0014 (BLCK)� Cv ul�Gv t P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 )tit p.rtaa �bco as, goo 11 .ort no rationomaricee .n la,11D MYS ham 6nr OF a ' o;; . OIL a wore Iran broa en susDeed abandoned IN a prow 0, wD''o,:IRS COUIINSAIIDN DECLARATION ellDy a•.Ins certnh: zit of sum+ns' Cmmpcnsatbn Inlmznce. 01 a ceneym COPY tar�eol ISr. 3600, Lab C.) Polbcy No Company ^ D Cend.ro COPY Is IxleDy Iurmstle0 ( , Cit r0 lei I cd em•1 Ounly 6unl01np I K:Irpr, 1 a C 'til Gt partmtnl. 0,Y%7_E� Apphtan71 (F AP .CANT AA E F. MI) Y7 C[RII{ICIIT[ D [:E MPIION FROM WDRtttI N MSURAIbQ The aactwn real not b carolled A Dr that l tp lt5[D COet RACTDRL DEp AMT10N. I tlwaby atiea that l am Icnra.0 un6a prwalaa d ClNptat 11ICo--WM 1p coy dy in the rQ d tt bat pws prrM a la ort o In Oat 1 cso a eaorma that n Int podana wall i.0ro. 711 1 d Dwyt+.n 1 N the Busness and holeatsers Coll. and my acelee a on hit baa ane *"ad a t or er Compewhicnsation 0 snMi not emplq arty Arson n arty mwrr eco at to become wDpC b Ra Wakwa' Canpweatem leis d Labtama anyp In n [tarts Daae [lC Mumbw Day Applic" Cantlattw Falml TO APPUCAMI: R, stir matmp this Ce lHrcay Of E■wh$-On. YOU should brant subject to the Wwtsn* Dale Compensation pwrarae d at LaborLaborCode. Too mutt brtA.Rn oomph .On such pwrarae a this gates stud b Ce 01vNF a-BUI.O(a DEp ARATItMt I MrWy an■a that I am armee boom the Camsaa'a license lar la the totb.■p tenon f..c MIS Fu unes aro latolessyuns Code: Arty city a county which tewwe a pwmd to tDrmtlrrtl. elm• deemed revotsd , pnsbw of INDtISI1uAl SAFETY RRMrt CER11FlUl lux •' ' ' .npowt, drmdoh a Cepa. any shtactute. peror to tie iswanci oho redition the repptyunt to such permit to IM a that M a tcertsed pursuant to the picho ons of Ire Conlnclols lel versa law (Chapter g lco.mnortp hretry cettrly Iha1 no eturalron Ives (5) a male IMM 6ratllr into which a person b rpu:a610 6nrsrld. r0 b s tlDI (1 1dt this thild "' buft structure. signed atatrnyer0 Section no d Durnuon I of Dir business aro proletarians We) a that he is attempt tnerebom and the base ba a connection with row! adholvad by pitr�;Q bait N, 4 0. a dismantling Irnpeot, will b more than Ih beei h ICM Cts with Applicant to a reit the surged atem0lron Arty violation Of Seclron MIS by any applicant la A permit sublet"' Rye demolition CA.LJ pensny of nor rr2re Ina, Ilve Amard dollars (LW.I: will do the walk, and Ret Inslrial As ownn •builder, 1 ata rot empby anyone to d0 ova► rhiarwM rtpu■e a pelmet bpm Int Dlrnyon d6u has a pwmfl to 60 Such wort trap mat division, a/ rr.rW DI Rat popwty, a my employees with wages ale then sole compensation. holesatons Coot Tyr Eemla[ta"a IKrn1t la.� � atrry. u roled above. unless such person b uaae m rot mtr1. nded a oUaed lot are (Sec 7W. Busyness and and rho Goes sud-i vpL himsell a Imoupfi p,'s'rw of MAis1�1a1 S.Teir�slmn No. fT -. - doff rot apply Io an o -neat at popetly who builds or improve tweon. that such impovrmmis Not not Intended OF otle.ed lasatq R.No-•CRr the Dmhmp or _vim y,. tit �_ .- ADplicati his o.n enlproyrn. P'o•ded rmporrmmt a sad within One yaw Of eOmPlel.ort the o.nel.luildn will have try burden I wow tip 1Nn-he_dd m1 _ y % ICANSIRUC110N LENDING A(�HCy: I IKytby ail•m that her is a construction land" agency for the pemurmance d i • nice trusyceM a saued (Sec. 3W. cit. CJ. build a rnpnwe to, Inc purpose d salaJ. , 1T+r cool to, 1 as one, of tit pony. am eadusively conolratlmp with licensed a 011111 tole to woua[i the pro)a[1 (Sec. TDII P!„xaa coot Tose Conuacta's license Law does notapply to an orae a property wlobuilds or-- j r`n{anoe t-mam1 I • , -, all hotrsamrm Imp ores err. bon and who contracts, to such po)eets with a r:orllranalsl lyCwaed. pursuant to that Conlnclopi �` lerow's"hildiess / vIl�inat'I Mate Ieab 1ti6 aDNy: anon and ire roar the above infamalron is wtew. I spree m oomph •la afl I Ke'rat lawJ �_ - ._ __- ,A S. P.0 (Attach Certily[J1C) "= 0 I r 1 beOf Uly aha county orOmancn aro al]It laws Iola mp ID building construction. all Dy Umollit eD sm a r to colo upon 1M aDO+e-menhOtytd property mlPeLTgn a ose 1 am twnor unOe SK _ - - IM! county .. ' :: .. .- . .. •. •Date Date __ D.ner _ _ __ . SrynaWw of Applicant Or Apem I n 'I that I r.a+t a [erbhcale.ol consem to "I!-msule. a a O tui I I n tie stale teal Inc wD''o,:IRS COUIINSAIIDN DECLARATION ellDy a•.Ins certnh: zit of sum+ns' Cmmpcnsatbn Inlmznce. 01 a ceneym COPY tar�eol ISr. 3600, Lab C.) Polbcy No Company ^ D Cend.ro COPY Is IxleDy Iurmstle0 ( , Cit r0 lei I cd em•1 Ounly 6unl01np I K:Irpr, 1 a C 'til Gt partmtnl. 0,Y%7_E� Apphtan71 (F AP .CANT AA E F. MI) Y7 ADDRESS J �O �� Cert."OV -UNIT T/SYATE(06`1 44 ZIP JOB///"""SSMITE AD RESS.'SPACE CIT y"Or."/UNII Y/STATEIZIP BOK PAG PRC C Twee RNG SE S TRACT r1l i ni lOT TOTAL FEE MOD SB TRACT NAME OWNER NaME (L. F. MI) CON7FiAC`F0R.FIR%A NAME ADDPESS CIT,,:C[+•'� 7••ITY STATE%ZIP PHONE • LICNC ARC:En1v FIRM NAME ADDRESS CrTY:CD%< ur:IIY:Sl AlEZIP PHONE • UCNC ol USE OF Fi."AIIT Bl AD B SSB SSB RSB I OFC --F ZCNE LOT SZ ENO 51D'c CERIIFICAIE 01 COMPLIANCE AND AUIHORIZAIION OF [WIRY. I cerinty I have Ica n app its Io a mlolrrabon pi+en n [atecl I apiee to comply ff all Slate l� s an yUmy oidlnances rrtalmp to bued,rnp can suuu and aulnprue a neDlesentahve 01 Ihr4�,� rl AG �•�f/ g.,ni of 6y'le�pp and Sal ty pan I o t1 la .'lith 1 have applleb 101 this Pum 101 IM p nposi lel on n m" c .am I p I o p t a P A03I¢an1/AOenl Name APPVPRMY PS DATE D� 00 N o X1741"52e /G'• Ca s I 1<21 r1l i ni TOTAL FEE �/ D_J