2003 08 19 RDAefr# 4 #49ha Redevelopment Agency Agendas are Available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-quinta.org REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 19, 2003 - 2:00 P.M. Beginning Resolution No. RA 2003-15 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Agency Board Members: Adolph, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, and Chairperson Henderson PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. CLOSED SESSION NOTE: Time permitting the Redevelopment Agency Board may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. In addition, persons identified as negotiating parties are not invited into the Closed Session meeting when the Agency is considering acquisition of real property. 1. CONFERENCE WITH AGENCY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, MARK WEISS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF A PORTION OF 525 t ACRES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET. PROPERTY OWNER/NEGOTIATOR: JOHN FOSTER. RECONVENE AT 3:00 P.M. Redevelopment Agency Agenda TOO August 19, 2003 PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the Agency Board on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or matters that are not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. Please watch the timing device on the podium. For all Agency Business Session matters or Public .Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form should be filed with the City Clerk prior to the Agency beginning consideration of that item. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 2003. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED AUGUST 19, 2003. 2. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT FOR JUNE 30, 2003. 3. TRANSMITTAL OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES REPORT FOR JUNE 30, 2003. 4. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445(a) AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR THE AVENIDA LA FONDA STREET ENHANCEMENT PROJECT. 5. ACCEPTANCE OF ASSESSMENT/SEWER HOOK-UP FEE SUBSIDY PROGRAM - PROJECT 2003-03 AND AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY CLERK TO RECORD NOTICE OF COMPLETION. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY GOLF COURSE ROUTING PLAN FOR SILVERROCK RANCH. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 11 , Redevelopment Agency Agenda 2 August 19, 2003 2. CONSIDERATION OF REVISIONS TO THE HOME PURCHASE SECOND TRUST DEED LOAN PROGRAM - LA QUINTA HOUSING PROGRAM. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF A WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN, CONCEPTUAL PERIMETER LANDSCAPE PLAN, AND PROJECT ENTRY CONCEPT PLANS FOR SILVERROCK RANCH. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS - NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE ADJOURNMENT *NOTE: The regularly scheduled meeting of September 2, 2003, has been cancelled due to the lack of a quorum. Adjourn to a regularly scheduled meeting of the Redevelopment Agency to be held on September 16, 2003, commencing with closed session at 2:00 p.m. and open session at 3:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. 00.1 Redevelopment Agency Agenda 3 August 19, 2003 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency meeting of Tuesday, August 19, 2003, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce and at Stater Bros. 78-630 Highway 1 1 1, on Friday, August 15, 2003. DATED: August 15, 2003 JUNE S. GREEK, CIVIC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California one Redevelopment Agency Agenda 4 August 19, 2003 4hf T 6 AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: AUGUST 19, 2003 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated August 19, 2003 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Redevelopment Agency Board: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING Receive and File the Demand Register Dated August 19, 2003 of which $250,731.31 represents Redevelopment Agency Expenditures. PLEASE SEE CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NUMBER 1 ON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 0�5 - . � N', O� ww�O I = 4 GF 9�5 OF AGENDA CATEGORY: 'T�' COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 19, 2003 Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated June 30, 2003 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: d� STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Receive and File Treasurer's Report the dated June 30, 2003. PLEASE SEE BUSINESS SESSION ITEM ON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA p 0 4 5w4� OF9ti AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 19, 2003 ITEM TITLE: Transmittal of Revenue and Expenditure Report for June 30, 2003 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 3 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Transmittal of the Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for June 30, 2003 for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. spec Ily sub itt n M. Falcorfer, Finance Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Attachments: 1. Revenue and Expenditures for June 30, 2003 007 ATTACHMENT 1 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REMAINING % REVENUE SUMMARY BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED PROJECT AREA NO. 1: DEBT SERVICE FUND: Tax Increment 20,140,132.00 21,086,099.43 (945,967.43) 104.700% Allocated Interest 0.00 197,710.39 (197,710.39) 0.000% Non Allocated Interest 0.00 7,078.52 (7,078.52) 0.000% Interst -County Loan 0.00 595,757.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 595,757.00 0.000% 0.000% Interest Advance Proceeds 1,738,783.00 1,738,782.66 0.34 100.000% Transfers In TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 22,474,672.00 232029,671.00 (554,999.00) 102.470% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: 0.00 79,472.41 (79,472.41) 0.000% Pooled Cash Allocated Interest 125,000.00 573,139.01 (448,139.01) 458.510% Non Allocated Interest 0.00 55,789.22 (55,789.22) 0.000% Litigation Settlement Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Loan Proceeds Rental Income 41,500.00 38,691.60 2,808.40 93.230% Transfers In 6,000 000.00 6,000 000.00 0.00 100.000% TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 6,166,500.00 6,747,092.24 (580,592.24) 109.420% LOWIMODERATE TAX FUND: 5,035,033.00 5,271,524.83 (236,491.83) 104.700% Tax Increment Allocated Interest 200,000.00 34,189.71 165,810.29 17.090% Non Allocated Interest 0.00 2,215.95 (2,215.95) 0.00 0.000% 0.000% Miscellaneous revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Non Allocated Interest LQRP-Rent Revenue 341,000.00 376,862.77 (35,862.77) 110.520% Home Sales Proceeds 150,000.00 0.00 150,000.00 0.000% Sale of Land 0.00 0.00 0.00 93,491.88 0.00 (93,491.88) 0.000% 0.000% Sewer Subsidy Reimbursements 0.00 187,259.90 (187,259.90) 0.000% Rehabilitation Loan Repayments 1,825,000.00 0.00 1,825,000.00 0.000% Transfer In TOTAL LOWIMOD TAX 7,551,033.00 5,965,545.04 1,585,487.96 79.000% LOWIMODERATE BOND FUND: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Allocated Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Home Sale Proceeds 0.00 11,948.83 (11,948.83) 0.000% Non Allocated Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Transfer In TOTAL LOWIMOD BOND 0.00 11,948.83 (11,948.83) 0.000% 1!' 2 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 07/01/2002 - 6130/03 BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED REMAINING BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO. 1: DEBT SERVICE FUND: SERVICES 586,870.00 316,566.96 0.00 270,303.04 BOND PRINCIPAL 1,567,022.00 1,567,022.00 0.00 0.00 BOND INTEREST 6,991,075.00 6,895,536.13 0.00 95,538.87 INTEREST CITY ADVANCE 595,757.00 595,757.00 0.00 0.00 (0.00) 6,027.01 PASS THROUGH PAYMENTS 9,649,709.00 9,643,681.99 ERAF SHIFT 723,550.00 723,518.00 0.00 32.00 TRANSFERS OUT 6,000 000.00 6 000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 377,900.92 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 26,113,983.00 25, 42,08 .08 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: 4,900.00 6,930.99 0.00 (2,030.99) PERSONNEL SERVICES 214,379.00 179,692.34 0.00 34,686.66 LAND ACQUISITION 310,000.00 2,700.00 0.00 307,300.00 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ADVERTISING -ECONOMIC DEV 16,700.00 16,700.14 0.00 (0.14) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 552,682.00 248,862.95 112,000.00 191,819.05 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 199,880.00 18,315.66 0.00 181,564.34 CAPITAL - BUILDING REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 0.00 1,086,106.00 0.00 1,086,106.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.08) TRANSFERS OUT 9 359 859.77 1,939,563.64 0.00 112,000.00 7,420 296.13 8,1 7 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 11,7 .77 .80 ,6 LOWIMODERATE TAX FUND: 6 930 99 0 00 ' (2 030 991 PERSONNEL SERVICES 4,900.00 239,315.00 I 244,255.80 0.00 ' (4,940.80) BUILDING HORIZONS 210,000.00 329,000.00 169,500.00 608,829.67 0.00 0.00 40,500.00 (279,829.67) LQ RENTAL PROGRAM LQ HOUSING PROGRAM 2,867,120.00 2,207,924.00 0.00 659,196.00 LOWMOD VILLAGE APARTMENTS 3,000,000.00 650,000.00 2,350,000.00 0.00 APARTMENT REHABILITATION 626,000.00 9,135.00 350,000.00 266,865.00 FORECLOSURE ACQUISITION 430,000.00 0.00 0.00 430,000.00 REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 206,485.00 206,484.84 0.00 0.16 TRANSFERS OUT 3,953,426.00 3,286,801.20 7, 9, 1. 0.00 2,700, 666 624.80 1,116,384.50 TOTAL LOWIMOD TAX 11 t866,246.00 LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND PERSONNEL SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND HOUSING PROJECTS TRANSFERS OUT. TOTAL LOWIMOD BOND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 f1• 'K LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REMAINING % REVENUE SUMMARY BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED PROJECT AREA NO.2: DEBT SERVICE FUND: 9,440,205.00 9,916,962.35 (476,757.35) 105.050% Tax Increment Allocated Interest 0.00 64,743.95 (64,743.95) 0.000% Non Allocated Interest 0.00 3,100.10 (3,100.10) 0.000% Interest Advance Proceeds 863,674.00 0.00 863,674.00 0.000% Transfer In 338,895.00 338,895.00 0.00 100.000% TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 10,642,774.00 10,323,701.40 319,072.60 97.000% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: 0.00 56,855.41 (56,855.41) 0.000% Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest 20,000.00 10,421.18 9,578.82 52.110% Developer Agreement 0.00 1,100,000.00 0.00 1,100,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 100.000% Transfers In TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 1,120,000.00 1,167,276.59 (47,276.59) 104.220% LOWIMODERATE TAX FUND: 2,360,051.00 2,479,240.58 (119,189.58) 105.050% Tax Increment Allocated Interest 20,700.00 111,755.76 (91,055.76) 539.880% Non Allocated Interest 0.00 17,507.00 0.00 17,507.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 100.000% ERAF Shift - Interest 801,358.00 0.00 801,358.00 0.000% Sale of Land Transfer In 16,964 00 19,860 63 (2,896.63) 117.080% TOTAL LOWIMOD TAX 3,216,580.00 2,628,363.97 588,216.03 81.710% LOWIMODERATE BOND FUND: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest 0.00 2,897.08 (2,897.08) 0.000% Transfer In 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% TOTAL LOWIMOD BOND 0.00 2,897.08 (2,897.08) 0.000% 010 4 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 07/01/2002 - 6130/03 BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED REMAINING BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO.2: DEBT SERVICE FUND: SERVICES 161,020.00 149,787.44 0.00 11,232.56 BOND PRINCIPAL 172,978.00 172,978.00 0.00 0.00 BOND INTEREST 586,665.00 586,663.90 0.00 0.00 1.10 (0.50) INTEREST CITY ADVANCE 863,674.00 863,674.50 0.00 0.00 INTEREST - ERAF UMOD LOAN 17,507.00 7,995,475.00 17,507.00 7,992,711.08 0.00 2,763.92 PASS THROUGH PAYMENTS 1,100,000.00 1.100,000.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 10,8 19.00 109,32 .9 O.W 13, 997.08 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: 2,900.00 4,194.02 0.00 (1,294.02) PERSONNEL SERVICES 158,774.00 127,757.44 0.00 31,016.56 ADVERTISING -ECONOMIC DEV 33,300.00 93,425.00 33,299.88 18,235.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 75,190.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY 34,111.00 34,111.20 0.00 (0.20) REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND (245,58314) (208,913.00) 0.00 36 670.14 TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 76,926.86 8,M$4.54 0.00 68,242.32 LOWIMODERATE TAX FUND: PERSONNEL SERVICES SEWER SUBSIDIES LQ RENTAL PROGRAM ADAMS 48TH PLANNING LOW MOD HOUSING PROJECTS FORECLOSURE ACQUISITION REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL LOW/MOD TAX LOWIMODERATE BOND FUND PERSONNEL SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL LOWIMOD BOND 2,900.00 4,194.02 0.00 (1,294.02) 197,049.00 187,422.98 0.00 9,626.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 132,880.00 132,880.00 0.00 0.00 850,000.00 370,000.00 480,000.00 0.00 247,296.00 0.00 247,296.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 71,298.00 71,297.88 0.00 0.12 4,448 586.69 585,752.70 0.00 3,862 833.99 5,96 ,009.69 1,351,547.58 727,2 .11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,375,928.46 2,378,825.09 0.00 (2,896.63) 2,375,928.46 2, 78,8 5.09 mm=.wmmmmm=mwm= 0.00 •63 D11 5 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 19, 2003 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of a Resolution Making Certain Findings Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a) and Authorizing the Expenditure of Funds for the Avenida La Fonda Street Enhancement Project RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolution of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency making certain findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a), and authorizing the expenditure of funds for the Avenida La Fonda Street Enhancement Project. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The proposed improvements are part of the Avenida La Fonda Street Enhancement Improvements, Project 2002-05 and will be 100% funded with RDA Project Area No. 1 funds. The following represents the approved project budget: Expense Category Budget Amount City Administration $ 37,619.00 Engineering $ 75,238.00 Construction $610,516.00 Inspection/Testing/Survey $ 56,428.00 Less Prior Expenditures (As of May 12, 2003) ($ 76,884.67) TOTAL AVAILABLE: $702,916.33 Based upon the engineer's estimate provided by RGA Landscape Architects, Inc. in the amount of $108,286.22, plus a 7% developer administration amount of $7,580.04, plus a 15% contingency amount of $17,379.94, staff recommends a budget not in excess of $133,246.19 be approved to reimburse the developer for the proposed improvements. 012 S:\CityMgr\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\8-19-0=10.doc Adequate funding is currently available to support staff's recommendation. The balance of the proposed improvements necessary to complete the Avenida La Fonda Street Enhancements is being re -advertised for bid at this time. An additional appropriation may or may not be necessary to award a construction contract for the City installed improvements. Staff will be prepared to address this matter further upon receipt of new construction bids. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Marvin Investments, Inc., the developer for the "Old Town La Quinta" development, desires to install the landscape and irrigation, brick pavers, site furniture and other related improvements on the north side of Avenida La Fonda, between Desert Club Drive and Avenida Bermudas, at the same time as it undertakes the site improvements associated with its development to avoid potential scheduling impacts. Award of the construction contract for the remaining street improvements to Avenida La Fonda is currently scheduled for City Council consideration on September 16, 2003 with construction occurring between October 2003 and January 2004. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445, the City Council must make certain findings in order to use Agency funding for this project. Those findings can be made and are set forth in the attached Resolution. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Redevelopment Agency Board include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency making certain findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a), and authorizing the expenditure of funds for the Avenida La Fonda Street Enhancement Project; or 2. Do not Adopt a Resolution of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency making certain findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a), and authorizing the expenditure of funds for the Avenida La Fonda Street Enhancement Project; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 013 S:\CityMgr\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\8-19-03\C10.doc 2 Respectfully submitted, othy R. o as , P.E. Public Works irec or/City Engineer Approved for submission by: yllz'.r7�� r Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director S:\CityMgr\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\8-19-03\C10.doc 3 014 RESOLUTION NO. RA 2003- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445(a) AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR THE AVENIDA LA FONDA STREET ENHANCEMENTS WHEREAS, on the 6th day of May, 2003, the La Quinta City Council (the "City Council") approved the 2003-2004 Economic Development Plan which includes implementation policies supporting enhancement of the Village commercial area; and WHEREAS, the Avenida La Fonda Street Enhancements will be located in La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 (the "Project Area") and will help to attain the aforementioned objective; and WHEREAS, the need for the improvement to La Fonda Street was documented as one of the conditions of blight that justified the formation of the Project Area, as cited in the October 1983 Report to the La Quinta City Council on the Proposed Redevelopment Plan for La Quinta Redevelopment No. 1; and WHEREAS, Section 518 of the Redevelopment Plan for La Quinta Redevelopment Project No. 1, as amended by Amendment No. 1, authorizes the Agency to undertake the funding of the Avenida La Fonda Street Enhancements; and WHEREAS, the construction of the Avenida La Fonda Street Enhancements would afford the Agency the opportunity to address some of the aforementioned conditions of blight; and WHEREAS, there is inadequate funding within the City's General Fund or from other sources to construct the Avenida La Fonda Street Enhancements; and WHEREAS, it would be in,the best interest of the public to construct the Avenida La Fonda Street Enhancements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency as follows: SECTION 1. The above recitations are true and correct and are adopted as the findings of the Agency Board. SECTION 2. The Agency Board hereby authorizes Agency funding to be 119/015610-0048 015 414213.01 a08/08/03 4 Resolution RA 2003- La Fonda Street Enhancements Adopted: August 19, 2003 Page 2 utilized for the Avenida La Fonda Street Enhancements. SECTION 3. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a), the Agency finds and determines that: A. The construction of the Avenida La Fonda Street Enhancements is of benefit to the Project Area and to the immediate neighborhood in which the Avenida La Fonda Street is located. B. No other reasonable means of financing the improvements are available to the community. C. The Avenida La Fonda Street Enhancements will assist in the elimination of one or more blighting conditions inside the Project Areal including need for improvement to the infrastructure within the Village commercial area, and is consistent with the Agency's implementation plan adopted pursuant to Section 33490. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency held on this 19" day of August, 2003, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: TERRY HENDERSON, Chair La Quinta Redevelopment Agency ATTEST: 119/015610-0048 414213.01 a08/08/03 016 5 Resolution RA 2003- La Fonda Street Enhancements Adopted: August 19, 2003 Page 3 JUNE S. GREEK, CMC, Agency Secretary La Quinta Redevelopment Agency APPROVED AS TO FORM: M.. KATHERINE JENSON, Agency Counsel La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, California 119/015610-0048 414213.01 a08/08/03 017 E. T 0 4, t 4 444" AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 19, 2003 t CONSENT CALENDAR: J ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Acceptance of Assessment/Sewer Hook -Up Fee Subsidy Program - Project 2003-03 and Authorization PUBLIC HEARING: for City Clerk to Record Notice of Completion RECOMMENDATION: Accept Project 2003-03 and instruct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: All work for Project 2003-03 (Low -Mod Sewer Hook -Up) has been completed in accordance with the specifications. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: All work has been completed to specifications. There is no alternative but to accept the project. R pectfully sub itted, om tung, Direct r of Building & Safety pr ed for submission l Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 018 a, ti OF 9ti COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 19, 2003 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Preliminary Golf Course Routing Plan for SilverRock Ranch RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: That the Redevelopment Agency approve the Preliminary Golf Course Routing Plan for SilverRock Ranch and authorize Palmer Course Design Company (PCDC) to begin preparation of a final routing plan for Agency consideration in September 2003. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Redevelopment Agency authorized a contract with PCDC for golf course architectural services in July of this year. Pursuant to the contract, PCDC is to prepare and receive approval on a preliminary routing plan before beginning work on the final routing plan. Attachment 1 represents a draft preliminary routing plan for Agency review and consideration. The routing plan(s) provides the basic outline for future course alignment and design. Once the final routing plan is approved by the Agency (tentatively scheduled for September 2003), PCDC will begin work on course plans and specifications suitable for project bidding. A preliminary draft routing plan was given to representatives from Landmark Golf (retained in a special consulting role subsequent to approval of the Golf Industry Consultant Account), the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic (in consideration of their letter offer of August 7, 2003 to serve as Tournament Consultant, Attachment 2), and GMA International, in addition to members of the Agency's project staff and consultaflt,9 n received. The revis ` team. Alterations were made to that plan based on comments draft plan is generally contained within the Phase I design envelope established by the Agency's adopted Conceptual Master Plan (Attachment 3), albeit with some modification near the hotel intended to segregate the "tournament" course from the "resort" course. The routing plan allows for a course of approximately 7,700 yards, a length appreciably longer than recent and/or proposed U.S. Open venues (Attachment 4), current Hope Classic Courses (i.e., ranging from 6,512 yards to 7,060 yards), and the recently remodeled Augusta National Golf Club (i.e., "The Masters" venue at 7,290 yards) . The draft preliminary routing plan is a work in progress and is before the Agency so that Agency Members can give early and substantive comments on course layout and design before significant expenses are incurred in the preparation of final plans and specifications. The draft plan included as Attachment 1 continues to be reviewed by PCDC, Agency staff and consultants. PCDC representatives will be available to discuss the draft, and possible revisions thereto, at the Agency's discretion. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency Board include: 1. Approve the preliminary golf course routing plan for SilverRock Ranch and authorize PCDC to begin preparation of a final routing plan for Agency consideration in September 2003; or 2. Approve the preliminary routing plan for SilverRock Ranch, with modification, and authorize PCDC to begin preparation of a final routing plan for Agency consideration in September 2003; or 3. Suggest significant revision to the preliminary golf course routing plan and schedule a follow-up meeting with PCDC for additional review; or 4. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, n_ Mark Weiss Assistant Executive Director 020 2 Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Attachments: 1. Draft preliminary routing plan 2. Bob Hope Chrysler Classic letter offer 3. Proposed phasing plan 4. Comparison routing plans 3 ♦� 1w\ram NOW. T"mmwMc-! M u _fir �w'- - ' �_`'�` � _ � ��,1'�}4��,-}• to ►S�`t},; !.. .; t �T• _ _'..Y fit♦ �. ,� xt r ..� + ♦ r �'', � ���� '•�'r �1•�'}�_~~•}� �.. .�_. �{ r. ta[�'+,li ri � � - jam'` ,I 1, �- r, '' 1:� ��•� �= 1' JI"I_. r �,) :Y }.} �1�4-r-^..{+�un"�:��i(i r�: `r'. �-irV ��t ,= _ �� •f Gr l EI ATTACHMENT 2 �OpE C41��cf' C H R Y S L E R r OFFICERS: BOB HOPE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD ROBERT P. BRENNAN PRESIDENT AND TOURNAMENT CHAIRMAN JOHN E. EVENSON FIRST VICE PRESIDENT AND ASST. TOURNAMENT CHMN. JOHN M. FOSTER TREASURER STEVE MORTON SECRETARY ERNIE DUNLEVIE ASSISTANT SECRETARY JOHN CURCI ASST. TREASURER DIRECTORS: ROBERT P. BRENNAN JOHN CURCI TONY DEL GIORGIO DAN DUNLAP ERNIE DUNLEVIE JOHN EGER DAVID J. ERWIN JOHN E. EVENSON JOHN M. FOSTER JAMES HARRISON JOHN LANE LARRY LICHLITER VICTOR LoBUE, Jr. STEVE MORTON DAVID PEAT DONALD B. POOLEY WILLIAM T. POWERS JAMES R. REED WILLIAM G. SALATICH DON SHAGRIN EUGENE WEISBERG TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR MICHAEL E. MILTHORPE ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR DAWN M. SUGGS August 7, 2003 Mr. Mark Weiss Assistant City Manager City of LaQuinta 78-495 Calle Tampico LaQuinta, CA 92253 Via: Hand Delivery Dear Mark, BOBEOPE CHRYSLER CLASSIC Post Office Box 865, Rancho Mirage, California 92270 Bob Hope Classic Building, 39000 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, California 92270 (760) 346-8184 - 1-888-MR B HOPE - FAX (760) 346-6329 Web Site: www.bhcc.com - E-Mail: Info@bhcc.com - bhccadWia&b D C , 8 2001 In our recent phone conversation, we talked about the position of Tournament Consultant on the Silver Rock project. I would propose the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Silver Rock Committee serve as that consulting party. That committee will be composed of John Foster; the executive committee of the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic; Mike Milthorpe, executive director - operations, of the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic; PGA Tour agronomy and development services; and Jim Jennet, ABC Television. Working with the Arnold Palmer Design Company, this team will bring a- priceless asset to this project. The other great benefit will be that no fees will be charged. Glad to hear that things are progressing. You can expect the draft of an agreement between us by the middle of next week. Thanks. /V John M. Foster 023 Kevin B Varner From: Kevin B Vamer [KevinV a@GMAintl.net] Sent: Thursday; July 24, 2003 12:13 PM To: Mark Weiss Cc: Debbie Powell; Gil Martinez Subject: Golf Course Yardages ATTACHMENT 4 Hi Mark - I have compiled a list of golf course yardages for you as we discussed yesterday. The US Open has chosen their venues up to 2009. Here is a list of US Open Courses 1999 - 2009 and their respective yardages (I have Statistical sheets on most of these courses I will send to you by mail): 1999 -- Pinehurst Resort and Country Club (No. 2 Course), Village of Pinehurst, N.C. - 6741 yards 2000 -- Pebble Beach (Calif.) Golf Links - 6840 yards 2001 -- Southern Hills Country Club, Tulsa, Okla. - 7021 yards 2002 -- Bethpage State Park (Black Course), Farmingdale, N.Y. - 7214 yards 2003 -- Olympia Fields Country Club, Olympia Fields, Illinois - 7190 yards 2004 -- Shinnecock Hills Golf Club, Southampton, New York - 6944 yards 2005 -- Pinehurst Resort & Country Club (No 2 Course), Pinehurst, North Carolina - 6741 yards 2006 -- Winged Foot Golf Club (West Course), Mamaroneck, New York - 6956 yards 2007 -- Oakmont Country Club, Oakmont, Pennsylvania - 7230 yards 2008 -- Torrey Pines Golf Course (South Course), La Jolla, California - 7607 yards 2009 -- Bethpage State Park (Black Course), Farmingdale, New York - 7214 yards Average = 7063_yards Other Courses of note: TPC Scottsdale (Home of the Phoenix Open, the most attended PGA golf tournament) - 7089 yards Augusta National GC (Home of the Masters) - 7290 yards Indian Wells Country Club (Classic Course) (2003 Bob Hope Chrysler Classic) - 6512 yards PGA West (Palmer Course) (2003 Bob Hope Chrysler Classic) - 6950 yards La Quinta CC (2003 Bob Hope Chrysler Classic) - 7060 yards 025 1 7 Bermuda Dunes CC (2003 Bob Hope Chrysler Classic) - 6749 yards Landmark Golf Club, Indio CA (2002 Skins game) - 7068 yards Trilogy at La Quinta - (2003 Skins game) - 6883 yards Oakland Hills CC, Detroit MI - (2008 90th PGA Championship) - 6974 yards Hazeltine National Golf Club, Chaska, Minn. (2009 91st PGA Championship) - 7300 yards If you have any questions or need additional information please do not hesitate to give me a call! Yours, Kevin V 026 ®. ATTACHMENT 1 .. • ve e .r•. 0 e a o �eaO a • 0 j°e as *a *0 0 e�Oen e La Quinta, California e�0 0 0000 a eooeoo L` ..� e000 o•oe�0e0 Sp�00000eoe e •000eeeeoao eeo eeae o 0 0000 *000a e . i pa:Y�eej * o$ o e soo e k' e o e000 �D Oeoe a ee eyeeeoao oeo eeo 0 0 o e e 0�_,4 o ao..e•n S.a._p�Cjo(o�'�o�000eCob 6�yea�eoee�'Se000�O •`wo336**6 0oeeo0o e +4� ew a e 3•+0 0 0 o a a o e-v b o o*oasi3+ 0 e , ee0000 ee0010 .0- oeo o e e 0000,o 000, o,00 a • . os' 00 ooeoa00000 0 0qp eo.' e oo 0 00 o G7 oo • i gg aD o 0 o a • • 6-0 o ee oo 00 000 • a oe oa *000 0o a o0 0o p ooG 00 , • , eo 0PLAN 00000 00 00 o O a p_ qp e o 00 O ai _ o° 0 0 00 0 �. 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CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve revisions to the Home Purchase Second Trust Deed Loan Program that entail: (1) establishing the maximum second trust deed loan amount for low-income households to $85,000; (2) requiring a qualifying ratio of not less than 25% nor greater than 35% of the borrower's gross monthly income; and (3) funding only $1,000,000 of the $3,000,000 appropriated for second trust deed loans in the Fiscal Year 2003-04 Agency budget during the coming six months. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The La Quinta Housing Program was adopted during the 1996-1997 Fiscal Year to facilitate the preservation and development of housing affordable to very low-, low - and moderate -income households. One program component is the Home Purchase Second Trust Deed Mortgage Loan Program ("Program") which funds "silent" second trust deed mortgage loans. To date, 197 very low-, low- and moderate -income households have received second trust deed mortgage loan assistance. Market conditions continued to significantly impact the Program during the last year in that: n�9 • Residential property sales prices continued to increase with new home sales prices increasing to an all time high. This is pricing very low-income homebuyers out of the market, and is creating greater difficulties for low- income buyers to find a home in a price range that meets the affordable housing cost criteria established by Redevelopment Law. • Interest rates remained low, which resulted in more affordable mortgage loan payments but this benefit has been offset by the price increases. • The rising residential home values limit the number of units that meet the underwriting requirements of the Program. If residential property values continue to increase, the Program may soon be limited to assisting moderate -income homebuyers. This is because in order to assist low- and very low-income buyers, the "silent" second trust deed loan amounts will need to exceed the first trust deed loan amounts so that total housing costs will meet the affordable levels established by the California Community Redevelopment Law. The Agency's standing policy is to require that the first trust deed mortgage loans must be greater than the "silent" second trust deed loans for home purchases assisted through this Program. In order to accommodate changing market conditions, limit the Agency's exposure to repurchasing units in order to preserve the Agency's second trust deed mortgages, and guard against having a second trust deed loan amount that is greater than the first trust deed loan amount, staff recommends the following changes to the Program: • Establish the maximum second trust deed loan amount for low-income households to $85,000, and maintain the maximum loan of $40,000 for moderate -income households. • Require buyers to have a primary lender -qualifying ratio of not less than 25 % or greater than 35 % of the borrower's gross monthly income. This requirement corresponds with the County of Riverside's First Time Home Buyer loan program. It also will ensure that creditworthy buyers who truly need purchase assistance are receiving Agency loans. All other Program requirements will remain the same. Staff also recommends that only $1,000,000 of the $3,000,000 currently budgeted for Fiscal Year 2003-04 is funded during the next six months, reserving $2,000,000 for the potential acquisition of a mobile home park. Staff is currently negotiating the acquisition of one mobile home park in Project Area No. 2. Funds for this acquisition would be derived from the sale of new housing bonds after the Project No. 2 Redevelopment Plan amendment is finalized. In order to insure that sufficient funds are available to acquire this park if the acquisition must be consummated prior to the sale of the housing bonds, staff is recommending that $2.0 million of the $3.0 million of funds appropriated for the Program be reserved for the next six months. If these funds are used to acquire the park, then they will be reimbursed by the housing bond 03,0 Laquinta\Ighp\2tdprogram\02program-staff rpt proceeds. If they are not needed, then the funds would be released to underwrite additional second trust deed mortgage loans. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Options available to the Agency Board include: 1. Approve revisions to the Second Trust Deed Loan Program that entail: (1) establishing the maximum second trust deed - loan amount for low-income households to $85,000, (2) requiring a qualifying ratio of not less than 25% nor greater than 35 % of the borrower's gross monthly income, and (3) funding only $1,000,000 of the $3,000,000 appropriated for second trust deed loans in the 2003-04 Agency budget during the coming six months; or 2. Do not approve revisions to the Second Trust Deed Loan Program that entail: (1) establishing the maximum second trust deed loan amount for low-income households to $85,000, (2) requiring a qualifying ratio of not less than 25% nor greater than 35 % of the borrower's gross monthly income, and (3) not limiting funds for second trust deed loans during the coming six months; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, J d0i ry He an C mu ' Development Director Approved for submission by: f Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Laquinta\lghp\2tdprogram\02program-staff rpt b T4ht 4 Qum ra COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 19, 2003 ITEM TITLE: Discussion of Water Management Plan, Conceptual Grading Plan, Conceptual Perimeter Landscape Plan, and Project Entry Concept Plans for SilverRock Ranch RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Provide input as deemed appropriate by the Redevelopment Agency Board. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On June 17, 2003, the Agency Board approved a contract with GMA International for master plan coordination services. The scope of work includes the preparation of a water management plan (via a subcontract with PACE Engineering), a conceptual grading and drainage plan, conceptual perimeter landscape and project entry plans; review and analysis of the golf course design; and project website maintenance. GMA International and PACE Engineering are working on a draft water management report that will include projected water demand, lake and storm water drainage plans, analysis of existing on -site wells, and a recommended strategy for efficient water management. It is anticipated that the draft document will be ready for staff review within the next three weeks, then presented to the Agency Board shortly thereafter. Work is underway on the conceptual grading plan, which incorporates debris basin plans, drainage information, and lake/basin depth requirements prepared by PACE and MDS. GMA is also conducting base mapping and preparing a constraints analysis for the conceptual perimeter landscape plan, which will be completed in early September. 032 Base mapping is underway for the Avenue 52 entry concept plans. Although the Agency Board has not yet selected a theme, previous RDA discussions (Attachment 1) have suggested a "California Spanish/California Colonial" architectural style. GMA is presenting images of entry statements (Attachment 2) to facilitate discussion of possible entry styles. This item is on the agenda to allow G'MA the opportunity to update the Agency on work progress and to solicit further Agency input on project theme and style. Respectfully submitted, Mark Weiss, Assistant Executive Director Approved for submission by: oof O"'OZO/ Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Attachments: 1. Minutes from February 18, 2003 RDA Meeting 2. Entry Statement Images 2 03 ,� ATTACHMENT 1 Redevelopment Agency Minutes February 18, 2003 Board Member Sniff noted there is opportunity for many view corridors in the project, and suggested naming the project "La Quinta Las Vistas Golf Development." Board Member Perkins suggested "Las Vistas at La Quinta. Chairperson Henderson stated a name she has .heard suggested is "Las Montanas de La Quinta," which means the Mountains of La Quinta. Carol Ackerman, of GMA International, complimented Board Member Sniff on his suggestion for a project name, and reviewed three categories of images for some of the signature buildings. Board Member Sniff stated he felt a sense of Arizona in the images more than California. He feels natural material can be utilized on the golf courses and landscaping and still reflect a sense of the mountains. He feels a sense of lightness, beauty, and perhaps modified California Spanish look is needed. He suggested* the baked colors of the mountains be used in singular, artistic impressions throughout the golf course where barriers or sense of barriers exist - something that gives the sense of a defining area, perimeters in particular and elevated golf tees. He feels there should be a contrast between that and the actual architecture. He supported a California Colonial theme. Chairperson Henderson agreed some of the architecture used in the Arizona projects was too dark. Board Member Osborne stated he likes the same design but also likes the use of desert trees, noting they can create shade without burdening the irrigation. He noted La Quinta Resort was designed with a lot of colors, and he feels that type of architecture will work well here. Board Member Perkins agreed the La Quinta Hotel is beautiful but feels this project should stand on its own design. He likes the use of a Spanish concept, and feels it needs to be .somewhat unique, yet blend in with what already exists, and reflect the Indian and Spanish heritages. He suggested using grass that requires less water and doesn't have to be re -seeded each year. Board Member Adolph stated he believes Landscaping is what makes the casitas at the La Quinta Hotel look good. He noted hotel developers will have a certain say in the design and features of the hotels/casitas and all the City can do is set guidelines. He added by constructing the golf course and clubhouse prior to hotel development, the City can require the hotels to tie into the established element. 034 W, MM- rV -JAW- I -A Q, ILE AML- MI low �k� � - _- - . :-{ :: - �■$�dp� - �-_�_ --- >� �.. .. . � .� . �- � Mob