 7('AL PM'?l�il T k FY..S 1D11JE d9 i;►1PV t'I u. 41 ICE DEPT. RECEIPT DATE /!'��� BY DATE, FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs -- Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K to Wrap O F.A.U. Framing Compressor InsulationVents - Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wali Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final -eveiz Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K for Finish Plaster ,Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection 'Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) -COMMENTS: Date 12/23/03 No. 25315 Owner Coronel Enterprises Address PO Box 389 City La Quinta Zip 92253 Tract # Type Single Family Residence CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Desert Sands. Unified,School District 47950 Dune Palms Road La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 771-8515 APN # Jurisdiction Permit# Study.Area No. of Units 4���1Fi�sc�o Q BERMUDA DUNES r V) RANCHO MIRAGE �J INDIAN WELLS PALM DESERT y LA QUINTA �QIN0 L� 774-044-014 La Quinta r Lot # No. Street S.F. Lot .# No. Street S.F. Unit 1 53045 Avenida Obregon 1436 Unit 6 Unit 2 Unit 7 Unit 3 Unit 8 Unit 4 Unit 9 Unit 5 Unit 10 Comments At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patiostwalkways, residential additions undgr, ,, 500 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement molile,,, homes. It has been determined that the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $2.14 X 1,436 S.F. or $3,073.04 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By Valley Independent Bank Check No. 297774 Name on the check Telephone Funding Residential By Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent Fee collected /exe y mes Kozero Payment Recd / $3,073.04 aver/Under Signature _ ��`% NOTICE: Pursuarl ified vemment Code Section 6 0(d)(1), this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees or other payment id � above will begin to run from the date. on which the building or installation permit for this project -is issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect themon the District('s) behalf, whichever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID if Duplicated Embossed Original - Building Department/Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting APR -27-2004 07:39 AM P.03 1NSTAu_,A,ri0N 'CERT1FICATE CF -6R �.tr •�clurit� Perm t Number DUCT LEAFAGE AND DESIGN DIAGNOSTICS DUCT LEAKAGE REDUCTION Results (CFM ct 25 PA) Test. Leakage.(CFM) �5_ 7 400 cftTvion x number, of tons, or as 21.7 x -Heat in& Capacity in Thousands of 6tufhi, enter calculated value, here If fan now is measured, enter measured value here Leakage Ffaction = Test Leakage/(Measured or Calculated Fan Flow) _ • " , o Pass if leakage fraction S 0.06 0, ❑ Pass F-3. Fur -\F ROSOI. TYPE SEALANTS ONLY - The following diagnostic testing was completed: Duct Fan Pressurization at rough -in measured leakage (CFM) t. Hi.Cl: FINISHING `PALL: 1 ; ❑ Nu ❑ Pressure pan test or House pressurization test '1�' �� ❑ ❑ .� . , ❑ �'u ❑ Visual Inspection of Duct Collections Pass i'�:. THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE JXV) Thermostatic Expansion Valve (or Commission approved equivalent) is installed and Access is provided for,inspecuon ❑ Yes is a pass l'j�,; F;:.', DUCT DESIGN J , ACOA Manual D Design calculations haLc-been completed, DW Design is on the plans and duct installation matches plans. 'fXV is installed or Fan now has been verified. If no TXV, ✓1/ /� verified fan (low matches design from CF. I R. Measured Fan Flow ❑ ❑ Yes for both I and 2 is a lass Pass 17_j :1:!c ii;:r_l'• N cr:t'y that the above diagnostic' test results and the work I performed associated :.:iii, thv i..lutn:merus "or compliance credit. (The builder shall provide the FIFRS provider a -.,om u;'!1ic c.'I ,fr.plo; ve3 ur sub•connetors certifying that diagnostic testing and installation meet tic �nat.rre; Date ill kS Prov:dcr (if applicable) Owner at Occupancy n Installing Subconrractor (Co.'Namc) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) 10/29/200.3 02:40 FAX First Arneijrafl Tiflf- C Uownanv REC-ORDING-REQUESTED,BY'-. Fidelity National: Title Company Escrow No. 410934. -CB Title Order No. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE N00%, When Recorded Mail Document, and Tax Statement To: Mr. Zeke Coronal 51105 Avenida Villa, #101 P7-�'A) tvOy?q7"�1 La Quint6, CA 92253 APN: 774-044-01.4--5-, 0002 .DOC M- ..,.200 --804-7918 I* of 'icoo Tex. Paid Recorded -4n 60'iciail Records county'af Riverside O'rso Asssasar, CounEy Clerk M. S.. AGE 'WE OA POOR NOCOR SNi wSC. ... . . ....... R L [ COPY L... REFUND I NCHC EX A'. 1WThe undersigned grantorsjc� rp(s) Documentary transfer. tax Is 5302':50 r X I - computed on full velue-of'prdPerty conveyed, or I computed, on full valueless value of liens -or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, SP I Unincorporale6 Area City of La Quinta FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION; receipt of which Is here'iby4cknowledged, Frank . M. Griswold, Successor Trustee of The Henry Giiswold Living Trust dated June 19, 1995 hereby GRANT(S) to Coronet Enterprises, lhc.,.a Calif ornia-Corporatio n the following described. realpropierty In the CIty of La, Quinta County of Riverside, State of California: SEE EXHIBIT ONE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF DATED: September 19, 2003 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ON. 5 &4—INbefore me, k rsonally appeared Personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis Of satisfactory evidence) to be .the personN, whose name(bLis/aN subscribed,to thewith.ih*instrurnent and acknowledged to me that WN4/it)Wy�dxecLl I ted the same inhNr authorized cap -66 ity, A , and that by his/h signatureNi on the instrument n.trument the personN, or the entity upon be . half of , which the person( acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and . official seal. Signature Fiank M.'Grisyyold, Successor Trustee of The Henry Griswold Livi h*g'Trust-datedju'oe'�.'I 1995 9 , 2,44141 ;z , Y. Frank M, Griswold', Trustee LINDAA..GAGNdN COMMISSiori 0 131-3093 Notary Pu411c ta - Calitomis Orange Coynty-' My Comm Expires Jul 13,:2005 MAIL TAX STATEMENT'S�ASDIRECT . EDABO . VE FD Z -213 (Rev 7/96) GRANT RANT DEED . 0or prop - RV:2003 00804798 1 o.1-2 10/29/2003 02:41.FAX FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE 1a003 Escrow No. 410934•CB Title Order No. EXHIBIT ONE Lots 2, 7 and 10,, Block 175 of Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, Unit #18, as per map recorded in Book 19, Page 31 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. known as APN ✓•1774-044-014-5, 774-044-019-0 and 774-044-022-2 Lot 7, Block 281 of Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, Unit #26, as per map recorded in Book 50, Page 20 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, known as APN #774-215-007.7 Lot 8, Block 137 of Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, Unit #14, as per map recorded in Book 19, Pages 82 - 83 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of. said County. known as APN #773-093-003-0 cor prop - RV:2003 00804798 2 of 2 Test.i•ngEngirneers-:San D.iego,.� Inc. Established 1946 . q •7895 Convoy Court, Suite 11 .San Diego; CA`92111 s� g [858] 71°5=5800 Fax [858] 7154810 REPORT' OF QOM'PAQTIO;N'TEST° DATA Project Name OVA_ An,--- 64,,;-;u r'cu n Project Number Test Date / 17 %J Page of Client `./o Q." nom. / . C✓ rsf2u�ron Test # Material Strucfure Test Location and ,Elevation.or,Depth:relative to... C✓R�e.R f/�r (�Q%I 7','1 tr r7.:clp; ;L. S (- . Z;.'J . a 2 ri.;( 1, u i` .` 7`Y c Yi•1 Cf .1 • ' '� i(�.. fC It ri 4 i L� � �. Wet Density (pcf) ' i 2. ?• I Z3,. ZZZ..,r I'Zd, 4 .. Dry Density (pcf) l r ' ' l a• 3 (/ x.. +: Material: S = Soil, AC = Asphalt Concrete, ATB = Asphalt Treiated'Base, AB = Aggregate,Base; CTS:= Cement Treated Soil LTS = Lime Treated Soil, O = Other.. Y Structure: P = Pavement Structural'Sectiorr, F'= General Fill,.N = Native Sbil,VIL = Waterline, SS = Sanitary Sewer, ST- Storm Sewer, U = Other Utilities, W = Wall Backfill, SC = Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter,.O = Other Test # j Z. Probe Depth (inches) Wet Density (pcf) ' i 2. ?• I Z3,. ZZZ..,r I'Zd, 4 .. Dry Density (pcf) l r ' ' l a• 3 (/ x.. Moisture 7Y.. MD Curve Number /Z-3 t ZS.a Maximum Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture Relative Compaction, RC % y -`' Relative Moisture, RM (%) Specified RC (%) Specified RM (%) Conformance (Yes/No)r Nuclear Gauge Model and Serial Number: 4//(" Cs S- z", ; -7 3 -3 This report does not relieve the contractor of their responsibility for' performance in, accordance with the. plans, specifications and. applicable codes. The contractor is responsible for scheduling retesting cfl'feworked'areas that•have previously failed to meet specifications: See accompanying Daily Report for description of. -work and observations. TESD's Testing Technician: Name: �S' n yt!�r�o 2 SignafUre:.� Client's or Contractor's Acknowledgement: Name: Signature: White- Office Yellow- Contractor Pink- Fjeld Technician e tl ,t r - • �-a- �� � � � - - r -ifi ofO�ccuPcCe.tca� - - oF�9w �, - � • •� � - .Bu�Idin .& CSafe�t {.De• artmerit 4 : This,rCerfificate is issued�pursuant�to .the requirements of.Section .109 of -the California'Building Code;_ certifying. that, " of the _ time � of issuance, `this structure, � was in compliance . with. the -` 'provisionsr of'the .Bciilding' Code and'; the ,variocisr ordinances`�of the. City regulating building � a .construction and/or.�use. � � � i. _ � � r ; ,. .�: - _ r - ; ' • -. . BUILDING ADDRESS: 53-045'AVENIDA OBREGON' .. � � Use classification:. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING,--:, Building, Permit N6.:'0310-338. - ' Occupancy Group: R3 '� , � - , • � =Type of Construction: 41 ,VNLand Use Zone: RC• Owner;of Building: CORONEL ENTERPRISES Address, 51=105 AVENIDA VILLA #101 :r • ' - � � - � � _ �� City, ST, ZIP: LA QUINTA, CA 92253 By: KIRK KIRKLAND �b7"L _Date: April 28, 2004 . � .• ;Building Official - � � POST INA CONSPICUOUS PLACE e tl ,t r - • �-a- �� � � � - - r -ifi ofO�ccuPcCe.tca� - - oF�9w �, - � • •� � - .Bu�Idin .& CSafe�t {.De• artmerit 4 : This,rCerfificate is issued�pursuant�to .the requirements of.Section .109 of -the California'Building Code;_ certifying. that, " of the _ time � of issuance, `this structure, � was in compliance . with. the -` 'provisionsr of'the .Bciilding' Code and'; the ,variocisr ordinances`�of the. City regulating building � a .construction and/or.�use. � � � i. _ � � r ; ,. .�: - _ r - ; ' • -. . BUILDING ADDRESS: 53-045'AVENIDA OBREGON' .. � � Use classification:. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING,--:, Building, Permit N6.:'0310-338. - ' Occupancy Group: R3 '� , � - , • � =Type of Construction: 41 ,VNLand Use Zone: RC• Owner;of Building: CORONEL ENTERPRISES Address, 51=105 AVENIDA VILLA #101 :r • ' - � � - � � _ �� City, ST, ZIP: LA QUINTA, CA 92253 By: KIRK KIRKLAND �b7"L _Date: April 28, 2004 . � .• ;Building Official - � � POST INA -717 1 41JE , .� Q ,