2003 09 30 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL ..... SPECIAL MEETING ' MINUTES · SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 A special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council and the La Quinta Boards, Committees and Commissions was called to order at .the hour of 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: Council Members Henderson,. Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None Joint Meeting with the La Quinta Planning Commission City Clerk June Greek called the roll of the Planning Commission and the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee. PRESENT: Commissioners: Abels, Daniels, Quill, Tyler, and Chairman Kirk ABSENT: None Joint Meeting with the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) PRESENT: Committee Members: Cunningham and Thoms ABSENT: Committee Member: Bobbitt PUBLIC COMMENTS: Rupert Yessayian spoke regarding the type of ground covering being used under the play equipment in the various city parks. He stated the material being used is composed of large sharp chunks of wood and a child was recently injured when he tripped and fell. Mr. Yessayian said a piece of the material penetrated the child's hand. City Manager Tom Genovese stated this would be investigated by staff and they will report back on this matter. Mayor Adolph opened the joint meeting by saying he would like to have the Planning Commissioners and ALRC Co~nmittee Members open areas of discussion they would like to pursue durin ;] this meeting. City Council Minutes 2 September 30, 2003 Commissioner Tyler stated even though a good deal of the City's residential property has been developed, he would like to take another look at the City's front and back yard setback requirements. Councilmember Henderson stated any changes to the General Plan shouldn't be viewed as in need of quick action. She advised that 'until LAFCO completes the required reviews there will be no new annexations allowed outside of the City's sphere of influence. Dennis Cunningham of the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) stated the problem they are having is when a specific plan comes in which the ALRC would like to see changed, they are unable to make changes to things that are spelled out in the City's ordinances. Councilmember Osborne said he feels the City might be doing too many specific plans. Community Development Director Jerry Herman said specific plans are only used when a deviation to the code is requested. Commissioner Quill felt the specific plan needs to be the vehicle used when a developer wishes to make a deviation from the codes. ALRC Committee Member Cunningham feels the Committee would like to review the commercial specific plans prior to the Planning Commission taking final action. Planning Chairperson Kirk said there are two kinds of site plans they see, first those plans that are "boiler plate" with only minor deviations. The second ones he said are those that require major deviations. Committee Member Thoms said often the ALRC sees site plans that he really doesn't like, however, the committee has no opportunity to give its input to the Planning Commission on these site plans. Commissioner Daniels felt the two bodies, Planning Commission and ALRC, were appointed to perform separate functions. He stated, in his opinion, the roles need to be kept separate. Committee Member Cunningham asked if it would be beneficial to hold a joint Planning Commission and ALRC meeting. City Council Minutes 3 September 30, 2003 i Councilmember Sniff reiterated the City Council's intention, when forming '. the ALRC as a separate advisory body to the Planning Commission, was to ~ have a committee which focused solely on the architecture and landscaping of a project. He emphasized it is the Planning Commission who is solely responsible for reviewing site plans and advising the Council. Commissioner Tyler asked if there is a need to take another look at the commercial guidelines, specifically as they relate to landscape guidelines for commercial developments not located on Highway 1 1 1. Councilmember Henderson questioned how the City typically goes about modifying these guidelines. Director Jerry Herman replied the Planning Commission doesn't have enough time to do this type of review during its regular meetings. He felt perhaps a consultant could be hired to do the standards for Planning Commission consideration. Councilmember Sniff felt the City has been doing very well along the Highway 1 1 1 corridor and can't see a reason for change. Commissioner Tyler agreed the Highway 1 1 1 standards have protected the ,--- streetscape on 1~1 1. His concern is that they do not apply to the commercial areas fronting other commercial corridors such as those on Washington and Jefferson. Chairman Kirk said he strongly feels the commercial development guidelines need to be addressed. Councilmember Osborne agreed that a consultant should be retained to enhance the guidelines to cover other areas of the City. City Manager Tom Genovese said he feels there are sufficient funds available to hire a consultant without any additional action. Councilmember Sniff stated he did not want to see the guidelines for fast food establishments and for gas stations =messed with." Councilmember Osborne felt the City should be holding developers to a higher standard as the City reaches build-out. Mayor Adolph thanked the Planning Commission and the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee members for giving so generously of their time and felt the joint meeting and discussions had been very productive. City Council Minutes 4 September 30, 2003 Joint Meeting with the La Quinta Community Services Commission City Clerk Greek called the roll as follows: PRESENT: Commission Members: Calhoun, Cross and Chairperson St. Johns ABSENT: Commission Members: Davis and Bechard Mayor Adolph opened the meeting at 6:45 p.m. and thanked the Commissioners for being present and asked that they start off the discussions. Chairperson Tori St. Johns reported that there would be no further youth workshop lunch programs at the High School until a new teacher is hired. Commuhity Services Director Dodie Horvitz reported the skate board park at the La Quinta Park will consist of approximately 15,000 square feet of hardscape. In response to Mayor Adolph she stated this is roughly the same size as the skate board facility at Fritz Burns Park. Commissioner Gary Calhoun complimented the Director on the recent opening of The La Quinta Park. He also brought up the request to change Westward Ho Drive, between Dune Palms and Adams, to Blackhawk Drive. He said the students are being encouraged to pursue this as a learning experience. Councilmember Perkins commented that public safety departments, fire and police, don't encourage street name changes that change from one block to another due to the difficulty in finding addresses in emergencies. Commissioner Calhoun stated there will be a joint meeting between the Community Services Commission and the Cultural Arts Commission to discuss and coordinate the holiday events. Council Member Sniff questioned if there is a problem with attendance within the commission since it seems they have been having some absenteeism. Director Horvitz responded Commissioner Davis has been on an excused absence and they only experience an occasional absence from the other commissioners. She felt there was no need for concern. Newly-appointed Commissioner Mike Cross, in response to Mayor Adolph, introduced himself and stated his experience has been in operations with a number of theme parks such as Busch Gardens, Sea World, Universal City Council Minutes 5 September 30, 2003 Studios, etc. He now works at the Living Desert Zoo and Gardens. He said he also developed a theme park in New York called Sesame Park. Council Member Perkins, in response to a general question from the Commission, said he has concerns with the bike lanes and would like the Commission to look at the safety aspects of the present lane marking at entries to developments. He also stated he felt the Commission should look into joint use of school and City parks. He questioned the pedestrian bridge which has been built by the City of Indian Wells across the channel just south of the Cliff House. Staff responded that at this time the bridge does not connect to any walking or bike trails. Council Member Henderson said the San Jacinto/Santa Rosa National Monument Committee is looking carefully at the trail system throughout the entire Coachella Valley with an eye to connecting the area with various trail systems. Council Member Osborne requested that when the Commission meets again with the High School they explore the possibility of having a "Student Commissioner." Mayor Adolph reminded the Commissioners and Council Members that the City's concert series will be beginning this Sunday. Commissioner Henderson suggested the Community Services Commission and the Cultural Arts Commission receive each others minutes. Mayor Adolph thanked the members of the Commission for their time and interest. Joint Meetina with the Investment Advisory Board Board Member Donald Moulin was the only member present to represent the Investment Advisory Board. He stated he feels that the Board is working very well together and that the reduction to five members was a wise move on the City Council's part. Mr. Moulin reported that the LAIF investments have been the best of the City's investments this year. City Council Minutes 6 September 30, 2003 Council Member Osborne asked what the Board is considering about using money managers. Mr. Moulin responded that the Board felt it won't hurt to look into money managers. He added he believes it heightens risk to use them. Council Member Sniff stated he feels the City should never risk the principal in its investment reserves. Council Member Henderson asked if the work plan from the Investment Advisory Board is ready to be presented at the next City Council Meeting. Staff responded that it will be on that agenda. Council Member Perkins discussed some of the history of LAIF investments and explained his reasons for encouraging caution with those particular investments. Mayor Adolph thanked Board Member Moulin for taking the time to come in to meet with the City Council. Joint Meeting with the Historic Preservation Commission City Clerk June Greek called the roll: PRESENT: Mouriquand and Wilbur ABSENT: Puente, Sharp and Wright Chairperson Mouriquand reported the Commission is entitled to certain grants and that the Commission is completing the Historic Content Statement necessary to apply for these grants. She also stated the Commission is hoping the Museum will continue and will be a strong motivating force for the City. She suggested the City look into programs for partnerships with colleges and students. Commissioner Allan Wilbur addressed the City's archival records. He stated he is also very interested in the Curating process continuing to catalog the various artifacts in the Museum's collection. In response to Council Member Henderson, Chairperson Mouriquand said there are 53 structures in La Quinta that are identified in the Mellon Study. City Council Minutes 7 September 30, 2003 Council Member Sniff questioned the status of the Point Happy Ranch. Ms. Mouriquand replied the Commission would like to see an evaluation as to its natural history status. She said the Commission would like to see the gate preserved at its present location. She advised that the buildings are not in the condition that would recommend any preservation. Council Member Henderson said she believes the oral history project will need to be professionally done. Council Member Osborne reported the Coachella Valley Museum put on an exhibit on the history of Indio. He said he would like to see La Quinta featured in this way. Mayor Adolph announced that "Coachella on Stage" will be in La Quinta in April. He thanked the members of the Historic Preservation Commission for their participation in the joint meeting. Joint Meeting with the Cultural Arts Commission City Clerk June Greek called the roll: PRESENT: Commissioners: Brodsky, Hemes, Reynolds, Young and Chairperson Loudon ABSENT: None Commission Chairperson Loudon introduced Commissioner Hemes who spoke regarding the planning for a Holiday Parade. He suggested a parade could start at the top of Eisenhower and end at the Civic Center Campus. He outlined the method to finance this event would be to sell entries to businesses and organizations. He felt a home lighting contest could be done as well and asked the City Council to give their blessing to this project. Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky thanked the Council for meeting with the commission. He suggested a talent program where the Seniors would perform for the young people who would then prepare a program to entertain the Seniors. Commissioner Linda Young stated she will be meeting with an iron expert regarding the fabrication of a City clock. She will have a report on the progress of the clock at the next Commission meeting. She said she would City Council Minutes 8 September 30, 2003 also like to see a holiday and spring home tour as a part of the Commission's work plan. Her third idea was to present the City's art collection in a more prominent display. Commissioner Elaine Reynolds would like to see the bridges all completed with the decorative railings. She also spoke about the need to have an amphitheater in the Civic Center Campus. Chairperson Loudon discussed the Artist Partnership Day with the Middle School and High School. She said the commission is planning to repeat that event in October. She reported on November 1, 2003, the Coachella Valley Arts Alliance Dinner will be featuring Huell Houser and the Buddy Rogers Youth Symphony. This event will be held at the Renaissance Esmeralda Hotel and she invited the Council to participate. Mayor Adolph thanked the Commission for their dedication and desire to take a very active role in the City's community events. Council Member Perkins said he is very impressed with the Commission's enthusiasm. He stated he has reservations with the Holiday Parade based on the amount of time it normally takes to produce a parade and the lack of time left to do so. He also said the cost could be much higher than the Commission has anticipated based upon the need for additional law enforcement. He wondered if the Commission had considered how the parade route would be lighted for both safety and viewing since Eisenhower is not a fully lighted arterial. Council Member Sniff also expressed his concern that there is not enough time left to put together a Holiday Parade. He said the Commission is a very interesting and diverse group with wonderful ideas and he does not want to discourage them. Council Member Henderson stated she appreciates the enthusiasm of the Commission but cautioned that a parade takes months to plan and a large number of people to make it happen. Mayor Adolph thanked the Commission for their participation in this joint session. City Council Minutes 9 September 30, 2003 MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBER'S ITEMS Mayor Adolph requested that the Senior Inspiration Awards Program be placed on the October 7, or October 21, 2003 agenda. He. also asked if the Council had any interest in participating in the Palm Desert Golf Cart Parade. The Council consensus was not to participate this year. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborn to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City. Council to be held on October 7, 2003. The motion was unanimously carried. Respectfully submitted: ~ Greek~ (~MC -J City Clerk