2003 11 04 RDA Minutes LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ..... MINUTES NOVEMBER 4, 2003 A regUlar meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairperson Henderson, PRESENT: Board Members Adolph, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Chairperson Henderson ABSENT- None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with Agency's real property negotiator, Mark Weiss, pursuant to Government. Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of a portion of 525+ acres located at the southwest corner of Avenue 52 and ... Jefferson Street. Property Owner/Negotiator: Hope Desert Classic. 2. Conference with Agency's real property negotiator, Mark Weiss, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located west of the All American Canal adjacent to the Santa Rosa Mountains. Property Owner/Negotiator: Larry Lichliter, KSL. 3. Conference with Agency's real property negotiator, Mark Weiss, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located east of Dune Palms Road and 650 feet south of Highway 111, which includes or is a portion of APNs 649-030-016, 017, and 040, for an affordable housing agreement. Property Owner/Negotiator: Anne J. Mazzella and Skyline Pacific Properties. 4. Conference with legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) - initiation of litigation (one matter). (See announcement on Page 13.) Redevelopment Agency recessed to Closed Session to and until the hour of 3:00 p.m. 3:00 P.M. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 2 November 4, 2003 PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Acting Executive Director Weiss requested Study Session Item No. 1 be taken up prior to the Business Session. The Agency Members concurred. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the Redevelopment Agency Minutes of September 30, 2003 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Adolph/Sniff to approve the Redevelopment Agency Minutes of October 21, 2003 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED NOVEMBER 4, 2003. 2. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445(b) AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2003/2004 MISCELLANEOUS STREET IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2003-07. (RESOLUTION NO. RA 2003-19) 3. APPROVAL OF A PARKING SERVICE LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH THE BOB HOPE CHRYSLER CLASSIC FOR USE OF A PORTION OF SILVERROCK RANCH FROM DECEMBER 29, 2003 THROUGH FEBRUARY 6, 2004. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Perkins to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and with Item No. 2 being approved by RESOLUTION NO. RA 2003-19. Motion carried unanimously. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 3 November 4, 2003 STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION REGARDING STATUS REPORT ON SILVERROCK RANCH. Acting Executive Director Weiss noted the estimated budget amount in the staff report should read $90.4 million. Consultant Roy Stephenson reviewed highlights of the SilverRock Ranch Master Schedule. In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Stephenson stated the schedule is somewhat behind as it relates to the hiring of a landscape architect. Council Member Perkins commented on the need to collect and preserve the small sea shells on the property. Mr. Stephenson stated flora on the site will also be looked at to see what is worth saving. If the Agency wishes to save the sea shells, something will need to be done quickly befOre grading begins. Chairperson Henderson stated she generally agrees with trying to preserve the sea shells as long as it's not a monumental project. She suggested it might be a good community services, project to do with students. Board Member Sniff commented on the need for careful grading of the site because there may be other historical items below the surface. He asked about the location, size, and depth of wells on the site. Mr. Stephenson responded there are three potential locations near Jefferson Street for well sites. In response to Board Member Sniff, Mark Krebs, of Pace Engineering, stated a dozen older wells exist within a one-mile radius of the site that are 800-900 feet deep, and all indications are that. there is water available within the site. He added the more-recent wells at PGA West and The Citrus are 700-900 feet deep. He stated they expect to get 2,000-2,500 gallons of water per minute from each well, and he indicated several of the PGA West wells produce 3,000+ gallons per minute. A six-inch wide pilot hole will be drilled prior to putting in an 18-24 inch wide well. The wells currently on the site are not functional because the ground water level is lower than the wells. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 4 November 4, 2003 In response to Board Member Sniff, Mr. Stephenson stated liD has indicated there is adequate power available without adding a substation, and confirmed the electrical utilities will be placed underground. He stated the construction manager and contractor will have offices onsite, and several of the professional services consultants have local offices. Chairperson Henderson commented on the need to consider how others might view the 990.4 million figure for Phase I, and suggested future reports begin to identify what Phase I actually is. Board Member Osborne stated he would like for the use of local subcontractors to be stressed in the contracts. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF SILVERROCK RANCH GOLF COURSE PRELIMINARY GRADING AND LANDSCAPE PLAN. Acting Executive Director Weiss presented the staff report. Eric Larsen, of Palmer Design Group, reviewed the preliminary grading and landscape plan. In response to Board Member Adolph, Mr. Larsen stated there will be bridge crossings behind the ninth green, between the 11th and 12th greens, and behind the 12t~ green. The location of two to four restroom areas have not been determined. He indicated the cart paths will be shown on the detailed grading plan in approximately two weeks, and the design criteria provided by the Hope Desert Classic group has been increased by adding viewing areas, view corridors, and special use areas. Board Member Adolph referenced the definition of riparian as it. pertains to the bank of a body of water, and asked why that would be different than any other part of the golf course. Ken Alperstein, Landscape Architect with Pinnacle Design Group, stated the plan is to have more lush landscaping near the waters edge, which will hide the transition from manmade to natural areas. He confirmed the landscaping will vary depending on the terrain. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 5 NoVember 4, 2003 In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Larsen stated the ~ television people have not reviewed the grading plan unless it was part i of the Hope Desert Classic's analysis. He stated the Hope Desert · Classic group did comment on the location of a crane. Chairperson Henderson asked what condition they propose for the main spectator viewing corridor along the base of the mountain. Mr. Larsen indicated that area is evolving and may ·not be used as a viewing corridor. He feels a vegetative buffer would probably be more attractive. Chairperson Henderson voiced concern about that area and the "tall grass and sand landscaping/spectator accessible" area being tromped upon by the mass of spectators. Mr. Larsen explained the tall grass and sand area will be re-done desert area that can be walked through, and is a key component to the visual character of the golf course. He also pointed out a potential auxiliary place in the north area of the project. Board Member Adolph noted he has expressed a strong desire for longer holes and asked why the 14~ hole is only 115 yards. Mr.' Larsen stated he believes they can make that 115 yards a "mind- boggling" hole. Board Member Adolph noted amateurs will be playing the course most of the time and if the hole is too difficult it will cause a backup of iplayers. MOTION -It was moved by Board Members Perkins/Osborne to .approve the SilverRock Golf Course Preliminary Grading and Landscape Plans and authorize preparation of construction documents related thereto. Motion carried unanimously. The AgencY recessed to and until 7:00 p.m. 7:00 P.M. The Agency reconvened with Board Member Adolph absent. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 6 November 4, 2003 BUSINESS SESSION ........ '... continued 2. CONSIDERATION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HEINBUCH GOLF, LLC. TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR SILVERROCK RANCH. Acting Executive Director Weiss presented the staff report. In response to Board Member Osborne, Gary Heinbuch, of Heinbuch Golf stated John Przybyszewski, of their firm, will be on-site each day during construction. In response to Chairperson Henderson, Mr. Przybyszewski confirmed they will verify the contractors have all required regulatory agency documentation or programs along with ongoing training, safety meetings, etc. In response to Chairperson Henderson, Consultant Roy Stephenson stated he does not recall a recent project he has worked on where there was reference to SB198 in the specifications or requirements of a construction manager. She asked staff to find out if the SB198 requirements are still valid and to let her know. In response to Board Member Perkins, Mr. Przybyszewski gave a brief outline of his background and qualifications. In response to Board Member Sniff, Mr. Przybyszewski stated he is not an engineer but will'be overseeing the golf course construction. He stated they will require work to stop if they find something being done incorrectly. Mr. Heinbuch added if the contractor disagrees, he will be required to prove by the plans that he is right. Mr. Weiss advised, as project manager, any disputes will be brought to him. He noted as the construction phase nears, the Agency may desire to extend the contract and role of the Development Coordinator. In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Stephenson stated the construction contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. As for the landscape architect position, there will be a Consultant Selection Committee but he doesn't anticipate the Construction Manager participating on that committee. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 7 November 4, 2003 MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Osborne to approve a Professional Services Agreement with Heinbuch Golf, LLC to provide Construction Management Services for the SilverRock Ranch project, and authorize the Executive Director to execute the contract. Motion carried unanimously with Board Member Adolph ABSENT. 3. CONSIDERATION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PACIFIC ADVANCED ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. (PACE) TO PROVIDE WATER RESOURCES DESIGN SERVICES FOR SILVERROCK RANCH. Consultant Roy Stephenson presented the-staff report. In response to Board Member Sniff, Mark Krebs, of PACE, stated their local experience consists of working on Trilogy at La Quinta, four of the five PGA West projects, multiple Sunrise projects, Marriott Desert . Springs, and numerous other projects here in the Valley and Southwestern states. They also worked on the CVWD flood control dike that protects the Trilogy and Coral Mountain area. ? Board Member Sniff questioned the firm having sufficient historical ! understanding of the local water issues over the last 40-60 years. Mr. Krebs stated they have substantial records of historic rainfall over the last 100 years. He noted the State, University of California Riverside, Riverside County Flood Control, and CVWD all have significant amount of historical rainfall data. Board Member Sniff indicated he has the rainfall, evaporation, and wind records developed by the Department of Agriculture since 1909 and offered to share them with the firm. !In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Krebs stated CVWD has reviewed the Water Management Plan and has essentially agreed with the calculation of water supply for the project, which is 1,869 acre- feet per year. He stated CVWD will need final plans before they can approve an irrigation plan. He confirmed he would be the firm's representative working on this project. In response to Chairperson Henderson, Mr. Krebs stated very little of what they produce will actually be approved through CVWD. They will make sure the water management plan is implemented with the Redevelopment Agency Minutes 8 November 4, 2003 end result being a detailed landscape irrigation plan, which will be submitted to CVWD for approval. In response to Board Member Sniff, Mr. Krebs confirmed the master plan deals with the entire project. He stated the water delivered from CVWD will be 100% canal water with a 100% backup of well water. The canal water will run through the lake system, which has aeration and filtration mechanisms that allow settling and reduction of the nutrient loading. He indicated the salt content of the canal water is approximately 450-550 parts per million. Board Member Sniff stated he thinks it is closer to 900-1,000 parts per million. He commented on the importance of water to the project and a need for strong assurance that the water will be there. MOTION -It was moved by Board Members Perkins/Osborne to approve a Professional Services Agreement with PACE, Inc. to provide Water Resources Design Services for the SilverRock Ranch project, and authorize the Executive Director to execute the contract. Motion carried unanimously with Board Member Adolph ABSENT. The Agency Board concurred to take up Study Session Item No. 2 at this time. STUDY SESSION ............ continued 2. DISCUSSION OF ENTRY CONCEPT PLANS AND CONCEPTUAL PERIMETER LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR SILVERROCK RANCH. Acting Executive Director Weiss presented the staff report. Board Member Osborne asked what is planned for the northeast corner of the project. In response to Board Member Osborne, Gil Martinez, of GMA International, stated they believe the northeast corner may be a good place to use boulders and monumentation for the project. Chairperson Henderson noted use of the 40 acres at that corner has not been determined except for some discussion about using it for parking. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 9 November 4, 2003 Steve Garcia, of GMA International reviewed the revised entry concept ~ for Avenue 52, three options for the Jefferson Street entry, and an i entry concept for Avenue 54 He confirmed option #3 for Jefferson " Street, which is their 'preferred option, would have the greatest impact on the second golf course. He referenced the zone water allocations, and' stated zone #1 has been reserved for the perimeter to provide the most latitude for development of the landscape concepts. He stated the plant palette for the perimeter landscaping is consistent with plants to be used on the tournament course. In response to Chairperson Henderson, Mr. Martinez confirmed the perimeter elevation levels will vary. In response to Chairperson Henderson, Mr. Garcia confirmed there would be an additional cost to using colored concrete in the walkways. In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Martinez stated a combination of wrought-iron fencing and berms will be used along the perimeter. ?- Board Member Osborne spoke in support of the Avenue 52 entry as. ~ presented. Board Member Perkins concurred. Board Member Sniff voiced concern about the amount of water in the entry concept and the lack of a basic combination of water-and-desert look. He feels it looks a lot like the northwest instead of a desert area. In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Weiss stated the plant palette for the golf course was presented under Business Item No. 1 ibut can be brought back if the Agency wishes. In response to Board Member Perkins, Mr. Weiss confirmed the iperimeter landscaping can be separate from the golf course but noted .GMA has suggested that the two landscaping areas be consistent. Mr. Martinez noted the Sonoran Desert look is more difficult to maintain. In response to Chairperson Henderson Mr. Weiss confirmed bringing the golf course plant palette back could delay the project and Redevelopment Agency Minutes 10 November 4, 2003 suggested transmitting any changes to Palmer Course Design as soon as possible. Chairperson Henderson suggested discussing the plant palette and have staff relay that discussion to Palmer Course Design. In reference to the perimeter concept presented this evening, she questioned the need for all of the rest and viewing areas. She likes the entry statement but suggested additional thought be given to placing boulders in the entries. She noted the water in the entry is part of the overall water plan, including the current retention basin. Board Member Perkins stated he likes the Avenue 52 entry and agrees with adding some boulders. Chairperson Henderson suggested mellowing out on the edges of the entry landscaping with some desert look. Mr. Martinez stated they support the more desert look and have discussed the plant palette with Palmer Course Design and Pinnacle Design Group, especially where the perimeter landscaping is contiguous with the tournament course. He noted the landscape design process is somewhat evolving. In referencing the perimeter landscaping of surrounding developments, he stated they are trying to create SilverRock Ranch as its own identity. Chairperson Henderson suggested not being too elaborate with the pedestrian areas along the perimeter. Mr. Martinez stated the rest areas are not intended to be an attraction but rather a natural-looking place for joggers to sit, maybe on boulders, and be able to view the golf course. He stated they will be careful not to include too many rest areas. He then asked for the Agency's input on the three Jefferson Street entry alternatives. He indicated they do not have acreages for the three alternatives at this time. In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Martinez confirmed the acreage was reduced in Phase I, which provides more acreage for the second course. Board Member Perkins stated he supports alternative//3. Chairperson Henderson agreed with working with alternative //3 without getting out of control on the design. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 11 November 4, 2003 Mr. Martinez stated it's his understanding that the Agency prefers going with the Sonoran Desert feel as opposed to an ornamental feel. In summary, Mr. Weiss stated the entry will be designed with more boulders along with some desert feel, fewer rest areas will be along the perimeter, and alternative #3 will be used to design the Jefferson Street entry concept. In reference to the golf course plant palette, Board Member Osborne stated he would like to see more shade trees and less palm trees. Mr. Weiss stated staff has discussed shade trees around the tee boxes with Palmer Course Design and will make sure that is related to Pinnacle Design Group. In reference to Business Item No. 1, he noted there was some discussion about lengthening the 14~ hole but it's his understanding that there was not a consensus to change the design of that hole. Board Member Osborne stated he is comfortable with whatever design Palmer Course Design is comfortable with. Chairperson Henderson stated she is hard pressed to believe Palmer Course Design doesn't know what they are doing in designing this course. She suggested asking Palmer Course Design if there is an option for putting in another tee box just for pros. Board Member Perkins stated he is comfortable going with the design outlined by Palmer Course Design. Board Member Sniff stated he feels there is a, reasonable opportunity to have some pepper trees, palo verde trees, and a few strategically- located shade structures where golfers can sit for a few minutes. ,Chairperson Henderson noted each golfing group will be on a very tight schedule and questioned wanting them to sit. She likes acacia trees but noted some beautiful-looking trees may not be appropriate, maintenance-wise, for a golf course. Board Member Perkins noted the water use for each type of tree has to be taken into consideration. Board Member Sniff noted not everyone on the golf course will be golfers, and he feels maybe four shade structures along the walking trails would be good. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 12 November 4, 2003 Mr. Weiss stated there will be a trail along the road system leading to the hotel and hopefully one adjacent to the mountains but not within the golf course play area. He suggested the possibility of incorporating shade structures in the pedestrian and trail systems. BUSINESS SESSION .......... continued 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND SHEILA WELDON, TRUSTEE AND HER SUCCESSORS IN TRUST UNDER THE WELDON TRUST, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 78-990 MILES AVENUE SUBJECT TO THE COMPLETION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. Consultant Frank Spevacek presented the staff report. In response to Board Member Perkins', Mr. Spevacek stated the cost averages out to approximately $140,000 per unit. Board Member Sniff suggested the possibility of using the property for something other than modular units to increase the number of affordable units. Community Development Director Herman stated changing the property from Iow-density residential would require a general plan amendment and zone change, which the neighboring single family residential properties would probably not support. Chairperson Henderson agreed it would be nice to have more units but noted the City wants the end product to be superior with more open space than what currently exists. Board Member Sniff noted two-story apartments would provide more open space. Chairperson Henderson stated she doesn't feel a single family residential area is a good place to put two-story apartments. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Osborne to approve the form of the Agreement for Purchase and Sale subject to successful Redevelopment Agency Minutes 13 November 4, 2003 completion of the CEQA process and a Phase I Hazardous Materials SurveY. Chairperson Henderson referenced the fourth bullet point on Page 3, and recommended tenants have a local phone number or contact to reach RSG. Motion carried unanimously with Board Member Adolph ABSENT. 5. CONSIDERATION OF A MODIFICATION TO THE OPERATING AND USE AGREEMENT WITH THE LA QUINTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY TO OPERATE THE LA QUINTA MUSEUM. Community Services Director Horvitz presented the staff report. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Osborne to authorize the addendum to the Operating and Use Agreement between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and the La Quinta Historical Society for modification of the hours of operation, reimbursement of insurance costs up to $2,100, and office supplies of 93,000, with the City' assuming payment of the utilities, and recommend staff prepare a Professional Services Agreement for consideration by the City Council during the budget process. Motion carried unanimously with Board Member Adolph ABSENT. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS - None The Agency Counsel announced the Agency has concluded a closed session on Item No. 4 and has unanimously authorized Agency Counsel to commence a legal action against Ferris Johnson Perkins for breach of contract relating to the architectural contract for the museum expansion. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 14 November 4, 2003 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Board Members Sniff/Osborne to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, JUNE S. GREEK, Secretary City of La Quinta, California