2003 Sunline - Electric Vehicle Loan (missing pages) ,VEHICLE LOAN AGREEMENT SUNLINE ELECTRIC VEHICLE LOAN
Pathway Research LLC (hereaHer 'Loa~') a~ree~.to lend tl~e Eoar~ee i~,lilled o, Ihe re,erie ~ide of this a~]tefl'n~l certain Pat~vay Electric
Vehicles and ~a~'~e ag~s lo accept said Vehicles. under the following t~m',s m~d
t. V~kl~ Caver~ by ~ls A~reem,ent
V~kle~ and thel~ cl~ging unit~ (herea~er refer~ed Io a~ "vehicles.' except where noted) will be lot[her de~c~ib~ ~ thei~
identiflcatio~ ~mbe~s on ~he term entitl~ "Pathway 5hippe~,' which Loaue~ will p~uvide 1o to~r~e al It~e time. tl~e Vehtcle~ a~e delivered.
2. le~m of lhk A~eem~l
~ ~e term of thil I~ aareement Il ~e year. [ol'[imez~in~ un the date of' dellue~y of the Vehlde(.s) to the Loanee's Iocali~ i~itied on
em ~e~e~ ~e of ~ls
B. The Loane[ re~e~ the r~ht to [ed~e the ~nglh el 1[~ Vehicle loan at any time and to teammate the loan with 24-h~r nolice.
C. At the termination of the I~el. Lo,lee agrees to lollow ll~e ltep~ descrlt~d below u~'~er the head~ '[~]d o[ U~e
3. L~,e~s R~n~lbllltles .
L~ner agees to:
~ Uelive[ the Vehi/l~ to the ~atml] ~(tlted by t~n~ ud the Iro~-~t ul ti'ds
a. PI~ up Vehtclel (ue~er Ihm~ tho~e Vehides that I.~]nee decides lo purchase) at file toanee'~ ~calio~ ir, acc'a~'dJ~'~e with the te,r~ liste~
u~'~r the he~ing 'End of ~ TeEms' ~low.
C ~dlnate a,~mehll for wa/rarity service, i~lt,di~ pick-up and delivery of the Vehic~(s) requiring war~artty se~ice. ~ dealers
the Volt,les' ~'~nulaet~eh Club Ca~. Inc., at he ~arge to Luanee.
D. Cove~ ~e [ost~ of ~alea 1aa, reglstra~ and fi'ilEal pa~y liability Insufanre for the Vehicle(s) during the lerm of the Agreement.
[oanee agree~ with ~ ~o earh Vehicle, to:
· ~ U~ ter~inatlon of this agr~menL a~ Loan~'~ opus, elU~;r t) ~r(ha;e the.Vehicle i~ accordan;e wl~h ~e term~ ~ta~d bel~ (see
'Er~ of Use Terms'), or 2) make th= Vehicle ~vaila~le for pick-up by Loaner and get.ri it i~*~ Uo~ wOrU~ co,trYout to Loaner h~
accordan~ with the terms sta(~ below (see '~r~ of U~ T~rm~').
B. ~cepl res~sibilily ~d pay I~ any repatJ~ ~t covm'~ ~/war(ar,fy. h~iuding tho~e that result fr~
C, AcCept ~e~biliw a~d pay I~ ~oper care m~d maintenance et the Vehicle(s) ct, vexed hy this agreement In accordance with
Operat~'t Manual md stewards of mdJna~ ~re.
D. Compen~at~ loaner If any Vehicle Is lesL stolen, or destroyed. She an~un~ et said compen~tlur~ is $5,2~ per Vehicle. ihe repl~ement
cost of each charger will be assessed be~rately fo~ the sum o~ $425.
E. Accept rei~ns~ilily f~ all costs escalated with <hargl~'~ the Palhway baUerles.
R Nolil~ Pathway He,arch ~lor to any ~sir~t I~calion change or of any pro~r, od change I*~ the Ibcati~,~ of e~l~ere ~he&e ~ehi~les are
G. Nuti~ Pathway Research i~l~dla~ely if Vehlcle~ are d~magcd, sLole, ~ lo~l.
H. ~ res~n~lble f~ any repabs or dan~ge bex~d normal wept artd tear.
Levee& Responsibltily [0[
Levee agrees to t~ following steps to help assure the safetf of Vehlcle operalors and pasmtgers.
A. All~ ~eratlon of the Vehkle onl~ on ~e Iollowlng types of ~oads within o~ immediately adjacm~t Io the Loar, ee's p~emises, identified
1. On any roadways wilhi~'~ the bou[~ari~ el the Lease's premis~. ~ov~ed the roadway has a posted speed el 25 mph. m les~ or
2. On public ~oads ~at pass thresh DE imm~ta~ely arJJa[ent ~o lhe i.~ar~e~'l t~remJ~es, provided the mad has a posted speed limit of
3. ~le, (m~h'~ a road ol.35 mph m less that pa~se~ through Ibc L~nce't ~em~ses, pmwded the trot,lng begl~t a[~d end~ On a mad
2S mph DJ less and l~ controlled ~ a traffic signal or tour-way stop signs. ·
'B. ~uw°p~allml of Ule Vehicle(I) o~y by Ql~lilled Drive[~. A Q~alified Dr;var is defined asa per,on wl"m:
'1, Ha~ a valid, um~trl~ed driveds Ikense,
2. Is 18 yea~ of age ~ old~.
~. Has receiv~ and signed a copy of ~e Qualified ~iver Agreeme~l. ---ll~e ~alifiee Drive~ Agreement is delined as a card ur
d~umcnt sta~ing but not limited to the Iollowing:
............ _ ' ' * 11 i i_ la i ii ....... i i iii - _ ............ ii i i
· [OLde ! le Is never lu ~ 9aerated on u~y mad. p~ILoI..PfjVd[c~ a posted s~ed
limit af mo~o ~an 25 mph.
HIGHER RISK OF INJURY OR DEAIH IN COLLISIONS. EVEN A1 LOW 5PRElim. '1'h- t~[]her the speed of the tralf;c around
you, the higher the risk of injury,
To reduce the~e 1. Avotd roads wish regular traffic, even it the ~peed Ilmll Is Iow.
2. Whenever ~sible, slay on roads and lanes limited to Iow ~peed veh;cles.
3. Wear yoursafety ~lts at all times.
4. Avoid o~roli~ at night, because your vehicle may be hard .for Drivers to see.
5. Never drink and drive.
~. An~ to help avoid relievers. SLOW DOWN BEFORE MAKING SttAHP TURNS.
· In additi~, il thi~ rdaide hn~des trellis, the dHvm could be sublect to a citation. (The mp spued et tills vehicle
about ~1 mph.) This is ~1 the more reason ~o avoid roads with regular traflic and never to operate on r~ds with
speed limits a~ve Z5 mph.
·wa wish we had spage here to provide all safety related Inl(~rn~ation ~b~t Peri,way vehicles, but we dm~'t.
You'll rind more inlormaUon h~ the Pa~way Operators Manual which we entourage all user~ to read.
'----- :_ 'z': i _ _- . .... __ .... . ..... i i i~ i ...... i_ i ii
D, A~re Io ~he following additional
1. No at~'~(s) will ~ laken to alter 1he ti~nh,g r, ed~anisnl nr otherwise (l'~nge lhe top speed et 1he
2. No m~e Ihan two (2) o~upal~l~ will r~e o~1 the VehRl~(~) at a lime. No one will ride in any pa~ et ~he Vehicle t~l is not equip~d
wllh a s~at and ~fety ~It.
3.No ~cupar~l will h~ld a child on his or her lap whll~ the Vehicle i~ moving.
4.~ ~ild u~er'12 years wl~ be ~a~ned in the Pathway
b. ~1 Inc~ertt~crad~e, i:~mlvlng darl~ge to U~]S Vehicle or injury lo any ~rs~l wdl be get, cd to, l~cluding rc~rti,g
tO, Pathway Re,arch at 1-866-759-2~0.
E. Re,se, ir~enu-tlly a~ hu~ harmless Loaner, Its owners, n~anager~, employees, agenl~ aff~liate~. ~uppIle~'s 0re:lading U,e Vehicle
manufa~urer O~ Car, I~, and U~e Vehicle Dist~ibuto~' General Uololt Cor~ra~mn) from all claims a~ ju~jrnents arising out
c~n~tlon ~al t~ death m injury to any parse,, or any proper~ damage, occurring when a Vehkle I~ ~ed b'f a ~rsOn othe~ than a
Oualili~ Driver {a~ ~flned in 5B abo~L ~ on a road or in a tettlng otl~ ~han tho~ descried in 5A above, o~ in violation of rely of Ihe
terms Identified a~ve. General Molest Corporatio, and Club Co~, If1(., shall be lhifd-party beneficia~iet of thi~ t~ll~ (SE) of thii
Agreemen~ and ,~11 be endued to the r~lm a~ remedies thereur~e~ as il they were parties to this Agreement.
~_OI Use Tefm~
~an~ will provide Loanee notice of ~he date, ti,~e, and I~ation on ~anee's premises lot Luaner'~ piCk-up of t~ Vehkle(~) I.oan~ aQrees to
prepare t~ Vehic~(s) f~ pick-up
~ ~ttm~e all Vellicles detailed on the Pathway thip~r at the ~o~[ et delivery to which they were originally delivered.
B. Entre ~a[ all original fartorv pa~Is are en ~e Vehicle(s).
C, Ens~,e ~at any addiU~al pa~, ~ access~xles provided by Pathway Re~earch me dttached Or arcompanvin9 the Vcl,cle(~).
Loanee has ~e ~tion o~ purchasing Ule Pathways at the ~¢n~pletiun uf the pm~ram, at ~ purd~a~e pr,.e of $~.2~. piu~ lax, title,
and destination fees.
Read your Operator's Hanual and the labels on the vehicle.
Only licensed drivers, lB year~ or older with a valid, unrestricted
driver's license can operate the vehicle.
' Only the driver and one passenger ran be transported. Passengers
must be IZ years o1' age or older and wear a safety hell. ,
1, Always wear your safety belt properly.
Z, Make sure the Key Switch is in the ON position.
]. Make sure the battery is charged,
4, Make sure the forward/reverse switch is positioned
toward either the "F" or the
S. Depress the accelerator pedal,
Wear it light, lap . ~.. Hc. gflani women
belt Iow and snuc~ ~~~_~...~ shoutd wear lap-
the shoulder and "-, ~e I~ porUen as
below ~he rodndi~9
mroughou~ ~
Operate the Pathway only within a controlled driving environment,
on roads or paths with posted speeds of 25mph or less. Whenever
possible, avoid public roads and driving at night.
I~/HEN: You should fully charge the batteries after each use. Plug
the vehicle in after each u~e since the charger will automatically turn
itself off when the batteries are fully charged.
iiO~: 1'o charge the batteries, tirst turn off all accessories (like lights
and turn signals), then connect the charger AC supply cord to a
properly grounded outlet. Next, insert the charger DC plug into the
vehicle receptacle,
~/HERE: The Pathway should always, be charged in a well-ventilated area
with a grounded outlet, if you have a cover for the vehicle, remove or
unzip it, and pull it away from the batteries when charging the vehicle,
The Pathway should run about 25 miles on a full charge. II1 cold weather,
Pathway's range is reduced.
Please call the Pathway Research toll-free number 1-866-75cj-2040.