2003 06 13 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL
JUNE 13, 2003
A special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of
9:30 a.m. by Mayor Adolph.
PRESENT: Council Members Henderson, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Adolph
ABSENT: None ..
Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Shelly Morris, 51-525 Avenida Juarez, secretary for the La Quinta Historical Society,
stated they have submitted a request to contract for services because the current
~ .... Board is not able to staff the museum at this time. She stated an alternative would
~ be to initiate a hiatus until the timeline for the museum expansion is clear, and
~ reorganize and recruit members at that time.
Council Member Sniff noted reorganization would not be necessary, and stated he
feels the logical action would be to take a hiatus for one year and re-evaluate the
situation at that time.
Council concurred to refer the matter to staff.
The City Council convened in joint session et this time with the Redevelopment
Agency and the Financing Authority. ·
City Council Minutes 2 June 13, 2003
Bruce Pelletier, 78-136 Frances Hack Lane, President of La Quinta Volunteer
Fire Company urged Council to find a way to fund a paramedic squad.
City Manager Genovese presented a brief staff report.
Finance Director Falconer presented major highlights of the preliminary budget
and the budget process.
Nicolas Hemes, 49-165 Washington Street, referenced the funding request by
Coast Concert Management, and suggested it be referred to the Cultural Arts
Commission for a recommendation.
In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Falconer advised the General Fund reserves
are approximately $36 million, with approximately $13 million being readily
available for cash flow needs.
Mr. Genovese clarified the emergency reserves are increased each year by 30%
of the operating budget, and that amount is included in the budget.
Mayor Adolph commented on the importance of maintaining the emergency
Council concurred to take up the budget items individually at this time.
Chamber of Commerce -- After a brief discussion, Council concurred to budget
$125,000 for the Chamber of Commerce, subject to a signed contract and an
update regarding the Status of the executive director position being filled.
La Quinta Arts Foundation -- It was noted that the Arts Foundation has not
submitted a request for funding, and there was consensus that the $100,000
allocation should be deleted from the budget.
Bob Hope Chrysler Classic --Mr. Falconer noted the $50,000 amount is for
police services during the event, and that it is currently unknown if a State grant
for 50% of the cost will be available this year. Council concurred to retain the
$50,000 amount in the budget.
Community Special Event~ --A brief discussion ensued regarding the funding
request by Coast Concert Management (Martin Langer). Council concurred to
City Council Minutes 3 June 13, 2003
budget $40,000 for community special events with $30,000 of it designated
for a concert series (subject to an agreement with Mr. Langer) and $1 O,O00 for
other special events to be recommended by the Cultural Arts Commission.
Boys & Girls Club - Facility Use -- Council concurred to budget $30,000.
Contingency - Council concurred on an amount of $20,00.0.
CVRPD Pool Hours -- There was concurrence by the Council to budget
$18,000. Council Member Henderson requested this item be defined as the
CVRPD contract in future budgets.
AB 939 -- Council concurred to budget $10,000.
Facility Dedications & Holiday in Park -- Council concurred to retain the
budgeted amount of $8,000.
C. V. Economic Partnership -- Council concurred to budget $6,000. Council
Member Henderson requested the new executive director be asked to make a
presentation before the Council.
Boys & Girls Club - Floor Repair - Council concurred on an amount of $4,000.
Mr. Genovese noted this is an annual expense, and that staff will be coming
back with other potential improvements to the facility.
Date Festival -- There was consensus to budget $5,250.
Public Safety - Police Services - In response to Council Member Henderson,
Police Chief Horton explained how the City's growth affects the need for an
additional motor officer and special enforcement officer. He noted the City's
contract for 33 sworn positions with a $5.18 million budget averages 1.03
officers per thousand. Council Member Henderson stated she support's staff's
recommendation but questions the 1.03 figure since a large part of the
population lives in gated communities where the streets are not patrolled by City
police. Mayor Adolph commented on the number of seasonal residents the City
has beyond its population, and noted the police does respond to various
incidents within gated communities. Chief Horton added gated communities are
100% the responsibility of the police department, and are patrolled except for
traffic control. After a brief discussion, Council concurred with staff's
recommendation to add a special enforcement team member and additional
motor officer.
City Council Minutes 4 June 13, 2003
Public Safety - Fire Services -- Council Member Sniff noted the City Manager's
negotiations with the County for an increased level of fire services will impact
what the City may have to do. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr.
Falconer stated funding sources available for fire services are the Structural Fire
Tax, Tax-Increment Pass-Thru Agreement with the County, and the General
Fund with fire services currently paid through the Structural Fire Tax and tax-
increment funding. Due to the agreement with the County for any unused
portion of the tax-increment dollars to remain as a credit, the City has been able
to use that credit and not had to rely on the General Fund to make up any
shortfall. He advised maintaining a two-person staffing level at the third fire
station would not require use of the General Fund but increasing the level of
service to include a third person or paramedic squad would come close to
having to rely on the General Fund. Mr. Genovese reviewed the level of fire
services being negotiated with the County, and stated a contribution from the
General Fund is not projected at this time. Council concurred with staff's
Senior Center/Library Covered Parking -- Council concurred to table this item
until next year.
City Council Salaries -- After a brief discussion, Council concurred on an
increase of $150 a month to the salaries of the Mayor and Council Members.
California State University - Council Member Osborne commented on the need
to support higher education in the Valley, and spoke in support of having this
item brought back in the future for possible funding. Council concurred. Mayor
Adolph commented on the possibility of a future auxiliary campus in La Quinta.
Special Olympics, The Living Desert, and American Cancer Society -- Council
concurred with staff's recommendation to refer these items to the Community
Services Grant Program.
Personnel - Council concurred with staff's recommendations.
Council Member Sniff noted the issue of lighting and landscape maintenance
costs will need to be addressed in the near future because it is a major impact
on the budget. Mr. Genovese advised an analysis will be prepared prior to next
year's discussions on the lighting and landscape maintenance costs.
Council Member Henderson questioned some of the travel eliminations listed on
Page 4 of the staff report. Mr. Genovese advised the travel eliminations were
part of the process in trying to balance the budget, which now stands at a
surplus of 936,730. After a brief discussion, Council concurred to direct the
City Council Minutes 5 June 13, 200:3
City Manager to review the various conferences with staff and determine which
conferences should be maintained in the budget.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Genovese advised the Transient
Occupancy Tax issue will be brought back at a later date.
MOTION -It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the
Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2003/2004 as amended, and direct staff to
prepare a Fiscal Year 2003/2004 Final Budget for July 22, 2003. Motion
carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2003-53.
There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson
to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk
City of La Quinta, California