Tom Frost Golf/SilverRock Consulting 030CT--07--2005 I i :~4 PPl TOM FROST ~OLF 552 4$1 1-,'?~. P. ~2
Tom Frost, PTeelclent
Tom Frost Golf, Inc.
11457 Harrisburg Reed
Los Alamitos, CA 90720 .
Fie: SilverRock Ranch - Consulting Services
Dear Mr. Frost:
This letter will memorialize the agreement between Tom Frost Golf, Ina, and the Le
Qulnta Redevelopment Agenay (*Aganoy") for professional consulting services
related to review/comment on the (3oil Course Operations Request far Proposals;
raviaw/oommen! on proposals recelvecl by the Agency; and advising on contract
The hourly charge foe these servioes will be e2o5. Travel will be billed m $102 per
hour. The total to be I)eid to Tom Frost Golf, ina. under this agreement shall nat
exoeed ~5,000.
Tom Frost Golf, Irc. will provide an Invoice for all proflselonal services to my
attention, and the Agenoy will remit payment within 30 clays of the date on the
Should you find this agreement oonslstent with your under~tancling of the terms of
our agreement, please sign where indieateci below,
Very truly youre,
Mark Weiss
AseiBtant Exeoutive Director
0CT--07--2003 1 I :04 PM TOM FROST ~;OLF 552 431 1
TOm Ftolt Golf, Inc.
Ovtt~ber 8, 2003
P. ge 2
,~g-enc¥ Coun~l
- Il ' ~ - --- !
Tom Fro~t, President
Torn Fro~t,Goif, !~,