Tom Frost Golf/SilverRock Consulting 030CT--07--2005 I i :~4 PPl TOM FROST ~OLF 552 4$1 1-,'?~. P. ~2 Tom Frost, PTeelclent Tom Frost Golf, Inc. 11457 Harrisburg Reed Los Alamitos, CA 90720 . Fie: SilverRock Ranch - Consulting Services Dear Mr. Frost: This letter will memorialize the agreement between Tom Frost Golf, Ina, and the Le Qulnta Redevelopment Agenay (*Aganoy") for professional consulting services related to review/comment on the (3oil Course Operations Request far Proposals; raviaw/oommen! on proposals recelvecl by the Agency; and advising on contract nego~lmlone; The hourly charge foe these servioes will be e2o5. Travel will be billed m $102 per hour. The total to be I)eid to Tom Frost Golf, ina. under this agreement shall nat exoeed ~5,000. , Tom Frost Golf, Irc. will provide an Invoice for all proflselonal services to my attention, and the Agenoy will remit payment within 30 clays of the date on the i~lvoioe. Should you find this agreement oonslstent with your under~tancling of the terms of our agreement, please sign where indieateci below, Very truly youre, . LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Mark Weiss AseiBtant Exeoutive Director 0CT--07--2003 1 I :04 PM TOM FROST ~;OLF 552 431 1 · TOm Ftolt Golf, Inc. Ovtt~ber 8, 2003 P. ge 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM: ;' ,~g-enc¥ Coun~l - Il ' ~ - --- ! Tom Fro~t, President Torn Fro~t,Goif, !~,